Bus com uet_lahore_session_004_business emails

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Bus com uet_lahore_session_004_business emails



Zaheer Qazi Consultant English and Academic Quality

zaheer.qazi@gmail.com/ 0300-9475281

Business Emails

Zaheer Qazi/Areeb Khan Consultant English and Academic Quality zaheer.qazi@gmail.com/ 0300-9475281


1. Introduction

2. Objectives

3. The Do’s and the Don’ts

4. Document Design

5. Effective Email Rules

6. Email Structure

7. Email Netiquette

8. Habits of Effective Email Writers


E-mail (electronic-mail) is the least formal of the styles of written business communication. It is generally used for informal communication such as reminders, questions, or when preferred by the recipient.

Only recently it’s been acknowledged as a legal document and used for serious, official, business contracts etc.

Setting a clear objective in formal communication

DO’s and DON’T’s and effective tools for emailing

Email etiquette and best practices

Email structure and language

Keep the message focused, readable, short and simple

Use short sentences, appropriate words and active voice

Remember all email is copyrighted by the original author

Always compress or “zip” large files before sending

Fill in the subject field a very brief, relevant description

Write in standard professional English

Use correct spelling and punctuation

Use white space and you may use templates.

Proofread & spell check, double check

Identify yourself clearly especially to cold contacts

Respond Promptly; immediate to maximum 24 hours

Use more than 2 fonts, 2colors, or double emphasis


Use sms/ chat language, e.g., Gr8, F9, GTG, CU,

Right URGENT and IMPORTANT in the subject

Ever leave the “Subject” field blank

Reply all unnecessarily or copy all in cc

Forward jokes, chain letters or irrelevant stuff

Give out passwords, pin-codes personal phone or information

Use the “Return Receipt Requested” for every email

Effective email Messages














Short &


The 7 Habits of Effective email writers:

1. They begin with the end in mind Be Purposeful… No reason? No communication!

2. They know themself, their audience & the required outcomes Who’re you? Who’re you writing to? And why?

3. They write meaningful subject lines That’s like a positive clear headline

4. They identify themselves Even when they know you. Assertive but polite.

5. They keep the tools lie KISS, ABCDE & CBT in mind 6. They don’t assume privacy and write with respect & restraint

Write it, send it, and it’s gone (anywhere or everywhere)

7. They think before clicking to send it Read & reread before you send. Justify what you’re sending


Make the subject line clear, concise, and meaningful.

It should summarize, not describe.

Avoids one-word descriptions (e.g., Important, Help, or Urgent).

Bad Subject Line: “Re: Re: Re: Need to talk about change”.

Good Subject Line: “Important: Project Orion Timeline Acceleration”..


Clearly and concisely explain the purpose, question or issue.

One or two sentences at most - you will add the necessary detail below.

Avoid Emails that span more than one topic or request, unless they are closely related or linked.

Body of the Email

Be brief and begin with the most important points at the top

Use bullets and numbers and all rules of good writing Limit yourself to several bullet points or a few, short

paragraphs. Ensure you provide brief explanation of the five key

questions; What? When? Where? How? Why? State the response clearly beside “who” needs to do

“what”. Provide reasonable deadlines, necessary background or

supporting detail.

Closing/Sign-Off/Good-bye Think again :

Use phrases or words conveying respect and formality (e.g., “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” “Best”).

Include signature lines that contain helpful contact information.

Follow institutional protocols for use of closings/sign-offs.

Sign Out!

Think again:

Is it really necessary, positive, and beneficial?

Is emailing the best choice?

Decide and press SEND!

Language for:

Opening and closing: ◦ Dear Adam/ Hi Sara/ Hello Ahmad

◦ This is to ___. / I’m writing to ____. / The management has___.

Introduction: ◦ My name is Andy and I am the Regional Director Finance.

◦ This is Ali Khan from the HR Dept. of Ferguson's Inc.

Making requests: ◦ Could you please___?/ Can you___?

◦ Do you mind if I ___?/ Please let me___.

◦ We’d like a ___ if you don’t mind.

Language for:

Responding to requests ◦ Your requisition has been approved for___.

◦ We are sending a refund cheque following your___.

Expressing concerns: ◦ This is to express our concern over the___

Expressing regrets: ◦ We are sorry for___

◦ It is regretted that___

Language for:

Reporting: describing, comparing, & concluding:

• The board decided that it would meet weekly now.

• The CEO has confirmed having resigned…

• A is a lot bigger than B. / A and B are not the same.

• You can’t compare A with B, as B is____.

• Finally___. / After all we’d like you to___/

• Nevertheless___. / In any case___.

All the best for your future..

Allah bless you…