Building Confidence in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

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Transcript of Building Confidence in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Stakeholders Meeting July 29, 2016Confidence



Collaboration is not about agreement. It is about creation. As Michael Schrage puts it in his book, Shared Minds: ...collaboration is the process of shared creation: two or more individuals with complementary skills interacting to create a shared understanding that none had previously possessed or could have come to on their own. Collaboration creates a shared meaning about a process, a product, or an event. In this sense, there is nothing routine about it. Something is there that wasn’t there before.


A feeling or belief that:• You can do something well or succeed at something.• Someone or something is good or have the ability to succeed

at something.• You are certain that something will happen or that something

is true.

Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary (online)

Economies with initiatives that increase visibility and access to role models are likely to encourage women entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses.

Programs that enhance skills and competencies for women entrepreneurs, and other initiatives such as mentoring and advising, should include developing and assessing women’s confidence to take advantage of opportunities and building their capacity for managing risk.

-GEM: Special Report on Women’s Entrepreneurship, 2015


- Internal barrier created by a gendered culture.- “Impostor Syndrome.” - Sitting back; not asserting needs.- Playing small.- Not putting out information until it is “perfect.”- Waiting until “you’ve arrived.”


- Open and vulnerable leaders.- Facilitating truth and honesty.- Creating a safe space for women to share.- Providing tools to help determine prices since women

undervalue their services.- Acknowledging the business achievements of women business

owners.- A culture to shift failure to lessons learned.- More SPONSORSHIP and mentors.

Confidence – What Helps?

Energy Leadership: 7 Ways to Look at the World

Level 1 – The VictimLevel 2 – The FighterLevel 3 – The RationalizerLevel 4 – The CaregiverLevel 5 – The OpportunistLevel 6 – The VisionaryLevel 7 – The Creator

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (Example)

Level 1 – The VictimVictim, Apathy, Lethargy “I lose.”

“I wish I could get the gigs that she does, but I don’t stand a chance. It’s all in who you know.”

“I’m not even going to bother applying for that loan. No one ever gets money when they need it. And banks don’t deal with women.”

“I should apply for my women-owned business certification. But my finances are a mess! They’ll never accept me. ”

Level 2 – The Fighter

Conflict, Anger, Defiance – “I win and you lose.”

“If she thinks she can get one over on me, she can think again. I’m not going to help her, until she begs me.”

“Oh those women are so snooty, I’ll just start my own networking group!”

“I’m not going to refer business to anyone. I’ll just keep it myself. You never know when the economy is going to tank again!”

Level 3 – The Rationalizer

Responsibility, Forgiveness, Cooperation “I win and hopefully you will too.”

“Oh, that’s just how she is. She doesn’t mean anything by that.”

“You’re taking that way too personally. It’s just business!”

Level 4 – The Caregiver

Concern, Compassion, Service “You win.”

“Here, let me help you with that. Of course I have time, I’ll make time.”

“Well, I’m pretty booked up, but of course I’ll be at the fundraiser!”

“You need someone to make 200 little desserts by tomorrow? Sure! I’ll help!” (now how am I going to do that?)

Level 5 – The Opportunist

Reconciliation, Peace, Acceptance “We all win, or no one wins.”

“I’ve come to realize that if I include Sarah, she’s alwayslate. So I can make myself crazy about it, work around it, or not ask her next time.”

“No one needs to be fixed. Wow, that frees me up to do so much more!”

Level 6 – The Visionary

Synthesis, Joy, Wisdom “We always win.”

“We created something beautiful, something that neither of us could have come up with alone. I’m so glad we did it together.”

“My vision is to create thriving workplaces where people actually want to come to work! It can be done.”

Level 7 – The Creator

Non-judgment, Absolute Passion, Creation “Winning and losing are illusions.”

“I make sure to do my yoga and meditation every day. It keeps me centered as my crazy day goes by.”

“I’m taking myself on a silent retreat this weekend. Just me and the woods.”

Changing Your Thinking!


What have you seen work, within groups, that helped you build self-confidence? What were the specific actions?

Think about women’s networking groups, action teams, community-based or service-based groups, and others.


Table Groups:

•Discuss what you came up with individually. •Record your best ideas on flip chart paper. •Be ready to debrief with the group.


Opportunities That Help Women Develop Confidence:

- Practicing your pitch.-Asking for a mentor.-Getting outside help.
