Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies · Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies for Elite Fitness...

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Transcript of Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies · Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies for Elite Fitness...

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies for Elite Fitness Professionals

John Berardi, PhD, CSCS

Being a fitness and performance coach, you likely already know that nutrition is just as important as training. However, there’s a huge difference between understanding good nutrition yourself – and teaching good nutrition to your clients. In this presentation, I’ll share with you my top strategies for moving beyond the same old boring (and ineffective) nutrition messages and delivering nutrition lessons that make a real difference in how your clients view food. If you’ve ever talked nutrition with a client or athlete, this is vital information you won’t want to miss. I hope you enjoy this information.


John Berardi, PhD, CSCS President, Precision Nutrition Inc.

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

The Precision Nutrition Coaching System

Developed by Dr John Berardi

What’s the difference between the good and the great trainers/nutrition coaches?

The ability to recognize limiting factors in your clients and remove them.

What are the steps every great trainer should take?

The Precision Nutrition System Establish a Network of Experts Preparing For the Client Collect preliminary client information Evaluating client information and explaining what it means Offering nutritional suggestions and providing a nutrition plan Offering nutritional supplement suggestions Setting behavior goals and creating monitoring strategies Making nutritional adjustments Providing Continuing Education and Support

What does each step look like?

Establish a Network of Experts Docs, chiros, nutritionists, massage, ART, etc. Preparing For the Client Focus on the coaching aspect of your job The 12 Coaching Qualities Learn Client Mindset (Skill/Motivation – Figure 1)

Understand the difference between want to and ready to change

Learn to overcome objections (Figure 2) Learn what you should know vs. what your clients should know (Figure 3)

Collect preliminary client information

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Assessments Initial Body Composition Assessment Baseline Stress/Recovery Assessment Initial Performance Assessment Baseline Blood Chemistry Assessment Baseline Visual Assessment Questionnaires Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Medical History and Present Medical Condition Questionnaire Comprehensive Client Information Sheet 3-Day Dietary Record Readiness for Change Questionnaire Kitchen Overhaul Questionnaire Social Support Questionnaire

Evaluating client information and explaining what it means Height, weight, body fat relationships Skinfold pattern, somatotype, and nutrition needs

Relationship between what a client’s eating and their ideal (increase or decrease but how much) Lifestyle patterns (high stress and nutrition link) Meds and training link (birth control, antidepressants)

Offering nutritional suggestions and providing a nutrition plan Based on client level – strategies change if 1, 2, or 3 (Figure 4)

Offering nutritional supplement suggestions Main goal, improve food intake

Essential nutrients when needed Part time supplementation? Setting behavior goals and creating monitoring strategies

Written down, specific/measurable, on a deadline, realistic, inspiring Behavior vs. outcome goals

Monitoring compliance/adherence Making nutritional adjustments

Outcome-based and real vs. perceived limiting factors (Figure 5)

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Based on measured results Body type specific recommendations for higher levels (25% carbs for endos up to 55% carbs for ectos) Providing continuing education and support Education

Biweekly lessons Grocery tour Kitchen makeover Sugar Lesson Fruit and Veggie Lesson Fat Lesson North American to Nutritious Restaurant Lesson Energy Balance Lesson

Social Support How do you roll it out? Client enrolls Initial Assessment (brings in Qaires and measures are taken) Initial Consult (Info explained, goals set, first steps taken) Check Up 1 – 8

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Figure 1 Client Type and Recommended Coaching Style

Client Type Coaching Style Description High Motivation, High Skill Delegate High motivation, high skill clients are typically the type who are

“good at everything” and motivated to get better.

The way to keep this type of client constantly involved and in tune with your process is to make them “active drivers” rather

than “passive passengers.” For example, with this type of client you should give them assignments and “research” to do on their own. You should explain to them that the truest measure of the most successful clients is there ability to learn, understand and

become sensitive to what works best for them.

In that, offer ideas and generalized concepts that you want this client to think about, research, or problem solve towards. Let them know that during the next session, you want to have a

spirited conversation with them about their findings. And follow-up by having these discussions.

Low Motivation, High Skill Inspire To be good at something, but lose your zeal for it, is often the

result of overwhelming internal or external pressure. And this typically categorizes the low motivation, high skill client.

Clients of this temperament do not respond well to over-critical

feedback or over-hyped rhetoric. To coach this type of client, you must find the glimmers of wisdom that inspire them to reclaim

their thrust for improvement.

To coach this type of individual isn’t easy and common coaching styles (Go, Go, Go, for example) just don’t work. To the high

skill/low motivation client, “rah, rah” strategies and training/nutrition strategy “pitches” sound like more work they

don’t have the time or energy for.

For this type of client you need to take the pressure off and find ways to ease them back into the coaching process through subtle


High Motivation, Low Skill Direct These clients do not lack for motivation so you won't have to supply any more to the equation. The problem, in fact, is likely

too much motivation.

This type of client may be so motivated (and yet so unskilled) that they risk making too many corrections or lifestyle transformations

all at once, and that can be both dangerous and limit potential long-term gain/success.

You will need to guide them through well-staged and progressive

steps so they get it - but don't try to get it all at once!

Low Motivation, Low Skill Guide This type of client is typically quiet, shy and introverted. So respect that and don't become their cheerleader. They aren't

looking for the loud, motivational coach who constantly tells them “YOU CAN DO IT” - they are looking for someone to provide

direction and develop a relationship at a pace that doesn't make them feel uncomfortable or want to “push back”.

Even positive reinforcement offered too hastily can be a negative

with a low motivation, low skill client.

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Figure 2 Client Objections and Responses

Objection Potential Response “I can’t eat 5 times a day, I do X (insert any

and every job here)”

Eating 5 times a day is simpler than you think. After all, you don’t have to cook 5 big meals every day. What if you were to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner like you do now and then have two easy-to-make liquid snacks or

energy bars in between meals? Let’s start with that.

“I heard on the news that I shouldn’t exercise for longer than 30 minutes at a time so I don’t want to do these long X

minute (insert any and every time frame here) workouts”

The latest information on body transformation shows that at least 5 hours a week of physical activity is necessary for improving body composition.

Even the US government agrees and they recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity every single day – or 7 hours a week – to stimulate weight


Now, with my help, you’ll be able to get great results with just about 5 hours per week. So let’s figure out how we can schedule your week to

accommodate these 5 hours.

“I don’t like the taste of X (insert any and every food here)”

There are a wide variety of foods to choose from and I guarantee that we can find some varieties of X than you do like.

Also, as food prep matters, I’d like to teach you some new ways to prepare

X so that it tastes better to you.

“Lifting weights makes me bulky and muscular really fast so let’s stick with


Unless you want to compete in endurance sports, it’s important to spend more than half of our gym time doing higher intensity activities like interval

exercise and resistance exercise.

But don’t worry, I’ll design your lifting program in such a way that you won’t bulk up. You’ll just get stronger and leaner.

“I can’t do X (insert any and every exercise here), it hurts my Y (insert any and every

body part here)”

Don’t worry; I’m going to teach you a way to perform this exercise, and a number of others, that work the same muscle group. Not only will this approach avoid pain in Y, it’ll actually strengthen this area. Eventually

you’ll be pain-free in this area.

“I can’t give up X (insert any and every food here)”

Oh, you won’t have to! While you might have to eat less of X, we’ll build it into your “free meals” – after all, you’ll get about 4 of them a week.

“It’s too much of a pain to exercise (after work/before work/during my lunch


There are a number of ways to accumulate 5 hours of exercise a week. Not all 5 hours have to be done at the gym, you know. So let’s look at your

weekly schedule and we’ll build your exercise schedule around it so that you’re most comfortable and you can still get your 5 hours.

“I can’t afford to eat healthy, it’s too


I know it seems like it is, but I can teach you some strategies for buying healthy food that help you save a ton of money. In fact, when I’m done with

you, you’ll likely be spending less money on groceries, not more.

“I don’t have anyone to come exercise with”

Well, during your training sessions, you’ve got me. And for the other workouts like cardio, intervals, etc. I can either hook you up with one of my other clients so you can motivate each other or you can just bring your iPod

and let your music keep you company during the workouts.

“A friend of mine at work is in great shape and he/she doesn’t have to eat this way”

I don’t really know you friend’s situation so I hate to comment. But since you asked, he/she may not have to eat this way for a few reasons.

First, he/she may have a much faster metabolism, allowing for a less strict

nutrition plan. Second, he/she may do a lot more physical activity than you. Finally although he/she may be following a different sort of eating

plan, they may still be following a plan and that’s why they’ve gotten such great results.

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Figure 3 What Clients Should Know vs. What You Should Know

What You Should Know

What Your Client Should Know

24 hour energy expenditure, blood sugar control, and the anabolic/catabolic hormonal profile can all be improved

by increased feeding frequency.

Eat every 2-4 hours during the day. This means 5 or 6 smaller meals per day vs. 2 or 3 bigger meals.

Doing this will help improve your body composition,

energy levels, and your health.

To optimize protein turnover, protein synthesis, thermic effect of feeding, and muscle recovery, most clients should be getting around 1g of protein per pound of body weight.

Eat 1-2 servings of lean, complete protein per meal. Protein foods include low fat dairy, lean meats, soy

products, eggs, and protein supplements.

This will help you reach your daily protein goals, improve your energy levels, and help you keep your metabolism


To control insulin levels and keep blood glucose levels constant throughout the day, low glycemic index/load carbohydrates should be eaten instead of high glycemic

index/load carbohydrates.

Stock your house with unprocessed, whole grain carbohydrates like whole oats, whole grain breads, wild

rice, quinoa, etc.

Keep processed carbohydrates like white bread, bagels, white pasta, white rice, chips, crackers, sugary desserts, etc

out of the house.

The closer the carbohydrate to its natural state, the better it is for your health and body composition.

To optimize dietary fat profile, your clients should be

getting 1/3 of their dietary fat from polyunsaturates, 1/3 from monounsaturates, and 1/3 from saturates. This

balance helps create a favorable hormonal environment in the body, helps to manage inflammation, and helps

support healthy immune function.

Add good fats into your diet every day. This means including foods like ground flax seeds, olive oil, flax oil,

avocados, and raw mixed nuts.

Also, one of the best things you can do is to include fish oil supplements (in oil or capsule form) each day.

To optimize health and reduce appetite, most clients

should be getting 10-15 servings of vegetables and fruit per day.

The phytonutrients present in these fruits and veggies have

been shown to reduce cancer, heart disease, and diabetes risk.

With every meal or snack, eat 1-2 servings of veggies. A serving is around ½ cup.

Some fruit can also be included but be careful as there are a

lot more calories in fruits vs. veggies

Different body types require different macronutrient intakes to maximize fat loss due to differing degrees of

glucose tolerance and carbohydrate/fat oxidation.

This is due to differences in hormonal profiles between ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs.

If you’re naturally slim, you should eat more healthy carbohydrates and less dietary fat each day.

If you’re naturally fatter, you should eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein and fat day.

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Figure 4 Nutritional Level and Approach

Nutritional Level Description of Level Typical Characteristics of Level Approach

Level 1 Sedentary individuals or individuals with exercise

experience who are completely new to eating well

Body Comp. Assessment reveals high body fat % (<18% men;

<25% women)

Kitchen Questionnaire reveals poor kitchen set-up.

Client Information Sheet reveals

poor grocery shopping habits.

3-Day Food Record reveals little knowledge of correct food type,

timing, and amount.

This type of client requires a slow coaching approach

focused on:

Basic food education and basic habit development - from

basic food selection lessons to grocery shopping strategies to

better meal planning and preparation.

Begin by making some general

food suggestions while teaching the client the

strategies required to support healthy eating.

Level 2 Sedentary individuals or

individuals with exercise experience who demonstrate some understanding of good nutrition yet need guidance,

planning, and direction

Body Comp. Assessment reveals moderate body fat % (<18% men;

<25% women)

Kitchen Questionnaire reveals average kitchen set-up.

Client Information Sheet reveals average grocery shopping habits.

3-Day Food Record reveals above

average knowledge of correct food type but average to below

average knowledge of food amount or timing.

This type of client usually has the basics down in terms of

food selection. They may do well at the grocery store and

may have no issues with food preparation.

However, this type of client

typically needs to learn more about moderating overall calorie intake, establishing

correct portion sizes for their body type, and eating the

right foods at the right times of the day.

General strategies may work

well here although more specific ideas may also have to

be introduced.

Level 3 Sedentary individuals or individuals with exercise

experience who eat the right foods in the right amounts at

the right times

Body Comp. Assessment reveals low body fat % (<12% men; <20%


Kitchen Questionnaire reveals excellent kitchen set-up.

Client Information Sheet reveals

excellent grocery shopping habits.

3-Day Food Record reveals above

average knowledge of correct food type, amount, and timing.

These individuals are typically already lean yet want to go the next step toward optimization.

This type of client likely already has a good

understanding of the principles of eating the right foods at the right times in the

right amounts.

They may also have excellent shopping and preparation


However, they may need very specific calorie and

macronutrient information.

And beyond establishing a baseline diet, they’ll also need specific strategies for making

outcome-based dietary decisions.

©Precision Nutrition, Inc.

Figure 5 Perceived Limiting Factors vs. Actual Limiting Factors

Perceived Limiting Factor

Objective Information Actual Limiting Factor

Inability to Gain Muscle Mass

“My client simply won’t eat more!”

Upon inspection of your client’s fridge, you find

that it’s frequently empty.

The limiting factor here isn’t appetite and isn’t

likely related to problems with meal size. The problem is grocery

shopping related. The client either doesn’t know

how to properly shop, doesn’t prioritize

shopping, or doesn’t plan regular shopping trips.

Fix this limit and the “too

little food” factor will likely disappear.

Inability to lose body fat

“My client goes out to party twice per week and drinks too much beer and eats too

much pizza.”

Your client has made the commitment to train with you so they are interested

in change.

However, when they’re not with you they have


The limiting factor here isn’t the beer and pizza.

It’s either the client’s prioritization (they

prioritize social interaction over physical change) or it’s social support (their

social pressure is too great to say no to the pizza and


Encourage them to enlist better social support

circles and/or discuss their priority structure

and their “too much junk food” problem will likely


Poor recovery from exercise

“My client just won’t increase their protein intake.”

After doing repeated diet assessments, you notice

your client doesn’t choose from all the protein

options at their disposal.

The limiting factor here isn’t likely your client’s

inability to eat protein, it’s likely their knowledge of how to increase protein


By providing the client with protein lists and

good cooking strategies for incorporating more

protein in everyday meals and snacks, their “just

won’t eat protein” problem will likely


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Figure 6 Client Assessments

Daily Measures Bi-Weekly Measures Monthly Measures Annual Measures

Subjective Recovery

Skin folds

Strength, Endurance, or

Sport Performance

Blood Work

Objective Recovery

Body Girths


Body Weight

Body Weight (if not


Nutrition for you The Precision Nutrition System Eat. Improve. Impress.

Precision Nutrition started with a single question: what exactly should people eat to 1) look fit, 2) be healthy and 3) perform to their highest potential?

To answer that question, we condensed 10 years of research, both from the lab and from the field, and the experiences of nearly 45,000 PN members from over 95 countries, including both everyday folk and Olympic gold medalists, all into one system — the Precision Nutrition System.

The Precision Nutrition System is a true comprehensive diet guide that includes the following:

Gourmet Nutrition, Volume 1. A complete cookbook containing over 100 delicious, PN-sanctioned recipes.

Success Guide. 10 success strategies guaranteed to help you get in the correct frame of mind and stick with the plan long-term.

Diet Guide. A comprehensive guide to nutrition. Everything is covered from food selection to meal timing to nutrition program design.

Quick Start Guide. Step-by-step instructions to get started on the right foot in under 45 minutes.

Super Shake Guide. Delicious shakes and smoothies that make great nutrition easy and quick, especially on the go.

Five-Minute Meals. Quick, tasty meals that can be whipped up in minutes, when time is of the essence.

Measurement Guide. Why measuring results is critical; exactly what to measure, and how.

Individualization Guide. How to customize a diet to any body type and goal, and how to use feedback from measurements to perfect the plan.

Maintenance Guide. Maintenance is often more challenging than dieting. In this guide we’ll show you how to keep the body you’ve worked for.

Support Guide. Make the best use of the support around you. And more…

Each part of Precision Nutrition directly supports the ideas in the attached e-book. So if what you read makes sense to you, you’ll love the Precision Nutrition System.

To take the next step & become a PN client yourself, visit us at: