Brockton Public Schools Community Service Learning · PDF fileCommunity service-learning is a...

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Transcript of Brockton Public Schools Community Service Learning · PDF fileCommunity service-learning is a...

Brockton Public SchoolsCommunity Service Learning



2007 - 2008

Mayor James E. Harrington, ChairPatricia A. Joyce, Vice-Chair

Thomas J. Minichiello, Jr., Ward 1Richard E. Bath, Ward 2Janice A. Beyer, Ward 3Patricia A. Joyce, Ward 4Brian C. Foley, Ward 5

James M. Daley, Ward 6Ronald F. Dobrowski, Ward 7

Basan NembirkowSuperintendent of Schools

Created byJane Feroli ~ Specialist for Parent Involvement

Designed byJocelyn Meek ~ Communications Officer

in partnership with

The MA Department of Early and Secondary Education21st Century Community Learning Centers


with help from principals, parent liaisons and staff.

Printed by theBrockton High School Graphic Communications Department

June 2008


Page 2 Letters from the Mayorand Superintendent

Page 3 What is Service Learning?Page 4 Angelo Elementary SchoolPage 5 Arnone Elementary SchoolPage 6 Ashfield Elementary SchoolPage 7 Brookfield Elementary SchoolPage 8 Davis Elementary SchoolPage 9 Downey Elementary SchoolPage 10 Franklin Elementary SchoolPage 11 Hancock Elementary SchoolPage 12 Howard SchoolPage 13 Huntington Elementary SchoolPage 14 Keith SchoolPage 15 Kennedy Elementary SchoolPage 16 Plouffe Elementary SchoolPage 17 Raymond Elementary SchoolPage 18 Whitman Elementary SchoolPage 19 B.B. Russell SchoolPage 20 East Junior High SchoolPage 21 Gilmore AcademyPage 22 Ithaka Program at Lincoln SchoolPage 23 North Junior High SchoolPage 24 South Middle SchoolPage 25 West Junior High SchoolPage 26 Champion Charter SchoolPage 27 Brockton High SchoolPage 29 School PartnershipsPage 30 Our College PartnersPage 31 Our College PartnersPage 32 Our Community PartnersPage 33 Quotes from our StudentsPage 34 Words of Thanks from

our Community Partners

Dear Residents,

As Mayor and Chairman of the Brockton School Committee, I am grateful for the manyhours of dedicated service our friends at the Brockton Public Schools contribute to thedevelopment of Community Service and Community Service Learning Programs for ourstudent population.

Our city is not only rich in beauty and history, but abundant in regard to people who give ofthemselves. The programs initiated through Community Service Learning support theconcepts of an effective citizenry. I truly believe that these service programs will bebeneficial to our student population and help contribute to a well-balanced lifestyle. Again,I offer you my appreciation and support. I look forward to working with you to makeBrockton a better place, to live, work and play.


Mayor James E. Harrington

Dear Residents,

The aim of public education is to provide students with the tools they need to succeed inthe world. In the Brockton Public Schools, we teach Brockton children the fundamentals ofreading, writing and arithmetic, and also the interpersonal skills they will need to be well-rounded individuals.

We recognize that the young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow, so among ourmany program offerings, we teach students the importance of caring about theircommunities. This Community Service Learning Book will show you the myriad of ways weare instilling in our youth the importance of giving back, of helping others by sharing theirtime and talents.

You will see the valuable lessons our students are learning, and I hope that you will beimpressed by the creative ways our children are finding to show how much they care abouttheir community.


Basan Nembirkow, Superintendent of Schools- 2 -

Successful service-learning experiences:• meet actual community needs;

• are coordinated in collaboration with the school and community;

• are integrated into each student’s academic curriculum;

• provide structured time for a student to think, talk, and write about what he/she didand saw during the actual service activity;

• provide students with opportunities to use newly acquired academic skills andknowledge in real life situations in their own communities;

• enhance what is taught in the school by extending student learning beyond theclassroom;

• help to foster the development of a sense of caring for others.

“Service-learning is a teaching and learning approachthat integrates community service with academic study toenrich learning, teaches civic responsibility, andstrengthens communities.”

From the National Commission on Service-Learning 2001

The Brockton Public Schools activelypractices Community Service Learning in itsclasses during the school day, as well as inafter-school programs and beyond. Theprojects carried out by teachers, advisorsand after-school staff augments schoolcurricula along with state standards andframeworks. Students in Grades K - 12 havean active voice in planning projects whichcater to their community needs, take part inauthentic learning, and conclude withreflection and celebration.

Each school has showcased projects in thisbook. Many of our teachers successfully useservice learning to increase studentmotivation and promote academic goals.It helps students develop a sense of civicresponsibility and prepares them for lifebeyond the classroom in a way no text couldteach.

Massachusetts Department ofMassachusetts Department ofMassachusetts Department ofMassachusetts Department ofMassachusetts Department of

Elementary & Secondary EducationElementary & Secondary EducationElementary & Secondary EducationElementary & Secondary EducationElementary & Secondary Education

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary andSecondary Education is pleased to partner withBrockton Public Schools to make Community ServiceLearning an integral component of students’ educationalexperience.

Community service-learning is a way of strengtheningcitizenship, responsibility, and capacity in young people.When done well, it supports the academic content of theclassroom. Service-learning thrives when there isadministrative support, professional developmentopportunities, and positive relationships within thecommunity. Brockton is working hard to ensure that thisstructure is in place.

This booklet is an excellent sampling of the many types ofCommunity Service and Service-Learning Projects thattake place in your school system and your community. Beproud of your efforts and best of luck in maintaining thehigh level of service-learning and service in the Brocktoncommunity.

Kristen McKinnonService-Learning Specialist Student Support Unit MADepartment of Elementary and Secondary Education

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READERS THEATER & BOOK CLUB HOLIDAY WELL WISHESThird and fourth grade students involved in the 21st Century Community Learning CenterAfter–School program created holiday cards to send wishes to residents of a local nursinghome. They made small arts and crafts projects to accompany these cards.

PEER LEADERS COMMUNITY COMMITMENTSThe Angelo School Peer Leaders, a 21st Century Community Learning Center and ASOSTAfter–School funded program, are a select group of Grade 5 and 6 students who arecommitted to improving the Brockton community. Throughout the first half of the 2007-2008school year the Peer Leaders have raised money for the new Brockton NeighborhoodHealth Center on Main Street. This wonderful organization provides quality health care tocommunity members. The Peer Leaders also organized a non-perishable food drive for St.Edith Stein’s food pantry.

THIRD GRADERS HELP THE PEOPLEOF DARFURAngelo School third graders organized a school-widefundraiser to purchase solar cookers for Sudanesewomen living in refugee camps in Darfur. A Girl Scoutspeaker addressed the students about conditions inthe Sudan, as part of their community outreach efforts.The school raised more than $500 to purchase thesolar cookers.

PENNIES FOR PATIENTSThe Peer Leaders raised money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, whose mission isto cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality oflife of patients and their families. Much of the money raised through the national PenniesFor Patients campaign funds research to find a cure. To encourage students to donatemoney, each classroom has a small “Penniesfor Patients” box which students can depositspare change into. The Angelo Peer Leadersachieved a school wide goal of $1500.

FAMILY HEALTH NIGHTThe Peer Leaders also took an active part inFamily Health Night. They welcomed parentsand children to this event; they helped runsome of the pre-program activities and tookpart in the health themed skit.

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PEER LEADERS RAISE MONEY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP FUNDThe Arnone Peer Leaders program is a 21st Century Community Learning Center andASOST After–School funded program that promotes community service. This year, thePeer Leaders held two major fund raising activities - Hat Day and Guesstimate Jars. ThePeer Leaders raised over $200. This money and any additional funds collected will bedonated to the Rebecca Jerome Scholarship Fund, community-based programs, and needyArnone families who were displaced by fire.

In addition to fundraising activities, the Peer Leaders have assisted in various school-related projects. They designed signs to advertise Arnone family events like Family HealthNight, Family Movie Night, and the Spaghetti Supper.

READ ACROSS AMERICA DAYPeer Leaders assisted with Read AcrossAmerica. The Peer Leaders, wearing handcrafted Dr. Seuss hats, escorted variouscommunity members to classrooms to readand celebrate this special day. As a resultof their activities for Read Across America,various leaders have been featured on theBrockton Public Schools web site and onBrockton Community television. They havealso demonstrated their school spirit bymodeling the newly created “Arnone Wear”for all other students and staff to see.

Peer Leaders also planned:

• A collection of food and toiletries forarea shelters and soldiers servingoverseas.

• A school-wide cleanup of the Arnonegrounds and other parks in theBrockton area.

• Wrote spring greeting cards for areasenior citizen homes.

• Assisted with Family Health Night,parent conferences, and Grade 6graduation.

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GREEN ARTA third grade class created a poster called “Prescription for aHealthy Environment” that won the 2008 Paul G. Keogh EarthArtists Awards from the US Environmental Protection Agency.The poster has 18 individual drawings that represent eachstudent’s “prescription” to preserve the environment. Thechildren’s suggestions included recycling, planting trees andflowers, turning off the lights, reducing reliance on oil by ridingbicycles or running, utilizing clothes lines to dry clothingoutdoors instead of in a dryer, lowering thermostats, usingenergy-saving light bulbs and using both sides of a sheet ofpaper to cut down on paper use.

PEER LEADERS & MEDIATORS CLEAN UP THE SCHOOLGROUNDSThe Ashfield Peer Leaders and Mediators, an ASOST After–School funded program, held aschool Playground Clean-Up. They got out rakes and trash bags and did a wonderful job ofspiffing up the grounds of the school. In October, those Peers who participated in theMediators program attended an all-day workshop at Stonehill College. They werethoroughly trained in the techniques needed to mediate disputes between other students.

DANA FARBER JIMMY FUNDDuring November and December, all Peer Leaders helped to prepare for the school’s bigannual fundraiser, the Holiday Shop. Beforehand, they met and created ornaments to sell,made fudge, and learned sales techniques. The Holiday Shop was held in December. Itwas a rousing success! They raised a total of $1,410 and the proceeds were divided amongthe three initiatives. One third was kept by the Peers for year long expenses; one third wasdonated back to the Ashfield School for field trips. The Peers chose to donate the final thirdto the Dana Farber Jimmy Fund. They did this to honor one of their classmates, who iscurrently receiving services from Dana Farber.

CHARITY GUILD AND MORE……….The Peer Leaders raised $124 for local charities during Hat Day; collected large amounts ofitems to donate to the Charity Guild from their Spring Food and Toiletries Drive; andpracticed Fire Safety skits using the “Kids on the Block” puppets to present to the lowergrades. The Peer Leaders also presented lessons to all the Grade 2 and 3 classrooms on5-2-1 Jump Up and Go.

As you can see, the Peers at Ashfield are very caring, civic-minded, and hard-workingyoung people and we are extremely proud of them.

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BROOKFIELD SCHOOL 2ND GRADERS WELCOMEHOME A HERO FOR VETERANS’ DAYThe students in Mrs. Bouvier’s 2nd Grade class wrote letters and sentcare packages to Chris Matchem, a former Brookfield School studentwho was serving in the military in Iraq. When he returned from activeduty, Chris visited to thank the boys and girls for their letters. He sharedstories of his experiences on active duty, answered the students’questions and explained how important their support was to him and hiscrewmates. The students learned a lot and loved his visit!

MATER DEI ADULT DAY CARE PERFORMANCEThe Grades 5 and 6 Chorus students performed for the residents of Mater Dei.After a musical presentation, the students enjoyed conversing with the seniors.

JUMP FOR HEART AND HOOPS FOR HEARTThe students at the Brookfield Elementary School helped raisemoney for the American Heart Association. They raised $5,770 byjumping rope and shooting hoops during physical education class.Through Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart, studentsparticipate in a fun and exciting event that works to promote bothcommunity service and healthy living. Students get donations fromfriends and family a few weeks prior to their jump/hoops eventdate. All proceeds benefit the American Heart Association.

GUEST READER DURING READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEKCity Council President Robert Sullivan visited Grade 2 classrooms to celebrate ReadAcross America Week with the students. The students were proud to have a city official intheir class, and to also learn more about what he does for Brockton as a city councilor.

BROOKFIELD PEER LEADERSThe Peer Leaders, an ASOST After–School funded program,organized a can drive for the David Jon Louison House duringThanksgiving, took part in Family Health Nights, and are alsoactive in the school recycling program.

KO DANCEPeer Leaders raised over $100 for the Leukemia andLymphoma Society in memory of the former Brockton Rox KOMascot, Chris Sawyer. Student and staff danced the nightaway while raising money for a good cause.

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ANTON’S COATS FOR KIDSDavis students took part in the state-wide program with Anton’s Cleaners. The coats arecleaned and distributed to adults and children in need across the state. Davis Schooldonated 20 coats to this campaign. The Coats for Kids Campaign was extremelysuccessful as a record breaking 68,588 coats were donated this year.

PEACE BRACELETSThe Peer Mediators, a 21st Century Community Learning Center and ASOST After–Schoolfunded program, sold peace bracelets throughout the school to promote peace andharmony. Under the Peer Mediator program, our students learn to help one another andare able to solve any problems peacefully. Wearing the bracelets is a reminder to all thatpeace is important in every part of your life.

THANKSGIVING BASKETS At Thanksgiving, the Davis School collected all the necessary items to provide a fullThanksgiving dinner to needy families in our community. This year we were able todistribute 24 baskets. Each grade was given two items to collect for the 24 huge baskets distributed.Approximately 20 different items went into each basket, ranging from a can of peas to a boxof mashed potatoes to a box of brownie mix for dessert. The students brought the itemsinto school and then the baskets were assembled a few days before Thanksgiving. Someof the classrooms collected so many items that there was enough to put at least three ofthose products in each basket. The students were very proud of their hard work and loveddoing something to help others. Thanks to many of the Davis teachers, each basket was also supplied with a gift card toa grocery store to purchase the turkey. Everyone in the Davis Community does all they canto help with this wonderful project.

PLANET GREEN RECYCLINGThe Peer Leaders collect paper from the classrooms to berecycled. This promotes recycling and keeping our earthenvironmentally sound. We have a recycling bin where thepaper is collected and the recycling company donated funds tohelp support the Peer Leader program.


The Davis School staff collected funds to purchaseGirl Scout cookies to send to our troops for them toenjoy. The boxes were sent overseas and showedthat our school supports the troops.

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ANTON’S COAT DRIVEDowney students took part in the Anton’s Cleaner’s annual Drive. The annual state-wideprogram encourages the donation of used coats, which are are cleaned and distributed toneedy adults and children across Massachusetts. The Downey School donated 61 coats tothis campaign. The Coats for Kids Campaign was extremely successful as a recordbreaking 68,588 coats were donated this year.

PRESIDENTS’ DAY PENNYDRIVEThe Downey School student body held apenny drive during the month of February toraise money for the “Pennies for a PrettyDowney Playground Fund.” This activity wasa valuable home-school connection inmathematics and citizenship. Enough moneywas raised to do some flower planting in thespring and money was put toward newplayground equipment.

DOWNEY GREEN THUMBSIn partnership with Home Depot, students inthe 21st Century Community Learning CenterAfter-School Program planted a spring gardenin the Downey School Courtyard.

CANNED FOOD DRIVEMany students in all grades took part in a canfood and toiletries drive. The donations werecounted and were collected to replenishsupplies at the Charity Guild in Brockton.

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VETERANS’ DAY LUNCHEONThe Franklin Elementary School has been involved in CommunityService Projects all year long. In November, Principal DonnaHaymes hosted a Veteran’s Day Luncheon to honor veterans andactive duty soldiers. The school is also involved in a “Support OurTroops Program,” in which a different grade donates items to besent to Iraq each month.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE CAN FOOD DRIVE -CHARITY GUILD“Make a Difference Can Food Drive” helped the Charity Guildprovide food for families in need, and students were busy during theholidays making cards for “Be a Santa to a Senior.”

SPECIAL KINDNESS IN PACKAGESSpecial Kindness in Packages, Inc. is an all-volunteerorganization that supplies America’s Military Heroes withcare packages. Each month Franklin students and staffdonate items such as candy, ink pens, DVDs, paper,toothbrushes, CDs, sunscreen, socks, magazines, andnumerous other items to Special Kindness in Packages,who then forwards them to military members deployedaround the world.

KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS VISIT A NURSING HOMEThe Franklin Student Leaders, along with the Kindergarten class, visited the Life CareCenter in West Bridgewater during National Nursing Home Week. During the months ofFebruary and March, students from all grades wrote letters and cards to 15 residents.During the visit, the students perform songs and all students and staff assisted in plantingflowers at the center. The visit was enjoyed by all.

MAYOR’S CHILDREN’S FUNDOn Valentine’s Day students donated 25 cents andthey were allowed to bring in a stuffed animal for“Bring Your Teddy Bear to School.” All proceedswere donated to the “Mayor’s Childrens’ Fund.”

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MAKE A DIFFERENCE DANCEStudents in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade at the Hancock School took part in a Make A DifferenceDance with their parents. This dance was coordinated by the physical education teacher.The dance was a fun family night, a learning experience and fundraiser for cancer researchthat will benefit a Hancock student as well as others.

HANCOCK PEERS BRING HOLIDAY CHEER TOBROCKTON ADULT DAY CENTERDuring the holiday season, the Peer Leaders, an ASOST After–School funded program, andtheir advisors traveled to the Brockton Adult Day Center to spread holiday cheer. Theysang holiday songs, played instruments and invited seniors to sing along with them. ThePeer Leaders enjoyed a pizza lunch while socializing with the seniors. A wonderful timewas had by all!

NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS SPIRIT DAYStudents and staff took part in a spirit day wearing red, white and blue to show their supportfor the Patriots. Every one made a contribution to take part in the school wide event. Allproceeds went to The Jimmy Fund.

A LIFE LESSONHancock School Grade 4 Teacher Mr. Peter Farleywas deployed to Iraq as an Army reservist during theschool year. Mr. Farley was dedicated to preparingand challenging his students to excel at the 4th gradeMCAS test. He taught them by example thatanything in life can be accomplished with effort andrespect.

FOOD AND COAT DRIVE FORCHARITY GUILDThe Peer Leaders and advisor at the Hancock School made posters and sent out noticesfor the collection of gently used coats which would be distributed by the Charity Guild. Thestudents at school also donated various food items, such as water, canned goods andtoiletries. The drive was a huge success, providing for over 500 needy children and theirfamilies in the Brockton area.

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The parents of the Howard PAC, and the staff participated in a “HolidayWishes” project. A wish tree was made up with clothing and “toy wishes” fromfamilies at the Howard School. Each family received many presents from thechildren and were also given a supermarket gift card. After all of the gifts weredonated, the parents of the PAC got together for a wrapping session. It was afun and rewarding experience for everyone!

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NO NAME CALLING WEEKThe Huntington School held a No Name Calling Week. Thisis a week that declares that bullying and all the energy thatgoes with it WILL NOT be tolerated. Each day the schoolhosted a number of events as follows: Tuesday: Hats Off toNo Name Calling. The children wore a hat to school;Wednesday: Stomp Out Name Calling! The children worecrazy socks to school; Thursday: Too-Cool for NameCalling! The children wore their favorite shades to school;

and Friday: Put the Freeze on Name Calling! The children wore a winter hat, scarf orgloves in school. The Huntington students celebrated kindness, friendship and integrity. Thefollowing website offers information about this nationally declared

EXPLORE YOUR WORLD AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMThe Huntington School 21st Century Community LearningCenter After–School program offers a community servicelearning project called Explore Your World. One of thegoals of this program is to provide a platform foryoungsters to explore issues, current and past, thatdirectly or indirectly affect their lives. The program alignsto to state standards and provides hands-on opportunitiesto serve. During the year, we collected canned goods forlocal food pantries and homeless shelters and worked oncare packages for our soldiers. We have focused thestudents’ attention on community building and serving within the school by reflecting onacts of kindness and generosity which are shared with the staff and student body viabulletin boards.

PENNIES FOR PATIENTSDuring the month of March, the Huntington School Peer Leaders helped collect change inthe annual “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser to benefit the Massachusetts Chapter of theLeukemia and Lymphoma Society. Last year, the fundraising proved to be a tremendoussuccess with the school raising $882.74 for this most important cause.

RECYCLE PROGRAMThe Huntington Schoolcollects recycled paperevery week in order to helpthe environment.


ADOPT A SOLIDERProving that patriotism starts young, the pre-school, Kindergarten and Kindergarten-Plusstudents of the Eldon B. Keith School adopted a platoon of U.S. Army soldiers this holidayseason, collecting more than 300 pounds of personal items to send to soldiers serving inIraq. The care packages were adorned with scores of tiny red, white and blue handprints,and were stocked with socks, deodorant, playing cards, writing paper and canned goods.

PENNIES FOR PATIENTSThe Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s mission is to cure leukemia,lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and to improve the quality oflife of patients and their families. Much of the money raised through thenational Pennies For Patients campaign funds research to find a cure.Michael, Keith School kindergarten student, was chosen as the Leukemiaand Lymphoma Society’s Boy of the Year in 2008. The Keith School andother Brockton schools participated in Pennies for Patients fundraisingcampaign in Michael’s honor, and the Keith School raised $2,438.

EARTH DAY CLEAN UPThe students and staff of the Keith School plan, prepare and take part in an Earth Dayclean up of the school.

BULBS AND GARDEN CLUBThe Keith School has partnered with the Brockton Garden Club’s Youth & EducationCommittee to teach children the joys of gardening. They learned to work together andcooperate, follow directions and use fine motor skills and coordination. The philosophy ofthe Garden Club has been to instill city pride and pride in the environment while helping

children understand that they canmake where they live a nicer, betterplace. The students were veryenthusiastic about giving back totheir city. It’s gratifying to see howexcited and amazed they were bythe results of doing something assimple as planting flowers.

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ANTON’S COATS FOR KIDSKennedy students took part in the state-wide program with Anton’s Cleaners. The coats arecleaned and distributed to adults and children in need across the state. Kennedy Schooldonated 158 coats to this campaign. The Coats for Kids Campaign was extremelysuccessful as a record breaking 68,588 coats were donated this year.

HOLIDAY TOY DRIVEEvery year, the Kennedy Peer Mediators, an ASOST After–School funded program, launcha toy drive during the holiday season to promote the concept of sharing and giving toothers. The Peer Mediators wrap the toys that are collected, and label each one with aPost It so that Santa may find a good match. The wrapped toys are transported to a localshelter to assist needy families during the holiday season.

KENNEDY SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTThe Peer Mediators and Peer Leaders plan a “clean-up and planting” after school to create

and maintain a healthy outdoor environment. All of the debris is clearedfrom the building grounds. The flowers are donated and planted in frontof the school building. This project promotes volunteerism and civicpride within our school community.

PENNIES FOR PATIENTSFor the third consecutive year, the Peer Leaders have collecteddonations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The school hasraised more than $3,000 each year to donate to researching cures forthese blood cancers. This year $1,502 was raised.

BROCKTON KIDS CAN WITH BROCKTON SHOE CITYThis is the second year that the Kennedy School has participated in “Brockton Kids Cans.”The Kennedy School continues to raise money through recycling.

The Peer Leaders and Peer Mediators also coordinated:

• A Valentine Sharing project, where the Peer Leaders made creative Valentines forpatients of St. Joseph’s Manor.

• Operation Care Package 2008, an activity where PeerLeaders advertised and collected books, toiletries and foodto send to soldiers stationed overseas. The students alsoheld a Hat Day to raise money for shipping costs.

• Peer Mediators coordinated a food drive to support theCharity Guild, a local food pantry that helps needy familiesin the area.

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HAT DAY FOR THE I CARE PROGRAMThe students in Ms. Jensen’s classroom started an “I Care Program” to show the studentbody the importance of supporting and nurturingone another. The class they sponsored Hat Daywhere students and staff paid money to wear a hatfor the day. Some of the money will be used topurchase T-Shirts for the class supporting the I CarePledge; the remainder of the proceeds will go tothe Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, acharity the students chose on their own.

GUARDIAN ANGELSDuring the holidays, the Plouffe School held a toydrive where the teachers and staff gave toys andgifts to be distributed to the needy in the community. The Guidance Departmentcoordinated this event with the help of many in the school.

PENNY DRIVE FOR CHARITYThanks to all the students and their families fortheir contributions toward the penny drive. Fundscollected totaled $910. Half of the money collectedwent to a local food bank and the other half towardtechnology in the school.

READER’S THEATREStudents in the 21st Century CommunityLearning Center After–School program took partin a community service project for the Children’s

Hospital. The students made bracelets and cards and wrote plays based on their favoritestories. The boxes were delivered to the Family Services Department at Children’sHospital. The children wanted to give back to Children’s Hospital because some of themhave personal connections with the hospital.

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Caritas Good Samaritan Medical Center staff held a backpackdrive for the Raymond School. Students were thrilled to receivethe backpacks from their neighbors and were encouraged togive back to their community in the same way the hospitalemployees were giving to them. In turn, the Raymond SchoolChorus visited the medical center during the holiday season andperformed a holiday concert at the December Senior Supperand for patients and staff.

ANTON’S COAT DRIVERaymond students took part in the state-wide program with Anton’s Cleaners. The coats arecleaned and distributed to adults and children in need across the state. Raymond Schooldonated 97 coats to this campaign. The Coats for Kids Campaign was extremely successfulas a record breaking 68,588 coats were donated this year.

21ST CENTURY LEARNING CENTERS AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIESFifth and sixth graders in the Crochet Club honed their skills and donated their handiworkto area shelters and hospitals.

Sixth graders wrote articles and organized a monthly SchoolNewspaper. Money from newspaper sales will be used toopen a school store for all to enjoy.

Grades 3 and 4 students in the Readers Theater programimproved their reading skills and produced plays. Thestudents will perform for nursing home patients, daycarestudents and their peers.

Third and fourth graders in the Environmental Art programtook nature walks and cleaned the school grounds whilegetting inspiration for their art projects to beautify the inside and outside of the school. Theyalso observed and cared for an unusual guinea fowl that took up residence in the schoolyard.

The Raymond School Peer Leaders also:

• Volunteered at the Raymond School Family HealthNight, greeting families and assisting with variousactivities.

• Created and sold handmade craft items in the annual“Elf Shoppe.” All money raised was donated to theRaymond School Holiday Fund, which helped makethe holidays a little brighter for over 25 needy Raymond School families.

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PENNIES FOR PATIENTSThe Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’sdisease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Much ofthe money raised through the national Pennies For Patients campaign funds research tofind a cure. Since 1994, more than 10 million school children from around country haveraised millions of dollars in pennies and other spare change to benefit The Leukemia &Lymphoma Society. Whitman collected $178.

PLANT A TREE AND SAVE OUR EARTHMr. Ghelfi’s Grade 3 class planted trees inBrockton’s historic D.W. Field Park. For thepast three years, Mr. Ghelfi and his class havemet at the school on a Saturday morning in Mayto board a bus for the park, where they haveplanted a total of 50 trees. They take theirlessons out of the classroom and then are ableto enjoy the beauty of the park with its natural setting of trees, lakes and wild life. Thiseverlasting project is something they all helped accomplish.

CANNED FOOD DRIVEPeer Mediators collected a large number of canned goods for theDavid Jon Louison House Thanksgiving food drive.

SOCKS FOR LOVE Grade 2 classes have for the past twoyears collected socks for The MainSpring House in Brockton. Thesecond graders invited Grades 3 – 6 to help their cause. To date, theschool has collected 849 pairs of sox to donate to our communitypartners.

PEER LEADERS HELP OTHERSIn December, the Peer Leaders sponsored a school-wide collection of items for the DavidJon Louison House, a local family shelter. The response from our students wastremendous! In January, the Peer Leaders promoted “No Name Calling Week”. They wentto each classroom explaining the importance of not bullying and not using means words.They encouraged the use of kind words always. They also worked on the 5 – 2 – 1 healthprogram in the school through speeches, activities and a poster contest. They continue tohelp others!

UNICEF COLLECTIONPeer Leaders, an ASOSTAfter–School funded program,collected $115 school-wide forUNICEF.

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B.B. RUSSELL SCHOOL ~ Grades 5 - 12

ACHIEVING ARTISTSThe 10th grade class took part in this CSL project, Kardz 4 Kidz. The students made thepaper by hand and then created greeting cards using artistic designs and messages. Thecards were sent to Children’s Hospital in Boston to brighten the young patients’ days.

MR. P’S CLUBThe 9th grade class took part in a can tabcollection to benefit Shriners Hospital. Thegroup tabulated the total number of cantabs that were collected at the schoolduring this recycling lesson. The moneyreceived from recycling the tabs is used tobuy medical and non-medical items forShriners Hospitals for Children.

THE MC’S CLUBMs. McNair’s class organized and ran acompetitive canned food drive to benefit thegreater Brockton community. Donations weremade to both needy families and shelters in thecommunity. Hunger issues were discussed inMr. McGee’s classes prior to the collection.

YOUTH MENTORING CLUBStudents in Grades 7 - 10 learned basic skills onhow to mentor elementary school students.Russell School mentors helped the youngerstudents with homework and problem - solvingskills as part of the ASOST After –School fundedprogram.

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PENNIES FOR PATIENTSThe Peer Leaders raised money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Leukemiaand Lymphoma Society’s mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease andmyeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Much of the moneyraised through the national Pennies For Patients campaign funds research to find a cure.To encourage students to donate money, each classroom has a small “Pennies for Patients”box which students can deposit spare change into. The East Peer Leaders achieved aschool wide goal of $572.92.

SCHOOL - WIDE CAN DRIVEThe students collected canned goods for the Salvation Army between Thanksgiving andChristmas. There was a great response, and East Jr. High School made a large donationto the needy during the holiday season.

EAST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS PERFORMSAT BROCKTON HOSPITAL HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTINGThe East Junior High School Chorus has participated in this celebration for the past twodecades as a way to give back to the community. The school is proud of its partnership withBrockton Hospital, and singing at the tree lighting is a tradition that the students want to bepart of year after year. It gives the students an opportunity to showcase their talent and thewonderful response they receive from the hospital staff and patients is an important lessonto all young people, that they can make a positive impact by giving their time.

LIBERTY MUTUAL GIRLS MENTORING CLUBThe East North Junior High School – Massasoit Community College mentoring club is acollaborative effort which aims to help girls achieve their academic and career goals.Students are paired with professional women who serve as mentors. Weekly sessionsinclude journal writing, career related objectives and field trips to local two year and fouryear college campuses to promote higher education. Participants also take part in manycommunity service learning projects benefiting the David Jon Louison Center, MainspringHouse, BPD Project Guardian Angel and Under the Tree Foundation.

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GILMORE ACADEMY ~ Grades 6 - 8

ANTON’S COATS FOR KIDSGilmore Academy has participated in the Coats for Kids drive sponsored by Anton’sCleaners for the past several years. During the fall, the Peer Leaders at Gilmore Academymade posters and provided drop-off sites around the school for the collected coats andjackets. Several bags of warm kid-sized outerwear were donated for this worthy cause.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROJECTGilmore Academy students conducted a “Pennies for the Homeless”drive. More than $200 was collected and donated to the Women’sCenter for Domestic Violence.

CAN DRIVEGilmore Academy students participated in a can and bottle drive during the school year. Allproceeds were donated to Mainspring House.

HOLIDAY BASKETSGilmore Academy Peer leaders collected food items and assembledbaskets for six Gilmore Academy families in need for the 2007Thanksgiving holiday. For the Easter 2008 season, Peer Leadersassembled baskets of goods for families at Mainspring House.

MY BROTHER’S KEEPERGrade 6 students spearheaded a project during December 2007 to raise money for MyBrother’s Keeper. They began with a goal of $300. The class split into three teams, eachresponsible for a grade level. Each day, the students collected and counted the money fromtheir designated homerooms. They took their grade’s total and the grand total andorganized them into a fraction, converted them to a decimal and then calculated a percent.Daily progress was charted on a bulletin board and announcedover the intercom. The final total raised during the seven dayswas $1,165.

CHARITY GUILDA canned food drive was conducted by the peer leaders duringthe spring of 2008. All food was donated to the Charity Guildof Brockton.

EMMANUEL HOUSEStudents and staff met with Emmanuel House Social Worker Kelley Wallace to identify theneeds of elderly citizens in Brockton. Kelley visited the Gilmore Academy and the studentsinterviewed her. A few weeks later, the students walked to the Emmanuel House to meetthe residents and interview them about their experiences. They have continued thisexchange on a monthly basis. It has been enjoyed by all!

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At the Lincoln School, we have a great partnership with Training Resources ofAmerica. Lincoln School students have the ability to receive job training andget help finding a job after-school and during the summer.

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CANNED FOOD DRIVENorth Junior High School Peer Leaders encouraged each homeroom to donate as manynon-perishable items as possible. All items were donated to the Salvation Army just beforethe holidays. Homeroom #203 won a “Breakfast of Champions” for bringing in the mostitems. The healthy choices breakfast was held in January to celebrate their success. Over1,000 items were donated!

CLOTHING DRIVE FOR A LOCAL SHELTERGrade 7 and 8 Student Council members collected winter clothing items for a donation to alocal shelter. Many bags of clothes were collected and delivered.

PENNIES FOR PATIENTSThe Peer Leaders raised moneyfor The Leukemia & LymphomaSociety, whose mission is tocure leukemia, lymphoma,Hodgkin’s disease andmyeloma, and improve patients’and their families’ quality of life.Much of the money raised through the national PenniesFor Patients campaign funds cancer research. To encourage studentsto donate money, each classroom has a small “Pennies for Patients”box which students can deposit spare change into. The Student

Council members achieved a school wide goal of $886.35.

PEER LEADERSThe Peer Leaders designed a “5-2-1 Healthy Lifestyle” display in the front entrance of theschool. The Peer Leaders also sponsored a Hat Day in March and raised $100 to donateto the Brockton Charity Guild Food Pantry.

LIBERTY MUTUAL GIRLS MENTORING CLUBThe North East Junior High School–Massasoit Community College mentoring club aims tohelp girls achieve their academic and career goals. Students are paired with professionalwomen who serve as mentors. Weekly sessions include journal writing, career relatedobjectives and field trips to college campuses. Participants also take part in communityservice learning projects benefiting the David Jon Louison Center, Mainspring House, BPDProject Guardian Angel and Under the Tree Foundation.

THANKSGIVING CARDSFOR THE ELDERLYStudents in the 21st CenturyCommunity Learning Center After–School program made Thanksgivingcards for elderly residents of theParkwell Nursing Home in Boston.

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CANNED FOOD DRIVEThe South Middle School Peer Leaders are conducting an ongoing can drive to benefit theCharity Guild of Brockton which provides food to hundreds of needy families in Brockton.

PROM DRESSESThe staff of South Middle School donated prom dresses to be given to 8th graders for theirSemi-Formal Dance. Staff member Kathryn Meadows donates her skills as a seamstressto do any needed alterations.

BEAUTIFICATION DAY AT SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOLParents, students and staff members spent a day raking, digging and planting to make theschool grounds a more beautiful place.

SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL STAFFERS RECORD HOLIDAY CDSouth Middle School staff membersorganized a fundraiser as way to raisemoney for educational programs andto celebrate a victory over breastcancer. The CD, “Happy Holidays fromSouth Middle School” isn’t just acollection of seasonal songs, it’s alesson in community and caring.Various staff members came togetherwith their musical talents and expertiseto put it together. The cover art of agreen, fire-breathing dragon, theschool’s mascot, was drawn by 8thgrader, whose design was chosen from20 student entries in an art contest.

In addition to this project, last year the school staff and studentsrallied around the teacher when she was out of school due toillness. The staff organized a hat drive, where everyone bought anattractive hat for her to wear during chemotherapy when she losther hair; they made banners during Breast Cancer AwarenessWeek to remind everyone that someone they care about wasfighting the disease; and students sent hundreds of cards andletters of encouragement to the teacher during her absence.

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BOOK MAKING PROJECTGrade 7 students donated gently-used books and original stories they created to the ReachOut and Read Program at Brockton Hospital. The students went to the hospital to distributethe books and read to young patients.

GENTLEMENS ROUNDTABLEStudents invited professional men to the school to discuss how toovercome obstacles in their lives and how to choose a profession.The event included a festive luncheon and entertainment for all toenjoy, served and provided by the students.

GIRLS TEAThe West JHS Girls tea gave female students an opportunity tointeract with professional women from the community. It alsoallowed the students to showcase their talents. Sixty professionalwomen attended and three powerful speakers shared their thoughtson striving for goals in life.

COOKING & MATHEMATICSStudents studied healthy food choices in school and with the Boys and Girls Club. Theyplanned meals that fit within the healthy food guidelines and then students cooked themeals for all to enjoy. The students also educated community members on how topurchase healthy foods on a budget.

THE HOMELESS AND HUNGERThis classroom project discussed the issues of hunger byshowing the difference between hunger, malnutrition and theircauses. The students then created a Community ResourceGuide for families that gives the locations of food pantries

and shelters in the area. Students alsocollected more than 700 can goods forneedy families.

MUSIC AT BAYPOINTEWest JHS Concert & Jazz Band performed for the residents and staff ofBay Pointe Nursing Facility. The concerts were held in the winter andspring and the music was characteristic of the season.

GUARDIAN ANGELSStudents collected toys, clothes and food for the Project Guardian Angel which providedfood, clothing and gifts for the underprivileged during the holiday season. The students alsocollected supplies for local troops fighting overseas.

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MAYOR’S YOUTH COUNCILA student representative of the Champion Charter School Junior Class serves on theMayor’s Youth Council. This student advisory group discusses issues that affect youngpeople and politics. The Youth Council also helps to create more activities and programsfor Brockton youth.

ART ASPIREGrade 10 and 11 students participated in outreach activities and the Facing History andOurselves curriculum. The academic focus is History and Choosing to Participate.Components of the program are community involvement, civic participation and effectingchange. This art exhibition was developed by the students.

GUARDIAN CAREGrade 12 students developed a partnership with Guardian Care and volunteers in a localnursing home.

INTERNSHIPS AT FULLERCRAFT MUSEUMGrade 12 students developed amural under the direction of the FullerCraft Museum to represent ourschool’s culture. This installation iscurrently displayed at the museumbut can be moved to anotherlocation. The theme, represents whowe are in the community atChampion Charter School.

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JROTCStudents who participate in the BHS JROTC programassist special needs students who are learning to iceskate. BHS JROTC members also assist in the SpecialOlympics and volunteer their time as an Honor Guard atcity events and activities.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYGrade 11 and 12 student members of the NHS organize a Salvation Army Charlie Brown

Christmas Tree fundraising drive at Brockton HighSchool. The students obtain a wish list of holidayitems that needy children have asked for, and thenencourage students to purchase the items tobrighten the holidays for those less fortunate.The Salvation Army distributes the items to localchildren. The NHS students also help run a cannedfood drive during the holiday season. They end theschool year with their annual scholarship collectionin the name of Chris Regan.

KEY CLUBKEY Club is an international student-led organization providing members with opportunitiesto perform community service, build character, and develop leadership. The KEY Club corevalues are Caring, Character Building, Leadership, and Inclusiveness.

Serving the community is not something members do as part of a class, but somethingmembers want to be part of to make their communitybetter. KEY Club members volunteer whereverneeded and willingly and with a smile. Clubmembers receive no grade, no special recognition.They are young people who truly enjoy helpingothers.

The KEY Club projects involve schools, families andother agencies in the City of Brockton.

CITY OF BROCKTON - Brockton projects includejust about anything city organizations ask such as assistance with Summer Solstice,Summer Sunday, Tower Fest, Taste of Metro South, Holiday Parade, etc…

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BROCKTON SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - KEY Club members devote a great deal oftime giving back to their own school system whether it be assisting with daycare or takingpart in the many parent involvement activities in the schools. The help has been greatlyappreciated at Parents’ Academy Workshops, Family Health Nights, elementary schoolevents or evenings, and Parent Conferences at BHS and elementary schools.

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS - KEYClub members also assist other organizations:the students make cards and crafts for sickchildren in the pediatric wards of BrocktonHospital and Caritas Good Samaritan MedicalCenter; collect supplies for food pantriesduring the year; make holiday cards for U.S.soldiers serving overseas; and assist churchesor synagogues with activities like fillingThanksgiving baskets and staffing holiday fairsor events, as well as working with Brockton’sFuller Craft Museum. KEY Club alsoparticipates in activities with Brockton Kiwanis,Stonehill College Circle K, and other KEYClubs.

KEY Club sets aside special donation days atBHS for KPTI, Camp Sunshine and others.Brockton also has stickers for emergencyinformation that go on child car seats. Thesestickers, which supply the necessaryinformation for emergency caregivers, havebeen given to pediatricians and maternity

wards at local hospitals to help reunite parents and children who have been separated afterautomobile accidents where there was injury and the children had no identification. BHSKEY Club also distributes KEY Clubby Bears to the Brockton Police, Fire and AmbulanceDepartments to be given to young children involved in trauma situations.


During the holidays, at sporting events, and at any time throughout the year,Chartwells and Brockton’s Food Service staff give back to the community bydonating toys, clothes and food. The staff believes in supporting any eventthat will benefit children. These efforts help create a positive environment andstaff become positive role models. Being socially responsible helps improvethe quality of life for the students in Brockton we serve!

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Stonehill College strongly believes that an integral part of our students’ education lies in theexperience and knowledge they gain when partnering with our community, especially theBrockton Public Schools. In collaborating on service-learning initiatives, our communitypartners become co-educators for our students. Our community partners also support theCollege’s mission to educate not only the minds, but also the hearts of our students.

BROCKTON AFTER DARK - Stonehill chairs the Opportunities to Help Others PromiseTeam as part of Brockton’s Promise, overseeing the planning and facilitation of the servicecomponent to the summer 2007 B.A.D. program.

OPERATION QUIET COMFORT - This organization supports our troops overseas. One ofthe group’s premier projects is the Quiet Comfort Quilt project, which provides beautifuldenim quilts with messages of hope and peace to soldiers who have been wounded inbattle. A quilt signing block allows the youth in B.A.D. to decorate blocks for a quilt beforesending them off to be stitched and mailed to a soldier in need. Six service opportunitieswere offered to the youth participating in B.A.D. at the various locations throughout thesummer.

BEDTIME PACKAGES - Youth who were involved in the acting program recorded bedtimestories on audiotape to send to children whose parents who cannot read to them.

ASPCA ADOPTION CAMPAIGN - Teens designed and made “Adopt Me” bandanas forshelter animals to help promote adoptions in our area. Youth also participated in creatingbandanas for dogs and cats in animal shelters during Summer Sunday in the Park.

POSTCARDS FOR DARFUR - After learning about the genocide occurring in Darfur, teensvoiced their concerns to our government by creating postcards and letters to local andnational politicians asking for an end to the violence. Also, children and adults signedpostcards at Summer Sunday to send to President Bush regarding the genocide in Darfur.

PHOTOGRAPHY/MULTIMEDIA OUTREACH: MENTORING THROUGH ART -Stonehill students mentor Brockton 4th, 5th and 6th graders through photography andvisual arts projects. The program helps provide at-risk children with positive role models.Since its inception in 1998, more than 200 children have taken part in the program, which isthe result of collaboration between Stonehill, the Brockton Public Schools, Brockton PoliceDepartment and the District Attorney’s Office.

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BSC provided students for numerous events in the schools:

Make A Difference Day at Plouffe SchoolFirst Fridays of Service

Brockton High School/TERI Program – Upward BoundSchool on Wheels

West Jr. High Schools Parent Teacher NightStudent Mentors for Turning Point Program


East and North Junior High Schools Girls Mentoring Club

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Brockton Police DepartmentBrockton Fire DepartmentBrockton Elderly ServicesBrockton Public LibrariesBrockton Boys & Girls ClubBrockton Garden ClubBrockton Neighborhood Health CenterBrockton Shoe CityBrockton Adult Day Care CenterBrockton D.W. Field ParkProject Guardian AngelsAmerican Heart AssociationAnton’s CleanersUNICEFSt. Jude’s Childrens HospitalColonel Daniel Marr Boys & Girls ClubDavid Jon Louison CenterSignature Healthcare Brockton HospitalCaritas Christi Good Medical CenterSalvation ArmyCharity Guild Food PantryMainspring HouseBayPointe Rehabilitation & Skilled Care CenterSusan G. Komen Breast Cancer FoundationBirthday WishesSpecial Kindness in Packages, Inc.St. Joseph’s ManorParkwell Nursing HomeUnder The Tree FoundationDana Farber Jimmy FundShriners HospitalBoston Children’s HospitalSt. Edith Stein Food PantryMater Dei Adult Day Care CenterBooks for Troops – Got BooksLymphoma and Leukemia Foundation

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Helping people makes me happy and feels like a goodluck charm is added to my life.Thao, Grade 8

When I help others, it makes me feel happy and like I amhelping the world.Lace, Grade 8

The recycle program really makes me feel good becausewe are helping the community and the earth.Michael, Grade 5

We learned a lot about bullying. It felt good to showother students that it is not nice to bully people.Brian, Grade 6

When we did the Thanksgiving baskets, I felt good.Now that I’m a Peer Leader, I feel like a hero.Paul, Grade 6

Being part of a community that helps other peoplemakes me feel like a good person.Taylor, Grade 7

I felt as if I was sprinkling joy on someone’s life. It made me feel like a hero. It may havebeen a little to others, but I’m glad that to a family I helped it was a lot.Khalea, Grade 8

Service is what life is all about.— Marian Wright Edelman

The highest of distinctions is service to others. — King George VI

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. — Mother Teresa


Words simply cannot express our gratitude to everychild, teacher, and faculty member who participated insupporting The Charity Guild. Your donations havereached many.

Patricia Gates - MacchioniExecutive Director – The Charity Guild

All too often we hear kids say that what they are learning in school has nothing to dowith the “real world”. Through CSL they learn that everything they do school applies to thereal world. Children learn the value of volunteerism and civic responsibility. Our CSLpartnership with the Brockton Public Schools has benefited both organizations and enrichedthe lives of the children who participate.

Susan SpillerExecutive DirectorBoys & Girls Club of Brockton

We want you to know how much The SalvationArmy appreciates the help that has come from theBrockton Public Schools. When food drives have beenundertaken to benefit the Salvation Army Food Pantryit has been a great help! Our pantry is one of the mostfrequented by those in need in Brockton. These days itseems more families than ever need help. In the year 2007 our pantry served 13,094individuals that averages to over one thousand per month. We find it difficult keeping foodon the shelves but the food drives that you take part in are a great help in providing staplefood items for Brockton Families. Thanks again for all your help.

Major Kenneth KristiansenCenter for Worship and ServiceBrockton MA

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