Campaign to save h2o ppp

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Campaign to save h2o ppp

Hi, in this blog we are going to talk abouta campaign to save h20 this booklet can answe all your question.


Excretion is the process of eliminating waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials. It is an essential process in all forms of life.

Excretion is when a living thing get rid.

In few days it can disappear.

There are 6 types of animal that do different Excretion or could be the same.

Types of animals: Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects, Mammals and Reptiles.

Excretion:H2O-H2O Is a liquid. -Excretion is a


Similarities: without h2o excretory system can’t work, because the water makes the excretion have a better digestion.

MATTER:Matter is everything that takes up space is everything that its around you.

1.Physical changes can be caused with:a.Motion, temperature, color.b.Temperature, liquid,energy.C.Pressure,motion,temperature.D.Molecules,atoms, pressure.

2.Acoording to the reading there have always existed fiove stçates of matter.True or false.

3.States of matter are examples of :A.Chemicals changes.B.Physical changes.C.Non of the above.D.A and B.

4.If we add energy to a gas we willhave:A.Solid.B.Plasma.C.Liquid.D.Non of the above.

5.The states of matter named in the text are:A.Solid, liquid , gases atoms,molecules.B.Solid,liquid,gases plasma,bose enstein condensates.C.Solid, liquid, gases, mass, atoms.D.Non opf the above.

6.Chemical changes arev related to :A.Changes in the molecules.B.Change sin states.C.Changes in the temperature.D.Changes in density.

7.A drop of water changes its chemical properties when it freezes.Trues or false.

8.Say if the statement is true or false:1-Gases fill up the shape of a container (false)2-Solids have a definite volume(true)3-Gases have a definete volume(false).4-Liquids have a definity shape.(false)

9.Which one is easier to compress?A.Solid.B.Liquids.C.Gases.D.Non of the above.

10.When you compress something :A.You force the atoms closer together.B.You take a certain amount and force it into smaller space.C.All of the above.D.Non of the above.