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Transcript of CA2K CHAPTER DIRECTOR’  ·...




The holidays are fast approaching, and we are well into the fall time of year. When out riding, you can see the trees and vineyards turning to red/golden shades on their leaves. We saw that on our after-chapter ride in October when we headed to Jackson Rancheria. We tried to get rich on the Wheel of Fortune, but alas, the casino won!!! As we get closer to the holiday season, and our calendars get busier, it makes it important to get our dates for different festivities set. Paul and I will host the holiday party at our house on December 15. We will supply the meat, and ask if our members will help us with the side dishes. We will also have Kay’s wonderful gift exchange for those that want to join in. Please email me by December 10, if you want to participate in the fun and haven’t RSVP’d as of yet! Along with the holiday party, the women historically have a cookie exchange, while the guys have a motorcycle ride with the purpose of burning enough calories to come back and enjoy the sweet treats!!! This date has not been set yet, so will be getting ideas from all of you during the month. Let me know! We are getting to the time of the year when I beg for assistance with officers.

j Welcome to Chapter CA2K of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA), the world's largest single-marquee social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing motorcycles. We are located in Fairfield, Ca. which is nestled between the Mendocino National Forest to the north, Pacific Ocean to the west, Sacramento and Lake Tahoe to the east, the San Francisco Bay area to the south and nestled next to the vineyards of Napa and Sonoma, we are truly Gold Wing Country, Some of the greatest riding roads in the US. We are dedicated to our Motto: “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”! GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a Non-Profit, Non-Religious and Non-Political organization

November 2018 Fairfield, CA Friends for fun, Safety & Knowledge

Please dig deep and let me know if you will stay on or would like to take over a position. I will continue as the Chapter Director for one more year, but really need help!! More coming later this month.

EDITOR WANTED Hello everyone! Well, I have been doing the newsletter for five years and my mind is telling me that it is time to take a break. It has been a great run, I have enjoyed doing it and it has at times been a complication, but mostly it was enjoyable. So if someone would like to take a shot at doing it, I am glad to assist you in any way I can. I can furnish you with existing templates, and everything else that I use. So if you would like to be CA2K’s newsletter editor, please contact Becky or myself. I am hoping to make the December issue my last one. Thanks to all who let me know they enjoyed it. *************************************************************************************************************************************

CA2K WEBSITE IS BACK Don’t forget, our website is back and operating, with a real webmaster, not someone playing with it and not knowing what they were doing! (ME). Doug has done great things with it! He has even added a few new items. So please take a look and let him know what you think. The site is Next time you see him, give him a big “Thanks Doug”. ***********************************************************************************************************


Well, this was really a great month for the Wing Nut. It seems like Mike W was talking about time with his mother in law, so Lennie nominated Mike for talking about his mother in law, then Mike nominated nominated Lennie for fabricating stories. So not to be left out, Steve P nominated John (2J) for not calling him about going to the 2R rally. So Nick nominates both Steve and Lennie for something (couldn’t keep it all straight) So Nick gets nominated for nominating Lennie & Steve. So with all this, guess who the lucky winner was? Well, of course. It was Lucky Nick! Aren’t you glad we love you Nick! Now with all this said, the editor takes no responsibility for any errors that anyone may suggest exist in this story! It is somewhat true to the best of my memory! So, be sure to keep your heads down, because you never know what, or who may be lurkng in the meeting next month! You could be next!



Steve Palatino Nov. 19 Paul Carroll Nov. 22 Jeff Kennedy Nov. 24 Donna Kougal Nov. 26

NOVEMBER 2018 JT & Sylvia Mullholland Nov. 17 Lennie & Rhonda Millage Nov. 22

It pays to play with CA-2K Chapter Meeting Monthly Drawings

Each month we have several drawings: Chapter Pride, if you wear your GWRRA Chapter colors you will receive a ticket for a $10 drawing. If you are a guest of CA2K you will receive a ticket for a door prize. We usually have some nice door prizes. *************************************************************************************************************************************

JULY 2018 50/25/25 WINNER The lucky winners this month, were Moya Valdez & Mike Ward. We also had some very nice raffle prizes. So see, once again it pays to play with CA2K! WE hope to see you next month.


CHAPTER PRIDE Don’t forget to wear your chapter colors, or chapter vest, to be eligible to win $10 for chapter pride. This month’s winner was Walter Murray, Congrat’s Walter!

CHAPTER STORE Do you need pins, flag’s, bars, shirts, vest appointments, or many other items? If you do, see your Chapter Store Director, Lennie Millage at the chapter meeting. He is also open to any new items/special orders that you may like to see or want. You can also call at 925-766-9409 or email him at He has lots of great stuff that he loves to sell.

Marine Math From the desk of Lesley Harris

The Korean War, in which the US Marine Corps fought and won some of its most brutal battles, was not without its gallows humor. During one such conflict an ROK (Republic of Korea) commander, whose unit was fighting along with the Marines, called legendary Marine General Chesty Puller, to report a major Chinese attack in his sector.

"How many Chinese are attacking you?" asked Puller.

"Many, many, many, many, many Chinese!" replied the excited Korean Officer.

General Puller asked for another count and got the same answer, "Many, many, many, many Chinese!"

"Dammit!" swore Puller, "Put my Marine Liaison Officer on the radio."

In a minute, an American voice came over the air: "Yes Sir?"

"Lieutenant," growled Chesty, "Exactly how many Chinese you got up there?"

"General, we've got a whole f*ing sh*tload of Chinese up here!

"Thank God!" exclaimed Puller, "At least there's someone up there who knows how to count!"



Decoder for Senior Texting

Just so you can decode our emails or texting, seniors, now have our own texting codes:

ATD - At the Doctor BFF - Best Friends Funeral BTW - Bring the Wheelchair BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth CBM - Covered by Medicare SYATSC - See You at the Senior Center DWI - Driving While Incontinent FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low GHA - Got Heartburn Again LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out LOL - Living on Lipitor TOT - Texting on Toilet WAITT - Who Am I Talking To? GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!



Chapter Directors Becky & Paul Carroll 707-427-0346 Assistant CD’s Open Chapter Store Lennie Millage 707-647-3354 50/50 Coordinator Sue Neander 707-301-1259 Membership Enhancement Kathy Sieg 707-585-1527 Member Recognition Open Newsletter Editor Paul Carroll 510-867-1306 Public Relations Paul Carroll 510-867-1306 Ride Coordinator Dean, (Jerry, asst) 707-688-6679 Sergeant at Arms Larry Jackson 707-437-1132 Treasurer Kay Kennedy 707-592-2190



District Directors Bob & Nancy Clark 661-943-5663 Asst. Dist. Directors Ralph & Robynn French 925-984-4252 Treasurer Donna Herrera District Educator Linda Harmon 661-810-5157 Dist. Ride Coordinator Don & Beth Kuellman 925-487-5750 Membership Enhancement Steve & Alma Sprenkles 559-298-2456 District Store Kevin Herrera 626-466-7069


Gold Wing Road Riders Association National Programs Membership Leadership Training Leadership Rider Education

PIZZA NIGHT PIZZA NIGHT!! NOVEMBER Pizza Night is on the November 13. The location is Round Table Pizza, Green Valley Shopping Center, 5085 Business Center Dr. Suite 102, Fairfield (Cordelia), CA 94533. The time is 5:30 PM and the cost is $7.49, plus beverage. Join us there for good food and great company. NOVEMBER 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 Veteran’s Day (Actual Date)

12 Veteran’s Day (Observed)

13 Pizza Nite

14 15 16 17


19 20 21 22 Thanksgiving

23 24 CA2K Mtg

25 26 27 28 29 30

DECEMBER 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 Hanukkah Begins

4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 Pizza Nite

12 13 14 15 2K Christmas Party


17 18 19 20 21 22 CA2K Mtg

23 24 25 Christmas

26 27 28 29

30 31 New Yrs Eve

1 (January 2019) New Years Day



NOVEMBER 13th, Tue CA2K Pizza Night, Round Table Pizza, Green Valley Shopping Center, 6-8 PM 22nd, Thu Thanksgiving 24th, Sat CA2K Meeting, Breakfast 7:30, Meeting 8:30 After Chapter Ride: Awful Annie’s restaurant in Auburn. DECEMBER CA2K Cookie Exchange, Date to be determined 15th, CA2K Christmas Party, At the Carroll’s House. 11th, Tue.: CA2K Pizza Night, Round Table Pizza, Green Valley Shopping Center, 6-8 PM 15th, Sat.: Wreaths Across America, National Cemetery, Dixon 22nd, Sat CA2K Meeting, Breakfast 7:30, Meeting 8:30 25th, Tue Christmas This Calendar will be adjusted as dates and events change or are added.


Please let me know what you think. As I have continued to say, I am always looking for things to put in it; I especially need help with pictures. I am also really, kinda sorta open to suggestions, but will probably ignore them. Also, when I use the jokes and other anomalies, I usually acknowledge the contributor along with the item. I want to thank all who contribute items for the newsletter. Any article published in this newsletter is the opinion of the contributor, not the association. Please feel free to contact me at 510-867-1306 or e-mail: Thanks and see you on the road! Advertisers!! We currently have a good group of advertiser’s supporting our chapter. Please try to support our advertisers, so they will continue to support us!! They supply us with rally and other prizes during the year, so i am asking all ca2k, please support them also.


An elderly, but hardy cattleman from Texas once told a young female neighbor that if she wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on her oatmeal each morning. She did this religiously and lived to the age of 103. She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, five great-great-grandchildren and a 40-foot hole where the crematorium used to be.



CA2K ADVERTISING RATES Business Card $50.00 1/4 Page $75.00

1/2 Page $ 100.00 Full Page $150.00 Active Participants of CA-2K can advertise business card for free. All rates are per year. Rates run from January to December. Any Ads during the year will be pro-rated. For information, contact editor, Paul Carroll by e-mail at If anyone is aware of anyone that may be interested in advertising in our newsletter, Please send me their contact info and I will see if we can

sign them up. Thanks for your assistance.


Next Chapter Gathering J Date: NOVEMBER 24, 2018 Time: 7:30 Breakfast, 8:30 Gathering Place: Benicia Grill II Address: 2390 N. Texas St., Fairfield, CA. 94533