CCU Sylabus

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This file is the syllabus I use in my CCU class in the English Teaching Study Program of the Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Indonesian Christian University, Jakarta

Transcript of CCU Sylabus

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 1

English Teaching Study Program

Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Indonesian Christian University

Course Syllabus

Subject : Cross Cultural Understanding

Code : 125752

Credits : 3

Number of Meeting : 14

Pre-Requisite :

Brief Description : The subject is designed familiarize students with the cross cultural concepts in general, and the American culture in

particular. These concepts are expected to help them avoid culturally based misunderstandings anytime they

communicate using the language they are studying develop the spirit of international understanding and friendliness.

The topics cover major concepts of culture and its role in communication, and the most important aspects of

American society, including the basic features of American people, traditional values and beliefs, religious heritage,

business, family values, social relationship, educational values, work values, government, and the common character

of Americans.

Lecturer : Parlindungan Pardede

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 2

Course Requirements:

1. Attendance: Not less than 80% attendance is required in this course. Participation is 25% of the overall grade for this course. This

includes being in classes on time with all the necessary materials, participating in class discussion, and completing al l in-class and out-of-class assignments (including the ones conducted in the class blog), be they individual or group works.

2. Individual assignments should be posted to ….. not later than three days after the class discussing the topic. Group projects should be made in to two forms: (1) the complete paper and (2) presentation slides. Each group should submit two copies to other groups and one copy to the lecturer on the day of presentation.

3. Reading Assignments. Please make sure you read all the assigned works regularly for it will enable you to master the class materials and finish the assignments.

4. Grading Scale: 100-80 A; 79.9-75 A-; 74.9-70.0 B+; 69.9-65 B; 64.9-60 B-; 59.9-55 C; 50-54.9 C-; 45-49.9 D; below 45 E.

5. Grading and Revisions:

a. When I return a paper to you, it will either have a grade or I will have written “revise for a grade.” If I have written “revise for a grade,” it will be recorded as a D until it is revised. Papers that receive a C+ or lower can be revised, as well. To revise a paper, make sure you make a more complete revision.

b. For assignment and discussion carried out in the blog, any time I comment “please elaborate your argument/answer” you are expected to post a more complete answer.


1 The Nature of Culture and its Role in a Foreign Language Program

Definitions of Culture

Characteristics of Culture

The Role of Culture in a Foreign Language Program

Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes

Goals of Cultural Teaching

Pardede (2010) pp. 1-14

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 3

2 Basic Features of Americans

Life in the U.S.

Native Americans

The Golden Door

Unwilling Immigrants

White Americans

Asian Americans

Two or more races (Multiracial American)

Language and Nationality

Limits on Newcomers

A New System

Illegal Immigrants

The Legacy

Pardede (2010) pp. 15-24

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

3 Traditional American Values And Beliefs

The Context of Traditional American Values

Individual freedom and Self reliance

Equality of Opportunity and Competition

Material Wealth and Hard Work

The American Dream

Kearny (2005) pp. 25-47

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

4 The American religious Heritage

Freedom of Religion in U.S.

The Development of Protestantism

The Protestant Heritage: Self Improvement

Material Success, Hard Work, and Self Discipline

Volunteerism and Humanitarianism

Born-Again Christian and the Religious Right

September 11, 2001, and the National Religion

Religious Diversity in the US

Kearny (2005) pp. 48-69

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 4

5 The Frontier Heritage The Impact of the American Frontier

Self Reliance and the Rugged Individualist

American Macho Heroes

Inventiveness and the Can-do-Spririt

Equality of Opprtunity

Kearny (2005) pp. 71-89

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

6 The Heritage of Abundance

A History of Abundance

From Producers to Consumers

What American Consumers Like

An Abundance of Technology

Challenges of the Technological Revolution

The Ever-Expanding Pie?

On the Decline of American Abundance?

Kearny (2005) pp. 91-113

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

7 The World of American business

The Characteristics of American Business

How Business Competition Reinforces Other Values

The Dream of Getting Rich

The Entrepreneur as Business Hero

The Corporate CEO

American Business in the World Marketplace

The Changing American Workforce

The Election of the President and the Congress

The Ideal of the Free Individual

The Development of Big Government

The Role of Special Interest Groups

The New Individualism: Interest Group Government

The Political Landscape in the 2000s.

Kearny (2005) pp. 115-137

Every student posts his/her answers to the questions related to this topic provided in the blog not later than three days after the class.

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 5



9 Government and Politics in the US

A Suspicion of Strong Government

The Organization of the American Government

The Election of the President and the Congress

The Ideal of the Free Individual

The Development of Big Government

The Role of Special Interest Groups

The New Individualism: Interest group Government

The Political Landscape in the 2000s

Kearny (2005) pp. 139-161

Group 1 presents a paper about a president appointing a spouse or family member to government office. (See Kearny (2005) pp. 160)

10 Education in the US The Establishment of Public Schools in America

The Educational Ladder

Attending an American University

Educating the Individual

Racial Equality and Education

The Increasing Responsibilities of Public School

The Standard Movement

Multicultural Education

Kearny (2005) pp. 187-211

Group 2 presents a paper about “The Real Value of College Education”.

11 The American family Family Structures

The Emphasis on Individual Freedom

Marriage and Divorce

The Role of the Child

Equality in the Family

Four stages of Marriage Relationship

The Role of Family in Society

Family Values

Kearny (2005) pp. 239-261 Pardede (2010) pp. 39-52

Group 3 presents a paper about “The Comparison of Child Rising in the US and Indonesia”.

Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 6

12 American Communicative Style and Social Relationships

Preferred Discussion Topics

Favorite Forms of Interaction

Depth of Involvement Sought

Channels Preferred

Non Verbal Communication

Level of Meaning Emphasized

Meeting New People

The American Concept of Friendship

Relationships Prescribed by Roles

Courtesy, Schedules, Gifts

Althen (2003) pp. 33-54, 141-154

Group 4 presents a paper about “The Comparison of Some Aspects of Social Communication in the US and Indonesia”.

13 How American Spend their Leisure Time

Sports and American values

Competition Carried to an extreme?

Recreation: A Time for Self Improvement

Health and Fitness

The Impact of Television

The Impact of the Internet

Kearny (2005) pp. 213-237

Group 5 presents a paper about the Comparison of the Way Americans and Indonesians Spend their Leisure Time.”

14 American Work Ethics

The „American Dream‟


Leisure and Socializing

Attitude Toward Manual Labor

Social class in the United States

Pardede (2010) pp. 77-84

Group 6 presents a paper about American Dream and Its Counterpart in Indonesia”

15 Culture Shock and

Cultural Adjustment

Culture Shock

The Adjustment Process

Stages of Culture Shock

The Re-entry Process

Individual Reactions

Cultural Dislocation

Overcoming Culture Shock

Pardede (2010) pp. 113-119


Parlin Pardede (2011) Page 7


Althen, Gary, Amanda R. Doran and Susan J. Szmania (2nd ed.). 2003. American ways: A guide for foreigners in the United States. Maine: Intercultural Press.

Dresserm, Norine. 2005. Multicultural manners: Essential rules of etiquette for the 21st century. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Kearny, Edward N., Mary Ann Kearny, and Jo Ann Crandal (3rd ed). 2005. The American ways: An introduction to American culture. New

Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.

Pardede, Parlindungan. 2010. Introduction to American culture. Jakarta: FKIP-UKI

Recommended Text for Personal Enrichment

Shearer, Benjamin F. 2008. Culture and Customs of the United States (Vol. 1: Customs and Society). Connecticut & London: Greenwood


The Web-Address of the CCU Class Blog: