Chapitre 1 En

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Transcript of Chapitre 1 En

1746101.STEEL FASTENERSFOR THE TEMPERATURE RANGE BETWEEN 50C AND +150C1.1 Materials for fastenersThe material that is used is of decisive importance for the quality of the fasteners (screws, nuts and fttings). If there are any faults in the material used, the fastener made from it can no longer satisfy the requirements made of it.The most important standards for screws and nuts are:DIN EN ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasten- ers made of carbon steel and alloy steel, Part 1: ScrewsDIN EN 20898 Part 2 (ISO 898 Part 2), Mechanical properties of fasteners, Part 2: NutsThese standards stipulate the material that is to be used, the marking, the properties of the fnished parts and their tests and test methods.Diferent materials are used for the diferent strength classes which are listed in the following table 1.Strength classMaterial and heat treatment Chemical composition (molten mass analysis %)aTempering temperatureC P S BbCmin. max. max. max.max. min.4.6c, dCarbon steel or carbon steel with additives 0.550.0500.060not stipulated4.8d5.6c0.130.550.0500.060 5.8d0.550.0500.060 6.8d0.150.550.0500.060 8.8fCarbon steel with additives (e.g. B or Mn or Cr), hardened and tempered or0.15e0.40 0.025 0.025 0.003 425Carbon steel, hardened and tempered or 0.25 0.55 0.025 0.025Alloy steel, hardened and temperedg0.20 0.55 0.025 0.0259.8fCarbon steel with additives (e.g. B or Mn or Cr), hardened and tempered or0.15e0.40 0.025 0.025 0.003 425 Carbon steel, hardened and tempered or 0.250.550.0250.025 Alloy steel, hardened and temperedg0.200.550.0250.025 10.9fCarbon steel with additives (e.g. B or Mn or Cr), hardened and tempered or0.20e0.550.0250.0250.003 425Carbon steel, hardened and tempered or 0.250.550.0250.025 Alloy steel, hardened and temperedg0.200.550.0250.025 1017471.2Mechanical properties of steel screwsThis chapter provides a brief overview of the methods used to stipulate and determine the mechanical properties of screws. In this context, the most common parameters and rated quantities will be discussed.1.2.1 Tensile testThe tensile test is used to determine important parameters for screws such as tensile strength Rm, yield point Re, 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2, and elongation at fracture A5 (%).A diference is made between tensile test with turned of specimens and tensile test on whole screws (DIN EN ISO 898 Part 1).1.2.2 Tensile strength Rm (MPa)The tensile strength Rm indicates the tensile stress from which the screw may fracture. It results from the maxi-mum force and the corresponding cross-section. With full strength screws the fracture may only occur in the shaft or in the thread, and not in the connection between the head and the shaft.Tensile strength on fracture in cylindrical shaft (turned of or whole screws): Rm = maximum tensile force/cross-section area = F/So [MPa]Tensile strength on fracture in thread: Rm = maximum tensile force/tension cross-section = F/As [MPa] As tension cross-sectionStrength classMaterial and heat treatment Chemical composition (molten mass analysis %)aTempering temperatureC P S BbCmin. max. max. max.max. min.12.9f, h, iAlloy steel, hardened and temperedg0.300.500.0250.0250.003425 12.9f, h, iCarbon steel with additives (e.g. B or Mn or Cr or molybdenum), hardened and tempered0.280.500.0250.0250.003 380aIn case of arbitration, the product analysis applies.bThe boron content may reach 0.005%, provided that the non-efective boron is controlled by additions of titanium and/or aluminium.cIn case of cold-formed screws in strength classes 4.6 and 5.6 heat treatment of the wire used for cold forming or the cold formed screw may be necessary to achieve the required ductility.dFree-cutting steel with the following max. sulphur, phosphorous and lead shares is permissible for these strength classes: sulphur 0.34%; phosphorous 0.11%; lead 0.35%.eA manganese content of not less than 0.6% for strength class 8.8 and 0.7% for strength classes 9.8 and 10.9 must be present in simple carbon steel with boron as an additive and a carbon content under 0.25% (molten mass analysis).fMaterials in these strength classes must be sufciently hardenable to ensure that there is a martensite share of roughly 90% in the hardened state before tempering in the microstructure of the core in the threaded part.gAlloy steel must contain at least one of the following alloying components in the given minimum amount: chromium 0.30%, nickel 0.30%, molybdenum 0.20%, vanadium 0.10%. If two, three or four elements are ascertained in combinations and have smaller alloy shares than those given above, the threshold value to be applied for the classifcation is 70% of the sum of the individual threshold values given above for the two, three or four elements concerned.hIn case of strength class 12.9/12.9 a metallographically detectable white layer enriched with phosphorous is not permissible. This must be verifed with a suitable test procedure.iCaution is necessary when strength class 12.9/12.9 is used. The suitability of the screw manufacturer, the assembly and the operating conditions must be taken into account. Special environmental conditions may lead to stress corrosion cracking of both uncoated and coated screws.1748101.2.3 Apparent yielding point Re (MPa)Under DIN EN ISO 898 Part 1 the exact yield point can only be determined on turned of specimens. The yield point is the point to which a material, under tensile load, can be elongated without permanent plastic deformation. It represents the transition from the elastic to the plastic range. Fig. C shows the qualitative curve of a 4.6 screw (ductile steel) in the stress-strain diagram.Stress-strain diagram of a screwwith the strength class 4.6 (qualitative)Fig. CTensile test on awhole screw Fig. BTensile test on a turned-of screwFig. A1017491.2.4 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2 (MPa)The ofset yield point Rp0.2 is determined as a so-called substitute yield point, because most hardened and temper-ed steels do not show a marked transition from the elastic into the plastic range. The 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2 represents the tension at which a permanent elongation of 0.2% is achieved. Fig. D shows the qualitative tension curve in the stress-strain diagram for a 10.9 screw.Stress-strain diagram of a screw with strength class 10.9 (qualitative)Fig. D1.2.5 Tensile test on whole screwsAlong with the tensile test on turned of specimens, a less complicated test of whole screws is also possible. In this test, the whole screw is clamped into the test device at the head and the thread. Because in this case the ratio of the length and the diameter of the specimen is not always the same, in deviation from the test for the proportional rod, this test can only be used to determine the tensile strength Rm, the extension to fracture Af and the 0.004 8 d ofset yield point Rpf.0.004 8 d ofset yield point Rpf (MPa) in accordance with chapter 9.3 of ISO 898-1 2009- Strength classesScrews are designated with strength classes, so that it is very easy to determine the tensile strength Rm and the yield point Re (or the 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2).Example:Screw 8.81.Determining Rm: the frst number is multiplied by 100. Rm = 8 x 100 = 800 MpaThe frst number indicates 1/100 of the minimum tensile strength in MPa.2. Determining Re or Rp0.2:the frst number is multiplied by the second and the result is multiplied by 10; the result is the yield point Re or 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2. Re = (8 x 8) x 10 = 640 MPA.1.2.7 Elongation at fracture A5 (%)The elongation at fracture is an important parameter for assessing the ductility of a material and is created on the load to the screw fracturing. This is determined on turned of screws with a defned shaft range (proportional rod) (exception: rust- and acid-resistant screws, steel group A1A5). The permanent plastic elongation is shown as a percentage and is calculated using the following equa-tion:A5 = (LuLo)/Lo x 100%LoDefned length before the tensile test Lo = 5 x doLu Length after fracturedo Shaft diameter before the tensile testExample of a proportional rod Fig. E1750101.2.8 Hardness and hardness test methodsDefnition:Hardness is the resistance that a body uses to counter penetration by another, harder body.The most important hardness test methods in practice are:Test methodVickers hardness HVDIN EN ISO 6507Brinell hardness HBDIN EN ISO 6506Rockwell hardness HRCDIN EN ISO 6508Specimen Pyramid Ball Tube The test using the Vickers method comprises the complete hardness range for screws.Comparison of hardness dataThe following graph F applies for steels and cor-responds to the hardness comparison tables in DIN EN ISO 18265. These should be used as a starting point, because an exact comparison of results is only possible with the same method and under the same condi-tions.1.3 Strength classes of screwsThe mechanical and physical properties of screws and nuts are described with the help of the strength classes. This is done for screws in Table 2 below by means of nine strength classes, in which each of the properties such as tensile strength, hardness, yield point, elongation at fracture, etc., are shown.Legend:X Vickers hardness HV 30Y1Rockwell hardnessY2Brinell hardnessFig. F: Extract from DIN EN ISO 182651Hardness range for non-ferrous metals2Hardness range for steels3Hardness range for hard metalsaBrinell hardness, determined with steel ball (HBS)bBrinell hardness, determined with hard metal tube (HBW)Representation of diferent hardness scales on the Vickers scale101751Mechanical and physical properties of screwsStrength classNo. Mechanical or physical property 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9/ 12.9d 16 mmad >16 mmbd 16 mm1Tensile strength, Rm, MPanom.c400 500 600 800 900 1,000 1,200min.400 420 500 520 600 800 830 900 1,040 1,2202Lower yield point, ReLd, MPanom.c240 300 min.240 300 30.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2, MPa nom.c 640 640 720 900 1,080min. 640 660 720 940 1,10040.0004 8 d ofset yield point for whole screws Rpf, MPanom.c 320 400 480 min. 340e 420e480e 5Tension under test force, Spf, MPanom.225 310 280 380 440 580 600 650 830 970Test resistance ratio Sp,nom/ReL min or Sp,nom/Rp0,2 min or Sp,nom/Rpf min0.94 0.91 0.93 0.90 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.886Percentage elongation at fracture of a turned of specimen, A, %min.22 20 12 12 10 9 87Percentage contraction at fracture of a turned of specimen, Z, %min. 52 48 48 448Extension to fracture of a whole screw,Af (see Annex C as well)min. 0,24 0,22 0,20 9Head impact strength No fracture10Vickers hardness, HV F 98 N min.120 130 155 160 190 250 255 290 320 385max.220g250 320 335 360 380 43511Brinell hardness, HBW F = 30 D2 min.114 124 147 152 181 238 242 276 304 366max.209g238 304 318 342 361 41412Rockwell hardness, HRB min.67 71 79 82 89 max.95.0g99,5 Rockwell hardness, HRC min. 22 23 28 32 39max. 32 34 37 39 4413Surface hardness, HV, 0.3 max. h h,i h,j14Height of non-decarburised thread zone, E, mmmin. 1/2H12/3H13/4H1Depth of complete decarburisation in the thread, G, mmmax. 0,01515Loss of hardness following re-tempering (hardening), HVmax. 2016Fracture torque, MB, Nmmin. nach ISO 898-717Notch impact energy, KVk, l, J min. 2727272727m 18Surface condition in accordance with ISO 6157-1nISO 6157-3aValues do not apply to steel construction screws.bFor steel construction screws d M12.cNominal values are stipulated only for the designation system of the strength classes. See Annex 5.dIf the lower yield point ReL cannot be determined, the 0.2% ofset yield point Rp0.2 may be determined.eThe values for Rpf min are examined for strength classes 4.8, 5.8 and 6.8. The current values are shown only for the calculation of the test stress ratio. They are not test values.fTest forces are stipulated in tables 5 and 7.gThe hardness measured at the end of a screw may not exceed max. 250 HV, 238 HB or 99.5 HRB.hThe surface hardness at the respective screw may not exceed 30 Vickers points of the measured core hardness, if both the surface hardness and the core hardness are determined with HV 0.3.iAn increase of the surface hardness to over 390 HV is not permissible.jAn increase of the surface hardness to over 435 HV is not permissible.kThe values are determined at a test temperature of 20C, cf. 9.14.lApplies for d 16 mm.mValues for KV are examined.nISO 6157-3 may apply instead of ISO 6157-1 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.Tab. 2: Extract from DIN EN ISO 898-1, mechanical and physical properties of screws1752101.3.1 Test forcesIn the tensile test the test force shown in tables 3 and 4 is applied axially to the screw and held for 15 s. The test is regarded as successful if the screw length after measuring coincides with the length before the test. A tolerance of 12.5 m applies. The following tables are an important help for the user for choosing suitable screws.ISO metric standard threadThreada dNominal tensioncross-sectiont As, nomb, mm2Strength class4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9/ 12.9Test force, Fp (As, nom Sp), NM3 M3.5 M4 5.03 6.78 8.78 1,1301,5301,9801,5602,1002,7201,4101,9002,4601,9102,5803,3402,2102,9803,8602,9203,9405,1003,2704,4105,7104,1805,6307,2904,8806,5808,520M5 M6 M7 14.2 20.1 28.9 3,2004,5206,5004,4006,2308,9603,9805,6308,0905,4007,64011,0006,2508,84012,7008,23011,60016,8009,23013,10018,80011,80016,70024,00013,80019,50028,000M8 M10 M12 36.6 58 84.3 8,240c13,000c19,00011,40018,00026,10010,200c16,200c23,60013,90022,00032,00016,10025,50037,10021,200c33,700c48,900d23,80037,70054,80030,400c48,100c70,00035,50056,30081,800M14 M16 M18 115 157 192 25,90035,30043,20035,60048,70059,50032,20044,00053,80043,70059,70073,00050,60069,10084,50066,700d91,000d115,00074,800102,00095,500130,000159,000112,000152,000186,000M20 M22 M24 245 303 353 55,10068,20079,40076,00093,900109,00068,60084,80098,80093,100115,000134,000108,000133,000155,000147,000182,000212,000203,000252,000293,000238,000294,000342,000M27 M30 M33 459 561 694 103,000126,000156,000142,000174,000215,000128,000157,000194,000174,000213,000264,000202,000247,000305,000275,000337,000416,000381,000466,000576,000445,000544,000673,000M36 M39 817 976 184,000220,000253,000303,000229,000273,000310,000371,000359,000429,000490,000586,000678,000810,000792,000947,000aIf a thread pitch is not indicated in the thread designation, the standard thread is stipulated.bSee for the calculation of As,nom.cIn accordance with ISO 10684:2004, Annex A, reduced values apply for screws with thread tolerance 6az in accordance with ISO 965-4 that are to be hot-galvanised.dFor steel construction screws 50700 N (for M12), 68800 N (for M14) and 94500 N (for M16).Tab. 3: Extract from DIN EN ISO 898-1, Test forces for ISO metric standard thread1017531.3.2Properties of screws at increased temperaturesThe values shown apply only as an indication for the reduction of the yield points in screws that are tested under increased temperatures. They are not intended for the acceptance test of screws.1.4 Strength classes for nutsWith nuts, the test stress and the test forces calculated from it are usually indicated as parameters (04 to 12), because the yield point does not have to be stated. Up to the test forces shown in table 6 a tensile load on a screw is possible without problems (take note of pairing 1.5). The strength class of a nut is described through a teststress in relation to a hardened test mandrel and divided by 100.Example:M6, test stress 600 MPa600/100 = 6 strength class 6Metric ISO fne threadThreadd x PNominal tensioncross-sectiont As, nomb, mm2Strength class4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9/ 12.9Test force, Fp (As, nom Sp), NM8 x 1 M10 x 1.25 M10 x 1 39.2 61.2 64.5 8,82013,80014,50012,20019,00020,00011,00017,10018,10014,90023,30024,50017,20026,90028,40022,70035,50037,40025,50039,80041,90032,50050,80053,50038,00059,40062,700M12 x 1.5 M12 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 88.1 92.1 125 19,80020,70028,10027,30028,60038,80024,70025,80035,00033,50035,00047,50038,80040,50055,00051,10053,40072,50057,30059,90081,20073,10076,400104,00085,50089,300121,000M16 x 1.5 M18 x 1.5 M20 x 1.5 167 216 272 37,60048,60061,20051,80067,00084,30046,80060,50076,20063,50082,100103,00073,50095,000120,00096,900130,000163,000109,000139,000179,000226,000162,000210,000264,000M22 x 1.5 M24 x 2 M27 x 2 333 384 496 74,90086,400112,000103,000119,000154,00093,200108,000139,000126,000146,000188,000146,000169,000218,000200,000230,000298,000276,000319,000412,000323,000372,000481,000M30 x 2 M33 x 2 M36 x 3 621 761 865 140,000171,000195,000192,000236,000268,000174,000213,000242,000236,000289,000329,000273,000335,000381,000373,000457,000519,000515,000632,000718,000602,000738,000839,000M39 x 31,030232,000 319,000 288,000 391,000 453,000 618,000 855,000 999,000aSee for the calculation of As,nomTab. 4: Extract from DIN EN ISO 898-1, Test forces for ISO metric fne threadStrength class Temperature+ 20 C + 100 C + 200C + 250C + 300CLower yield point ReL or 0.2% ofset yield point Rp 0.2 MPa5.6300250 210 190 1608.8640590 540 510 48010.9940875 790 745 70512.9 1,100 1,020 925 875 825Tab. 5: Extract from DIN EN ISO 898-1 1999-11, hot yield strength175410The test force FP is calculated as follows with the help of the test stress Sp (DIN EN 20898 Part 2) and the nominal stressed cross section As: Fp = As x SpThe nominal tension cross-section is calculated as follows: d2 + d32p4As =2where:d2is the fank diameter of the external thread (nominal size) d3 is the core diameter of the production profle of the external thread (nominal size) H6d3 = d1 withd1Core diameter of the base profleof the external threadH = height of the profle triangle of the thread1.5 Pairing of screws and nuts:Rule:If a screw has strength class 8.8, a nut with a strength class 8 has to be chosen as well.To avoid the danger of stripping threads when tightening with modern assembly technology methods, screws and nuts have to be paired in accordance with the above rule. In addition, a screw assembly of this type is fully loadable.Note:In general nuts in the higher strength class can be used instead of nuts in the lower strength class. This is advisable for a screws-nut connection with loads above the yield point or above the test stress (expansion screws).Test forces for ISO metric standard thread (nuts)Thread Thread pitchNominal stressed cross section of the test mandrelAsStrength class04 05 4 5 6 8 9 10 12Test force (AS Sp), Nmm mm2 Style 1 Style 1 Style 1 Style 1 Style 2 Style 2 Style 1 Style 1 Style 2M3M3.5M40.,9102,5803,3402,5003,4004,4002,6003,5504,5503,0004,0505,2504,0005,4007,0004,5006,1007,900 5,200 7,050 9,1505,7007,70010,000 5,800 7,800 10,100M5M6M70.81114.220.128.95,4007,64011,0007,10010,00014,5008,25011,70016,8009,50013,50019,40012,14017,20024,70013,00018,40026,400 14,800 20,900 30,10016,20022,90032,900 16,300 23,100 33,200M8M10M121.251.51.7536.658.084.313,90022,00032,00018,30029,00042,20021,60034,20051,40024,90039,40059,00031,80050,50074,20034,40054,50080,100 38,100 60,300 88,50041,70066,10098,600 42,500 67,300 100,300M14M16M18222.511515719243,70059,70073,00057,50078,50096,00097,90070,20095,800121,00080,500109,900138,200101,200138,200176,600170,900109,300149,200176,600 120,800 164,900 203,500134,600183,700 136,900 186,800 230,400M20M22M242.52.5324530335393,100115,100134,100122,500151,500176,500125,000154,500180,000154,400190,900222,400176,400218,200254,200225,400278,800324,800218,100269,700314,200225,400278,800324,800 259,700 321,200 374,200 294,000 363,600 423,600M27M30M3333.53.5459561694174,400213,200263,700229,500280,500347,000234,100286,100353,900289,200353,400437,200330,550403,900499,700422,300516,100638,500408,500499,300617,700422,300516,100638,500 486,500 594,700 735,600 550,800 673,200 832,800M36M3944817976310,500370,900408,500488,000416,700497,800514,700614,900588,200702,700751,600897,900727,100868,600751,600897,900 866,0001,035,000 980,4001,171,000Tab. 6: Extract from DIN EN 20898-2, Test forces for ISO metric standard thread (nuts)1017551.5.1 Information for steel nutsA screw in strength class 8.8 is paired with a nut in strength class 8 or higher. Thanks to this connection, the screw can be loaded to the yield point.If nuts with a limited loadability are used for example in strength class 04, 05; nuts with hardness details 14H, 22H this is not the case. There are test forces for these nuts in accordance with DIN EN 20898-2.There is limited loadability as well for nuts in accordance with DIN 934 that are marked I8I, and I4I, I5I, I6I, I9I, I10I, I12I. When a screw in strength class 8.8 and a nut in accordance with DIN 934 (nominal height approx. 0.8 x d) are used, this connection is not to be loaded with certainty to the screws yield point. To mark and diferenti-ate them, these nuts are marked with a bar before and after the 8 (I8I) instead of just resistance for nuts with a nominal height 0.5 d and < 0.8 d(in accordance with DIN EN 20898, Part 2)If nuts are paired with screws in a higher strength class, stripping of the nuts thread can be expected.The reference value show here for the stripping resistance refers to the strength class shown in the table.1.6Mechanical properties of threaded pins(in accordance with DIN EN ISO 898,Part 5)The mechanical properties apply for threaded pins and similar threaded parts not subject to tensile stress that are made of alloyed and unalloyed steel.Strength class of the nutsTest stressof the nutsMinimum stress in the screw before stripping when paired withscrews in strength classes in N/mm2N/mm26.8 8.8 10.9 12.904 380 260 300 330 35005 500 290 370 410 480Tab. 8: Extract from DIN EN 20898 Part 2Pairing of screws and nuts (nominal heights 0.8 D)Strength classof the nutsAppropriate screw NutsStyle 1 Style 2Strength class Thread range Thread range4 > M16 > M16 5 M16 M39 5.65.8 M396 6.8 M39 M39 8 8.8 M39 M39 > M16 M399 9.8 M16 M1610 10.9 M39 M39 12 12.9 M39 M16 M39Tab. 7: Extract from DIN EN 20898 Part 21756101.7Marking of screws and nutsMarking screws with full loadabilityHexagon head screws:Marking hexagon head screws with the manufacturers mark and the strength class is prescribed for all strength classes and a nominal thread diameter of d 5 mm.The screw must be marked at a point where its shape permits.Fig. G: Example for the marking of hexagon head screwsSocket head cap screws:Marking socket head cap screws with the manufacturers mark and the strength class is prescribed for strength classes 8.8 and a thread diameter of d 5 mm.Fig. H: Example for the marking of socket head cap screwsMechanical property Strength class1)14H 22 H 33 H 45HVickers hardness HV min. max.140 290220 300330 440450 560Brinell hardness HB, F = 30 D2min. max.133 276209 285314 418428532Rockwell hardness HRB min. max.75 10595Rockwell hardness HRC min. max.30 334445 53Surface hardness HV 0.3 320 450 5801) Strength classes 14H, 22H and 33H do not apply to threaded pins with a hexagonal socketTab. 9: Extract from EN ISO 898-5101757Fig. I: Example of marking with the code number of the strength classMarking of hexagonal nuts with the manufacturers mark and the strength class is prescribed for all strength classes and with a thread M5. Hexagonal nuts must be marked on the bearing surface or on a fat with a recessed mark or on the chamfer with a raised mark. Raised marks may not project beyond the nuts bearing surface. As an alternative to the marking with the code number of the strength class, marking can also be done with the help of the clockwise system (for more information see DIN EN 20898 Part 2).Marking screws with reduced loadabilityScrews with reduced loadability have an 0 before the strength class mark, e.g. 8.8. The point between the digits may be omitted so that the variants 08.8 and 088 are possible. This marking is possible for all strength classes.88Marking nutsStrength class 04 05 4 5 6 8 9 10 12Mark 04 05 4 5 6 8 9 10 12Tab. 10: Extract from EN 20898-21.8 Inch thread conversion table inch/mmInch 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1.1/4mm 6.3 7.9 9.5 11.1 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 31.8Inch 1.1/2 1.3/4 2 2.1/4 2.1/2 2.3/4 3 3.1/2 4mm 38.1 44.5 50.8 57.1 63.5 69.9 76.2 88.9 102.0Number of threads per 1 UNC/UNF0-inch 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4Thread pitch UNC 20 18 16 14 13 11 10Thread pitch UNF 28 24 24 20 20 18 16Tab. 11: Thread pitch UNC/UNF