By Laura S. ShortridgeGoodies/SeaOf...By Laura S. Shortridge Let’s start with a quote by Michael...

Post on 16-Mar-2020

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Transcript of By Laura S. ShortridgeGoodies/SeaOf...By Laura S. Shortridge Let’s start with a quote by Michael...

By Laura S. Shortridge

Let’s start with a quote by Michael Beckwith:

“There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, ‘There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough.

The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.

There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That's the truth.”

So what do YOU think?

Is there “enough” for everyone?

Me? I’m with Michael.

Contrary to popular belief, I fully believe there ARE enough resources on this planet for every single person to be wealthy. It isn't a competition or a race, even though society often says it is. We don't have to fight each other for it and we don't have to be first at some supposed finish line.

If a door shuts, don't sweat it. There will be another one to open. And behind door number two, or maybe three or four or ninety- nine, will be abundance beyond your wildest imaginings. Just don't quit looking for doors to open.

Thinking there isn't enough wealth for all is like a fish thinking the ocean doesn't have enough water or a bird thinking it doesn't have enough sky.

Take a peak into history. When we think a resource is running out, we discover a new or alternate source. Life continues, often in an improved condition.

For example, consider horse poop...

Say whaaaat?

We’ll use New York City as an example. In the early 1900's, the main source of personal transportation was still by horse... wagons, carriages, single mounts, etc. Automobiles of varying sorts had been around for years but they were strictly playthings for the rich.

As a result, horses clogged the streets. And so did horse poop. Lots and lots of horse poop. It was being produced quicker than it could be disposed of.

Yes, you read that right. Time for a little history lesson:

Oh, my! What’s a city to do???

There were Chicken Littles running around warning that NYC was going to be overrun with equine dung (well, technically, the papers said horse manure) if horse- use wasn't regulated.

Seems silly now, but it was a real issue. Then came Henry Ford who developed a system through which middle class people could afford automobiles.

Hooray! The horse poop issue was resolved!

But seriously, how does this relate to today? Our thinking is much more advanced than the horse & buggy days, right?

Hmmmm… maybe in some ways, but maybe not in others. For instance, what about the grave concern of the world’s dependence on oil? I’ve heard plenty of Chicken Littles squawking alot about that one.

Me? I don't worry about it. I think it is a political ploy for control. Humankind has been supplied with enough resources of all kinds.

Don’t you feel enlightened now?

Personally, I don't think the oil is nearly as scarce as we are told, but even if it is, by the time it runs out, it won't be needed anymore. We will have harnessed other sources of energy that are currently mere sparks in the minds of Imagineers (that's a Walt Disney term... a great example of an imagination engineer himself!).

It doesn't matter what business you are building, whether you are scaling it alone, or whether you are in perfect unison with a life partner. Each of us has within us the potential to live in abundance. We have only to open our hearts and minds to know how to receive it.

“God will overflow your

cup, so grab the biggest one you

can find.”

...Rob Liano

Rich, Poor, and Everywhere Between

Another common clamor spouted at every turn today is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And why? Because there is not enough to go around they say. The nasty rich people are greedy and hoard it all.


Are there greedy rich people? Yes. But there are also many greedy people that are middle class or poor. Greed is an individual vice, not a socioeconomic one.

So what’s up with rich people?

The rich get richer because they understand HOW to make money. They leverage their resources and develop multiple income streams that keep flowing to them on a continual basis.

I realize that some people inherit wealth that they don't personally earn (and perhaps don't deserve, but that isn't for you or me to determine). And some people get their wealth through illegal or unethical means. They may manipulate and control people and/orcircumstances to get wealth and power.

“Hi, I’m Karma!”

But remember, while they may appear to have everything now, at some point, either in this life or the next, Karma will bite them in the bum. God is the judge, not us. And it does not change the fact that there is limitless wealth to go around.

There are many wealthy people that most people don't even know about. They choose to live modest lifestyles, blend in with “regular” folk, and give their money to charities, churches, college scholarships, medical facilities, etc. They often own multiple businesses that provide countless jobs.

You may have a millionaire living next door and not even know it!

I was at a funeral once when the pastor revealed that the deceased had donated over $1,000,000 to build their new church and fellowship hall. There was a gasp in the chapel; no one had a clue, including me, that she owned anything more than her modest house and 10 year old car.

And you know what? With all the millionaires, billionaires, and gazillionaires (okay, I made that one up), it doesn't affect the success or failure of anyone else. Their abundance does not leave anyone in lack.

Another testament to the fact that continuously rich people stay that way because of knowledge based action is the vast amount of big lottery winners that go broke within a year or two of their big checks.

They don't know how to hold onto it and build it into a lifetime of residual income. Typically, they just spend until it's all gone. Unfortunately, they end up right back where they started or worse, deep in debt.

The poor get poorer because they keep doing the same things that made them poor in the first place. That shouldn't be a great surprise yet people routinely get offended by that statement. One definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.”

The poor keep getting poorer because they are stuck in systems that don't work. It isn’t the fault of the rich. It’s the fault of an enslaving system which perpetuates itself. Anyone can improve their life by studying successful people and then putting into practice what is learned. And that principle isn't restricted to material wealth.

I'm not saying it's easy. But it IS do- able.

By the way, I am not rich by U.S. standards. Although, that perception is relative. To someone living in a corrugated tin lean -to, I suppose I am very wealthy, indeed.

Put it this way: I am not anywhere near that top 5% that control 95% the wealth but neither do I live in poverty. I float in that vast ocean of in between.

But I accept responsibility for my own condition. It is my choice to stay where I've been or to learn and grow into what I want to become.

5% 95%

And it’s YOUR choice, too. Are you where you want to be?

“Any man can learn anything he will, but no man can teach except to those who want to learn.” - Henry Ford

And that goes for woman, too!!! Sooo… do YOU want to learn? Of course you do! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this.

On a Personal Note...

I want to mention something important here. While I think there is an abundance of everything we humans need (whether or not we know how to tap into it yet), I also believe we need to be good stewards of what we have. It's part of showing gratitude.

Compare it to giving a gift to a child. If they enjoy it for five minutes and then toss it over their shoulder to move on to something else, I am less apt to give them another gift.

However, if they show gratitude for the gift, cherish it, take care of it, then I am likely to shower them with frequent and wondrous gifts as the years roll by.

Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.

- - - Doris Day

So we need to take care of what we have, including the planet. I think the mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle” is beneficial to all.

However, I also have faith that there will be ingenious people arise to figure out solutions as they are needed, before the crisis overpowers humankind's ability to master it (remember the horse poop?).

That is, as long as we don't get so cocky as to think we are the ultimate intelligence.

I realize I may get blasted for this, but I’m going to voice my sincere and very firm belief. We need to always acknowledge that there is a Higher Power. There is nothing praiseworthy that you and God can't do together.

There, I said it.

It's your choice to believe it or not.

Competition verses Creation

“Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level. “ --- Elizabeth Caddy

I mentioned earlier that we are not (or should not be) in competition for life's abundance. There is enough of everything, including wealth, to go around. The nasty spirit of dog- eat- dog competition is one major cause of scarcity and lack. Ugh.

We are told that to succeed, we must grab a piece of the pie before it is gone. I like the response of Bob Proctor to that notion.

He said simply, “Just make another pie!”

But we are trained by society that we have to be bigger, better, stronger, faster, whatever it takes to scramble to the top, no matter what we have to do or who we have to step on to get there.

It's you or me, us or them; you're a winner or a loser, either/or but not both. That type of thinking will keep you stuck. Or turn you into a heartless beast.

I haven't always understood this. I used to think that for me to have more,

someone else had to have less. Not so.

With my personality type, I used to often defer to others because I didn't want to step on anyone.

Then through studying the works of Abundance- minded authors, speakers, and coaches, my eyes were open to the limitations I had imposed on myself.

I had my first glimpse of the

I also realized that even though I had considered myself faithful to God, I had put limits on Him, too! I had unknowingly doubted His word when he said “all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23)

Remember, in MY belief system, Jesus Christ is head. That may not be true in your life, and that’s okay, but for me, it was a face -palm moment when I realized I had not internalized His teachings of Abundance.

For example, in the New Testament of the Bible, Luke 11:9, Jesus says,” And I say unto, ask, and it shall be given you, seek; and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.'”

Then in Matthew 21:22, He says, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

He did not qualify his gifts. He didn't put a limit on the heavenly credit card. If we ASK, then a way will be provided for us to RECEIVE.

Each of us will have work to do to be able to accept that abundance into our lives, but the opportunities WILL present themselves if we first formulate the idea in our minds and then ask for it to be manifested.

And this is for ALL humankind, not just for Christians or any other groups.

It is for EVERYONE.

Buddha said “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.”

I agree with that.

Every material thing we have from skyscapers to high tech computers to the shoes on our feet all started as a thought in someone's mind. Then through expansion of the mind, development of skills, and implementation of action plans, end results came.

It’s the same with your business!

Remember, there are no limits on thoughts; they are part of an overflowing pool.

Initially, you either thought up the idea yourself or had a plan presented to you.

Now you are expanding your mind, increasing your skills, developing your talents, connecting with others, etc., in order to strengthen and enlarge your company. You don’t have to steal

ideas or customers from other businesses. Create your own!

Whether you consciously asked a Higher Power for help through prayer, meditation, tuning in to

your higher self or the Universe, or whatever your method may be, your powerful thoughts were sent out and opportunities for building your

business are now in the works. People will be put in your path. Circumstances will seemingly pop up out of nowhere. Pay attention. See the possibilities. Embrace and act on them even if you are in business alone. There is enough of everything for everyone.

Don’t compete… CREATE!

Abundance isn't always an easy concept to wrap your head around. And an Abundant Mindset isn't necessarily easy to maintain.

I'll admit that in writing this e-book, I stalled out at the Competition VersesCreation section. I even left it and worked on another project for a while. But then a couple of things happened that jolted me into recognition of what needed to be said. They seem rather insignificant looking back on them, but they helped me refocus more clearly.

Here’s the first story...

I recently drove to an out of state business conference with several of our team members.

We rented a 12 passenger van. Included in our numbers was a man from a different team in a different city that we have “adopted.”

I'm not sure what happened to his team, but he needed guidance so we were willing to share our successful strategies, one of which is freely helping others.

We stopped at a gas station (no punintended... well okay, maybe pun intended)on the way back, still several states away from home. While there, we ended up chatting with a gentleman taking a roadtrip on his Harley Davidson motorcycle.

It was an EXCELLENT conference and we were all really PUMPED.

Coming fresh out of this conference, I'm sure most, if not all, of our team members were considering if this motorcycle jockey would be a good addition to our team. He was friendly, kind, and had a good sense of

humor. He even let one of us pose on his cycle for a picture. Then he mentioned that his job just wasn't bringing in enough money.

I figured the person who initiated the conversation should have the first opportunity, but she didn't mention the business to him. So I asked the gentleman where he lived. To my surprise, his house is near the University from which my husband works.


Since that’s at least two hours away from any of the other team members present, and we were developing a good rapport, I decided it would be appropriate to exchange business cards.

But as I reached for mine, our adoptee stepped in front and offered his card. The Harley dude took it. I was ticked off.

The competitive creature in me temporarily clouded my vision.

I thought, “How dare he do that! Here we are nice enough to include

him with our team and he jumps on the prospect even though he lives farther away from him than anyone else in the van!

I didn’t say anything out loud but I mentally raked him over the coals.

There is no way he will follow up on this! We just lost what could have been a great contact!


This little snit fit of mine didn’t last long and I REALLY didn’t like how it made me feel.

I walked behind the van to take a few deep breaths. Then I felt really silly. I was glad I hadn't voiced my thoughts!

I replaced them with, “Just let it go. Other prospects will appear. We livein a Sea of Abundance, remember? There is enough of everything for everybody...”

Almost immediately, I remembered I had been stumped on writing this Competition verses Creation section. Aha! That experience was for me to share with my readers! I hadn’t been able to write it earlier because it hadn’t happened yet.

I thanked God for putting that little incident in my life and wrote it down in my notes. Life is good. Lifeis abundant. So the moral of the story?

Don't get hung up on little things that don't really matter.


The second experience happened a few days later...

I own a real estate investment company, Crystal Lake Solutions, LLC, in my state of origin, which has given me valuable experience. So I decided to start another one in our current state of residence.

I had located a four unit apartment that was already in contract at a huge savings on a short sale. My realtor, however, told me that the buyer seemed really flaky and wasn't sure if the deal would go through. She asked if I was interested. I said, “YES! Please let me know if the property becomes available again.”

Several days later, I checked with her on something else and casually asked about the four unit apartment. Her eyes got big. The deal had fallen through. She had totally forgotten to call me and had already shown the property twice that day. I missed out on the sale.

The anger didn’t come that time.

I'm happy to report that I merely shrugged my shoulders and said, “That’s okay.” I chose not to let it bother me and, instead, thanked God in advance for putting an even better opportunity in my path in the nearfuture, and moved on.

And guess what?

In less than a week, the same realtor called me about anotherfour unit apartment for the same price as the other one, except in much better condition AND a better location. It wasn't on the market yet so I got first dibs. It has been a great investment.

Again I say, life is good, life is abundant. When something doesn't work out the way you want it or expect it, don't worry about it. Something even better is likely just around the corner.

Hopefully life is good and abundant for you, too. If not, check out some of the resources on Amazing Women Entrepreneur Network. Join the Thrive Circle. Find a mentor and

associates who are where you want to be. Learn what it takes to open up your life to all the bounty before you. It's there.

You just have to accept the gifts.

Summing It Up...

A cartoon I ran across years ago sums up the concept of Abundance very well. Having birthed six children myself, this is one of my favorites...

THAT, my friend, is an abundant mindset.

So how are YOU going to dip into the Sea of Abundance?

Are you going to use a spoon?

A pitcher?

A bathtub?

How about just jumping in and swimming in it?

That’s the beauty of it. Personal choice. It’s entirely up to YOU!

Want more? Check out Laura Shortridge, Empowerment Coach,

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