Brightspace Ignite: Helpful Hints From the Helpdesk

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Brightspace Ignite: Helpful Hints From the Helpdesk

Kristen Lee

Dennis Hampton Jr.

Michigan State University

Randomizing Quiz Questions

D2L Generated Group Restricted Topics

Dropbox Group Setting & Due Date

Sending D2L Email

Questions MUST be added to the Question Library first in order to be able to randomize them on a Quiz.

If you add questions directly to a Quiz and intend students to receive a specific number of questions in a random order, the only way to accomplish this goal is to import these questions to the Question Library, remove them from the Quiz, and then add them to the quiz from the Question Library.

This is because questions must be within a Random Folder in order to randomize for students, and Random Folders only have an Import button for adding questions to them; they do not have a New button.

Choose Questions Per Attempt This is how many questions each student receives when

the quiz is taken and can be any number between 1 and X where X is the total number of questions in the Random Section folder.

Choose Points Each This is the number of points each individual question in

the Random section is worth. Only 1 number can be entered here, and as such, all questions in a Random Section are automatically worth the same number of points.

After clicking Done Editing Questions

Additional options include setting a certain number of questions per page (enter the desired number in the appropriate box and click Apply) and the ability to prevent moving backwards through quiz pages.

Always click Save or Save/Close once settings are entered as desired.

Using the Groups feature in D2L, you can:

automatically generate group restricted discussion forum topics

Tether group restricted topics to existing discussion forums

Create new forms and group restricted topics from one location

By creating a Group Submission Dropbox Folder and making this folder available to a group that contains all course students, all students will be able to see other student submissions made to the dropbox.

If this setup is implemented, instructors CANNOT enter grades for student submissions directly into the dropbox, as this would allow students to see other students’ grades. Instead, submission grades should be entered directly into a corresponding grade item in the gradebook.

The Folder Type option within the settings of a Dropbox Folder cannot be changed once the options on the Properties tab have been saved for the first time, so if you choose Individual Submission Folder and then later decide you want Group Submission Folder or vice versa, you would have to create a new Dropbox Folder from scratch to be able to adjust this setting.

When chosen, the Has Due Date option only marks a submission to the Dropbox Folder as late when submitted after the chosen date; it does NOT prevent submissions from being made at all after the chosen date.

The Has End Date option must be used in order to completely prevent submission to a Dropbox Folder after a chosen date.

There are multiple ways to send an email message in D2L:

The Email link on your D2L Home page

Under Communication > Email within a specific course

From within the Classlist of a specific course

We recommend using the Classlist option when sending D2L email:

Allows you to email your entire class quickly and easily

Allows you to filter certain individuals out of the email recipient list if desired

Automatically places all recipient email addresses in the BCC line to maintain privacy

Allows for emailing individual students or groups of students as well as an entire class

Kristen Lee

Dennis Hampton Jr.