CARA User Interface for Documentum Alfresco Oracle

Post on 30-Nov-2015

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Transcript of CARA User Interface for Documentum Alfresco Oracle

Set your users free

CARA User interface &

configuration layer for

Documentum, Alfresco and

Oracle WebCenter +1-877-244-2022

DESKTOP FEATURES Works like Windows with Start menu and application icons

MULTIPLE WINDOWS Open a window to different repositories or multiple windows to the same one

DESKTOP INSIDE THE BROWSER Stores repository launch icons, drag links to documents and more

CARA: Web Desktop

CARA is an ergonomically designed, fast, web user interface to connect individually or simultaneously to multiple content management systems. Currently released for Documentum, Oracle WebCenter and Alfresco. It is designed to facilitate the creation, review, approval and management of documents. CARA is underpinned by the Generis DocConfigurator product which allows rapid setup and configuration of the repository to requirements. +1-877-244-2022

User can Add widgets from a library: • Favorites • Recent Items • Intray / Outtray • Search results • Checked Out Items • Home Cabinet • Dashboard widget (report) • Build-your-own widget including web

service connection to another system

My WidgetSpace: Your standard view reimagined

Move away from folders – enter the world of a set of different persistent collections of documents at your fingertips in the My WidgetSpace window. Work on your Favorites, Recent Items, Search results, In-Tray and more in a single view. +1-877-244-2022

Searching made easy – 5 ways

CARA offers no less than 5 ways of searching – from Quick Searches through Dashboards and our Advanced Search to the unique Dimensions search/navigation hybrid.

4. ADVANCED SEARCH Each group of users can have a search screen configured to the documents they search for most frequently

3. DASHBOARDS Create, save and run any reports using DQL or the Search, with ability to export the results to Excel and even create and export / print graphs. Dashboards even support user-driven value substitution

5. DIMENSIONS – see the next slide

1. Search in folder 2. Quick search across repository (configure which attributes are searched including fulltext) +1-877-244-2022


Of all the search and navigation features in CARA, the Dimensions are the most used by clients. The Dimensions are a unique hybrid of searching and navigating, allowing each user to specify up to 5 levels of attributes to use in order to build a dynamic tree that allows navigation in the same way as a folder – avoiding the need to run multiple searches.

DIMENSIONS Pick your attributes, then navigate as if it were a regular folder +1-877-244-2022


Other user interfaces allow you to see information related to a document, one pane at a time. The CARA widgets panel displays as many widgets as you want, populating them all from a single click on a document. In addition, no other application allows you to build your own widgets, displaying any information you want about a document (audit trail information, security settings, list of annotations – literally anything available in the repository. Need information pulled from another system? For example supplier address and phone numbers from an external database? Simply build a widget calling that information via a web service – integration of third party systems into the UI without any coding to the UI.

Choose from pre-existing or your own custom-built widgets – all displayed at once and containing right-click options +1-877-244-2022


For managing data that is rich media (images, video) it is possible to display the document pane in listview or thumbnails mode, including a larger thumbnails on mouse-over, or with a carousel or flip-card.

View thumbnails in the main view

View thumbnails in the Widgets panel including larger

thumbnails on mouse-over +1-877-244-2022

Carousel / Coverflow

Define and display documents in a carousel

which displays a thumbnail +1-877-244-2022

Highly configurable

CARA leverages the Generis DocConfigurator product to allow companies to build their own applications, using dozens of area of configurability: everything from major items such as properties screens, automatic folders, languages, data dictionaries, taxonomies, dynamic no-maintenance security, audit and eSignature, Trash Can, UI display, through to the small things like changing the icons for folders. +1-877-244-2022

View Management

Allow each group of users to have an entirely personalized view of the repository: everything from their Widgets, Dimensions, Search screens, double-click rules, New Document shortcut buttons, filters, columns and more. +1-877-244-2022

Modify the columns to be shown

Grouped by status

Status Manager

Report on status across multiple document(s) / folder(s), including ability to promote / demote multiple documents at a time, and export to Excel: +1-877-244-2022

Workflows: rich reporting

Report on workflows across multiple documents or across multiple users +1-877-244-2022

Virtual Documents: reinvented

Turn virtual documents into a painless, multi-user tool. No more user checkout / checkin, it is all done on the server. Added features include context information (same document in different virtual documents has different metadata), publishing integrations and granular security. +1-877-244-2022

Annotations Report

No need to open 10 documents to see all the individual notes – just pull up the CARA Annotations Report +1-877-244-2022

Universal viewing

CARA integrates two universal viewing tools, ViewONE Pro from Daeja ( and Brava! from Informative Graphics, for viewing 300+ formats in a common viewer (no local installation required). The tools allows annotations, watermarking and streaming of content as well as redaction: +1-877-244-2022

Summary – v3.3 Major New Features

This unique view gives the users a widget-based desktop showing, in a single view, document lists from their Favorites, Recent Items, Workflow Inboxes and more – finding and interacting with documents has never been easier or quicker.

My WidgetSpace

Voice recognition now allows text input into fields without having to use your keyboard to enter it. Perfect for mobile or hands-free usage. Voice Recognition

In addition to the System Lock and User Log functionality, CARA now provides graphical output of User Activity over time. User Activity Monitoring

Open both the properties and content in a single click. Preview with Properties

For those who need quick and easy interaction with the repository, the existing mobile support (via browsers) is now supplemented with a mobile-specific app. Mobile App extension

Importing emails is streamlined to allow both import as custom document types, as well as extraction of both attachments and also email attributes and content into repository attributes and content.

Email integration extension

On login, select your user experience – from the full WebDesktop through the single-page explorer, to My WidgetSpace and the Portal User Experience Selection +1-877-244-2022

Summary – v3.3 Major New Features

An improved permanent drag and drop zone for import from the Desktop or Outlook Import Landing Zone

CARA learns which are your favorite features and functions and places them on a personal shortcut pane for quick access Adaptive User Learning

Russian and Portuguese have been added to the existing languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Polish). Additional Languages

Display document thumbnails and information on a carousel / coverflow Carousel (Coverflow) Display

Full support for Documentum Search Facets, including configuration and display Documentum Facets

CARA now offers the full range of subscriptions available in Documentum but configurable using the CARA ruleset. Includes subscribing other users. Extended Subscriptions +1-877-244-2022

Adaptive User Learning

CARA “learns” from user’s most-used functions and adds shortcuts to those

functions into a “My Favorite Actions” pane +1-877-244-2022

Voice Recognition Voice recognition now allows text input into fields without having to use your keyboard to enter it. Perfect for mobile or hands-free usage. Simply click the microphone at the end of a text field and speak. The built-in spell-check on the browser will help correct errors.

Note: this feature is not available in all browsers +1-877-244-2022

User Activity Monitoring CARA v3.2 introduced the User Activity log, As well as the ability to lock the system (prevent logins, e.g. during system maintenance windows, while leaving the system up and running).





















CARA: Maximum Number of Active Users from 01 February 2012 to 28 February 2012

CARA v3.3 introduces advanced period user activity monitoring, outputting the results to Excel: +1-877-244-2022

Mobile App extensions For those who need quick and easy interaction with the repository, the existing mobile support (via browsers) is now supplemented with a mobile-specific app. CARA v3.2 offered full support for mobile phones and tablets via browsers, including the ability to access the slimmed-down CARA Portal via such devices, and an HTML download alternative to the standard Java Applet for Apple devices where applets are not supported. CARA v3.3 adds a specific phone app that allows you to: • search the repository • view content • view and edit properties • complete workflow activities • receive notifications when content

you have “subscribed” to has been altered

• download content to the device to view offline.

The app supports the following devices: - Apple - Android - Windows 8 - Blackberry

Image of CARA app superimposed

on stock photo of iPhone +1-877-244-2022

Email integration extensions In standard platforms, import of emails is restricted to importing as a specific document type, which means that a customer’s custom attributes are not available. In addition, the extraction of attributes is hard-coded. CARA extends this to allow mapping of email attributes to repository attributes, including extracting email content.

Once the emails are imported into CARA (via drag and drop), you can either access the attachments by viewing the email and opening the attachments from there, or by using the new Extract feature to extract attachments and automatically link them to the email as a Related Object. +1-877-244-2022

Preview with Properties

One menu opens properties and content preview side by side +1-877-244-2022

Import Landing Zone

Select your folder and then drag and drop from

Windows Explorer or Outlook into the Import

Landing Zone

Then optionally use the pop-up to classify your documents in the New

Document wizard that you configured +1-877-244-2022

Other Features

Configure attribute

inheritance from folder objects Extend context

details to hold Classification values for pre-populating to documents

Create an object not linked to the


Compatibility with Java 1.7

Job to auto-complete tasks

Ability to configure a URL

directly to the content

Window management:

Show Desktop / Show Windows

Side by Side Job to extend

document validity (e.g. on SOPs) +1-877-244-2022

Other Features

Job to remove inactive users from groups

Thumbnail widget – larger pop-up thumbnail on mouse over

Export a virtual document structure

including all metadata to Excel

Validate document

uniqueness on import, and either reject, version or

move to a duplicates folder Configure limit on

number / maximum file size

of documents imported in one

action Ability for users to reset their

View Settings to the default

Job to rename users and delete tasks associated

with inactive users

Enhanced rendition queue configuration

Contact us for a demo or free evaluation in-house or on our cloud
