Book Review By: Richard Welcome ladies & gentleman.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Book Review By: Richard Welcome ladies & gentleman.

Book Review By:

Richard Welcome ladies &


My Favorite character is the KNIGHT because he 1.strong & 2.awesome & 3.cold he even has a Horse when he wears metal he can’t get hurt & theirs good & bad sides.

1.My favorite event was when they got to see the KNGHT, he rode them back to the tree house so they could be safe and get home2. that’s why that was my FAVORITE event,3. And when they saw the knight .



1.They went in the 1. they can go

back in

Tree house in the morning the past.

2.they had books in the 2. they saw a


Tree house in the past.

3.they can discose themselves 3.if they go

in the

as a knight. In the tree house they can go


It could have more action and more pages more chapters too. And have more pichurtes . More clues more words too.

It had some action awesome pichurues of knights its enjoying too and knights are looken real and theres suits too its short too but some people might enjoy it and some people love or like knights some I said…???!!!

Bybay you,vll been such a good adiace...