Brief Response What was attractive about fascism to many Italians and many people in the rest of the...

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Lenin died in Communist Party leaders, including Josef Stalin, believed he would still be effective if put on display in a sealed glass sarcophagus, sarcophagus in Red Square, Moscow.Red Square

Transcript of Brief Response What was attractive about fascism to many Italians and many people in the rest of the...

Brief Response What was attractive about fascism to many Italians and many people in the rest of the world? Anti-communist/anarchist Dictator/one-party would bring quick law and order Dictator/one-party would use government to get things the country needed done without wasteful debate. Proud of the homeland Stalins Soviet Union (Russia)Soviet UnionRussia p. 440.. Lenin died in Communist Party leaders, including Josef Stalin, believed he would still be effective if put on display in a sealed glass sarcophagus, sarcophagus in Red Square, Moscow.Red Square Lenins Funeral Lenins Tomb Today Before Lenin died, he warned the Communist Party about Stalin.. Honors: Letter to the Communist Party Central Committee.Honors: Letter to the Communist Party Central Committee Command economy: Government officials make all the economic decisions (3) What to make Price Who gets it EC: In the Western mixed economy system, who makes the basic economic decision? (3) The free market Supply: producers of goods and services Demand: consumers of goods and services Collectives: All farmers lost their lands that Lenins NEP gave them. The state now told them what to grow they made no money from their produce. Farmers were allowed to keep their belongings and residences, but lost control over: (4) Farm animals Tools and implements Setting the price for their produce (government price) Keeping profits from selling their goods (they had to share with many other farmers) Kulaks: Farmers who rebelled against collectivization. Gulag System of labor camps where Soviet government sent prisoners. Goal was to kill many through hard, pointless work, starvation, and illness. Many Soviets cooperated with the government out of fear of arrest and going to a gulag. Five-year Plans. Stalin made goals that workers and leaders had to meet at the end of the time they were given (4) Building heavy industry Steel Power plants Hydroelectric dams Improving transportation Roads Railroads Increasing farm output Developing Resources Coal Petroleum Let us fulfill the five-year plan! Work for the People Stalins Five-year Plans were very demanding and had high quotas (number that had to be met). What threats faced workers who failed to meet the quotas? unsuccessful workers were arrested as traitors, many were imprisoned, some executed. Five-Year Plans: Success or failure? Failure: Government did not use supply and demand to decide production and there were massive shortages of the basic things people needed. Without competition, products and services were inferior in quality. The standard of living for most Soviets crept up almost unnoticeably. The government controlled all information and expression. EC (3) No free press News was approved or was written by government writers No protest was allowed Grumblers or critics were arrested and imprisoned or shot on the spot. Great Purge: Stalin feared opponents in his own party and government. In 1934, he arrested Communist Party members and activists. He replaced them with new people he picked. What kinds of people were targeted? EC (4) Military officers Industrial leaders Ordinary citizens Writers and artists Stalins purges succeeded in: EC (3) Eliminating critics and challengers Gaining total control of the entire nation Making sure all individuals knew what would happen if they did not obey The Arts: Socialist Realism: Art that showed Soviet life as good that communism was the best answer to everyones future happiness and safety. Painting, sculpture Young pioneers; future engineers WW II Memorial; Volgagrad (Stalingrad) Painting, Celebrating hard farm work for the people Stalin and the Party Planners, Watched over by Lenin.. Painting Work hard for the peoples success! Communism rewards those who help it! Architecture Central Train Station, Riga, Latvia Moscow State University Building Architecture The Moscow MetroMetro Russification: Causing other cultures to adopt Russian culture. The USSR was Russia (RSFSR) and 10 other ethnic states.ethnic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Atheism: Belief that a god does not exist. The Stalinist government believed that religion made people think less about the government. Women in the Soviet Union Revolutionary heroines such as ____ (Lenins wife) and were role models. (2) Nadezhda Krupskaya Alexandra Kollontai Women won social and legal equality (3) Education Wide variety of job opportunities Medicine Engineering Science Industrial Agriculture Equal pay The Soviet Union and the World: The Democracies did not like the Soviet Union because of the Comintern: greyThe Democracies did not like the Soviet Union because of the Comintern The Communist International, formed in Agents would promote Marxist revolution by helping revolutionary groups in other countries. They also encouraged colonial people to fight against their Imperialist masters. hwk image, 441 Question The output for each more than quadrupled. (