Blog & social medias

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Le samedi 30 août 2014, AUTIC-Bénin, Association des usagers des Tics au Bénin a organisé la deuxième édition du Blogcamp Bénin à Cotonou. L'événement a rassemblée durant une matinée près d'une cinquantaine de personnes (blogueurs, journalistes, informaticiens, entrepreneurs, étudiants, passionnés de TICS et simples curieux) autour de la thématique, le blog : un outil d'expression de la jeunesse. Au cours de l'événement quatre communications ont été données sur différents thèmes. De l'initiation au blogging à la dynamique des blogs agricoles au Bénin en passant par l'écriture web et l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux.

Transcript of Blog & social medias

How to Use Social Media to Become a Better Blogger

Tiburce Chaffa !Tech & Startup & Investments!@ichaffa

Profession!al blogger, fly by night author, or any other type of writer; sometimes you are stuck for ideas (or opinions). Social media can help you out with that...

Step 1

Remember, you are a member of an unbelievably large network. Any social media that you subscribe to allows you to 'reach out and touch' people you don't even know. You can ask for ideas, thoughts, and opinions, and are pretty sure to get them.

Step 2


Use the social media by becoming part of something bigger. This will give you plenty of fodder for topics and writing

Step 3


Keep it short and concise. At least the title. Use it for grabbing interest. A lot of the social media limits what you can put in all at once, so that helps you keep it short.

Step 4


Use it to drive traffic to your site. Use your skill with interest grabbing titles and 'tweet' it, or 'like' it, or whatever else you like.

Step 5


Grab inspiration from it. There is lots of software out there that will allow you to keep current in a banner.

Step 6


Improve your vocabulary with it. Watch your contributions from others and your vocabulary will improve. Look up those words you are unsure about

Step 7

Find other bloggers. Use your social media network to find other bloggers. Become part of their network and learn from them!

Step 8!

Practice writing headline titles. Think two or three times before hitting the enter key.

Step 9

Use your network to ask for help. Ask for topic ideas, for ways to flesh out an existing article, etc.

Step 10


Use the social media to get feedback. There are a lot of people out there with something to say, so encourage them to say it!

Step 11

Market yourself. Get the word out. Good work speaks for itself, but social media helps you to get others to find it!

Step 12

Use it to battle those writer's block! Having trouble coming up with something to write the social media and check out trending topics!

Step 13

Update your blogs. Use the social media to 'keep you honest'. If you have an audience, you are more likely to keep everything current.

Step 14

Proofread. Knowing that you are liable to get a lot of views quicker should give you that extra encouragement to make sure your I's are dotted and your T's are crossed!