Characteristics of educational research

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Characteristics of educational research

Characteristics of Educational Research


Research commonly refers to a search for knowledge. It is a scientific and systematic investigation for some pertinent information on a specific phenomena or problem with the aim to solve that problem.

Definitions of Research

R. Rusk. “Research is a point of view, an attitude of inquiry or a frame of mind ." It asks questions which have hitherto not been asked. It seeks to answer them by following a fairly definite procedure. It is not a mere theorizing. It is an attempt to elicit facts and to face them once they have been assembled.

2. James Harvey Robinson. "Research is a diligent search which enjoys the high flavor or primitive hunting."

3. I.V. Redman and A.V.H. Mory."Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge".

4. The advanced Learner,s Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as"a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge ."

Educational Research

Educational research in common parlance refers to a systematic attempt to define and investigate significant problems involved in teaching and learning in and outside the school and at various school systems.

1. J.W.Best. " Educational Research is that activity which is directed towards development of a science of behavior in educational situations. The ultimate aim of such a science is to provide knowledge that will permit the educator to achieve his goals by the most effective methods."

2.W.M Traverse. " Educational Research is the activity which is directed towards the development of science of behavior in educational situation."

Characteristics of Educational Research

The characteristics of educational research are part of its nature. According to Gary Anderson ( 1998 ), there are ten characteristics of educational research.

1. A sound philosophical basis.

In the application of scientific methods to education, it invokes a sound philosophy by developing new knowledge or data from primary source.


One of the most important characteristic of educational research is as it develops general principles of a theory or law.

3. An inter-disciplinary approach

Educational Research is not a mere description of elementary and isolated facts of nature, it must be related to the study of complex relationships of various facts. It requires an inter -disciplinary approach.

4. Employs deductive reasoning process.

In the nature and functions of educational research , Eric Hylla writes that science of mind commonly uses methods of description, explanation, interpretation, sympathetic understanding-methods which are mainly speculative and deductive in character and which rarely furnish results that can be subjected to measurement or mathematical procedures.

5. A desire to things better.

Stephen M.Corey writes, Better educational means better development or formulation of instructional aims , better motivation of pupils, better teaching methods, better evaluation and better supervision and administration-these are "activities or "operations."

6. Not as exact as research in physical science.

No scientific investigations of human behavior have resulted in the findings of individual completely similar in structure or behavior. Educational research mainly studies social phenomenon or something happens caused by human characteristics which is dynamic in nature and often difficult or impossible to measure. This fact stands in way of making educational research an exact science.

7. Not the field of the specialist only.

It is not a field of specialist only. Research carried out in the day-to-day work of the school, should be concerned directly with the problems of the school such as child development, classroom management, teacher-pupil relationships, interaction with the community, curriculum matters, teaching techniques and many others. Thus action research may be done by a classroom teacher or and educational administrator.

8. Not a mechanical process.

It is not a purely mechanical approach. Symonds concludes that research is not something that can be carried out as by machine. Thus educational research can never be made a mechanical process.

9. Based on subjectivity and intangibility of social phenomena

Educational research based on subjectivity behavior Lundberg has pointed out that the physical phenomena may be known directly through sense, whereas social phenomena may be known directly through words and dynamic behavior representing such phenomena as tradition, custom, attitude, values .

10. Cannot be dealt through empirical method

Educational research is to some extent a qualitative concept, therefore cannot be dealt through empirical methods and techniques. According to lundberg, "Exact science tends to become increasingly quantitative in its units, measures and terminology while most of the matter of social science is qualitative and does not form quantitative statement.