Blogger the new_look

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Blogger the new_look

Creating a Classroom Blog

Before You Start…Ask Yourself:

• What is my purpose?

• Who is my audience?

• How much time am I willing to give?

Current Tutorials -

BloggerHelp Video -

What's New with Blogger

New Streamlined Look

Accessing Blogger from D2Apps

From your D2Apps Menu:

1. Select More...Even More2. Scroll Down until you see Blogger

Create a new blog...Name It

1. Choose a Title

2. Choose the URL

3. Choose a Template

4. Click Create Blog

Blogger...Your Dashboard

Access your list of blogs:1. Click on The Blogger Symbol or

2. Click on "My Blogs" 



Blogger...start postingOnce you create a blog, you will be taken to your dashboard. This shows you any blogs you have created or contribute to. To start blogging, click on Start Posting.

New Post

Listing of posts

Blogger...New PostTreat a post like a small word processing document. Don't forget to click in  Post title

to put your title in. Format text, add pictures and hyperlinks. When you are done typing,

click on Publish to show your post to the world. Click on Save to save a draft that is

only visible to you. 

Preview will show you what it will look like before publishing.

You can add content in the Compose (WYSIWYG) or HTML (code) view. 

Post Settings

Labels: Separate each by commas...let you organize your posts by subject or category.

Schedule: Lets you set your date and time to publish your post.

Permalink: Help others find your blog posts in a search engine.

Location: Lets you set the location for that specific post.

Options: Lets you turn commenting on or off for that specific post. You can also adjust HTML settings.

A Published PostOnce you publish a post, you will be taken to your list of posts. Hover over a post and you will see options. Click on Edit to go back to writing in the post. Click on View to see what that post will look like published. Click on Delete to remove the post.

You can also click on the View Blog button at the top of your window.

Published post using the Dynamic Template

Commenting on a Post

Comments are at the bottom of each post

Returning to Edit Mode...If you are logged into your account, you will see a pencil at the top of your blog window. Click this to edit that post. You can also get to your settings from here. 

Look for the pencil in the upper right-hand corner if you are viewing your blog.

Click on the name of your blog in the upper left-hand corner to get to your blog settings.

Settings...things to think about

• Do you want anyone to see your blog?• Do you want anyone to comment?• Do you want your readers to be notified each time you

post?• Do you want others to contribute?

Control all of this in your Settings


Overview provides stats on your blog. You can see how many views to your blog, how many comments, posts etc.


Posts lets you see all the posts you have created for your blog, all published posts and lets you edit, view, or delete them. 


Pages are viewed separately from your blog posts. Pages are built just like adding a new blog post, but there is no date associated with them. Pages are navigated to from a Navigation bar on your blog. This can be on at the top or on the side of your blog. Home is your original blog site with your initial posts.

Creating Pages

To create a new page, click on the New page button and choose from a Blank page (internal link) or a Web address (external link). 

When you make changes to the Pages settings, be sure to click Save Arrangement.

Editing a page is exactly like creating a post. Add a title - this is what will show up in the navigation bar. Add content just like a post.

Pages...Viewing Options

Once a page is created, it will be listed in the Pages settings. You can Edit, Un-publish, or Delete it.

Set how you want your Pages links to be viewed under the "Show pages as" menu. This is where you say if you want your links to be across the top of your blog or along the side. You can also set your pages to not show. This is the default setting.

Be sure to click Save Arrangement.


This section lists all comments made on your blog. You can Remove content, Delete a comment, or mark it as Spam.

Settings...StatsThe Stats section shows you the same information as the Overview section, but with more detail.

Settings...TemplatesTemplates lets you change the look of your blog. You can customize fonts, colors and more.


You can change the whole look of your blog here. Make changes up above and your preview below will show you what your choices will look like. If you like it, click on Apply to Blog.


Change Name, URL, Privacy and more. Add specific authors to collaborate.

Settings...Posts and Comments

Settings...Mobile and EmailPost to your blog from your phone or email. Also get notifications about your blog 

Settings...Language and Formatting

Set your language and time zone information here.


Import a Blog

Export an existing blog

Delete your blog

Set up Site feeds

(create RSS for readers)

Create an OpenID URL

(lets you log into any designated site with 1 ID)

New...Dynamic View

Embedding Items into your blog

Embedding Items into your blog

Some sites that let you embed:• YouTube• TeacherTube• Voki• SlideShare• Animoto• Prezi• Popplet• TED• Poll Everywhere• VoiceThread• Glogster