Building Your Audience

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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A quick guide to help you build your audience. We'll discuss how to use offers to start building your list, how to write valuable content to keep them coming back, and how to write letters that engage customers, instead of newsletters that end up in the trash folder.

Transcript of Building Your Audience

Building Your AudienceCreating Interested, Engaged Mailing Lists

Glenn Stovall

What is an audience?

— People that are engaged with you, your product, and your brand.

— Building your audience via a mailing list.

Email Converts Better than Social or Search Traffic

— Social: 0.71%

— Search: 1.95%

— Email: 3.19%

Email Has Greater Reach Than Social Media.

— Social: 6%

— Email: 20-30%

Together, This Means a LOT More Sales

— 10,000 Twitter Followers: 4.2 conversions

— 10,000 Email List: 79 conversions— 1,880% Increase in conversion rate.

Don't give up on SEO & Social Media

They generate traffic you can convert into audience members.

Why Build an Audience?

— Have a foundation. Never start from zero.

— Customer feedback.

— Early adopters.

— More traffic & social media shares.

— Idea Validation (minimum viable audience).

— Always Yours.

How Do You Do It?

1. Provide Value in Exchange for Joining.

Signing up for a list = sales transaction.

2. Drive Traffic

Even if You Don't Have a Website.

3. Start Conversations

Letters, Not Newsletters

Email List Tools

— MailChimp

— AWeber

— ConstantContact

— Campaign Monitor

Email Capture Tools

— LeadPages

— Unbounce

Capture + List Tools

— Drip

— ConvertKit

10 Email Offer Ideas

— 10. Beta/Early Access to software/event

— 9. Present or Future discount

— 8. Case Study

— 7. Template/Source Code Files

— 6. Work sheet / Cheat sheet

— 5. Video Tutorial or Course

— 4. Email Course

— 3. eBook

The Last 2 Are From Clay Collin, Founder of LeadPages

Highest Converting AND Easiest To Do

2. Host a Webinar / Seminar

1. List of 5 Tools

Short Content > Long ContentThere is a lot of internet out there, people suffer from information overload.

Building Offers Quickly

1. Re-purpose Old ContentEx: Compile old blog articles.

How I created my first incentive

2. Upgrade Old ContentVideo > Audio > PDF > Article > Tweet

3. Repackage "Sawdust"Use internal document / project waste.

4. Just Do It.You can Create a Short One Quickly.

Set up a Landing Page

Landing Page Tools

— ConvertKit

— LeadPages

— LaunchRocks

— Unbounce

— Your Site (if you have one)

Your First Audience Members

Host a Micro-launch

— social media.

— reach out to friends.

Borrowing Audiences

— Use Buzzsumo to find influencers.

— Guest posting.

— Posting on other networks.

— Reach out on Social Media

Content Marketing

7 Tips for Writing Valuable Content

You Don't Have to Be an Expert

1. Do Your Research

2. Write a Headline With a Value Proposition

3. Open With A Story

4. Go Long

5. Keep the Piece Visually Interesting

6. Give The Reader Somewhere to Go

7. Give Actionable Advice

Writing Letters

1. Write to An Imaginary Friend

2. No Formatting

3. Use Simple Subject Lines

4. Use Your Own 'From' Address. Encourage Replies

5. Start with a Salutation

6. End With a Friendly Signature

7. Actually, End With a P.S.

Frequency & Tone

The '2-1' Rule

— Between 2 a week or 1 every 2 weeks

— Events / Launches are an exception.

— Most of your emails should be valuable, and contain no selling.

— The Soft Sell Email

— The Hard Sell Email

— Minimum 2:1 Value / Sell Email Ratio.

Example Email Sequence

— Value Email

— Value Email

— Soft Sell Email

— Value Email

— Value Email

— Hard Sell Email

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