Chapter 11 Donald Sterrett 9/13/07. The Reformation Reformation emerges out of conflict between the...

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Transcript of Chapter 11 Donald Sterrett 9/13/07. The Reformation Reformation emerges out of conflict between the...

Chapter 11Chapter 11Donald SterrettDonald Sterrett


The ReformationThe Reformation

Reformation emerges out of conflict between the Reformation emerges out of conflict between the rise of nations who push conformity across rise of nations who push conformity across borders and the small self-governed areas who borders and the small self-governed areas who desired autonomy.desired autonomy.

It is in the small areas where the reformation It is in the small areas where the reformation breaks out.breaks out.

Also the growing middle class and merchants Also the growing middle class and merchants supported the expansion of literacy, power and supported the expansion of literacy, power and Protestantism.Protestantism.

Criticisms of the Catholic ChurchCriticisms of the Catholic Church

Many felt the Church had become corruptMany felt the Church had become corrupt This led to a discontent with the Church as well This led to a discontent with the Church as well

as other criticisms of the other criticisms of the Church. The Printing press spread ideas faster and led The Printing press spread ideas faster and led

to more literacy and thus a wider audience for to more literacy and thus a wider audience for those attacking the church.those attacking the church.

Certain groups like the Modern Devotion Certain groups like the Modern Devotion attempted to reform the church and began attempted to reform the church and began preaching in the preaching in the ““vernacularvernacular”” or common or common languages.languages.

Other problems with the Catholic Other problems with the Catholic ChurchChurch

For years many high church offices For years many high church offices (cardinal, pope, bishop) had been sold to (cardinal, pope, bishop) had been sold to the highest bidders and were not simply the highest bidders and were not simply given to the most holy.given to the most holy.

The sale of indulgences (Payment for The sale of indulgences (Payment for forgiveness of sins).forgiveness of sins).

Martin LutherMartin Luther

Unlike France Germany was not politically Unlike France Germany was not politically unified and did not like being controlled by unified and did not like being controlled by the Pope in Italy.the Pope in Italy.

Luther was a priest who saw the problems Luther was a priest who saw the problems of the Catholic Church (indulgences, of the Catholic Church (indulgences, corruption etc.)corruption etc.)

Luther also felt the salvation came through Luther also felt the salvation came through faith alone and the faithful did good works, faith alone and the faithful did good works, but the good works did not save you.but the good works did not save you.


Indulgences had been originally created to Indulgences had been originally created to get people to fight in the crusades.get people to fight in the crusades.

In LutherIn Luther’’s time they were sold to help s time they were sold to help rebuild St. Peterrebuild St. Peter’’s Cathedral in Rome and s Cathedral in Rome and for a price all your sins would be remoced.for a price all your sins would be remoced.

He placed these and other issues with the He placed these and other issues with the Church on the door of the Church in his 95 Church on the door of the Church in his 95 Theses.Theses.

After the 95 ThesesAfter the 95 Theses

Charles I of Spain became the Holy Roman Charles I of Spain became the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V with the help of Frederick Emperor Charles V with the help of Frederick the Wise who was also Lutherthe Wise who was also Luther’’s protector.s protector.

There was great outcry over Luther and he There was great outcry over Luther and he continued to push his ideas including continued to push his ideas including attacking the idea of papal infallibility (belief attacking the idea of papal infallibility (belief that the pope could not make a mistake).that the pope could not make a mistake).

In response the Pope excommunicates In response the Pope excommunicates Luther and condemned him for heresy.Luther and condemned him for heresy.

Diet of WormsDiet of Worms At the Diet (Meeting) of Worms (City) Luther is At the Diet (Meeting) of Worms (City) Luther is

told to recant (admit he was wrong).told to recant (admit he was wrong). Luther refuses and is forced to go into hiding Luther refuses and is forced to go into hiding

while protected by Frederick.while protected by Frederick. While in hiding he translates the Bible into While in hiding he translates the Bible into

German.German. Because Charles V is fighting a war and needs Because Charles V is fighting a war and needs

German support he agrees to let the German German support he agrees to let the German princes do what they want with Luther.princes do what they want with Luther.

The Spread of ProtestantismThe Spread of Protestantism Protestantism spreads in Switzerland and Germany Protestantism spreads in Switzerland and Germany

as Princes realize they have a lot to gain by taking as Princes realize they have a lot to gain by taking Catholic land and losing Italian influence over their Catholic land and losing Italian influence over their people.people.

The Swiss reformation is led by Zwingli who was a The Swiss reformation is led by Zwingli who was a humanist and followed the ideas of Erasmus.humanist and followed the ideas of Erasmus.

Zwingli criticized church corruption, Swiss mercenary Zwingli criticized church corruption, Swiss mercenary service and allowed the priests to marry and only service and allowed the priests to marry and only supported following what could be found in the Bible. supported following what could be found in the Bible. He challenged many Catholic traditions like fasting, He challenged many Catholic traditions like fasting, pilgrimages, and clerical celibacy.pilgrimages, and clerical celibacy.

Diet of Augsburg and Augsburg Diet of Augsburg and Augsburg ConfessionConfession

Charles V calls together a meeting of Catholics Charles V calls together a meeting of Catholics and Protestants called the Diet of Augsburg.and Protestants called the Diet of Augsburg.

Not surprisingly the Diet calls for Protestants to Not surprisingly the Diet calls for Protestants to give up their beliefs and become Catholics.give up their beliefs and become Catholics.

Also not surprisingly Luther refuses and his Also not surprisingly Luther refuses and his followers leave to start their own political union followers leave to start their own political union the Schmaldic League and he creates the the Schmaldic League and he creates the Augsburg Confession which is a Protestant Augsburg Confession which is a Protestant statement of beliefs. statement of beliefs.

Peace of AugsburgPeace of Augsburg

Charles V battles the Protestants and after Charles V battles the Protestants and after losing many battles agrees to the peace of losing many battles agrees to the peace of Augsburg which says that the ruler of the area Augsburg which says that the ruler of the area can choose the religion and if you were of a can choose the religion and if you were of a different religion you could move. different religion you could move.

This created legal divisions between Lutheran This created legal divisions between Lutheran and Catholicism as the Anabaptists and and Catholicism as the Anabaptists and Calvinists were not recognized.Calvinists were not recognized.

Zwingli, Calvin and AnabaptistsZwingli, Calvin and Anabaptists

Zwingli and Luther disagreed over the Zwingli and Luther disagreed over the Eucharist (Luther took ChristEucharist (Luther took Christ’’s body s body literally while Zwingli saw it as a symbol).literally while Zwingli saw it as a symbol).

Zwingli fights in Swiss Civil Wars and is Zwingli fights in Swiss Civil Wars and is killed.killed.

Radical group known as Anabaptists Radical group known as Anabaptists rejected infant baptism and only baptized rejected infant baptism and only baptized consulting adults.

CalvinismCalvinism By the late 1500s Calvinism became the By the late 1500s Calvinism became the

dominant Protestant force in Europe.dominant Protestant force in Europe. Believed in predestination and that the Believed in predestination and that the

individual should change society to fit Godindividual should change society to fit God’’s s plan. Not surprisingly it was popular with those plan. Not surprisingly it was popular with those who wanted political change as well. who wanted political change as well.

Calvin was French but he makes a huge impact Calvin was French but he makes a huge impact in Geneva, Switzerland and made it a refuge for in Geneva, Switzerland and made it a refuge for Protestants and even a safer place for women Protestants and even a safer place for women as there were harsh laws punishing men who as there were harsh laws punishing men who beat their wives.beat their wives.

English ReformationEnglish Reformation

Henry VIIIHenry VIII’’s England that had attempted to limit the s England that had attempted to limit the power of the Pope over England.power of the Pope over England.

Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon for 18 Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon for 18 years but she had only borne him one child a daughter years but she had only borne him one child a daughter Mary and he loved Ann Boleyn.Mary and he loved Ann Boleyn.

He asks the pope for an annulment and is refused He asks the pope for an annulment and is refused partly because Charles V is Catherinepartly because Charles V is Catherine’’s nephew and s nephew and had captured the pope.had captured the pope.

Henry decides to create his own Church of England Henry decides to create his own Church of England with him at the head through the Act of Supremacy.with him at the head through the Act of Supremacy.