UI Bus Com Thinking Skills 2015 Handout

 Business Communication Class-Meeting 2


thinking skills

Transcript of UI Bus Com Thinking Skills 2015 Handout

  • Business Communication Class-Meeting 2


    What is the main idea to be


  • Expert Thinking Skills

    Complex Communication Skills

  • Complex Thinking Skills?

  • Analytical / High Level




  • Level of Thinking Example

    Knowledge What is the concept of Cost and Benefit Analysis?

    Comprehension How Do you use the concept and why we use it?

    Application Apply the concept in a problem and in a real life situation

    Analysis Compare and contrast with other decision making concept

    Evaluation Which one is more superior? Which one is suitable for a situation and which one is for b.

    Synthesis Can you think of a concept that is good for x situation or can you combine the concept

  • KNOWLEDGE Recalling Basic Facts

    COMPREHENSION Understanding The Idea is The Key

    APPLICATION Using Facts to Find Solutions to Problem

    ANALYSIS Examining Parts in Relationship to Whole

    EVALUATION Judging The Value of Ideas or Products

    SYNTHESIS Creating New or Original Ideas or Products


  • Disciplined, self-directed thinking that exemplifies the perfections of thinking appropriate to a particular mode or domain of thinking.

    Thinking that displays mastery of intellectual skills and abilities.

    The art of thinking about your thinking while you are thinking in order to make your thinking better: more clear, more accurate, or more defensible.

    Thinking that is fully aware of and continually guards against the natural human tendency to self-deceive and rationalize in order to selfishly get what it wants.

    Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Professional and Personal Life (R.W. Paul & L. Elder, 2002)

  • PyschomotorProcedures

    Mental Procedures


    Level 6Self-SystemLevel 5Metacognitive System

    Level 4Knowledge Utilization (Cognitive System)

    Level 3Analysis (Cognitive System)Level 2Comprehension (Cognitive System)Level 1Retrieval (Cognitive System)

    Levels Of Processing

    Thinking Skills byRobert Marzano

  • the identification of accurate statements regarding terms, facts, and time sequences(Details); generalization & principles

    (Organizing Ideas)

  • Involves separating the essential from non essential elements

    Describes the background reasons of why things happen

    Explains using your own words

  • Integrating



    With Psychomotor proceduresWith mental proceduresWith information

    involves separating the

    essential from non essential elements

    Involves Articulating the

    important steps of specific skills or


    Involves identifying the steps involve in the skill or process and the logic underlying

    those steps

  • To ANALYZE is to examine knowledgewith the intent of generating newconclusions.

    How do you examine knowledge togenerate new conclusions? Matching Classifying Analyzing Error Generalizing Specifying

  • 5 Analysis Processes: Matching Classifying Analyzing errors Generalizing Specifying

  • Identifying similarities and differences. How to match:Distinguish / Differentiate / Discriminate

  • Identifying similarities and differences. How to match:

    Create analogy

    Example:Explain how therelationshipbetween peopleand oxygen issimilar to therelationshipbetween plants andcarbon dioxide

    Distinguish / Differentiate / Discriminate

  • Identifying similarities and differences. How to match:

    Create analogy Create metaphor

    Example:Explain thefollowingmetaphor: HelenKeller was theFrederickDouglass of herfamily.

    Characteristic s of item 1

    Frederick Douglass

    Common General


    Characteristic s of item 2

    Helen Keller

    Was a slave as a young boy Had a rough beginning

    Got sick as a baby, which left her deaf and blind

    Learned to read and write anyway

    Achieved goals even when difficult

    Learned how to read Braille and write; also went to college

    Wrote books and gavespeeches against slavery

    Worked to help other people who suffered like they did

    Through speech tours and writing, inspires others to overcome disabilities

    Distinguish / Differentiate / Discriminate

  • Identifying similarities and differences. How to match:

    What is typically thought of as categorizing isconsidered Matching in the New Taxonomy, withfocus on similarities and differences.

    Distinguish / Differentiate / Discriminate

    cCreate analogy Create metaphor CategorizeExample:Organize these individuals into 2 or more groups andexplain how the individuals within each group aresimilar, and how they are different from group to group.Alexander Graham BellGelileoGeorge Washington CarverAmelia EarhartSally RideMartin Luther King, Jr

  • Classifying in the New Taxonomyinvolves identifying the superordinateand subordinate categories of knowledge

    How to classify:Protein Fat Vitamin

    Steak Butter




    Example:Classify fruits,vegetables, butter,steak, and pasta into3 categories; protein,fat, vitamin.

    Sort elements into superordinate categories

  • Classifying in the New Taxonomyinvolves identifying the superordinateand subordinate categories of knowledge

    How to classify:Example:Identify types ofFiction and NonFiction texts inLiterature.

    Sort elements into superordinate categoriesIdentify subordinate categories

  • This involves identifying factual or logical errors in knowledge or processing errors in the execution of knowledge

    How to analyze error:Determine the extent to which information is reasonable, given what students already know about a topicExample:Humans were responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.Based on your understanding of the earths early history, identifythe problems with this argument

  • Logical Errors: Faulty Logic (Contradiction, Accident, False Cause, Begging

    the question, evading the issue, arguing from ignorance,composition-division)

    Attacks (poisoning the well, arguing against the person,appealing to force)

    Weak Reference (biases, sources lack credibility, appealingto authority, appealing to the people, appealing to authority)

    Misinformation (confusing the facts or concepts)

    Framework for supporting a claim: Grounds (common knowledge, expert opinion, experimental

    evidence, factual information) Backing (establish validity of grounds) Qualifiers (stating the degree of certainty)

  • This involves identifying factual or logical errors in knowledge or processing errors in the execution of knowledge

    How to analyze error:Determine the extent to which information is reasonable, given what students already know about a topicExample:Humans were responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.Based on your understanding of the earths early history, identifythe problems with this argument

    Identify errors that someone is making or has made while executing a mental or psychomotor procedure

    Example:Videotape your performance on an instrument if your choice.Identify errors in a specific aspect of your technique and explainhow you might address these errors.

  • This involves inferring newgeneralizations and principles frominformation that is known or stated.

    How to generalize:Infer generalizations and principles from specific terms, facts,or events

    Characteristic 1: Who Governs

    Characteristic 2: Decision-making

    Characteristic 3: Current Examples


    Item 1: DemocracyItem 2: RepublicItem 4: DictatorshipConclusions Summary


  • This involves inferring newgeneralizations and principles frominformation that is known or stated.

    How to generalize:Infer generalizations and principles from specific terms, facts,or eventsConstruct conclusions about a set of skillsExample:Based upon your experience in oil and watercolor painting, whatcan be said about the things to watch out for when layering onecolor over another?

  • This involves making and defending predictions aboutwhat might happen or will necessarily happen in agiven situation

    How to specify:

    Identifying what might be true about a specific item based on anunderstanding of the class category to which that item belongsExample:The recent December snowstorms provide evidence that earths climate isnot changingWhat principles would you argue are being assumed about the nature ofclimate change? What principles are being ignored?

    Identifying what must happen or might happen during the executionof the skill or process under specific conditions.Example:If you change the dimensions of a square but keep it as a rectangle with thesame unit area, how will its perimeter change?

  • Each of the analysis task involvesexamining knowledge (information,mental, and psychomotor procedures) togenerate new conclusions. Matching Classifying Analyzing Error Generalizing Specifying

  • Decision MakingProblem SolvingExperimentingInvestigating

  • Specifying GoalsProcess MonitoringMonitoring ClarityMonitoring Accuracy

  • Examining ImportanceExamining EfficacyExamining Emotional ResponseExamining Overall Motivation

    Thinking Skills Thinking ProcessReasoningDecisionCommunicationPREP Points Reasons Examples PointsRichard J Murnane, Harvard UniversityWhat is Expert Thinking Skills?Expert (complex) ThinkingTHINKING SKILLS (Benjamin Blooms)High Level of ThinkingCritical Thinking definition:Slide Number 10RetrievalComprehensionComprehensionSlide Number 14SYMBOLIZING WITH INFORMATIONAnalysisAnalysisMatchingMatchingMatchingMatchingClassifying Classifying Analyzing ErrorsAnalyzing ErrorsAnalyzing ErrorsGeneralizingGeneralizingSpecifyingAnalysisKnowledge UtilizationMetacognitionSelf-System Thinking