Calligraphy lecture-history. Cave drawing Pictograms.

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Calligraphy lecture-history. Cave drawing Pictograms.

Calligraphy lecture-history

Cave drawing




Egyptian Frieze


2nd C BC inscription

Carved capitals 140AD

5th Century Latin

Rustic Caps-brushed, contemporary

Brushed rustic caps contemporary

Uncials 4th Century

Uncials 5th Century

Rustic Uncials

Book of Kells 6th Century

Books of Kells, Lindesfarne,Durrow 4-6th C.

Books of Kells, Durrow, Lindesfarne 6-8th C.


8th Century Ireland

Location-Skellig Rock

Skellig Rock

Skellig Michael Monastery

Skellig Michael

Beehive cells

Contemporary Use- Uncials

Contemporary Uncial Use

Typeface from Uncial

Contemporary use-Uncials

Monoline variation of Uncials

Carolingian, standard bookhand 9-10th Century

9th Century English- Carolingian

9th Century Carolingian

8th Century Carolingian


13th Century Scriptorium

Medieval drop ‘n drag

Monk at work from 1140 book

Ivory carving, 960 AD


Contemporary variation of Fraktur, Neugebauer

Rotunda 15th Century

Moveable type- 1457

17th Century German

Scribe preparing quills

Italic 1789

Copperplate 1758, writing manual

Declaration of Independence 1776

Signatures from Declaration of Independence

17th Century Printshop

Copybook 1663


Writing practice

William Morris ( 1834-1896)textile patterns

Edward Johnson 1872-1944

Edward Johnson, 1938

Edward Johnson

Johnson-London transport

Foundational lower case

Condensed variations from Foundational