Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation

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Transcript of Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation

  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation







  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation



  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation


  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation




  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation


    Transmission of the Qur'anic Revelation

    MEMR!"AT!# A#$ RA% TRA#"M!""!#Memorization ! the "ro#het'... an apostle from God, rehearsing scriptures, kept pure andholy ...' (98: 2)

    Memorization ! the $om#anions'... the first man to speak the Qur'an loudly in akka after theapostle !as '"#dullah #in as'ud$%

    The "ro#het encoura%es Memorization'&he rophet said: &he most superior among you (uslims) arethose !ho learn the Qur'an and teach it.

    The "ro#het sent Teachers'hen these men (of the first pledge of '"*a#a) left (for adina)the apostle sent !ith them us.'a# #in '+mair&

    Qur'an Rea&ers amon% the $om#anions 'arrated asru*: '"#dullah #in '"mr mentioned '"#dullah #in

    as'ud and said: - shall eer loe that man for - heard the rophetsaying: &ake (learn) the Qur'an from four: '"#dullah #in as'ud,/alim, uiadh and +#ay #in 0a'#'.'(u)hari, *!, #o& +-&.

  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation



  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation


    Transmission of the Qur/anic Revelation

    TRA#"M!""!# 0 T1E 2R!TTE# TE3T

    )hat is the %eneral meanin% of +am' al,Qur'an-(ringing together the Qur/an orall4, or in one/s mind 5hif67&(ringing together the Qur/an in written form, or on sheets, or in a boo)

    The meanin% of +am' al,Qur'an in the classical literaturelearn the Qur/an b4 heartwrite down ever4 revelation&

    bring together those materials upon which theQur/an has been written&bring together the reports of people who have memori6ed the Qur/an&bring together all such sources, both oral and written&

    (o. .as the Qur'an $ollecte&- According to "u4uti, the Qur/an had been written down in its entiret4

    in the time of the 8rophet but had not been brought togetherin onesingle place, and that therefore these written records or documentshad not been arranged in order&/ '!t9an, !, p& -.

    1owever, the arrangement of the suras, was fixed b4 the 8rophethimselfand safeguarded through oral transmission

    T i i f h Q / i

  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation


    Transmission of the Qur/anic


    TRA#"M!""!# 0 T1E 2R!TTE# TE3TSta%es of $ollection

    !n the time of the 8rophet&!n the time of Abu (a)r&!n the time of /;thman&

    )h! .as no /oo0 left ! the "ro#het-

    The revelation did not come down in one piece"ome verses were abrogated in the course of revelation, andtherefore flexibilit4 needed to be maintained&The a4at and suras were not alwa4s revealed in their final order, butwere arranged later&The 8rophet lived onl4 nine da4s after the last revelation and wasseverel4 ill&

    There was no dispute about the Qur/an in the time of the 8rophet&)ritin% &o.n the Revelation

    2hile writing was not widespread among the people in Arabia at thetime of the 8rophet there were persons of whom it is reported thatthe4 did write&

  • 7/23/2019 Chapter 1.2 -Transmission of the Quranic Revelation


    ransm ss on o e ur an cRevelation

    TRA#"M!""!# 0 T1E 2R!TTE# TE3T

    Di& the "ro#het himself .rite-There is unanimous agreement among scholars that Muhammadhimself did not write down the revelation& The Qur/an clearl4 states:

    And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nordidst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted

    who follow falsehood' (2!"#)$