Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA...

OF CAMBODIA Nation - Religion - King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared b} National Institute of Statb,tics i\1inistry of Planning Developed 'vith Financial and 1'cchnical 1\ssistance fron1 l)nited l'opulation F'und Junc2011 2 4 JUN lll11.

Transcript of Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA...

Page 1: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation - Religion - King

Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013

Prepared b} National Institute of Statb,tics

i\1inistry of Planning

Developed 'vith Financial and 1'cchnical 1\ssistance fron1 l)nited ;~ations l'opulation F'und


2 4 JUN lll11.

Page 2: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

Fore\\'·ord }>reface

·rable of c:onlcnts

J,ist of .Abbreviations and Acronyn1s F:xecutive Su1nn1ary

Plan for Cambodia Intcr-Censal Jlopulation Survey, 2013 ((~JI>S 2013)

1. Introduction 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 8.1 8.1.2 8 1 .) 9. I 0. 10.1 l0.2 I 0.3 l 0.3 l l 0.4 10.4.l 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.<1 I 0 4_5 10.4.6 l ()_5 l 0.5.1 l 0.5.2 I 0.5.3 I I. 12. l J. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Population J)atabasc of Cambodia Ulilization of Ilen1ographic Data in Dcvelop1nent J>ians of (:arnbodia Statistical System in Catnbodia Need to Continue National C:apacit)· Building Justification for CIPS in 2013 Ob.icctives lrninediate ()bjectivcs Long-ter111 ()bjectives Establisbn1cnt of the C:Jt>S Organization Cicncral ·rhc (~cniral ()fficc Field ()ffices F~quip1ncnt and \rl'hicles for C:IPS 2013 Survey Slratcgy Sa1nple Size Su1·vey l1nrle1nentation Planning Phase (.A.pnl 2011 to Decernbcr 2012) Use of f.nu1ncrati<_1n 1\rca Maps for ('!PS 2013 Survey Phase (January to March 2013) SL11·vcy Hierarchy Recruitn1ent of Enun1crator:, and Supervisors 'rraining of Field Staff !)istribution (lf"rraining and Surv<o:y Materials, Quest1011naircs nnd Fonns Survey P1·ope1· ('o l leclion or Fi I led- in 1-louseho ld Quest io1111ai I c Post-Survey PhHse (i\pril to [)ccen1ber 2013) '.'v1anagcn1e11t oC R.ccords l1nta Processing /\11aly5is and l)isse111111atio11 Survey Activities Monito1·ing, l:valuation and C)uality Assurance !{elated .-\ctivitics Institutional Fra1nc\vork r\dvance Preparations and ()hligations (;overnn1cnt Folloll'·-up 1\ction c:onstraints Future J-\ssistancl' f{isks


1 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9

10 10 11 11 11 12 11 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 I 7 17 I 7 18 i8 19 il.J ]9 20 20

Page 3: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared


Recognizing the importance of a sound statistical database in rnonitoring and evaluation of the progran1nn1es of development of the country, the Royal Guven1n1ent of Cambodia has been endeavouring to create and strengthen such a database over the last t\VO decades. 1"he results of the rnajor data collection activities like the (Jeneral Population (:ensuses in 1998 and 2008, regular rounds of Socio-Economic Surveys and Demographic and Health Surveys in 2000, 2005 and 2010 have been \videly utilized in development planning progra1nn1es.

Encouraged by the v.·ide utilization of the valuable population data base, the RGC is comn1itted to develop it through an intcr-ccnsal population survey in 2013. ·rhis is in accordance vvith the RGC's sub-decree of 19 July 2010 on designated ofTicial statistics \Vhere it has been laid do\\·n that such a survey has to be held every ten years.

Therl~ has also been a growing de1nand fro1n non-govcrnn1ental agencies, develop1nent partners, planners and researchers as \\'ell for reliable and updated dcrnographic and social data in order to revie\v their plans and programs for the \velfarc of c:an1bodia.

'rhe present report contains a plan for conducting the Can1bodia lnter-Censal Population Survey 2013 ((:IPS 2013).The proposal n1ade is comprehensive enough and it takes into account all the in1portant aspects concerning the sa1nple survey covering about 29,000 households spread over the country. Due to financial constraints, RGC has to rely heavily on the goodwill a.nd support of internati0nal donors to carry out field \vork, process the data, analyze and disse1ninatc the results. ·rechnical assistance is also required in the process of developing national capacity further.

On behalf of the Ministry of Planning, I wish to thank the LINFPA for providing technical and financial assistance to the NJS in the preparation of the present survey plan. It is hoped that the (:!PS 201) will be i1nplen1ented as planned marking yet another mile stone in our efforts to strengthen the population database. ~

t-.finistry of Planning Phnom Penh, June 201 l


C:hhay Than Senior Minister l\linister of Planning

Page 4: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared


Thanks to the \\VO population censuses <ind several other surveys conducted over the years, Can1bodia has today a veritable store house of valuable population data which caters to the needs of data users both in the Ministries and [)cpartrnents of the RGC', and in the non-government sector_ 'fhe Rectangular Strategy (RS) for Growth, En1ployrnent, Equity and Efficiency', launched in July 2004 guides the in1plcmentation of the economic policy agenda of the RO(:. The C:MDCJs and the RS are the basis for Cambodia's National Strategic Develop1nent Plan, \Vhich has been extended to 2() 13 to cover the current n1andate. l"hc need for updated population data for n1onitoring and evaluation of these reforms and developn1ent program1nes need hardly be stressed.

L)ue to the \Vidc gap of ten years bet\Veen the 2008 and 2018 (Jenera! Population c:ensuses it is proposed t~) conduct an inter-censal population survey ofCa1nbodia in 2013. It is also 1nandatory under the RGC's sub-decree of July 2010 on designated official statistics. Such a survey conducted in 2004 provided valuable inlcr-censal inforniation that helped even to revise the population projections.

'This report provides a plan for conducting (~JPS 2013 in March 2013 cotnpleting data processing by July 2013 and disseminating the results in the last quarter of that year. ·rhe survey \viii he cnnducted on a sample basis in about 28,680 selected households spread over 956 Prirnary Sarnpling lJnits (PSlJs). l'hirty occupied households will be selected fron1 one selected E1\ in each PSlJ/ village. The sa1npling has been designed in such a \Vay as to pennit estimation of results at the level of all provinces including provinces Vvith sn1a!ler size of population.

Y../e sincerely thank the lJNFPA Carnbodia for providing advice, encouragement and financial support in connection with the preparation of the survey plan. We arc grateful to JIC~A for their interest and \Villingness to provide support to C:IPS 2013.

\\/e thank the international agencies, dcvclopn1ent partners and a cross sectit)n of data user:' in the line !'vtinistries and other organizations for their cooperation in the process of developing and strengthening thl' population database in Cmnbodia_

Phno1n Penh, Can1bodia June2011

San Sy Than Director General National Institute of Statistics

Page 5: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

List of A .. hbrcviations and Acronyn1s

1\DB C'A !\11 !\: F() (~f)-R()M

CEN'rS ('SP1·0 C\)N(~()f{

(_'i\1 [)(j C'!JHS c:rl's C~SES

l)Fl!J f)(J [) !' f)SC'Sl) ]'/\

CJ IS l--ISSP2 f[\'1 F IMP'> J IC:i\ l\ll)G tvl () p

NCJC) NSl)I' Nl'H.S NJS PES PSlj ]{(j(~

RS !ZEDA.-r1\M Sida SMP 'TC' TFK l_INFP1\ l,ND!-' t:l\JC\"-.F ljl\J-~SCC)

l_iS,i\!D \\.'in R+

i\sian Dcvelop1nent Ba11k Ca1nbodia lnf~11·1nation ('0111puter l1isc JZcad ()nl)' Mc111c1ry l'ensus 'l'ahulation Syste111 c:cnsus and 5.Ul'\'C)' 1'1·ocessing S;.sten1 C'on"1st.;:11cy and (_'orrcc!1011

('a111hodiil Millen111u1n !)cvclnp1nc11t Cioals C'a111bod1a Dc1nographic and l--le'11th Stll'vcy C:ainbodia l11tcr-C\~11sal l'opulat1on Survey C'a111bodia Socio-f:co11(1111ic Survey l)cpart1ncnt fo1· !11tcrncl\1u11al f)e\'clop111ent !)irector Cient.'ral f)ata Proccssinp J)c1nographic Stnti;-.lic~,. {'cu-.;us and Sur\\.')' !Jepart111~'nt !~11un1cr<1t1011 Arl'H (jeugraph1c 111fonnatio11 Sys1c111 S.;:cond I !ealth Sec101· Support Progran1 '!'he International Monetary Fund lntegralccl Microcornputer Processing Systcni .lapan lnternatio11al C'oopc1·atio11 .i\gc11cy Millt.'nn1un1 !)evelc,p111cnt (joal<. \1i111stry of Plan11111g N 011-GO\'Ci'lnnen t<i I C)rgn11iza!1011 Natio11:1l Strato>gic ! ),,;vclop111c11t !'Ian l\ational Po\·c1·ty H.cduct1011 Strategy Nat1n11al lllsti1u1e of Statistics Po~t F1111n1eration Survl'V Priniary San1pl1ng ll111t Royal Clo\en1n1ent ofC';11nbodia -rhc Recta11~ular Strategy IZ,-:trie\'a I u f data for s111 al I a1·c:1;,, by 1 n i c1 oco111 puu:r Sv.·cdish lnt<0rnati,111al r)c\<.'[lll'lllClll .-\ulhont;, Statistical l\1n\lc1- Pln11 ·rechnical C~l•111111ittce l"otal Fertility l<.atc lJnited Natio11s Fund for Population Acl1vities lJnited Nation:, l)cvclopn1c11t Prugr<1111111c lJnitcd N<ltH)llS ('llildren·s Fu11d lJnitcd \Jat1011s f::ducatio11. Scic11tific and Cultural C)r·ganiza11P11 llnited State:-. i\f!C11cy for l11tcrnatil111cd f)cvclop1nenl R.Fl)A"J'.1\M l'lus fi.)1· \\'inchnvs

Page 6: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

1. lntro<lnction

fhc present d(>cu111cnt pru\·1des a plan ror conduc:ting a population survey in C'a1nbodin_ five years af\c1· holdin!', the (icneral Populati\111 C'cnsus in 2008.-rhe next pnpu\<llion census is due in J\.1a1ch 2018. 'The C~an1bol\ia l1tter-C:ensill Popt1lt1tion Surv..oy 2013(C~lPS 2013) is propos~d ll' be C(>nductcd in l'v\arch 2013 with March_\ as refi::rence datL'. "\lte results of the survey arc expected to be avrtilable in the third quarter of2013 l'hc \\VO ce11su~cs in 1998 and 2008 and the seve!'al population surveys in the past have given rise to an updated population datnbase of <:a1nho<l1a \Vhich has contributed in no s1i-1al\ n1ensure to n1onltoring_, analyzing nnd p1· popt1\!-1tion is-~ucs.

Tl1c cut-rent de1noµ,raphic sc<.:11e or ('a1nbodia as revealed by the r,1puL:ilion database t:,,

inti.)nn;nivc: and instructive al once. ·rhl'. annual ral<.0 orpop1il<1ti(111 ciuring the dcca,ic \vas l .)4 percent. i\ccording tli analysi" n1adc \Viti\ rct<::rencc: 1o data ('1-0111 p<1st censnse.s and stJrvcys, ·ri-:r-z ot'(\1n1bodia h:ts 13.llen l'ron1 a \ubh level c.i· 5.67 in 1990 \\) 3.0 l u1 2007 1~1H. has declined ifu1n an estin1alcd level of95 pc1 l.000 live births in\')95 to 60 per 1,000 live birth.~ 111 2007 ·rhc 2008 C'ensus result:,, have sho\Vll thnt thl' 111aternal 111ortalilJ· 1<1tio :--; 1t6i per 100Jll)() li\c hirth-;. rhe C()11tinued decline in t\tc grti\\\h rlltC in the lllOS\ rc:CC\l\ _;..ca1·s 1ncli.:,a\CS thnt \]le country is g,r:tduBl\y n1oving lo1vards the end 01'1\tc: thitd stage ui'dcn1l'graph1c transit1c111 Thcr": is cl rising trend in lllC expectnncy. ·rhc niale expectation or\ife h<lS ri~·en rro111 57.1 )C:a1-,; in 20t}I 10 60.5 in 2ll0S and the corresponding increase t,1,- l'c1n<1les is fi·on1 63.4 10 64.3 r1ie dcp;;ndency rc1tio ha:::. dcc\\n..:d tfo111 86. l :'i in \9!)8 to 61. !9 in 2008.

"l'hc pc,p11lati(•11 projections ofCan1bod1il 'A<~1c recent!) revised taking into account the results of the 20()g ('.ensl\S. !\Cl:C'rding_ to these projections population ol' (~an1bodia v.·i\I continue tr• exptricncc a subst;u1tia! g-rn\\th during the decade 2008-~0l 8 ctcspile c()ns1dcrnblc declinL' in fertllit)' level due to \vl111t is ccdled "-pol1tt\ali<'11 1no111c11tun1'' \)11c to high level of fcrtilil} i11 tl10 past, there an: lar)2.c: coho1·ts of\\0111en in the 1·cprt)(h1ctivc '1)2.C v,·\tl) are pi-,1duci11g large 11untbcr ,,j· children though <lS a l:Ohort t\1;.;v have reduced lhcll" fertility. f'l1c c11111ual popt1\ation grO\\-lll :·::tc i" c.\.pcct~'cl \\' dt>crcas'-'· r1·u111 1.54 pc1· C'.:'JH 111 :?\l08 tn only l 1-\0 per cent 111 2018 and 1.'.'.5 pc1-cc11t i11 :;022. '!'he cot1nt1·J -,, P''Plllalio11 is pro,1ectcd as lb. f 111illit111 i11 JOl 8 and 16.9 n1i\lio11 111 2022.

Fn1· reaching l'hangcs 111 the populatiun ·sag'-" coniposition arc a\~,l expected in the nc>..t dccacic according to future population ti ends. T11c 111cdian il!',~' \\·hi.:h \va.s '.22.0 .vears in 2008 is ei.,_pectcd 10 increase to 26.7 :vca1·s in 2020 :incl 30.8 in 2030.t~y lilt: >car 20.'iO it n1a;.. ris.:: to 36. l yeal'~- In l'thcr \vords the l';11nbodi:111 po1;ulat1ll11 \Vh1ch is de~,,;ribcd c1s -'youn~,_-· nO\\ ,,·ill 111nvc \\l\vn1-ds t\ie C<J\eg,OI) of "J\t.Cillg pOpt1ICJtir1n·· in S(11l\C lllL)t'e )C()f'-, ]'he O\'e1"l1\1 i11c1-c<1'-..: ill the \\'Ol"kllll_C cl);<: pupula1io11 ::i--; cnvisa~ec\ in the prn_lec\1on."- has scr1nl\\ 11111)lic<1tiu11~ qn the yc•uth und the 11ncn1pk1;-n1-.:11l ._,itunt101L \1~ .itdcr h• gain ti-01n the phcnL1n1ena\ ine1edse in 11orking age population vvh1ch c:nn1bodia n1ay expcncncc;; 111 cours;c oftin1e, appropriate invcsunents i11 hca\tb, cducatio11 and c1nployn1c11t oppurtunitics fcir <t llC\V and e11~1bled lal'or !Circe are called J'or


Page 7: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

2 . .Justification for Cl PS 2013

·r11c HCiC~ is corn111itted \\) ful!her building and strengthening the popula1ion dat'1ba-,e through a11 inte1·-ccnsal population survey in 2013 !11 thc !Z(J(''s Sull-!Jcc1·cc of 19 .July 2010 on ciesignated official statistics, it h&:. been lrrid d0\\'11 that -~tal1st1c::. fron1 Hll i11tcr--censal population sur,,,cy has t<' he dissc111inated by NIS e\.ery tc.n year~

·rhc {~!PS 2013 v,·ould help update population and other de\'Clopn1e11t indicators ohta111cd fi·o111 the earlier censuses and sur\'eys ·rhe fr·csll data p1·ovided by thc sur\·CY collld be utilized in connection \.Vith 111casuring thi;: current progress of NS[)p 2006-20 I 0 (:ts extended lo 2013) and assessing the cu:liicvL'.n1cnts of('rY1[)(is, through C'Al\t1JNFC). the 11at1c•~al systcn1for111011itori11g develop111ent indicators. !-'ro111 the dc1nograpllic pt1111t of vie\v the survey result:-. 1vc>uld th1·0\V light on the tn::nds and paUi::1·n:-, ol' fcnilit'I- and 11hJrtality that co1ild be usi::d ill asse~s1ng the 11nplcn1entat1011 of tile 1"al101u1I Populatiu11 policy a11d rc\.ising the populnt1on pr~Jjcetion:>_

C'a1nbod1a has been undeig()ing significant chang_es in its pc>p11lat1011 structure and co111pl1siti('ll. 11u1nber and quality of labor force, literacy and educational levels. nu111ber and type of buildings and housing units and the general socio--econ01nic a11d living conditiuns or the people. Periodic data collection is therefore a necessity to closely nioni1or 1hesc changes

The 111el:i-data to be obtained fron1 thc proposed survey arc crucially needed by the J,Z(j(' in the process of integ1·ating de1nogn1phic facttirs intn tile ovt:r<ill devclop111ent planning process. 'rlie line Ministrie:,, have cxp1-cs:,,cd tilt: 11ccd 1"01 dat<l fc•r ::.ector-\'l-ist: planning as v,·cll. 'fhe condu;.;t1ng nf a :-:.tnti:,tical cxc1-cise like the ('IPS 2013 \.\Ould further help in in1pro\'i11g capabilitie._, of pr(lfes:-.ionals at the NJ.':'.

l\ivcrt)' is a 1naio1· ch:dlc11gc in c·n111hodia 1vith abo11t ;1 lliurth c1f its pl\pulation l1vi11g bi::lo1\· the poverty l111c. Po\·ert;.- i;-, p<i1ticularly rurnL lhc l"l(J(_' has att<H:hcd g1·eat i111port<ince tu rcfon11s i11 ;di ~cch'rs v.;ith thL' nbjccli'l-c 10 reduce pnvcrty ol' the people. 'rhe H.cct;111gular St1·dtegy (IZS) fl>rJ\lS th,:: basis i'or the devc\Op111Cl1l poliCICS. 1\ \VidC range Of populatiOll illld SOCiO-CCOllUllliC sl0t1~!1cs is very 111uch needcd for n1(>11itilring clt::velop1nc11l pr,1g1·il1n1nt::,,. 1naki11g asscssn1cnt~. ~ind guiding i'urther policy t~11·111ulat1011 in 1·cspect of these rctl1r111:,, a~ \VCll as C'M!)Ci

3. ()roanization of the Su1·,·ev . . .

According to the Statistical La""' the Nation<il 111stitule uf StHtistics (!\IS) 111 the IV\i11istry of Planning, (M()P) i~ designated as the ,il'J-iciCJI national statistical institution or the RCJC \vllich hns :11no11g: otheis the 1n1pcHta11t fu11cti,111 tc> collect, pl'ucess, co111p1lc. a11CJlyzL'-. publish ;111d d1sse1111nate ofTici:d statistics a11d other 111for111at1011 in relation l\l st<1tistical 111atters.

1\ ·rcch11icill C\,1111nitti:c (re·) cl1a1r:::d b\ 1-11 C'hli;1\ f'h;11L Seniur Mini:-,lcr. :vli11istcr of PlH1111i11<> • . 0

10, <tl th~' apc~ uftilc organizcit1011 il1r cnndu..:ti11g the ('!PS 201.l -rlli:: rt~ \\'ill 1nc,11ito1· the C:JPS 2013 at t:\.·c1·y stage and provide l'vcrall guida11cc to :'\IS in pl1i1e\' and technical 1nattc1·s.

·rhe Su1·vcy is pla11ncd to be executed by tile l)e1nogn1phi.: Statistics. t"<:nsus and St11\e) Dcpar!111e11t (lJSC'Sl)) or the NIS ,'\pal'l frclln p1·uduci11g census t:1hl<0s. analytical rcpor(;-, and ("[)-R()Ms co11tai11i11g the d~1ta or the last \1\·0 population ce11:-;uscs ;111d C'll'S 2004, this [)epH1·tn11:11t llas bcc:n pru111r11111g the <-l\ill!ability. accessibili1y and uliliL.ation of population dat<1 i11 C'a111bodi;1


Page 8: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

rile l)Sl~Sl) \.\'Ot·ks under !lie over~ill char~e ,11' the l)i1·eclor (Jenera I. N!S (l)(i) 1vho 1::. nss1~tl'd by 2 J)cputy J)1rccu,1 Cicncrals. I !)it'l'Ctor, I Ministry·-.. _l\dvisor, 8 f)eput:y [)ircctors, 5 Bure:111 ('hiefs and 20 Yice~Burcau C'hief~ 'rl1erc is therei'on:: a co1·c staff of ;1bout JO [ll:!'sons in this dcpartnient. For the 1n1ple1nentatill11 oi'C:JPS 2013 the follov.·ini; divisic:ns have been estahlished \\'ith thL' available core staf1: suppletnented by qualified s!(-liT fron1 otl1cr depan1nents of N!S :V1anage1nen!, i\d1n1nistr<ition. Planning :111d l\1onitor1ng. Mapping, J);1ta Processing fllld fZesearch. and Analysis.

rhe provincial planning office 1vith the planning_ director at the hcact 1vill fun.::11011 as the j]l;ld olTice for (~!PS 2013 ui e\·ery province_ -rile planning direc\or 1vill li1nc1i,1n as P1·ovin:.::ial ('001·d i11a lor for the ~Ur\. t')' (PC'). I lc/sl1c \Vi 11 be ass i::.Led by a Dept lly Prov inci<t I (\)ord i nah'I'

·rhc PC' \viii be the lh)dal o!f1ccr in charge of tile ~u1·\e) upe1-a11ons 1n thc sclcctcd villages/F.L\s ,if' the province l'lie district. cu111111t1t1L: a11d vill::ige ~tHIT IA-ill be dratted for the Stffvey v,.01k under his/her supervision. !'lie province (Jover11ur 111ay pc11odically 1no11itor the progress c>f the surv<..'y. ·rechnic<il assi::.tance \.\·ill be provided through '\1!S ~t;lllcallcd NJS C~oordi11atr11·s allo11ed at an av.o;rage rate of four per pr0vi11ce. I hese NIS (',_)ordu1ntors \viii include slal'r fro1n th.: !)Sl~SD as v,.·ell as rro111 other dcpartllll'lllS or-....:is ancl l\t(JP \\ho \Viii he trained at /\IS Oil the survey procedures_

-]'Ile dUlllll''.> f()I' the 2()()8 (\:ll~ll::. !ind rlf('\.ided VL'hic!c~. i'('s. f'1'11l\e1·s, pho(()COpy lllachi11CS; cnrtc,gr:iphic cquip111c11t a11d utlicr expendabh: and 11011-..::xpendable equipn1c11t in co1111cetion \\'ith Lhc census. Se\'eral ite111s of cquip111ent have been pro\ ided to NlS by other prOJCClS as \"'c!L ,\ n:v1c1v niade sho\vs tl1(-l\ nli large scale procure111.::nt of eq11ip111c11t is needed for (~H'S 2013 as n1c,st of the avflilable cquipn1cnt can be uti\i?ed. PrL1.JCCt and Prtivi11ce [)ircctoralc vehicles supplen1enteJ by a fe\V vehicles rcqui::.itioned fro111 r•ther p1·ojects (lll a te111pc1rary ba:;1::. and a IC\v hirt'd vehicles :11-c ~>ufll...-:ie11t for tra11sporu11io11 or rcco1·ds and field supervision. P1·ovis1on has IL• be 111adc in the budf:!t:l ror fuel rur urficial vch1...-:les a11d hire char!-'.CS for re11t,'d vehicles_

!'Ile C.'IPS 201 _;\\·ill be cn11clucted 011 tl sa1nple bn.~is in :1ho11t 28.()80 sek·cted households sp1·cad o\'er qs6 P1·in1a1·y o.a1npli11g 1_:1lltS (l'SL;s). ·r1i111y occup1,::d hnuschuld:~ \\ill be selected l'ro111 nne :..elected Fi\ in each \lSll/villagc. 'rl1e sa111pli11g 'Nili he rk•n~· l'y lhL' H.esc;11ch a11d /\11c1IJ~1~ r)ivisio11 urN!S 'Tile c:-.:acl san1plc size n1ight 1nargin;1lly· \'HI'} fn.llll theo.c 11u1nbcrs based c11 the sa1npling 1nethc•dology adL1ptcd. l'he PS\. a11~l l·.1\ \v1th1n l'SlJ \Viii be selected at the N!S. f'hc:' <.,;-unplc households (e:-:cludin~ 111slilutional and ho111L;less household::.) i11 the I:-.'\ \vill be sclt•ctecl hy the enu1ne1·ato1· ·rhc field staff 1vould be tlio1·oughl)' lra111ec! 011 s0rnplc sclect101L

l'h.: 1.:fCno11cc ti1nc for tile Survey \\·ill be the 00-UOhours of f\-1~ltTh 3. 2013 ·rhe ,,ur\'L'! ..::11u111cra1io11 or intervic1\. V\ill be co11d11ctcd for one \\eek. lt is p1-upt'~('.c1 to continue thL: canvasser 111cthod of ~tala ctillcct1011 in ll1c ('!PS 201 l as 1\a,, dnne 111 the ce11su~es. ·rhe ,/,, .fh in

111..:thod of enunicni.tion \Vtll be adopted in the survey. ·r1iis \\·ill enable cu111parJbilit.v ur d:1t;1 bet\.vecn the censuses and tile survey.

Systc111s to reduce the lev<;;l or 111)11-response '"'')uld bt• crc:-itcd by 111011n1i11g. publicit; C)ualit) .1\ssun111C(' 111easu1cs \vuuld he adopted at va1·ious stascs ol' the \Ur\'C). especially at duli! Cllllection a11d d<ita processing stages. [Jata capture \Viii be acc,,111pli<;hcd usi11g slate-or tl\e-ai"l 1cchnolo~y (niicrl' cu1nputc1· hard\\'8-l'e and <;oflv.:1rcl 1L' carry out data <..'ntr:v -rhe results of the sLu-vcy \\ill be C\ alu;1tt::d by 1nten1ai co11s1s\l'llCY checks a11d c,,111pa; i:-;011s ""itil othc'r datn sourc~·s 111c I 11d ing prcv 1ous ..:l'11c, LI :,cs. su rvcy'-., n nd '.td 111 in i~t r;it i \ v ncc(l1-ds.

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. .

·rhc sut-v<::y activities arc grouped into lhc ft\l]o\vi11g three phllsc:.: Planning: Phase (April 20i I to f)ecc:n1ber 2012), Survey Phase (January tt> March 20lJ) and Post-Survey Ph< (l\pril to [)cccnihcr 2013). ()ender perspective nc.:ds \Viii be considered at nil stages of the survc} especially at the stage of questillnnairc design :111d fonnula\1011. For the sake of convenicncc the 11ttervicvver of CIPS 2013 is designat.od as enu1nerator tht1ugh this tcrn1 is generally used in a census. {)ne cnu111crrrlc)f \viii nor111C1.lly c11u1ncn1te each L.\. ()11c supcrv1sur \Vil! be rcspnnsiblc ror tliC \\'Ofk Of 3 Clllll1JCra1l>rs. '\'hough gcncrfllly there 8rC four CllUlllCl''110rS UlldCr the char1:1,c or a supc1·\'istll" in a cc11sus. the 11u1nber or c11un1cra1or,, is reduced to J per supervisor inn stin1ple sLir\cy like C'!PS \Yhen the supcr\·i,,or has to t1·avel son1c distance fron1 one village t(' another tir bctv"cen t\Nl' /_·.As. Supervisors \viii be drav.n fro111 govcrn1ncnt c•flicials and teachers i\ bulk of the supervisors niay b<: drntlcd 1·ro111 tht: province and district planning offices. ·rhe enu111crators \Nill be 111ostly teachers. !t has been fuund 11·0111 experience or tile last census that tL·ach<:is arc good 111 data culli:ction Further. th<.:y arc V-'ell k1HJ\\ll i11 thei1· O\\'ll rrreas v.·herc they \Viii \\-Ork fnr thl' sur\'e)' as cnu111crators l"his helps in )-'.t:tting the co~opcrat1011 of the public i11 thc survey. rh.: staff\vill be screc11cd bcfure app(1i1111nc11t <ind only good v.orkers 1\dl be rcc1·uitcd.

·rhc appoint1ne1l\s of enu111e1·Jto1-s and supc1·v1~ors 1~ ill be 1nadc by the Province [)1ncc\l'rs in C\>llSUitatlOll \\ilh th..O 1\d1ni111straliOll d1visi,lll of the dcpar!1nClll -rhe latter \Y!JI acldrC~S the Ldu..:atiun i\1inistiy \\-ell in udvancc to obtai11 the services of teacher~ for survey \\-'')rk.

It is expected that 956 cnunH:rators and 319 supe1·visc1rs \vii! be nppointcd. Jn son1e e11u1neration areas V>'here ethnic grnups liYc, it 1nay be necessary to appo1111 person~ k11()1>v·i11g the local dialect Ir neceSSil!)' a 111 in i1nu1 n nu 111 bcr of translators n1ay be app() inted.

The cfficie11cy oi' field 1vorkers <lnd the qual1ly of collcclcd dat11 1~ill hca\ily depend on the training p1·ogrlll1llll<CS for tlJC \'cll"iOllS Slll'\t.')' acti\ itic:>, especially l'iclcf\vorf... rhc trainitlg p1·ogran1111c \1·ill be ~truc\ured al thrce diff',;rc11\ l\O\l·I;.,:

I_ l·irst level training: Sc11i<.l1 ofr1cers r,f ~1CJP. N IS c\lurd111ators/ l ra111ers of trainers (nbout l OU person-;) \\-ho \\·Ould have bcc:n alrccid:v trained in tile survey \Vo1·),.. in June 2012 v,'ould undt:rgo n;frcsher training nt N!S rn J<11H1lll'J' 201 J.

2_ S(·cond Level t1aining: Province l'lanning fJircc!ors (Provint.·e ('001·d111ators) and /)l'pll1Y Planning [1irectors (l)cpllly f'1·,1v111ce (_'ocndi11at(1rs) \Yhcl \\Otild h:ivc been already train'°d Ill NIS in June 2012 \vould b..-: pan1c1pa1i11g at the training ~css1011s for c11u111erato1·s and ~upervisors in province headquarters in February 201_1 bcl(,re tl1c SUl'\C) begins. ·rhis \Vould hi:lp n:Crcsh their knO\V l'.:dgc l1n surVl')' pt occdure.

1 "fhirci Level Training or L11un1c1·:1tors and Supervisors: ,\t each Prr,vincc l'lan11i11g (_)fficc t1ain1ng y..·111 be i1nparted to e11u111erato1s nnd supervisors 111 February 2013

For the purpose of('!PS lhc 200S ('cnsus [;\ 1nap nfcacl1 of the seli:ctcd [~/\s (about 955) has to be used. [)uring the 1\-·cck co111111l'11ci11g l"cb1·u<11; 25. 201 ~the (~JPS L'lllllnei-alur hc1s to idenlil~ the ~clected !·,!\ y..·i11li11 thc PSl_J (villc1gc) ;ind p1«.::p:11·c: l're~h LA 1nap 1nd1cal1llg the hou:-.chold~ in each buildi11g.is1n1cll1r.: f'o1111d_ ·rhc 111111'-~'hold, \\'iii be li:;tcd in til<: prescribed l'L11·111 tu create a 1·ra1nc flH sy-;tcn1<ilic sa1n11lc -;-.:lcctin11 \\ ith n r;111d,11n star! ('f ·;o l1ous..:linlds \\ ilh111 the l~i\ as p~'I'


·1-11..: 111tcl'\'ll:\V of the scle<:\cd lhit1:;chulds \\ill c,1n11ncnce 011 the n10111ing of '\1urcl1 4 ·r1ic ,_, - .

c11un1CrC1tc1r \\-'ill be a,,:-.isted by his/her :::.upc1-visur in all the iti:1ns of v.ol"i~. 'Th.:; c1H11ncratn1- Vv'Otild hc hav111g 1\'itli hin1/hcr the quc~lionnaire:-. and o1her pn::sc1·ihcd ft•r111s in sufficient nu111hc1s

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l)l)\h !he enu111CL'ltor and s11pcrv1sor arc expL~clcd 1o cany l'.'ilh 1hcn1 the rc::-.pcctive i11::.lruction nia1111al;, for ready rcfer.:nce

·rhc !\IS cuorciinarors, the !)1rector and f)eputy !)irecloi/ Bureau C'hicf' in each of the :24 Provi11ces. the d1st11ct c;tatist1cal ol'Jlcer ;11HI the co1n1nu11e chicfc; \\ill servl'. as sup._;r\ i~ing of'ficer::.. lfl th;1t order. in their 1cs1'cctive areas. VilL1gc ..:hiel's 1vill pro\·idc assi"1a11ce i1t the villa!:'-c level. ·rherc \Vil I be overall supervision of 1hc :;ur\·ey operation:. by senior officers and donor representati\<.::S. The e11u111cration for the :-.u1 vcy is e:..peeted to l'11d by rvlarcli I 0, 2013

4. l)ata Processing

Processing of the Sur\·ey questionnaires \\'ill be undert;ikcn centrally at NJS /\_total ol'30 ()ffice-cdito1·sicc1ders \Viii be engaged 111 the proct.''.S to he eo1npletcd in nboul lli11e nionths. l)nta entry 1vi!I be C0111pleted lll about [\>.'O Jl101lths by 30 Opcrato1·s starling rt-l'>l11 1\pril St:CU!ld \Veck. V<?r11'iciltio11 111ay C(•ver :i 111i1iinH11n of JU pcn.:cnl of hoLL~eliold qucst1011nnires. -rabul:lli()ll \viii be co111plcted in si.\ to eight 11·ech.:, · ti1n..:: after 1h(; con1pletio11 of cl<lla-c11try Shr•rt-lcrin c\l11sultoneie~ Df[)I' consult<111t 1n:ly be required to revic\~'/tr·au1 al each :.lagc or data processinµ.

5 .. i\nalysis and l)isscn1ination

1\ prell111i11ary report 011 csti1nated population by sc;-; n1oy be 1-cl~ased by Junc-.luly 2013 'lhis \Nill be f(1ilo\V"'d by a popular- gc"nc1-al report 111eorporati11g 1hc 111::i_jc'r 1'111ding.s; survey at national level. l<.eports i.:011tai111nf'_ tlic analysis of results of' each prO\'illc~e to he ~vritten by NIS ::.ta ff 111ay be the next series of publ1ca11on~ of('\!'5 2013

Selected tabulation n1ay be released throt1gh spc(:i:1I n1edia progn1111s and o series of \\·orksl1nps and scn1inar-; for various survey data users. !\detailed plan for dissen1i11atinn and 01ilizatiu11 of su1vcy data flH· line Ministries and prn\'i11cinl st:dl' \\·ill he fonn1ilated and in1plcn1c11ted to ensure survey clata ptodu..:ed are fully utili_1ed. 0 rhc clisse111i11ation tool of CA!Vlll'\-'F\) \vas 11~cd to dissen1i11ate the dcn1ographi.:.: nnd statistical data dr<l\\'tl not only f'i-0111 the censuses but also fro111 '2000 C:fJl!S, 2004 (.'!PS. C'Sl·,S and nlhl·r stir\·e;s Such procedures niay be 1~1!]01,vcd in 1·cspcc1 t'r C~lf'S 2013 also use or 11llc1·11et <111d \\'ehsile 1nay be 1nadc for dala disse1ni11ntio11.

6. \Vork l'lan and 13udgct

l'n~li1ni11ary pla11 ft•r the survey is already 1-eecivi11g necessary cillc1Hio11 hy th~· l)SC:S[) 111 C('ll'.>Ui(ation \>.·ith cJt]1er depa1t1ne11ls <.:011ccr11ed ·rile \'IOl'k piflli desc1·ibi;ig the <lCtl\ it1cs is pres.:nted ar i\n11ex > ·r1ic Budgcl pr()posol is given at i\11nc\_ .-J. ·rh.: total HJnounl budgeted l(ir C'l PS 2013 is l ·s S 693.81 7 ovc1· the p..:riod Jur1c 20 l I 10 !)cccn1 her 2013 ( l1vo years and .<.even 111ln1tlls).

·1-he pla1111ed <i(;tivitics elf' (_'JPS 201::; co11ta1n fi.1110\\-up, 111011itc1n11g and periodic subs1a11t1\e evaluntiun procedures \vhich are cons1d.:rL:d ;111 int.egral pct1·t or the overall vvork pla11 at v;1ric1us le\'C!:-.. 'fhe ae1ivi1ies ol'the su1·vey 1vill bc closely coc)rdinatccl \l'ith other l111-gc1ing projects ur 'NIS. ('lo::>e collabornt1011 V\'ill be 111ni11tnined by l)SC~S[) \\'ith these and other proy.::cts for tile :,11cccssf'11I conduct of('!PS 2013 lt is alsn necessa1y [\11- J)SC"Sf) 111 he i11 c!osc touch v,·ith tilc Ministry or Interior regarding election:. 111 2013 so as le• c11s11rc s1nooth pn-'t;i-css ol' survcy \\ork \\ithuut any oYerlnpping or date or othe1· logistJe a1Tci11gc1nL"11ts. ·r1icrc i:., a n<:cd ft.Jr i:nrruvcd ..:onsu ltalio11 nnd agn:c111 cnt \\ i th other stake hn l,ie1" ,ln 1l 1c q t11.0'>I ionnni l'I:. ta bu IQTion and ,1110 I) ~i~ and in th..: production ofsociu-d..::1nographic ind1ca101s

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7. (~onsultants for the Sur\·cy

CJvcr the yca1·s. there has been a continuous ·o:ffo1·t 111 11a1u1nal capacity building at the N!S, thanh.s tP technical assistanc<:: pro\.idcd hy dc\·elop111en\ p;11lncrs llO\\eve1· tl1\.' lc\cl ofcapa.:it} of the st,11l;; of DSC'Sf) 1s :>till very ]o\V 111 Cl)tldt1c\u1g a survey uf this kind necessitating, tcL·l111ical :1s.,,1st<111cc ;ind l:uida11cc at in1portan1 stc1gcs like qucsli\)llll<lln: cles1!o_'.ll. ins1n1ctions 011 the ~lcfi111t1ons and co11-:cp1-. ll'>L'd 111 the ~111·\·cy, t1·ai11i11g 1)f traincr'i, pn,gran11111n~. anaiy,;is <ind rcpo1·tini;. t Jenee, consultancy 111issio11s of i111crn;itionnl Ct'nc.u!tanls ll:ivc bc~·n pr,,puscd 111 tllc \vo1·k plan ;it these stuges For sd111pl1ng d.:s1g11, e:-tin1alillll l'f -;a1npling \\eights and e1To1·s a national or 1n!ernatio11al sa1nrlillg cc!nsultant n1:1y be appointed fOr a shc'rt terni.

8. C'onstraints :-ind risks

1\ 1na1or constraint in 11nplen1cn1ing tii-' survey 1:- a rel;1t1vely lo\\ allocntio11 of funds i11 the gov,;1·1unet'I hud<:!...:! l\lS has therefore 1l' r~ly hcilvil) on the gond\\ill ol· international dono1·s in supporting this p1·(i~.ra1111nc 'l'hi" 1,.,'.'.llt: is alsc> linked vvith the IO\\ lcvl.'I of salary of civil servant::._ !'hey have to be provided ho11c,1:1riu111 01· incentive pay1ne11ts fr>r the survey \VOrk to supple1nent their lovv sala1·y. Necessary provision has thcre1\ll·c bec11 111adc in the budget propc)sa! t\)r the C:lPS 2013 for pay1nent t1fhonorariu111 lo the Slll'\C} stall.

111-depth analysis c1f surv·cy result:- 111 conjunc1io11 \vith the results of the past censuses an.J S\lrvcys, and disscn1i11atio11 Ctt natiollal and p1ov1ncial levels to p1"<1111otc and s!rcngthen u!ilizalion of data ftir 11nplcn1e11ti11g dc\elop1ne11l 1ncasurcs 1nay 1Tquin:: 1i.11·thcr assi~ta11cc. ·rht't-c arc no 111a_io1· risks anticipated except thnt unl(,rcsL'Cll dcrnanli'> 011 thl' NlS by donors or by the Clo\·c1·111ncnt 111;1_v ha111pcr scl1e,luled survey acli\'1tics Thi~ risk can be tackled throllgil pn1pe1· ph11111i11g ~i11d pcriodic c\101d111a1io111ncct111~~ 1\1111 ()\l1cT Minist1·1c~ :i!ld dono1s.


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Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey, 2013

(CIPS 2013)

I. Introduction

·rhe sustflined interest and conti11ucd efforts of the RD)"I (i()Vt:r111ncni of C'a1nhoclia (H_CJC') in collecting and utilizini:; de1110t~raphic data have been key factors in the s11cccs,,ful i1nplc111c11tation ,1r devclopn1ent activities in ('a1nbodia over the last t1vo decades. In the yca1· 1993 \\·hen a dcn1ocratically elected govcn1111c11t \\a~ cslablislied 11u co111prehc11s1vc and sat1sfaclor·y popul;1tio11 database ex1.,,1cd for use in the dl'vclop111cnt plnn~ and proera1nn1cs ,1r(~a111bodia. ()11c nfth<: first step,, that thc11 nev..· govcrnn1enl 1ncJk \vas to rt:~ques( the t.:NFP1\ to pro\ idc tccllnical and financial support for conducting a population census . .1\ccl>rd111gly the first Ciener:il P0pula!io11 Censu::.. of {_'a111bodia in three decades \'>'l\S cnnducted i11 1998 by the l\15 of M()I' v.ith !J:\!'PA support. l"hc census vvith its plethora of reliable popul:1lion data put c·an1bodia back on the dcn1ographic niap oftl1e y,o!ld ;,vhilc at the saint: ti111e pullinl'. an end 10 spcculationc; ;ibout the country's pupulntion figures. Over the last ten )'l'ilrs there h<1s been increa~,cd national capacity lo collect and analyze pc,pulal1011 da!n ns rellectcd in the c;ucccs~rul in1plt:n1cntc11io11 or three C~n1nhodia \)e111ogr:1phic and l·!e(l.ltl\ St11veys (('!)/!SJ. the ('a1nbodia !n1cr··C·e11s:1I l'opulntion Sur\'ey 2004 (C'll'S 20(kl) and the CJencrnl !'opulat11in ('e11sus 111 2008. ()tiler data eollcct1011 acti\'1t1cs like the rcgul<n socil1-eco11u1111c sur\eys (C"SLSJ. c,,tnbl1sh111e1it surveys and the cc:nnon11c cen.~us ha\·c also:- ieldt:d vnl11nblc soc10-ccl1ll,)111ic data and shatpc.·ncd the skills or ihc 11at1u11a! stafi' i11 d;1t<1 collect11111 a11d nnal;~1.;_

·r11c 2008 ('ensus oi'C'anibodia \Vas_jo111tl;- 1·1111deci by L-NrP/\, J<ip;111 111tcn1<1tio11:tl ('o-opera!ion .1\gcncy 0r J!C'i\. the CJovern1nc11t of J,1pan and the Cioven1111cnt or the Federal fZcp11bl1c of Cle1111a11) lo the tune oi' l_iS i; 6 02 1nill1011 In ndciition ]{(_f(' had prov1,icd $0.78 111illio11 to n1cct local c,lsls. '!"he C'JPS 2004 \\-as supported by lJNFPt\. l'hc C'!)JlS 2010 1\a~ j(J111tly funded b.v l_JS_A.10. Ll'\JFPt\, l.JN\C'E! .... JJC:A, t111d !lSSP-2_

2. Population l)atahasc ofCan1hodia

r11e t1vo cc11,,11>cs ,111d the pnpuL1tion survc~·s li<1ve giyc11 rise to an upd:-1icd P('puli1ri,)1\ clatc1h;1sL' of ('a111bociia 1vilicll has co11tr1butcd 111 no s1nall 111eHsL1rc to 1no11itr•r111~c. ;11u1lyLing and prior1li?ing population issues. Pop111'1tion ddta as Y..'cll as thc11· ;111alysis nrc :1vailablc both in p1·i11!L'd and electronic 111cdia. ·rile !\JS \\-Cb site also puts up dc111ograpli1c diil<l \\hicl1 cater to th'~ need~ or data users.

·ri1c present de111ograph1C ~CCllC Ill ('anlbl)dia il:> it has t'llH'r~'_Cd frOlll il V\'idC l'a!lgC oi' population data <1va1l:tl'IC fru1n tile various sou1\:l'S 1::, dc;;c1·ihcd l'cl\111 10 slHl\\ the gradual dcv('il1pn1c11t 01· pr1µuL1tio11 lh11abasc in C'a111h\1d1:1 over the ~cars :ind the need to up- elate 1l in n1·dc1· tu be 11\cful 111 pL11111inu c111d ad1nin1st111tio11 111the11..:a1 hiture.

-!he 1998 ('cnsus counted ;1 pc11•ula1io11 or· Ii 4 1nili1c111. '!'lie c1H1111cntl1011 c<Jvcrcd the c11ti1-e inli;ibitcd gel>graphicdl :1rca 11·i1h the c,\ccplic111 ura t\:1\· an:<1~. inacces.~il1lc during 11\e census due to securit) reason:;_ 'l'he refugee pop11L1tion 1vho in11nigratcd to l'l1aila11d at the ti1ne ol'tlic census \Va~ not included in the censu::.. '1S it \Vas eonductcd 011 a de fht ro ba:-,1s It 1v;1s follovvcd by an \11tcr-cen:,Hl population Survey (C_JPS 2004) according to y,J1ich the collnlry s est111n1tcd

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population \Vas 13 1 111illio11. ·rh.:: second cc11s1h adopted a niorc con1pr..:hensive qu.ostionna1re. It covered the e111i1e country 1vhcrca~ 111 1998 a fe\\ v1llagcs in the No1lli\,,CSl hnd to be u1nitt("d fron1 census- Inking due to security n:aS('llS_ ·rhc ropuln!1011 of ('a1nbodia as revealed by the 2008 ce11sus \vas 13.395,682 or,,,hich 10.781.655 or 80.5 per cent live in rural areas. 'fhc post enu111eration surv.oy conducted 1n1n1ediately. l(1l!ov,·1ng the 2008 (~'ensus revealed that the net under e11u1neration in the census \Vas 2 77 pen:c11t >vhich is con.~id\'.'red rcas0nable fi·o1n i11ten1a1ionnl sta11d;1rd~.

!'he available pnpulation data pr~>vicic a picture or population "i1.c, structure an(i gro1Yth iatc<;, along 1vith csti1nates or IC1tility and 1nort:tli1y ·rhe populati1Jll cha1·acterist1cs ofC'a111bod1a_ \\·hile being sin1ilnr to th~1se of son1e ol' tlic cnn1panibk: cic\'cloping cou11lric::,. reflect dis1inctively the cn11scquc11ce;; of1var 311d polit1ccd 111,,,u1bilil) in the past. In the n1iddlc B1HI older flgcs tile 11un1b("r of l'c111ales ve1·y niuch c;,,eccdc, the nu111bcr or 1nalcs due lo higher 1nale 1nonality. Loy~ sex ratios r1·0111 the age g1·oup ,10-44 011 1var,is in 1998 (50-5'-I- on v.·:1rds i11 2008) ilre the resulls of higher 111ort21lity a111011g inales a11d large scale exodus ofadull 1nales fro1n (·;in1hodia during the l<hn1er !{nugc years ·11ie ag<: group 10-14 1-ci•rescnts the large\t colio1·t (12.5 percent) repor!~d at thi.: 2008 ccnsu\_ l'hi~ is closely J'ollov.L;d by the colit1rt 11J'ages 1:5-19 ind1cnti11g ..::on1p::ira11vely high !C1·t1li1y level 111 the early 1990s follo,ving a baby buu1n 1·e~1orteci in tht' early lCJBOs. 'The prt1portio11 or children (under l :5 years or age) has declined rr,1111 42 s in 1998 to -~3.7 in 2008 1-vhich is indicati\'C Of dt'Ciining fCrtil1ty Ill til;\j decade.

rile percentage Of \VOrki11_g ag\..' population (aged I 5-(J4 years) of ('a111bod1a has illCn.'aSCcl fi'\llll 53.'7 percent in 1998 tt' 62 u percent in 2008_ rhe increase is fro111 51.61 percc11t to (i0.95 pe1·cc111 in 1hc case of 1nales and 1'1-0111 5'.' 68 percent 10 63.10 percc~nt fllr l'c1nales. ·r1ius butl1 111 re~pcct of 111ah::s and fc1nalc~ 1he1e hCJve been subs1:111tial incrcasl'S in the 1-\01k1ng at?,e pupulat1uns 1t is also ncitcd that the gap in the proport1011s t)fn1ale~ and fCniales in the 1-\· age group has reduced fonn about 4 po111!~ in 1998 to 2 points i11 2008_ '!'lie fc111ale l21bt1r force participation rutc (78 percent) is l'n1rly high c;,11npared to other countries in the 1-cgio11

"lhc pc1·cc11tage of the elcledy (;igc l11-'~'1 65 _years) 111 tile 1i11pu\ut1011 (4_J percent) ha~ nho shO\\·ll an increasing !rend clu1·i11g tile dctnde, tl1anks !l1 n _steady decline in adull 1nortal1ty 'fl1e S('X rn110 ha.~ i11c1·eased f1·u1n 9J.0 Ill )998 to 9.:\.7 ill 2008_-\'h'..: il\'Ct-:ise household si/e il:1s dl.'cl111cd to --l-.7 :i' <1g:1111st 5.2 111ll)lJ8 i11dicnt111g a trend t0\\·;11-ds ,,,111alll:'1·--,.,1/ed h(•uschulds. /\little 1norc th:111 a fou1·th ot'tile households in Ca111bodia a1·e hcndcd by \\0111c11.

lhough the adult literacy rale in the co1111t1·y ha~ increased dt11"1ng the decade frorn 67 percent to 18 percent there is a long 1-vay to g,; in tenn~ of educat1011nl level C>n!y about one percent oi' literate population aged 7 IP 24 yea1·s has an eduernio11nl qual1i'ication beyond the scc.J11dar~ level. Largl' scnlc drop outs arc 11oted in the case ul IC1nnlc students as they ad\anced fr,J1n gr;1de to gn1de. ,1\griculture 1" the 1n:-t111~·.tay ofahout 7) pc1·cl'nt oi'lilc population

\\'i1l1 a 111i::'-ra11t bc111g_ defined as <l p...:1-,.,1111 1\ho has 111,•1·ed 10 tile pince <Jf c11u1neratio11 rr-on1 a1h1tl1ct \'illage (01· a11othe1· cpu11lry) 11-lnch \Va~ tile P'-"l'SOll·s last rl.'sidencc. lhe n11111bcr of 1nign1nts 111 2008 co11sti1ntes 26.:5 per cent oftlic tutal pnp11latio11 "!'he prt'pt>rtio11 is h1f2her (57.9 per cent) 111 the 11rba11 areas th:1n 111 the 1·11r(ll are:1:; ( 18 9 per cent). A111011g the·. rn1grant,; 1nnlcs (50 46 per cent) and 1l'111;iles ("1-9 5·+ per cc111) ~tre al1110~1 111 equal propt1rt1ons. /\ccn1-di11g tu thlc' 2008 Cenc,US, the pe1c,,.:111agc oflinuschr>ld:; i11 (':1111\lndia \>hich l1nvt~ access ttl 11nprO\'ed sources lli' dr111king \\<l!c1· has incr·t•ased to ,17 per cc11l in 2(\[)B 1·111111 21 pc1· Cl.'lll 111 1998. 111 the urban and

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ru1·al nre<>s the p(~1Te11\c1ges or lioust:hold~ ilCJv111g iniprovcd \va1cr s11pply in 2008 are 75.7) and 40.49. i\1or<..: than t1\o-th11ds of the urb<111 population hCls drinking \Yater supply 1vitlti11 prcn1i~e-~. f~ut in thl' rural ;1n::as the co1Tesponding proportion is unly about JO pl.'1· cent. \Vhile 87 pc1· cent .._1f the households in tile urbnn an:as arc sc-rvcd by electricity c111ly I _l l l per cent of l1ous<..:hulds have this an1c11ity in r·ural ar<..:as_ ()1\ly one-third elf tile· IH1u~<..:l1olds in tht: country have !r11lct fr1cility \V1thi11 their prc1nises. ·rhis fc1cili1y is ava1l;1bl<..: to 8i.46 per cent oful"l1a11 househoid~ and 2'L24 per cent or 1·ural households. Fi1e1,vood co1ninucs to be tile 1nain cooking l'uel in rural areas 1vith about 9,~ per cent using it

T'he annual gro\vth rate l1fpopulation during the decade 1v:is I 54 pe1-cc::111 Sin<.::e the 1990s there has ticcn a r;1pid decline 1n the tot;d fL'.rtility 1·ate. In the lalcst pro_Jection exercise the ·rr:R tOr different years in the pnst linve been esti111atcd based (n1 diiTert::nt sources-(:c11sus. l-01 JS. K.A.l' SurVt')' L'tC_ ;\cco1·d1ng 10 thcc.;(C c:>ti111ates l'FH. pf(_~a1nbr1d1n h;is rallcll frn111 a high level of S.67 Ill 1990 to 3.01 Ill 2007. /\:> pc1 the p1-:li111inary 1·eport or (_'!)I IS 201 ll, "l'I I{ is 3.0 for the 1h1ce years precedins tile Slll'\'C)' /\11 a11;ilys1:,, ol' 111f;111l 11101"\alily data rr(llll different Sllllrcc~, ha:,, ;1isn ~IHJ\111 that !MR ha~ dc.:li11t:'d J"rolll a11 e:-,!11nated levl'I of95 per 1.00\l li\e births i111995 to 60 per 1.000 live hil'lhs in 2007 1\.:c:L1rd1ng to the 2008 C~e;is11s rl'sults the 111(Jlcr11al 1nortali1y rn11c' is 46 I per l 00,000 live bi1·ths.

·rhe continued d<.:cline Ill the ~ro\vlh r;lte in the n1os1 rcc~~nt years ind1cntes that the country is gracll1ally 111ovillg lO\\-a1·ds the ;.;nd oi'thl' thi1·d stage or denll'g1aphic l!dnsition. '!"here is a risi11:; t1·end in life cxpec\<incy 'j"J1c 111c1lc e-,:pcct:itinll of lit"c Ila~ ri~en f1·01n 5 7.1 yca1s in 2004 to 60 5 111 .:'008 and tile corre,,po11ding i11c1·case fo1· fe111ales i~ fro1n 63.4 to 64.3 _-l"he depe11dcncy 1a1io has dccl 1ned f1·on1 86. I 5 in 1998 to 61. 19 in 2008.

·r1ie popul<1tion projections of C'n1nbodia 1ve1·e recently re\'ised into account tllc 1·esults of the 2008 (~cnsus Aceurding to these p1·0.iecti0ns population of ('a1nhodia ""·iii continue to e:-.pericnce a substantiHI g10\\·th cluri11g the decade 2008-2018 despite con~iderablc decline in fertility level. ·r1ic <1nnu:1I population ~rOV\'lh rate is e\.pected to dccrc<>se l't·o1n 1.5-'I per cent i11 2U08 to only l.40 pc1· cent in 2018 ;ind 1.:25 per cent in 2022 -rile gro\'.-th 1vill Cl1n1i11uc even ;1l'tc1· 1·L'rtility r·cachcs a rcplac~111cr1t ll'\cl (l l"'R of2.1 cilild1cn per \10111a11). 'lilc 1nai11 reason for tills phc11c1111l'i\011 is 1\hc1t i~ c:lllcd the ·'popul:1lio11 n101ncntu1n·· v-.htch (_";11n!,,1dia is cxpcri~'ncing. [J11l' tc' i1igh l..:vL'i ut 1Cnil1t:;..- in till' pa:-1. thcn: arc large coho1ls ,1rv.,i1nc11 in the rcproducti\c agl· \\'l10 arc p1uduci11g largl' 11u1nhe1· ul- cl1ildrc11 though as a c~lhun they have reduced their l"crtilit: l Ile ..:ou111ry·s population is prl1.JCctccl as I() I 111ill1,)11 111 '2018 ~u1d 16.9 111illio11 ill 2(122.

Subs1<1ntial changes 1n the populaliu11·~ ngc Cl1n1positic1n are HL~o <..:\.pecll'd in t!lc 11e\.l dccc1dc Hcco1·di11g 10 ruture population tre11ds. 1·11c 1ncdia11 a_sc 11l11cl1 \\;1s '.~2.0) cnrs 111 2008 is c\.pected to increase to 26.7 yca1·:-; 111 202() and 30.8 in 2030.By the yeil1· 2050 it 1na;. rise to 36.1 years. 111 C)(he1· \.\'Onis the Ca1nbndia11 population 1"ilicil 1s d<..:sc1·ibcd :is ··),Hing"" tH'\V 1'>1111nuvc lov-.·a1d:-, till' catt'gory of ··_,\gcing population·· i11 so111<..: n1orc~ yea1s. ·i-11c ov,.::rall increase ill the \\,Jrk1ng <i)le :•opulillion as <:11v1·,,;1gcd 111 the p1·o_jectiuns h;1s \<..:1·ious i1npl1ciltions 011 the youth anc1 th.: u11c111pl\1yn1en1 s1t11atio11

Jn developed cc,untrics tile phe11on1ena! 1·ise in the 1v\1rking age populatio11 due to de111ng1aph1.: tra11~1tinn had proved beneficial by yielcl111g \\hat is culled -·dc1ll\l~Japhic d1v1clc11cr· fol' so1nc t1n1c. 111order10 reap the bcnefi(s l'l'tl11s (lpportunity 'Xhivii C\11nbt1dia 111<1;. C\.perience 111 c,HliSL' ofti1nc ;ippropri<1le i11\'e~(1nc11t~ in he;dth_ cduc:1\1(111 ;1nd .:1n1Ji\l:·.J1ne11! oppo1tu11ities 1'01 8 JlC\\ and Cllahled lahol' 11.11-ce are called l(1r

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3. lltilizaiion ofl)en1og1·aphic l)ata in l)e\'elop1ncnt Plans nf(:a1nbodia

Poverty 1s a niajor chnll..:-nge in c·a1nb,1dia \vith ab(>u\ a fourth of it" population livi1tg hell)\.\' the r\)\'ert) line. Pc,vcny is pnrticulctrl;. rural due to l11nitcd oprortunit1cs for g1\)\Vlh. alinost inaccessible health and social scrvu.::cs. la11dlcssncss. <:11viro11n1c11tnl dcgr;1datio11. und n lack of sound participatory processes \Vith ;\11 '1\'eragc annual gnl\vth or 9 per Cl'lll, lhe Ci[)P (lf ('a111bodia grc'v nibustl:-1 in the decade preco.:ding 2009. l llc gr( 1atc \\;1.~ :1dvcrsely <iff'ccted by til<: glc1bnl cconon1ic u1eltdo\vll nnd it d1f1pcd 10 5.9 'Vi, in 2010 (~'1n1bodiu·s CC(lJH'lllY is also not broad based as it depc11ds 1nainly 011 <1 ft:\\ sectors likc garn1c11t industril:!s ;ind touris111_ 'lhcre are lin1itcd link.ages \'vilh (he rur;il ct:onon1y. ('n111bodia's (Jf_)p isl.JS$ 830 pcr capita <1~ of2010.

!'he !{(j(_~ has attached great i111portance t(1 reforn1s i11 all sccto1·s 1vith the objective to reducc poverty of the people. Poverty reduction is cit the core ofc\·Ct)' policy and de\elop111c111 strategy of l~CIC'. The Recu1ngular Strat<:gy (RS) fl)flll~ the basis for tile d<0vclop1ne11t p\1licies. ·rhe RS se1·vcs as n l\'OI lo llnplc1nc11! its political plarf'onn n11d to achieve tile ('Ml>Cis. ·rhe RCIC: hns o.:leady strited 111 the RS the 11npo1·tanL·c or pro11101i111: ccuno111ic gro1vtli. creati11~ .1obs and c11.;ur111g l"ull cn1pluy1nc11l ,,r ('an1b1)di:111s. c11h:111ci112. equality and soc1nl 1usti..:e <I'> 1\·cll n:. strcng_then111g cfllc1c11c:y i11 public sector 11lrougl1 the i1nplt'1nc11tat1Pn of 111-dcpth and co1nprchcnsive rcforn1s. F(lr devclopi11g :..uch a vision 1vith111 tht' H.S, the J{(J(. and its dcvclup111e11l pc11·tner;, h;1ve <1gn:,t•d 011 .:stablishing the 'JSl)P fo1· -2006-1 {) V.'hich is thc cn111bi11a!1on of !lie J\1f)Cls. Socio-I co110111ic !)e\elopn1e111 Pl;111 for 2001-05. National Poverty l{eduction Strategy 2003-05 nncl Go\crnnncc /\cticin PIAn including the Public l\d111i11isrratic,11 Rcfo1·1n's clen1<:11ts at the nation<1l k;vcl. rhc "'.'JS!)P has been subsequently rcl'ie1ved a11d updated tn covcr the full pe1·iod of the cu1Tc11t (~01·crnr11e11t n1a11d;itc until 2013

"\ 1\·ick, range of pop11Jat1011 nnd sucio-ccc)11on11c '-IJlistics is very 111uch llCl'dcd fo1 1nonitoring the d::vc lopn1c11L 1nak 111 g asscssn 1cn !s. and gu id 1 ng rurt hl' 1· pol icy forn1 u latio11 111 respect o I' thc:.e rcfonns as \\Cl! :1s ('MIJC:i and 1nter11a11onal staf1stic<1I 11green1cnts. -rlic 2008 l'cnsus 1·csults and their analyses \\'i:re utilized in revising the l\ational Populalio11 Pl•licy \\]11ch 1v;is launched in 2003 based Oil the findings or th.:: j 998 ('ensus Since 2004. the ITlilill tool for 111casuring; progress of the c:!'vtl)Gs and NSf)P 2006-20 IO (and update '2009-2013) has hcen C'.AM l11fu, the national syste1n for 111011i1oring de\e!Clp111cnt i11d1cat11rs. In the Hbsence pf a sat1sL'i.ctory c1vd registration syste111 th.cse :,011rccs pru' ic!e fair\) fl' liable d;1L1 on levels. patterns and ln:1HJs of fe1·tility and 1nortal1ly in the C<Juntry. ·r1ic populat1nn p1·0.iectiuns ~vhicli \\'<:re updated on the b11~is rir th<: tvvo ccnsuc;es and tile ('\PS 2004 ti:icilit:1tcd ir11·c\1c1vi11g pla11s and prog1an1111L·s of l111c Min1~u·1c'. {)n the \\'llole. the 11nple1ne11tatil•ll ur tile CCllSllS i\ll(llyc;is and di.~se1111nat1u11 progra1n1nc rcs1iiLcd 111 strengthcnitlt! the dcvelopn1c11t pl:111111n~ process 111 ('a1nbodia at vari,)us le\ els. and ensun:d that ti.;nH,~rapllic co11ccn1s 1\Crc tnken 1ntn co11:-.1di.orat1011 1\ithin ihc vnriou~ sector plan\ and progra111111e~

'fhc 1998 C'cnsus dnt21 011 populnt1on dist1·1bution cn,1bled il recl;1ssificati,111 or ur·ban nr..:as that \vas consistent v./ith (':nnbndian co11dit101h and opti1nu1n J-\11· pl'11111ing purposes. lt \\'Ould be updated on the basis of' the 2008 ('ensu::. 111forn1a!1(>1l. '!'he ccnsusv'> ll:1ve also provided l\1tisler San1plcs for use i11 household sur\·ey'>.


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4. Statistical Systcn1 in Can1hodia

'rhc Stotistics dcpartn1ent in c:a111bodia ha\ \Vil11cssed 11l<ll1)' change\ Silh.'.C its inception in 194~. i\ reorganiza1ion of the statistical systcin 111ade in 19()4 gave rise to u dcccntr·alized systc111 of stntistics rrocluced b:i- li11c Mi11is!rics that ha\C tl1ci1· O\\ll st:1tistical u111ts. 1vi!h gre:itcr pla1111i11g .'1nd statistic:il analysis a( the provincial ll:'vcl Far rcach111g develop1ne11ts in !lie a1·e:1 of uffic1:1I statistics ~verL' 1nndc in tile last decade \Villi the 11shcrin~ in of the pl:11111i11g era. rlic 11t\\ Stc1tis11c;li La\\ tli:11 v.'as c11act~-d in V1:1y. 2005 prP\'idcd clc:H' dc1n'1n:at1011 ofrespons1b1lit1cs and relal1011ships. L",scntial for the s1nuoth nnd ctficic11r \\' llfa decentnili/ed "tatistical syst.:111 ·r11e NlS is de':>1g11:1tcd :J':> the nfr1cial nn1io11al statistical i1L~ti1u1io11 of the RC;c: >vhich has a1nong ''tilers the irnpona11t function to collc(;t, process, co1npile, annlyz<::. publish and dissc111i11atc oflicial :>t(lristics and other 111fur111ation in rel:Jtion to statistical n1rttte1·s

!'he S!~itisiical La\V '1nd the \\\(1 sub-dccn:cs provide the lll'C.::s.~ary fra:nc\\01·k and encl•un1gc the intcgJatio11 ol' activities ullo 11 n;itional stal1stic:il systc1n ·1 ii~' '3ta11':>1ics .1\dvi.~or\ (\lu11c1I 1\ ith Senior 1\11in1stcr, Ministc:- of l'lanning <1:; cllnir pcr~tin dc1e1·n1i11cs olTici:1l s1a11~tical pol1cie.~ and dci11s \\'Jth statisticnl 1naster plan ancl othc1· policy 111attc1·s 1·e!atcd tu the 11a1ion<ll statistical syste1n. One oftlie 1n;1i11 fu11ct1011s of the Stut1s1ics Coordi11a1io11('.01n1nitlec1\itll DC:i, NIS as the chair person relates to tile establishn1cn1 or an i11tcgr:1tcd nntional slal1s1ical systctn throug.h effective coo1dinatio11 ;ind cc,operaticln (111 sta!istic;il acli\'itics and statistical devclop111c11l bct\\-·een designated s1a1istical units (including. 1'1JS).respo11s1hlc for producin~ <111d dis-,e1ni11ating. uffi.:inl statisti..::s.

r\ 11li\jnr \\'(:<lkllCSS oi' \11e ('a1nbc'di<lil ot'r1ci<il sta(i..;tlCS ilO\VCVCL is the j)i'!lll'lly Of llCCe'-Sill)

n::sourccs. Most Dr111..:: data colk:c1ion ex..::rc1c.c~ like sur1·t:ys ~ind the p(1pui<1tin11 census co11t11111c \\l rely cn1 extcrn:il, do11or funding. '!'lie Stati~1ics [\·Ju<..l~'r l'lan (Si\11'), ho\vcvcr_ p1·ovidc_~ the lu11g-t.c1·111 strategies and il11a11c1ng plan 11;:<.'Licd ro1 org;11111ing sta11.,,lical acl1\ 111..::s.

i·1ic lJ11itcd J\iation~ Populatio11 runcl (l!Nt .. 1'1\) in C'a1nbodia Ila:; hcc11 suppo11ing popul:i11011 activities ('rtlic l\lS fro111 199)011\\ards.l :Nr:P!\ prt'\'1dcd full support fc,r thc 1096 [)c.:1nogr;1phic Survc_'y and the 1998 c:cnsus. J)ur1ng the intcr-ccns:-tl pcri(ld (1998-2008), lJ'\IFP!\ had a"-si.sted in 111a11nai11i11g and utilizing population datubase. lt also ~upported the 1ntcr-censal pl1pulatio11 su1vcy in 2004 ((~JPS 2004) flight fro111 2006 \\hen the RCJC: took a decision t(1 Cc)Jlduct tin:: 2008 f\ipulation (', lJNFPA prt)ViLlecl tcchniccil and 111011cta1·y assi,.,ta11cc f,11· the v;:irious rictivitics of the 2008 ('ensus (!lit: othe1· donors for tht' 111a1n (_'e11s11s being JI('.!\, lht: Japancs0 c111d the Cic1·111an C!overn1nc11ts).

·r1ic 1\:-:iall f)cvclopn1c11l Bunk (/\l)8) ;111d tl1c l11ter111111011:il Mo11c1ary Fu11il llri.-1r) lirt\C pro\ itk:d extc1L~i\·e suppon llll cap<icity building and data c,1Jlec'!io11s fo1· 111acro- eco1101111c and indLh\rial ~1ntis1ic.',_ 'T1·aining courses a11d 011-thc·job !ra1111ng 1vas !~ivt'll 011 n \lll·ict: or topics llf econu111ic \lati:,!ics Ilic C'a1nbt'clia Suc10-l:cc1no1n1c St11\·cys (C'SFS) 1vcrc condlll'tcd i11 101):\/199,1 and 1096 \Vith A!")f3 asc.ista11cc. and in 1997. 1999. and 111 20U3/0·1 \\ith !_IN!)J'/Sida Cuncli11g, c111d \Vorld Bank cxecut11111. ('SLS \\';\:, undcnnkcn in 2001. :'.008 nncl 2009 11·ith ass1::-tF111cc frun1 Si..:la. Sida sponsur.:d the ('SI::S \\'h1k' Sta!i:-1.ic~ S1>eclc11 p111\1clcd !cchnic<ll assi,t:111cc. Lst:ihlisli111c11t ~tirvcys 1vc1·c can ied 011t 111 I 99J, 1995 ;111cl =ooo \vith suppC'rl 1\~<..:e1vcd l'rcl1n ;\J)f3_ rile l_'.S_l\11). \!".;l-1'1\_ \!NIC'l:J·. and [_)\·'l\)/,\[)J~ 1-·111a11ccd 1ound~ ,>ftllc ('a1nbodia !)c111ographi.: :ind l-le11iili St1rvcy in 2000 ;ind ::on:; :i.11d L'S,\ If). l;~rl'\, lJl'-ilC"\-F. JI(_',\ ,ind 01l1cr do11i_)rs fi11anL·cd ::-o:o

c· [)I IS.

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·rhe Al)H, afti:I' a dt.'cad..:. disconti11ucd it:, support in 2003. rhc collt.'CllOll di. pr1t.'t.'~ in ri\e p1ov111ces for the ("PI (C'u11-;u111er Price l11dGxJ \vas .~tarted V\'i1h assistance fro1n ADl1 but NlS co11tinut.'d lo Cl'llcct these data. ·rraining activities co11t1nued V\'ith lf\11·- support for so1ncti1ncs.

rlit.' JIC:.i\ pro_jecl entitled '·l1nproving ()ffici:1I Stati~tics in c·a1nbod1a \vas started in .t\ugnst 2005.ln Phase 1 (August 2005~iV1arch 2007) it focusi:d n11 p1·ovidi11g training to ;1bout 600 statistical pe1·sonnel of NlS. li11c 1ninisl1ic_c, and prov111ccs. Phase 2 (April 2007- M<1rch 2008) 1nainly concentrated 011 a:-:sista11cc to N\S on tht' prepan°1tio11 of the (.Jc111.::ral Populat1011 ('e11sus of C'a111hodia 2008. In the sanie period. technical <Jssist:u1cc \\-a~ al,;o provid.:d f,ir the cstnblisl11ne11t survey and 2009 natinn~v,·idc c.stabli~lunen( li<:>ting. l'ha~e 2 or JI(~.!\ pro_icct conclucied by thi: end ol"S.::pte111bc1· 2010.Pilase:; or the projeet called l111provi11g ()1ficial Stntis1ics in ('a111bodia is a technical coopcra\1011 projcet by JJ('/\ !{_,r f~;ur year·':> and a half rro111 ()ctobc1 2010 tu MHrch 2015 It 1ncii1ily cooperates 111 the fir·st-e\cr 20i l (;c11cral f-:co1101nic ('ensus of (~a1nbod1a (LC"201 l). 2013 ('n1nbl1d1n11 !nter-ccn~;ll Populatio11 Survl'Y· a11cl 20\._\ 1-·:cnnl'llllC Stat1sti,>-. S111·vey a Inn!;', \vith national and p1-()Vi11cicd stntisticnl capacit) building. Several other donors have also :,upportc:d the d..:veloplllCill of dc11H'1",l"ilpilic 2111d -~ucia] statistic:,, J~ilatcraJ donors ha-ve alsn l1elpcd build capacity !Or econu111ic: and social sector stal1stics.

5. Need to ('ontinue National (~apacity lluihling

·1 hough the l\'IS -;taflS had gai11L'd e:-.:per1cncl' in .;;cnsus nnd survey activities C1Jr so1ne years the:-,. requi1·c technical assistance and guidance at i1np,,rh111l stage-". ()v<:r 1hc yea1s, there has b..:cn a continuous etfor! 11i natio11al capacit;.. building al the :\IS, tllnnks to tcchniccil <1ssista11..::c p1·ovidc:d b:- dcvc:lopn1enl pnrlnc:rs.

!n the field of populati\ln. the technical assisli111ct0 p1-o\.1dl·d by lJNFPJ\ and Jll'J\ for the la~t census in 2008 contributed sig111f'icantly !o c:1pac1ty buiklrng of nalil'llal staff in 11nderlak1n;; pl)ptilation censu:; activities. \Jnl1kc 111 1998 ('cnsus. no re~iclcnt census consultant or lhtta p1\Jcessi11g consultant \\'as appointed by LJNFPJ\ to a~sisl NJS on n long tcr111 b;i;,is. l-h>\Ve\·c1·, short te1·1n consultants 1,vcrc hirl'd hy ll'\JJ·P1\ :it cliftC1·enl st:1µes of the cc11sus prograin1ne al thi:

request c<f NIS -1-hc planning. concluc1111g nnd 1na11;1gi11g sla!i-;tical e.\.t..-rcisc like tl1c censu:- :r.ncl population <:>lll'\'C),; 1\·ill c11ha11<.;c th-: capnhilitics of prulCs:-innnls <ll the \JIS in d;ita collection. cvetlu,1tio11. data p1·ocC'-<:>111!:'-. tabulatiu11. andi:-sis and itc. dissc1ni11~1tiu11. ·1 his acc11111ulc1tcd e:-..pcrtl',nce \\ill go n long \\<ty in f"unl1cr strc11g!llc11i11g thc11· c:1pncity in conducting other :;tatislical and dc111ugrapliic activities and ""·ill ensure '~idc dissc1ninatiu11 and i1n::rcased util1zntio11 ofpopulatiun data.

\)ut of n total staff of about 600 (111..::l11ding prl1vi11cial lc\'el start) at the NIS, app10xin1atcl)" 50" 60 are statisticians. /\bout hall' of these a1c eC<_lllOlnic ":>t<1tisticiet11s, the other half S('Cio-de111ographic statist1CiilllS ]11 the last [1\0 ciccadt'S a 11\llllbCI' ol' j)Ci"SllllS hHVC been trained Ill ove1·scu<o i11stitut1ons and in trainill)! \\Orksl1ops \\-ithi11 ll1c cou11t1·y J<.cccntl). 1nurt.' tl12111 !OU "1alT ofNIS per year participated in the intcn1at1u11;il \\·t'l""-.hops. 1nL'.cting.., or stud) toul'.~.

In !lie l)e1not_t1aphic <111<.l c·L'.n~us dcpa11111c11l cilrinc 111nrc th,111 I) pcr:-011-. li<1\'e been trained 111 sub.1ccts such as s~1111plu1p., ~ta!i',1ic.~, dc111ogi-aphy. ec11sus t~1i-;111g a11d <inaly"is in insti1ul1l111s located ahroad. Man_v i11-scr\.1t.'c tr:;_i11i11g cu111·scs have also been conducted \vi11i the assistance of lil\FF'1\ lt should be noted llll\~'G\'Cr, that so1ne or tilt' !1ainccl -,tall ha\.c since- left the nrganiz<1lion or 111uvccl t,) r>tilcr dcpan111ents. 11 i~ llt.'Cl'>sar) tu take step~ to i-c;:1a111 trn1ned -,1nrr for surve) 01· cens\h \vork lt is 11ls(• nbsc1-\.c\I that s1i1nc nf'thc stafr;; <1rc nnt ahlc to a\'ail llii.c1nsclvc~ or o\'crscns tr;iin111g opponu111t1cs as thc.v 1H·c nut p1"lllci;.~1l\ in L11gl1sil. and find it clitlicult tu

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1nten1cl \\·ith the cxtcrncll cl1nstiltan!s. !l is i1npcrntiv.c th<il such stafi's arc encouraged to attend C11glish language training.

11 i;; abo nb"crvcd that thougl1 !l1crc h:1vc been stro11g, i1nprovcn1'0:111s i11 the nat1unal c:1pac1ty i11 cc11s11s :11\d o,urvcy 111:1ndg.c111c11L sanqiling, data collcct101i. proccss1ng, z111d di.~sen11nDtio11, the lt'vcl ol cap;:icit; or staf1 in respect ,1f dat;l analysis and i111c1·p;'l.;!a11on re1nai11s VL'1·y lov.'. An 111tc11sivc: 111-hc1t1sc rr:1ining p1·ogra111 in data <inl1l;vs1s should ht:: an ongoing progranl!nc ll.1r sonic )'l'ar.c,.

6 .. Justification for C~ll'S in 2013

I laving created a valuable population database as a 1·estilt of the 2008 <Jenera! Popula1ion (~ensus, the J<.(f(_~ is co111n1itticd to funher building and s!reng,the111n:? the populi1t1on database throug,11 a11 i11tl'r-c:c11sal 11p11ulation surYcy in 2013. 111 the ]{(J(:'s Sub-LJec1ce of 10 July 2010 cin

dcsig11a1cd otr1c1al s\Qt1stics, 11 has been clearly Lud tk1\vil th:1! sta11stics fro111 an inter-cens<d plipulati<ln survey hns to be d1~~cn1i11<1tcd by 'C\[S cvc1·y tcn ;vca1·s

\Vh1I<.' rcco1n1ncndi11g tl1a1 a cou1111·y ,,hc>11ld take a national ce11~11s al least e\Cl'J 1c11 ycnrs, the llnited Nation has rilso 1n~·n1i,111cd that "sonic cou11t1·ic~ 111ay r·111d 1t ncces~ary lo ca1T} Plil

censuses 111ore f1·equc11tl:-i' bee HUS<~ of th·..: r;ipidity oi' n1a_i<.1r changes i11 1hcir p(1pulatio11 and/or its housing c1rcu1nstanccs.'' (P1·incipk·s and l.Zcco1n11H::ndatio11s for l'npulat1u11 a11d f·Jo11~ing (_'cnsuseS1\"'Rcv1sionl Pnt?_,e 3) S111ce thl'l"C is an incrca~;i11g de111nnd or gover111ncnt,1! agcnci<.'S.

111tc1"11<1t1\1nal dc,·clup1ncn1 pil11ncrs. N(i()s_ pla1111crs and researchc1s for l'eii:ihlc and updcitcd denh>gra1)h1c ;111d ~ocial dnta in 01·dcr to dcsi'.fll 1110111lc1r and rcvic\v their µlans nnd progra1ns. there i~ 111 fact a justificatio11 l(.>1· ('a111bod1n conducting a (Jc11cral Popul<1lion ( 'cnsus evc1"} five year~. l·!o\vcvcr the c11un11011s cost and etll.1ns a census entails do not pcrinit such a step. 1\n inter-ccnsal µopulntion survc)' conducted 011 census line~ 1nay go a long \v:1y in filling the gap of a decade b-::t\veen tile censuses and 1llay as v.'ell serve tile purpose or a r1ve-ye111 !y census albeit a saniplc survi:y

!11 particular th<.' co11ducting of(.ll'S in 2013 1:- csse1111iil due tn !lie 1011(1\\'lllg rc<1Sl111~·

'1'hl' ~Ut"\'C) \\Ould l1clp 111 updat111g p(>pulat1011 :111d \lthc1· de\·el,1pn1c111 111c11catur<; ob1ai11cd ftnn1 censuses <11Hl sur,·cy~ a11d hcl11 11ici11it\1r the pinn:; <ind p1·og1·n1111nc~. It 1vould alsc1 help 1n ass..:ssi11g tlic trends and pat1cri1s in ticrtili1y. 11101·t1dit;v. 111igr:1tio11 and other dc1nogiuphic a11d socin··ecc11H1111ic v'1ri:1bles.

2. 111 the course or i111plcll1l·11tatic111 of' NSf)P, th.;1e i\ a~1 11nper:ilive 11eccl t,1 put in pl~1ce a n1011itori11g ~yste111 that \Vould '.C11:1blc the 1r;1cki11g ul .. acliic\·c1nc111s. 111 addition_ su1:l1 111<111ilor111g ougl1l to illl'iudc e1np11·ic;1I :111d :111aly11c<1I C\Cl'eis·.:~ ... uppcJ1·(1l1!-'. pL1licy11H1k111!:' l<J\\'Rl'd:-. 1hc atl(illllllCllt or PL111 objccti\'<.'S. l"ll<.' i11liicato1·s t\ir lllllllilori11g and :Lsscc.sing the NS[)!' \\ould h..: g.1e<Ltly frn:ilitated by tile dala tn h..c ob1<1i11cd fi·c1111 ('JPS 2013 l! is pLiintcd nul in tl1is co1111ectio11 that the 11~·cd fo1· SLll"v,·;s uf this kind l1as bet.'11 111 the chapter 011 1nu11itoring and evaluatio11 of NSJ)P 20(\6-2010 docu1ncn1 in the J(.)]h)1N1n:i.

\vc1rcLs· ·· J ht' N!S v.·ill play the key rule 111 c11.su1i11g regular ::t\'ailabilit; of delta un NS!1l' indicators for 111011itnr·ing a11d cvalunli(1n purposes··

:J. c:an1bodia has u11dt:rgone s1gniric<J11t change::. in (1) tht: populilti1ll1 :;truc1u1c and c:on1pusi!i,111 of p\1pull1lin11 due lo 11H1ve1nt'11t ol' p,•pula\H>n_ and t"crtiiity <llld 1nu1·talit: levels (ii) 11u111ber and qu:1lit: llrl;1hor i"orcc (i:i} li1c1·:1cy nnd cd11~'atio1111l le\cls (i\) 11u111l1cr a11d type ,1r build11H:'.'; a11d i1t1us111g 11111t~ and \i\') the µ_~·11c1::d s1 1cio ·Cl'01H1111ic and li\ i11g


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conditions of the: pcoplt: Periodic data cc1l!ccti(>n is tllercf'on: ;i nc-::i.:c.sity to closely n11111itor thec.c changes

4. ·rhc datn obta111cd fro111 the proposed survey (Ire crucially 11ecdecl by the RCJ(_' in (he pr,1ccss of i 11 tcgrat in~ d;:1no graphic !ilcto1·" into the O\ c1·n l l dcv1.' lopn1c.: nt p ln1111111g process. ·1 h1.' lint: Min1:-.tric~ hc1\·c expressed 11lc need fur data for· scctor-\\hC planning Cb 1vcll.

5. lntcrnntionnl aL:_cncie~ and de\ell-ipn1en1 partners 1vorking 111 Cnn1bodia have also expressed thei1 requircrnc:nt of cuucnt dnta fOr updat111g t\lci1· respective prugranis and \VclL11·e ~che111es designed for the devc!op111ent orc~c1n1bl1dia.

6. ·rhe nnal1sis or populntion cind 11,,using data 011 a conti11uing bns1s \\·ill provide inputs 101· n~vic1\ ing the N3lion<li Population p,1licy and 1·annus activities intended to i1npr1'V<.'. tile l1vi11g conditions and qualit) of li!l~ ,,fpeoplc.

7. Since the C'i\1l)(js largely dcfi11..: >;SlJP vi--.,i,)11, nnd .-~5 011t oC 66 NS[)p 111011ito1·ing 1nclicaturs arto dravv11 1'n.J111 <..:\tll)(ic;, C'll)S 2013 1voulcl co111r1bu1c tllv-·ard~ 11101111ori11~ of 1'.Sl)P i111ple111e11liltio11 <lS \veil a::. C'Ml)(_J~.

8. 'The prc,,enl population prt1jccti,111s ror L'a111hodia ha'.--L'd ()11 the 2008 C"cll'.--llS d:lta have to be updated in the light of the ("JPS 201~ t·ec;ult~

'J. ·rhc cn11duc1i11g l1f;1 statistical e:-;_ercisc like 111~' C'lPS 201~ \\·ould fun her help in i111prC>\.ing capa\1ili1ics ol'pn1fc~si\1nals at the N!S


7.1 Jn11nccliatc ()bjcctivcs

a. By the end ,1l'Nove111ber 2012 to h:l\.C co111plcLcJ all essential preparatory ncti\'itics ror ('JPS 2013

11y July 20 ! 3 hJ 11'1\.C cun1plc1ed the p1·od11ction nf'1uhh:s co11u1in111~> 1he ~111'\C)' n:sults

ct ·10 release the (_'JPS pn:li1ni1111ry results by July ?.Oi.l e l~y the e11ct of Nove111bc1· 20 I J to have re lensed the COc11cnd IZepl'rt ol'C'il'2-, 20! 3

cu11tai11i11g 1lie finnl 1·csults

I' Ll) [),occmbu 2013 lo lrnvt l'tlco'°d ibc Cll'S I abl°' aml '''"'"'"""' tfoccmllllll ;,,,, of the: survey results.

g_ '["o pro1notc '-"'icier utilizatio11 of( JPS finding~ and co11t1ibutc 1,1 integrntion of population datcl 111 the: planning act1vitie:, al varilius levels.

h. "!\l ~trengthen and aug111cnt the capabili11cs ol the l\;lS tn co11c!L1'..'.\ tl1c1r populat1011 a..::t i\. it iL:s so as tn develop •l cl} 11<1111 ic i n1egr:111Cd popt1 l;11 i\ •11 i 11 forinat io11 0-ystc1n

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7.2 Lo11g-tcr1n ()bjeclhcs

I. ·ro l'urthl'r dl'\ek:p c:tpability in ]\.iJS in produc1ng continu11us sc1ics of reli<1ble and ti111c!y dc1nographic data through popula1io11 surveys as \Veil :is in the prcicessing. analysis, evaluation and dissc111ina1ion of population data sets required FJr policy for111ulc1tio11. dcvcl(>p11H:nt pla1111111g and ad1111111s1ratio11.

2. ·ro strL'll(!Jhcn n:1tio11cd capacity buildine, and c11ha11cc the cHpabilitics of NlS i11 conducting pcl"indic ,,u1·vcys.

J ·ro create a1Narcncss bctv.een 1hc public at large ;u1d senior lt·vcl oiTi.::ials about the in1 portilncc of high qua I ity data ror the various a<;pects nf deve lupn1cnt.

4. i·o clcvcl0p and rnaintain ::1 co111p1·ehens1\'C national pl•pula\1011 dat<ibase and establisl1 an integ_ratcd p\1pulatiu11 inf'onnation syste111.

8. J.:stablishment of the (_'IPS ()rganization

fhe ('JPS 201.J \viii be co11ductcd under Article 5 of the Sub-l)ccrcc on l)esiµ.naled Cl!Ticicil Statistics of the !\GC' (l\'l'.70 A>Jl(-r3K or 19 July 2010) It is proposed to have i1 \veil defined li11i.:: ot" C(l!lltnand rro1n tile toµ inanagcn1cnt of the (.JPS 2013 to the le\'el of c11u111crato1· or intcrvic,,vcr to c11-.11re an efr1cie11t and ti1nt·ly c(1111plc:1n11 (1f thC' survC)' A -rcchnical L'o1111nittcc (lC:) ch;iircd by 1-!E ('lihay ·rlla1l. Senior Minister. ]\1ini'-'tl'r of l'la1111i11g is at tile HflC'\ of the orga11iza(1011 for conducting tile C:IPS 201-3 (_see 1\11ni.::x I)_ I lie 'f(_" 1vill 1nn111tor the CIPS 201) ;1t every stage and provides overall guid:111ce lo NJS i11 policy a11d technical 111ntlers.

8.1.2 l'he (:entral ()ffict'

'fl1e survey V>'ill he executed by l1Sl'Sl) of the N!S in 'Vl()p i\part rron1 producin::; 1ablcs. a1111lytical rcpons and ('J)-l\()J\-1s containing the data uf the la::.1 l1i.,.o porulaliL'll ccns11scs and ('IPS 20CJ4, this l)cpa1·t111c11t hcis been pro111oti11g the il\'ililability, cicces::.ibil1ty a11d utili;:;ltioi; c>I' population datn 111 (~n1nbodia. c·o11s11lt:111ts \Vere prdv;ded 10 assist this dcpa1·11ne11t \Vilh the .~uppn1·1 ,,f ljNI Pi\ and .llC'/\ ·1 his dE·p;irt1ne11t 1Vl)rks u11dt.:r the ovcr<Jli ..::li:1rgc of. the [)ircctl'r (1enernL NIS (fJC:i) \vho 1.s :1ssi"1e,I b: "-i fJcputy [)ire,'lor Clencrals, I l)ireclo1·, l Nntioncil 1-\ctviS('!'. 6 [)Cj'llt)' ])11·ect1Jrs :111d l r~urcau ("h1cf 1111d 7 V1c..:-l3111'eau ('hicfs '["here IS 1hercf\1rc :1 cc,rc stnrt l1f;1hnu1 20 pers•Jns in thic, dc11art111c11t

ror tl1:e in1pli.:1ne1Jt<1tion of ("Jl'S 2013 the follo\\'i11g div1s1u11s hc1vc been L'~tabli:-;hed \;ith 1hc available core ~taff. supple1110·11tcd by qualitlL~d s1afr Cro111 uthcr dcpart111c11(~ 1\I. NJ:-; Managcinent. 1\d111i11istratio11, Pla1111ing and Mo11itnri11g. Mapping. [);1ta Pi-riccssing. :ind l\cscarch nnd Analysis ·rh<e !Vlanage111enl tea111 ,,f the J)Ci. J)!)(Js and th<.: r)ircctor Ad111111istnnivc 111atters. pc1·~01111el, budg,cting. iJccounts. house-keeping, logistics and printing l<1~ks v.·i!I be thl' respons1bil1t;. 1)f /\dn1inis11ntio11 [).:p11r1n1cnt. Field ,;tallv.·111 be recruited by 1l1c Ad1n111istn1tion dcpa1·1n1c11t. lt \l'ill service the tecln11cnl divi:.,ions on ad111i11ic,trc1tive ·issues.

"!"h<e 111nin rc.:sponsibil1ty or \he Pla1111111g ;1nd n1011il\11·i11g d1Vl\ion v,,ill be lo cariy l>Ut the i'icld\vo1·k a11d allied i1ctivitic:; like tr:-ii11i11g_ ;111d qual11y co1111·ol ·rhis d1\ L\ion l1a~, ll' re\'ic1v c,J11sU11llly the sur1c: activities 11\lcd in the 1vurk pl'.111 and c;1rcl'ully 111011itor th<.' su1vcy \\u1·f.. ·r1ic activities tu he cov<ered bv thi'.; di\isio11 111cl11dc C<'11sul1;1tillll 1v1tl1 data usc1·~ <ind


Page 21: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

-.u1k.:l1,,lciers. runnulat1011 t'r the sur\'cy pL111. f'inali111\1011 of the 0>Lll'\C) qucs!io1111a1rcs :ind i11s1rucliu11s to e11u111crators and supet·\·isors. conducl111g pre-tests, co-ordinate \Vlth the dala p1ocess1ng di\ is ion regarding editing ;111d coding i11structio11s. and tabulation plan. :n1d v.·i1h the analysis nnd n.'SC<11ch division in prepa1·111g analytical r~ports. 1'his division is expected to be assisted by a Survey consu!ta11t al in1porta111 stages All n1appi11g <H:tivitics related hl the survey vvould be the re<,ponsibility of tile l\-1appi11)! division. ·rhe [)eputy !Jirectors attached to thi" division arc t1·aine~1 and experienced in c11un1cu1tion area n1app1ng. and co1npute1· 1n21pping 1hougl1 they arc not qualifil'd cartogr;1phers . .1\ and Re~can::ll f)ivision \Vill analy7c the survey results for use b_y line ivlinistries. Ciovcr11n1enl Dcpartn1cnls, l11!c1·national Agencies, NCJ()s and n:scarchers. Planning and evaluation of P''licies anci p1ogra1nn1es of (Jo\'cr111nc1lt can be organized \.Vith the l1clp ofC'lPS results.

!'he l1P division V.'orlc; under a qualified data processing ol'ficer v.·i1h the tiilc of !)cputy l)1rcch11· Cil'ncra I 'fhe div is ion has seven staff 1ne111 hers. !3ut 011 ly three persons can do progra 111111 ing. The ~tatl had participated in the census and CJPS 2004 data processing. 11 is necessary to train in-hou_o.c at least three n1orc sh-iff 111c111bcrs in rrog1a111111ing. 'l'he dalfl processing division 'A'ill bt: responsible fo1· 111111111al coding a11d editing l'fccnsus qucs1ionnaires. data entry, cun1puter tditing and Labul;1tio11. and the !_!L'ncratio11 or d1sse1ni11,1tio11 product:-. lih.e popub-ition dat<lbnsc and 111aintc11ancc of\veb st(c. !\ l)P cn11<,ult21111 n1a) assi-.t the di'l-isio11 in app1·npriat<.' stage:.-.

I hLC!'e IS n !):lla l_J:.,('r'-i Ser\ ice ('enter l\.itlii11 the l\~IS th:tt rac1litatcs data ll'::.CIS by :-;upply1ng population data and providing NIS publiccl!1ono.; of('cnsus. (:f)l !S. ~ucio~Fcnnu111ic Surveys a11d olhe1· studies conducted. !'here is also :1 re1l.:1T11ce llb1·a1·y that helps data users and "JIS staff to refer to booh.s and inateria!s 011 ccono1nics. statistics, de111og1apliy. censLh, da1a processing and rr, anti NIS publications. Special table-; not originally published arc also prepart'd and given to data users 111 a no1111ncil

8.1.3 Field Offices

f'he provincial plnn11ing office \Vith 1he planning d1rect,1r al the head v.·ill functiu11 a~ the l"ield office for C'!PS 201J 1n C\·cry prov:nce ·i-1ie plnnning director \vill fu11ctio11 as P10\i11cial C'oordi11C1tor for the ~urvey (PC') 1-lc.:shc 1vill be assisted by a !)epuly Provincial C'o11rdinato1· The]'(_~· V1'1il be the nodal idliccr 111 charge C'fthc survey dpcr·ations in the selected villagcs/[1\s ,1f the p1\1vinct•. 'The district. co111111unc a11d 1·illage suiff \'viii be dr"aftt>d Cur the su1·\'ey 1vork und::r his/her supe1·visio11 ·rhe prt•vin,:,: (iovc-rnor n1ily periodically 111011i1or the progrc-s:. of the <;urvcv T'hc PC- 111ay nppro:1ch \he (Jo\e1·nr1r's office to ~olve n11y adn11nis1r;1\1vc issuco.;. 'J'cchn1cal assistance Vl'ill be p10\·idcd through 'JIS sLllT called NlS C'r•ordill:-ttors allotted at nn il\·crai;c rate ur l\)11r 11er pro\·111cc !'hc~l' '\,iJS ('001diuator~ v.dl include st;1ff fro1n DSC'Sl) a~ \-\'Cll as fn.J1n l'thc1· d..:par11llL'llts 01· NIS llnd \-1(JP \I-ho \\'ill hL' trained al N!S 011 tl1c survey pn1ccdurc:-.

9. l•:quipn1cnt and Vehick•s for C'IPS 101J

l.J'\iFl\t\/ JI(~/\ had provided vehicles, PC's. printers. photocopy 1nacht11cs, cartugrnphic cquipn1ent and other expendable :111d nun"cxpcndablic cquipn1cnt in conru..:ctio11 v,·ith the 2008 ('ensus. Scve1·a! itc1ns or cq111p111ent have been piovidcd to !\IS by o1h;,;r prt1_1ects [IS \Veil A rcvic\V 111ade shO\\'S that 110 !:1rge sciilC procun.:111e111 of cquipn1e11l i.~ 11..:edcd for C'!PS 201.1 as 1110,;t of 1111.:: ;1vailabll.: cquip111c111 c::in be util1/.ecl ·rh,; LJI' division for c-xa1nple, h::i~ 70 pl'rsonnl cc,111putc1s and,'\ p1·i11tcrs. \Jut sonic 01'tl1c111 ar.: not in 1vprh.i11:; cn11d1tio11. ;\\·Hilablc cqu1p111cnt supplc;ncnted by a fc\\' l"'C's and pr111tcr<; vvould he enough for C'll'S 2013 data 1·11·occ~s111!,' [~aning sonic expc11dnblc eq11ip111cn1 like slatio11c1"). IH) fresh cqu1pn1c11l 111'1] be purchased t()1·


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1hc n111ppi11~ divisio1i. Project and Province l)ircctor;ite \'ehicles supple1nt'ntcd by a fCv. vehicles rcquisitiont'd fron1 othe1· projects 011 a te111porary basis and zi ie\v hired vehiclt's n1e suffi..:ienl l(J1 tr:i11sport;11io11 or records and field supervision Pt·ovision has to he 111c1de in tht' budget f,)1· 1·ucl l"or official vehicles and hire charges for rented vehicles.

10. Survey Strategy

IO.I Sa1nple Size

·r1ie C:JPS 2013 \~ill be eonductcJ 011 u sa111ple basis in abnut 28.680 sel<:cted households spread c•vc1· 956 Pri111a1'} snn1pli11g [!nits ( PS\.I~). Thirty necuricd households \\'iii he s\.'lectcd l'ru111 ,,nc s.elected [·,;\ i11 CiH.:li PSl i \'illag:e. ·1 he '-<llnpl111g. \\ill hL' dun1:' b_y tiJL' IZc:s'.'areh and !\11alysis [)ivi-;io11 ,Jr NIS. ·1 he exact sa1nple si/c 1night 111CJ.rgi11all) vary f'ro111 these 11un1bers based 011 iln: san1pl111g n1e1l1ndulogy adopted. ·rhe PSl, and EJ\ \v1th1n PSlJ \'vii\ l'l' selected :1t the NlS ·rlh? household~ (excluding institutional and hon1cless l1ouseho!ds) in the F.!\ \'viii be fil'st listed by the \'llU111erator and this \\ill be follovved by selection of 30 occupied ho11s\'holds v.·hich v.ould be selected systeinatically '>Vith il randon1 start by 1ilc enuinerator 'l'he field stafr \vould be thoroughly tn1ined on sun1ple selection

The -;ucces~rul 1111plc111cn1a11nn or a L11·gc scale sa1n1 1lc su1·\e.\ 11~·ed, _iud1cioL1.~ .elfe..:tivi.: :ind efficient 1nanagc111e11I of activities al vuri\lllS levels l he fi1st critic<li step in e1,11duei111.1! :111y s.tatist1c:1I inquiry is pl<11111i11g the survey. /\ survey co11:-i.~ls of a ser1i.:s ot· distinct but closely connl~ctcd activitic~ fr,1111 the pn:p:uatory phnsc through Ilic cnu1neralio11 or intcrvie\V stagi.: 1c1

the disse111inatio11 and publ1cc1tio11 phase. It is very i111po1·1ant that the activities take place i11 a propc1· scqu<::nce <1nd at the appropriate ti111e to ensure the success of the sur\'C).

(iendcr pcrsrecl1vc neecls \vi!] hi' considered al all stag.cs or1hc sur\·cy especi:ill) ~1t the stage <•f q11cstionn:urc desig11 arid fonnulati,in i\s11ce1~ like t'c111:ilc eco1H1111ic ae11vity a11d v.,or·h: status. child ln\J(JI' espt·c1:dly a11H111~ gii-Jc;. c;o.;:i11l. dcrnograpl11c and CCLlllll1nic eha1·clc\cris1ics of 1;un1c11 \\ill be giv..::11 particular c111pl1a:,is <lt all stnges ut"tl1e ~u1·\ey. L1nplr,:vn1cn! ol'fe1na!.: c11u111ern101;:, \viii also be encoun1gcd

!'he e11u111e1·atio11 is proposed lo be i111dertaken during ri,,Jarch 20 I :l so as to be e'..:ictly five years after the 2008 \vas conducted and five years befOrc the next ..:cnsus 111 2018.

111 planning tl1c o\'erall activi1ies of the s111vcy_ 1he il1l]o\v111g ;1p~1ro11chc~ \\ould he adopted:

I Su1·vL'Y MethL1dology· lt is p1·(lpc1sed to co11ti11ue tl1c c:111vasSLT 1nethod ol"datn collect1u11 in the ("!I'S 201_~ 01;:, \\:l'> d,111c in tlic C\'ll~USC::>. L\·cr.\· ~ck:c\L;d l1ouschuld 111 till' ~L·lectcd f<:.\ 1vill bc visited b) c11u111t·1-;1to1· fur cnu111c1ntiun/1111cr\ic\\ (ir each 111d1v1clu:d \\ho .... u1;cd u11 ~11rve~ 1·el\:rcncc ti111e ·1·11e c/,, fucir! 111cthod ,ir cnu1nc1·ation v.ill h..: ad\>l'ied in the su1·\'cy l'llis \\111 -:11able eo1nparah1lity or Jcita betv.·<:cn the censuses and the ~Lii'\ cy

·rhc reference t11ne for the Survey \\ill he tile OO-UOhn1us (lfMa1cll .l, 2013 The 11u111bt't" ofusu:1I n1e1nbers p1csc11L usual 111e1nbc1·s <ibscnl, and visitors 1irese11t in the hcJuscllokj as at tile refer,~11cc 11111e y,111 be cullccted. l)cLiih .. 'd 111!(,1·111at1011 Ull S('Cial. ce,11101111c, cultural nnd de111ugraphic charactcri:;tics c1fusual 1nc1nbe1·.~ prese111 :i11rl \·1siturs \\'ill be n:cordcd 111 thc qucstil11111<1irc !he c;urve) e11u1ncratio11 or i11terviC\\ \\11! be -:011ducted i\.i1· u11c v.l'ck.


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2. l11t<-'llsified inforn1atio11 c1nd co1nn1u11i.::aTH'll nc1iv1t1es \\Oukl be in place to cre11te av,'nrenl'sS :111d cn,;ure public coopct·a11on

J Syste1ns to red11ce the level of non-response \\'OU Id be created by 1nounting. publi.:ily

4. Quality· r\ssurancc n1easures V.'ould be adopted at various stag._;s of the survey. C:,pccially at datcl collection and data processing stnges.

S. Oata capture \Yill be acco1nplishcd using stillc·nf tl1e-art tcchn('logy (1nicro co111puter h:ird\va1c a11d :>oft\vare) to c;1rry out data entry

6. l"l1e results uf the survey \\'ill bee\ aluatL'd b;. 111tcrn~ll co11s1ste11cy check~ and co11qx11·iso11s v.'ith other d;ita sou1·ccs i11clud1ni; previ011s ce11s11scs. su1·\·cys, and ad1ni11istrativc re-ct,rds.

10.3 Plannin~ 1~1ia~c (i\pril 201 t to l)ccc1nhe1· 2012)

V/i1li the c-.;istL·11ce or1111 on-going and fully opcralion;li census dcpnrt1nc11l 1vith111 NJS, equipped 1\ith kc;. ~taif at dilTcrcnt level:, \Vho h:1d particip,11cd in 1hc t1vo censuses a11d surveys, the planning and preparatory phase for the survey 111ay con1n1c11ce v.ithout any special effort or lead t1n1e. 1-!cl\vever. ;ill the preparntory steps h;1\-C to be 11ccu111pli~hcd systcn1atically according to the \-vork-plan for a s111ooth and ti1nely in1rlernc11tatio11 of the various su1vey activities_

11csides establishing tile CJPS 'f'C nnd the org~11117ntional s1ructure f;)r lhc ('!PS 2011 (r\nnc.'\ 21 the 111<11n acti\>it1es (>fthis phac;c v..-ill be .:onccr11ccl v.·1l11 nvcrall plannint>-. questionnaire dcsigrL 1\V() prelC'SlS. prcpara\iOll Of i11SlrlltliClll 111(111U:l]S, prillllll§ uf (jllCStiOllll<til·l'S. f(lrlllS and llli\llUai:; publicity nicasurcs. d;1ta processing plilns, analy,,is, dissc1n111Jtio11 and utilization plan.s_ '!'he dctaiL~ of these act1viticc; are gi\·cn b(·lo1v:

\Vorkshops/sen1i11<1rs/111c:ctings 1\ill be lP discuss Strr\·cy planning, t11bulnt1011, data analysis, dissc1ni11Cttio11 and u(iii;.ation. ·rhcsc actJ\·itic.~ 1\ill li:ivc tu bt::: orga1111_cd at the appropriate ti111c as pc:r v\'ol'I" pla11. anc1 follu\v-up 111<1i11l~11ncc1.

2. l"o develop ~ur\"t.'J q11cst101111airc b:1~c;d 011 u;;cr's rcqu1rc1ne11ts. rast cx11cricnce and \JN 1·econ1111enda1iu11s \tl ensure co1np111ibility. /\ cl1an list C)I. p1·oposcd topics 1\otild be di::-cusscd \\'ith potenti;il u~cr~

3 ro cs1i1natc and p1i111 the required 11unil1crs oi'qucstion11a1rcs. tOn11s and n11111uals.

4. Tl) develop qu<ility C('lltrol check~ :i11d training 1nntcrials thnt can irnprove the accu111c;-of.:o\lcctcd data.

5 'lo finali:rc da1<1 processing pla11~ and \'rocL11·Lcn1e11! tif required l1~1rdv.'a1c <111cl soli\vare. ln the ]a.,;t CCllSllS tl1~· dulil proeeSSlll[! s1;1ff of liiC CCll~LIS ot1';ce (lhe prC'.Cilt \)S( 'Sf)) [1ad s11cccssfull;. acco1nplishcd tl1~' foiln\\ i11g ~lagc~ of CL'llSLh d:l\;1 prnccss111g· ollicc editing. ''!Tice cnd111g, d;l!a entry_ cn111pulcr L'dilin~~ :111d 1ahulat1rt11 1\ SIJL'C1Hl coding and cdit111.l!, 1n:11n1al 1\:1s pr.:pa1·cd i11 ;1dvancc, 1\hicli 111cludcd all p\1ss1hlc checks n11d contrl'ls 1h;11 c,H1ld be applied lll census dat'.l. \Villi this e;;pci-ic11c1.;' urthc !<1'.t cc11su~. the present s1;itTs Lli" f)!' div1sio11 of the J)SC.'Sl) <ll'C in a 11ositio11 to crficic11lly 1111plc111cnl data p1uccs•.111t!, activities r·or tlie ('!PS 2013.


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6. T'o c,111duct Pre- Tests. --i he draft questitllllldirc ha;; 10 be pre-tested in a fe\I' se l..:cted l:i\ s v,-i l h <i v ic\\' 1l) testing 1 he- si 1 iti1bi I it y (l 1· intended survey quest ions, including their structure and forn1ul:1t1011: instructions to enu1ner·at,11·s: 2111d the sui1<1b1lity of the forn1;1t of the questio1111ai1·e -rht.:' p1·e-test 1s necessary as the ('!PS 2013 1nay include so1nc llC\\· questions 01 l1avc so1n~ old questions 1,\ith so1nt:: clinngcs. !"here '"ill be lv.·\l pi-c-le'-1.S ''itli a gap or about a 1nonth hct,vcc11 thc111 -!he fi1st prc-1L':-.l \\·111 be ca1ricd nut by sc!cct r-..;1s starr Jl11· about a 1vcek H;ised un the prL'-te~! e.,pcnencc nncl till' 1-c:c:o111111c11di-1lio11s 011 the questio11na1rto at the first data lhers· 1neeti11g the st'.cond pre-test will bL· conducted Vv'ith teachers as e11u1ncrato1·s cfhc :--,llfl-'C)' questionnaire has to be approved by CJPS -re

7 l"i1bt1L1!1on Plan· r\ tabulatiun plan 1vill be designed so as 1(1 generate specified tables of tile Colln1vi11g catcgorie.s gcner~il l'opulation tables, ccono111ic tnbles. social and cultllral tables (1nclud'1n,!!. literacy a11d eJuc<llion). n11gr:1!1c)l\ h1hles, ferti\'1ty and 111oruliity table~, household 11111c11it1l':-. tabll':--,_ -rl1l: tnb11lat101t pl:111. pr.cparcd <1fie1· co11sult;1t1011~ 11-itil user~ 1vill liavc to b,; :1ppro\·L·d by the ('IPS I{'

8 rhcrc is a need for publicity for creating pt1bli.; av..a1encss about the surv,,;y nnd e11suri11g cooperation or 111en1Licr-, ol' st1111pl,,; huusel1~•lds \\ ith th.: i:1nuncra1or:--._ It 111ay be on a 1nodest scale u11lihc cc11:~u~ publi<:ily \Nhich \\ilS designed to reach countrv-\vidi: population. Publicity 1neasurcs 111ay include ne\\S pnpc1- advcnise111e11ts. pres" 11()\c>.. cind 1·cpor1s. pr·l'ss conli:rcnces. nic-;sagcs o\'CI" the 1ad10 and ·r 'v' <111d a sl'l"ies of n1eeti11f~ v-·ith co1111nu111\11.~s b;..- prllvincc direCldrS a11d district and cn1nrnu11e ollicials to explain the i111portancc of' the snrvey <111d ur_l!-e peuplc concerncct to CO()pcnitc v\·ith cnu11v;;ra(·,1rs. ()nc

llf"tlli: lcssl111s lcarnl in pre1·iou::. cl111a collcct1u11 <1eti\ itics i~ til:tt the 1ilh1gi: ch1ct:, play an i1nportant role 111 scn> the v1llngc public about the surv~ys. !'he\ illag.l~ chief~ oflhc villages (PSlJs) selected for th<:: surve) should 1hcrcfure be b1·icfl'd v.cll abc,ut the survey E~a1111crs and pa111phlets 111ay be used fr,r publicity in the villages concc'.1·11ed

10.J.l t;sc of Enun1cration .>\rca \laps for Cll'S 2013

Fr>t- the 200S (-:'cnsus, \'illagc 1,,c;:itiu11s and otht.:"r plnces/ICnturcs 1vere plotted al their actu:1I loc:1lio11s l)y us111g c_;ps !'his hils pnJ1·idcd the requi1-cd dcgrc..:: o! l'rec:sion :ind ai:euraey 111 the b:i~l· 1n<1p~ 11ecclcd for co1nput0rize(\ 111:1pp111g :incl Cl!S <1pp\ic·<1t10l\S. L11un1er<lli011 Areas (l.i\s) 11iLhi11 v:ll:igcs \1crc dcl1nca1ed b) 111:1ppi11g ~tarr :t11ci e11111ncrat,i1·s :it the 2008 c_·ensu~ 1\·ith idc11tiriable bl>undaric.~. \vllicl1 did 110\ ovcr·Lip. I hey did not cut aero'='~ bciund;1rie:-. ('r acl1ni11is11-(lt1vc units. For i:xa1nplc oil'--' l.1\ did 11\il spread ovt~r t\N\l villc1ge--._ 1 ll)\vever· one v1llag0 111ight li<ivc 1nore than on L,1\ l·:ach F.A h:1d a u11iquc code. J\n r-1\ c,)uid b.: distinctly identified v-·hen co111bin<:d v1:ith C(l~ic.~ of ;1d1ni11i-;trdtivc arc<1s in 1vhich it is locat<.::d 'fhe FA niap i11d1c<ll~~ clcflrly its boundat"ics. i11clud111g lll'lnl1le la11d1n<1rks tilal guide to icl<.011tif;. di!Tcr.c11t parts of tl1c Li\ Standa1·dized ~:1nbols \\-Cr-' used 1;11 clear understanding and tile 1n<1p is of::.uch 11 scale thnt is ca.--.y to handli: Fo1- till' purpu~;c orc:IPS till' 2008 C\.:11".\1_~ F1\ 111ap ofc:ich urtlie sch.~ctcd !-.1\~ (about 956) ha~ to be used. !'he ('JPS enu111crator ha~ 10 idcntit~ Llh: ~elected[/\ v'·iil1111 the PSI! (\ 1ll<tgc) and prcpa1·c fresh E1\ n1ap i11dic;1!i11g the households 111 c:1ch build1ng/~tructurc found

·1·1ie n1ap divi.siP11 of the dcpart111enl hn~ to 1ab-e the opponunity nrC'll'S 2013 lo cl1eck v-·helhcr all n1aps at national. pro\111cial_ d1st1·ict a11d con11111111e levels arc availabl.: V-'ilh i! !J"thc1c Hl'C <lll) 1nissi11g n1;1ps they 111'1) have to be ub1ai11ccl r1'l)lll the (jcograpilic d..::part1ne11L l'l1csc n1aps lllil) bt:: required for rcf..::1·011cc purpo.0,cs duri11g tht: planning. su1·v~') n11d po~1-<-;UI vey pha:--,e:,

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10.4 Survey Phase (January lo l\llnrch 2013)

10.4.I Surv"y l1ierarchy

·r1ic [)irector Cic11er;1L N!S v.ill lie 11npk;n1enling the ('JPS 2013. l !e is responsible for conducting the St11'\C) in the c;elccted area~ of tile C('Llll!l) and IA'ill function as Survey I)1rcch1r I le \\'ill be assisted 111 this til~k by three /)epu1y l)irecto1 (icncrals and one [)ircctor of ('cnsus !)epart1nent. 'f'hey \vill functi,111 as Surve;-- f)epuly [)irc<::ttlrs '!'hey v.·ill be 111 .::li::trge ,,f survey ad111inistration, tcchnic:il 111attcrs CJnd dat<1 processing 1·cs1K'ctivcly. J'hey v. ill be assisted by l)SC'S!J's [)cptny [Jircctor\. Hu1·eau C~hicfs n11d other st:tll \'vho \\ill be called N!S Survey c:0Ll1"d1nators fo1· the purpose 01.iield \\'('l-k "\'he !'rovi11cc Pl;111ning ()rf'icc J)i1·eclo1· or Province C,1n1di11ato1· for ('!PS(!'(') . assisted b) f)cputy [)irccto1-/ f~urcnll C:hicf or [)~·put) Province ("p11rdi11a1,1r (_[)fl(') v.·ill be n:.spur1sit1lL' for the survey i11 his/lier pruvi11ce ·r1ii: l)is11-ict PL1n11i11g

()ffic:er ;1nd the co111nn111c chief \Viii be rcsppnsible (01· the sur\·ey in ll11.:ir respective arc<1s ·rile l'C' 1vi!I be a\sisted 011 tcclinical issues by fl1ur NlS coc1rdina1ors each on an average, deputed fro111 N!S.

I 0.4.2 i{eeruihnent of f~nun1crators aud Supervisors

Fc1r the sake ul' c,1111·e11ie11cc tile 1111E:r1·ic,ver of c·ips 201 l is de::;1gn11ted as e1u1111crator though this te1·111 1s ge11c1·all) 111 a censu~ ()11c c11u111en1to1 v.ill 1101·1nally e11u111e1all: each L.A.. ()nc ~upcr\·1sor v.·ill be rcs11011~ihlc ro1 lilt' 1vor!-. ol' 3 e11u111er<1lo1·s ·rhou~'.11 general I;.- there <lie l(H11· c11un1crato1·s u11dl·1· th.: cl1nrgc or<1 ~L1perviso1· i11 a census. tl1c 1111111hcr ('J"e11u1ncroto1·:. 1~ 1·educcd [(1 3 per supcrviso1· 111 n ~;1111plc survey 11kl' l'IPS 1vllcn th..: supc1·viso1· li;is tn travel sonic dista11ce fro111 l'lll' \ilL1ge to ano!l1er or bct1\cc11 t110 L1\s. Supervisors \viii be dril\Vll froni gove1·11111c11l ufiic1als and teacl1crs_ !\bulk of the super\'isors n1ay be drnl'tl:d fron1 tlic p1·0\i11cc and district planning offices. "!'he e1H1111erators v.'ill be ino5tly te;ichers_ lt has been l(1und fro1n e:-;pe1·ien<.:c of the last ce11sus th:it tcrichcr::, '1rc gc,od in data collection. Further. thc:y arc v.'ell k1101~n in their (ll~n a1·cas 1vhet\~ they 1',-ill \vork for the survey as cnu1nerators. ·rliis help~ in gelling the co-opcrnt1011 of the public 111 the :.urvcy. '!"he stall \viii be sc1-ec11ed bl' fore appui11tn1t.:11l ancl Olli) go,id \\01·ke1·s 1vill be recruited

'!'Ile ~1ppc11nt1nents of e11u111e1-;Ho1·s and :.upc1·visors \\ill be n1<tdc h;.- the P1,1vi11ce !)1rcctl'f'" in consultation \Vi!h the .1\d111inist1·atio11 di\ision of the dep11rtn1ent. 'lht' latter 1\-ill address !he f7ducatio11 l\-1111i:o.try \Veil in advance to obtn111 th,: services nf teachers f!11- survey v.·ork.

lt is e;,,pccted that 956 c11un1crators and 319 :-.upcrvi,.;01·~ ha\·C to be appointed !11 sonic

e11u1neratio11 areas v.'hcre ethnic g1·oups li\'c. it 1nny be 11cccssnry to '1ppoi11! pc1·sons kno\vtng thto l(1cal dialect. lf'11eces~a1·y ;i 1ni11111111111 :n11nbcr oftrc111slitlOr'- 111a_v bl' appointed.

10.4.J 'fr<1ining or Fil' Id Staff

·r11',' efflc;cnc) ur field 1\orker-> and tl1c q11:1li1:v lll. collected dat:1 \\ill ii('.H\'il_1 dcpcnd on lhi: trai11i11g p1·,1sra111111es l"or tlic 1«1r1(1us o.;111"\'C)' ac\l\'it1l'.,, ,.;:-;pcci:ill:-- ilL~ld1\ork. 'l'hc 11c1in111g

pr(lg:rnn11ne \Viii be <;\ruclurcJ ai three diffen:n! le\el:-;.

F11-~1 level training. Seniur officers ot' ~1()!'. NJ~ coord111a1ors/ 'T111irH;p; or trai11crs (al-h1ut [()() pc1·so11s) \\ho v.011ld h:i1c been :ilrc:idy t1·ai11ed 111 tile survev 1\ork 1n June 2012 \vould undc1·go 1-cfrc~hcrtra1n111g 111"">ilS1:i .la11uary 2011.


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1 SCCl'nd Lcvel trainiu\:'- P1-ovi11cc Pla1111111g [)ir(:c1or;-, (_l'rov1nce (\H1rd111ahlrs) and f)epul~' Plan1ti11g !)irecturs (J)cputy r1·0\'ll1CC ('onrdtrtators) 1vlhl l\Ollld have been aln::<1dy trained at NJS 1n Ju11e 2012 1vould he participating at the tr<iining sc;,sions for· e1n1111c1·ators and supe1·visors in p1·ovincc headquarters in Februar;-; 20 l J before th.,:: surv<:y begins. ·rili::. \vou!d help refresh their kno\vlcdgc on survey p1·nccdure_

3. ·rhird Level 1'1ai11ing ofE11u1ncrators and Supervisors· i\l each Provi11ce P!aninng ()fr1c».' train111g \Vlll be i1npurtcd to cnu1neruto1·s and supcr1·1sors in 1:eh1·uary 2013.

1-,,1· tilc training prug_ra1ns it 111ight be css•.:ntia! to use elcclrl1111c 111erli11 J11d prepare \.ide,1tape:-.. ·rhis \\ould ensure u111fonn1ty of 1raining. and sta11dardi1ntio11 or concepts ;1nd dcfi11it1011s th<il 1118y 1·;;sult in 1111il'icd data cullcction n1ctllodology. Support 111atc11als l'or trn1ning 1vo1lld includc COlltroJ f(1n11s, updated 111<-lpS. qt1cstion11aireS, nnd Sllj)Cl'Visnr <!lld Cllllll\Crato1· lll<lllU(llS. CJ'he tr11.ining progr<ln1s and the actual cnun1eration \Viii be 111\cnscly supervised by higher ol't~1eers

I 0.4.4 J)istribn lion of ·r1·;_1 in ing and Su rvcy l\tlatcrials, Qucstionnail·cs a nct Forn1s

·1 O\v<ird~ the e11d nf Janu:iry 201:; tra111111~ 111atcrials and p1·inted quc'.>tionnairc'> 11nd for1n'> \'1-0uld be: dispatched to province offices hy NJS. -rrai11i11g 111:1t~·1·ials \\'ill i11cludc cnu1ncrator a1!cl ~;11pcrviso1·,. 1n'.-truct1011 ntnnuals and 1·equired tra111ing and stnti()11ery ite1ns. rhe nu111ber oi· l1lank questiullnai1·es required has to be p1·operly csti111atcd fllr each p1-civ1ncc i11clud111g reserve flll·n1s. ·rhc 111aterials \Votild be properly packed and sent to prov1nc..::s by pick up v;111s or hircci vehicles.

10.4.5 Survey Proper

\Vi1ll thc 1111plc111c111nt1on ol'publ1city n1ca~ur<.:s 1he elh)peratio11 of the public in tlil.'. survey 1vorh: ctiulcl be nch1cvcd_ f_)u1111g tlie 1vcck co1n111e11c111tl- 1:cbrua1y :::'S. ~u1-vc_y cnu1ncrator \\111 he \ i<.it111g the ,;clectl'd F1\ 1n the scle,:terl !'SL' allotted tu hi111/licr. 'l'hL' cnu1nc1·at1>1 /superv1~01· ha~ to \\·car the survc: l-~lll1·t c111d cap ancl can:.- l11s/her 1dc11tit) c<11-d ~o as tl1 bl' easily 1dentil-1cd by the rcspondcnts :is the authori7ed survL'J c11un1er,itor. 1\t tile outsl'l he/sh.,:: ~hould seek th.o enopcration 01· the \'illag_t' chief 111 c<11ryi11g out his/he1- \l'l1rk 'l'his \vould 1iicil1\atc s111uoth conducting of intervicv,· in the selected households.

·rhe first task of the enu1nc1·ator 1s lo cl1eck the Fi\ 1nap 011 till' 1-:rl'lllld a11cl 1·c-dr<J"'-' iL 1na1 king ,111 th<.: 1nap the !)fl'SC!l\ buildings ~11\tl hOLIS\..']1olds \\hicii l\\l\ild b~, !'1-c,;l;I;.- lllllllbC1-cd. r\flcr !ilis. l\ie

hO\ISChUldS IVOlllci be listed Ill the prcsc1ibcd i"n1·1n lll create <l f'ri\lllC fLlr SJS[Cllli\tic S<ltllpiC

~elcctio11 \\ itlt a rn11do111 st;1n, ,1f JO lio11scholds \\ithin the l-.1\. ·r11c sa111pli11g \11' households 1na~ p0sc d1llicultiL'S ii' lhcrc '1l'e n1,1re l1Puschnlds tha11 tl1e usu<1l nu1nher or' nearly I OU housclh1ids 111 any'[;\ 'T'h1~ n1<iy be the c;isc \Vhcn tile L'llUlnerati011 ~H"~a lt<ls E:',I'Ol\·11 substantially since the ti111c

uf 11ic census. Vvhcn the !",:\ is larµ.e (nn the basis of populati('ll) the enu1nerator n1ay spli1 the area into t\VO 01· lllOl'l' c1ppro.'\in1ately equal-si;ed seg111c11t~ <111d selecl 011e scg1ncnt ra11do1nly-. ,\II households in the selected SCg_lnc;llt lllrl;.' be: listed beti-_ire t[1e sa111ple seltCliOtl.


rl1iS prt'CCd111e v-.·ill he ck·ar!y cxplainl:d i11 tllc trai1nng classes.

I lie :nterv1~'1' l'r tl1c '>cl·.:''tCll hn11sclh1ld~ \\ 111 l'n1n111c1H:e 011 1hc 111or11111g rif' rvl:ll'l:h -'I 1\ ilh 00-(l() hl)Lll'S ul' 1v1c11-cli _\ ~lS 1clt:rL'l1CC t!1nc '!"Iii: ClllllllCl'aln1· li(I', (() COlhilll'l lhL' in!l'l"\ll.'\\ dCCl11"di11g to thL' i11st1uctio11s g1vc11 111 this regard. I k'-1shc \1 ill be a~\1;,,tl'd by o.upct\ 1sor i11 all the it,~ni:, uf 11ork. \he c1111111erainr \\·\n1lci bl' ha\ 111g 1\ith h11n 1hc:-1· tl1e l]Ul'Slit'lltlai1·e'> and 01her pn:~er1hed lon11s in ~utlic1c:-11t 11un1ber. l~oth \he c11un1cr111or and supe1\i'>t'r <11·c e;...pcctcrl lu carry v1·ith 1112111 the 1-cspi:oct1vl.'. u1..,tructio11 11u111u:1ls ror ready reference


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·1 he NIS coordinHtors, the [)1n:ctor and f)t'puty \Jirec101"/ Bureau ('hicf 111 C:lch of the 24 P1·0\1nces. the district statJsti..:al officer and the con1n1une eliicfs \\ill serve as superv1~i11g l)lliccr". 111 illat order. in their 1·espcctive areas. \ 1i!lai;.c ch1t;;IS 1vill p1·oyidc assistance al the village le\·cl I here 1\ill be ovcr;ill supcr\'1::.ion of tile survey operations by !).(j, lleputy J)_(J, and f)i1·cctor of (\:nc;us LJepart1ncn1. f'hey 11·ill tour inte11scly in p10\·i11ccs dunng tile su1·v~y t11ne. 1-lE Senior :\llinistcr. M1nis1cr of Pl;111ni11g. Secr·ct111"y of State l\1()j> and 01hc1- sc11io1· orfieers <if rvJC)P ;is 111ay be non1111;1h:d. as \veil d-~ l INl-'Pt\ a11cl .l!C'.t\ representatiYcs 111<1y also u11dcrtnkc supc1·visory \is its to the survey an.:as. ·rile e11u1neration for th..: survey 1s c.-.,pectcd lo end by l'Y1an:h 10. 2013.

J 0.4.6 Collection of Filled-in Household Questionnaire

'The blank fortns a11d other n::co1·ds for c11un1eratio11, the enu1ncrator and supervisor kits containing stationery iren1s and sticker:-. l~>r building 11u1nberi11g 'vill he given to the cnu111erato1·s/supcrvi'>ors during the training classes by the Province l)i1·cctor or his 1Hi1111n1ited staff After cnu1nc1·atio11. Ilic filled-in fr1n11s \v1ll bL' collected by the ~upe1·visn1·:. c!>11ccr11cd nnd l1c111dcd over to tile Pru\ ince I >irec\01 f'!ie P1-o\ inc<: !)irector 1vill cl1cck the record~ received to ensure that the rillcd-111 que~tion11a1rL' of ectc:li of tile JO sa111plcd households 111 each selected I'/\ 111c: there. !-le/she \You Id pack thcni suit<1b!y and dispatch thc1n to NI~ \Vith propc1· escon.

10.5 Post-Sur\·cy Phase (April lo J)cccn1bcr 201J)

I 0.5.1 '\1:1nagc1ncn1 of l{ceords

1;:.ecord n1a11agcn1e11t is an i111por!a11l nspcct in any dntn collectio11 nct1vity ()nee the enu111cration 1·ecPrds hnve bce11 1·eceiv<.'d in 1ilL' NIS. tlie) 1\il] be p1\1pcdy indexed <ltHI sfo1·cd i11 the ii:cord r,Jo1n ·1-hc record roo111 has shL',]\e:.. 1\hich :11·c in good condition. i\ central record rcµ.istcr \VII!

be 111ai111ai11l.'d to shov.' 1noven1cnl ol' records to nnd fi-on1 J)!' di\ 1s1011. F11t1 ie~ v.'iil be 111adc in the register 1vhen 1·ecn1·ds a1·e issued or rcccivc'd. lt \viii be under the charge ot' a re~ponsiblc pe1·sc)11 of1he [).P [Jiv1sion

10.5.2 llata Processing

111 preparation lor· the data j)r\'CCSSillg pJ:i11:-.. botl1 orrice coding llllcl editing prl°lCcdurCS, lll<lllll<tl

;ind co1nputcr edit spcciriea11,111 .;!Jould h<1ve ~i11·cady been prt.>pa1cd hy tile [)ata !'roces;;111g [)i\ l'd(Jll. 'The p1cl1n1111ary 1.1in11s suggested b;.::lu1v n1a~ be al!l'1-cd :-;ligl11ly hy the da111 prc>cC'.S,.,ing co11,:;ult;111t \vho n1ay p1·ovid<.:: a J)P pla11:

/\total oJ':lO olfiee-cdih11·s/eode1·s \Viii he eng;iged in the pr(icc'.s to be co1nplcted i11 <ibout 11i11e 1nonths

l tJata entry 1vill be co111pleted i11 about t1\o 111011tlis by 3() opcn11ors starting fio1n .t\p1·1I second \\Cck.

J. Ve1·ificatio11 1nay cover a 1nini111u111or10 per ce1l! of' household ques1io1111dires.

<1 'l'abul11lio11 \v1ll !1c co1npleted in six to eight 1\ecks" t11nc nFter the co1npletio11 ofdnt:i-e11try.

f'or data entry l'SPro ::.oft1\nre \\·ill be used (~()NC'C)J;:, ol. lt'v1PS progra111n1c 1na:v be adopted fn1· dat:i clc11111n~·- \vllilc tabulat1011 rll<I) be dune using C'J-::--J'I S ol' !MPS_ Perhaps C'S P1·0 111;1) b.: adopted for the l;1tl<.0l' t1\o stagi.;s also ;1., -~'1111e stall li<i\'l' had lrai11i11g 111 ('S l'ro. /\n~hov. tl1c

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choice of the soft\\a1·c \Vil! be 111ade 011 the advice ofl)J' consultant. Shurt-tcnn c011s1ilu1ncies of fJP consult;int n1ay he required tu rcv1ev>itn1in 'di each stnge of d;itn pro('.cs;;ing.

10.5.3 Analy-iis and J)is~l'111ination

;\ prcli1ni11ary l'CIJllrt un cstin1atcd p1)pLdntio11 hy scs niay he 1·cicnscd l'y June-July 2013. '!"his y.,iJI be follo\1;cd by a popular general n.::pol"l i11c\)t.pL>r:11i11g tile 111a_ior 1indi11g~ of the survey ;it

11~1tio11al lcvcl. \Zepor1s co11tain111g the anrilysis ofrcsuhs of each pro\'i11ce IC' be 11rit1cn by NIS staff 1nriy bt the ncc;t ~L'ries of· publications. Technical assistance or a cor1~ultant. national or international, 1nay be p1"<l\.1dcd [(1 run ;1 tn1in111g Y..n1-k~hl1p for· a11aly1111g !lie resulls for !he gc:11e1"al report.

Selected t<1bulati1111 11111;. be relc'1scd th1·c•ugh special 111cd111 pn.'gl'c11n'; and u seri..:-., or \vn1kslhlps illld ,~en1i11ars rur VCil"iOLI~ ~llrVC}' cLl1a LISC'l"S. /\detailed pla11 ro1· di:-.se111i11'111011 and u(1i11::1tioll of survey data for li11e .1V!i111strie~ and provincial s1;1fr Ila;, lo be forinulJ!ed and irnple1ne11tcd lu ensLffC survey data produced arc fully utilized ·rhe disse1ni1111tion h)ol of(~/\i\1JNI:() >vas used to d1c;sc111i11ate the dt:1ri0graphic a11d stati'>tic:al cia1a dn11vn not only fi·o1n tile censuses but also frc1111 2000 ('l)!lS, 2004 ('IPS, C"SFS and 01her sur1,-eys. Sucl1 proccciures rnay be folln>ved in respect of(:JPS 20 J 3 also. Jncrcased llSC of in!c1·11ct and \VCbsitc 111ay be 111adc l'ur data dis~c111i11atio11.

I I. SurvC'y Activitil'S

J'hc \0,,'ork Pla11 de~cribing !Ile ;i,.:ti\ itics 1s prc~enl~'d ~1( ,.\1111cx 3 S111ce tile V\'('rh, pl:111 Cc'YCrs ;i

1011~ per1c 1d it i:-. 11os,1bk: that dntc' of sli1ni11µ or irn111,::nl'lllini:: Sll1nc oi" !he act1vitit.'' 111a) be

changed by !)SC'S[) Jue to c.,igencics of circu111st:J11ccs. ·rhc !~udgct propo,~al is giYcn a! 1\nnex '1.T'he total budgeted an1ot1nt f\JI" C.~IPS 201::: Y..'ork~ out to L!S $ 698,817 01,-cr 1lic pe1·iod JL111c 2011 tu f.)t:ce111b~~r 20 i J (1\\0 years and :.;even 111on1hs).

12. Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Assurance

J"hc planned acti\'ilies of C'JPS 201 J co111ni11 l'ollo1\-L1p. 111\lnito1·:11g and pe1·iod1c :-,ubst;111li>e

8\illuat1011 procedure~ v..l11ch a1-e co11sidc1·ed an 1111egral part l)f tile u1·erall \~·-or·k pl:111 <1l varioLL~

levt'lc, '!'Iii~ pr·occss 1\ ill he C<11T1cd out by 1he f(1][0\\llli:'. 1nc;111s:

Peri(1d1c pro~1·ess r·cpo1-1~ lhat 1nay b:.: preo,cribcd bj donors in their HgJ-::e111ents 1\·ill be: prL:pJred by the NIS !Ll C't11"li11e the prog1·ess in the i11iple111cnt:t11011 ,,r the survey activ1l1cs. 'J'hi~ ,,_,j]i be

ennsolidnting the progress in 11nplen1e11ti11g the ubjecri\C'S of the survey ciccord111~ to the \VOrk

plan. In addition, tl1e i1nple1nc11tali,,11 ol"the survey \vork pl:i11 Y..'ill be nH111it\l1·ed and e\uluHted

tl1rpug,li lhe proposed structuie J"ur its 111a11;1gen1e11t n11.:I the specified i11st1 u111ents for .::f!cclivl' in1plen1c11r~1tion of"pL11111ed c:cti1-il1e=-. r hi~ \viii be acco111pli.-,l1eJ ~is l\llln\\~.

11. J'hc ('JPS ·r<.'<:linical (",11111ni11ec 1vill iloid r·cbt1i<1J' 111cl'l111~:s anJ pcriodic~rll)' 11h111ilur the p1ogrcs~ ofstll"vc:v 1vo1·k.

b. L1«1luatin11 c,Hllflllllclll\ \\ill he i11troducc:d to all :·clc\<Jll1 c1cti1·itics t,1pn>11dc feedbact.. ;1;Hi allo1\ COITCC11V<;' 111Cf\S\ll"t'-S

c. (.'unsulta11ts, 1\ho Y..'ill be pnJ1·idi11g lt'ciin1enl bavk~topp111,; hi the s11rvt::v :1! key stag~s. can contribute to the ac11v1!ics ai1n111g to n1unitor the p1·ogress <11 va1·1ous lc\·t:ls.

d. 1\ co1n1nittee cons1st111g ofdono1', and NIS representatives 11ould IHild pe1·1t,dic 1necting~ to r<"-vie1v su1·vey activities and sugge~t n1cc1sures i'or i111p1·ovc111cnt.


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\11-11\:ovc1·. :'<JS \\ill be foll\lY..i11g the usual p1occ'durc-, 1;1r 111011i1ori11g and evaluation of thL' :1cti\ itics. 'J'licse include prcp:11·atir111 ~,f rerindic 1·cpo1t;,. rc\'iC\\S and st11tcn1cnt of c_,pendilure. ()uality control nnd 11101111oring tc,;;h111q1n.::s \\'ill be introduced tc• eo111rol thc qua lit} or the C IPS at ..-:very stage. Fo1· quality assura11ce 111 field \Vork. the inipot"!Hncc or collccti11g quality i11fr•1·n1ation v..'ill be stressed in the training classes for cnu111crators and supcr\isors. The llL'ed to collect ac<::urate dnta by gender \Viii also be c111phasizecl Superviso1·s have to ensun.: even nt tile vcr} initial ~tage of field \1/01·k that their c1n11nerators understood the concepts and 1nctl1od'; or 111tervie\ving respondents sati,;f~1etoril:v At the initial ~!age:-; of the field \\·ork, supervisors v..'ill b..:: required to enu111crate a fe\\ households indl'pe11dcnlly. 1natcil th..-:111 1vith the questionnaire~ filleci-i11 by their ..::nt11ncr'1tnrs und 1·ccord the rcslllts ofn1a1chi11p. i11 a separate t01·111 and take steps to guide tl1..:: L'ilt1n1erahlrS. l'hL' ficlcf 'NOil 1vill al:,p be clo~"'IY sup('r·vised by the supervising offic111l,., both fro111 th"' Pro\incc offiee and the NIS. <.)u:1li!} eo11lr~11 techniqu"'s v..·ill be introduced in dal:i proce~si11g al;.,o to cn::.ure qual1t} 1n cdit111g. Cdciing. da1a capturc and prc,duet1011 ofstalis11c;1I tables. ·r1i1.-· general rcror1 sil,,uld pro\idc the results ofcvalua1io11 oftllc ('I PS data ut i Ii 7j ng ch:11H1gl'a ph ic 1nethods and /( 1r coin parison 1\ ith ad1n in 1 strati vc data.

13. Rt'lated Acti,·ities

·rhc activities of the s11r\·ey \Viii be closely coc>rdinated 1vith l'lhcr on-gni11g p1·ojcct" c1fNIS. 'rhc ('Sl'.S c8rriccl out annual!:' v•..-1tli HS>1:>ta11ce fron1 -;ida p1ov1dL''.- ecd1H11111e, social and dcn1ogr;1phic i11t\J1111ation 011 saniplc,; ba.:;1<;_ ·rile recent Ecol1LHllic ('cnsus is yet another 111ajl'r uncle1iaking of l\IS in Cdllaborntion v,:ith Jl(',,\. l'hc traini11g eon1pone11ts or these acti\'ilies have cfe\'elopcd the skills and capacity ofNJS.

('Jose collaboration \Vill be 1nai11tnincd by the census dc1n1rt111e11t 1~ith these and other project;, for the succe~sful conduct ufC'IPS 2013 Ir is nL~r• necc~sat") for f)S(.'Sl) dcpal"t1nerH to be 111 clo;,c to11eil \\illi tl1e Vl111ic,try of l11tc1·it1r regardi11g elections 111 201.l >l1 as to cnsu1·c :->1noo1h pr,1grL'SS ofs11rvcy- v.urk 1~itlio111 a11.v overlapping ol'd;1ti.: or other logistic arrangen1c11!s 'll1cn.~ i~

n need t~-ir i111p1·0\·ed ct•11sultalio11 and <1grc~·111l~llt \\ ith other sta!-e holders on the qucstionn:iirc.

t<1bula!1n11 nnd n11aly_,1, n11d 111 ll1c p1·ncluc1i,111 0J"soc10-·dc111og1<1pilic 111dic:1to1·s

14. Institutional Fra111c\vork

'I he NIS \Viii be responsible for the execut1011 uftile survey activities_ '!his \l'ill capitcil1zc on the ability of "NIS built durinµ, th.: last several :_vcaL~ to crcn!c :i sui1able Cn\·1ro11111cnt a11d tu consol1dati; national rc,our·ccs l'or ~uccc;,sfully u11dcrtak111g several sta1rstical tn;,k~ 'J"hc p1oposeci st1r\e) activities. IH1\vcve1·, a1c cuttn1g ricross the functions ,1f\'.c11ious lJepart1ne11l\ of '.JIS nncl at the san1e tinie inter;1cts 1vith the activities or li11c-111inistries/ and their 111\tiluuon~ . . Accord111gly. the proposed str11c!urc fc,r in1plc1nentaliun l1a~ 10 be co11.~is1e11t v .. ·ith tile ir11n1cdia1c ob.Jce\1ves, flexible aii-1 <tllov..' for p1-cH1ct1vc rcl11tionsllips 1\ith :ill pilr·tncrs. NlS \vill be responsible fr1r in1ple111entatil111 ('f thi.c specified act1vit1<.'s through cnt.:.~ctiv<.' cot>rd1natio11, C<..111solidation orrequi1·ed resources and accot11nnhility

1-hc overall icsponsibilit) r,1r ovcr~cc111g the 1111ple111c:r1tatio11 of tile survey ac11vitics is c111r11sted to the l)(i. l~o11s11lta11ts !'or ~11rvey. dn1a p1·,1ccs~i11g :111d sarnplin;;, 111a~' provide tcehnic;d back stoppinµ. to !hL' !\IS :11 apprupriat•,; st<1~cs ol'thc survey a\ 111d1cn1er1 111 !he 1\0rk pla11 ·r1ic con~ultn11ts 111ny be dr111\1\ lro1n dc.'\l·lop111~·11( pi11·t11cr :1~rcncic~.

'lhc ~LICCCSS of the )11"\Jf-l(l"L'd i11stilllllOl1<li i-1'1111Clll1rk f\\1- \Jie ~lll-\C) ac!ivit1C'~ \\'I]] H]SU (le

e11ha11ecci through close '-'ullabo1·:ilin11 1'Yith tilt st;1ll ,1r d1flcrc11t N!S d..:partnicnt~ \vl1n 1v1ll he part1C1pa!i11g in the Sll!'\e)- <-11\d COlltl'ibUtC (()the U~e1·.,1proiil1CCI" C(ll1Sllilfltit11lS. f"h~~ ubv1nt1~ illl(T-


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d.:pendc11cy and succcs~i' c nature of the sur' cy ac!ivit1c::, 1-,·quircs t1111t:ly i1npl.:111cnl:lt1on nr Lhc ;vork plan. l'his e1nphasizes th<e need for cft~c1ivc fr,llo\\'-llJ-', 1no11itori11g and n:gula1· ass<.:'ssn1e11t t1f the progress of the stir\ey activities_ ·ro tl1is end. !he ·rcchnical L'1)111n1ittce and its sub-cc,1n1niuecs, if any, hd\·e to regularly 1ncct to assess the progress in achil'\ing the established v.·orh pL111, review 11.ilurc plans and identify co11str<1i11ts or other problc1ns that 11..:<.·d to be solved.

15. Advan(·c l)rcpa1·ations and C>bligations

·r11e c;...pcricncc ofNIS in conducting S<C\'Cr:ll survc~.': and tile 1\\(1 censuses \\'Otild pro\'c' \l'f!

useful in conducting the presc111 survey. ·rhis has aln:-ady been referred\\) 111 apprnp1·ia!c section~ in this docu111cnt. -rhi: prcli1ninary plan for tl1e surv<:y is already rccc1v1ng necessary au.:.:ntion b}' the DSC"S[) ofl\'JS 111 consultation \Vith c•ther depart111cnts concerned.

16. Go,-ern1ncnt Follo\\·-up Action

!'he RC!l: is keen ,Jn nnpk:n1cnting 1h'.' ('lf'S 201 l t(Jr reasons c:-..plained eal'licr in this dncu1nent and l'or continuing it~ ctTorts tu put c·an1li0dia 011 tl1c 1·,)ad to prot;:rc~s. llo\vcvcr, due to r1na11cidl constraints f{.C:i(" ic. seeking clo11or ~1ssist<111cc lo C<l•c1· the n1a_i()r cn~1 cir the ~llr'vt'\

\Vithin the eo11tc.\t of the Sta11sticai \!la~tcr Pian, tile l\IS lu1~ con:>idcrnbly dcvl~l,1pcd na11011al c;1pac1t; to in1ple111e11l sratistical activit1e:-. and is i11 tl1e pruces~ or de\'clc,ping it t"u1·thcr

17. ('onstraints

l 1\ 1najor constraint in 1111pl.:n1enti11g the st11·vey i:-. ~• rcl<lti\ely 101->.· nllnc::i\i('Jl ,~ffunds 111 thi.o gover111nc11t budget. \J!S hns thc1·el'ore to 1-cl) heavily 011 the gou(hvill of i111cr11;1tic•nnl dunors 111 suppui-ting. th1c. prog1·a1n111c ·rhis issue i:-. 11b,1 linl.;cd \\!th thlo lc11\ lc,·cl nf sala1y or ci\-11 servants. T'ilcy h<1\'C 1n be provided lln11orariu111 or 111cc11ti\c pay1ncnts for the survey 1\01·k to ~upple1ni.::11l their 101\ sala1"). Necessary pro\'ision has 1l1crefore been 111nde in tile: budg.ct prl•pos:il for the ('JPS 2013 for p;ty111ent ofho11ora!'it1111 to the survey stal'f.

2 Son1e uf the qualified st;-1fL~ nrc potentially n1ubilc bec01usc ('r thci1· skills and t.0xp..orie11cc and also because of poor saliuy. Steps have tn he ta hen to ret;1i11 s11cli st<1fl'v.'ith111 tl1c N!S.

_) 'rhe existing staffs have the c;1pac1t~ 10 in1plc1nenl the sur·vey v-.·i1h sr1111e 111i11i;nun1 exter11:1I d~'.>1sta11cc by consultants. l !ov-.·l',\·CI', in tl1e i11tcrc~t of futur,~ acti\'itics of l)SC'SI) "0111c long r:111ge pla1111i11i:; in stn1Ti11g is propo'.:>cd. [11 the 1n<11~pn1g 1lr cartogr·apli) di\'isill11 tl1c1-c is no qual1lil'd cartog1·:1phcr at pr,·s..:111 11 i<; 11r.::ccssary tl1 11;1in ~1bou1 ll\l' star!' 111c111be1·s a~ canug1·~1phc1·s u1 t;1hc \l\l1 lra111cd cartog1:1phcrs 011 dcpulill1l111 il·on1 thL' Cil'Dgr:ipl1ic d.:pai'l1nl'111 T)atri p1occssi11g !)ivisio11 of f)Sl'SIJ ha.~ suitable staff fn1· d:1ta c1111·y. cditillg and cud1111_!,. l:lut 1l1cre arc only_) sL1IT 11H:ntbcrs \\'ho can d~1 pn1gra1nn1i11g (or tabul;1tion. !l 1s lll'l"CS:o.:11-y 1o t1·ai11 111 house at least fo11r niore stafln1en1bc1s in thi~ area

Though the staff<, of the /-\nalysis and J{escarcli d1•isio11 have hl't:'ll t1·ai11cd i11 thc past in datd analysis still !hen: i.-; a need to i1nrll'<J\'C their ;.kills. !\11r1ly:--1~ \\ork.~l1nps co1hiucted b)' c;...per1s can be u.~eful in thic. connectiun. ']"here is a need !o 1111prove k110\\·lcctgc of r-:nglish lnn~1.uagc fo1· 111a_iority ofsta!Tto interact clo'>cly \"'itl1 8x!cr11al co11sult;111ts <111d \v1itc report~

I 'I

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18. future .i\ssist.lncc

!11-dl.'plh analysis of survey rl.'sults in Cl111_ju11ction \vith tile results of lite past censuses and sur\·cy~. and disse111innt1011 at national and provincial level.~ to pron1otc and strengthe11 utilizatio11 of data for i1nplcn1cnting develop111cnt 1ncasurcs n1ay require f'urthcr assistance.

19. l<isks

l~11forcscc11 den1a11ds 011 the N!S hy do1101·s ur b; the (iovern1ne11t 1nay ha1npc1· ~chcduled s111vcy acti\·ilies. ·r1i1~ ris" ccJn be tackled thrn11gh propc1· planning and periodic coonli11atio11 n1cct111gs \~ith other l\1inistrics and dt1nors


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Annex 1

Co111position of tl1c crechnical Com111ittcc for Ca111l>odia lnter-Cc11sal Population Survey 2013 (CIPS 2013)

I Ll-·. Sc111or Vlinister. M1111,t1y off'l~11111i11g ('h:111·111:111

2_ 11 E. Secretary ofStetlL'. Vlinis!1) of Pl:11111111g \' icc-CJ1a irina11

_,_ ll E. LJnder Secretary of State, l\1i11i~try of Pla1111111g Mcinber

4. H E. l)irector Cicncral. 0:JS, !'vlC)P Per111a11cn1 ML:1nber

5 ILL. C~h1crC:abinet. r"vlin1,;1ry o(!'lanning

(l_ Jl E [)epul~ J)ircctor Cle11cral, NIS_ l\-1C)P, Sccncrarv



Page 33: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

Annex 2 I Organization Chart

Cambodia lnter-Censal Population Survey 2013

Ministry of Planning CIPS Technical Co111mittee (CIPS TC)

[ ·-Directoc Genecal NIS Survey Director



Deputy Director General/Director Survey Deputy Directors

Central Office Phnom Penh (DSCSD)

_ _]__~ I- l\1a11agcn1c1n !Jiv is inn

_!\dn11n is 11·a1 ivc I) 1v1'> iu11 _1- Pla1H1i11g and :vlo11it,Jl'l11g [)1v1s1,)ll ·i- 1'>1appi11g J)ivisio11 5- D111a Prc>cessing [)ivision 6- H.cscarch and ;\nalysis J)ivis1t'il


1 Prov1nc1al Planning Director

Province Coordinator

District/Khan Planning Officer District/Khan Coordinator

1 ,-------~----~

' Cornmune/Sangkcit Chief Coinmune/Sangkat



Supervisor · (1 for 3 f.'nunierators) !

----- J J __ :=J 1merator


Page 34: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared




Objective/ Actj,. ity --i~"~~l~·t,ing l I>ura~io-n i-· -- Outpt1t l a e I

---1 ' --- -- --- ___ ,___ _____________________ _ ----I I (2) i (3) (4)

' ---------- ----- - ·- ----- ----- --"- -------------------·-1 I I )

~-- - -------

For the Period April to December 2011 ('011<;titut1or1 of C ! PS ::'O : 3 Techn!ca I

C 0111111 ntt:c(C:!PS:?.O i 3 l

--, I

'-"" i 2 week; Tedrnlrnl Com mince fro CIPS 20l1 "ubfahod. --1 :~·-May _! ___ }_ \~-~~(:~~~a-fr;;;po1ntcd ior s1:.: d1\ 1s1011s fonned foi C !PS - ::j _ I ,.. , Though ready ir1l\\O11..:eks' t ·ne upd::it1ng' illage d,1td b.1se need~ lo be done on (1-\/Ia1 , i. 1~ee.:s ~

• . ~ il COl:[!lllillll': b8\'\

4 r-_-'"------,--c---,,-,-s----1.-------+--11-~1-.--1--~---h--I: c~·Jr;S::i~];_( -p~,~-n \1.;th- dctn~1cJ ~~~;k IJJ;n and bt1dge1 drafu:d ::ii1d sia11Lra1ncJ111 I

A.ppoint1ne1n 0f Cll'S 21)13 core s1a 1lal N!S

Up- date \ 1 il!a,;c da1,1hJsc

. -11st ;vr1ss:on o. _ LUJl~U ,ant J-" ,l\ 1 111ont I. k - ! ! 11~ \\'(ll" -

)_ f'nJv-1;~-~r'distr1c;i~onin1unc 1nJ1Js (('be [ _ . . ·-:--.- --·: .- ---- ---·-·- ---------

1 . J ' 16-lvlay · 2 rronlhs D1~11:rcd ,vl;:ips o1 all ad1n1111str·a1n·c units kcpl reJdy

U 1~dlllet --- _______ __j_ -------------·------- ------ _j

_ . . 1 , k Rcquircd cai-to<:;·a1;h1c equ1p111<enl i1'i\Cd and kept rc<ld\ fen p1·0~111cn1cnt 111 : 6 l'r·ocu1-cn1c11t ot car:ot'!"dilh1c t't'111rn1L'lll ](1-;vlo.v 1vcc ·s .- . ~ ' ,. · 1 - coL:rsc o: 11111c I

1 16-\lav - -I~ I 11-·eek j l)56 PSL5 selected_ -----1

7 s~llllflln1g siralcgy fin<:l:1cd a11ci fir'! 'itag,o ' .

_____ ___J_ ___ -+-----+-------------;;1n1pl1ng of PS\Js do11L' ---------'

8 P1-\"lin11na1) 111eet111g of ClPS 2013 pno1· to (11-,t n1cc!111g: of T<.:chn ical Con1n1 in cc\ Cl PS TCI

') J 1r~t Mecl111g of Cl PS TC

I 0 S;ake I loldcrs' \\.'01-kshop i"o~ Rc~OLi:-ce


18-l\lav l day

19-May i dJy

:-'.--1--Juu I da)

12-Jul 2vd.:Cks 11 _f_)12.ft C!PS2Dl3 q~~c_:i~o11~1_1~1~~ -----~----~

\!S, l_~".'\Fl'A. and .!!CA. rl:'prcsc11rat1v~"> di~cuss their respective' plan<; l(ll· CIPS.

-------- ~-'

Clf'S 201_; 1ncthod\)logy fi11ali,ccd. Tentative PIJn of(.'!P':i 20!~ 111ade_ l'rcp~_ir;1t1ons fur C.:IPS prt~e11tcd by ;-\JS staff. lJ?\FP1\ and .Jlt'A reprcsenlativc~ give their reco1nn1endati(lll'i_

!Zcsuurce Mobilization V.'orkshop held

Ural\ qucslion11airc ,~01~2}~~~-~~d by i\!S ______ _ 1

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27 Foc1nh Mi~-,ion o!S1ir\<:'y Consulrn,11

28.Fou11h :v1L'Cl111g ofClfJS TC

29_ Tr·ainin~ ot"rrainers (TO'J s1/Surve> cnoi-J1nc\IOr\ ot :\IS and Province survc; coo1"dina101-o,


i 30 F1n:li11e lnstr11ct1on \tL1nuals L_ ___ _

-~ l Secu11d Conoui1ative \.\'ork~!iop 0J-Stakd1ol,!er~ a11ci f)dla Use1·s

I I-Jun


i l 8-.l\Jn

+ 15-Jun

--: --~-- ---,-~~~-- --] Reviews >a1npling proc ,·du1T adopted. A.ssists in tile training of trainers of field -1 · -- \Ile '-~'.:1!~~'.~_san1pli11;;. ~~~~-t~~1IJ-; in 1'~~-~~~~~eh~_1_~~li~~~11:', a~~11u11eral1on ___ ~ --+----

i (L1;

I \\:t'c:I-..

I v,ecf.:

Revie\\' ofprogres~ tn<id<e ~o far in Cll'S201:1 l)i<;c11s~ Training. DP, tahulal1on and analysi5 plan_

About 100 oflllcr.-; of NJS who \\·ill he 11-ainers offivld sl<1ff;u1d function as \HS survey coorJinators, l'C()s. ])eputy PCC)s tr~ined in listing and san1pling hou~cholds and questio1111aire filling_

BaseJ 011 feedback Ju1·1n!:-'- train111g_ 1nakc 1·e\·1~1011; if 11cccssa1·y 111 the insi1-uctions.

' --""-- --j

j 28-Jun !---~-d~1~-----~~-abuiation and /\11alv;is pla11 d1~cus~ed auJ f1nalit_ed_ _,

j 24-Aug I I \>cc:J... ! Arrang_enients for vehicles Lo be nH1de hv alluaincr \'Chicles_ I ! 33 _ 1'1-cpa1-al 1011 ur tJUl'I icily n1ate1·ials : --- --3~-s~~'- r1--;-1~~l~;;j~---Ad~;l~~~[)\~;;t-u~-1-;;J~l-1-;!~e l;\~J IJ -;-; l~~-~;j;;;;.~d a:~-d r;;-l;i1city ··l;;~~l~-~i~i-; -~~~~:~-r~d I i 3 2. "\ 1·1·a 11g_~~~~~-!(ff v~h 1r ~~ -~~1:_~e"'su rve_v

'-------- ------ ----·--- -1---------------- ------------- -------------- -------- -.- --- -- - ----- '"''" - ___ , '34_ 1.,,,u;111cc 0flcltt:r to f\lin1~lry ofFduca1ion ' ]-()ct ' ~ dc::2___ I Services ofteacli..::1·s ro1·:11e ~UIYC) 1·cqu:sllioncd_ i

_))_ r:,1i111ah.· lht 11u111ber ol" questionnai1·e ~ ()- ) '.- - I Sta(cn1ent sho,~ing the llll11\h<.::r to be pnnted Ill l"<O~pcct ofl'lf-'S houscholJ f- . ··-·I _-ct _\v~~"~ - , I I (>1-111~- 111JnuJio et,_;_ ITc\lll!Ta tor cclc 1 p!-O\ 1ncc I quest10111tc11re, to1·n1~, 111anua ~; i.:tc piT]XltTl.

- ---- -------------------

_;6_ P1·1n1111g l't-()u-:·nio1111'1irc'i, [11siruc1i;>1; 111:inu~1l:, -:le ~

20-1'-'uv .2 111011t!1~ /\II n1ati:ri1ds printi:J_ i ----------

For the Period Ja11uary to December 2013 --------------~,---- 1 _R ___ - -, -----------------,-----1 __ -ld--,---~

·1 • J I 1 , 1 c!1·cs ier tra11\111'.:':, o! lrc111i:..'r:; \Ii v1n1n1crato:-~ cine ouperv:sor~ ( 1c <>tall, _, i Rc·f1-c',lh'1-1r]111111g i"or trau;er.s cit N!'.'-

<S RL'C!"llil c'l1ltl11Ct-al(lrS c'<L supc,~vi'iOf'i

39. Th: 1-d 'v11s' 10:1 c11· l)P ('011-;c ltnnt

.{() J):,p~lcl1 ofcnu111c1at0r/s11pervi-,or kits. q11estionn:11rc~ :ind l'orn1~ to prov1nei::s

, J- au 11-C<.'" " c\)111plctcd_ 1-Ja1~1~-l~~1 a Ii ab_u_1_n_9_5_6 __ -c1_H_u_,;_u_r;_1_l1--11-,-,-111_d_C_• -,,-~l-,,-;c--1-,-i,-,,-,,---,,-, -b,---,,-.,_-,-"-ic-,,--1 ______ _,

~-,- J-~-- 1---~--- "'' · r>cvclop'.; tl1e c:S1)·r-:1· :1·,·1~;i-~11;: iip~-1-i~~;-i;~;;-_·;-c1:1~~-~~-~~-;;-=~;~;~t;~~;:~~d-i1-;~;lcs-,;~~i ·1 ·- - an \\,_t ,s 1 1 1 c·sp 1 - - I c,cl'e ops l 1c ro co111pul·:r cc 111:1µ: solt1\'arc --- ~

:Z8-J;i11 11·cck~ Ccnsu1 questinnnai1e:,, 1<"1·1111 and :nanuals distrihut..:d n1 zidi::qu<1le quantitii::s

--1-i Firth ~'!1-,-;1011 ol'Survey Consult~un 20-Fcb _; 1\cck., .-\ssists in training ;inJ field <;uper1i'iion ofC!PS 2013 i ------- -----.. - -- '"'" ____ ,,_____ -- ------~

.+2 Puhl1c~1_y fo1- Cl!'S n1ade :'-Feb 6 \\CeL~,_I'.__~~~~~12'._ through 1ncJ1a, lncal n.1ee1ing.'>. banners_ lea1~~s __'.:_~_:_121aJe I , i Tri!inin!! done ill Prov:nc<e li;;adc1uaners 111 l1~rin•c. s<1111rline'. ofhouseh0!ds and

\\'tl'k ~ ' ~ ' - - ~

" ___ "Liucst 1on:1_::_1!:e ft 11 •ng. -I _l Tt d 111 ill~'. (> f- enull\C! :itu! si~upel"v i~(ll'\

! ·-~---------'


Page 37: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

•c C'


1 J~1\ _ l_l~~-v_1_c1_1: ~1f.P.!:9-£~~-~~-~1d d1s~:.'.1~,~ any_:'I!_e_c~Q~ _!~.S-~~~s before tile ~uryey st;1ns. ..\.+. Fifth VI eet: n "- of C' I P_~_ :r:_(_==-------==-----=-:-~~= =r~=:_ 1Q_~t£~~-:-· 1 ~- ---15 Household Listi112 :ind sun1pling I ::':'-Feb

" - ''"'"- -· --- --"-------~-- -~----------- ---1 ------

46 CIPS Enun1crat1011 --1-Mctr ! >veck. 'I, L isrin_;; of households C01l1J?~~~~d:_5ciection of san1p!c h0~1s_ehold~ t•)lll fil_c_·t_cc_J_. ---j I \\'eek Cl I'S 20 I) c11u111eral1on tl1111rletL'd 1~ ith \!larch 3. 2013 as refCn.::ncc date.

, 47. Tn1111111g oi'cd1lDroicoJcr~/data e11try opcral\ff.'> . "' ··- ,..,.. ___ ,, __ ------

.+8 Collection of Sur1·cy n:..:urds -------------- ------- ------------;-

c.19. [)1spatch ofStH"\-ey rct\H"ds lo N!S by Province office


I l-\1ar

I 3-\la:·

JU day'i 60 DP \l;;fCtrJ.incd 111 cditing·cr,dn1g and entering que~t1onna11·c contl'l1t',_ I ·- --!

2d<iy~ 1--1licd-111 CIPS que~tionnai1·e~ ;ind other forn1s collected by province office ·--------_J ::' davs i LoniplctL'd CIPS forn1~ rccci1·-2d at NIS f)P divi:;ion

SO ·1 hi1·d \1is,ior~~'.?_!:'. Co11s~1_l~------+-----28-\'1ar I n1011:h 1\ssi>t 111 eJi[illg, coding :ind daw. c1itrv ___ _ ) i Ld1l1ngiCod1ng or Suri cy queq101111:1irc', , :::'()- \ 1;_ff 2 n1011ths Ci i>S schedules edited and coder! by .10 staff and 1 () s11pr1·v isnl") ,t;iff S:D~~,~-~~1-1\-,~; ~f--(:'fr,s ~cl-:edu !-c~ -- - -- ---- --- j 8-1\pr .'. n1onths D:ita entry con1 pletcd by 30 op>:rators.

-_-:---,. ----, ,,_ ~-. _ , ------, --~--T --~-,-,-, - , , E1·aiuatc~ the 01\l'.Oing data e11;1-: uµc:n:Jt1011 and finaliz<:s tl1c con1putcr-~:-ii~1~-~·~-·--)_, oun i ·vl1~'1nn of ])P ( or•su ta:lt , · ·"- , ""'~ -c , -'9-1\pr I ~ "'~"·' ,

I 'i:lll\'-;:ffc

.'-I :-i:xiil n1ceringnfll!'S re ---- ~~

:'i.' rv!1ss101\ ofSa1npli11g Con~uhan:

_-\(l F11ih M1ss1011 of!JP Cnn~u:ta11t

i i

! ..

- !

. J 1 1

_, Rc:v1c\v uf11n11cscs_,_ !)i:;cLh'-ion c111J Jccision on or2.J11izinu, c.:rc:111011\ i\\1- n:lc;isc '- ll u'1\ ·- ' - · + '- ofCIPS ::013 results and '!e11e1·al r·cron. 1 s-=-.1-l~1 ~ - 1non~,~~:si~c;_~~~21_:i_1~'_1_1~~C'.'.'.~:2p_~_~g_:-_~~1g111s ;1nd ,a1nrlin~..'.::~1-01::_ ·- -~-~=J

__ -.ell' '\Vee s ! p1ov1nciai r.:1bles_ j ····---· -------·-··- -·-------------- ----

,, 1,, I , _ k- !)cvelor' the CSPt-<l tabulation o;of\\l'are a11d ~'roduces 1he na1in11~1I an'_____J·

~7:_~_~1!::1_:~~1;~~~PS 1·c<;1ill\ rc:icc1ocd 25-.lul I d~1v : Pr·u_1~-,-~o~:~.or~'._!atiol2___'._~~!.'.'. IJ-0111 Clf'S 1·clta'ied _ _) :'8 ~~U1 \11~~-011 of Sun cy Co:1su!t<!lll )-1\11g : '.' 1vcck~ .-\s~i~ls 111 a11al:s10 and preparation nr gcnerni n:port ~n \'at1onc1! lc1el ---1 59. f'rcparntiun ui'!':·ovincial Rcpons 1-0<:t I 3 rnonths \'[~ stc1lfv,-ill prepare the pru>incial 1·epotts and rclea'>t th1.:n1. '

----------- -- - -- --·------------\--61) S1\th \·11ssion ,1f [)p Con,ulta:ll 18-l\J;JV 2 1veek;; --'-6 I Re lease of ( ierH':r<~'.J~~plln of_ C ! l'.S 20 13 ~~~-~~:~ ~- I dny·

62 Disscn11nal1011 \\"01·kshop~ u1 \lini'itrics ~nd f'n11 i11cco

2-[)cc 2 111onths

(JJ Release ofclectro111c p1-od<1cts 5-L)ec 2 "'eeks L----

De:eiops di~se111ination p1~_?_1~-~~--~~~-~-~-Redat1n1 ;. SP popu!.'.:.~("._l_dat~h"_::_. ____ 1

Release of tile C1cne1·al Rep(1rt ofCll'S __ ~OJ__~-~-t-~ ce1-c111'?_S:_~--~·-· Surve) results dissc1n1nc11cd at 11Jtio11al & provincial lcveh according to ~1

di~~cu1i11cll1un plan -----------------------

CD-Roni~ of 'I ab le Retl'lc'vai ~y-;teni. Redatan1 I SP popu laticlll database etc_ 1·ele;1scct


,__!i· L R~_l_::_:_t_~c ~if p:·ov inc 1a I 1-erons I 1-[)..::c 2 month~ -~~_l'ro\:inc ia!_'.-_:J_'.nrl_'.:_~ lea"._"._~ --~---~

6.l_ f11~dcpth analysis ofCIPS results_ 1, I),, ! .; . , 1 In -depth analy'.;is_ D1ss..::n1ination and 1it1lization ofsur1·.:y r,csults \Yill bL" on I I) . I . . --+- tc " dl011t1\S ' - f fl b J I' 1.;.,sc1n111:1t1on. rev1scc pro1cct1(i11s etc_ , : go111g a \e1· _ ece1n er _o .) ---------------- --- - ----- -------~---- ------~ j__ ________ -------- - --------- ----------------------- ---- - -- ------ - ' --


Page 38: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared


r- Anne-'. 4 J BUDGET FOR CAMBODIA lNTFR-CE'ISAL POPULATION SURVEY 2013 (CIPS 2013) I. NIS Budget for .June 2011 to f)ecen1ber 2013

f) ES(. Ill l>T I()".'/ ·-T ·-··- ·- --1 ""T · -·· 1·-""'T TOTAL~

1 Da · i SLS SLS '1' QUAl\TITY : f\1onth/ PEH.ICID i ("()ST c:os·r

(1) 12) --·r--i3) 1 (4) 1- (Si --· ~ (61 - (7}--.

ts-~_1 __ [_~~~~~;~t~~~ej~,~:~~1'.~st ______ ------- ----------- __ ::__'_~ - 1--~fo,, - ~ [- . -- -~j ·-+_r,,;,,;ngwo1kslwp1nN1Sf,,,CJIS11,,ff m--- 20 G __ •· ''""''"2012f ' --· 600.00 I

NiS staff11·avci ln p1·(1v:nccs 20 I j J;inuar1 2012 ! 30 I 600 00 ! l:S1\,ror:\,'lS,aa1:1_ -----_ .... ~---- j _20 -----+- -"-is ---=~--- .l;i11unry2012 20~~~-L 6,000.0~-~1

'::; I For Second Pre- I est . ----·--- c ___ -- ----- L . _.,___ .---d I Rc\~~~~~_1_·!~i1·~1 l'rc-rcs_1_1-1rai_n~_1_~g forN!Sstalf _____ I_ 20 __ i ______ _'.!:__-----+-------- 1:.:1~·ua1y_3~12 s __________ :~9.!~Q I

1>J!Sstafft1a\:.::ltupro\1n:.::i.:~ 1 IU ' l-:.:bruary:?.012 30 : 300.0ol .-----ro~-;.:--r~~~-~-i-~- -~ti1 tT ---- -- ---r - 1 o . 1 s 1·~i1-!:uar~,- 2012 : =o · ---------:~~OOZi:oo ·1

I rra1n111gorL11UillC1ators-/{t;;,c1-~i~~)L--,((eache1s) 16 -1--- 5 --·--- r~'brua1·y20~---~ ' 400~-~ I • -- ------- ---- -· ·--.. ·--- -----· ----- ---1-------------;

___ 1---;1_rJ\elLnu111~rdtur~iS11per~visCJ1·:-for_p1e-tcs_t___ i, 16 j 10 --~ -....... ~:'.arch20l~\ ~) ---! ~-- :r!0.00: l 1ravelcc•stofp1·r•v1nccoffice1·s 10 ! i'vlarch201_,_ 1 _1) i _1:>0.00

! For Maiu Sur\'e~ ------- --- - ... ___ ! --·---r--------------- - ------- _______ ______,______ ---- ----------- l- ---·--------·-----

ri:1\cl f\l(ll' sup:.:1·v1,ing officer:, ,\ 15 ; F..::bruary-\1nrch20i3 I 30 I 2.400.001 ------ --- -------- --------1- ---- --- - "' ------- .------- __ ______j

: ·1 ril\'Ci Survt.'y !)1rector for superv1st(Hl 1 I 'i February - \'larch 2013 i JO 450.00: f-ridYCI oth..:r ~urerv1s1ng CJfficers _r'.'.~-~~?. 8 -_,_--.. :~~-~-.~:~-~~~-, FebrL;~10:·_--V1a1·ch 20 l 3 20 -~-=---1.800.00 I I ·r-ravcl NJS Surv..:y l\1ordin21tors tn provinces 100 ! . Febn1ary - \'larch 2013 30 3.000.00

_____ ___,_[)':\,,-\to NIS Survey c·oo1d1na1urs JOO l-:; ---- Febr·uar;:·~-!'vlarcli 2013 20 ·_-iO:oo0.00 !

·"" .. ;-- Fehn1<11-:-v-''v1<1rch20l:l 10 r------ 7.000.00 --. T: a\·c! NI S c11, 11-d 1 nator in prov i nee \_ 1 v v ;i 1ag<::> _1 1 uu +---------- --------.------

[)river~ n(sut-\<:'V Vt'h:clcs Jen! bv other ;:J!!_c11c1c~ .+ L______ • ---- . ' ~----------~

:4 Febi-u~ll'\' - !Vlarcli 2013 30 :::.880_{)(}

Page 39: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

'~ ~

. rr:1\ cl_ ~~p-~~:.'._~~'.s u~_rrovince f(.'.r trau~ing ----,----1 ~ --r-- __ :J~---1~~-~-r~1~1-S~-~-~}~1;:~}~-~~} 1.:l~f- I 0 ~--~ ~~~~l~~ ~ravc'.J~-r~-~-n1:_:·~'.?'._~_1~ _ _Pl'i\\·1nc..: 1or tra1n1ng 9)6 ! ~---__'.:cbr~:1_'.">~_~J::.~~r::_h 2~ 3 ! I 0 9 __ )(1(} ~-? .. : I· ucl cost Provincial C~0ordinatnrs of 24 Provinces l ___ ~-: _____ j _____________ _j __ ~eb1·uar)_ - i\if!rch 20 ! 3 i 30 72(~~0~

Suh-total i i I 73.450.00 ! ~~~~i- l-lo-,-,,-,,-,-,,-;u_m ___ T_e_c_h_n_;_ca_l_/.-,-d-m_i_n-i.s-'!-,.-at_;_vc_s_t~i-i:_r _________ J~~~-~=~~- ____ } ___ ~1;~1~~; --1-----

j_ [)..:put;:_~~ect~-~-9_\:~1_,:r_~is_ -------------------1- 3 I 30 ----~--- --~-t-~_1_~0 l 1-f)ec 2~1 :;_ 2~_°. __ l ___ 1 __ ~_,ooo.oo_: !)ircctoL DSCS dcpann1cnt , 1 1 30 ! Jun 2011-!Jcc 2013 200 I 6.000.00 !

---~~---------------1 ---i-··- "----·-- -------+--- : ' ___ ; ____ _0 ____ ~ 30 I Jun20il-!)cc2013 180 [ __ 32,400.00 !

. ,i\cl1111nistrativcan<l.1\ccuunts:,talr 2 1 3() I Jun20l!-f)ec201.-l !80 i 10.800.()0!

c TSc;,;,;,;,1~-;;:rc~ .. -· ---::::,,·- 6 t ·-· _ 3_0_~_:;-····· J;,;20 Ii IJcc 20i 3 ···-ISO ] ~:.~~~ ~~ :

i 'i1alTf(lr6d1v1s1onsotCJl'S

G6-5J t Provincial (.'oortlinators ----- --· --- ---· ------- '"·--· -------- j=s=' l'vlonth i ;

. ·11~1l~~;~-~_11i_c~!~-0D_t·d1nato1·s ------,---------=-~---~-::= ________ 2 -1 Jun 201 !-f)ec 2013 JOO ! l-L-+00_()()1 Snb-total _ i 1 14,400.00:

:--16-5-i- f 1)i;;_!_~ic_ticom1nune/villaF_e__'?_!)~~f__ _ ___ , ------·- -····. -----"'~- \1lont~l_ ___ -i---- ---l- i -------; ~----+J~~~:2·_1 __ ~~-n_·::~r~ _____ I 59 t- 2 ______ Februa1·y - Ivln!_.01 20 I 3 L_ 20 6.360~ ' 1 ( n1111nu11c (_)fficcrs 956 i 2 Fcbrua1·y - M:1rcli 20 ! 3 ! l 0 19.120.00 !

-----i-\1 iii~;~-c ()Jlicers ______ __ --·~~=--~~-----'----- ()5(;·-=··"'- - ') f-\~bruar: - /\1an:h 2013 i 10 19.120.00 I

f_16-~<:r~~::;~,';;~',~~,,~~. ,, """'g •rnd field"°'~:"-'"'"' ' 119--t~ i~~) ' r'"'""" - M•ucb 201-] 5.L-:: Sub-total 23,925.00 ;

t 6-57 +-~~~r~_:-~·.:~~~~~i~~~-~~?th training anti field \\-ork) I ·-·-- -~~:y __ ~:------ ---==~~~~~-- ~ __ .. ~t~·=~~=~ ____ 1 ~:nu1~:_1·'.1_~0r~ (fo,r bot~-~~aining and field \\'Ork) ()56 -- .... 1) -~~~!~~_'._~-=~~~~~ 2~1 ~ci-- -·~ ___ ____ 71, 700 00 1

16-:-iS I ranslators r, 15 l·~btuarv - Mci1ch 201' ) .:l50_(J0 ------------1--·- -------- --~- - - - ---- . - -----------;

Sub-total· ± ! 72,150.00 i _!~-:_~_9_'._t_-,_;(_1C~/D_a_ta_e_n_t_12 .. " __ _______ --·---- -- -- __ ;--_-__ -_-_--_-_· -- ---· ~onl!1 ___ __ _ _________ _

l\-lanualedit'.~~~~c!_1_~gstafr 30 I 2 --------------------.. ·--- \larch2013 i ISO i\,~:'10.00 i L


Page 40: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

'c ~

--------------- ------------· ·o -.. ··- j_ ·' . lvlanuai edi11ngicod1ng and f)at:1 Entry Supervisor (2 + 2)

i Con1puter editing and tabulation- ~taff

!)ata entry opc1·a1or~ 1\pril2013; 150 11.250.00 ----- -- - ----- -----t-:vl arch 2013 j 150 L800.00

: I

-----+·- 8 ---·1------~_J- i\pril 2_~~-1- -----~-50_~~:- J.Goo.00 · ~ -~ ~~~~i-_t-_~:'i~ -~!!_s~~-~-; ~ ~-_ii~~I- ----------- -- -- --- ·- -- Su_ ~:t_o j-~~-- ___ L_ --- -- ------ --~-:------ . : , 900 ~:-. ;____ t L'1u11cl1111g ccn:n1011y for !)a1n l)i,,se1111n:itl(Jl1 i 1 ____ ( ___ ... _. ____ Nuven1ber 20!:J I 3000 ____ ~.:.~'.~1_0:_~2_~

[)ata d1sse1n111tnion li11e-\1i11i"ll1c~ i l Dece111ber 2011 I )000 5.000.00. ! l)ata disse111i11ation Y1·'.:,i-1;;·l;;;i_;~~~- i 24 ---, __ -·- ·c)~ccn1ber 2013 ! 2-~- ______ 4_8,000._?_U_j i Sub-total j_ __ . __ J___ _ .... J j 56,000.00 '

i J4-01 ! \\-'orkshops/nieeting:s (NJS) __ ___ _ ____ '" __ j_____ 1 Dav ______ _____ I I _J_

j StaJ-..choldcrc, 1n~'<'t1ng 1 I I I June 2013 ! 2000 I 2,000.00 i ,---_-------- . ----------- -------;- ~ 1------ ------ ----1 , l)ataUse1siVl1.:et1n11s 2 2 Januarv&June.~012 2000 ' -+.000.00 1

' -'

,___ ________ _,___________ ~ _____ ,_______ ----------~-· ' _________ , ______ '

' i (_'JPS201-J "fcch111c;il c·on1n1i1!ec \1ceti11gs ! 6 ' I 201 l - 2013 JOO 1.800.00 I Suh-t~f~-IT ----- -1-------- 7,800.00

: ~-~-~l~_] .. ~I~~~~;;;~:ncial ('oordinato;~Tu~i~i~g--------------r ---·-------~ f)a;------- ___ I_

''Jra\.;lofp1-.:)\i11cccourd111ator~to/r1-lll11:"-JlS 4g ; ; June20i:2T 1:5, 1.4-1-0.00 ; I)S-,\-f~ir -p~l~i11Z1~1l c·ourdina1ors-~lPhnu111 f'e11l1 ---------48 1 · :5 -- --- --·--- Jun" 2-Qi' i ·1 3()----,----7.200.00--

·rraining \\·ork ~lior~~~~t--~~~~~~-=-~--------- ---s-,:~J-total-- ----- l ____ ---r 5 1

__ , ______ - -J-t;~~ 20121--------- _______ i}:~~~~~,

' -- ----------------·-·------ ---- _ _l_~-~------__ J _____ =-------- --- -------~-=-=~-=~---; --l-l-98 : Expendable equirnil~~------------- -1--- _

_()!Tice supp!1c.., lrcg_111i11) a11d \'lisccllci11cous I -- --------;-K_i_l~-ft;~-ira ini ns -;i,;. f;i-;;·1-d~~;(~~-i -- ---------t---1 5-(-JO

. . . . ,---------------

JO iO-ll-='20131 ~ o o -M;ircb 20 ! Ji-TO---·----

9.000_()() ---------- -

15.000.00 · 'I ~hi1·t a:id ca1;-rci~Ji~l(i staff --~-~----- I SOO i

i .. ·11 i

--~ _·-___ 1_-_--~--------1 10 I \1ci\· 201::

-- _J_... I ...... .,,_]_

c--------"-------· ! i (j 9.000_()() ------,---r- -33,ooo.oo

----- -------~ -+------·-! --t2-01 i, i\on-Expcndablc cquip1nt•nt

[)csk lop co1nputc1· 1600 16,000.00

Page 41: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared


4.000.0ll !-!~gl~=~nU co1nrute1s for editing and tabulation 1---,-. _____ !____ _ ______ rvt~y 2012 2Q'.J_~--~· __ _ Printers 2 f'v'\ay 2012 I/)(} 3,)U\J.UU I

---~--- ---------· ...... -- ' ----·, ---·---- ,.---- -----, ~1SC1 P11ntc1 " ' j l\1ay 2012 380 760.00 I

_, ~

, Suh-total I 35,260.00 , i 51-00 ''2_!'~~~~-ii~;;-L'\: :\1ainte~_::i_ncc ______ "--- ---- ···-r- ~ont~ ----- ·--=------ i

RM,1m1""""'' ,rnd I 1<CI Im Surm 1•,1ug Offic"v' 4 ! ' j Fdm11H) · Mmch 20 I 3 °'(J 2.000 00 !

cll1cle & (!c11c1cltu1 ; ____J___ I ~1c1101Gc~~era1('f ----- ---------------,---- \2- I 1\p--;::1-110i-i-!\1arch101_}_ i-Oo- l~i00-:00

~1g\c~-~liC'-i tn1 t1dn::.porto~_::~1-~_::.:::_111Jl.:11zils ""'J _ ___ i _ -- - ------ 1 ___ ... ___ -~ 8,f100~?o,

··""""'""""""l"''fo'S""v" ""'"'""h"''' I _1 --£ 12 __ , folv2012-Ju1112011 7iO 9.ooo1ooHI 52-00 - Printing/!:_~_blicily ____ Suh-totalf -· - _ -==i -= ·-- _ --~ lll,200:j

__ \ __ -r\' :ind Radiu spo_t~ _ _ J~--.. - _______ _ __ i, Febru~irv ---~'larch ::'.01.3 3000 __ J_ 3,000.00 J '--- __ I Ncv.s P;_~,r~r: A:l~_cr·tisen1c11ts _ __ . ____ ~----i __ ,_ ___ !-cbruar\· - :'v1a1-ch 201 ~ -~ :'()(l--+ '.·5_~~

Bannl.'r-,, 1.~';1i1cls and o1hcr su11able publ!c1ty .1

Ja11u;1r:e - Ma1·ch 20 J _) :-i.000 ::i.000.00 i 1natcrials _ _ i

C --+-,-~:!:.:i:~1~':_an1n1al calt·1H_i<1r ----- _______ ------- 100\l -~----~~- - ___ "-Nn\e111be1 12_!2 t=()--i~_ ---~00.()0 ' f'ri11t:ll¥SL1pc1·v1:;(11·111;inuill ~OU i_ - ?\O\en1bc12012_0~ 250.00

i, '· P11-1~n.g. c11un1er3tor~ 1nilnuals I:){-)() ... 11 --- NtlVC'.1nbcr~ 20'] 2 0.() 900.00

1----- ~-- ----- .---------,, ____ ,_ -----; ·'"'·----------· -----+--! !Pr11111ngedit1ng;i11dcod111g1na11ual(English& · J(J(l j I No,·c111ber20l2 l 300.00i

, l\.h~_c1·) --------- _____ :__ + 11

[r><~taprocc~s~12_¥_111a'.1ual t------S~J ! - __ ! __ ~(lvi.::1nbcr2012 3 150.00 _ _,_,

Print111gtrn1n1nggu1dc I 200 ¢] ;..;nvcn1bcr2012 l 200.00;

j~~r!_'.1'-'~~!£_i~~-~1·1~-~-~X __ ()fJlccrs --·1 __ ---~2-~)~---- ___ - _J- -------~(;;~;-~~er 2012 l ---~00.00 ! P11n1ing qu·.:stionnai1·cs (llons'°hn!d list Fo1·n1~ :\ & 1 ~-OJl()() 1 i ~ov-:1nbc1- 2012 0.26 lJJl00.00

i_~------ - I ----- ~I ____ _


f---' -----

Page 42: Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 · 2018-03-15 · Kll\'GDO~I OF CAMBODIA Nation -Religion -King Plan for Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013 Prepared

-- -~I'.'1·1nting r;a1s-l11"VC~_1_5_~'.°:1·1_(En~-i~h & Kh;~ll'l") -'- --1-00-0-1 ~----- ()c0~CT1013 __ j_ _____ 6 ___ _ 'Rteproduc111g su1·vcy (~[)-R()\'! ; 500 l)c-~c111bc:1 2011 i 4 ,

6.000.00 2.000 00

'-- , :~~~;1~'.1~1nat1~1~~Y~1c-n~ J~~:nt _:_Jr~~~~-"~-- Ct1- ---±~---- I ______ _ _____ fJc--c111bc1 201315000 .. l-- :'.000_0~-' Sub-total 37,700.00 !

5J-OO 1


' ~undry "-- ---- ___ ---------·--:==--~~=-~-==---- -- ~~-~~~~~-_?~]_1 J -~'S __ O_O_l~~----5-_~go.(J_Oj -~--t--~ _ _______ ---~~-'.~:~o-~~~~J__ --···---- .,~,000.00 :

5!_-_l!!l __ [_'~~-~lit ______ ' __ ;_,,_____ L)ccctnbcr2013 j 5000 l__ 5.00000: [ Sub-_t~~tal ~-- ________ j___ l. 5,000.00 i

--~!_ ____ ·rc)·r.i\1,: ___ _!_ i ______ _____________ ' 567,2_?~:9_Q_i

II. llJ\:f'PA Buclget for !\lay 2011 to [)ccc1nbcr 2013

---~ --- --------- , u,'lJT----," [ UNrri ____ TOTAL

! QUANTIT\' I \1(]nth/ Pl<~Rl{)I) I C<lST I ('()ST

I D<l\ - SLS I SLS

l)L, llE:sc:t{ 1p·r1 <)"'

--:-~i_-;-jTCJP~~~~ant __ ~1~-~-!-01;~j-l~I:-~ l_:)_JC~!PS-C~) ---------+ ------- 2--~---1-- ---~!]~~-l}_ths __ ~\ 20 i 1- ')c•)_20 l 3 _ ~ -- ---~ 54.~02_0-iiJ ~-~2_:-_IJ_2 \ [)~:rr_~-~-i_:;':l~~_!_l_~!:_ _ _:~IS\1)1'(') 6 ! 3.5 1nontl1~ I Scp~:-201 i-".\o\:·_~_9_13 _?3:J .. ?O_:l29J ~-=-~-r_;:?_an:s1J_1~g ~·Q1_1sul1~11t f'or_\JlS (SC) ___ _ ____ !_ r i 111onth .lul-i\_u~:_1~t-~_Ql3. I~ {J!l_O;_~

1 Jn-country tr:n:cl lor p10.1c.::t 111anage1· .. ~1a1f anJ i , I 15-01 I d1-1\·cr .-t , l21111)11lh~ ! Juiy 2012-.lunc 2013 ! -------r--- -- ----- ----~=l ________________ L ___ __ - ·r o!-_•:i:.-, c-J---·

! 2_000_00 i --------j

13-t592.ll0 i

C;ran<l T·ota.l JJ)_!.817.00

" •