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1.1 Definition of Policy

Policy is a translation of the word policy is derived from English. The

word policy is defined as a plan of action or a statement of objectives, roposed

or adopted by a government or political party. The word policy is

etymologically derived from the word polis in Greek (Greek), which means

the city-state. In Latin this word into Politia, meaning the country. Sign into

Old English (Middle English), the word becomes Policie, whose meaning is

related to the affairs of the government or administration commands (Dunn,


In actual meaning science policy is a direct translation of the word

science policy (Dror, 1968). In a general sense this word so defined as a

course of action intended to Accomplish some end (Jones, 1977) or whatever

government chooses to do or not to do (Dye, 1975).

Etymologically the word policy together with two other important

words, the police and politics. This is one reason why many modern

languages, such as German and Russian, has only one word (politics, politics)

for the two senses of policy and politics. Some great writers use the term

public policy and public policy analysis in the sense that no different.

According to the United Nations (1975) Policy is a basic policy

guidelines act, a certain course of action, a program of activity - specific


activity or a plan. So there are some policy definitions according to experts,

are as follows :

a. "The policy is a complex dependence pattern of interdependent collective

choices, including the decision to act is made by the body or government

agency," (William Dunn, 1998).

b. "Policy is a set of concepts proposed action by a government or a group of

people or in a particular environment by proposing constraints and

opportunities of the implementation of the proposal in order to achieve

certain goals, '' (Carl J. Friedrich, 1963).

c. “a policy is a statement by government at whatever level- of what it 

intends to do about a public problem,”(Birkland, 2010)

d. “Policy as a projected program of goals, values and practices,”(Stewart,

Hedge & Lester, 2008).

e. "Policies are elements or expressions of the programs and decisions,"

(Charles O. Jones, 1996)

f. "The policy as a series of actions that have a specific purpose that is

followed and implemented by an actor or group of actors in order to solve

a particular problem" (James E. Anderson, 1979).

g. "Policy is what is chosen by the government to do or not do" (Thomas R.

Dye, 1976).

h. "The policy as to what is stated and done or not done by the government.

The policy can be either the target or goal of government programs.

Determination of the policy can be clearly manifested in laws and


regulations or in the speeches of senior government officials as well as the

programs and actions of the government ",(George C. Edwards III, 1980).

Based on the opinions of various experts mentioned above, it can be

concluded that the policies are actions or activities that intentionally done or

not done by a person, a group or a government in which there are elements of

the decision in the form of election efforts among the various alternatives

available to achieve the aims and objectives particular.

1.2 Scope of Policy

1.2.1 Public Policy

Public word is interpreted to mean a lot of people, a collection of

the wider community, or a citizen of a country. Public actually has its own

meaning, ie the public containing human activity that is deemed necessary

to set or intervention by government or social rules, or at least by the joint

action (Parsons, 2001). Public word combining it with said policies into a

single unit that word has a more complex meaning. Many experts on the

notion of public policy, including government Whatever choose to do or not

to do (Smith, 2003).

Public policy is a proposed course of action of a person, group or

government within a given environment providing obstacles and

opportunities which the policy was proposed to utilize and overcome in an

effort to reach a goal or realize an objective or purpose. (Smith, 2003).

Based on some of these definitions, we can conclude that public

policy is a government act on its authority.


1.2.2 Private policy

A policy regarding the provision of goods / services by the private

sector, for the benefit of individuals in the free market, in exchange for a

fee (Anderson, 2003). Example procurement policies goods / services for

individual purposes, such as entertainment venues, hotels, and other.

Private policy is a policy that is used for a particular organization

or group. Private policy applies in organization or group alone, and it is

possible that the policy of the group or organization that is different from

one another. In political science there is a pressure point in determining

whether an alternative as the best of the other alternatives, strongly

influenced by ideology, the Constitution, budget, human resources, the

effectiveness and efficiency as well as the ethical, moral and religious life

in the community. Alternative political decisions are generally divided into

two, namely the behavior programs to achieve the goal of community-state

referred to as public policy as well as those who will carry out public

policy (government officials). While it does not always involve a political

decision because as it is known that the decision can involve yourself,

family, or it could also involve certain groups. This is what is often termed

private policy.

1.3 Role and Function Policy

Policies can be briefly defined as a rule in the form of a written and an

official decision of an organization. A variety of these rules govern every

aspect of human life, both in the public and private sphere. The purpose of the


policy is to integrate the knowledge into a holistic discipline (overarching) to

analyze the public option and the decision-making and karenannya he had a

role in the democratization of society (Parsons, 2001).

The role and functions of different true, which relates to the role of the

human subject, while the function of the object is associated with the object, it

turns out in the policy these two words can be interpreted as the same thing.

The role and main functions of the policy is to regulate all aspects of human

life in the process in various fields, both public and private, such as health,

transportation, education, environmental, social, economic, security, and

more. The setting is done in order to create a stability in various fields and to

realize the state of order, harmony, and the existence of good relations

between people concerned in it.

1.4 Principles of Policy

Policy-making it not only functions to solve problems that are, but also

prevent problems, so we have to notice some principles of the policy itself.

This was for the policy that we made it can be beneficial and in accordance

with the needs the organization. The principle in policy function as our

standard or in the formulation of guidelines that can be more effective.

Some policy principles according to Freegard in his book “Ethical

Practice for Health Professionals’’ (2006), which is:

1. Policy is based on explicit ethical values, with that can be justified.

That policy is made with firm and clear, supported by the fundamental

policy that would be ascertained again it complies with basic values. 


2. Help to solve conflicts 

Policy that must be used as a reference in solving a conflict that may

arise. Not all of the policies made at the time problems or conflicts arise.

Policy can be made to prevent a conflict, but it is hoped that policy will

be complete assignments conflict if the conflict arise.

3. Consistent policy

Policy Guidelines must be clear that all the members the chief

executive of the policy have similar perception about this policy that can

be done properly. Policy is made with the words that are easily

understandable and didn't cause appearance ambiguous or different

perceptions for every its executive. Consistent policy also means that

policy applied in all areas and remained.

4. Policy is flexible 

On the principle above explained that the policy is consistent, but

it's in this principle also had to be flexible. Policy should be able to give a

concession or exception in a certain conditions, so that the policy is

expected to act wisely. Consistency seen in its application in the region

and carried out by all the policy itself.

5. Policy is a dynamic

Policy could change in accordance with the current internal and external

from that organization, so that policy can be developed continuously

according to the needs the organization.

6. Some people who interpret and apply policy itself


Sound policy will not be able to walk better if the executive cannot

or do not want to run it. It is often a policy to fail because of its executive

who did not agree with the policy. They then tried to break policy by

applying and perceives that policy with evil. So, the executive this policy

is very influence success of the policy itself.

7. Policy was supported by education

Education is needed when making policy beginning, so that the

contents of the policy made can be understood or's explanation by all

people or executing the policy. 

8. Policy with limited time

In accordance with the characteristic's dynamic, then a policy has a

certain restrictions. This does not mean that policy was eliminated

because it was considered not useful, but it's renewed so that the policy

can become more accurately or according to the organization at once.

1.5 Elements - elements of policy

Policies can also be viewed as a system. When the policy is seen as a

system, then the policy has its elements. According to Thomas R. Dye in

Dunn (2000), there are three elements that make up the policy of the policy

system. Dye describe the three elements of the policy as public policy, policy

actors / stakeholders policy, and policy environment.

All three of these elements have contributed to each other and influence

each other. For example, stakeholders may have contributed to the policy, but

they also can also be affected by government decisions. Environmental


policies also affect and are affected by policy makers and public policy itself.

Dunn (2000) states, " Therefore, the system contains policies that dialectical

process, which means that the objective and subjective dimensions of policy

makers inseparable in practice". If the policy can be viewed as a system, the

policy can also be seen as a process. According to James E. Anderson (1979)

Policies generally have a five main elements, namely:

1. Problem public (Public Issue)

Is a central issue to be solved by a policy. Policies are always

formulated to solve or prevent problems, especially problems that are

public issues. The problem is referred to as a public issue when the issue

of concern the public and affect the livelihood of the community at large.

2. Policy Value

Each policy always contains a certain value, and also aims to create

a new or the new norm in the organization. Often the value that is in the

public or members of different organizations with values that are in the

government. Therefore it is necessary that intense participation and

communication when formulating policy.

3. Cycle Policy

Actual policy-setting process is a cyclical process and the nature of

the continuum, which consists of three phases:

(1) Policy Formulation

(2) Policy Implementation

(3) Policy Review


The third stage in the cycle or process are interconnected and

interdependent, complex and not linear, that all three so-called Policy


4. Approaches to Policy

At each stage of the policy cycle should be accompanied by the

application of the approach as appropriate. At the formulation stage,

which is widely used approach is the normative approach, valuatif,

predictive or empirical. In the implementation phase many structural

approach (organizational) or managerial approach. While the evaluation

phase uses the same approach to the formulation stage. The selection of

the approach used will determine the level of effectiveness and success of

a policy.

5. Consequences of Policy

At each application of the policy should be observed effects that. In

monitoring the results of the policy we have to distinguish two types of

result; outcomes and impact . Whatever the form and content of policies

in general will impact or consequences arise. The level of intensity of the

consequences will vary from one policy to another, may also vary by

place and time dimensions. Another consequence is also noteworthy is

the emergence of resistance (rejection) and negative behavior.

1.6 Characteristics of Policy

Bullock, Anderson and Brady (1983) says that the policy has the

Characteristics include:


a. Public policy is purposive, goal-oriented, behaviour rather than random

or change behavior.

Each policy has a goal and there are targets to be achieved. This

means that each policy not only made because there happens to be an

opportunity to make. If there is no purpose, no need for a policy.

b. Policy consist of course of action rather-than separate, discrete decision

or actions-performed by government official.

That is a policy can not stand alone or separated from other

policies, but deals with a wide range of public policy, oriented on the

implementation, interpretation, and enforcement.

c. Policy is what government do-not what they say they will do or what

they intend to do.

Policy is something that the government is not something that is

wanted or intended to be done by the government.

d. Public policy may be either negative or positive

Policies can be shaped like a ban negative and positive can also

form such guidance to implement or advocate.

e. Public policy based on law and is authoritative.

Policies based on the law as it has the authority to lure and force

the community to follow.

A policy  has a unique among others :

1. Policy, it has to be a purpose

Policy is a means to an end, a tool to achieve a common purpose

community (public). This means that, the policy is a government


actions that are designed to achieve a certain result expected by the

public as constituents government. A policy without purpose does not

have meaning, even it is not impossible that will cause new problems.

For example, a policy that does not have obvious purpose, the

program that will be applied different, the strategy satidfied became

vague, and finally the policy analysts will be revealed that the

government has lost its direction. 

The Announcement the purpose is also in the most important

because it was only tujuanlah that can give the direction and reason

for the public. In fact, policy-makers are often lose direction in

determining policy objectives. For the policy is still focused on the

goal has been determined, making policy, it has to be based on by

stages policy circles that on planning and evaluation. Policy-making

must have obstacles, but must be sought for a solution to cope with it

and provide the required to achieve. Its main objective, there are

Based on six groups action policy (play action) that are essential,

namely :

a. Regulations (River Basins)

Its main objective to make the rules and certain restrictions.

b. Deregulation (Deregulation)

Its main objective to make easing even canceling certain


c. Incentives (Reward)


Its main objective to encourage and speed up the attainment of an

this by providing a ebntuk rewards.

d. Infrastructure Provision (Infrastructure Provision)

Its main objective provides things as inherently infrastructural


e. Information or guidelines (Informationor Simple Guidance When

Choose). Its main objective given and deliver the information and

give a specific guidelines. 

f. The influence (Influence)

Its main objective to encourage and influence of the changes and

assist in the changes to the party.

2. Policy as the hypothesis

Policy made based on the theory, the model or the hypothesis of

cause and effect. Policy always rely on the assumption of behavior.

Policy always contain incentives that encourage people to do

something or powerful disincentive to encourage people did not do

anything. Policy, it has to be able to unite expected (projection) about

the success that will be achieved and overcoming the failures

mechanism is likely to happen.

  For example, if the government to increase fuel prices, and it will

be many companies to increase its output prices that will lead to prices

for goods increased and low class society more difficult to meet needs

for life. So believes that policy as the hypothesis also stressed the


importance lessons and hits from the result of implementation and


3. Policy as a legal 

The action in the policy is legal or authorities because it was

made by those who have legitimacy in the system of government.

Those decisions made civil servants to act or direct action or activity

options such as, to prepare a bill or a government regulation to be

considered by the parliament or allocate the budgets to implement a

specific target. As legal policy decisions are not also means that the

government always have the authority in dealing with these issues.

Policy then can be seen as a response or formal response to the issues

or problems public. 

This means that the policy is: (a) Intensional or have a goal. The

objective of the government policy reflect the achievement through

the implementation resources public; (b) With regard to decision-

making and testing well-consequently; (c) Structured with the players

and his steps that there is a clear and measured; (d) is political

priorities that the election program priorities executive.

4. Policy involving the participation and aspirations of the community.

Participation is a process involvement in decision-making

process, the formulation, planning, implementation, and control

policy. Policy-making that involve the participation and aspirations of

the community is intended to be policy that has already been

compiled and are planned to be in accordance with the reality. In


addition, the community is also more likely to obey the policy making

and arrangement involves the participation and aspirations of the

community is actively.

5. Policy forms structured and arranged according to the law and the law.

6. All of the policies that have been made and ordered to have a legal

and law. This means that policy-making could not be violated the law

and legislation.

7. Policy an impact (outcome)

Every time the process of making policy, it has to be analyzed

ahead of time is to have a good impact or bad for the community. A

policy that is made not to harm the public. Type of policy based on the

influence or impact that want to emanate include :

1. Explicit (explicit policy)

Explicit policy is the policy that aimed to give impact directly on

the object policy objectives.

2. Implicit (implicit policy)  

Implicit policy is the policy that aimed to give impact will not

directly to the object policy objectives.