Chapter 11 government notes

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Transcript of Chapter 11 government notes

  • 1. Powers of Congress Government Chapter 11

2. 3 ways1.) explicitly, in its specific wording,expressed powers2.) by reasonable deduction from theexpressed powers implied3.) by creating a national govt for the U.S. -inherent powers 3. Strict constructionalist thought that Congress should have very limited power (led by Thomas Jefferson.)Liberal constructionalist (led by AlexanderHamilton) broad powers to Congress. 4. Expressed Powers of Money andCommerce (sec 2)Commerce ClauseTo regulate Commerce with foreign nations, andamong several States, and with the IndianTribes. 5. The Power to Taxtax is a charge levied by government onpersons or property to raise money to meetpublic needs.Not unlimited Cant lay a tax on church services (would violate 1st amendment) 6. Constitution limits on taxing1.) for public purposes, not for private benefit2.) May not tax exports3.) Direct taxes must be apportioned amongthe states, according to their populations.4.) All indirect taxes levied by the FederalGovt must be levied at the same rate inevery part of the country. 7. Borrowing PowerCongress can borrow money on the credit of the US.public debt is all of the money borrowed by the federal Govt over the years and not yet repaid, plus the accumulated interest on that money.statutory ceiling on public debt in 2011 is$15.194 trillion. 8. Deficit financingthe Federal Govt spends more than it takesin each year and then borrows to makeup the difference. 9. See the U.S. debt second bysecond! 10. Balanced budget Act of 1997Congress & President Clinton vowed to eliminate deficit financing by 2002. Surpluses for 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.Didnt last long because:sharp downturn in economy, several major taxcuts pushed by President Bush and enacted byCongress in 2001, 2002, 2003, onset of theglobal war on terrorism in 2001 and conflicts inAfghanistan and Iraq. 11. The Commerce PowerPower of Congress to regulate interstate and foreign trade through Commerce Clause.More responsible than any other clause for uniting the States. 12. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824Robert Fulton had a monopoly over the steamboat industry.Fulton gave Aaron Ogden a permit for steamboat navigationbetween NYC and NJ.Thomas Gibbons had a coastal license from the NationalGovernment and began carrying passengers, competingwith Ogden.Ogden sued GibbonsNY courts held that Gibbons couldnt sail by steam in NYwaters.Went to the Supreme Court. They ruled for Gibbons.Dealt a blow to the steamboat monopolies. 13. Currency PowerAfter independence, Framers agreed they needed a single, national system of hard money.Legal tender any kind of money that a creditor must by law accept in payment for debts.Greenbacks first national paper currency.Bankruptcy legal proceeding in which the bankrupts assets however much or little they may be- are distributed. 14. Foreign Relations Powers in CongressCome from:1) various expressed powers, especially the warowners and the power to regulate commerce2.) from the fact that the U.S. is a sovereignstate in the world community. 15. War PowersShare with the Executive BranchOnly Congress may declare war.Raise and support armies, provide and maintain a navy and to make rules pertaining to the governing of land and naval forces. 16. NaturalizationThe process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another. 17. Postal PowerPower to establish Post offices and post Roads (postal routes.)Benjamin Franklin is generally credited as the founder of the present-day postal system.Federal crimes to obstruct the mail, to use mail tocommit any fraud, or any other mail crime.You cannot send firecrackers, switchblades, chain letters or obscene material through the mail. 18. Copyrights and Patentsis the exclusive right of an author toreproduce, publish, and sell his or hercreative work. Good for 70 years afterdeath.A patent grants a person the sole right to manufacture, use, or sell any new and useful art, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, of any new and useful improvement thereof. Good for 20 years. 19. Weights and MeasuresPower reflects the absolute need for accurate, uniform gauges of time, distance, area, weight, volume, and the like.pound, ounce, mile, foot, gallon, quartgram, meter, kilometer, liter 20. Power over territoriesGives Congress the power to acquire, manage, and dispose of various federal areas.District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.Eminent Domain the inherent power to take private property for public use. 21. Judicial PowersCreate all of the federal courts below the Supreme Court and to structure the federal judiciary.Defines federal crimes and set punishment for violators.counterfeiting, piracies and felonies on the highseas, and offenses against international law. 22. AppropriatesAssign to a particular use like Congress does with billions a year for education to the U.S. Department of Education.Example of using Implied Power. 23. Necessary and Proper ClauseThe constitutional basis for the implied powers is found in one of the expressed powers the Necessary and Proper Clause. AKA the Elastic Clause.Revisit McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 24. DoctrineA doctrine is a principle or fundamental policy. The doctrine of implied powers has been applied in instances almost too numerous to count. 25. Article VCongress may propose amendments by a two-thirds vote in each house. 26. Electoral Duties12th amendment if no one receives a majority of theelectoral votes for President, the House, voting byStates, is to decide the issue of President.They must also choose a Vice President if no candidatewins a majority. This has been done twice: ThomasJefferson in 1801 and John Quincy Adams in 1825.The Senate picked a Vice President once: Richard M.Johnson in 1837.25th amendment provides for vice presidency.President nominates a successor a replacement subject to a majority vote in both houses of Congress.Gerald Ford in 1973 and Nelson Rockefeller in 1974. 27. ImpeachmentThe House has the sole power to impeach to accuse, bring charges.Penalty for conviction is removal from office.Two presidents have been impeached Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. The Senate voted to acquit both men found them not guilty. 28. Andrew JohnsonJohnson disagreed with Radical Republicansin Congress. Congress passed the Tenureof Office Act, over the Presidents veto.Johnson deliberately violated the law. 29. Bill ClintonClinton had inappropriate relations with a White House intern (Monica Lewinsky)First he was charged with perjury, or lyingunder oath. Then obstruction of justice.Many people pressed to censure the president formally condemn him for his behavior. 30. Richard NixonResigned in the face of almost certain impeachment forWatergate Scandal. June 1972 attempt by Republican operatives to break into the Democratic Partys national headquarters in the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. Investigation of the incident led to a long list of illegal acts. Nixon was charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and failure to respond to the committees subpoenas (legal order to appear in court.) Nixon resigned on August 9th, 1974 31. AppointmentsAll major appointments made by thePresident must be confirmed by the Senateby majority vote.Only 12 of the more than 600 Cabinet appointments have been rejected. 32. TreatiesThe President makes treaties and has to have two thirds of the Senators present concur. 33. Investigatory Power1. gather information useful to Congress in the makingof some legislation.2. oversee the operations of various executive branchagencies.3. focus public attention to a particular subject, fromdrug war to movie violence.4. expose the questionable activities of public officialsor private persons.5. promote the particular interests of some members ofCongress.