CARM: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method ’ Elizabeth Stokoe Department of Social...

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Transcript of CARM: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method ’ Elizabeth Stokoe Department of Social...

CARM: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

Elizabeth StokoeDepartment of Social Sciences

Loughborough University

An example in support of ESRC Follow-on Funding application, April 2010

1 M: Thanks.2 C: Next door nei:ghbour. 3 (0.7) 4 C: Um:: (0.2) .hhhhh is:: >Indian.<

1 M: Thanks.2 C: Next door nei:ghbour. 3 (0.7) 4 C: Um:: (0.2) .hhhhh is:: >Indian.< 5 (1.6)

1 M: Thanks.2 C: Next door nei:ghbour. 3 (0.7) 4 C: Um:: (0.2) .hhhhh is:: >Indian.< 5 (1.6) 6 C: I’ve no: problem with Indians: bu’ unfortunately he’s >lower caste< so he 7 doesn’t do any work.

1 M: Thanks.2 C: Next door nei:ghbour. 3 (0.7) 4 C: Um:: (0.2) .hhhhh is:: >Indian.< 5 (1.6) 6 C: I’ve no: problem with Indians: bu’ unfortunately he’s >lower caste< so he 7 doesn’t do any work. 8 (0.2)9 C: An’ that’s not ra:cist.

1 M: Thanks.2 C: Next door nei:ghbour. 3 (0.7) 4 C: Um:: (0.2) .hhhhh is:: >Indian.< 5 (1.6) 6 C: I’ve no: problem with Indians: bu’ unfortunately he’s >lower caste< so he 7 doesn’t do any work. 8 (0.2)9 C: An’ that’s not ra:cist.10 (0.4)11 M: pt. What so: (0.6) wha’ has him [being Indian got to- do: with it then. ]12 C: [W- the prob- the problem is, I mean, ]13 (.)14 C: Sorry?15 (.)16 M: .hhh well I’m jus- wond’[ring why:,]17 C: [(Yeh.) well]18 (0.2) 19 C: The pro:blem is (0.6) uh:: (some/seven) years ago:, (0.6) <I mean: he’s lived 20 here since nine:teen ninety six.