Chapter 10 - Complementary Products -...

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Complementary Products Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21. Spool Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23. AutoPlan Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. VendorRelease Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25. AutoScan Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310. Configurable Interface Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311. Work with Interface Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312. Interface Flags Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313. Interface Flags Mass Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

AutoPlan Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Overview of AutoPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41. AutoPlan Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62. Family Group Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103. Family Group Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134. Product Line Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175. Product Line Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206. Global System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Chapter 10: Complementary


Chapter 10: Complementary Products Complementary Products Menu

Complementary Products Menu

1. Spool Manager This option is for future use.

3. AutoPlan Menu This option displays the AutoPlan Menu (AP0) with the following options:

1. AutoPlan Inquiry

2. Family Group Definition

3. Family Group Plans

4. Product Line Definition

5. Product Line Plans

6. Global System Parameters

4. VendorRelease Menu VendorRelease is an Infor product that is sold separately from AutoRelease. It is an application used by automotive suppliers to issue requirements to their suppliers, receive ASNs from their suppliers, and monitor their suppliers’ performance.

This option displays the VendorRelease Main Menu, if it is installed on your system.

MENU: INC0----------------------------------

COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS----------------------------------

1. Spool Manager

3. AutoPlan Menu4. VendorRelease Menu5. AutoScan Menu

10. Configurable Interface Tool11. Work with Interfaces Environments12. Interface Flags Maintenance13. Interface Flags Mass Update

24. Return to Main Menu

Option __

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products Complementary Products Menu

5. AutoScan Menu This option displays the AutoScan Menu (BC00) with the following options:

1. Label Print Main Menu

2. Label Scan Main Menu

10. Configurable Interface Tool The configurable interface is a technical tool used to integrate Infor applications with other business applications.

The configurable interface tool contains a series of programs and functions that are executed at predefined interface points within the AutoRelease and VendorRelease applications. The interface points are incorporated into the system to trigger an action to be performed. At the interface points, data files are transferred from one application to another. The transfer may be from an Infor application to another business application or from a non-Infor business application to AutoRelease or VendorRelease.

The configurable interface tool may be used to maintain interface programs, create new interfaces, and work with the mapping options. Interface programs and functions are provided to the customer with program and mapping defaults, which may be customized to meet specific business practice needs.

Interface programs are used with User Defined Forms (UDF) and AdobeAdobe, two of the print methods used by AutoRelease to print forms.

11. Work with Interface Environments This option is used to work with interfaces that have been previously implemented.

12. Interface Flags MaintenanceThis option is used to maintain interface flags. Mark or remove the mark for the process flag for each shipper within the range entered.

13. Interface Flags Mass Update This option is used to mass update interface flags. This program will either mark all records selected as processed or remove all the marks, showing them as unprocessed so they can be processed again. Update either the shipping or invoicing history files based on the following:

• From and To Date • From and To Shipper Number

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

AutoPlan Menu


Overview of AutoPlan AutoPlan was designed specifically for automotive suppliers to plan for procuring materials to meet their projected requirements. The plan may be based on actual requirements plus estimated figures to extend the plan beyond the date of the last requirement.

The figures from AutoPlan can be merged with the requirements in the Demand file when MRP requirements are created (file MRPPLVL5). The AutoPlan figures will then be passed to the MRP application.

The planning time period is user-defined and can be for any length of time. Up to three plans can be created for each group of parts and time period, perhaps one based on current information and a best and worst case estimate.

The AutoPlan Inquiry displays the number of family groups and/or product lines this part is associated with, the number of customers supplied, and the number of destinations to which this part is shipped. It displays plan-to-date and sales-to-date figures with a breakdown by destination. The planning is compared with the sales (based on CUM Shipped).

A projection inquiry can be accessed to view projected planning figures through actual customer schedules.

MENU: AP0---------------------------------------

AutoPlan MENU---------------------------------------1. AutoPlan Inquiry

2. Family Group Definition3. Family Group Plans

4. Product Line Definition5. Product Line Plans

6. Global System Parameters

24. Return to Main Menu

Option __

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Getting Started Parts may be identified as belonging to a family group or product line. All family groups and product lines are assigned an abbreviation using the options Family Group Definition and Product Group Definition. All parts associated with each group are identified (with the quantity or percentage per unit) using the options Family Group Plans and Product Group Plans.

Family Group: A group of parts associated with a specific platform. Parts within a family group cannot be substituted by another part. Every time this particular vehicle (identified by this family group name) is built, all parts related to this family, in the quantities identified in Family Group Plans, will be supplied.

Example: All coils for a particular vehicle are supplied. This includes two front coils and two rear coils. This family group consists of two parts, and two of each part are needed for every unit (vehicle) built.

Product Line: A group of parts that may be substituted for each other based on the features and/or color needed. Planning is based on the estimated percentage needed for each part in this product line.

Example: The trim supplied for a specific vehicle comes in four colors: black, white, red, and gold. The parts are interchangeable, except for the color. The sales are based on the percentage of each color that will be built. Percentages are associated with each part and must total 100%, such as 35% - black, 25% - red, 20% white and 20% gold.

Global System Parameters Creating global parameters is optional. Global parameters may be entered to determine whether to process plans to MRP and to define the planning periods. The plan year, starting month, and year and number of months may be entered and will display as default values when creating plans. These defaults may be overridden when creating or maintaining an individual plan. If no global default values are entered, this information is entered in each individual plan.

Processing Plans to MRP Processing plans to MRP may assist with purchasing by providing an estimate of material needs beyond actual customer releases/schedules.

If “Y” is entered to process plans to MRP, the data is passed in monthly figures unless a record is created in the EDI code file to “smooth” this data or pass it through the planning grid, resulting in multiple weekly requirements.

To smooth AutoPlan demand, create an EDI Code File record leaving the customer and destination abbreviations blank. Use “F@” as the OEM code for family groups and use “F#” as the OEM code for product lines. Use “F” as the Type (forecast) and “M” as the Frequency (monthly).

Enter “M” as the MRP Requirement Split Code to use the monthly grid (smooth monthly requirements to weekly).

AutoPlan data is passed to MRP as data on the 850 transaction set.

Warning: AutoPlan data is by part and is not OEM-specific. AutoPlan data is placed in the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) beginning after the date of the last requirement from the customer schedules. Therefore, if MRP data is being created for multiple OEMs, the AutoPlan data begins after the last requirement date from the OEM with the furthest date out (into the future) in the load file.

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

1. AutoPlan Inquiry This option is used to view planning performance information. The plans must be defined as either family group or product line, the year must be assigned, and the parts associated with each group must be identified before data is available for the inquiry. The Inquiry Selection screen is used to view the Unit Inquiry, where planning information to date is viewed, and the Projection Inquiry, where projections through the plan year-end are displayed.

Inquiry Screen

The inquiry can be accessed the following four ways:

• By individual part number.

• By family group. All parts associated with the family group are listed and individual parts may be selected for inquiry.

• By product line. All parts associated with the product line are listed and individual parts may be selected for inquiry.

• By pressing F4 (Prompt) to display all plans and selecting the plan for inquiry.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the selection screen listing all plans and all years, to select the plan for inquiry.

F4 - Prompt (From the Selection Screen)

This function displays the Group Selection screen if a family group or product line is entered. All company/plan year/part number combinations are listed for the group type entered.

AutoPlan Inquiry Selection

Company: 22Plan Year: ____ Part No: _______________

- OR -

Company: 22 Plan Year: ____Family Group: ______

- OR -

Company: 22 Plan Year: ____Product Line: ______

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Group Selection Screen

Enter “1” to select a part and the Unit Inquiry screen displays.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Selection Screen.

F17 - Top - Positions list at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

The Unit Inquiry screen displays plan figures and sales figures to date and a summary for each customer and destination.

This screen summarizes sales activity and breakdown of shipping activity and displays the number of family groups, product lines, customers, and destinations associated with this part.

AutoPlan Inquiry Selection By Company/Plan Year/Part No

Options: 1=Select

Plan PlanOpt Co Year Part No Opt Co Year Part No _ 22 1996 COILSPRINGF _ 22 1996 COILSPRINGR _ 22 1996 TRIMBLACK _ 22 1996 TRIMBLUE _ 22 1996 TRIMBURGUNDY _ 22 1996 TRIMGOL _ 22 1996 TRIMGREY _ 22 1996 TRIMRED

F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Unit Inquiry Screen

Plan Year Plan - Total number of units planned for this part as entered in the plan marked with “X” in the family group or product line plan option.

Plan to Date - The prorated quantity based on plan starting date and today's date. (Where sales should be according to the plan.)

Sales to Date - Shipping activity since the beginning plan date (CUM Shipped).

Plan vs Sales - The percentage of sales compared with the plan. (Sales to Date divided by Plan to Date.)

The number of family groups and product lines this part belongs to display, as well as the number of customers this part is sold to and the number of destinations this part is shipped to.

Sales and plan-to-date figures are also illustrated graphically with to-date totals listed. All data on the Unit Inquiry screen can be printed using F9 (Print).

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F5 - Projection - Hot keys between the Projection Inquiry screen and the Unit Inquiry screen. The Projection Inquiry screen illustrates the projected sales versus plan through actual customer schedules.

F9 - Print - Prints all data displayed on this screen.

F12 - Return/Next - If multiple records were selected on the Group Selection screen, the next record displays. If only one record was selected, or if the last record is being viewed, the system returns to the Selection screen.

AutoPlan Units Inquiry 3/12/96

Company: 22 Plan Year Plan: 500000Plan Year: 1996 Plan To Date: 99460 Part No: COILSPRINGF Sales To Date: 112000

Family Groups: 1 Customers: 1 Plan VS Sales: 112.60 %Product Lines: Destinations: 3

Cust / Dest -0- -50- -100- -150- UnitsPlan To Date 99460Sales To Date 112000


F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Projection F9=Print F12=Return/Next

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

F5 - Projection (From the Unit Inquiry Screen)

This function displays the Projection Inquiry screen, on which the data is extended and projected through actual customer schedules. F5 “hot keys” between the Unit Inquiry screen and the Projection Inquiry screen.

AutoPlan Projection Screen

Plan Year Plan - Total number of units planned for this part as entered in the plan marked with “X” in the family group or product line plan option.

Plan to Schedule - Total number of units planned from this part as calculated from the entered plan through actual customer schedules.

Sales to Date - Shipping activity since the beginning plan date (CUM Shipped).

Customer Schedule - The EDI requirement schedules received from the customer (from the load file).

Schedule Through - The date of the last requirement from the load file.

AutoPlan Projection Inquiry 3/12/xx

Company: 22 Plan Year Plan: 500000 Plan Year: 20xx Plan To Schedule: 168008 Part No: COILSPRINGF Sales To Date: 112000 Customer Schedule: 57000 Family Groups: 1 Customers: 1 Schedule Through: 5/01/96 Product Lines: Destinations: 3 Plan VS Schedule: 100.59 %

Cust / Dest -0- -50- -100- -150- Units Plan To Date 168008 Sales To Date 112000 Customer Schedule 57000

CHRYS CLEVE 45000 (05/01/xx) 20000

CHRYS WINDSR 37000 (05/01/xx) 22000

CHRYS JEFFSN 30000 (05/01/xx) 15000

F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Units F9=Print F12=Return/Next

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Plan vs Schedule - Comparison of sales-to-date plus customer schedules with the plan through the actual customer schedules. (Sales-to-Date plus Customer Schedule) divided by the plan through actual customer schedules.

Sales- and plan-to-date figures, plus projection figures, are also illustrated graphically with to-date totals listed. The sales-to-date for each destination is represented on the first destination line and the projected plan figures through actual customer schedules year are represented on the second destination line. All data on the Unit Inquiry screen can be printed using F9 (Print).

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F5 - Units - Returns to the Unit Inquiry screen.

F9 - Print - Prints all data displayed on this screen.

F12 - Return/Next - If multiple records were selected on the Group Selection screen, the next record is displayed. If only one record was selected, or if the last record is being viewed, the system returns to the selection screen.

2. Family Group Definition This option is used to define a family group. A family group is a group of parts associated with a specific platform. Parts within a family group cannot be substituted by another part. Every time this particular vehicle is built, all parts in the quantities identified in “Family Group Plans” will be supplied.

Example: All coils for a particular vehicle are supplied. This includes two front coils and two rear coils. This family group consists of two parts and two of each part are needed for every unit built.

Before identifying the parts that belong to a family group and before creating an inquiry, each family group must have a user-defined name.

Definition Screen

Enter a user-defined, family group name associated with this group of parts. Press Enter to display the Family Group Title field to enter a name associated with this abbreviation.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the selection screen listing previously entered family groups.

Family Group Definition

Company Number . . . . . 22Family Group . . . . . . ______

F1=Help F3=Return F4=Prompt

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

F4 - Prompt (From the Definition Screen)

This function displays the selection screen. All previously entered family groups are displayed.

Selection Screen

Enter “1” to select a family group and the Family Group Maintenance screen displays.

Enter “3” to copy one family group to another.

Enter “4” next to the record to delete. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F6 - Add - Displays the screen to define a new family group and assign a title.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Definition screen.

F17 - Top - Positions the cursor at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

Enter “1” from the Selection screen to display the Maintenance screen. Or, press F6 from the Selection screen to add a family group.

Family Group Selection 3/12/xx

Options: 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete

FamilyOpt Company Group Family Group Title


F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Family Group Maintenance Screen

Family Group - Enter or change the user-defined family group name.

Family Group Title - Enter the title or a more detailed description for this family group.

Enter/Update - Updates this record and returns to the Selection screen.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F10 - Delete - Deletes this record. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Selection screen.

Enter “3” to copy one family group to another family group.

Copy Window

Enter the family group name to copy to another record. The family group title of the new record will be an exact duplicate of the record it is copied from.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F12 - Return - Displays the Selection screen.

Family Group Maintenance

Company Number . . . . . xx

Family Group . . . . . . xxxxxx

Family Group Title . . . ________________________________________

Enter=Update F1=Help F3=Return F10=Delete F12=Return

Family Group Definition Copy

From Company.............. 22 Family Group......... LH

To Company.............. 22 Family Group......... ______

Press <Enter> to confirm copy

F3=Exit F12=Return

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

3. Family Group Plan This option is used to create and maintain the plan:

• Identify the parts associated with the family group.

• Identify the number of each part per vehicle.

• Define the plan period.

• Identify up to three plans based on total number of units to be built.

• Determine whether data from this plan is to be processed to MRP.

Family Selection Screen

Family Group - Enter a family group name as defined using the Family Group Definition option.

Plan Year - Enter the plan year. (User-defined—usually the model year or calendar year).

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the Selection screen.

F4 - Prompt (From the Family Selection Screen)

This function displays the Selection screen.

Family Group Selection Screen


Company Number . . . . . 22Family Group . . . . . . ______Plan Year . . . . . . . ____

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

Family Group Plan Selection 3/12/xx

Options: 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete

Family Plan Family Plan Family PlanOpt Co Group Year Opt Co Group Year Opt Co Group Year

_ 22 LH 20xx

F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Enter “1” to select a plan and the Family Group Maintenance screen displays.

Enter “3” to copy one family group and planning year to another.

Enter “4” next to the record to delete. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F6 - Add - Displays the screen to define a new family group and assign a title.

F12 - Return - Displays the Family Selection screen.

F17 - Top - Positions the list at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

Family Group Maintenance Screen

Override Global Plan - If start month/year and the number of months were entered using the option Global System Parameters, the defaults entered there will default for this plan when Enter is pressed. To change the start month/year and/or the number of months per plan, enter “Y” to override the global defaults and enter data specifically for this plan.

Family Group Plan Maintenance 3/12/xx

Company: 22 Family Group: LH Plan Year: 1996 Dollars Units

Override Global Plan...: N X Current Plan : _________ 250000 Start Month/Year....: 1 / 20xx _ Trial Plan One: _________ 300000 Periods In Months...: __ _ Trial Plan Two: _________ 220000

Process Plan To MRP....: N Total Units: 1000000

Part Number Qty Units Part number Qty Units

COILSPRINGF 2 500000 _______________ _____ COILSPRINGR 2 500000 _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ _____

F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Update F10=Delete F12=Return ENTER=Recalc

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Start Month/Year - The month and year this plan begins. If a global default was entered, it will display when Enter is pressed. It can be overridden by entering “Y” in the Override Global Plan field.

Periods in Months - The number of months for this plan. If a global default was entered, it will display when Enter is pressed. It can be overridden by entering “Y” in the Override Global Plan field.

Up to three plans can be entered per family group. Enter “X” next to the active plan, which is usually the “current” plan. This is the plan that is accessed when using the AutoPlan Inquiry and populating the Demand file for passing to MRP. The “X” can be moved to Trial Plan 1 or Trial Plan 2 to project variances in the original plan.

Current Plan - The “X” defaults next to Current Plan, and the number of units for each part and the totals reflect the number of units entered in the current plan. Move the “X” to Trial Plan 1 or Trial Plan 2 to reflect the figures representing the selected plan.

Trial Plan 1 - Enter the projected number of units for an alternate plan; possibly the best-case estimate.

Trial Plan 2 - Enter the projected number of units for an alternate plan; possibly the worst-case estimate.

Dollars - Use of dollars is not available at this time. These fields are for future use.

Units - Enter the projected number of units to be built using the parts in this family. After the number of units is entered or changed and Enter is pressed, the number of units per part is calculated and displayed and the Total Units of all parts is displayed.

Process Plan to MRP - If a global default value was entered using the option Global System Parameters, the default is displayed for this plan. It can be overridden.

“Y” - When the Create MRP Requirements option is taken, theMRP file is created (MRPPLVL5) based on the MRP flags in the Requirement Master file. After the last requirement date from the load file, data is retrieved from AutoPlan through the end of the planning period.

Data from AutoPlan is passed in monthly totals unless a record is entered in the EDI Code file to “smooth” this data, or pass it through the planning grid.

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

When creating an EDI Code file record, leave the customer and destination abbreviations blank. Use “F@” as the OEM code for family groups and use “F#” as the OEM code for product lines. Use “F” as the “Type” (forecast) and “M” as the “Frequency” (monthly).

AutoPlan data is passed to MRP as data on the 850 transaction set.

“N” - Data from AutoPlan is not included when the MRP file(MRPPLVL5) is created.

Blank - The global parameter determines whether data fromAutoPlan is included when the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) is created.

Total Units - Calculates the individual units that were entered in the forecast.

Part Number - Enter the part number that is assigned to this family group. There may be up to 540 parts entered.

Quantity - Enter the number of parts per unit. When Enter is pressed and the data is recalculated, the quantity is multiplied by the number of units in the active plan (the one marked with “X”) and the number of units for each part number is updated.

Units - Calculates the quantities needed for this part based on the total units entered in the plan marked with “X.”

ENTER - Recalc - Press Enter to recalculate the units next to each part number quantity and when the total units in the upper right section of the screen is changed. The new units per part number and the new total units are recalculated and displayed. Enter also retrieves global defaults from the Global System Parameters unless “Y” is entered in the Override Global Plan field.

F3 - Exit - Returns to the menu.

F5 - Update - Updates file with current changes and returns the Family Group Maintenance screen.

F10 - Delete - Displays the Delete Confirmation window. Press Enter to delete this record or press F12 to return.

F12 - Return - Displays the Family Group Maintenance screen.

Enter “3” and the Copy window displays.

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Copy Window

The From Company default data is from the record that was selected to be copied.

To Company - Defaults to the current company. It can be changed.

Family Group - Enter the family group name of the new plan to be created.

Plan Year - Enter the year of the new plan.

F3 - Exit - Returns to the menu.

F12 - Return - Displays the Family Group Maintenance screen.

4. Product Line Definition This option is used to define a product line. A product line is a group of parts that may be substituted for each other based on the features and/or color needed. Planning is based on the estimated percentage of each part required.

Example: The trim supplied for a specific vehicle comes in four colors: black, white, red, and gold. The parts are interchangeable, except for the color. The sales are based on the percentage of each color that will be built. Percentages are associated with each part and must total 100%, such as 35% - black, 25% - red, 20% white, and 20% gold.

Definition Screen

Family Group Plan Copy

From Company.............. 22 Family Group......... LH Plan Year............ 20xx

To Company.............. 22 Family Group......... ______ Plan Year............ ____

Press <Enter> to confirm copy

F3=Exit F12=Return

Forecast Product Line Definitions

Company Number . . . . . xxProduct Line . . . . . . ______

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Enter a user-defined, product line name associated with this group of parts. Press Enter to display the Product Line Title field to enter a name associated with this abbreviation.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the Selection screen.

F4 - PROMPT (From the Definition Screen)

This function displays the Selection screen. All previously entered product lines are displayed.

Selection Screen

Enter “1” to select a product line and the Product Line Maintenance screen displays.

Enter “3” to copy one product line to another.

Enter “4” next to the record to delete. The Delete Confirmation window will display.

Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F6 - Add - Displays the screen for you to define a new family group and assign a title.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Definition screen.

F17 - Top - Positions the cursor at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

Enter “1” from the Selection screen to display the Product Group Maintenance screen. Or, press F6 from the Selection screen to add a product line.

Product Line Selection

Options: 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete

Product Opt Company Line Product Line Title


F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Product Group Maintenance Screen

Product Line - Enter or change the user-defined product line name.

Product Line Title - Enter the title or a more detailed description for this product line.

Enter - Update - Updates this record and returns to the Selection screen.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F10 - Delete - Deletes this record. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Selection screen.

Enter “3” to copy one product line to another product line.

Copy Window

Enter the product line name to copy to another record. The product line title of the new record will be an exact duplicate of the record that is copied.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F12 - Return - Displays the Selection screen.

Product Line Maintenance

Company Number . . . . . 01

Product Line . . . . . . LHS

Product Line Title . . . CHRYSLER LHS MODEL PANELS

Enter=Update F1=Help F3=Exit F10=Delete F12=Return

Product Line Copy

From Company.............. 22 Product Line......... LHS

To Company.............. 22 Product Line......... ______

Press <Enter> to confirm copy

F3=Exit F12=Return

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

5. Product Line Plans This option is used to create and maintain the plan:

• Identify the parts associated with the product line.

• Identify the percentage of each part per total units.

• Define the plan period.

• Identify up to three plans based on total number of units to be built.

• Determine whether data from this plan is to be processed to MRP.

Product Line Selection Screen

Product Line - Enter a product line name as defined using the Product Line Definition option.

Plan Year - Enter the plan year. (User-defined—usually the model year or calendar year.)

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the Selection screen.

F4 - Prompt (From the Definition Screen)

This option displays the Selection screen. Selection Screen

Forecast Product Line Definitions

Company Number . . . . . xxProduct Line . . . . . . ______Plan Year . . . . . . . ____

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

Product Line Plan Selection 3/12/xx

Options: 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete

Product Plan Product Plan Product PlanOpt Co Line Year Opt Co Line Year Opt Co Line Year

_ 22 CONCOR 20xx _ 22 INTREP 20xx _ 22 LHS 20xx _ 22 VISION 20xx

F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Enter “1” to select a forecast and the Product Line Maintenance screen displays.

Enter “3” to copy one product line and planning year to another.

Enter “4” next to the record to delete. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F3 - Exit - Returns to the menu.

F6 - Add - Displays the screen to define a new product line and assign a title.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Product Line Selection screen.

F17 - Top - Positions list at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

Product Line Maintenance Screen

Override Global Plan - If start month/year and the number of months were entered using the option Global System Parameters, the defaults entered there will default for this plan when Enter is pressed. To change the start month/year and/or the number of months per plan, enter “Y” to override the global defaults and enter data specifically for this plan.

Product Line Plan Maintenance 3/12/xx

Company: 22 Product Line: LHS Plan Year: 1996 Dollars Units

Override Global Plan....: N X Current Plan : _________ 20000 Starting Month/Year..: 1 / 20xx _ Trial Plan One: _________ 25000 Periods in Months....: 12 _ Trial Plan Two: _________ 19000

Process Plan To MRP.....: N Total Share(%): 100 Total Units : 20000

Part Number Share(%) Units Part Number Share(%) Units

TRIMBLACK 25 5000 _______________ ___TRIMBLUE 10 2000 _______________ ___TRIMBURGUNDY 20 4000 _______________ ___TRIMGOLD 25 5000 _______________ ___TRIMGREY 10 2000 _______________ ___TRIMRED 10 2000 _______________ __________________ ___ _______________ __________________ ___ _______________ ___

F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Update F10=Delete F12=Return ENTER=Recalc

4/2008 21

Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Start Month/Year - The month and year this plan begins. If a global default was entered, it will display when Enter is pressed. It can be overridden by entering “Y “in the Override Global Plan field.

Periods in Months - The number of months for this plan. If a global default was entered, it will display when Enter is pressed. It can be overridden by entering “Y” in the Override Global Plan field.

Up to three plans can be entered per product line. Enter “X” next to the active plan, which is usually the “current” plan. This is the plan that is accessed when using the AutoPlan Inquiry and populating the Demand file for passing to MRP. The “X” can be moved to Trial Plan 1 or Trial Plan 2 to project variances in the original plan.

Current Plan - The “X” defaults next to the Current Plan and the number of units for each part and the totals reflect the number of units entered in current plan. Move the “X” to Trial Plan 1 or Trial Plan 2 to reflect the figures representing the selected plan.

Trial Plan 1 - Enter the projected number of units for an alternate plan; possibly the best-case estimate.

Trial Plan 2 - Enter the projected number of units for an alternate plan; possibly the worst-case estimate.

Dollars - Use of dollars is not available at this time. These fields are for future use.

Units - Enter the projected number of units to be built using the parts in this product line. After the number of units is entered or changed and Enter is pressed, the number of units per part is calculated and displayed and the Total Units of all parts is displayed.

Process Plan to MRP - If a global default value was entered using the option Global System Parameters, the default is displayed for this plan. It can be overridden.

“Y” - When the Create MRP Requirements option is taken, theMRP file is created (MRPPLVL5) based on the MRP flags in the Requirement Master file. After the last requirement date from the load file, data is retrieved from AutoPlan through the end of the planning period.

Data from AutoPlan is passed in monthly totals unless a record is entered in the EDI Code file to “smooth” this data, or pass it through the planning grid.

When creating an EDI Code file record, leave the customer and destination abbreviations blank. Use “F@” as the OEM code for family groups and use “F#” as the OEM code for product lines. Use “F” as the “Type” (forecast) and “M” as the “Frequency” (monthly).

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

AutoPlan data is passed to MRP as data on the 850 transaction set.

“N” - Data from AutoPlan is not included when the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) is created.

Blank - The global parameter determines whether data from AutoPlan is included when the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) is created.

Total Shares - Calculates the individual shares that were entered next to the part number. The total number of shares must equal 100%.

Total Units - Calculates the individual units that were entered in the forecast.

Part Number - Enter the part number that is assigned to this product line. There may be up to 540 parts entered.

Share (%) - Enter the percentage of shares for each part. The total of shares for all parts belonging to this product line must be 100. If the total of shares does not equal 100, an error message displays. Change the number of shares per part to total 100.

Units - Calculates the quantities needed for this part based on the total units entered in the plan marked with “X.”

ENTER - Recalc - Press Enter to recalculate the units next to each part number share and when the total units in the upper right section of the screen is changed. The new units per part number and the new total units are recalculated and displayed.

Enter also retrieves global defaults from the Global System Parameters unless “Y” is entered in the Override Global Plan field.

F3 - Exit - Returns to the menu.

F5 - Update - Updates the file with current changes and returns to the Plan Maintenance screen.

F10 - Delete - Displays the Delete Confirmation window. Press Enter to delete this record or press F12 to return.

F12 - Return - Displays the Product Line Maintenance screen.

Enter “3” and the Copy window displays.

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Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Copy Window

The From Company default data is from the record that was selected be copied.

To Company - Defaults to the current company. It can be changed.

Product Line - Enter the product line name of the new plan to be created.

Plan Year - Enter the year of the new plan.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F12 - Return - Displays the Product Line Maintenance screen.

6. Global System Parameters This option is used to enter and maintain global parameters, which may be used by family group and product line plans.

Creating global parameters is optional. Global parameters may be entered to determine whether to process plans to MRP and to define the planning periods. The plan year, starting month, and year and number of months may be entered and will be displayed as default values when creating plans. These defaults may be overridden when creating or maintaining an individual plan. If no global default values are entered, this information is entered in each individual plan.

Company Selection Screen

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F4 - Prompt - Displays the Selection screen listing global records for all companies.

Product Line Plan Copy

From Company.............. 22 Product Line......... LHS Plan Year............ 20xx

To Company.............. 22 Product Line......... ______ Plan Year............ ____

Press <Enter> to confirm copy

F3=Exit F12=Return

Global Parameter Definitions

Company Number .........22

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

4/2008 24

Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

F4 - Prompt (From the Definitions Screen)

This function displays the Selection screen.

Selection Screen

Enter “1” to display the Global Parameters Maintenance screen.

Enter “3” to display the Copy window to copy global parameters to another company.

Enter “4” next to the record to delete. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return.

F3 - Exit - Returns to the menu.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Company Selection screen.

F17 - Top - Positions the cursor at the beginning.

F18 - Bottom - Displays the last records in the list.

Enter “1” from the Selection screen to display the Global Parameters Maintenance screen. If global default values are entered, they will display when individual family group or product line plans are created. They can be overridden in the individual plan. Global Parameters Maintenance Screen

Global Parameter Definition

Options: 1=Select 3=Copy 4=Delete

Opt Company Opt Company Opt Company Opt Company _ 22

F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Return F17=Top F18=Bottom

Global Parameter Maintenance 3/12/xx

Company: 22Process Plans To MRP: N


Plan Starting Monthly Plan Starting MonthlyYear Month Year Periods Year Month Year Periods

20xx 1/20xx 12 ____ __/____ ___20xx 1/20xx 12 ____ __/____ ___20xx 1/20xx 12 ____ __/____ ___20xx 1/20xx 12 ____ __/____ ___20xx 1/20xx 12 ____ __/____ ___

F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Update F10=Delete F12=Return

4/2008 25

Chapter 10: Complementary Products AutoPlan Menu

Process Plan to MRP - Processing plans to MRP may assist with purchasing by providing an estimate of material needs beyond actual customer schedules.

Y - When the Create MRP Requirements option is taken, the MRP file is created (MRPPLVL5) based on the MRP flags in the Requirement Master file. After the last requirement date from the load file, data is retrieved from AutoPlan through the end of the planning period.

Data from AutoPlan is passed in monthly totals unless a record is entered in the EDI Code file to “smooth” this data or pass it through the planning grid, resulting in multiple weekly requirements.

To smooth AutoPlan demand, create an EDI Code file record leaving the destination abbreviations blank. Use “F@” as the OEM code for family groups and use “F#” as the OEM code for product lines. Use “F” as the “Type” (forecast) and “M” as the “Frequency” (monthly).

AutoPlan data is passed to MRP as data on the 850 transaction set.

N - Data from AutoPlan is not included when the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) is created

Blank - Individual plan settings determine whether data from AutoPlan is included when the MRP file (MRPPLVL5) is created.

Plan Year - Enter the plan year. This is user-defined—usually model year or calendar year that will use the global defaults entered on this line.

Starting Year - Enter the year this plan begins.

Monthly Periods - Enter the total number of months for this plan. There is no limit to the number of months.

F3 - Exit - Returns to menu.

F5 - Update - Accepts the data entered or changed on this screen and updates the global parameters.

F10 - Delete - Deletes this record. The Delete Confirmation window displays. Press Enter to delete or F12 to return to the Selection screen.

F12 - Return - Returns to the Selection screen.

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