Business Project Plan - Sunshine Cambodia

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Transcript of Business Project Plan - Sunshine Cambodia


Sunshine Cambodia: Address: #45C, St. 8BT, Sansom Kosal 1, Boeng Tumpun,

Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA.Tel: (+855) 12 500 955/23 630 0661P.O. Box: 830 Phnom Penh, CambodiaEmail: director@sunshinecambodia.orgWebsite: www.sunshinecambodia.orgFacebook: sunshinecambodia

1. About Sunshine Cambodia (SC)

2. Director’s Message and SC’s Project Overview

3. The Highlights of the Project’s Activities with children and its achievements

3. The Highlights of the Project’s Activities with family and its achievements

4. SC’s project activities and its outcomes

5. Financial Overview

6. Special Thanks and Appreciation



To see Cambodian

families growing holistically

Sunshine Cambodia (SC) is a Christian organization, working towards the holistic development of poor children and their families, living in communities

SC families having acceptable living conditions and their children enjoying their basic rights






•Working together with beneficiaries, each other and donors


•Being truthful in our words and action


•Regarding every person as worthwhile, a unique individual


•Making changes that lead to better results


•Helping others regardless of their different status


•Openness and accountability in all operations and relationships




It is our honour to share with you some activity

highlights, achieved outcomes, and stories of change,

for the fiscal year July 2016 to June 2017. As we are

working directly with children, youth and their families,

along with other key stakeholders, we are very

encouraged to see the positive changes happening in

their lives, their families and their communities. It is

like an energy drink to us, to continue our work with

satisfaction! We hope that by reading this report you can

feel the same as we do - encouraged, motivated,

congratulated and blessed by seeing the hope in these

people’s lives.

Thank you very much for your partnership and

generosity, which has enabled struggling children, youth

and their families to have hope and a better future.

Many others are waiting for our support. Please

continue on this journey with us.

Be Blessed,

Channy NOP

Director of Sunshine Cambodia

Sunshine Cambodia (SC) worked in four target communities in Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Sansom Kosal,

Stueng Mean Chey, Thnoat Chrum, and Prey Tea – with 300 children from 200 families (totalling

approximately 995 family members). SC improved the living conditions of many beneficiaries, reduced

poverty in families and helped children achieve their basic rights. Our aim was that each child and family

would grow holistically.

SC supported children with school materials, uniforms, extra tuition fees for formal education (in both state

and private schools) and also for supplementary classes – English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Khmer

and computer skills. In addition to this, SC conducted weekly Children’s Clubs for primary school students

and Youth Clubs every two months for secondary, high school, and university students, in each target

community. Here children and youth were instructed in many areas relevant to their lives.

SC also worked very closely with parents. SC staff made monthly visits to parents and children at their

homes or schools and invited them to Parents’ Clubs every two months. These Clubs allowed SC to assist

parents as they learnt useful lessons for life, got to know each other well and had fun. SC also provided them

with counselling, parenting skills, vocational training and start-up capital, as well as emergency relief. All of

this helped us to build a very good relationship with the families and allowed us to better understand their




Project Activities

1.1. Support children in both formal school and supplementary classes

92% (270/292)

1.1.1. Support school fees for university students

89% (8/9)

1.1.2. Support extra tuition fees (supplementary classes/courses)

92% (270/292)

1.1.3. Support school supplies 98% (295/300)

1.1.4. Support school uniforms 98% (295/300)

1.1.5. Children's Clubs 89% (172/193)

1.2.1. Provide bike subsidies and facilitate children's saving schemes

100% (10/10)

1.2.2. Provide tooth brushes and toothpaste to children (primary children only)

95% (184/194)

1.3. Conduct Youth Clubs (secondary and high school students)

91% (98/107)

1.4. Visit and follow up with children and their families

100% (300/300)

1.5. Pray for the children, youth and parents

100% (300/300)

1.6. Raise awareness of child rights and protection among children, youth, parents, teachers, principals and local authorities

89% (549/618)


(# of People: Actual / Plan)




Project Activities

2.1.1. Conduct Fathers’ and Mothers’ Clubs 92% (368/400)

2.1.2. Facilitate individual family goal setting.100% (200 families and

300 children)

3.1.1. Support vocational training 100% (8/8)

3.1.2. Provide micro-enterprise development training

110% (22/20)

3.1.3. Provide start-up capital for running businesses

100% (4/4)

4.1.1. Provide training to families on basic health, hygiene, and first aid

94% (376/400)

4.1.2. Provide training on health, hygiene and first aid to children and youth

92% (271/292)

4.1.3. Conduct community clean–up days 156% (187/120)

4.2.1. Assist SC families to access health services

3 cases (case by case)

4.2.2. Provide emergency case support 30 cases (case by case)

5.1.1. Provide training on domestic violence and child abuse/rights to parents

90% (359/400)

5.1.2. Provide training on domestic violence and child abuse/rights to children and youth

91% (272/300)


(# of People: Actual / Plan)


Increased access of children and youth

to school - both formal and non-formal


300 children were supported by

Sunshine Cambodia this year.

Among 300 children there are:

193 (F=95 & M=98) primary school students

71 (F=40 & M=31) secondary school students

28 (F=15 & M=13) high school students

8 (F=4 & M=4) university students

➢ 300 children and youth attended formal


➢ 270/292 (92%) students are attending

supplementary classes

➢ 8/9 (89%) students are attending university

➢ 295/300 (98%) children and youth received

school supplies and uniforms

➢ 10/10 (100%) bicycles were distributed to

10 students, who contributed around 50% of

the price

1-Increased opportunity for children

and youth to get higher education for

better employment options for their


❖ The school results of our children (2016-2017): 95% passed (Good: 26%, Fair: 38%,

Average: 31%) and 5% failed. The dropout rate of children/youth from July 2016 to June

2017: 47/300 (15.67%) students. It is noted that 20 (or 6.67%) of them learnt skills and

looked for a job; and 27 (or 9%) of them returned to their homelands to study there. We

then replaced them with newly selected children.

SC’s Project Activities and Outcomes

I am a 3rd year Law student. I also

study English and Japanese. Actually, I

never expected I’d go on to higher

education, but I am studying at university

now. Sunshine Cambodia has helped me

in many ways. I got school fee support

and school materials for my study. I have

a hope for my future. I will try hard to

study for my future job and family. I have

a dream and I want it to come true. I

want to be a prosecutor.

Chantha, Law Faculty student

Messages from our students

“I want to be a prosecutor”


Messages from our children

Children’s Clubs: Children and youth

taught social and life skills

We conducted Children’s Clubs for primary

school children weekly in each area – Sansom

Kosal, Thnoat Chrum, Stoeung Mean Chey and

Prey Tea.

On average, 172/193 (89%) of children attended

the Children’s Clubs.

Topics we taught in the Children’s Clubs:

1) Child Rights

2) Child Abuse

3) Domestic Violence

4) First Aid

5) Health and Hygiene

Other topics included child protection, addictive

behaviour, good relationships, morality, team

work and good touch / bad touch. We also

offered art, creativity and music classes.

I am very

happy when I

attend Children’s

Club. I have a lot

of friends and I

feel very warm. I

learnt about my

rights, child

rights. I also

learnt about


“I learnt about child rights”

After I learnt this from club I talked to my

mother. We now clean our house daily. My

house is clean mostly. My parents

understand more about my rights and

hygiene. They do not disturb my study

and send me to Children’s Club and to

school every day. SreyNich (11)

Grade 5.

I feel warm and happy to study

Chivon is 9

years old and is in

grade 4.

I find

study is not easy,

but I try very hard.

I don’t live with

my parents. I live

with my aunty.

Children’s Club brings me a lot of fun. I

have many friends now. I am happy to

play with them. It also helps me

understand about children’s rights.

Everyone around me cares for me now. I

feel warm and happy to study.


My name is Hong. I am 16 years old

and in grade 11. I am very happy that I can

study at high school. I hope I can finish

well and will have a chance to study at

university. I want to study very much. I

want to be a pilot.

Without Sunshine Cambodia I wouldn’t be

able to study. SC helps me and my family

a lot. We are very poor. Thank you SC,

Messages from our youth

Youth Clubs:

Youth Clubs were conducted 6 times this fiscal

year for secondary and high school students.

On average, 98/107 (91%) of youth attended

Youth Clubs.

Topics we taught in the Youth Clubs:

1) Child Rights

2) Child Abuse

3) Domestic Violence

4) First Aid

5) Health and Hygiene

Other topics included morality, team work,

protection, good touch / bad touch and addictive


donors and


who always

cares for

me and

helps my

family. I

will try my

best in my

studies. I

want to

help my


“I want to be a pilot”

Listen to some of our other youth….

“Now, I can joke with my parents. They

also show their love to me. It wasn’t like

this before as I was afraid of their anger

and there was conflict. Now my parents

take care of me and monitor my study.”

“Without Sunshine’s support I would not

have the opportunity to get higher

education because my parents are not able

to support my study.”

“I am more confident now. I can present

in front of friends, as I know my friends in

youth club.”


Visit and follow up with children and family

We visited all (300/300 or 100%) of the children we work with.

We built close relationships with our beneficiaries and got to know more about their needs and

situation through home visits. We also visited their schools, both public and private. This

helped us have good relationships with their teachers, and even with their friends at school.

We were able to learn more about their life, needs and studies. During school visits we also

had opportunity to discuss our students’ progress with their teachers. Staff wrote case notes for

every visit and followed up.

On average 166/193 (or 86%) children,

88/107 (or 82%) youth, 167/174 (or 96%)

mothers, 128/144 (or 89%) fathers learnt

about child rights and child protection.

A Special Event:

165 teachers/school principals from 24

schools (17 public and 7 private schools)

from 3 areas – Sansom Kosal, Steung

Meanchey and Thnoat Chrum – attended

an event aimed at raising awareness about

child rights and child protection.

Sunshine Cambodia led a discussion on

child rights using a short video we had

made. Children spoke on the video, very

movingly, about their rights, their living

situations and their suggestions to their

teachers. We were greatly encouraged that

the principals and teachers all showed a

willingness to change and to further assist

the students to grow well in schools.

Raising awareness about child rights and child protection among children,

youth, parents, teachers, principals and local authorities


A video clip, made with the help of our children and youth inspired theirteachers, school principals as well as their parents. The clip was played to alarge group of teachers and school principals from 17 public and 7 privateschools as well as in many parents’ clubs.

Messages from school principals and teachers

Mr. Phalla, a teacher of Boeung Trabek High

School emphasized: “After watching the

children’s video, I could truly see the

children’s future commitment. So far, I have

paid attention to educate these poor children.

Moreover, I have supported the children to

complete their school assignments. The

learning conditions are different between

poor children and rich children. There is a

difference in the educational materials

available in the public schools compared to

the private schools, with private schools

equipped with modern materials. Yet, I

believe that the poor children have higher

commitment and stronger dreams than the

rich children. Their strong commitment will

make their dreams come true.”

Ms. Viriny, the vice principal of Dombok

Khpos Secondary School, sensitively and

with tears, made the challenge:

“Dear Teachers, you have your own salary.

Why do you need to collect money from

children whose parents are rubbish

scavengers? This is a powerful and heart-

breaking message from the children. I would

like to request all the teachers, please do not

charge money from the poor children and

NGO children. I would also request other

teachers to join this event and to watch this


At the event, the deputy school principal of Psar Demthkov Secondary School emotionally said:

“The video is very heartbreaking when hearing the children express their problems. As a teacher, I would suggest that all teachers

should not collect money from the poor children.


Stories of change

“I seek to fulfil my dream to be an electrician”

SC’s staff have worked very hard with Navhim, now 21, and his parents, in order to bring

improvements to the family. Navhim is a first year student at the National Technical Training

Institute in the Department of Electric. He and his family have been supported and assisted by

Sunshine Cambodia since 2007.

Since SC’s staff accepted me intothe project they have supported me withfood subsidy plus extra tuition fees forpublic and private schools. I got schooluniforms and materials every year. Butat that time I sometimes got sickbecause my health was not good.Sometime, I could not go to school.Besides, I liked to play with otherfriends too. I, therefore did not get anyhigh grades from school. SC’s staff, KruDath, encouraged me, and discussedwith my mother and teachers about myattitude and my study. As a result, Icame back to school and it has becomepossible for me to study now in highereducation.

Our staff member, Mr Dath, who has been working with SC for about 9 years, said: “When I

look back on Navhim’s life and family, it always make me smile and I am very proud of him. I

have known him since he was very young, but now he’s grown bigger than me! I’m happy that

he’s grown well and was able to study and gain the electrical skills as he wished.”

During our visit to his house Navhim told us, “My family is very poor and my parents are

divorced. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters. I want to help my mother. I looked for a job while I

was studying and now I work at night in a restaurant to earn money to help my mother and

family.” Though he faces many tough circumstances, Navhim is keeping on track with his goal.

I seek to fulfil my dream to become an electrician and gain a bachelor’s degree in the

next 5 years. Actually, when I was studying at primary school, I almost dropped out of school

many times. I never expected that I would be able to study at university. So I’m happy that I

can save some money to buy a used moto for travelling to study and to work. I will try my

best to study hard and make my dream come true. I would like to thank Sunshine Cambodia

and the staff who have encouraged me and always been with me. I hope I will get a good job

in the future. I also hope that Sunshine Cambodia can continue to help me reach my goal

and dream.


Stories of change

He became a good boy

Before I was accepted into

Sunshine Cambodia I used to steal

mobile phones and money. I did not go

to school. I stopped studying because

my mother could not afford it. I just

played with my friends. Now, I am

very happy that Sunshine Cambodia

has helped me and my family. I can go

to school again. I like Children’s Club

very much. I like playing with many

good friends there. I also learned

many good lessons.

Chetra, 12 years old, lives with his

single mother in a small rented room

in Prey Tea village. His mother is a

factory worker. His parents’ divorce

caused many issues. He stopped

going to school although he was only

in 3rd grade. This meant he became

used to unstructured days where he

would play with other children who

did not attend school. This went on

for about three years and he would

even steal.

“I am very upset and worried that

my son, Chetra, does not go to

school, he even stole from someone.

I want him to study. I want him to

be an educated boy and have a

bright future,” his mother said.

When Chetra and his family were

accepted into Sunshine Cambodia in

2016 he began in 1st grade and he

attended the Children’s Club every

week. While there, he learned many

things including children's rights,

first aid, child abuse and morality in

society from SC’s staff – Mr.

Kimhon and Ms. Sambath. Since

going back to school and attending

Children’s Club, his attitude has

changed. One day at school, he found

some money and instead of keeping

it for himself, he handed it over to

his teacher to find the real owner.

His mother said, I'm really happy my son has another opportunity to attend

school again, and I know that he enjoys studying. He does not go out and steal

anymore. I hope he will be a good boy and have a good job in the future.


Stories of change

Parents’ Club brings a new perspective

to Thoeurn’s family

Parents received parenting skills

❖ On average, 92% of fathers from all

areas attended Father’s Clubs

❖ On average 91% of mothers from all

areas attended Mother’s Clubs

❖ Parent’s Club was conducted

quarterly. Mothers and fathers were

invited on alternate months.

❖ There were 4 topics taught to mothers

and fathers in this fiscal year:

1) Child Rights, 2) First Aid,

3) Domestic Violence, 4) Health.

❖ The mothers and fathers grew in their

understanding of parenting skills

which they applied in their lives.

Living in a slum community, Thoeurn, 37, and her

husband Lin, 38, faced many challenges in their

family. The minimal income they earned by collecting

recyclable materials was not enough for their daily

needs and to put their three children through school.

They had to constantly work to get by and didn’t have

time to be concerned about their children’s education.

Thoeurn’s family faced many hard situations. These

issues caused stress and problems in their family’s

relationships. Lin would quarrel with Thoeurn and

become angry with her. They used rude words with

each other.

My life was very difficult and I faced many

problems. No one helped or supported my family in

that critical time. My husband and I did not have a

good relationship. Many times my husband and I had

conflict and were angry with each other, Thoeurn


Since being selected into Sunshine Cambodia in 2015,

Thoeurn’s family has changed and is getting better.

Her two children are supported in their education. Her

family was invited to join Parents’ Club and other SC

activities. This relieves her burden. Through SC’s

program, two of her children were provided with

materials and uniforms to attend school. They now

have enough food to eat. They have less conflict and

no violence or abuse. They help and take care of each

other and live happily together. More than that, her

family saved some money and bought a new


Now my husband and I have changed a lot.

When we face a problem I always discuss it with my

husband and find a good solution. We are more

patient. We care about and understand each other

more than we did before. I like the group discussion

in Parents’ Club very much. Through Parents’ Club

I gained more knowledge and have confidence to

share ideas. I learn many good lessons and got to

know many people. This has changed my family

behaviour and attitude. This makes us have good

relationships in our family and with our neighbours

too. In the future, I want to sell groceries. My

husband wants to be a driver and have a van or truck.

One of my children, Sina, wants to be a teacher of

Khmer literature. My son, Seyha, wants to be a

pastor, Thoeurn said.

3-Increased responsibility of the



Stories of change

“I got a new job”

Support vocational training (VTC):

8/8 (F: 3, M: 5) people (100%) received

vocational training.

Courses attended:

1 person: motor repairing

3 people: driving

1 person: barber

2 people: hairdresser

1 person: sewing

Provide MED training: 1 MED

training held.

22/20 (110%) members joined the training.

Topic: “Keys to success in Micro


Provide start-up capital for running


4/4 people (or 100%) received start-up

capital. Start-up capital was provided in the

order of $250 per case.

4-Increased income & savings

Earlier, when I was a motor taxi driver, I only worked at night because I needed to take care of

my daughters during the day, while my wife worked in a factory. With this situation, we sometimes

had insufficient income to support our family. This affected our daughter’s studies. It was very hard

for us to save money to pay for her study. Honestly, I always looked for any opportunity to find a

proper job in order to change my family’s situation, but I could not find any. This was because I had

no skill at all, said Chanly, a man from Takeo province, who has settled down in Prey Tea village,

Phnom Penh. He is 37, and his wife is 34. They have two daughters, Panha, 10 and Sokheng, 3. Now,

Chanly works as a sewing machine repairer in a factory and his wife is a factory worker.

Chanly’s family was selected into SC’s project in 2014. Since then, SC’s staff have been working with

his family very closely to improve his family living conditions. His daughter, Panha, received

educational support, uniforms and materials for her study. Then Chanly also received VTC support,

gaining skills in sewing machine repairs, which enabled him to work closer to his family. During our

visits to his family we always spend time talking with Chanly and his wife about their family and

children. We learnt that his family has improved regarding their living standard, their children’s study

and their savings. Chanly said with a smiling face that, My family previously faced many

difficulties, but now I’ve got a new job as a sewing machine repairer in a factory. I got this job after

I received VTC support from SC. I am really delighted that I now have a better job and sufficient

income to support my family. I am so grateful to Sunshine Cambodia and the staff, Mr Chaova and

Ms Sambath, who are always concerned about my family and my children. They always encouraged

and motivated me to study hard till I finished the sewing machine repair course. Now, I’ve finished

the course and got a new job.


Conduct community cleaning

day❖ 1 time for each of the 4 communities

❖ 187/120 (or 156%) – 28 parents and

159 children attended the community

cleaning day



The children’s activity today – cleaning

the street and our community – teaches me

as a community member that I must not

forget my responsibility and role for the

good environment of our community. I love

the words that the children spoke while

they cleaned the street, ‘Together for our

community’s environment.’

5-Improved health condition of

SC families

Provide training to children, youth and

parents on health

❖ On average, 92% of fathers from all areas

attended Father’s Clubs

❖ On average 91% of mothers from all areas

attended Mother’s Clubs

❖ 4 topics taught: How to save a victim from

inflammation, electric shock, snake bite; the

dangers of smoking cigarettes, of alcohol and

addictive behaviour; good eating, body




Assist SC families to access health

services and provide emergency case


❖ 3 cases of health service referral: 1

case was referred to Kean Khlang

hospital, 1 case was referred to Mercy

Medical Center and 1 case was

referred to Phsar Dem Thkov Health


❖ 30 emergency cases: 15 cases for

those who lost their homes - we

supported with rent, food subsidy,

rice and capital to restart businesses.

4 cases - health care

2 cases - pregnancy complications

2 cases - traffic accident

3 cases - surgery

3 cases - funeral

1 case - dog bite

Sunshine Cambodia works with 45 families who live

in a slum community at Thnoat Chrum village. On 28th

June 2016, fire totally destroyed 33 houses where 65

families lived, including 15 Sunshine families – they

lost everything. These families are very poor and

mostly work as recyclable collectors or sew used

cement bags into larger bags for collecting and

transporting recyclable items. The fire affected all 65

families who live in this slum community and we saw

first-hand the economic, physical, emotional and

educational impact this fire had on the 15 families and

23 children of Sunshine Cambodia.

Our Goal: Restoring fire affected

families to normal lives

The houses that were burnt down at Thnoat Chrum are

now completely restored. Children can go to school

happily and regularly with their new uniforms, school

materials, clothes and they can enjoy enough food to

eat when they come back from school. They also feel

happy and secure to see their new houses which

included a new playground. Parents have returned to

regular jobs and businesses. At the same time, some of

them, especially the women, have moved from their

previously unhealthy jobs/businesses to those with

better conditions – from sewing dusty cement bags to

selling cane juice, sewing clothes and selling soft


With help from Sunshine Cambodia, as well as from

other organizations, all families affected by the

fire have been restored to their normal lives

or in some cases even better conditions than

they had before the fire took place. They

now have enough food to eat, enough

clothes to wear, the children have school

uniforms and shoes to wear. They have new

houses to live in with improved kitchen and

washing arrangements. Moreover, their

children are now going to school regularly,

and the parents have restarted their work and

businesses and are gaining regular income.

However, all the legal documents including

family books, birth certificates and ID cards

are lost and need to be sourced again by

them. Our staff will encourage them and

follow up with them more about this matter.


❖ Provide training on domestic violence

and child rights/abuse to parents,

children and youth

➢ 272/300 (91%) people attended:

174/193 (90%) children and 97/107

(90%) youth

➢ Topics shared:

1) Child rights

2) Domestic violence

3) Child abuse

❖ Provide counselling services

❖ Visit and follow up with families

All (200/200 or 100%) families were visited

this fiscal year. There were 735 visits in

total, meaning that some families were

visited more than once. This year we

provide counselling in at least 29 cases: 24

cases to parents and 5 cases to children or


Through visitation and counselling, SC staff

have built very good and strong

relationships with all SC families and get to

understand their needs and situation.

In the cases where SC staff have counselled children

and youth regarding their studies, all of them now

attend school regularly and are achieving good results.

For cases regarding health issues, five were referred to

a health centre and are now improving. SC staff also

assist in cases of family relationship difficulties and we

see improvement over time.

Staff follow up each case to make sure that

relationships are restored, health is improving and

problems are being solved. It is important to confirm

that the parents are able to get back to their usual work,

so SC staff continue to visit to ensure that all cases are

satisfactorily resolved.

A recent survey with the parents shows that 85% have

not been involved in domestic violence against their

spouse; 82.5% against their children.

Children surveyed: At home: 0% experience violence

daily, 0% almost daily, 52% occasionally, 48% never.

At public school: 0% experience violence daily, 0.67%

almost daily, 42.67% occasionally, and 56.67% never.

At private school: 0% experience violence daily, 0%

almost daily, 33% occasionally, 67% never. At SC:

99%: never and 1% occasionally.

6-Decreased domestic violence

and child abuse

The remarkable results from our

training, counselling and visitation


Messages from our Child & Family Development Facilitators

Chantheth OU

I am very proud of what I have done in Sunshine Cambodia,

particularly working with children and their families today.

I’ve gained a lot of experience and knowledge. I’m very

happy that I can help poor communities and people,

particularly if I can help them to solve problems in their

families. I am happy to see some families that I have worked

with demonstrate their growth and improvement and that

there is no more violence in their families. Moreover, it is

really exciting to see that many children I work with are

growing, with good education and behaviour.

Pheara LIM

I am happy to see that the children I’ve worked with are

growing well. It is really great to see children from poor

communities being able to go to school, to get knowledge of

child rights/abuse and protection, which will help them know

how to protect themselves. I will try my best to work with

their parents as well so that they will take parental

responsibility for their children.

Sovan Chenda PRAK

I was really blessed. Before, I was supported by Sunshine

Cambodia for my education, from primary school through

university. I then had a chance to work with Sunshine. Now, it

is my time to serve. I work closely with every child and their

family members to improve their living conditions. I want

them to have the opportunity of higher education and to gain

good jobs in the future. I want them to try hard in their

studies. This will be good for their future job prospects. I

really want to see all children in SC graduate with at least a

bachelor degree and have a good job in the future.

Kimhon HY

I am very happy to see that children in the community are

protected, cared for and loved by their parents, families and

community members. Through my work at Sunshine

Cambodia, I hope those families and the community will

change their attitude towards children. I also hope that all

children will receive warmth from their family and the












Local $3,105.40


TOTAL REVENUE FY 16-17: $219,867.42

Australia Denmark USA Sweden Local





$2,211.58 $10,032.03

$5,890.40 $19,284.85


TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 196,629.91

Child Development

Family Development

Building & Equipment

Program Staff

ERIKS Trainee Program

Admin & Overhead



Supporting Staff

Fire Relief



Special thanks and appreciation

Sunshine Cambodia has been greatly blessed this past year. We would like to express our profound gratitude to the stakeholders, supporters, and donors who contributed resources, funds, human resources, knowledge, and experience to SC. Without you, SC would not be able to perform its operations as effectively as we have. SC is strongly dedicated to transparency, accountability and wisely managing the resources donated by you all.

*Sunshine Cambodia is a partner for project J529N for Global Development Group (ABN 57

102 400 993), an Australian AusAID - approved NGO responsible for quality humanitarian aid and

development projects according to AusAID rules. GDG provides a governance role and assists in

the areas of planning, monitoring, evaluating and auditing to ensure projects are carried out to

Australian requirements. No non-development activities are a part of this project. For more

information visit

Sunshine CambodiaP.O. Box 830Phnom Penh, CambodiaEmail: director@sunshinecambodia.orgwww.sunshinecambodia.orgFacebook: sunshinecambodia