Chapter 2 – The American Colonies Emerge Objectives 1.To summarize Spanish colonization and Native...

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II. The Conquistadors Push North a. The Spanish pushed into the current U.S. southeast and west in order to protect their empire b. St. Augustine (FL) was established in 1565 to protect Spanish ships filled with gold returning to Europe. c. They endured frequent attacks by other European nations trying to get into the Caribbean

Transcript of Chapter 2 – The American Colonies Emerge Objectives 1.To summarize Spanish colonization and Native...

Chapter 2 The American Colonies Emerge Objectives 1.To summarize Spanish colonization and Native American resistance. 2.To contrast the English and Spanish patterns of conquest 3.To identify the motives of the Puritans and why the dissenters fled to Rhode Island 4.To describe the pattern of life in New Netherland I. The Spanish Claim a New Empire a.Spanish conquistadors swept through Mexico to the tip of South America making Spain the most powerful nation on Earth in the 1500s b.In search of gold and silver, the Spanish set out to conquer lands in warm weather climates c.Mexico City became the capital of New Spain after Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztec Empire d.The Spanish pattern of colonization was to enslave the Native Americans and exploit their labor to bring more wealth to Spain; called the encomienda system II. The Conquistadors Push North a. The Spanish pushed into the current U.S. southeast and west in order to protect their empire b. St. Augustine (FL) was established in 1565 to protect Spanish ships filled with gold returning to Europe. c. They endured frequent attacks by other European nations trying to get into the Caribbean d. After finding little or no mineral wealth in the SW, the Spanish crown mostly sent priests to colonize the lands and establish missions e. Santa Fe (NM) was the first city established in the Southwest f. The Spanish established the El Camino Real, a 1,500 mile trail used to transport goods between Mexico City and Santa Fe III. Resistance to the Spanish i. The Spanish missionaries attempted to Christianize the natives as well as impose Spanish culture on them. ii. These attempts to transform their lives led to rebellion, especially after they were made to pay tribute. iii. In 1680 Pueblo leader Pope lead a well organized rebellion (17,000 people) against the Spanish and pushed them back into Mexico. iii. Spain however had mounting worries after 1588 when the English destroyed their Armada and ended Spanish naval dominance of the Atlantic. II. An English settlement of Jamestown (English Settlers Struggle in North America) i. English colonization differed from the Spanish a. The Business of Colonization i. They granted charters to stock companies instead of financing the trips themselves, yet receiving 1/5 th of the gold and silver found. ii. Jamestown was established in 1607 b. A Disastrous Start i. Many of the original settlers were not used to manual labor. By the winter only 38 of the original 150 colonists survived. ii. John Smith forced the colonists to farm to survive iii. By the winter of 1609 they faced famine once again c. Jamestown Begins to Flourish i. A third shipment of colonists to Jamestown began farming a profitable crop Tobacco d. Brown Gold and Indentured Servants i. By the 1620s, 1.5 million pounds of the brown gold (tobacco) was being exported to England ii. The headright system was established(50 acres of land to anyone who could pay for themselves or someone else to get to Virginia iii.Indentured servitude (4-7 years or service) in exchange for passage and food upon arrival, skyrocketed the Jamestown population e. The First African Laborers i. The original African workers (about 20 of them to start) were treated as indentured servants. ii. In the early 1600s slaves cost about 2-3 times what it costs for an indentured servant iii. Once the population of willing indentured servants declined, and the colonists became more wealthy, it became profitable to import slaves II. The Settlers Clash with Native Americans a. The English Pattern of Conquest i. As the English demand for land grew, so did the conflicts with natives ii. The English rarely intermarried unlike the Spanish b. The Settlers Battle Native Americans i. Jamestown leaders demanded tribute from the local natives (Powhatan) after their treatment during the starving time (burned crops, buildings and killing settlers) ii. Virginia was made a Royal Colony in 1624 after an attack by the Powhatan iii. By 1644 nearly 10,000 English lived in Virginia as the Powhatan population continued to fall. III. Economic differences split Virginia a. Hostilities Develop i. many free white men were former indentured servants. They had little money to buy land, thus could not vote (they werent land owners) iI. The poor whites felt oppressed and frustrated with the policies of Gov. William Berkeley. The increasing taxes were paid by the poor frontiersmen, and being sent back east. iii. As hostilities began to develop with the Native Americans on the frontier, the settlers began to wonder why the taxes werent being used to build frontier forts iv. After repeated clashes the colonists pleaded with Gov. Berkeley for support, but the governor refused to finance a war to benefit the colonys poor frontier settlers b. Bacons Rebellion i. In 1676 Nathaniel Bacon raised an army to fight the natives ii. Berkeley declared Bacons army illegal iii. Bacon after hearing the news turned his army on Jamestown iv. Bacon set fire to the town and forced Berkeley and other wealthy planters to flee. v. Berkeley returned and subdued the army after Bacons death 3. Puritan New England I.Puritans create a New England 1. The settlers of Massachusetts did not come for profit. Rather they wanted to establish a City Upon a Hill a. Puritans and Pilgrims 1. The Puritans wanted to simplify Anglicanism by eliminating all traces of Catholicism 2. Some did not believe reform was possible and wanted to separate from the Church. These separatists would become the Pilgrims 3. These Pilgrims came established Massachusetts Bay Colony to escape persecution in England b. The Massachusetts Bay Company 1. The Massachusetts Bay colony was established in 1630 by John Winthrop with more than 17 ships and 1,000 travelers simply looking to establish English type cities. 2. Between some 20,000 English migrated to Massachusetts, and established Boston the capital. c. City Upon a Hill 1. Winthrop did not believe in social equality or political democracy 2. Believed the people of the colony would set an example for the world d. Church and State 1. The Puritans believed they has a special covenant with God, and they would be rewarded with peace and prosperity 2. Puritans established a general court which was a lawmaking body that included all male members of the Puritan Church (40%) 3. The Puritan Work Ethic contributed to rapid growth and success of English colonies e. Importance of the Family 1. Puritans often traveled to the new world in families 2. They abided by a strict moral code and punished those who didnt follow the rules II. Dissent in the Puritan Community a. The Founding of Providence a. Williams said they had no rightful claim to the land unless they purchased it from the natives, and government officials had no right to punish people for their religious beliefs b. The General Court ordered him arrested and sent back to England c. Williams fled to what is now Providence Rhode Island d. He guaranteed the separation of church and state in his colony b. Anne Hutchinson Banished 1. Hutchinson was even more dangerous than Williams. i. She preached that the Holy Spirit enlightens the heart of every true believer meaning they needed neither the church nor its ministers to interpret the Bible for them. 2. She fled to Rhode Island also III. Native Americans Resist Colonial Expansion 1. As the natives saw their land taken and people killed by disease, they began to resists European influence. a. Disputes Over Land 1. Native Americans believed in communal ownership of land, thus they didnt think land treaties were permanently sold b. The Pequot War 1. The major battle was called the Pequot War. (CT ) The colonists formed an alliance with the Narragansett who were enemies with the Pequots, after they decided to take a stand against the colonists 2. The Pequot Nation was almost totally destroyed 3. The massacre at Mystic River was so brutal the Narragansetts warned others of the English. c. King Philips War 1. Many desolate natives had to work for the English just to survive. 2. They also had to obey Puritan laws (no hunting or fishing on Sundays) 3. Metacom was a Wampanoag Chief who tried to expel the settlers in a last ditch effort in the Spring of After a year food shortages, disease and heavy losses forced the natives to surrender or flee 5. 10% of military aged men in New England were killed 4. Settlement of the Middle Colonies I. The Dutch found New Netherland 1. New Amsterdam became the capital of New Netherland in 1625, where fur trading was a thriving business. a. A Diverse Colony 1. The new Dutch colony was slow to attract Dutch people so they opened to doors to anyone, which made New Netherland a very diverse place with many different languages. 2. They usually enjoyed better relations with the Native Americans, because they didnt try to conquer them. b. English Take Over 1. The English simply saw the Dutch colony as a wedge between their two colonies. 2. Facing a superior force the Dutch surrendered their colony in 1664 without firing a shot. 3. The Duke of York, now the proprietor of the colony renamed it New York II. The Quakers Settle Pennsylvania a. Penns Holy Experiment 1. The Quakers were harrassed by the Anglicans and Puritans 3. In 1682 William Penn was granted the land for Pennsylvania and Delaware. 4. The Quakers were religious radicals who refused to defer to persons of rank, embraced pacifism and refused to serve in the military, which made England no place for them in the 1660s 5. Penn called his colony the Holy Experiment where every male settler was given 50 acres of land and the right to vote as well as religious freedom. 6. He also established the capital which he called the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia) b. Native American Relations 1. Penn respected the Natives and the Delaware people 2. A court comprised of natives and colonists settled any disputes, therefore the Pennsylvania colony had no major conflicts for over 50 years c. A Thriving Colony 1. Penn recruited heavily from all over Europe 2. Although slavery was introduced in Pennsylvania Penns principles of equality, cooperation, and religious tolerance would become vital to the new nation. d. Thirteen Colonies 1. George Calvert received a charter from King Charles I, he founded Maryland King Charles II awarded land between Virginia and Spanish Florida, which would eventually become North and South Carolina in 1732 James Oglethorpe received a charter for a colony they hoped would be a haven for those imprisoned for debt. 4. Few debtors came, and Oglethorpes policy which prohibited slavery and drinking rum were reversed when the crown took control of the colony in 1752