Boot Camp 101 (Pack Up & Ship Out Your Civies- Put On Your Uniform!) 05/04/14.

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Transcript of Boot Camp 101 (Pack Up & Ship Out Your Civies- Put On Your Uniform!) 05/04/14.

Boot Camp 101(Pack Up & Ship Out Your Civies- Put On Your Uniform!)


Ephesians 6:10-18

Principles for every area of life –• The defensive is no good for combat.• The best thing the defensive can do is to avoid defeat.• The Royal Family was not designed for defeat – therefore, the offensive should always be our goal.• Defense always destroys a people.

•About all defense is good for is to buy time until you can crank up a good offense.• Fortune favors the brave (aggressive).• Victory in warfare does not depend entirely upon numbers or mere courage – only skill & discipline will ensure it (but it must always be skill & discipline for the offensive).

Ephesians 6:10-18

• Roman conquest of the world was the result of continual training in the art of warfare & exact enforcement of discipline.• Once a Christian soldier is fully equipped for combat, they are ready to meet an enemy – superior in every way in close combat.

• Nor can they be thrown off balance by the forces of Satan.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Understand this – when you take the offensive BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!

There will be storms in your life – there will be GREAT battles.

But, God will ALWAYS give you the resources that you need for those storms & those battles.

Look at Paul & Silas (Acts 16:22-24) – Striped; beaten; imprisoned; shackled; bloody & raw; hurting.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Did they React or Respond to their lousy, rough, tough circumstances?

They prayed & sang hymns at midnight (during the darkness of their situation – the dark night of the soul)! (Acts 16:25)Then came an earthquake!!! (Acts 16:26)The whole place was falling down around them!

The jailer thought everyone had escaped, & was about to kill himself (Acts 16:27).

He would have gone into a Christless eternity into the Lake of Fire.

Ephesians 6:10-18

But Paul said, “STOP! We are all here!

He fell down before them & cried out, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:31)

Because of the faithfulness of Paul & Silas, the Philippian jailer & his whole family were saved & on their way to Heaven instead of the Lake of Fire. You may even be a spiritual descendent of the Philippian jailer! Many down through time have become believers because of the testimony of this man who went to work one day not knowing what a change was about to happen in his life!

Ephesians 6:10-18But, that isn’t all that Paul went through (II Corinthians 11:24-28) -

• Beaten with 39 lashes of a whip 5 times.• Beaten with rods 3 times.

• Stoned to death once.

• Shipwrecked 3 times (once spent a night & a day in the sea before being rescued).

Ephesians 6:10-18

In danger in –• His many journeys• In the high seas; from robbers; from Jews & Gentiles; from false teachers• The cities & in the wilderness

Tired; work was overwhelming Long days without much sleep Hungry (many days of fasting) Thirsty Cold Inadequate clothing Concern for the churches

A really, really inviting life, huh?!

But the Rewards are GREAT!

Ephesians 6:10-18

There are 2 things that hinder us the most from “Standing Strong” – Expectations & Reactions!

Life generally doesn’t match up with our expectations –• There is a huge gap between what we expect & what we experience.• Disappointment is the gap between our reality & our expectations.

We get our expectations from our families, our cultures, & our entertainment.

Expectations cause us to try & manipulate others to conform to our expectations – it makes both parties miserable!We then react to one another – sooner or later, things really explode!

Ephesians 6:10-18

We must stop trying to manipulate others & start managing our own expectations.

Marriage is a great example – marriage is the joining together of 2 Old Sin Natures! Two dirty birds in a cage!• Marriage is about oneness – • Not who is in charge• Not “what are our distinct roles?” • Not “separate, but equal” • But, “you are me.”

The only expectation we should have in marriage (& in life) is Ephesians 5:21 (NIV) “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Ephesians 6:10-18Submission is not weakness –• It takes great strength & courage.• It is not something put on us, but a willing choice we make.• It is the willing choice that we make that, “I exist for you.”• “It is not about me, but all about you.”• True love is submission.• Love is not a feeling, but all about sacrifice.• Submission does not mean that you stop thinking for yourself – you can’t let the other person bully you into conformity to their way of thinking.

It is interesting that the 2 greatest passages on marriage (Ephesians 5 & I Peter 5) are followed by 2 great passages on spiritual warfare! Context is everything!The world, the flesh, & the devil will battle against you tooth & nail when you start trying to apply Biblical submission in your life – all hell will fight against you living like this!Simple question – “Whose happiness am I pursuing?”

Ephesians 6:10-18

In relation to all the armor, also consider the factor of vulnerability in battle –• Rome felt that it had been proven that beards were hazardous to the combatant.

•You can’t fight the enemy with unconfessed sin in your life – he will slit your throat every time! The finest equipment becomes neutralized.

•As a result, the Roman soldier was ordered to shave every day.• The shaving of the beard is analogous to confession of sin (Rebound).

•Shaving requires a mirror – shows how grubby you really are! See James 1:22-25.• When the Royal Warrior falls in for duty, they must be in fellowship – only in the filling of the Spirit can they accomplish the divinely assigned objective.

Ephesians 6:10-18