Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with...

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Transcript of Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with...


the abdomen wetted, and I placed them on some blotting-paper until they were dry. On returning then1 to the water, two re- mained underneath a flouting piece of cork, and the hair being now dry retained the pellicle of air which is ordinarily observed. One of tlic two came out of the water, attached the cork to the glass, and wove a web against tlie latter, against which i t rested about a quarter of an inch above the surface of the water After remaining there about two days, it resumed its aquatic habits, and like all the others formed its winter habitation. I have now no fewer than ten which liave formed their cells, in which they are pcrfectly a t rest, aud evidently hibernating.

The general habits of this interesting unimal are well described by De Ligiiac, De Geer, Walckenaer, aiid others, and an excellent ~ds?one‘ of tlie whole observat;ona is given by the latter author, in his ‘ Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Apthres.’

Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected a t Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A. R. WALLACE, with Descriptions of New Species. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S.

[Read January 15th, 185G.l

MR. A. It. WALLACE, so well Imown for his natural-history rc- searches in the vallcy oE the Amazons, and for the extensive and valuable collections sent hoine by him from that portion of South America, has now turned his attention to the eastern world, aiid is actively investigating the natural history of the East Indian Islands, after having spent some months on the Malay Peninsula. A large portion of Mr. Wallace’s entomological collections pass into my hands, and being desirous of making his labours scienti- fically useful, I have requested Mr. F. Walker, who has such an intimate knowledge of the insects belonging to the order D@tera, to draw up the following catalogue of the dipterous insects discovered by Mr. Wallace at Singapore and Malacca. My object in so doing is to establish a kind of starting-point for tracing hereafter, when all Rlr. Wallace’s collections shull have come to hand, the geographical distribution of the Diptera in the very interesting portion of the globe which Mr. Wallace is now investigating with such indefatigable zeal. Singqore and Malacca, at the extremity of the Miilay Pcninsulit, are well placed for carryiug out the pur- pose I haw in view, being in connexion northwarda through the



Burman Empire with the espandt rl coiltinelit of Asia, and south- wards in close approximation with th;it archipelago of splendid islands which run in a chxiii to the north coast of Austrdia, and

the coast of Chiiiit, touching there again the m a d a n d of Asia. The present catnlogue will be followed very shortly by oiie detnil- ing the spcciea of Uiytrra didcovered in Boriieo, thc materials for which arc iiow nearly all in this country, and other catalogues will follow mitil Rlr. Wallace's discoveries iii the Ihjitern are exhausted. That A h . Wallace will be able t o viait all tlic islands of the Indian Archipelago is not to be expected ; but still, his plan of exploring those which have been but little examined in :I natural-history poiut of view, d l open up a large amount of information, which, wheii combined with the labours of other naturalists who have been working in the same districts, will give sufficient facts for laying down some laws on the geographical distribution of the insects belonging to the Order which foriiis the subject of the followiiig catalogue. The specimens collccted at Singapore and M:ilac~.a werc taken during the six months commencing with May a i d tcr- minating with October. Where the altitude of the locality above the level of the aea of any epecies is kuoum, this uill be found noted in the proper placc. Figures hill be given to illustrate new geiicra or any very reiiiai*knble qiecies.

send o f a branch north\\ards through the Philippine 151. '111 d Y to


FUIII. BIB1 0 N l D X , I ~ a Z i d ~ ~ ~ .

Gen. PLECIA, IIqfhinsegy. 1. PLECIA D O I ~ ~ A L I B , n. a., mas et fmm. Atra, thorace rufo, alis 1ligrican-

Male a d female. Deep black. Thorax briglit pale red. Wings blackish.

The totally red tll0rRX of this species distinguisllea it from P. fdvicollis, Wied.,

Siugaporeand Mount Ophir.


Length of tho body 2+-3!j lines j of the wings 7-8 lines.

and from P. ignicollk, Walk.

Fani. CULICIDE, Ifaliday. Gen. CULEX, Linn.

2. Culcx splendwa, FVied. Auss. Zwe i j . i. 3. 3. Singapore. Inhabits also Java.

3. C'ulcx fuactnius, W i d . Aws. Zwajl. i. 6. 9. Malacca. Inhibits also Hindoatail.


I . CULEX ANNULIPES, n. m., fmm. O b d fuom, tho& abdominisqw lateribus albo-punctatis, pedibus dbo-cinctis, & oublimpidin v d fuaco- ciliatis.

Temale. Dark brown. Sides of the thorax and of the abdomen with minute white dots. Legs with numerous white bands. Wings nearly limpid; veins brown, ciliated. Length of the body 2f lines ; of the wings 4 lines.

Singapore. (Jungle.)


Gen. LIMNOBIA, Meigen. Div. I. Meig. Zwezji?. i. 131. pl. 5. f. 5.

6. LIMNOBIA LEUCOTELUS, n. s., maa. Atra, &S nigricantibus, mffiul$ d i s d limpia, margine postico subcinereo, a p b albo.

Mule. Deep black. Wings blnckiah, with a diacal limpid spot; posterior border slightly greyish for rather more than half the length from the base ; tips white. Length of the body 6 lines j of the wings 12 lines.


6. LIMNOBIA PLECIOIDES, n. E., fmm. Atra, thorffie pallid& rufo, alia nigri- cantibus.

Female. Deep black. Thorax pale red. Wings blackish. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 12 hies.


Div. L. dleig. Zuezji?. i. 132. pl. 5. f. 4.

The structure:of the wingveins in the above division is almost, but not quite, identical with that of tho following species.

7. LIMNOBIA DICHBOA, n. s., fmm. Atra, antennia ferrugineia basi apiceque nigris, abdomine luteo, baai fascibque latissim$ posticrl nigris, pedibus testaceis, femoribus tibcsque apice twsisque & fuaceacentibus cost$ testace&.

Female. Deep black. Antennae ferruginous, black at the base and at the tips. Abdomen luteous, black at the base and with a very broad black band beyond the middle. Legs testaceous ; tarsi and tips of the femora and of the tibire blnck. Wings brownish, tcstaceous at the baae and along thu costa. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the Wings 16 lines.

Mount Ophir.

Gen. CTENOPHOBA, B’abr. 8. CTENOPHOPA CHRYSOPHIIA, n. E., fmm. Lutea, abdominia apice nigro,

pedibus pallid& luteis, femoribus apice tibiis tarsisque nigri~, alis hvescen- tibus apice nigris margino postico interrupt& nigricante.

Female. Bright luteous. Abdomen black towards the tip. Legs pale luteoue ; tibice, tarsi, and tips of the femora black. Wings yellowish, black towards the tips, irregularly and interruptedly blackish along tho posterior bordur. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 16 lines.



Fam. STRATION1 DX, Huliduy. Geu. PTILOCERA, Wi'ed.

9. Ptiloccra quadridentata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 86. 33. (Stratiomp.) Malacca and Singapore. Inhabits also Java, Sumatra, and the Philippine


Gcn. STRATIOUTS, Greo$*oy. 10. Stratioinjs Lutatius, Walk. Cut. Dipt. pt. 3. 532. Mahca.

Gen. CLITELLARIA, Xeiyen. 11. Clitellaria bivittata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 79. 5. Singapore. Inhabits also Java and Buuiatra.

12. Clitcllaria varia, Walk. Cat. Dipt. 2nd Ser. pt. 1. 63. Malacca. Inhabits also Java.

13. CLITELLARIA FLAYICEPE, n. s., fcem. Nigra, capite flavo, thorace cinerco trivittato, scutello bispinoso, abdominc purpureo-cyanco, a h cinereis apud costam nigricantibus.

Female. Black. Hcad palc yellow. Antenns a little shorter than the thorax. Thorax a little narrowcr in front, with thee grey stripes. Scutellunl with two stout spincs. Abdomen purplish blue ; disk beneath hoary. Wings dark grey, blackish along the costa; veins black. Halteres whitish. Var. p . Smaller. Spines of the seutellum and tarsi whitish, with black tips.



Lcngtli of tho body 2)-3t lines ; of the wings 5-7 h C 8 .

(;Fen. CPCLOGASTER, Macquart. 14. CYCLOOABTER RADIANS, n. B., fmm. Nigra, capite nitido, antennis fulvk

a r id albidll, thorace cinereo racliis quinquc nigris, abdoiuitlu subrotundo, tarsis albidis, alis cinereis.

Female. Black, rather broad. Head shining. Antenns tawny, with u pubescent white ariata which is aa long as the preceding part. Thorax cinereous, with five black rays, three in front and one on each side. Scutel- lum obconical, prominent. Abdomen nearly round, C ~ ~ W ~ O U B , with three rows of black spots. Knees and the adjoining part tawny ; tarsi whitlsh. Wings limpid j veius testacoous. Length of the body 3 line8 ; of the wings 5 li11es.

Halteres whitish.


Gen. PHYLLOPHORA, Mmpuart, 15. P~~YLLOPHOM A N m m r A , 11. 8.) inu. Nigra, anguste, Bublinearis, antennia

Netaccis basi fulvis, thorace product0 cinereo-bivittato, pedibus testaceis, femoribus posterioribus supre piceis, alis cinereis, venis halteribusque fuscis.

Antennm setaceow, tawny towarde the h e , a littlu longer than the head. Thorax elongatad, with two cinereoua stripes. Scutellum with four very niinute api~ics. Abdomen hardly broader

Mde. Black, narrow, ncarly lincar.


and not longer than the thorax. Legs testaceous ; posterior femora piceour above. Length of the body 24 lines ; of the wings 4t linen.


Wings cinereous ; veins and halteres brown.

Geu. EUYMETB, Wied 16. Eudmcta marginata, F ~ T . Syst. Antl. 63. 3. Singapore.

(Hcnnetia.) Inhabits also Java, Sumatra, and IIindostan.

Gen. MASSICPTA, 11. g. (Plnfe I. J7y. 1 .)

Corpus longiusculum, sat anystuni. cnl,t4t t>ransvcrsuin, breve, thoracc via latius. Antetanm graciles, thoracc paullb brcviorcs ; articulus 1"' linearis ; 2'' longi-fusiformis, 1" vix longior ; 3'" acuniinatus, minimus. Tiborax longidlipticus. Abdomen obclavatum, subpctiolatum, thoracc PIUS duplb lonfiius. Pedes graciles. AZm elongat&, sat angusts.

Head transversc, short, very littlc broader than the thorax. Antennw slender, a little shorter than the thorax ; 1st joint lincar ; 2nd elongate fusiforni, very little longer than tho 1st ; 3rd acuminated, very minute. Thorax elongate elliptical. Abdomen ob- clavate, subpetiolatcd, a little more than twice the length of the thorax. Legs slender. Wings ratlicr long and narrow ; mediastinal, aubcostal, radial and cubital vcins, and median vcinlet of the usual structure ; l a t , 2nd and 4th externo-medial veins complete ; 3rd abbreviated ; subanal joining the anal at some distance from tho border ; discal areolet irregularly hexagoaal, elongated, narrower towards the tip of the wing.

Nigra, antennis basi tcstaccis apice dbis, pectore scutclloque flavis, ill0 nigro bimaculnto, abdomine tcstacco fmciato, pedibus naris, fenloribus anterioribus tibiisquo posticis fuaco fasciatis, femoribus posticis nigris, al is cinereis, apud costam subluridis.

Femule. Black, shining, with testaceous pubescence. Mouth testaceous. An- tenm testaccous towards the base, white at the tips. Pcctus and scutclluin yellow, the formcr with a large black spot on each side. Abdomen with testaceous bands. Legs yellow ; hind fcmora black ; anterior femora and hind t / b k with brown bands. Wings grey, with a slight lurid t,inge along the oosta ; veins black. Halteres pale yellow. Length of the body 6-7 lines ; of the wings 10-12 lines.

Body rather long and narrow.

17. MASSICYTA BICOLOR, n. s., fceni.


Gen. SAUGUS, Ehbr. 18. Sargue longipehnis, Vied. Aass. Zw~eii . ii. 34. 11. Malacca. Inhabits also Java.

19. SARQUS LURIDUS, n. E., mas. Ferrugineus, oapito pcctoreque htaceis, antennis fdvis, abdominis segmentis tcstaceo-faschtis, spice nigro, pedibua testaccis, tibiis posticis apice nigris, tarsis posticis nigris spice albidis, alis luridis apice fuscis.

Mule. Ferruginous. Head and pectua testaceous. Antenne tawny. Ab- domen black towards the tip ; a testaceous band on the hind border of each


Legs testaceous ; hind t i bk blnck towards t,lie t i p ; hind tarsi Wings lurid, brown towards tlic tips; veine

Length of the body 7 linca ; of the wings

segment. black, with whitish tips. brown. Hulteres testawwus. 1 i lilies.


Fwn. TSBAILID& Leach. Gen. TABANUS, Linn.

20. Tubrrnua univentris, Walk. Cut. Dipt. pt. 1. 151. The description in the above reference will not well apply to the two followipg

TTar. 1. Female. Brown. Head testaceous in front and beneath. Thorax with two teataceous stripes. Abdomen ferruginous, tawny beneath and with a dorsal stripe of tawny triangulsr spots. Legs blackish; femora and tibise partly testaceous. Wings dark grey.-Thr. 2. Like Var. 1. Ab- domen bhkish above, with a dorsal stripe of testaceous spots.

vdetics of this species.

Mount Opllir. Inhabits also Borneo.

21. TABANUS PAETITUB, n. s., fmm. Nigricans, subths albidua, antennis fidvie apice nigris, tlioruce cinerascente cano-quadrivittato, abdominc pieeo albido- trivittato, pedibus testaceis, fcinoribus tibiiaque apice tarsisquo nigrican- tibus, alis subcinereis.

Female. Blackish ; underside and head behind with whitish tomentum. An- tenne dull tawny, black towards the tips; angle of the 3rd joint minute and obtude. Thorax greyish, with four hoary stripes. Abdomen piceous, with three whitish stripes. Legs testaceous j tarsi and tips of the femora and of the tibise blackish. Wings greyish, stigma and veins black ; fore branch of the cubital vein simple, nearly straiglit. Length of the body 6 lincs ; of the wings 10 lines.

Singapore. Kote.-T. mibidus, Wied., is very closely allied to the above species, but may

T. rubidus. Front with the callus quite entire. Antennae blackish. Middle stripe of tlie abdomen composed of triangular spots.

T. purtilus. Smaller. Front with the callus almost interrupted. Antennm pelc tawny, with darker tips. Middle &ripe of the abdomen entire, parallel. Wings quitc limpid.

be distinguished from it by the following characters.

Wings greyish.

Gen. CHRTSOPS, Meigen. 22. C ~ ~ S O ~ S clispar, Fabv. Syst. Antl. 112. 6. Mount OpIir ond Malacca. Inhabits also IIindostan and Java.

Fam. ASILID,a, Leach. Subfam. D a s r r o a o a I r r E s , Walk. Gen. DISCOC'EPHALA, Illncpuart.

23. I)ISCOCEPRALA DORYALIS, n. s., fceni. Nigricans, thorace wubgibbwo,


lateribus pectoreque testaceis, pedibua posticia longiusculis sat validk, tibiis postick subarcuatis, alis subcinereis spice obscurioribus.

FemaZe. Blackieh. Thorax somewhat gibbous ; sides and pectus testaceous. Hind legs rather long and stout ; hind tibie somewhat curved. Wings greyish, rather darker at the tips ; veins black. Length of the body 5 lincs ; of the wings 12 lines.


Subfam. LAPHEITEB, Walk. Gen. LAPHRIA, Fabr.

24. Laphrk Reinwardtii, Wwd. Aws. Zweijl. i. 503. 7. M h . Inhabits also Java and Sumatra.

25. LAPHBIA NOTABILIE, n. s., mw et fmm. Nigra, capite thoracisque maculis quatuor transversis lateralibus auratis aut albis, abdominii lateribus albo- maculatis, pedibus p&db flavis aut albis, femoribus tibiisque spice tarsis- que nigris, al is fusoia b a s h versus sublimpidie.

Male and Female. Black. Head with pale gilded or whita tomentum. Face convex towards the qistoma. Mystax with a few black bristles. Proboscis straight, porrect, linear. Third joint of the antennre slender, linear, about twice the length of the 1st and 2nd together. Thorax with two transverse marks on each side of gilded or white tomentum ; scutellum, sides of tho hind part of the thorax, and spots on the poctus of the same huc. Segments of the abdomen with a white spot and a few black setre on each side. Legs pale yellow or white, with hairs of the same hue and with a few b h k set= ; wxe, tarsi, and tips of the femora and of the tibire black. Wings dark brown, almost limpid towards the base which is brown. Halteres pale yellow or whitish. Length of the body 7-9 lines ; of the wings 1&18 lines.

M h a and Mount Ophir.

26. Laphria Vulcanus, Wied. Auss. Zwe@ i. 514. 25. M h a . Inhabits also Java.

27. Laphria alternans, W e d . Ausu. &om$ i. 511. 20. Bingapore. Inhabits also Java.

28. LAPHBIA OBCUS, n. EL, fmm. Nigra, nigro-hirsuta, scutello nigro-cyaneo, abdomine pedibusque nigro-purpureis, alis nigricantibus areolarum discis pallidioribus, hdteribus albidis.

Female. Black, with black hairs and bristles. Face slightly convex. Mystax with numerous black bristles, extending over the whole surface. Bcutellum dark blue. Abdomen and legs dark purple, the latter with whitish ha& on the corn. Wings blackish ; disks of several of the areolets much paler ; veins black. Halteres whitish. Length of the body 8 h e 8 ; of the wings 14 lines.

M h c a .

29. Laphria aurifacies, Macp. Dkt. Exot. Suppl. iii. 22. 33. pl. 2. f. 5. Singapore and Malacca.

30. Laphrii elegans, Walk. Cat. Dipt. 2nd 8er. 651. 126. Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Hindostan.

Inhabits also the Moluccas.


31. LAPHEIA BABIBEIU, n. s., fcem. O b s c d n i p , capita albido tomentoso, mystaoe dgro, antennarum articulo So fusiformi, tho- cano-sexvittato, abdominia lataribua albido-msoulatis, apice comprBBBo, alie s u b c i n d h i sublimpidia costm dimidio s p i d fu~ceecenta

Female. Dull black. Head with whitish tomentum and haire. Face dightly convex towards the epistoma. Mystas with several black bristles. Proboacia lanceolate, stout, straight. Third joint of the antennm fuaiform, aa long aa the 1st and the 2nd. Thorax with six hoary stripes ; the middle pair p&l, linear, very slender and almost contiguous. Abdomen with whitish spots along each side, oompressed at the tip. Legs with whitish hairs and with black bristles. Wings greyish, almost limpid toward~ the baae, brownieh along the apical part of the costa ; veins black. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines.

Singapore. This may be the female of the following epecies. 32. LAPHEIA EADICALIB, n. s., mas. Nigra, capite argenteo, myetece nigro,

a n b ~ ~ r ~ m articulo 3' linemi, thorace strigis quatuor lateralibun transversia vittiaque duabus intermediia albidia, abdorninie lateribua albido-maculatia, ventre tmteceo, alie nigro-fuscis dimidio bas& limpido.

Face flat, with ailvery white tomentum. Mystax with a few black bristles. Proboscis linear, rather slender. Third joint of the antennct, linear, a little longer than the 1st and the 2nd. Thorax with two transverse whitish marks on each side, and with two whitish middle stripes which are broader and further apart than those of L. baa$%ra. Pectua with testaceous whitish tomentum. Ab. domen with a row of whitish spots along each side ; underside testaceous except at the tip, Legs with blackish hairs ; femora with testaceous h& Wings blackish brown, limpid for almost half the length f h m the base; veins black. Halhres whitish. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

M&. Black. Head beneath with whitish hairs.

Mount Ophir, at the height of 4QOO feet. 33. LAPHEIA INAUEEA, n. s., fcem. Obscurb nigra, capita, thoracis lateribus,

pwtore abdominiique marginibus fulvo-tomentosis, mystace nigro, auten- articulo 3' longi-fuaiformi, thorace cinereo-bivittato, abdomine ferru-

gineo, apice nigro, al is obscurb fuscis basi ptlllidioribus. F!&. Dull black. Head, eidcs of the thorax, pectus, and hind borders of

the abdominal segments with tawny tomentum. Face slightly convex towards the epistoma. Mystax with a few black bristles. Third joint of the anteme very elongate-fuaiform, longer than the 1st and the 2nd. Thorax with two parallel cinereous stripes. Abdomen ferrUginous, black and shining towards the tip ; underside somewhat cinereoua. Legs with tawny hairs. Wings dark brown, somewhat paler towards the ba8e ; veinn black. Halteres testsceous. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wing 14 lines.

Singapore. 34. LAPHRIA BABI~UTTA, n. s., mas. N i m mpite a m , mystace nigr0, an-

ternarum articulo So linmri, thoraco abdomineque fulvo-tomentosiS, alie iiigricantibus basi sublimpidia.

Nale. Black. Faoe almost flat, with pale gilded tomentum. Mystsr with


very few black bristles. Proboscis linear, more slender than that of L. radi- calk. Third joint of the antennm linear, a little longer than the 1st and the Znd, more slender than that of L. radicalis. Thorax with dull tawny tomentum ; pectus more cinereous. Abdomen more slightly tawny. Legs with cinereous hairs and black bristles. Wings blackish, almost limpid towards the base ; veins black. Haltercres tawny. Length of the body 5 lines ; of tho wings 9 lines.


36. LAPHRIA FUSIPEILA, 11. E., fcom. Nigra, cinerco-tomeutoaa, cttpite albido, mystace nigro, antennaruni articulo 30 fusiformi, thoracis vittia duabus pcctorcque canis, abtlomine apicem versus rufo, a h subcinercis apud Costa? dhid ium apicale fwcescentibus.

Allied to L. warsipes, Fabr. Female. B h k , with greyish tomentum. Head whitish in front, with white hairs beneath ; face very convex towards tho epiutoma. Mystax with a few black brGtles. Proboscis oblique, ascending, stout, straight, lanceolate. Third joint of the antennse fuaiform. Thorax with two hoary stripes; sutures and pectuu hoary. Abdomen pale red towards the tip which is compressed. Legs with whitish hairs and black bristles. Wings greyish, brownish for half the breadth along the apical half of the costa; veins black. Length of thc body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 l ies .


36. LAPHEIA SOBMA, n. s., fcom. Nigra, fdvo-tomentosa, capitc albo, myatace nigro, abdominis apice glabro, tibiis fcrrugineis, alis cinereis basi sublimpidis.

Eemale. Black. Face flat, with shining white tomentum. Mystax with u few black bridles. Proboscis straight, slender, linear. Thorax and abdomcn with tawny tomentum, the latter bare and shining towards the tip. Pectus more cinereous. Tibim somewhat ferruginoua. Wings dark cinereous, almost limpid towards the base ; Veins black. Halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5 linea ; of the Wings 10 lines.


37. LAPHRIA PUNA, n. s., mas. Nigra, cincreo-tomentosa, capite albido, mystace nigro, antennarum articulo 3 O clliptico, pedibus fulvis, a h cinereis, halteribus idbidis.

Male. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Face whitish, flat. Mystas with vcry few black bristles. Proboscis straight, porrect, slightly hceolatc, somewhat short. Third joint of the antenna? elliptical, a little shorter thnn the 1st. Pectuu hoary. Legs tawny. Wings grcy ; veins black. IIaltcrcs whituh.


38. LAPHEIA IMBELLIE, n. s., fmrn.

Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

Nigra, cinereo-tomentosa, capite nlbido, mystace albo, antennia fulvie, thoracis strigis transverais quatuor latcralibus vittisque tribua interniediia canis, rtbdoininia segmcntis ninculis lateralibiis albidia, pedibus fusco-fdvis, alis limpidis apice fuscis, halteribus albidis.

Female. Black, with cincrcous toinentum. Head with white ] la i rs bcurtitli. Face whitish, diiglitly convex towards the epistorna. Mystax with a few


white bristlcs. Proboscis lanccolate, short, straight, porrect. Antennm tawny. Thorax with two transvcrse hoary marks on each side, and with three indistinct hoary stripes. Pectiis whitish. Abdominal segments with a transverse whitish spot on each side of the hind border. Legs tawny, with paler haire ; coxm black ; anterior tarsi towards the tips, hind tarsi at the base, and hind t i b k brown. Wings limpid, brown at the tips; veins black. JEalteres whitish. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.


Subfam. ASILITES, FVaZk. Gen. ASILUS, Linn.

39. ASILUS FUBIFORYIB, n. s., fmm. Niger, cinereo-tomentosus, capite albido, mystace testaceo, thoracis vittis tribus pectoreque canis, abdominis apice compresso glabro, pedibus d s , tarsis nigris, femoribus anterioribus nigro- maculatis, alis subcinereis.

Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Head whitish in front, rather thickly clothed with whitish hairs ; a B w black bristlcs behind ; face slightly convex towards the epistoma. Mystax with several testaccous bristles. Proboscis stout, straight, lanceolatc. Palpi with thick black bristles. An- tennm black. Thorax with three indistinct hoary stripes. Pcctus hoary. Abdomen oblanceolate, with whitish and black hairs, compressed, shining, and bare towards the tip. Legs red, very stout, beset with black spines ; tarsi except at the base and knees black ; a black Rpot on each of the ante- rior femora. Wings slightly cinereous; veins black, tawny at the base and along the costa. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the winga 24 lines.

Halteres testaceous.


4Q. ASILUS LINEOSUS, P. B., fcem. Fuscue, capite subaurato, mystace testsceo nigroque, antennis pedibusque nigris, thorace aureo-quadrivittato, abdomine fidvo-fasciato, apice nigro eomprcsso transvcrse ruguloso, tibiis luteis apice nigris, a h cinereis.

Female. Dark brown. Hmd with pale gilded tomentum, clothed beneath with whitlsh hairs ; face convex towards the epistoma. Mystax with several testaceous bristles and with a few more slender black bristles. Proboscis stout, straight, lanceolate. ‘Palpi thickly beset with black bristles. An- tenna? black ; arieta almost thrice the length of the 3rd joint which is fusi- form. Thorax with four dull pale gdded stripes ; sides and pectus cinereoua. Abdomen oblanceolate, with broad fawn-coloured bands, black, shining, compressed and transversely rugdose towards the tip. Legs black, armed with black spines ; tibim pale luteous, with black tips ; onychia pale luteous. Wings cinereoue j veins black. Haltere8 ferruginoue. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 20 lines.


41. ASILUS DEBILIS, n. s., urn. Cinereus, capita hvido-albo, mystace testaceo nigroque, antennis fulvis, thoraee fusco-bivittato, abdominis aegmentis mno-


fasciatis, pedibus teataceis, femoribus tibiieque apice tarsisque nigricantibua, alis sublimpidis apice nigricantibus.

Male. Cinereoua. Head with yellowish-white tomentum, clothed beneath with white hairs ; $ce very slightly convex towards the epistoma. Mystax with a few testaceous, and with still fcwer black bristles. Proboscis black, slightly lanceolate, rather slender. Antennm tawny ; 3rd joint and arista black, the latter four times t,he length of the former which is fusifonn. Thorax with two brown stripes. Pectua hoary. Abdomen with a hoary band on the hind border of each segment. Legs testaceous, with vcry few black bristles ; tarsi, except at the base and tips of the femora and of the tibite, black; hind femora and hind tibim mostly black. Wings nearly limpid, blackish towards the tips ; veins black. Halteres testaceous. Lcngth of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 14 lines.


42. ASILCS LATIFASUIA, n. E., mas. Cinereo-niger, capite albido, mystace testaceo, thoracis vittia quatuor pectoreque canis, abdomine ferrugineo, basi apiceque nigris, pedibus fdvis nigro-variis, alis nigricantibus margine pos- tico fusco.

blak. Black, with a slight cinereoua tinge. Head with some whitish hairs beneath. Face whitish, flat. Myatax with many pale testaceous bristles. Proboscis straight, shghtly lanceolate. Antennm black. Thorax with four slight hoary StripCS. Pectus hoary. Abdomen ferruginous, black at the base and towards the tip. Legs tawny ; tarsi, hind femora, and tips of the posterior tibim black ; anterior femora black above. Wings blackish, brown dong the hind border ; veins black. Hdtorcs testaceous. Length of the body 9 linen ; of the wings 16 lines.


43. Asilus Barium, Walk. Cat. Dipt. pt. 2. 426. Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Ceylon and Sumatra.

Qen. OMMATIUB, nliger .

44. Ommatius PennurI, Walk. Cat. Dip!. pt. 2. 469. Malacca.

46. Ommatius Hecale, Walk. Cat. a p t . pt. 2. 476. Singapore.

46. OIVLATIUS QRAOILIS, n. a,, mas. Nigro-fuscua, facie at&, thoracis late- ribus pectoreque o h , pedibua fulvia, femoribus tibiisque apice tarsisque nigris, a l is sublimpidis apice cinereis.

Male. Blackish-brown. Face flat, deep black. Proboscis black, rather slender, slightly lanceolate. Antenne black. Pectus and sides of the thorax hoary. Abdomen dull black. Legs tawny ; tarsi and tips of the femora and of the t i b k black. Wings nearly limpid, dark grey towards the tips ; veins black. Halteres testsceous. Length of the body 6 linea ; of the wings 10 lines.

Mount Ophir.

Inhabits ale0 Sumatra, Borneo, and Cores.


Fam. LEPTIDB, Weurtzo. Gen. LEPTIB, Pub.

47. LEPTIB DECIBA, n. s., mas. Nigra, capita albo, antmnia teataceis basi nigris, thoracis callii teat&, vittie duabus pectoreque oania, abdomine tea- taceo, vitth dorsali fasci@que nigris, femoribue testaoeis apice nigris, alia sublimpidb fascih apicque fuscis.

Illale. Black. Head white in front. Antenne testaceous, black towards the base. Humeral calli tast9ceous. Thorax with two hoary stripes ; sides and pectua hoary. Abdomen testaoeous, with a black doreal stripe and a black band on the hind border of each segment. Femora testaceow, with black tips ; hind femora black for more than half the length from the tips. Wings nearly limpid, pale brown towards the tips, and with a darker brown band which tapers irregularly from the costa to the hind border and crosses the base of the discal areoleti veins black. Haltmea t&aceous. Length of the body 41 lines ; of the win@ 9 lines.


Fam. BOMBYLIDX, Leach. Gen. ANTHRAX, Fab.

49. ANTHEAX DEGENEEA, n. n., mas et fmm. Nm pectom albido, abdominis lateribus ferrugineis, ventre teataceo, alis subcinereis, @bus basi teatamis. Mas. Alis basi et apud costam nigro-fuscis. Fcem. Alia plus dimidio basali nigro-fuscis.

Maze ana' Female. Dull black. Heed not broader than long. Antennm small ; 3rd joint short-conical; ariata somewhat longer than the 3rd joint. Pectua whitish. Abdomen blackish-brown, ferruginoua on eaoh side, testa- ceoua beneath. Legs long, slender. Wings greyish ; veins black ; radial vein curved towards its tip ; fore fork of the cubital undulating, parallel to the mid, forming near its base an obtuse angle which emits the stump of a vein ; hind fork straight ; three nearly atraight externo-medial veins ; 2nd conneoted with the 3rd by an undulating and very oblique veinlet; subanal vein near the anal on the border. Halteres teetaceou~.-iKule. Hind femora testaceous towards the base ; m h o r femora dark testeceous. Wings blackish-brown at the base and dong the costa.-TmnaZa. Hind femora testaowus with black tips ; anterior femora paler tentsceoue. Wings blackish-brown for much more than half the length from the bade. Length of the body Bt linee ; of the wings 10 lines.


Fam. DOLICHOPIDB, Leach. Gen. PSILOPUB, Xigem.

49. Psrm~na CLAEWB, n. s., mas. Viridis, capite cyanm, facie pectoreqae albis, antenuin nigris, abdomhb segmentin nigro-hhtb, pdbw btr- mi#, tibib posticie apice tsrabque nigri, alis limpidia.

Malr. Green. Head bright blue, white in front. Proboscis, legs and hdterer


testaceous. Pectus white. Abdominal segments with black bands. Legs long ; tarsi and tips of t,ho hind tibire black. Wings limpid; veins black; fore branch of the prm- brachial vein slightly curved ; hind branch extending to the border ; discal transverse vein rather decply undulating. Lcngth of tho body 4) lincs ; of the wings 8 lines.

Anknnm black ; arista as long as thc tliorax.

Mount Opl~ir.

50. PSILOPUS ROBUSTUB, 11. B., fern. Purpureo-cyaneus, capite piirpureo, fwie pectoreque albis, antennis pedibus halteribasque testaceis, thorace Viridi-vario, abdoininis faaciis nigria, tarsis apicc nigricantibus, alis 8Ub- cinereis.

Female. Purplish-blue. Head bright, purple, white in front. Proboscis and antcmoe testaceous ; arista black, full as long aa the thorax. Thorax green on eaeh side and in front. Pectus white. Abdomen w-ith black bandd. Legs long, pale test,aceous ; tarsi blackish towards the tips. Wings slighlly greyish; vcins black ; fore branch of the prsebrachial vein moderately curved; discal transverse vein moderately undulating. Hnltercs palc t,estaccwus. Length of the body 2) lines ; of tho wings 6 lines.

This may be the female of P. clamis. Singapore.

51. PSILOPUB SUBJOTATUS, n. s., mas. Cyaneus, capite purpureo, facie pectore- que albis, proboscide antennis pedibusque testaceis, thoracis latcribus anticis viridibus, abdomiiie viridi-cyaneo basi npicequc piirpwcente, tarsis apico nigricantibus, alis subcinereis albido-bifnsciatis.

Mule. Blnc. Head pnrplc above, white in front. Proboscis and antennm testnceous ; arista black, nwrly aa long as the thornx. Tliorax green on each side in front. Pectus white. Abdomen greenish-bluc, purplish at the base and at the tip. Legs testaceous, rather long ; tarsi blackish towards the tips. Wings aliglitly gr~yidi, with two imperfect whit,ish bands ; hind bordcr white towards the tip ; cost,a interruptedly blackish ; veins black ; forc branch of the prrebrachial vein almost straighl ; hind branch extending to thc border ; discal transverse vein almost straight, hardly undulating. Halteres palc tcstaccons. Lengt,li of the body 2h lines ; of the wings G lincs.

Mount Ophir.

62. PSILOPUS POSTICUB, n. s., mas. Tiridis, proboscide antennis abdominis fasciia pedibuaque nigris, tibiis luridis, alis nigrb apud marginem posticum sublimpidis.

Maze. Dark green. Head above bluish-green. Proboscis and antennre black ; arista nearly as long aa the body. Abdomen with black bands. Legs black ; posterior tibia? lurid ; fore tibia? teetaceous. Wings black, rather narrow, nearly limpid along the hind border ; vcins black ; fore branch of the pre- brachial vein slightly curved ; discal transverse vein slightly undulating. Halteres black. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


53. YBILOPUS TENEBEOBUS, n. s., fcem. Purpureo-niger, facie pectoreque albis, ebdomine purpureo, pedibus fdvis, femoribus apice tarsisqne nigricantibus, al is nigricantibua margine postico faaci$que sublimpidis.


Female. Purplish-black. Hcad dull black, white in front. Proboscis piceous. Antennat black ; arista rather shorter than tlm thorax. Pcctus white. Ab- domen dark purple. Legs tawny ; tarsi and tips of thc femora blackish. Wings blwkish, nearly limpid along the hind border, and at two-thirds of the length with a nearly limpid band which extends from the hind border to the eubital vein ; veins and haltcres black ; fore branch of the proebrachial vein very deeply curved; di~cal transverse vein almost straight. Length of the body 3 limes ; of the wings 6 lines.


Fnm. STItPIIID~E, Leach.

(fell. CERIA, Pabr. 54. Ceria Javana, l i e d . duss. Zue;fl. ii. 81. 1. Mtilacca. Inhabits also Java.

Gen. ERISTALIB, Latr. 65. Eriatalis Amphieratcs, Walk. Cat. a p t . pt. 3. 623. Malacca.

66. Eristalis niger? Wkd. Aws. Zwe@ ii. 183. 45. Singapore. Inhabits also Java?

57, ERISTALIS SINQULARIS, n. 8.) fmm. Ater, aristii nudil, pedibus postick subincrassatis, tibiis anterioribus basi testaceis, &s subcinereis apud costre medium nigricantibus.

Female. Dcrp black. Hcad shining in front. Ariata bare. Legs shining ; hind femora rather thick ; hind tibim slightly dilated ; anterior tibim pale testaceous towards the base. Wings greyish, with a blackish tinge along the middle of the costa I veins black. Length of tho body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

Inhabits also Hindostan, Java, and CLina.


Gen. HELOPHILUB, Illeigen. 68. HELOPHILUS INBIGNIB, n. E., fmm. Nigricans, capitia lateribue anticis

pectorisque fasciis duabua testaceis, antennb ferrugineis, thoracia vittis qua- tuor, seutello abdominisque faaciis tribus luteis, hujus marginibw subchaly- beis, tibiis fulvis apice nigricantibus, al is subcinereis basi subluridis apud coste diniidium apicale fUEWECCntibUE.

Female. Blackish. Head pale testaceous on each side in fmnt. Antem ferrughous. Thorax with four luteous stripes. Pectus with a testaceous band on each side. Scutellum luteous. Abdomen with throe lutcous bands ; 1st broad, interrupted ; 2nd narrower than the lst , broader than the Brd ; hind borders of the segments slightly chalybeous and shining. Tibim tawny, with blackish tips. Wings slightly greyish, with a lurid tinge at the bam, and a slight brownish tinge along the costa beyond the middle; veins bkk, tawny towards the costa. Halterea teetaocous. Length of the body 8 linee ; of the wings u lines.

Singapore. LINN, PROC .-ZOOLO ff T. 2


Gen. XYLOTA, Meigen. 59. XYLOTA (IONFORMIS, n. E., fmm. Bnee, capite femoribusque chalybeis,

antennis fulvis, thoraoe testaceo-bivittato, abdominia faaciis duabus latis interruptis pedibusque testaceis, ah subcinereis.

Female. Bneoue. Head chalybeous, with whitish tomentum in front, with short white hairs beneath. Proboscis black. Antenne tawny; arista bare. Thorax with two testaceous tomentose stripes. Pectus with &testa- WOUE band on each side. Abdomen with two brad interrupted testaceow bands. Legs testaceow ; femora chalybeous ; tarsi with bronnish tips. Wings slightly greyish ; V C ~ E black ; stigma brown. Halteres ttdtEXTOUf3.

Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Singapore.

Gen. MILEBIA, Latr.

60. Mile& macularis, Vied. Aws. Zoom@ ii. 107. 5. Singapore. Inhabits also Java.

61. Milesia Reinwardtii, Xed . Auss. Zwet3. ii. 104. 1. Singapore. Inhabits also Java.

62. MILEBIA VEBPO’?DEE, n. E., mas. Atra, vertiris niaculh trigond trstacck, abdominia fasca latiasin& lute&, femoribus posticis exths apices versus ferrugineis, a l i s fuscis apice luridis margine postico cinereis.

Male. Deep black. Head with a minute elongate-triangular testaccous spot on the vertex; fore part and humcml calli shining. Abdomen partly clothed with black hairs, with a very broad luteous band which occupies rather more than half the hind part of the 2nd segment and tho fore half of the 3rd. Hind femora ferruginous on the outer sides towards the tips. Wings dark brown, lurid towards the tips, grey along the hind border. Halteres pale tcstaceow. Length of thc body 11 lines ; of the wings 22 lines.


Gen. SYBPHUS, Pubr.

63. SYRPHUB C O N E E Q ~ N S , n. E., mas et fmm. Luteus, vertice nigro, antennis nigro-vittatis, thoracis disco ohalybeo, abdominis fasciis quatuor atris, fenio- ribus posticis spice necnon tibiia tarsisque postick nigris, ah subcinereis apud costam SUbfUSCiS.

Closely allied to AS. m’cetormna.-MaZe and Female. Pale lutcous. Head black and shining on the vertex by the antennse, pale testaceoue in front. Pro- boscis tawny. Antenns tawny, with a black dorsal stripe ; arista black. Disk of the thorax chalybeous. Abdomen with four dcep black bands on the hind borders of the segments. Hind tibire, hind tarsi, and tips of hind femora black. Wings slightly greyish, with a brown tinge along the costa; veins black. Hdteres pale testace~us.-Femab. Vertical callus capitate. Length of the body 4&5& lines ; of the wings 10-12 limes.

Singapore and Mount Ophir.

64.. SYRPHWs DUPLEX, n. E., Inas et fcsm. Chalybeo-niger, gracilis, antennis maris piceis fmminre fulvb, abdominis fasciis tribus interruptis testaceis,


femoribus anbrioribus testaceis apice nigris, posticis basi teetamis, alis sub- cinereis.

Hale and Female. Chalybeous black, slender. Antennm of the male picmus, of the female tawny. Abdomen with three dull interrupted testaceow bands, slightly compressed for thrw-quaFtars of the length in the male. Legs black ; anterior femora testeceoue with black tips ; hind femora tes- taoeous at the base. Wings greyish; veins and stigma black. 'Haltem testsceous. Length of the body 6 linea ; of the wing8 12 lines.


65. SYBPHUS TBILIQATUS, n. 8., LUW. FlaVUe grWili8, antennia fulvk, thoracin disco chalybeo-nigro, pectore et nictathorace nigris, abdominie fasciia qua- tuor latis quatuorque angustis nigris, femoribus posticia n i p late faeciatis, tibib tarsisque posticis nigris, a h subcinereis.

Xule. Pale yellow, rather slender. Antennm tawny. Disk of the thorax chalybeous black. Pectus and metathorax mostly black. Abdomen with eight black bands which are alternately broad and narrow. Hind femora with a broad black band ; bind t i b i and bind twsi black. Wings greyiah ; stigma brown ; veins black. Halkea pale testamoue. Length of the bod7 4t lines ; of the wings 9 lines.

Mount Ophir.

Fam. MUSCIDB, La&.

Subfam. TACHINIDEB, Walk.

Gen. ECHINOMYIA, Dum&l. 66. ECEINOXYIA BBEVIPENNIE, n. E., mas. Nigra, capite antid elbo, frontn-

libua ferrugineis, scutallo abdominisque fasciis testsroeia, & subcinereis parvia basi limpidis.

Male. Black, stout. Head white, with white hairs beneath ; front and vortex black, ihiniig ; frontalia ferruginous, slightly widening from the v&x to the antennm; epiatoma slightly prominent. Antennm extending to two- thirds of the length of the face ; 3rd joint truncated, not much longer than broad, much broader and shorter than the 2nd ; ariSta stout, tapering &om its two indistinct b a d joints, full tWioe the length of the 3rd joint. Scu- tellum testaceous. Abdomen elongtbe-ovd, longer than the thorax. Wings greyish, rather short, limpid towards the base; veins black, t e s t a o e o ~ s towards the base ; prmbrachid vein forming a very slightly acute angle at its flexure, near which it is veq deeply curved inward, and in thence straight to its tip which joins the tip of the costel; d i a d trannverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, m d by little more than half its length from the flexure of the prmbrachial. Alulm greyinh, with testaceous borders. Length of the body 6 linea ; of the wings 9 lines.

Mount Ophir, at the height of 4OOO feet.

Gem TACIIINA, flabr.

67. TACHINA OPEIEIOA, n. o., fcem. cinerecr, latiuscula, capite argenteo, fron- 2*


ttilibus ntris, thoracis vittis quatuor interruptis nipis, scutelli mnrghr nb- doniiiiisqiic fnsciir canis, alis siibcinercis.

Female. Cinereous, rather short and broad. Hrnd hoary, silvery-white nbovr and in front ; frontnlii deep black, slightly widening from the vertex to thr mtenntz ; fncialia without bristles ; cpistoma hardly prominent. Antcnnre extending to about three-quarters of the length of the faee; 3rd joint linear, slender, rounded at the tip, about twice the length of the 2nd; arista atout for about half its length,vrry much longcr than the 3rd joint. Thorax with four slendcr intcrrnptetl blnck stripe8 ; scutcUum w<th a honry bordcr. Abdomen blnck, obconiaal, Imrdly longer tlinn tlie tliornx ; n hroacl honry bnnd on thc forc border of ench wgmcnt. vcins black ; prtzbracliial vein forming an almost right and rather well- defined angle from whcnco it is slightly rurvcd inwnrd to its ti]) ; diwal trnnhvcrse \tin 1inrcUy cicr\cd inward, parted by rntlicr Irw tlinn its I c q t h hoin the hordcr nntl from tlic flexurc of the prwbracliinl. Alulw \+ l l~ te . Length of the body 4 lines ; of tho wings 8 lincs.

Wings d i g l ~ t l ~ LTC

Mount Opliir, at the hciglit of 4000 feet.

Gm. MASICERA, .i%aeptcarf.

68. Ma.riccm tonlentow, Macp. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. 2. Mount Ophir, a t the height of 4000 fcrt.

69. MASICERA VIC ARIA, n. s., fccm. Nigra, longiuscula, cnpite dbo, frontnli- bnR ntris, thoracis vittis quatuor, lateribus scutcllo abdominiuqiio fnsriis duabus latis interruptis canifi, alis ciucrcis.

Head white, with short white hairs bcneath and beliind ; froritalia Linear, deep black ; facialia without bristlcs ; epistonia not proniirwnt. Eyes pubescent. Antenna, extending nearly to thc epi- stoma ; 3rtl~oint lincnr, eltwler, dightly roundcd at the tip, about four times the lcngth of the 2nd ; tiride rathtli. stout for full one-third of the length from tho basr, vcry much longer than the 3rd joint. Thorax with four hoary @tripes ; sidw nnd scutcllum hoary. Abdomen elongate-obconicnl, much longer tlinn tlir tliorax, with two broad intrrruptcd hoary hnnds. Legs stout. Winga grey ; vcins hlack ; prrebmchinl rein forming a rather obtiiw anglr nt its flexure, from whcnrr it is dightly curvrcl inwnrd to its tip: discal transverse vein undulating, pnrted by very littlr less than its length from thc border nnd from the flexure of the prrebraclial. Alulm whitish.


Femalr. Black, rather long.

Length of the body 5 lincs ; of the wings 9 lines.

Om. EURIOASTER, Macpuart. 70. EURIQASTER M U S C O ~ E S , n. s., fccm. Nigra lnta, cnpite albido, frontali-

bus nigris, palpis testaceis, thorace can0 nigro-qunclrivittato, scutdh apicc fulvo, abdomine cano-fnsciato, nlis cinereie npud costani fusccscentibus.

Female. Black, broad, with long bristles. Head sliitisli ; frontdiu, blnck, linear j farialia without bristles ; epistoma not prominent. Eyes pubes- cent. Palpi testtwous. Antenna, extending to the epktoma ; 3rd joint linear, rounded at tlie lip, full four timos tho length of the 2nd; arista


slender, very much longer than the 3rd joint. Thorax hoary, with four black stripcs. Bcutellum tawny towards the tip. Abdomen obconicd, hardly longer than the thorax, with a broad hoary band on each segment. Legs slcnder, hardly setoso. Wings grey, brownish in front ; veins black ; pmbrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is slightly curved inward to its tip ; diacd transverse vein straight except a slight curve by its h i d end, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from the flexure of the pm- brachial. Alulso whito. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines.


&lI. ZAMBEBA, ll. g. (Plate I. $9. 2.) Mas. Coqm longum, angusturn, subcylindricum. Fa& verticalia, subre-

tracta. Fm'alia nuda. Ep'istoma planum. Palpi longiusculi, sat gra- ciles. Antennamm artioulus 3"' gracili~, linearis, 2' eexties longior ; twist& gracilliml. Oculi nu&. Abdomen lineare, thorace multb longius. Pedes longiusculi. A h sat angnstm.

Male. Body long, nnrrow, aluiost cylindrical. FRCC vertical, slightly retracted towards the base. Facialia without bristles. Eyes rcniote, bare. Palpi rather long and slcndcr. Antenns extending to the epiatoma ; 3rd joint slendcr, linear, rounded at the tip, six tirncs tlic length of tho 2 d ; arista very dcnder, rntlicr longer than tlic 3rd joint, Ahdonicn lincnr, much longer than the thorax. Wings rather narrow; costal vein cnding nt hardly in front of the tip of the wing ; bmchial rein joining tlie cubital.

71. ZAMBESA OCYPTEBO'YDEB, n. R., mm. Nigra, capito albo, frontalibus at&, antennarum articulo 3' fulvo, thoracc can0 uigro-qundrivittato, ab- dominis fascus duabus lalis interruptis semihyalinis albido-teataceis, fcmo- ribus testaccis apioe nigris, tibiia piccis, a l i s hupidia, apice margiuequc postico cinereia.

Head white, with short white hairs beneath ; frontalia clwp black, linear. Proboscis tcstaceous. Palpi black. Third joint of the an- tenns tawny. Thorax hoary, with four black StripOE, of which the outor pair are very muoh broader than the inner pair. Abdomen a little narrower t l m the thorax, with two broad whitish testaceoua seinihyaline bands which m interrupted above. Femora teataceous, with black tips ; tibioo piceous. Wings limpid, grey towards the tips and along tlic hind borders ; vcins black ; prsebracld vcin forming an obtuse angle at its flexurc from whcnco it is slightly curved inward to its tip, which joins tllc cubitul vcry nwr tho border ; cliacal transverse vein vory slightly curvcd inward, parted by lcss than its length from the border, and by morc thnn its lcngth from the flexure of tlie prrebrachial. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

Logs rather long.

Male. Black.

Alulre white.


Subfam. DEXIDES, VaZk. Gen. DEXIA, Dleigen.

72. I)EXIA DIVEitCtEKS, n. 8. (gcn. Thelairn, Den).), mw. Cana l o u p an-


ptna, oapite dbo, fiontalibua atris, proboscide palpis antennisque teataceis, aristiBt$. plumes$, thorace nigro-quadrivittato, abdomine testaceo semihyalino, vittg fasckeque nigria, pedibua longie testaceis, tareis nigris, &s subcinereis.

Male. Body hoary, long, narrow, with long black bristles. Head white; frontalia deep black, widening from the vertex to the antennm; facidia without bristles ; epistoma not prominent. Eyes bare. Proboscis and palpi testmoue. Antennm testaceous, not nearly extending to the epistoma; 3rd joint slender ; arieta black, plumose. Thorax with four black stripes, of which the outer pair are broader than the inner pair. Abdomcn tcsta- ceous, semihyahe, with a black dorsal stripe, and with a black band on the hind bordcr of each segment. Legs long, testaceow ; tarsi black. Wings greyish ; veins black ; praebrachid vein forming a hardly obtuse angle at its flexurc, from whence it ia indistinctly undulating to its tip which joins the costal at a little in front of the tip of the wing ; discal transverse vein slightly curved inward near its hind end, parted by hardly more than half its length from the border, and by hardly less than its length from the flexum of the prmbrachial. Lcngth of tho body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines.

Aluh whitish.

Mount Ophir.


73. Sarcophaga ruficornis, Fabr. Syst. AntZ. 287. 12. (Musca.) Malacca. Inhabits ale0 Hindostan.

74. SAECOPXAQA EECIPROCA, n. s., fmm. Canna, capite albo, frontalibus palpis antennis thoracie vittia pedibusque nipria, abdomine subteeeellato, alis sub- cincreis.

Female. Hoary. Hcad white ; frontalia black, linear. Proboscis, palpi and antennm black. Thorax with three black slriprs, and with black lines intersecting the two intermediate hoary stripes. Abdomen slightly tcssel- leted. Wings greyish ; veins black ; prmbrachial forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and ia thence straight to its tip ; discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by less tlmn its length from the border, and by little more than half its length from the flexuro of the prsobraclial. Length of tho body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines.

Singapore. A smaller spccimen from Malaom apparently belongs to this species.

76. SAEOOPHAGA ALIBNA, n. s., fmm. Cana, oapite albo, frontalibus palpia antennis thoracie vittis pedibusquo nigrie, abdomine tessellato, alis sub- cincreis.

Female. Hoary. Head white; frontalia black, slightly widening in front. Proboscis, palpi and antennm black. Thorax with throe black stripes, and with black lines intersecting the two intermediate hoary stripes. Abdomen tessellated. Logs black. Wings slightly greyish ; veins black ; proebrachial forming a very slightly acute anglc at its flexurc, ncar which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip ; discal transvme vein

Legs black.

A l h white.


hardly undulating, parted by a little leas than its length from the border, and by much more than half its length from the flexure of the prrebmhial vein. A l h white. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 l i n ~ .

Mount Ophir. Subfam. MUBCIDEB. Gen. IDIA, Heiyen.

76. IDIA TENEBEOSA, n. s., fmm. O b s c d viridia punctata, capite pedibus hdteribuaque nigriS, antenub piceis, alis fusoo-cinereia apud costam nigrb.

Fmab. Dull green. Head slightly tuberculated above, black and shining in front. Frontalia dull black, hardly decreasing in breadth to the base of the antennce which are piceous. Thorax very minutely punctured, with a slight hoary tinge which is interrupted by three slender indistinct black stripes. Abdomen shining, thickly punctured. Legs black. Wings brownish grey, black along the costa. A l h grey, with black borders. Haltems black. Length of the body y lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

Mount Ophir.

77. IDIA BICOLOR, n. s., fcem. Viridia, capite albido, facie nigrh, &ontalibus obscure nigris, antennis fulvis, thorace nigro-quadrivittato, abdomine mneo- marginato, vittL dorsali n@, pedibus nigh, alis cinereis costa apiceque nwicantibus, halteribus albidis.

Female. Green. Head whitish and shining above, black and shining in front. Frontalia dull black, linear, fwcate hindward. Antennro tawny. Thorax with a shght hoary bloom and with four slender black stripes. Abdomen eeneous at the tip and along each side, and with a slight black dorsal stripe. Legs black ; coxre and femora green. Wings grey, blackish along the costa and at the tips. Alulm dingy whitish. Halteres whitiah. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines.

Inhabits also South Africa.


Gen. MUBCA, Linn. 78. Musca hvioepa, dlacp. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2. 145. 23. pl. 18. f. 1. (Lucilia.)

Singapore. Inhabits also Hindostsn.

79. MUSCA OHIIYSO~ES, n. s. (genus Chrysomyia, Dew.), mas. Seriw-viri- dis, capite testaceo, palpis mtennisque fulvia, abdominia vittL dorsali fasciis- que nigria, alia subcinereis apice obscurioribus.

Male. Bericeous green, hardly shining. Head testaceous. Proboscis black. Palpi and antennm tawny. Abdomen with a black dorsal stripe, and with a black band on the hind border of each segment. Legs black ; coxm and femora green. Wings greyish, much darker towards the tips ; veins black, tawny along the costa; preebrachial vein forming a very obtuse and some- what rounded angle at its flexure, from whence it is slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein deeply undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little lesa than its length from the flexure of the prmbrachial vein. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

(Genus Chrysomyia, Dem.)


Alnh dingy testaceous.

Malacca and Mount Ophir.


80. MUSCA POEPHYRINA, u. E. (gonus Lucilia, Dew.), fcem. Purpures, capito albido, antennis pedibusque nigris, palpis fdvis, abdornine ~enco-pu~~urco, alis chiereis.

&maze. Purple. Head whitish. Proboscis and antennm black. Pdpi tawny. Thorax with a slight hoary tinge which is vcry indistinctly striped. Ab- domen bronze-purple. Legs black. Wings grey ; veins black ; proobracliiul vein forming a wry slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, from whcncc it is very slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein nearly stntight, parted by little more than l d f its length &om the border and from the flexure of the prmbrachial. A luh dark grcy. Length of the body 4& lines ; of the % b g s 9 lines.

Monnt Ophir, at tho height of 4000 feet.

81. MURCA TBITA, n. 8. (genus Lucilia, Dew.), fcem. Cyanco-viridis, capite pedibusqne nigris, facie alb$, thoracis lateribus subpurpurasccntibus, ab- dominis latcribua apiceque albido-tomentosis, &S sublimpidis.

Head and appendages and legs black ; facc white. Sidcs of the thorax slightly purplish. Abdomen green, with slight whitish tomentum along cnch side uric1 at the tip. Wings almost limpid ; veins black ; procbracliial vein forming a very obtuse and slightly rouut ld angle at its flexure, from whcncc to its tip it i s hardly curved inward; thscal transverse vein hardly curvcd inward, parted by niuch less than its length from the border and by a little less than its lcngth from the flexure of the prabracliid vein, Length of tho body 3 lines ; of tlm wings 6 lines.

Female. Bright bluish-green.

Alulrc greyish.


82. MIJ~CA DEFIXA, 11.8. (genus Lucilia, Desv.), mas. Cyaneo-viridis, capita albido, epistomatc testnceo, pslpis pedibusquc nigris, antcnnis fdvia, alis subcinereis.

Male. Bluish-groon. Iread whitish ; epistoina tcstnceous. Proboscis, palpi and lcgs black. Antennm tawny. Wings greyish; vcins black; prc- brachial vein forming a slightly obtuse and slightly rounded angle at its flcxurc, from whence to its tip it is modcrutcly curved inward ; diacal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by one-third of its length froin the border, and by less than half its length from thc flexure of the pra- brachial. Alulm grey. Length of the body 3 lines ; of thc wings G lines.


83. MIJSCA REFLECTENS, n. s. (~CIIUS Pollenia, Desv.), fcem. Purpurco. cyanca, viricti-varia, capite fdvo, frontalibus cinereis, palpis antcnnisquc teatiiceis, peetore tcstaceo, maculis duabus lnnpreo-cyaiicia, abdoininc cano-subtesscllato, apico Beneo, pedibus validb nigris, tibiis fulvis, alia sub- rincrasocntibus.

kkmale. Purplish-blue tinged with green, hardly shining. Head fawn- d o u r , testaceoua in front ; frontaha cinercous. Proboscis black. Palpi, antenna? and pectus tostaccous, the httcr wit11 R purplibh-blue mark on each side. Abdomen slightly tcssellatcd with hoary tonimituin, ooncoi~a at the tip. Legs black, stout ; tibia, tawny. Wings vcry slightly greyish ; veins black, testaceous towards the b a a and along the costa ; proobruliiul


vein forming a very obtuse nngle at its flexure, from whence it is slightly undulating to its tip ; diseal transverse vein very deeply undulating, parted by fnll half its length from the border, and by much less than its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial vein. A l u b white. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

M b . 84. MUSCA INFIXA, n. s. (gmw Silbomyia, Xzcq.) , fcam. Viridi-eymea,

capite albido, frontalibus a n t e h q u e nigris, palpis fdvk, thomcis vittis quatuor abdominque puyureis, pedibua pieeis, femoribus cyanascentibus, @lie cinereis cost& venisque fusco-marginatis.

Female. Greenish-blue. Head whitish. Frontah, proboscis and antenns black. Palpi tawny. Thorax with four purple stripes. Abdomen purple. Legs piceous ; femora bluish. Wings grey, brownish along the costa and dong tlic borders of the veins, which we black ; prmbrachial vein forming Sn almost right and somewhat rounded angle at its flexure, from whence it is very slightly curved inward to its tip ; discal transverse vein very skht ly undulating, parted by full half its length from the border, and by much niore than its length from tlic flexure of the prmbraeliial vein. Aluko dark grey. Length of the body 5 lines ; of tlie wings 10 lines.


85. MUSCA FUMIPENNIS, n.8. (genus Silbomyia, Macp.), fmm. Cyaneo-viri- dis, capitc tcstaceo, frontalibus piccis, palpis antennisque testaccis, tlioracis vittis quatuor subobsoletis purpurascentibus, scutello abdomincquc pur- pureo-cyaneis, pedibus nigris robustis dens8 pilosis, alis fuscis, apud costs dimidiurn basalc sublimpidis.

Femule. Bluisli-bTeen. Head pale testacoous ; frontalia piccous. Proboscicl black. Palpi and antennse testaceous. Thorax with four very indistinct purplisli stripes. Scutellum and abdomen piqlisli-blue. Legs black, stout, thickly pilose ; fore coxoe tawny. Wings brown, paler at the tips and along the hind border, nearly limpid along tho costa for half the bmdth, m d rather lcss than half thc length from the baso j veins black ; preebrachial vcin forming a very slightly oblique and much-rounded angle at its flexure, from whenoe it is moderately curved inward to its tip; cliecal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by rather more than half its length from the border, and by much less than its length from thc flexure of the proe- brachial vein. A h grey. Length of the body 5 hcrs ; of the wings 10 lines.


86. &1USCA DOTATA, n. 8. (geXlUi3 Pholmia ? Desv.), mw. viridis, capitc antico albo, palpis antennisque fnlvis, abdominis vittL dorsali nigrB fasciis- quc nigro-ends, pedibus nigris, alis cincreis, dinudio apiotlli antico nigro- fusco.

Male. Qrcen. Head wluto in front. Proboscis black. Palpi and aiitznnre tawny. Abdoincn with a black dorsal stripo, and with blackish bronze bands. L i p black. wings grey ; npical half blackish-brown, excepting the hind bordcr j veins b h k ; proebrnchial vein forming a very obtuse and somcwht rounded anglo at its flcxuro, from whcnco it is vcry slightly


curved inward to its tip; distal transverse vein moderately undulating, parted by little more than half its length from the border and by rather less than its length from the flexure of the prrebrachial. Alulre grey. Length of the body 34 linee ; of the wings 7 lines.


87. MUSCA DIFFIDENB, n. E. (genus Pyrellia, Dem.), fmm. Cyaneo-viridia, capita albido, palpis antennis pedibusque nigris, alis v k cinerascentibus.

Femab. Bright bluish-green. Head whitish. Proboscis, palpi, antennse and legs black. wings hardly greyish ; veins black ; prsebrachial vein gently ourvcd at its flexure, from whcnce it is s h o a t straight to its tip ; diseal transverse vein almost straight, parted by much lees than its lcngth from the border, and by much more than its length from the curve of the prsebrachial vein. Alulre whitish. Length of the body 3 lincs; of the wings 6 hes .


88. MUSCA CONFIXA, n. E. (genus Pyrellia, Dem.), fmm. Lsetb viridis cyaneo purpureoque varia, capite nigro, antice albido, palpis testae&, antennis nigris basi rufescentibus, abdominis apice subaueo, pedibus nigris, al is cinereis.

Head black above, whitish in front. Proboscis black. Palpi testaceous. An- tennre black ; first and second joints reddish. Abdomen slightly aneouB at the tip. Wings grcy ; veins black ; prse- brachial vein gently curved at its flexure, between which and its tip it is slightly curved inward ; &seal transverse vein moderately undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little leas than its length from the flcxure of the prretmwhial vein. Alulre dark gray. Length of thc body 34 lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

Female. Bright green, tinged with blue and purple along each side.

Lcgs black; femora green.

Mount O p b , at the height of MOO feet.

89. MUSCA REFIXA, n. 8. (gcnus P y r e h , Dew.), fmm. PUrpUrea, lateribus subtbquc cyanea aut cyaneo-viridis, capite antico, pdpb pedibusque nigria, antennarum articulo tertio piceo, alis subcinereis.

Female. Purple shining, blue on each side and beneath. Head in front, pro- boscis, palpi and lrgs black. Wings slightlygreyish; voins black; prsbrachial vein forming a gentle curve at its flexurr, which is very near tho bordcr, indistinctly curved outward from thence to its tip ; diseal transverse vein almost straight, parted by little more than half its length from tho border, and by about its length from the flexure of tho prsebrarhial vein. Length of the body 21-22 lines ; of the wings 6-51 lines.

Tar. f i . Bluish-green. Scutcllum purplish-blue. Discal transverse vein very indistinctly curved inward.


90. MUSCA PEEFIXA, n. E. (genua Pyrellia, Dew.), facm. Purpurea, capite

Female. Very nnarly d ied to M. rejxa. Purple, shining. Read and Wings limpid ; veins black ; prsebrachial vein

Third joint of the antenna piccous.

A l h grey.

palpis antcniiis podibusquc nigris, alis limpidis.

appendages and legs blwk.


f o d n g a gentle curve at its flexure whiah ia very near the bordar, straight from thence to its tip; discal transverse vein almost straight, parted by about half its length from the border, and by a little more than ita length from the flexure of the prcebmhial vein. Alulm whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

Mount Ophir.

91. MUSCA AFFIXA, n. 8. (genue Mordb, Dem.), man. O b s d nigra, capite antico albo, thomis vittis tribus latie albidia, abdomine subteasellato, slis subcinereis.

Male. Dull black. Head white in front. Thorax with three broad whitish stripes. Abdomen slightly tessellated. Wings greyish ; veins black ; pm- brmhitd vein forming a gentle curve at its flexme which ie very near the border, nearly straight from its flexure to itu tip; diacal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by lees than half its length from the border, and by little less than its length &om the flexure of the prrebreohipl vein. Alulm grey. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines.

Mount Ophir.

Subfani. ANTHOYPIDEB, Walk. Gen. ABICIA, Macp.

92. AEICIA AEQENTATA, n. s., mas. Cana, capite argenteo, palpis antennis pedibusque nigris, thorecis vittia duabua nigricantibus, scutmlli apice teata- CBO, abdominia maculis quatuor nigri~ dorsalibua basi testeoeo, femoribue teataceis, alie subcinereis.

Male. Hoary. Head silvery-white.. Proboscis, palpi, antennm and legs blaok. Seutellum towards the tip and femora teataceous. Abdomen with four black dorsal spots, testaemus towards the base. Wine and alulce slightly greyish; veins black, testa- woua towards the base ; cubital and pmbi.achial veins slightly diverging for about two-thirds of their length from the pnebraohial transverse vein,

.very slightly converging from thence to the border ; discal transverse vein oblique, slightly curved inward dong its hind half, parted by a little more than its length from the prmbrachial transverse, and by much less than its length from the border. Length of the body B+ lines ; of the wings 6 lines.

Thorax with two blackish stripes.

M b .

Gen. HTDROTEA, 2llacp. 93. HYDROTXA SOLENXIS, n, B., mas. Nigra, sapite =no, tho- suboi-

nereo nigro-trivittato, abdomine longi-obconico, tibiie ferrugineis, alia sub- cinereis.

MuL. Black. Head hoary in front. Thorax slightly cinereoue, with three black stripes. Abdomen elongate-obconical. Tibim ferruginous. Wings slightly greyish ; veins black, testsmeoua at the baee ; cubital and prcebra- CW veins slightly diverging for nearly two-thirds of their length from the prcebrachial transverse vein, very sbghtly converging from thence to the border ; &cal transverse vein oblique, curved inward in the middle, parted by about ita length from the prmbmhial transverse and by little more than


half its length from the border. lincs ; of the wings 5 lines.

Mount Ophir, at the height of 4000 feet.

94. ARICIA PATULA, n, s., mas. Nigra sat lata, antennis, thoracia lateribus, , abdomine pedibusque fnlvie, abdominie apice tarsisque nigris, alis cincreis. MaL. Black, rather broad. Eyes bright red. Antemso, sidcs of the thorax,

BcuteUum, abdomon and legs tawny. Abdomen hardly longer than broad, black towards the tip. Tarsi black. Wings and al& grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; cubital and prsebrachial veins diverging for more than two-thirh of their length from the prsbrachial transverse, parullel from thence to tlicir tips; discal transverse vein very oblique, curved inward ncar its hind end, parted by mom than half its length from the border, and by very little more than its lcngth from the prccbraclual trans- verse vein. Length of tho body 3+ lincs ; of the Wiiig~ 7 liiies.

Alnlre greyish. Length of the body 23


Subfam. HELOYTZIDES, Fallen.

Gen. XARNUTA, n. g. (Plate I.&. 4.) Helomyzce nfiinia; mas et fmm. Corpus sat latiun. Anteitiinirim niticu-

lus 3"" h e a r b ; urista nuda. Femora antica sublhs tenuitci. spinosn. Alce latiusculse.

Allied to Ilelonayza. Mule and FemaZe. Body rather broad. Third joint of the anLenrim lincur, rounded at tho tip j arista bare. Fore femora with sbnder spines. wings sonlcwhat broad ; cliscal transvcrsc vcin slightly oblique, parted by much 1 ~ 6 than half its length from the border, and by about its length from the prsebrachial transverse vein.

95. XARNUTA LEVCOTELUS, n. s., mas et fwm. Femugineo-fulva, antcnnis tcstaccis, petlibus fulvis, alia nigro-fuscis npice albia, margine postico sub- cinereo.-Faem. Abdominis apice nigro.

MuL and FemaZe. F ~ I T U ~ ~ ~ O U S tawny, with black bristles. Head rather palcr. Antenna tcstaccous ; arista black. Legs tawny ; fore fcinora with black spinus bcneatli. Wings blackish-brown, greyish along the hind borclcr for more than lidf the breadth and less than hulf the length from the base j

extreme tips white ; veins black. Lcngtli of the body 3-)i lincs ; of the

aings 7 lines.

Alulm whitish tcstacc?ous. Female. Tip of the abdomon black.


Gen. HELOYYZA, gallen. 96. I~ELOMYZA INTEILEUNS, n. 8.) mas. Fulva, capitc mctathorace pcctorc

pedibusque testaccis, ubdoniinia macds @ansvursis nibn-icantibus, tarsla ferrugiueis, &a subcincrcis upices vcrsus i t npud vrnam trnnwcrsaiii tLis- cdeni fuscia.

Male. Tauny with black bristles. Hrad, nietntliomx, pcctus, lcgs and I d - tcrcs tcstnccous. Abtlomcn with a transvcrsc bluolisli inark on tlic disk of cadi acgmerit toa arcla fhc tip. Tarsi sorriewliat fcrruginoiin. \Tings aliglitly grq id l ; tips byown, \Iliicli huc is darkcat in front ; \ c m ~ tuaib),


black towards thc tips; transverse veins bhck. lliscal transverse vcin clouded with brown, partctl by much less than its lcngth from the border, and by much morc than twicc its length &om the prtebrachial transverse vein. Nih whitish. Length of the body 2) lines ; of the wings 5 lines.


97. HELOXYZA EXEUNB, 11. s., mas. Fulva, capite antico, metathorscepectore pcdibusquc testaceis, abdominia maculis transversis nigricantibus, tarsis ferrugineis apicc fuscis, alis subcinereis mauulll apicibusque fuscis.

Very nearly allicd to A: iafereuns. Male. Tawny. Head in front, mcta- thorax, pcctus, legs and lldteres trstaccous. Abdomen with a transverse blackish mark 011 tho disk of each segment. Tarsi ferruginous, with black tips. W%gs slightly grcyisli; tips brown; wins black, tawnyat the base; n brown spot on the discal trcmsvcrse vein, which is straight, slightly oblique, parted by less than its lcngth from the border, and by about thrice it8 lcngtli from the discal transverse vein. Alulre whitbh. Length of the body 2) lines ; of the wings 4& lines.

Mount Ophir.

Subfam. LAUXBNIDEB, W d k . Qen. LAUXANIA, Latr.

98. LAUXANIA EUOEEA, n.s., mas. Nigra cinereo-tomentoss, eapite atro- biguttato, antennis piccis longissimis, aristL alb5, abdomine pedibusque fulvis, femoribua tibiisque nigro-fasciatis, alia subcinereis apud cmtam mibluridis.

Head with a deep black spot on each aidc bctwecn the eyes. Proboscis dull tawny. Palpi black. Autcnnae piceous ; 1st joint long ; 3rd slender, cylindrical, longer than the 1st and the 2nd together; ariata white, pubescent, longer than the 3rd joint. Abdomen and legs tawny ; femora and tibiar with black bands ; tarsi with black tips. Wings greyish, slightly lurid along thc costa ; vcins black ; discnl transverse vein straight, slightly oblique, p a p d by less than its lcngth from the border, and by more than twice its length &om the prw brachial transverse vein. Haltem tawny. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4+& lines.

Male. Black, with greyish tomeutum.


99. LAUXANIA DETEREUNB, n. s., fmm. Nigra, nitens, antennis pic&, aristd nigra, tarsis anticis basi tibiisque taraiaque posterioribus testaceis, alis sub- cinereis.

Antennm piceoua; 3rd joint elongate-conical, much shorter than that of L. euceva; ariata black, pu- bescent, full thrice the length of the 3rd joint. Fore tami at the base and posterior tibioe and h i testsceous. Wings slightly greyish; veins and lialteres tcstaceous ; discal transverse vein straight, almost upright, parted by almost its length from the border and by nearly twice its length from the prtxbrachd transverse vein. Length of thc body 1) line; of the Wings 3 lines.

Female. Black, shining, with black bristles.

Mount Ophir, at the height of 4000 feet.


Gen. CELPPHUB, Dalrnalz. 100. Celyphus obtcctus, Dalman, dnalecta Entomologica, 32. 1. pl. 2. B.

f. 1-5. Mdacca. Inhabit6 also Hindostan and the Philippine Islands.

Subfam. OILTALIDEB, Haliday. Gen. LAMPBOQABTER, Macp.

101. LAXPXOG~ASTBR ZONATA, n. E., fmm. Nigra, capike flavo nigro-vario, antennis piceis, thorace tlavo-quadrivittato, abdomine flavo-bifasciato, tarsis albis, alis subcinereis maculis costalibus fascldque fuscis.

Head pale yellow, with four black shining stripes in fiqont ; vertex, with a broad dull black stripe which occupies the whole breadth behind, is uotched on each side between the eyes, and is narrower in front. Antenns piceous ; 3rd joint nearly linear, rounded at tho tip ; arista minutely plumoae, more than twice the length of the 3rd joint. Thorax with four yellow stripcs, one on each sidc in front of the wings, and one on each side of the scutum. Abdomen with two yellow bands; 1Rt slender; 2nd apical, dilated in the middle of the fore border; knees tawny; tarsi white, with blackish tips. Wings greyiah, slightly lurid and with brown marks at tho base and along the costa, and with a brown band which extends along the prsbrachial vein to half the space between the latter and the border ; diacal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by about one- third of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the proebrachial transverse, which is oblique. Halteres tawny. Length of the body 5 lincs ; of the wings 10 lines.

Female. Black, shining.


102. LAMPBOGASTER GLABBA, n. s., maa. Nigra, antennis piceis, abdominis faaci$ subapicali bvb, tarsis albis, alis sublimpidia maculis basahbus fasch- que quatuor fuscis.

Male. Black, shining. Antennte picoous, in structure like thoae of L. zonata. Abdomen with a slender yellow band near the tip. Tarsi white, with black tips. Wings nearly limpid, with four brown bands, slightly testaceow and with somc indistincl brown marks at the base ; 1st and 3rd bands entire ; 1st broader and darker than tho others ; 2nd and 4th interrupted ; veina black, testaceous towards the base; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the prsbrachial transverse vein, which is alao upright. Ralteres tawny. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 6 lines.


108. LAMPROGABTEE TXANEVEEEA, n. e., fam. Nigra, capite fulvo fasciis duabus nigria uniZque albia, autennia fulvia, thoracis vittis quatuor dor- ealibus fulvk duabwque lahralibus albidia, abdomiuo uigro-purpureo basi fulvo maculisque duabua subapicalibua &via, pedibua fulvia, tarsis albidk, alis subcinereis fuaco sexfasciatis.

Female. Black. Hcad tawny, with two black bands above and a whitish band in front. Anteanre tawny. Thorax with four dorsal tawny stripes which


are confluent in front and with two lateral whitish stripes. Abdomen blackish-purple, tawny at the base, and with a yellow spot on each side near the tip which is lanceolate. Legs tawny ; tarsi whitish, with black tips ; hind tibite with brownish tips. Wings shghtly greyish, with about six irregular macular brown bands; veins brown, tawny at the base ; discal transverse vein nearly straight and upright, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by more than its length from the praebrachial tranaverse vein, which is oblique. Halteree testaceom. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.


104. LAXPROQASTER VITTATA, n. s., mas. Nigra, capite ex part8 flavo, an- tennis fulvis, thorace flavo-bivittato, scutello flavo-marginato, abdominia vitta dorsali flav$ tarsis albin, alis nigricantibua basi fasciisque quatuor albidis.

Head pale yellow in front, beneath and about the eyes. Antenne tawny. Thorax with two yellow atripee ; scutellum with a yellow border. Pectus with an oblique yellow band on each side. Abclo- men with a pellow dorsal stripe. Tarsi white, with black tips. Wings blackish, whitish at the base, and with four whitish bands ; 1st band irre. gular ; 2nd and 3rd entire ; 4th interrupted ; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the prebrachial transverse vein, which is slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 line&

Male. Black, shining.

Halteree teetaceous.


106. LAMPROQASTPR QUTTATA, n. s., fcem. Cinerea, capite nigro trimaculato antic& testaceo, antennis fulvis, thorace cano-quinquevittato, lateribus tes- taceis, abdominis fasci$ antid fulvb, tarsis albidis, dis subcinereis fasciis octo subinterruptis fuscis.

Fmale. Black, with cinereom tomentum. Head partly dull testaceous in front; vertex with three black spots, two in front and one behind. An- tennte tawny ; arista pubescent. Thorax with five hoary stripes which are connected in front by a transverse band ; sides testsoeoua. Pectue with an oblique dull teatmow stripe on each aide. Abdomen with a tawny band on the hind border of the firat segment ; oviduct slender, lannc0olat-e. Tarsi whitish, with black tips. Wings greyish, with about eight irragular and partly interrupted brown bands; vein0 and halteres testaceous; diacal transverse vein nearly straight and upright, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the prmbmhid transverse vein. Length of the body 8 linen ; of the wiugn 6 hw.


1%. LAMPBOGASTEB TRUNOATUIA, n.s., fm. N i p robus% sbdomhb apim oompweso lanceolato, tareb dbu, alie subcinerein liturin transversb fuscescentibus hciioque duebus nigro-fuscia.

Fsmala. Black, atout, slightly shining. drieta p u h t . Abdomen corn- pressed and lanwlate at the tip. Tarsi white, with black tips. Wings dightly greyish, with 6 e v d slight trnnsverse brownish marks, and with


two bl~lcki~li-brown bands ; tlic 1st broad, basal, not cxtmiling beyond Iidf the brcadtli from the coda; the 211d narrow, cntirc, near the 1 s t ; v i h blnck ; discal transvcrso vein straight and upright, parted by onc-tlikl of it3 lcngtli from tlic bordcr, and by vcry much morc than its lrngth from the prmbracliial transverse vein. IIalteres testaceoufl. Length of thc body 2a lincs ; of tho wings 5 lines.


Gen. XANGEL~NA, 11. g.

Caput antice subdilatntuni ; faeics magna. Antenna brcves ; articiilus 3"s longi-conicus; arista lollg~~, grwili8, pliuiintu. Abdomen brrvi-osntiun, thorncc non longins. Pedes breriusculi. A l e mcdioci*iter lstm ; vene rectoe.

IIend somewhat dilated in front ; face large. Antcnne short ; 3rd joint clongatc-conical ; arista long, slcncler, plumose. Abdomen short-oval, not longcr than t lic thorax. Legs rather short. Wings moderatoly broad ; subcostal vcin extending to about one-fourth of tho lrngth of the wing ; niodiastinal cxtcnding a little bcyond tlic subcostal ; rd i a l cnding at about seven-eigliths of the length ; cubital ending at tlic tip ; cubital and prmbracl&d almost parallel beyond tho discnl transverse vein, which is straight and upright, and parted by vcry much more than its length from the pmbraclial transverse, and by much less than its lcngtli from the border.

(PZnfe I..flg. 3.) Fmm. Corpus latiusculiini, parce setosum.

Female. Body rathcr broad, with a few bristles.

107. XANGELINA BASIQUTTA, n. s., fmm. Testaeea, scutello fusco, abdomino fulvo, alis subcinereis gutt& costali nip& vonis transvcrsis nigro-sublim- batis.

Female. Testaceous. Proboscis partly brownish. Bcutcllum brown. Abdo. men tawny. Wings slightly greyish ; veins black ; a black dot at thc tip of the subcostal vcin ; transverse veins slightly clouded with blnck. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines.


Gen. PLATTSTOBIA. 108. PLATYSTOMA BIQIDA, n. s., mas. Ferrugineo-fusca, capite subths albo,

antennis piccis, pectoro albido, pcdibna nigris, a h nigricantibus albo con- fertim at intcrruptb guttatis.

IIead white behind and beneath, fer- ruginous and shining in front. Antenns piceous ; arista slightly pliunosc. Pmtus whitish. Legs black. Wings blackish, thickly studded with white dots, which disappear at the base and on an undulating band beyond tho middle ; veins black.

Male. Fermginous-brown, tomcntose.

Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Singapore.

109. PLATYSTOhCA ETELLATA, n. s., mas. Cinerco-nip, capite subths albido, antennis fulvis, facie abcloininis apiee pedibusque nigris nitentibus, alis obscurB ciaereis pttia confortis at interruptis limpidis.

Male. Cinereous-black, tomentose. Head shining black in front, whitieh behind and beneath. Antennm tawny. Abdomen shining black at the


lip. Legs black and shining. Wuiga dark grey, with numei*oous limpid dots which are coniparetivcly wanting on a blackish-brown stripe along two-thida of the length of the costa, and on an exterior upright band which is connected with the above stripe. Length of the body 3 lincs ; of the wings 6 lines.


Gen. TEEMARA, n. g. (Plate I. $y, 6.) zap. corpus h t iusdum, subsctosum. Cqut thorace p a d b angustius.

Antenna epistoma non attingcntes ; articulus 3"' laneeolatus, longiuaculus ; arista lath plumosa. Abdomen ellipticum, thoraoe non longiua. Alm latius- cdoe, obmiroe, maculis pallidis, venis radiali et cubitali undulatk

X d e . Body rather broad. Head and thorax slightly sctose. Hend a little less broad than the thorax; epiatoma not prominent. Proboscis short. Palpi short, porrcct. Antennce not reaching the epistoma; 3rd joint lan- ccolate, rather long ; ariata deeply plumose, about twice tho length of the 3rd joint. Abdomen elliptical, as long as the thorns. Wings rather broad, dark, with pale marks ; subcoskd vein ending at much beyond one-third of tho length ; mediaatinal ending at much boyond linlf thc lcngth ; radial undulating, cnding at about five-sixths of the length ; cubital undulating, ending at the tip of the wing ; prcebrachinl and subanal herdly undulating ; d h d transvcrse vein straight, nearly upright, parted by one-tenth of its length from the border, and by more than half its length from the piw- brachial transverse.

110. TEEMAIZA AYPLA, n. E., mas. Ferruginca, subths testacen, 8cuteU0, ab- dominis fusci fasciis tribus pedibiwque testaceis, tllk obscurh fuscis, maculis tribus anticis luridis tribusque posticis albis.

Male. Ferruginous, slightly shining, testaceow beneath. Bead in front and appendages tcstaceous. Seutellum and legs testaceous. Abdomen brown above, ~ E ~ ~ C ~ O U E at the baae and with two testaceous bands. Wings ilark brown, with three h y h e triangular spots in front and throe on tho hind border ; the costal spots lurid, the hind spots whitc. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.


Gcn. STRUMETA, n. g. (Plate 11. &. 4.)

Fmm. Cwpw htiuaodum, pubescens, vix satosum. Abdomen brcvi-ovatuni, thorwe latius et paullb longiw. A l a mecliocriter late, limpidoe, fasciis fuscis, venll transversA prmbmhiali undulath, perobliqd.

Fetnak. Body rather broad, dull, pubescent, hardy sctose. Head mthcr less broad than the thorax ; epistoma not prominent. Proboscis and palpi short. Antennm mutilated in the insect here described. Abdomen short oval, broader and 8 little longer than the thorax. Wings moderately broad, limpid with brown b a n b ; longitudinal veins almost straight ; subcostal and mediastinal veina almost contiguous ; mediastind vein ending at much beyond half the length of the wing ; radial ending at a little beyond four- fifths of the length ; cubital ending at somewhat in h n t of the tip ; diacd



transverse vein nearly straight and upright, pasted by full one-fourth of its length from the border, and by about its length from the proebrachial transverse which M undulating and very oblique.

111. STEUMETA CONPORMIB, n .8 . , fcem. Cervina, thoracis vittb duabus, meta- thorace et pectoris disco nigricantibus, pedibua testaceis, alie limpidis fusco-

Female. Fawn-colour. Thorax with two blackiah stripes. Metathorax and disk of the pectus blackish. Legs and halteres testaceous. Wings limpid, pale brown dong the costa, and with four pale brown ban& ; 1st and 2nd ban& oonnected hindward; veins black, testaceom towarde the base. Length of the body 4 linee of the wine 7 lines.



Gen. VALONIA, n. g. (Plate I. $g. 6.)

Ehlm. Corpw sat angustum, pubescens. C a p t antid subdilatatum. An- tsm breviueculm ; articulus 3'" 1ongi.conicus ; ariata pubescens. Abdomen fusiformo, thorace paullb longius. Pedes sat robuati. Ale angustse, obscumz, maculis limpidis.

Allied to Platystoma.-Female. Body rather narrow, dull, pubescent. Head &B broad as the thorax, slightly dilatcd in front ; epistoma not promincnt. Proboscis and palpi short. Antennre rather short, not reaching the epistomu; 3rd joint elongate-conical ; arista pubescent. Abdomen fusiform, a littlu longer than the thorax. Legs ratlicr stout, especially the hind pair. Wings narrow, dark with limpid spots ; subcoatd vein ending at before one-third of the length of the wing ; mediastinal ending at much beyond half the length ; radial ending at a little before three-quartcm of the length ; cubital and subanal hardly undulating, the former ending at a little in front of tho tip of the wing ; discal transverse vein straight and upright, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by a little less than its length &om the plrebrachial transverse.

112. VALONIA OOMPLICATA, n. s., fmm. Obscure cincrca, capitc tostaceo, tliorace nigro-punctato, abdomine guttis quatuor lateralibua albis tomen- tosis subths testaceo, pcdibus fulvis, femoribus posterioribus tibiisque posticis nigris, al is subcinereis guttis plurimis limpidis.

Female. Dark grey. Head and appendages testamus. Thorax punctured with black ; humeral calli black, shining. Abdomen with two white tomcn- tous & o h on each side; underside testaceous. Lugs tawny ; posterior fcmora black, with tawny tips; hind tibke blackish except at the basc. Wings greyish, with very numerous limpid dots, blackish and without dots along more than half the length of the costa; veins black. Hrhtercs tcstaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lincs.


Gen. SOPHIRA, n. g. (Plate 11. $9. 1.) Rvm. 00pt.a sat angusturn, pubesmns. Cap& thoram paullb angustius.

ddmmzmm artioulue 8"' l o n g i d u s , subbnceolatue; ari~ta plumosa.


AbrEonreA subfusi€orme, apim attenuatum, thorace paullb longiw. Peuh @es. Aka longiuscuh, sat angustre, venia limbatis.

Female. Body rather narrow, dull, pubescent. Hcad a little less broad than the thorax; epistoma not prominent. Proboscis and palpi short. dn- hnnre not reaching the epiatoma; 3rd joint rather long, subhnceohte; arista plumose. Abdomen subfuaiiorm, somewhat attenuated at the tip, a little longer than the thorax. Lege slender. Wings rather long and narrow ; subcostal vein ending at before one-third of the length of the wing ; media- stinal ending at much beyond half the length ; radial ending at about seven- eighths of tho length ; cubital ending at very little in front of the tip ; di~cal transverse vein stra&ht, hardly oblique, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the prm- brachial tramverse.

This genus seem8 to be somewhat allied to the &?lOl7syZide8.

113. S O P H ~ VENUBTA, n. E., fcem. Teatacea, thorack fascih metethorace ab- dominisque f a d s tribun mnculisque duabus subapicalibus nipriS, tibiia fus- cescentibue, limpidis venia fusco-limbatis.

Female. Testaceow. Thorax with a black band between the wings. Metathorax black. Abdomenwith three black bands, and with a black subapical spot on each side. Tibim brownkh ; tarei tawny. Wings limpid, lurid in front, striped with brown along most of the veins ; veins black, tawny towards the baae; cubital vein minutely setose towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the Winge 8 lines.


sen. RIOXA, n. g. (Plate 11. $9. 3.) Fmm. cbqn48 anguatum, pubeacens. Caput sat parvum, thorace mdtb angustius.

d n t m w articulus 3"' subhearis ; &ta rarb plumosa. Thorax longi. ovatun. d a d o m a funiforme, tho- multb angustius, vix longius. Pedm p i l e s , antici breves.

FemaZe. Body narrow, dull, pubescent. Head rather small, much less broad than the thorak ; epbtoma not prominent. Proboscis and palpi short. dn- tennm not reaching the epistom; 3rd joint almost linear, moderately long; ariata thinly plumose. Thorax elongate-oval. Abdomen fusiform, much nar- rower, but hardly longer than the thorax. Legs slender ; fore legs short. Wings long, moderately broad, dark with white dots ; radial vein ending tat rather in front of the tip of the wing ; disoal transverse vein almost straight, very oblique, pa&d by about one-fourth of its lcngth from the border, and by somewhat ~ C E E than its length from the prcebrackial transverse.

Cervina, thoram nigro-quadrivittato, ab- domine nigro vitta dors& mina, pedibus testaceis, alis nigricantibus sCriga &Cali guttieqhe quinque albis.

Femalc. Fawn-colour. Proboscis, lege a d ~ & W B testaceow. Thorax with two blackish stripes on each side, the outer pair shortened hindward. Abdomen black, with B fawn-oolouwd dorsal stripe which is attenuated hindward, and doen not extend to the tip, Wings blaakiah, almoet limpid along the hind border for more than half the length from the bam, with a white d i s d streak and with five whib dote 1 lat dot in a line with the streak ; 2nd vw minute,

A20 longm, mediocriter latm, obscm, guttk albis.

114. RIOXA LANCEOLATA, n. E., fcem.



behind the 1st ; 3rd on the costa near the tip ; 4th larger, apical, near tho 6th, which is on the hind border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.


Gen. XIRIA, n. g. (Plate 11. $g. 2. ) Hm. Coqw metallicolor, subsetosum. Cuput latiusculum. Pa& longiusculi.

Antenna breves ; artieulus 3u* sublinearis ; arista hta plUmOEa. Thorax ro- bustus. Abdomen linenre, thorace paullb longius et multb angustius. Pedes longiusculi, sat validi.

Mule. Body metallic, slightly setose. Hcad rather broad, hardly narrower than the thorax ; epiatoma not prominent. Proboscis short. Palpi porrect: ratlicr long and stout. Antenlire short, not nearly reaching the epistoma j 3rd joint almost linear j arista deeply plumose, much more than twice the length of the 3rd joint. Thorax stout. Abdomen linear, a little longer than the thorax and about half its breadth. Legs rather long and stout. Wings nioderately long and broad j subcostal vein cnding at rather beyond one-third of the length j m c b t i n a l ending at very much beyond half the length; radial ending at beyond five-sixths of the length ; cubital cnrling at hardly in front of the tip ; cliscal transverse ncarly straight, slightly oblique, pnrted by about half its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from tlic prre- brachial transverse.

A h mdocriter longoe latreque.

115. XIRIA ANTIOA, n. E., maa. Purpurea, cepite nigro, antennarum articulo 3" ferrugineo, pedibus testaceis, tibiia nigris, tarsis dbis anticis ferrugineis, alis sublimpidis apice nigricantibus macub costalibus dbis et nigricantibus.

Male. Purple. Head and appendages black. Third joint of the anteimoe fcrru- ginous. Legs testaceous ; tibim black ; fore tarsi ferruginous ; posterior tarsi whitc, with brown tips. Wings nearly limpid, with two white and two blackish spots on the costa j tips blackish ; veins black, testaceoua along the costa. Haltercs whitish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines.

Mount Ophir.

Subfam. ACIIIIDES, Walk. Gen. ACIIIAS, B'abr.

116. Achias maculipennia, Westzu. Orienta2 Entomology, 38. 111. 18. f. 4. Elingapore. Inhabits also Java.

Subfain. DIOPSIDES, Walk. Gen. DIOPSIS.

117. DIOPSIS QUINQUECtUTTATA, n. s., f@m. Nigra, proboscide pedibuaque fdvia, his ex p r t e fuscesccntibus, alis nigricantibus basi apice guttbque quill-

que sublimpidis. Female. Black, ellining. Proboscb tawny. Petioles of the eyes about half the

length of the thorax. Scutellumwith two spines, which arc more than half the longth of the thorax. Legs tawny, partly shaded with brown. Wings blackish, nearly limpid at tho base and at the tips, and with two iuterrupted nearly

(Plate 11. $g. 7.)

COLLECTED AT BlRUAPOnE AND MALACCA. 37 limpid bands, the f i s t of two dots, the second ofthree dots; veins black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings lines.

Mount Opbir.

118. DIOPBIS QUADRIGUTTATA, n. s., mas. Picea, capite oculorum petiolis pedibusque fulvis, his ex parte fusccscentibus, alis nigrirantibus baai fascia subapicali guttisque quatuor sublimpidis. (Plate 11. jg. 6.)

dfule. Piceoua, shining. Head and petioles of the c p tawny, tho latter fully half the length of the thorax. Seutellum with two spines, which are less than half the lcngth of the thorax. Legs tawny, slightly shaded with brown. Wings blackish, nearly limpid at the barn and towards the tips, except the extreme part of the latter which is slightly blackish ; two interrupted nearly limpid bands, each composed of two clots ; veins black. Length of the body 24 lines j of the wings 4 lines.


Subfm. SEPSIDES, Palk.

Gen. CALOBATA, Pabr. 119. CALOBATA CONFINIS, n. a., fcem. ISigra, capite cyaneo, antennis pic& fc-

moribus posterioribus albo-cinctia, tarsis anticis albis, a h subcinereis fascik duabus conncxb fuscis, 2& apicd.

Female. Black, dull. Had blue, shining. Proboscis and antennae giceous. Pos- terior femora with a white ring near the tips ; hind fcmorn with a white ring at the base; fore tarsi white. Wings greyish, with two brown bands, the Brst connected on the hind border with the sooond, which is apical ; veins black. Halteres whitish, with black knobs. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 10 lines.

Singapore and Mount Ophir.

120. CALOBATA IYKIXTA, n. s., fcem. Nigra, oapite cyanescente, facialibus atria, antennis pioeia, pedibus testaceis anticis nigris, tarsis anticis albis, femoribus posterioribus fascb quatuor e, a b subcinereid faso% duabua subcon. nexb fuscementibus, 2. apicclli.

Few&. Black, dull. Head bluish, shining; facialie deep black. Proboscis and antennae piceous. Legs ~ O S ~ ~ C W U S ; forc femora black, testacrous towards tho base ; fore tibm black; fore tarsi white; posterior femora with four black bands j posterior tibie dull testaceous, black towards the base ; posterior tarsi brown- ish. Wings slightly greyish, with two brownish bands, the first slightly con- nected on the hind border with the second which is apical; veins black. Length of the body 6 lines j of the Wings 10 lines.


Subftlm. PSILIDEB, Walk.

Gen. MIOEOPEZA, dlacp.

121. MICPOPEZA FEAGFILIS, n. a. N v a , femoribus tibiiaque anticis fuscis, tibiia posterioribus basi apiceque fuscis, tarais antick posticisque albidis, ah~3 sub- cinereis guttis tribm apiceque limpidis.

Tawny. Fore femora and fore t i b b brown; popterior tibh brownbh at the


base and at the tips ; fore tarsi and hind tarsi whitish. Whge very slightly greyish, with tlme limpid spots forming a curved band near the tips which are also limpid ; vcins black. Length of the body 3+4 lines ; of the wings 6 6 lints.

Singapore and Mount Ophir.

Gen. NEBIUS, Wied. 122. Neriw fuscipenuis, dlacq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 3. 241. 1. pl. 325. f. 6. Singapore and Mount Ophir. Inhabits also Java and the Philippine Islands.

Glen. TEXARA, n. g. (Plate 11. $g. 5.) F@m. C o r p s gracilc, non setosum. C q u t subproductum; fades brcvis. Antenna

epistoma attingcntcs ; articdus SUB ahvatus ; ariata pubescens, subapicalis. Thorax EubfusifOrmiE. Abdonwn lanceolatum, thorace angustius et duplb longius. Peedes postici longi, femoribus incrassatia serratis, tarsis anticis sub- dilatatis. Ala angustre.

Female. Body slendcr, without bristles. Head slightly produced, as broad aa the thorax ; face short ; epistoma not prominent. Antenne extending to the epistoma ; third joint clavate ; arista minutely pubescent, scated ncur the tip of tho third joint. Thorax subfusiform. Abdomen lanccolate, narrower than the thorax and about twice ih length. Anterior legs moderately long and stout ; fore tarsi slightly dilated ; hind legs long ; hind femora incrasoated, serrated bencath ; hind tibis alightly curved. Wings narrow ; subcostd vein not extending to one-third of the length of the wing ; mediastinal vein not extcnding to half the length ; radial extending to a little beyond three-quarters of the length ; cubital ending at very little in front of the tip of the wing ; discal transverse vch straight, upright, parted by less than its length fiom the border, and by about thrice its length from the preebrachial transverse.

123. TEXARA UOMPRESBA, n. E., fcem. Nigra, capite nigro-cyaneo sub tb cano, antennis piccis, ariati% albidb, a h subcincreis, halteribus albidis.

Female. Black. Head bluish-black, with hoary tomentum beneath. Antenna piceous ; arista whitish. Wings greyish ; veins black. Halteres whitish. Length of the body 6 lines ; of tho Wings 6 lines.


DESCRIPTION OF PLATEB I. AND 11. Oh. All the figures urc more or less magnified, and the outline-details comprise

the sidc and front Views of the head, antennsc, and base of the Wings.

PLATE I. Fig. 1. Ma9sicyta bicolor; l a , head seen sideways; 16, the head seen in

Fig. 2. Zambesa Oyptero‘idas ; Za, head sideways ; 3b, ditto in front ; 2c, an-

Fig. 3. Xangelina b d g u t t a ; Sa, headsideways; Sb, dittoin front; S C , an-

Fig. 4. Xarnuta Lucotelus ; 4a, head sideways ; 4b, ditto in front ; 4c, an-

6ont ; l c , antenna.


tenna ; Sd, base of the Wing.

tenna 3 4 4 baee of wing.

ME. N N W OX A SUPPOBED SPEUIES OF PNLOPEUB. 89 .Fig. 6 . T h w a ampla; 6a, head sideways ; 6b, ditto in front; SC, antenna;

Fig. 6. Valonia coqlieata ; 6a, head sideways ; 6b, ditto in front 6c, m- 5 d, base of wing.


PUTE 11. f i g . 1. Sophira venlcsta ; l a , head sideways ; 1 b, ditto in eont ; lc, antenna. Fig. 2. Xiria antica ; 2a, head sideways ; 2 b, ditto in front ; 2c, antenna. Fig. 3. Rioxa laneeolata ; 30, head sideways ; 3 b, ditto in front ; 3c, antenne. Fig. 4. Stmtneta confor& ; 4a, head sideways ; 46, ditto in front. Fig. 5. Texara cotrtpreasa; 6a, head sideways; S b , ditto in front; 6c, an-

tenna. Fig. 6. Dbp& 4rgucttata. Fig. 1. i%p& 6-guttata.

Note on a supposed species of PelopQue, By EDWARD NEWMAN, Esq., F.L.S.

[Read January 16th, 1866.1

IN No. 69 of the “Proceedings” of our Society is a letter addressed to our Secretary on the economy of a certain Hymeno- pterous insect as observed by the writer when at Bombay : seve- ral of the explanations in this letter require correction, although evidently written in good faith. The description of the insect and its nest is fully sufiicient to identify the tribe and even genus : it is one of the Vespina, and doubtless of the genus Pelqaw: the name of “Mason-bee” is therefore assigned to it in error, because there is a tribe of Mason-bees possessing a most wonderful and interesting economy, and with that tribe the present b e c t has nothing whatever to do. In the second place, the male is represented as the builder of

the nest,-& statement so opposed to all we know of the economy of Hymenoptera, that it may safely be pronounced erroneous ; the building insect was certainly not a male, and as certainly a female or neuter.

In the third place, the shining green insect, described as the female, was unquestionably a parasite, probably of the genua Chrysie : its presence in the nest of the wasp was as an insidious enemy, not as the legitimate partner and participator in domestic care.