Chapter 23 - References · Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References 23-3 BoM 2019a, Special Climate...

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Transcript of Chapter 23 - References · Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References 23-3 BoM 2019a, Special Climate...

Volume 1 Chapter 23 - References


23 References 23-1

23.1 Introduction 23-1

23.2 Consultation Process 23-1

23.3 Project Description and Alternatives 23-1

23.4 Climate 23-2

23.5 Land 23-4

23.6 Water 23-8

23.7 Regulated Structures 23-10

23.8 Flora and Fauna 23-11

23.9 Air 23-21

23.10 Noise and Vibration 23-22

23.11 Waste Management 23-23

23.12 Hazards and Safety 23-23

23.13 Cultural Heritage 23-24

23.14 Social 23-26

23.15 Economic 23-27

23.16 Transport 23-29

23.17 Matters of National Environmental Significance 23-31

23.18 Cumulative Impact Assessment 23-44

23.19 Risk Assessment 23-45

23.20 Offsite Water Storage Facility and Associated Pipeline 23-45

Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


23 References 23.1 Introduction

DES 2018, Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement Under the Environmental

Protection Act 1994, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, Department of Environment and Science,

Queensland Government, Brisbane.

Resolve 2018, Independent Geological Report: Saint Elmo & Yappar Vanadium Projects, Resolve Geo Pty Ltd, Brisbane.

23.2 Consultation Process

AEC 2019, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project Economic Impact Assessment, AEC Group Ltd.

DES 2018, Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement Under the Environmental

Protection Act 1994, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, Department of Environment and Science,

Queensland Government, Brisbane.

ERM 2019, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project – Social Impact Assessment, Environmental Resources

Management Pty Ltd, Brisbane.

WPE 2019, Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy: St Elmo Vanadium Project, Wall Planning

& Environmental Consulting, Report prepared for Epic Environmental for Multicom Resources Ltd,


23.3 Project Description and Alternatives

DEE 2018, Ecologically Sustainable Development, Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra,

viewed 6 July 2018,

DES 2018, Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement Under the Environmental

Protection Act 1994, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, Department of Environment and Science,

Queensland Government, Brisbane

DNRME 2016, Queensland’s Mining and Petroleum Industry Overview, Department of Natural

Resources, Mines and Energy, viewed 28 June 2018,


Fimiston 2000, CR 31620. Combined annual and final report for the Julia Creek Oil Shale and Vanadium Project, EPM 11057 & EPM 11847. Submitted to the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, February 2001.

Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


Independent Investment Research 2016, Report prepared for Australian Vanadium Limited, November 2016.

Resolve Geological 2018. Independent Geological Report: St Elmo & Yappar Vanadium Projects, Resolve Geological.

Roskill 2016. Vanadium: Markets and Outlook to 2026, viewed 05 July 2018,

23.4 Climate

Abbs, D 2012, The Impact of Climate Change on the Climatology of Tropical Cyclones in the Australian Region, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working paper No. 11, viewed 24 July 2018,

BoM 2006, Evaporation: Average Monthly & Annual Evaporation, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 22 June 2018,

BoM 2018a, Climate Data Online, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 04 September 2018,

BoM 2018b, Climate statistics for Australian locations, Summary statistics Julia Creek Airport, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 22 June 2018,

BoM 2018c, Climate statistics for Australian locations, Summary statistics Julia Creek Post Office, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 22 June 2018,

BoM 2018d, Climate statistics for Australian locations, Summary statistics Toorak Research Station, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 22 June 2018,

BoM 2018e, Monthly rainfall Garomna Station, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 04 September 2018,

BoM 2018f, Monthly rainfall Oxton Downs Station, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 04 September 2018,

BoM 2018g, Monthly rainfall Crowfels Station, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 04 September 2018,


BoM 2018h, Flood warning system for the Flinders River, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 15 April 2019,

Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


BoM 2019a, Special Climate Statement 69 – An extended period of heavy rainfall and flooding in tropical Queensland, updated 8 March 2019, Version 1.1, Bureau of Meteorology.

BoM 2019b, Bushfire weather, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 15 August 2019,

BoM & MSC 2011, McKinlay Shire Local Disaster Management Plan, approved 13 December 2011, McKinlay Shire Council.

CSIRO and BoM 2015, Climate Change in Australia Information for Australia’s Natural Resource Management, Technical Report, CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.

CSIRO & BoM 2016a, State of the Climate 2016, Bureau of Meteorology, viewed 03 July 2018,

CSIRO & BoM 2016b, Climate Change in Australia, viewed 04 September 2018, DAF 2014, Agricultural land audit - Queensland extreme weather events series, Q Spatial data, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government.

CSIRO 2017, FAQs on tropical cyclones, CSIRO, viewed 28 June 2018,

Cobon DH, Terwijn MJ and Williams AAJ 2017, Impacts and adaptation strategies for a variable and changing climate in the NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND REGION, International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

DAFF 2014, Cyclone – wind gust events greater than 75 km per hour (ID: 74), Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Science, Queensland Government.

DES 2018, Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement Under the Environmental

Protection Act 1994, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, Department of Environment and Science,

Queensland Government, Brisbane.

DEHP 2016, Draft Climate change in the North West Queensland region, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, viewed 18 July 2018,

ESSCC 2012, Earthquake Information for Queensland, Australia, Earth Systems Science Computational Centre, The University of Queensland, Australia, viewed 03 July 2018,

Geoscience 2018, Tropical cyclone intensity and impacts, viewed 28 August 2018,

IPCC 2012, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, viewed 24 July 2018,

Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


IPCC 2014, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Part B: Regional Aspects, Working Group II Contribution the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Cambridge University Press, UK and USA.

Lucas, C 2010, ‘On developing a historical fire weather data-set for Australia’, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, vol. 60, pp. 1-14.

Mason L and Giurco D 2013, Climate Change Adaptation for Australian Minerals Industry Professionals, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast.

MSC 2011, McKinlay Shire Local Disaster Management Plan 2011, McKinlay Shire Council, viewed 24 July 2018,

Moise, A et al. 2015, ‘Monsoonal North Cluster Report’, in M Ekström et al., Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports, CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.

QFES 2017, Queensland State Natural Hazard Risk Assessment 2017, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, The State of Queensland, viewed 28 June 2018,

QG 2018, Climate Change in Queensland map application, Queensland Government, viewed 29 August 2018,

QG 2019, Drought declarations: Queensland drought situation, Queensland Government, viewed 30 August 2019,

QPWS 2013, Planned Burn Guidelines: Mitchell Grass Downs Bioregion of Queensland, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing, viewed 28 August 2018,

Steffen W, Hughes L, Sahajwalla V and Hueston G 2012, The Critical Decade: Queensland climate impacts and opportunities, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Commonwealth of Australia, viewed 24 July 2018,

UQ 2018, Earthquake information for Queensland, Australia, The University of Queensland, viewed 18 July 2018,

23.5 Land

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Rangeland Journal, 18(1) 3 – 9.

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Bulletin QI84029. Brisbane

Coxwell S & Fehilberg B 2000, Julia Creek Vanadium and Oil Shale Deposit Study, Presented at the North

Queensland Exploration and Mining Symposium 2000, Townsville.

DAFF 2013, Queensland Agricultural Land Audit Method Technical Report, Department of Agriculture,

Fisheries and Forestry, Brisbane.

DAFF 2014, Environmental impact assessment companion guide, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Forestry, Brisbane.

DEHP 2012, Guideline for contaminated land professionals, Department of Environment and Heritage

Protection, Brisbane.

DEHP n.d.a, EIS information guideline – Land, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection,


DEHP n.d.b, EIS information guideline – Rehabilitation, Department of Environment and Heritage

Protection, Queensland Government, Brisbane.

DES 2014, Guideline – Rehabilitation requirements for mining resources activities, Version 2.01,

Department of Environment and Science.

DES 2018a, Terms of Reference for an Environmental Impact Statement Under the Environmental

Protection Act 1994, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, Department of Environment and Science,

Queensland Government, Brisbane

DES 2018b, Environmental Management Register and the Contaminated Land Register. Department of

Environment and Science, Brisbane, viewed 05 September 2018, from

DIP 2010, North West Regional Plan 2010-2031, Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Brisbane.

Viewed 9 May 2019,


Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


DNRME 2012a, Queensland geological mapping (1:100,000), Department of Natural Resources, Mines

and Energy, Brisbane.

DNRME 2012b, Groundwater Database, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Brisbane,

viewed 10 November 2018,

DNRM 2013, Regional Land Suitability Frameworks for Queensland, Department of Natural Resources

and Mines, Brisbane.

DNRME 2012, Mines Online Database, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Brisbane,

viewed 15 October 2018,


DPILGP 2017, RPI Act Statutory Guideline 11/16 Companion Guide, Department of Infrastructure, Local

Government and Planning, Brisbane.

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guidelines for conducting surveys.

GTE 2019, Soils and Land Suitability Assessment, Saint Elmo Vanadium Project, GT Environmental,


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Land Resources Branch Staff 2015, Guidelines for agricultural land evaluation in Queensland.

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(Queensland, Australia), Mineralium Deposita 45, pp.599-620.

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QG 2018c, QImagery, Brisbane, Queensland Government, viewed 18 November 2018,

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Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


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23.6 Water

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Australian Standard 2017, Australian Standard 1940 – The Storage and Handling of Flammable and

Combustible Liquids.

BoM 2017, Flood Warning System for the Flinders River, Bureau of Meteorology. November 2017,

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Saint Elmo Vanadium Project - References


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23.7 Regulated Structures

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23.8 Flora and Fauna

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