BONES Cast, Producers, & Writers Tweet Live

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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Bones cast, producers, and writers joined together during the January 7, 2010 rerun of THE PLAIN IN THE PRODIGY to tweet live. Here are the tweets I could gather while I enjoyed all their tweets.Those who were able to participate are:Tamara Taylor "Cam"John Francis Daley "Sweets"Michaela Conlin "Angela"Emily Deschanel "Brennan"Reider Larsen "Levi Yoder" Guest Star of THE PLAIN IN THE PRODIGYStephen Nathan Executive Producer & WriterKarine Rosenthal Producer & WriterHart Hanson Creator & Executive ProducerIan Toyanton Executive Producer & Writer

Transcript of BONES Cast, Producers, & Writers Tweet Live

Bones cast/producers/writers joined together during the January 7,

2010 rerun of THE PLAIN IN THE PRODIGY to tweet live. Here are the

tweets I could gather while I enjoyed all their tweets. If you get

confused or you don't understand remember that not only where they

all watch and tweeting about the rerun, but they were also answering

questions that fans asked. I did have to go back for some tweets that I

missed, you’ll notice that when you see TJ or Tamara ten times in a

row. Karine Rosenthal’s tweets are at the very bottom, because I didn’t

know she was participating until it was over. She has a newborn so she

wasn’t able to stick around too long. Enjoy! BONES airs ALL NEW

episodes started JANURAY 14 on FOX!

Those of the cast/producers that were able to participate are:

Tamara Taylor "Cam"

John Francis Daley "Sweets"

Ian Toyanton Executive Producer & Writer

Stephen Nathan Executive Producer & Writer

Karine Rosenthal Producer & Writer

Hart Hanson Creator & Executive Producer

Reider Larsen "Levi Yoder" Guest Star of THE PLAIN IN THE PRODIGY

Michaela Conlin "Angela"

Emily Deschanel "Brennan"

The bones that we use on the show are extremely accurate looking!

creeps us out now and again. :-) -TJ

Tamara is sitting with me, putting on lotion, because her computer

isn't working yet. haha. but she says HELLO! to everyone!!!! -TJ

"I wish I could be on there with all of you!" -Tamara -TJ

This could have gone very wrong. The Amish stuff could have been

AWFUL but good directing and great performances made it work.


I could listen to Tamara and Michaela talk about bodies and trains all

day long. -Hanson

TJ seems to be typing a lot so I hope you're hearing from him.


I almost drove a horse and buggy off the road my first time driving.


Yea, being a mom on the show has been a lot of fun. a little bit of prep

for the reatl thing. -Tamara

We got some nice letters about the handling of the Amish. –Hanson

Get ready for the next scene... Where John is setting up the paino keys.

TJ and I had a laughing fit for half an hour -Tamara

John Francis daley is playing Tetrus. -Hanson

Hart is typing so much he's sweating. –Stephen Nathan

I wish we'd cast Jason Mraz to be the stoner Amish kid. -Hanson

Tamara reminded me how we had a laughing fit with John during the

scene with the piano rocks. solid 12 minutes of fits of laughter -TJ

Ian Toynton, another Exec Producer is in the room staring at me as I

type. -Hanson

TJ said something so ridiculous. We are sitting here trying to remember


My most embarassing commercial job was a stay free maxi pad job.


TJ agrees that my character needs a love interest -Tamara

Michaela is doing this in her bra and panties because the room is so

warm. –Hanson

It's funny watch John put on gloves because he hasn't had season of

practice like the others. -Hanson

No normal human could have laid them out so quickly. -Hanson

The whole "Titanic" riff at the end of this scene was an improv by John

and TJ. -Hanson



I think the most quoted line in all of bones for 5 seasons is "I'll tell

booth". :-) -TJ

Not everyone thought the whole riff on "making an African American

walk the rails" was funny. But we are a politically incorrect show -


Eugene is like TJ. Underneath that jumpsuit he's built like Ned Flanders.

We'll try to find a way to get him naked for you. -Hanson

we are in Los Angeles, at FOX studios, together in a big conference

room, talking to all of you :-) Feels like a big partyhere -TJ

we are all sitting in this big room with the show playing on a large

flatscreen. trippy for us too! -TJ

Whenever you want a heart-wrenching empathetic face, cut to

Michaela! -Hanson

What was it like when you first started on #Bones? Was it awkward?

Me. They were all very welcoming and awesome. -Tamara

hahaha, more tattoo request, i love it :-) -TJ

Hart Hanson knows ALL! He's our OZ behind the curtain :-) -TJ

We're all sitting around the table -Michaela

We're wondering what's going on! -Michaela

Oh you're so sweet! I'm not as crazy as Angela... -Michaela

Angela's mom is Chinese and her dad is...ZZ Top -Michaela

I'm from Allentown originally. What about you? -Michaela

Boreanaz said he would call in if he could. Apparently he can't. And

Emily is STILL on the stage, working. -Hanson

When we used the angelator we were staring at nothing feeling cross-

eyed. The angletron is a lot eaiser -Tamara

Most of the Bones writers are in here. Stephen is snapping twitpics.


With no makeup! @Squarechicken just took a picture of me tweeting!


The lovely Tamara! -StephenNathan

TJ is waaaay off in the corner, doing his own thing. I think he's following

his stock portfolio. -Hanson

@TamaraT_Bones You don't need makeup. -StephenNathan

Just so you know, Stephen Nathan keeps hollering out everything he's

typing and doing. He's so noisy. -Hanson

I grow a beard like that every morning before shaving -Daley

My whole family is known for their beards -LeviYoder

You can imagine how much discussion there was about at what ages

our leads lost their respective virginities.... -Hanson

Emily has just entered the room! she's getting a computer now.! -TJ

Emily just showed up! -Tamara

Emily Deschanel is in the room! Still in wardrobe. The techs are getting

her set up now. -Hanson

TJ seems to be the only person in the cast that really knows how to do

this -TJ

Emily has arrived!! -StephenNathan

Kaitlin Doubleday on the screen. I worked w/ her.

#bones -Daley

we work very hard to be accurate and have a great technical advisor.


I am passing on your love to Emily and she's very touched. -Hanson

Emily is stealing blackberry's! -Tamara

Unfortunately team blackberry wins on set. I'm an iphone gal. -Tamara

I think it's fair to say that the response to this tweetpeat has been

shocking and very gratifying. -Hanson

Hello Bones fans! i just left set to be here. i hope you are enjoying this

episode -Emily

Am learning slowly how to use this fancy technology. I'm not used to

tweeting. -Emily

This is so fun, seeing everyone at their individual computers typing

away like mad! thanks everyone for joining us tonight!!! -TJ

those beards always look fake even when they are real! -Emily

Yes, I have a LOT of nicknames for the cast but I only mutter them to

myself under my breath. -Hanson

favorite brennan line: "stop or i will kick you in the testicles!" -Emily

i think i am very different from Brennan but there are similarities. i love

how fearless she can be! and it's fun to kick some ass! -Emily

thanks for all the love! international love, at that! i loved working with

my sis. the only problem: it was only a couple days.. -Emily

Hello New Zealand! Thank you for turning away from "Lord of the

Rings" to say hello to us on BONES. -Hanson

Time for the 6th act. Who dunnit? -Tamara

I'm pretty lousy with technical stuff in real life...Anything that needs to

be plugged in is a problem for me -Michaela

Hart Hanson is the most hyper middle-aged man I've ever met -Daley

I choose the songs, for the most part, but listen to suggestions. I'm

very capricious and opinionated. -Hanson

My picture feels like a mugshot -LeviYoder

WOW, you all are typing SOOO much faster than I am! If I've not

replied to you yet, I apologize. keep writing me!!!! -TJ

And looking forward to seeing Eric next Friday when episode 100 starts

filming. -Tamara

I am so sorry that I can't keep up with responses! Slow finger and slow

brains. -Hanson

John Francis! he has a band, and he rocks!! :-) -TJ

I love the phone scenes. They are the quickest to shoot. -Tamara


I was not about to give up that medallion -LeviYoder

i love this chopin piece!! i was so happy it was picked for the episode!


My favorite was definitely the Death Metal episode because I got to

dress like a sociopath -Daley


Alan Kroeker, who directed this episode, is an outstanding director.

This episode is beautiful. -IanToynton

Em is great to work with. -Michaela


I love you all for tweeting with us right now! LOVE from the whole cast

& crew of BONES!!! -TJ


LOOK MOM I'M ON TV! -IanToynton

I dare you not to cry in this scene. He looks angelic there, but I've seen

the guy playing Levi hack a kid to death in lacrosse. -Hanson

david is working on set, so i don't know if he will make it. -Emily

I think my favorite Angela moment was the first time we meet her in

the pilot. -Michaela

yes we are good friends!! i love Michaela! -Emily

I love this part in the ep, his playing the piano! I use to play the piano, i

need to take up lessons again! (ive been focusing on drums!) -TJ

Wow, that was crazy. And awesome. And awesomecrazy -LeviYonder

Thank you all for being a part of this. It's very cool to see all the

support -Daley

I'm sorry my tweets weren't more inventive. I'm used to working with a

script! -IanToynton

Angela has ended her celibacy here in the U.S. It's possible she is still

celibate in other territories. -Hanson

"What's that mean!!!" thanks HART and everyone in the room right

now! this was a blast! and to all of you who wrote in MWAH!!!!!!! -TJ

yay to everyone going veg and vegan!! thanks for watching this

episode with us! it was one of my absolute favorite! -Emily

OH MY GOD, DHarma and Greg! I remember that! I did 3 episodes of it

I think. ... -TJ

Michaela just lost her connection. she'll she back in a second -Tamara

Someday we will meet Booth's Dad. Not this season, most likely.


All the interns have their supporters. –Hanson

I have never been online on twitter, face book or anything until now.


My boss is sitting in the room, I can't squeal. -TJ

In the last ep I directed, there was a moment where David had tears of

laughter running down his face... -IanToynton

some good stuff coming up with me and Angie!!!! :-) -TJ

Lots of pranks. I once stripped down to underwear and walked into a

scene with michaela! :-) -TJ

WOW! FRIENDS!! yes, that was the 100th episode of friends that i was

on, and now, next week, 100 episodes of BONES!! woohoo! -TJ

its hysterical in here right now! looks like an I.T. room :-) -TJ

It's lots of fun! Show up, act with great actors on a great show, with

great writing, then play with slime and fun toys allday -TJ

I really liked shooting the first Christmas episode from Season 1


I find that the makeup we wears stays on my face after work -Daley

I'm debating whether or not to join twitter. I'm afraid I'll be stuck trying

to think of something clever to say. -Daley

The one airing tonight is a great personal favorite. -IanToynton

TJ is brilliant and can say ANYTHING! -StephenNathan

Little know fact: the kid who says "What's that mean?" over my

company name is my younger son. -Hanson

This was so much fun! -Tamara

Keep watching. A lot of great episodes in the pipeline! Goodbye


Alas, our tweeting has come to an end. Keep watching gang, there are

some great episodes coming up that I LOVE!!! see you on twitter! -TJ

OK, that's it for the tweetpeat. Very shocking the response! Beyond

everyone's expectations. G'night everyone! -Hanson


Karine Rosenthal tweets:

keep watching! we love our fans!


We hope to keep having a mix of different types of episodes.


This has been so much fun, but I'm going home to my baby. Thank you

Bones Fans!!

write LOTS of scripts for practice and eventually you'll have a couple

that could get you an agent.

probably Cam, though I've got a lot of Brennan in me.  

We have the best jobs!


I've been tweeting but my tweets were locked. whoops.


I didn't know how Eugene would respond to his subplot but he

embraced it and was so funny.


I LOVED writing this scene - I knew JFD would be hysterical

I'll go do it for you - he's right across the table from me and is very



I turned in this script and then went on maternity leave - it was so fun

to see the completed episode when it aired!