CADMIT!Integration! Mid1pointReport! · Data Analysis and Reporting 6 ... Building access control...

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CADM  IT  Integration  Mid-­‐point  Report  


April  26,  2016  Last  updated  4/26/16  






Table  of  Contents                                Deliverable     Description  

1.   Project  Overview  •   Project  goals  •   Roadmap  •   Stakeholder  feedback/case  for  change  

2.   Services  and  Capabilities  

•   Integrated  service  catalog  •   Common  capabilities  

3.   Finance  Findings   •   Current  funding  models  

4.   HR  Findings   •   Employee  survey  

5.   Communications   •   Project  summary    

6.   Organizational  Structure  Principles   •   HUIT  3.0  org  structure  principles  


CADM IT Integration

Project Overview

CADM IT Project Goals

Deliver more nimble and effective IT services:

• More integrated and seamless IT experience for our stakeholders

• Faster delivery of services by breaking down barriers and

leveraging the collective skills and knowledge of other IT colleagues

Provide greater support for CADM IT staff :

• Develop critical common IT skills (ITIL, Agile, project management)

in the rapidly evolving IT professional landscape

• Increase opportunities for professional growth and career mobility

while ensuring talent retention

• Preserve and build on critical relationships with current work groups

CADM IT Project Roadmap

As of 4/21/16

Service Teams

Foundation Teams

Executive Committee

Human Resources IT

Finance IT

Campus Services IT

Develop: Service catalog Common capabilities

Understand current budgets and

financial models

Develop project goals

Define process

Identify project leaders

Sprints 1-3

Develop plan for

simplifying financial


Launch integrated

service catalog

Feb. Announcement

Finalize project scope

Review internal and external

stakeholder feedback

Review service catalog and


Gather benchmarks to support

scope analysis Identify roles, staffing numbers

to support org design

Develop communication plan

Craft messages/project


Gather stakeholder feedback to

validate case for change

Draft announcement

and supporting

materials (website,

FAQs, decks)


Human Resources


Sprints 4-6

Review project team findings and


Advise on org design, leadership,

and governance

Announce future state org

Identify standard processes (ITIL, project mgt) and prioritize for short and long-term alignment

Inventory list of projects according to common definitions

Develop recommendations for

future state financial model

Develop staff transition plan Gather input on HUIT values

Develop future engagement and

communication model Support ongoing project

communications and events

Support employee




Web content shift

Collateral updates

2/25-4/28 4/28-6/23 July 1 Mid-point Progress


Org structure principles Review:






Post Launch


Stakeholder  feedback:  case  for  change    

•   Data  was  gathered  from  interviews  with  more  than  50  people  across  the  University  and  from  the  Fall  2015  employee  engagement  survey  

 •   Interviews  included:  ad  deans,  business  owners,  it  professionals,  and  end  


•   Major  themes  from  these  sources  include:  

o   Lack  of  coordination  creates  confusion  for  our  end  users  

o   Poor  system  integration  is  a  pain  point  for  IT  staff  

o   Communication,  process,  and  practices  across  IT  groups  are  inconsistent  

o   There  is  a  clear  desire  for  an  integrated  plan  and  release  schedule  

o   Change  management  is  inconsistent  and  not  yet  effective  

o   Lack  of  data  management  strategy  is  a  major  pain  point  

o   No  clear  ownership  means  some  needs  fall  through  the  cracks  

o   Business  relationships  and  connections  are  key  and  need  to  be  preserved  


CADM IT Integration

Services and Capabilities


Service Catalog Integration

April 2016

HUIT’s Service Catalog is a tiered structure

The Service Catalog is organized into three logical tiers:

• Service Category is a superset of services intended to contain, bundle, and

organize the services themselves (e.g. End User Computing)

• Services are the IT services themselves (Email)

• Services Offerings are instances of the service (O365, Gmail)

Service Category


Service Offering


HUIT’s catalog has six Categories


At the highest level, Service Categories bundle and organize similar services

based on users, partners, and governance

Service Category Primary Users Partners Governance


1. Teaching and

Learning Faculty, students

Academic support


Representative faculty and

student groups (e.g. FSCIT, HACC, student advisory


2. Library Technology


Faculty, students, staff,

librarian patrons Librarians Library leadership

3. Administrative

Systems Faculty, students, staff

Central and school

admin departments

Central/FAS administrative

leadership (e.g. ITCRB)

4. End User Computing Faculty, students, staff,

alumni N/A

Representative stakeholder

groups (e.g. HarvardPhone Advisory Committee)

5. IT Security Faculty, students, staff,

alumni Security staff

Representative stakeholder

groups (e.g. CIO Council, ISOC)

6. IT Provider Services Staff IT staff Representative stakeholder

groups (e.g. Network Advisory Group)

Service Offerings are comprised of a number of elements

• Service Requests are requests for the offerings itself or elements of the offering (e.g. Request a new

email account)

• Systems, Applications, or other service offerings (Configuration Items) make up the Offering itself

(e.g. Proofpoint spam filtering)

• Knowledge Articles, SOPs, run books, etc. describe the operation of the service offering (e.g. how do

I forward my email)

Service Offering

Service Requests Systems/Applications Knowledge Articles


Summary of CADM-IT Services


CADM-IT-Related Services Number of Offerings

Category: Administrative Systems

Campus Services Systems 16

Finance and Procurement Systems 10

Human Resource Systems 11

Operational Technologies & Physical Security Systems 8

Payment/PCI Systems 2

Research Administration and Compliance Systems 8

Category: Data Management Services

Data Analysis and Reporting 6

Enterprise Data Integration Services 9

Enterprise Data Management Services 5

Total Offerings 75

 HUIT  Services  (Before) Integrated  Services  (After)

1     Administrative  Systems 1     Administrative  SystemsAlumni  Affairs  and  Development  Systems Alumni  Affairs  and  Development  SystemsAthletics  Systems Athletics  SystemsData  Management  Services FAS  Admin  ServicesFAS  Admin  Services FAS  Student  Admin  SystemsFAS  Student  Admin  Systems Finance  and  Procurement  SystemsFinance  and  Procurement  Systems Human  Resource  SystemsHuman  Resource  Systems Localized  Document  Repository  SystemsLocalized  Document  Repository  Systems Museum  SystemsMuseum  Systems my.harvardmy.harvard Research  Administration  SystemsReporting,  Analytics  and  Business  Intelligence Student  Financial  ServicesResearch  Administration  Systems University  Admin  SystemsStudent  Financial  Services Web  Publishing  ServicesUniversity  Admin  Systems Campus  Services  Systems    New  ServiceWeb  Publishing  Services Operational  Technologies  and  Physical  Security  Systems    New  Service

Payment/PCI  Systems    New  Service2     Data  Management  Services    New  Category

Data  Analysis  and  ReportingEnterprise  Data  Integration  Services    New  ServiceEnterprise  Data  Management  Services

2     End  User  Computing 3     End  User  ComputingCollaboration  Services Collaboration  ServicesEmail  and  Calendars Email  and  CalendarsField  Support  Services Field  Support  ServicesNetwork  Services Network  ServicesPhone  Services Phone  Services

3     IT  Provider  Services 4     IT  Provider  ServicesCloud  Services Cloud  ServicesHUIT  Supporting  Tools  and  Systems HUIT  Supporting  Tools  and  SystemsIdentity  and  Access  Services Identity  and  Access  ServicesNetwork  Services Network  ServicesPhone  Services Phone  ServicesServer  Administration Server  AdministrationWeb  Hosting Web  Hosting

4     IT  Security 5     IT  SecurityInformation  Security  Education  and  Consulting Information  Security  Education  and  ConsultingInformation  Security  Operations  and  Engineering Information  Security  Operations  and  Engineering

5     Library  Technology  Services   6     Library  Technology  Services  Library  Access  and  Discovery Library  Access  and  DiscoveryLibrary  Collections Library  Collections

5  CADM-­‐IT  related  services Library  Research  and  Learning  Services Library  Research  and  Learning  Services 9  CADM-­‐IT  related  services6     Teaching  and  learning 7     Teaching  and  learning

Core  Teaching  Technologies Core  Teaching  TechnologiesDigital  Video  Services Digital  Video  ServicesLearning  Spaces  Support Learning  Spaces  Support 4

Integration  and  Mapping  of  HUIT  +  CADM-­‐IT  Services

Currently,  HUIT's  Service  Catalog  is  comprised  of:  -­‐  6  Categories  (in  Bold)-­‐  33  Services

CADM-­‐-­‐IT  Integration  will  expand  the  Service  Catalog:  -­‐  7  Categories  -­‐-­‐  1  new  entry  (in  Bold)-­‐  37  Services  -­‐-­‐  4  new  entries

Category Service OfferingCommuter systems

Emergency management systems

Energy and utilities systems

Event Management

Facilities maintenance systems

Food and Dining Systems

Global Support Services

Health and Safety systems

Hotel Management

Housing systems

ID card systems

International Office systems

Magazine systems

Parking and transportation systems

Postal mail systems

Real-estate systems

Accounting and Chart Maintenance


Capital Planning and Capital Approval at Harvard

Chart of Accounts Validation Service

Customer Payment Receipts

Invoice Payment

Purchasing Card Approval and Reconciliation

Purchasing Goods and Services


Travel and Expense Reimbursement

Absence Management


Commitment Accounting

Document Imaging

Enterprise Learning Management

Human Resources



Performance Management


Time & Labor

Building access control

Building automation systems

Chilled water plant OT systems

Dining refrigeration monitoring

Fire detection and prevention systems

Security video systems

Shared OT infrastructure

Steam plant OT systems

Crimson Cash / Meal Plans


Data Use Agreement Management

PI Reporting and Forecasting

Research Administration Management Systems

Research Compliance - Effort Reporting

Research Compliance - Financial Conflicts of Interest

Research Compliance - Human Subjects (IRB)

Research Overhead Rate Negotiation Support

Sponsor Invoicing, Management and Reporting

Compliance Reporting

Data Mining

Platform for report developers

Production Reporting

Reports, Dashboards, and Scorecards

Statistics and predictive analytics

Data API services

Data Quality Operations

Database Sandbox (UTS)

Direct DB Query Access

ETL Services

Historical Data Storage

Information Data Modelling


Report semantic layer (OBIEE RPD)

Data lineage and Origin 7 Categories

Data Quality Management 37 Services

Glossary 238 Offerings

Platform for Data Documentation

Platform for Developers (API, ELT) 5

CADM-IT-Specific Services: 2 Categories, 9 Services, 75 Offerings*







Campus Services Systems

Finance and

Procurement Systems

Human Resource Systems

Operational Technologies and

Physical Security Systems

Payment/PCI Systems

Research Administration and

Compliance Systems


ta M





t S




Data Analysis and Reporting

Enterprise Data

Integration Services

Enterprise Data

Management Services

*NOTE - HUIT's entire

integrated service

catalog will contain:

Common IT Capabilities

Findings and Recommendations




What are Capabilities?

• ITIL definition: The ability to coordinate, control and deploy resources

to produce value.

• The groups of activities that we perform in order to deliver and support

our services.

List of Capabilities


Information Security & Compliance

Operations Support

Business Analysis

Client Relationship Management

IT Service Management

Project Management

Product Management

Software Development & Package Implementation

Change Management

Data Management

Enterprise Architecture

Quality Assurance (QA)

User Experience

Vendor Management

Information Analytics

Capabilities Heat Map


Prioritized Capability Recommendations


Priority Capability Recommendations

1 Data Management + Develop a strategy to deliver improved enterprise data integration and

enterprise data management services

+ Create a Center of Excellence

1 Enterprise Architecture + Create a Center of Excellence that uses Enterprise Architecture to simplify

and rationalize the number of applications in use and ensure good stewardship

of University systems.

2 Organizational Change


+ Establish and staff a Change Management Office to coordinate and deliver

communications from all parts of HUIT to the end users and to coordinate

project/product releases to minimize disruption of operations.

+ Rationalize the hiring of FTEs vs. the use of contractors

+ Assess broadened use of Engagement Council model (currently used by

FSS) for consistent engagement with schools across initiatives

3 Vendor Management + Accelerate the creation of the Vendor Management Office to standardize best

practices and processes, reduce vendor risk and increase value to University

through improved vendor relationship management.

4 User Experience

+ Establish a Community of Practice to extend and share UX capabilities, tools,

and knowledge

+ Offer an IT Academy course for UX Foundations

+ Provide access to a lab that can work with Harvard IS testers

5 Quality Assurance

+ Establish a Center of Excellence to align and coordinate QA activities across

service teams

+ Extend Community of Practice more broadly to provide cross-HUIT strategy

+ Leverage automation where practical

+ Consistently follow the standards and processes

6 Product Management

+ Establish a Community of Practice to coordinate and share best practices,

lessons learned, etc.

+ Create product portfolio focus for strategic management of functionality for

multiple products across HUIT

Additional Recommendations


Capability Recommendations

Business Analysis

+ Establish a Center of Excellence to align and coordinate Business Analysis

across HUIT

+ Offer an IT Academy track for Business Analysis

+ (HR) Establish a career path for Business Analysts at Harvard

Project Management

+ Bring PMs from HUIT PMO and incoming groups together

+ Form Center of Excellence or extend the PM Community of Practice to all

incoming PMs

+ Hire FTE PMs rather than contracting by default

+ Ensure consistent methodologies, processes, tools and best practices are

followed by all PMs across HUIT

Information Analytics

(part of Data Management)

+ Continue to advance data literacy and competency

+ Continue to invest in appropriate tools

+ Define career path and continue to invest in skills development across HUIT

+ Enable self-service data exploration and discovery by business in order to

improve strategic decision making

CADM IT Integration

Finance Findings

CADM IT Integration Project

Finance Findings

Spring 2016

Foundation Finance Areas of Focus

• Funding - Create an integrated financial model for the

new HUIT

• Accounting and Operations – Develop clear

approach for transaction and operations processes

• Budgeting and Forecasting – Determine processes

that provide clear, reasonable, and accurate budgets

and forecasts

• Reporting – Develop a reporting strategy that is clear,

consistent and replicable


Current Funding Models • Multiple sources of funds for impacted areas signal level of complexity:

• All current models seek full (including overhead) cost recovery

• Each group has distinct ways of reporting, budgeting, forecasting, and transacting



(CADM) Fringe




HPPM1* CS Direct



Human Resources IT (HR IT)

FAD Systems Solutions (FSS)

Campus Services IT (CS IT)

*Built into rates charged to customers

1. One funded position in support of facilities projects and built into CAPS facilities project fees

Foundation Finance Updates

A large portion of the Foundation Finance team work is

dependent on the updated HUIT structure and where impacted

staff are moved. In the meantime, the team is:

• Exploring the possibility of core funding all HHR IT positions

without impacting CADM or the University fringe-rate

• Working to maintain the FY17 expense budgets at their

current totals

• Examining possibilities for allocating HUIT overhead costs,

including phasing options


CADM IT Integration

HR Findings

CADM IT Integration Staff Survey Findings

Key findings from survey data:

The highest proportion of staff time across FSS and HRIS is spent on QA / testing and requirements gathering.

A small proportion (0%-3%) of staff time in both FSS and ISA is spent on non-systems based

consulting and business process design.

FSS and ISA respondents cite the importance of business knowledge and skills in their respective

technologies (e.g. PeopleSoft, Qlikview, SQL) for success in their roles.

FSS and ISA respondents identify areas for growth in skills as: project management, data

analysis, SQL, Agile, PeopleSoft, Oracle DBS, University financials, Python, ServiceNow, TOAD, ITIL

Most respondents are unsure what to expect with the CADM change and expect minimal change

to their day-to-day work. There is a theme of looking forward to more resources, greater opportunity for career growth and greater collaboration with HUIT. Many report a desire to ensure they do not lose the connection to their business partners and expertise.

Top Three Reported Areas of Average Time Spent

FSS HRIS – During Projects HRIS – Normal Operations

1 QA/Testing –17% QA/Testing – 33% QA/Testing – 26%

2 Tier I & II Support – 13% Req. Gathering – 15% Data Analysis – 24%

3 Req. Gathering – 11% Project Mgmt - 12% Req. Gathering – 14%


This survey, which should take no longer than 15 minutes, is designed to more deeply

understand the work in FSS and ISA. While job descriptions and benchmarking capture work at

a certain level, hearing directly from staff will help inform an organizational design that best

supports the University.

Please enter your name and title.




What department do you currently work in?





Consider the percent of time you spend on your core job duties during "normal operations" OR

when on a project*. Recognizing that time changes week to week, provide your best estimate of

the average time spent over a one year period. For full time staff, 20% is one day per week, part

time employees should adjust accordingly still totaling 100%.

Please indicate how much time you spend on the following:

Project management

Tier II /III support

QA/ testing (includes test plan development, unit, integrated, manual, and/or regression testing)

Requirements gathering/ specification documentation

Training and end user documentation

Client relationship management

Change management/ communication

Non-systems based consulting

System configuration

Release management

Vendor management

Strategic planning

Business process design

Data analysis

Other: define below

*HHR ISA received two versions of this question; the variations are highlighted in yellow. FSS

simply did not receive the highlighted question and only received this question once.


What work do you perform that is not listed above?



What type of data analysis do you perform? Select all that apply.*

Creating reports/ dashboards

Predictive analytics

Data analytics

Making recommendations

Data interpretation

*Only people who enter greater than zero for data analysis on page will receive this question.



Who are your customers? Select all that apply and indicate the specific departments or functions

you support.

Central Administration:

Schools/Units (Staff, Faculty, Students)



What knowledge, skills and abilities are critical for success in your role?


In what areas would you like to grow your skills?


How do you anticipate your working changing through this organizational change?


Do you have any additional comments?

CADM IT Integration

Communications Plan


CADM  IT  Integration  Project  Summary  Last  updated  4/12/2016  

 Project  Overview    

•   In  February  2016,  EVP  Katie  Lapp  convened  the  CADM  IT  Integration  executive  committee  and  project  team  to  engage  in  a  process  to  bring  IT  groups  within  Campus  Services,  Financial  Administration  (FAD),  and  Harvard  Human  Resources  (HHR)  into  Harvard  University  Information  Technology  (HUIT)  by  July  1,  2016.    

 •   The  goals  of  the  integration  are  two-­‐fold:  to  enable  Central  Administration  to  enhance  IT  service  

delivery  to  the  Harvard  community,  and  to  provide  IT  staff  with  more  support  and  depth  of  knowledge  to  enable  their  growth  and  development  as  Harvard  IT  professionals.  

 •   University  leaders  and  the  Committee  to  Visit  Information  Technology  have  contemplated  

integrating  these  IT  teams  over  the  past  several  years  to  remove  organizational  barriers,  improve  collaboration  and  coordination,  and  better  support  the  increasing  need  to  deliver  integrated  and  seamless  technology  systems  and  services  across  Harvard.        

•   The  guiding  principles  of  this  project  include:    

§   Make  the  transition  as  seamless  as  possible  for  IT  professionals,  business  owners,  and  end-­‐users.  This  project  should  not  result  in  a  disruption  of  service.    

§   Preserve  and  build-­‐on  current  business  relationships    

§   Focus  on  how  best  to  deliver  services;  explore  and  combine  the  strengths  of  each  unit    

 §   Ensure  open  and  consistent  communication  to  staff  and  stakeholders  during  the  



•   The  EVP  launched  this  initiative  in  February  2016  with  the  transition  expected  to  be  formalized  by  July  1,  2016.    

•   Broadly  speaking,  between  now  and  July  1,  the  project  Executive  Committee  will:    

§   Define  the  future  state  organization  §   Define  a  new  HUIT  culture  §   In  June,  announce  planned  changes  to  impacted  groups  (i.e.  new  roles  and  reporting  

changes,  etc.).    

The  project  team  will:  §   Create  an  integrated  service  catalog  §   Develop  an  integrated  governance  process  §   Support  a  staff  transition  plan  §   Develop  project  communications  and  engagement  strategy  

 •   On  July  1,  all  incoming  members  will  know  which  department  in  HUIT  they  will  join  and  if  there  

are  any  changes  related  to  whom  they  report.  •   After  July  1,  there  will  still  be  more  work  to  do  to  refine  and  implement  the  changes.  •   A  high-­‐level  roadmap  can  be  found  at­‐it-­‐integration/resources  

 IT  Staff  Impacts    

•   Will  IT  staff  be  relocated  as  part  of  this  project?  We  do  not  have  any  plans  currently  to  relocate  staff.    That’s  not  to  say  it  will  never  happen,  but  in  the  near-­‐term  the  expectation  is  that  staff  will  remain  in  their  current  space.        

•   Will  there  be  layoffs  as  a  result  of  this  project?  Layoffs  are  not  being  contemplated  as  a  part  of  this  effort.    Our  hope  is  that  we  will  create  a  structure  that  will  allow  all  employees  to  contribute.  

 •   Will  everyone  in  the  IT  groups  from  Campus  Services,  FAD,  and  HHR  report  to  HUIT?  

We  expect  most  members  of  these  IT  groups  to  report  to  HUIT.  However,  we  recognize  that  some  roles  include  a  mix  of  IT  and  business  responsibilities.  The  executive  committee,  informed  by  the  project  team,  will  make  a  decision  about  where  they  best  fit.  

 •   What  will  IT  staff  know  by  July  1?                All  incoming  members  will  know  which  department  in  HUIT  they  will  join  and  if  they  have  a  new  

reporting  relationship.      


•   Will  job  titles  change?                The  project  team  is  looking  at  the  overall  structure  of  what  will  be  the  new  organization,  and  

how  new  IT  teams  will  fit  into  HUIT.    Right  now,  it’s  not  clear  what  reorganizations  might  be  necessary  to  accommodate  the  project  and  how  that  would  affect  things  like  job  titles.  

 •   Will  I  become  part  of  a  pool  of  technical  resources  when  I  join  HUIT?  

No,  areas  of  focus  will  not  change  as  a  result  of  this  integration.  HUIT  is  an  organization  of  technical  experts  and  specialists,  and  everyone  in  HUIT  works  in  a  specific  business  area.  We  hope  that  being  a  part  of  a  larger  technology  organization  will  offer  IT  professionals  the  opportunity  of  exposure  to  various  areas  of  HUIT,  ranging  from  academic  technology  to  information  security  to  IT  architecture  and  engineering,  among  others,  should  they  want  to  explore  those  areas  or  leverage  other  experts  to  support  your  work.  

 •   What  if  I  currently  have  a  flexible  schedule,  is  that  going  to  change?  

Disrupting  schedules  is  not  a  goal  of  this  project,  so  ideally  that  would  not  change.  HUIT,  in  line  with  Harvard,  encourages  employees  to  create  a  suitable  work/life  balance,  and  flexible  scheduling  can  be  a  part  of  that  effort.  In  the  future  organization,  as  it  is  now,  staff  will  work  with  their  managers  to  determine  individual  schedules.      

 Stakeholder  Impacts    

•   After  July  1,  whom  should  I  contact  for  services?  A  guiding  principle  of  this  project  is  preserving  current  business  relationships.  Therefore,  we  expect  that  points  of  contacts  will  remain  the  same  after  July  1,  with  very  few  exceptions.  

 •   How  will  HUIT  ensure  a  strong  connection  from  IT  to  the  Campus  Services,  FAD,  and  HHR  

business  units  after  the  unification?  Maintaining  a  strong  connection  to  the  business  units  is  an  extremely  important  part  of  this  process  that  the  Executive  committee  is  leading  themselves.  We  expect  that  IT  professionals  will  continue  to  support  the  business  and  clients  much  like  they  do  now,    through  regular  attendance  at  meetings  and  other  engagements  within  the  business  units.  

 •   Will  there  be  any  impact  on  the  quality  of  IT  service  our  users  receive?  

Ensuring  that  we  provide  seamless  services  to  our  users  is  a  top  priority  of  transition  planning.  We  will  work  hard  to  minimize  the  impact  of  this  change  and  will  be  meeting  with  key  stakeholders  throughout  this  planning  process  to  get  their  input  and  feedback.  Please  do  not  hesitate  to  send  in  your  thoughts  on  how  to  work  through  this  transition  with  your  stakeholders  at  


       •   What  benefits  should  my  business  unit  expect  from  the  transition?  

This  alignment  will  allow  central  IT  to  respond  more  quickly  and  collaboratively  to  evolving  business  needs.  The  unified  IT  organization  will  be  better  able  to  coordinate  IT  activities  (e.g.,  how  and  when  we  are  communicating  to  schools  or  specific  user  groups)  and  provide  a  more  seamless  experience  for  our  community  members  who  use  multiple  technologies  every  day.      

•   Will  there  be  an  impact  on  active  projects  within  the  central  IT  teams?  All  current  projects  are  expected  to  proceed  as  planned  during  the  transition  and  post-­‐July  2016,  depending  on  the  scope  and  timeline  of  the  project.  We  will  take  special  care  to  identify  these  projects  and  ensure  that  they  are  carried  forward  to  completion.  

   Additional  Resources  for  Project  Information    

•   Dedicated  webpages  with  project  information  and  FAQs:­‐it-­‐integration  

 •   Executive  Committee  and  Project  Team  member­‐it-­‐integration/project-­‐team    

•   Project  roadmap­‐it-­‐integration/resources  

 •   Overview  presentation  deck­‐it-­‐integration/resources    

•   Progress  reports  and  sprint  review  decks­‐it-­‐integration/progress-­‐reports  

 •   Submit  questions        

Date Audience Activity Description/messaging Channel Resp.

2/2/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Announcement In person meetings, email announcement from EVP In person SG/AM

2/2/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Project description, announcement, FAQs Launch website pages on Web SG/AM

2/11/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT Project drivers, project goal, process Forum: EVP and VPs Forum SG

3/1/16-3/30/16 Ad Deans, CIO, fin deans Project goals, feedback, advice In person meetings/interviews conducted by external project consultantIn personEmail


3/9/2016 FSS Project goals and updates, HUIT overview, Q&A CIO/FSS team meeting In person SG

3/17/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Case for changeTeam updates Sprint Review #1EmailWeb


3/18/2016 CS IT, FSS, HR ISA Manager Manager forum Forum (hosted by CIO) Forum SG

3/22/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 1 report Send email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


4/1/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT HUIT Newsletter Send HUIT newsletter to incoming groups to build communityEmailWeb


4/4/2016 CS IT CIO update In-person meeting with CIO In person SG

4/7/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 2 WebEx Sprint Review # 2 In person SG

4/14/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 2 report Send email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


4/25/2016 CS, FSS, HR ISA Managers Manager forum Forum (hosted by CIO) Forum SG

4/28/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 3 WebEx Sprint Review # 3 In person AM

5/2/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Midpoint progress report (message from EC?) Email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


5/12/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 4 WebEx Sprint Review # 4 In person AM

5/17/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 4 report Send email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


6/16-TBD FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT CADM IT Open Forum with EVP (scheduling in process)SG

6/3/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 5 WebEx Sprint Review # 5 In person AM


Date Audience Activity Description/messaging Channel Resp.


6/7/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 5 report Send email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


6/23/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 6 WebEx Sprint Review # 6 In person AM

6/27/2016 FSS, HR ISA, CS IT, HUIT Sprint 6 report Send email message, post to website, link to relevant FAQ'sEmailWeb


7/14/2016 HUIT Welcome/Orientation HUIT Town Hall & BBQ In person SG

CADM IT Integration

Organizational Structure

HUIT 3.0 Organizational Structure Principles

Draft as of 4/6/16

HUIT Mission:

We strive to make it easier for faculty, students, and staff to teach, research, learn, and work

through the effective use of information technology

Organizational Structure Principles:

Organize for optimal service delivery to the “whole” user o Group “like with like” (common work, tools, methods, practices)

o Minimize layers; ensure reasonable span of control

o Optimize for work, not funding source

o Avoid excessive autonomy or dependence on few individuals

o Separate programs from service delivery operations

o Enable work across group toward shared goals

Create the optimal work environment to support staff o Embed with users when possible

o Enable more decision-making in teams/lower in org

o Provide career growth opportunities through multiple roles beyond org structure

(examples include: account managers, service owners, SME’s, IT Academy


o Share knowledge; communicate with openness

o Leverage deep expertise while fostering broad, “top of T” skills

o Continue to evolve HUIT’s culture to engage and motivate staff

o Create clear, simple and consistent processes to make it easier to get the work

done and for others to work with us.