Blockchain-Assisted Secure Device Authentication for Cross secure communication among them is...

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Blockchain-Assisted Secure Device Authenticationfor Cross-Domain Industrial IoT

Meng Shen , Member, IEEE, Huisen Liu, Liehuang Zhu , Member, IEEE, Ke Xu, Senior Member, IEEE,

Hongbo Yu, Xiaojiang Du , Fellow, IEEE, and Mohsen Guizani , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is considered asone of the most promising revolutionary technologies to promptsmart manufacturing and increase productivity. With manu-facturing being more complicated and sophisticated, an entiremanufacturing process usually involves several different admin-istrative IoT domains (e.g., factories). Devices from differentdomains collaborate on the same task, which raises greatsecurity and privacy concerns about device-to-device commu-nications. Existing authentication approaches may result inheavy key management overhead or rely on a trusted thirdparty. Thus, security and privacy issues during communicationremain unsolved but imperative. In this paper, we present anefficient blockchain-assisted secure device authentication mech-anism BASA for cross-domain IIoT. Specifically, consortiumblockchain is introduced to construct trust among differentdomains. Identity-based signature (IBS) is exploited duringthe authentication process. To preserve the privacy of devices,we design an identity management mechanism, which can realizethat devices being authenticated remain anonymous. Besides,session keys between two parties are negotiated, which cansecure the subsequent communications. Extensive experimentshave been conducted to show the effectiveness and efficiency ofthe proposed mechanism.

Index Terms— Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), securecross-domain authentication, key agreement, consortiumblockchain, identity-based cryptography.


W ITH the proposal of Industry 4.0 [1] and other similarconcepts [2] mentioned frequently in recent years,

Manuscript received July 16, 2019; revised January 14, 2020; acceptedFebruary 26, 2020. Date of publication March 16, 2020; date of current versionMay 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Key Researchand Development Program of China under Grant 2018YFB0803405, in partby the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61972039,Grant 61932016, and Grant 61872041, in part by the Beijing Natural ScienceFoundation under Grant 4192050, in part by China National Funds for Distin-guished Young Scientists under Grant 61825204, in part by the Beijing Out-standing Young Scientist Program under Grant BJJWZYJH01201910003011,and in part by the Beijing National Research Center for Information Scienceand Technology (BNRist) under Grant BNR2019RC01011. (Correspondingauthor: Liehuang Zhu.)

Meng Shen, Huisen Liu, and Liehuang Zhu are with the School of ComputerScience, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China (;;

Ke Xu and Hongbo Yu are with the Beijing National Research Center forInformation Science and Technology (BNRist), Tsinghua University, Beijing100084, China, and also with the Department of Computer Science, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail:;

Xiaojiang Du is with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences,Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA (e-mail:

Mohsen Guizani is with the Department of Computer Science and Engi-neering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (e-mail:

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2020.2980916

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is deemed as one ofthe crucial enabling technologies [3] to put these conceptsinto practice. It not only connects devices but also linksthem to the Internet, providing diverse services [4]–[6]for manufacturing.These Internet services are usually pro-vided with privacy-preserving under cloud-based environ-ment [7], [8]. Inter-connectivity makes it possible fordevices to work collaboratively to significantly improveefficiency and productivity with the assistance of Internetservices.

It has become a trend that devices inside an administrativedomain (e.g., factory) using IIoT technologies connect toautomate manufacturing tasks, which can significantly improveproductivity and reduce management cost. However, it is hardto have a complete product manufactured in a standalonedomain as manufacturing is getting more sophisticated. Theentire production process is more likely to be spanned acrossseveral domains that have a cooperation relationship. In sucha scenario, devices located in different domains need tocommunicate with each other to exchange information forbetter collaboration.

Although devices in different domains can be easily con-nected via widely-used networking infrastructures, establish-ing secure communication among them is a non-trivial taskbecause quite a few issues on trust and security remainunsolved. Domains do not necessarily trust each other as oneis usually reluctant to make its sensitive data acquirable byothers. For instance, a factory administrator will not allowits devices accessed by any device outside its administrativedomain without being authenticated. In fact, most existingauthentication mechanisms are built on well-known PublicKey Infrastructure (PKI) systems, where a trusted third partynamed certificate authority (CA) is involved to provide theroot of trust for all the PKI certificates. Certificates are usedto authenticate the identities of individuals, devices, and otherentities, but it may also introduce heavy management cost.Besides, CAs are vulnerable to potential attacks and prone tooperational errors [9].

Identity-based cryptography (IBC) [10] is a type ofpublic-key cryptography in which a publicly known stringrepresenting the identity of an entity is used as the publickey. In IBC systems, a trusted party named Key GenerationCenter (KGC) is responsible for creating the private key basedon the identity of an entity. This mechanism is widely usedin a closed domain, where an administrator has full controlof the devices in the domain. IBC cannot be directly usedfor cross-domain device authentication, as one domain lacks

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of control of devices in another domain due to the peeringrelationship among domains.

Consortium blockchain is a kind of distributed ledger main-tained by several cooperated peer nodes. It is a permissionedblockchain [11] whose network nodes have to be verifiedbefore joining the network. The structure of such participatednodes is similar to business partnership. These nodes do notfully trust each other, but they are regulated under certain con-tracts and work collaboratively. Blockchain has been used asthe supporting technology in multi-party solutions [12], [13].Thus, consortium blockchain can be exploited to constructtrust among different domains, where each domain has arepresentative node responsible for maintaining the globalledger.

The combined usage of consortium blockchain and IBC canbe a challenging task:

• Revocation of Identity. IBC uses the identity of an entityas its public key, which makes revocation of public keyburdensome and inflexible under the compromise of thecorresponding private key. If a user uses his email as thepublic key, it is unrealistic to forbid his further use ofemail account once the private key being compromised.

• Identity Privacy-preserving. The identity may disclose theprivacy of an entity. For instance, an adversary can easilyknow, by intercepting packets sent from or received byan entity, which type of services the entity accesses orwith whom it communicates.

• Storage Limitation. Blockchain techniques may introducetime latency as new transactions should be validatedand verified before being written in the ledger. Storagelimitation is another practical problem as block size in theblockchain is restricted to a certain size. These constraintsresult in a bottleneck in throughput.

To tackle the aforementioned challenges, in this paper,we propose a Blockchain-Assisted Secure Authenticationmechanism (BASA) for cross-domain IIoT. With the ingeniousdesign, the public key can be easily invoked if needed. It alsoenables a device to be authenticated by other devices in adifferent administrative domain without exposing its identityinformation. On this basis, the session key is negotiated forthe following information exchange securely.

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

• We propose an efficient and secure blockchain-assistedauthentication mechanism (BASA), which supports theauthentication of devices located in different IIoTdomains. Considering the storage limitation, we designoff-blockchain storage to reduce the data to be writ-ten on the blockchain, which eliminates the throughputbottleneck.

• We propose an identity management method to remedythe drawback of IBC to revoke the public key of an entitywhen the corresponding privacy is compromised. Mean-while, based on this design, devices can be anonymouslyauthenticated (i.e., without exposing its real identity) bythose in a different administrative domain.

• We propose a key agreement mechanism to negotiate ses-sion keys between a pair of devices. With the negotiated

session keys, devices can securely exchange informationto work collaboratively.

• We conduct security analysis to demonstrate the securityand privacy guarantees provided by BASA. We also con-duct simulation-based experiments to evaluate its perfor-mance in terms of computation overhead, communicationoverhead, write latency, etc. Experimental results showthe effectiveness and efficiency of BASA.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Section II reviews the existing authentication mechanisms andSection III states the problem. Section IV gives the overviewof the proposed solution, which is followed by the designdetails in Section V. Extensive experiments are conductedto demonstrate the effectiveness of BASA in Section VIand some discussions are provided in Section VII. Finally,Section VIII concludes the paper.


There already exist lots of authentication mechanisms forIoT applications. From the perspective of the key beingexploited, authentication mechanisms can be classified intotwo categories: symmetric key based mechanisms and publickey based mechanisms, which are summarized in Table I.

A. Symmetric Key Based Mechanisms

Symmetric key based mechanisms are known for their fastoperations of the cryptographic primitives. However, it isinevitable to have a secret key pre-distribution phase, whichis usually implemented by a Key Distribution Center (KDC),e.g., Kerberos [14], to reduce the risks inherent in the keyexchange. Message Authentication Code (MAC) is the mostcommonly used technique in symmetric key based authenti-cation mechanisms. Bellare et al. [15] propose two relatedschemes, the Nested construction (NMAC) and the Hash-basedMAC (HMAC), which are proven to be secure as long as thereis an underlying hash function. HMAC can be utilized withany iterative cryptographic hash function [16]. The problem isthat these mechanisms lack of scalability to deploy large-scaledevices. Thus, symmetric key based mechanisms are moresuitable for relatively small-scale IoT applications.

Public key based mechanisms possess good scalabilitycharacteristics. It relies on the fact that the keys are createdpairwise, and encrypted data by private key (public key) canonly be decrypted by the corresponding public key (privatekey). Public keys can be transmitted in an insecure channelwhile the private key is kept secretly on the owner’s side.

B. Certificate-Based Mechanisms

Porambage et al. [17] propose a two-phase implicitcertificate-based authentication mechanism for wireless sensornetworks. The cryptographic credentials are stored in edgenodes, which exposes the mechanism to cloning attacks. Theauthors in [18] propose a key management protocol for mobileand IIoT systems, which provides node authentication andkey negotiation. Elliptic Curve Qu-Vanstone (ECQV) implicitcertificate and the Elliptic-Curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH)technique are exploited in that mechanism. In [19], the authors

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develop an authentication and authorization architecture forIoT-based healthcare relying on the certificate-based DTLShandshake protocol and smart e-health gateways are needed.

There are also many other certificate-based mechanisms[20], [23], [24], which afford a lot to maintain the PKI andimplicitly put trust in CAs. However, CAs are vulnerable topotential attacks and prone to operational errors. Failures ofCAs have been observed all around the world [9].

C. Identity-Based Mechanisms

With the development of identity-based cryptography (IBC),researchers try to apply it into authentication uses. An identity-based mutual device authentication scheme is developedin [21] for power line communication (PLC). The complex-ity of deploying and managing authentication credentials isreduced as no public key certificates are utilized. Li et al. [22]propose an identity-based authentication for cloud computing,which is valuated to be more efficient than SSL AuthenticationProtocol. However, since the authenticated parties are cloudserver and device user, the mutual authentication of peerdevices is not considered.

Most of these authentication mechanisms focus onthe authentication for the single-domain IoT application.An authentication mechanism presented in [25] considers thecross-domain scenario. However, several security gaps of thework have been found in [26], in which improvements areproposed to satisfy the security properties of the applicationscenario. However, certificates are inevitable to be exploited.

D. The Novelty of the Paper

In this paper, we propose a blockchain-assisted securedevice authentication mechanism for cross-domain indus-trial IoT. We employ and extend the IBS techniques forcross-domain authentication without introducing any trustedthird party. In such a condition, public key certificates are nolonger needed, which reduces the heavy work of digital certifi-cate issuing, maintaining and revoking. Besides, we design aflexible identity management mechanism, which can efficientlyrevoke the identities (public keys) of IIoT devices and preservethe privacy of IIoT devices.


In this section, we first depict an application scenario withcross-domain authentication requirements, where devices in

different IIoT administrative domains work collaboratively.Then, we discuss the security threats which may occur andidentify the design goals.

A. Application Scenarios

As sensing and actuating technologies are rapidly devel-oped, IIoT is paving the way to connect more devices not onlyin a single manufacturing domain but also in more relevantdomains. Fig. 1 depicts a simplified application scenario wheretwo manufacturing domains are involved. These two factoriesmay be operated by two business partners.

Within each factory, IIoT devices equipped with sensors,processors, actuators and other components are deployed inthe production line. They can perceive the surrounding envi-ronment such as temperature, humidity, or sense the statusof products being manufactured. Further, they make decisionsbased on collected data to timely change their behaviors forreducing losses or optimizing product manufacturing. Twofactories in Fig. 1 participate in the manufacturing processof the same productions. During the manufacturing process,devices in such two factories need extensive communications.Thus, devices have to be authenticated before permitting othersto access their data.

B. Security Threats

The scenario described in Fig. 1 seems to be promising,as traditional single domains can be more open and intercon-nected, which can significantly reduce the management costand heavily improve productivity. However, several securityand privacy problems should be seriously considered.

As IIoT devices are connected to the Internet, they areexposed to many cyber attacks. When the sensitive sensingdata is exchanged over the Internet, an attacker may eavesdropthe packet using sniffing tools, which is known as eaves-dropping attack [27]. Besides, impersonation attack [28] isbased on the intercepted messages. Attackers may attempt toimpersonate as a legitimate user to deceive IIoT devices forretrieving sensitive sensing data [29], [30]. Also, an attackermay perform man-in-the-middle attack by intercepting mes-sages transmitted from the sender and forging different mes-sages to the genuine receiver. In such a condition, the attackimpersonates both the user and the server, which leads to heavydata leakage. Many other attacks [31] also exist as threats tosecurity, privacy, integrity, and availability in IIoT services.

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Fig. 1. A simplified cross-domain IIoT scenario with two administrative domains. These two domains usually have no subordinate relationship.

Besides, there is no administrative authority at a higher levelthat can bridge trust among domains. Traditionally, a trustedthird party is introduced, such as CAs. However, CAs areeasily compromised and prone to operational errors. Failuresof CAs have been found all around the world [9]. Worse still,CAs may corrupt with some malicious attackers due to thelure of huge benefits.

Furthermore, although devices in one domain cooperatewith those in other domains, these entities are very likely not toexpose themselves to others as they are not in the same admin-istrated scope and may responsible for other functionalitieswhose maximum privacy is needed. This identity informationmay affect the process of manufacturing and further damagethe benefit of that factory.

C. Design Goals

1) Cross-Domain Authentication: Devices are grouped indifferent domains, devices in a separate domain are supervisedby the central server resides in that domain. They haveto authenticate each other under a situation where no trustexists among them. To construct trust between devices locatedin different administrative domains, the participated devicesneed to authenticate each other which crosses administrateddomains without a trusted third party involved.

2) Identity Privacy-Preservation: Since devices may beinvolved in more than one task, for the secrecy concern,it is better to impede devices from privacy leakage. Thus,the identity attribute is expected to be preserved when devicesare authenticated.

3) Key Negotiation: Most information will be exchangedvia insecure channels such as the Internet, which are exposedto many malicious adversaries equipped with powerful com-putational and storage resources. However, transmitting datais not desired to eavesdrop. To this end, session keys shouldbe successfully negotiated before data transmitting.


In this section, we introduce the proposed solution ofauthentication and key agreement for cross-domain IIoTdevices and describe the main constructions. More designdetails will be given in the next section.

A. Architecture Overview

Blockchain constructs trust among different administra-tive domains. The cross-domain authentication mechanism isrunning on top of the blockchain. Specifically, consortiumblockchain is exploited underneath. The underlying blockchainis used to provide a consensus service on the state bindingdomain to its domain-specific information, which is indispens-able to devices in other domains for authentication purposes.Blockchain in this context is more likely to be a common andauthentic platform for domain-specific information sharing.

1) Identity-Based Signature (IBS) and Ephemeral EllipticCurve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) Key Exchange Techniques AreUsed During the Authentication and Key Agreement Process:Specifically, IBS is exploited to the authentication of devices.In IBS-based systems, when a device as a claimant requeststo be authenticated by another device as a verifier, the verifierhas to verify the validity of the signature generated by theclaimant using the public key of the claimant based on someindispensable parameters where the domain claimant resides.

2) Hierarchical Design of the Mechanism: Several rolesexist in the proposed mechanism, which includes IIoT devices,Key Generation Center (KGC), Blockhain Agent Server(BAS), and Authentication Agent Server (AAS). We groupthem into different layers according to their functionalities,which are illustrated in Fig. 2. IIoT devices and KGC areincluded on the entity layer as they are the least roles inIBC systems. BAS and AAS are two task-specific serverintroduced for agent missions, whose details are explainedin Section IV-C. Besides, two more layers are introduced,which include the blockchain layer and storage layer. Theblockchain layer can be treated as a common secure chan-nel for domain-specific information sharing. Blockchain onlystores the least information, i.e., domain identifier and itsbinding values consisted of a uniform resource identifier (URI)and a hash value computed upon the real domain-specific data.URI points to the actual storage file located on the Internet,where real domain-specific data are stored.

B. Entity Layer

The entity layer consists of the most components in an IBCcryptographic system, including IIoT devices and KGC.

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Fig. 2. Layered architecture of the proposed cross-domain authentication mechanism.

1) Key Generation Center (KGC): KGC is unique in anadministrative domain that is responsible for the managementof private keys of IIoT devices in that domain. Specifically,KGC generates a private key for an IIoT device based on itsidentity string submitted along with a request. The generatedprivate key is then sent back to the requesting device. Besides,KGC cooperates with BAS and AAS to finish the cross-domainauthentication process. It is similar to the central servermentioned in the application scenario in Section III-A

2) IIoT Devices: IIoT devices are manufacturing facilitiesthat have sensing, processing and executing capabilities. Theyare responsible for a specific manufacturing task or more.These IIoT devices have to send a request to their KGC forgenerating their private key once they want to be authenticated.

C. Agent Layer

The agent layer contains blockchain and authentication twoagent servers.

1) Blockchain Agent Server (BAS): Every KGC in anadministrative domain needs to build a node to maintain theglobal ledger of a consortium blockchain. The consortiumblockchain node encapsulates the domain-specific informa-tion into transactions and writes them into blocks. Thisdomain-specific information will be acquired by other domainsfor authentication. It would be overloaded if the ledger main-taining work is afforded by KGC. Thus, it is better to splitthe consortium blockchain node into a separate server. Thenode server only receives domain-specific information fromKGC and writes it into the blockchain. There is no doubtthat such a node server can be treated as an agent of KGC.In addition to KGC, BAS also cooperates with AAS tocomplete cross-domain authentication.

2) Authentication Agent Server (AAS): The IBS technique isused to realize the authentication purpose. The authenticationprocess can be divided into two key operations, i.e., signature

generation and verification. However, these two operations arecomputation-consumptive. Besides, in IBC based applicationscenarios, devices put their trust in KGC, who should bethe central server in an administrative domain and has fullcontrol of them. KGC owns the private keys of all devicesof its domain. Therefore, AAS is introduced to run signaturegeneration and verification operations on behalf of the request-ing devices. These two operations can be finished under thecoordination of KGC and BAS.

The functionalities that BAS and AAS servers provide canalso be substituted by KGC. For the sake of clearness andeliminating the workload of KGC, they are split from KGCas a separate server.

D. Blockchain Layer

The blockchain layer here represents the consortiumblockchain used underneath. It is a global distributed ledgercomposed of blocks encapsulating numbers of transactions,which carry domain-specific information related to differentadministrative domains. This information is shared by eachKGC in a domain and will be used when cross-domain authen-tication happens. The global distributed ledger is maintainedby a set of preselected nodes, each representing a KGC of anadministrative domain.

1) Domain-Specific Information Formation: In fact,the domain-specific information may contain quite a lotbytes. Considering the transaction latency and throughput ofblockchain, it is better to write the minimal information aslittle as possible. The domain-specific information written tothe global ledger formats is shown in Fig. 3.

IDdomain: A unique identifier distinguishing a domain fromothers.

2) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): URI is a universalnaming and routing method to locate a piece of resource on theInternet, e.g., URI can be a uniform resource locator (URL).

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Fig. 3. Data fields indicating domain-specific information encapsulated intotransactions.



URI here points to a file hosted on a cloud service, where thedetails of domain-specific information are stored.

3) Hash Value: Hash value is computed on thedomain-specific information file. Since the file is storedoff-blockchain and hosted on the cloud service governed by athird party, it could be potentially altered by a cyber adversaryor cloud service provider. The hash value on the blockchainis used to verify the authenticity of the real domain-specificinformation of a domain.

E. Storage Layer

Real domain-specific information is stored off-chain, whichincludes domain name, domain master public key, domainsystem parameters and a public key list of entities in thatdomain. Domain system parameters are illustrated in Table II.The public key of an entity is the pseudo-identity, whichis discussed in Section V-A. It is needed when an entity isauthenticated by others.

The real domain-specific information is stored in a singlefile (e.g., a JSON file) hosted in a cloud service, e.g., AliCloud,Microsoft Azure. To protect data from being modified by mali-cious adversaries, the whole file is hashed and the hash value isfurther written into the blockchain. Therefore, the authenticityof the data can be easily verified through the newest hash valuemaintained on the blockchain compared with the recomputedone upon the actual file.


In this section, we describe the design details of the pro-posed authentication mechanism.

A. Identity Management Mechanism

In IBC based systems, identity acts as the public key.Two kinds of identities (public keys) of a single entity

are introduced, which includes non-anonymous identity andpseudo-anonymous identity. They are exploited in differentphases for different purposes. The lifetime of these two kindsof identities is decided by identity policy of the domain.

1) Identity Policy: The identity policy is the setting of timewindows for the two kinds of identities. These time windowscan be dynamically regulated to fit the actual applicationscenario. The identity policy is maintained and controlled onlyby KGC. KGC generates a signature private key for an entitybased on the concatenation of identity and expire-time, whichis set as the current time plus the corresponding time window.

2) Non-Anonymous Identity: When a device is deployed,it gets a unique non-anonymous identity. Non-anonymousidentities are likely distributed by KGC in a regular rulefor a better management. For revocation purposes, duringthe deployment time, KGC generates a signature private keybased on the non-anonymous identity concatenated by anexpire-time and stores them in the deployed device. Usu-ally, the non-anonymous identity expire-time is long-lasting.Non-anonymous identity is used for devices to be authenti-cated by KGC when updating these two kinds of identities.

3) Pseudo-Anonymous Identity: A pseudo-anonymous iden-tity is generated by the entity itself. An entity randomlygenerates a number and concatenates to the non-anonymousidentity. Then, the combined messages are hashed into alength-fixed digest. Such a length-fixed digest is exploitedas the pseudo-anonymous identity, which is similar to theBitcoin address [32]. When an entity applies the signatureprivate key of its pseudo-anonymous identity, it signs thepseudo-anonymous identity using its signature private key ofnon-anonymous identity and send a request to KGC attachedwith its pseudo-anonymous identity and the signature onit. KGC verifies the signature and generates a signatureprivate key for the requester based on the concatenationof pseudo-anonymous identity and an expire-time. Usually,pseudo-anonymous identity expire-time is short-dated.

B. Authentication Mechanism

In the proposed authentication mechanism, the IBS tech-nique is exploited. An entity to be authenticated needs toprove its claimed identity by showing its knowledge of itscorresponding signature private key.

1) Unilateral Authentication: Only one pass is needed inunilateral authentication, where only one of the two com-municating entities is authenticated by others. A simplifiedauthentication mechanism is shown in Fig. 4a.

In the unilateral authentication mechanism, the authentica-tion process is initiated by the claimant ei and is authenticatedby the verifier ej . The form of Tokenij is:

Tokenij = Ni||IDi||Text||sski(Ni||IDi||Text),

where sski(X) means the signing on the message X using thesignature private key ski of claimant ei. Ni is a non-repeatingrandom number, used to prevent valid authentication infor-mation from being accepted at a later time. Text is not anecessary data field for authentication but it can be added forother purposes.

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Fig. 4. Authentication and key agreement model.

Fig. 5. Overview of cross-domain authentication process. Entity eAi in Domain A is authenticated by enity eB

j in Domain B under the coordination ofKGC, AAS and BAS in each domain.

Claimant ei initializes the authentication process by sendingTokenij to verifier ej . Upon receiving Tokenij , verifier ej

first ensures that it posses a valid public key of claimant ei.Then, verifier ej verifies Tokenij by generating signature onthe unsigned message and further comparing with the receivedsignature in Tokenij .

2) Mutual Authentication: If the communicating two enti-ties can be mutually authenticated by each other, one moreinverse pass is included, as shown in Fig. 4b. The form ofTokenji is:

Tokenji = Nj||IDj ||Text||sskj (Nj ||IDj ||Text),

After ei is authenticated by ej , the two parties exchangetheir roles, which means ei becomes the verifier and ej

becomes the claimant. ej initializes another around authentica-tion process, and sends Tokenji to verifier ei. Upon receivingTokenji, verifier ei first ensures that it posses a valid publickey of ej . Verifier ei then verifies Tokenji by generatingsignature on the unsigned message and further comparing withthe received signature in Tokenji.

C. Cross-Domain Authentication Process

In the proposed authentication mechanism, entities areauthenticated under the coordination of the three main compo-nents, i.e., KGC, AAS and BAS in each domain. The processof entity eA

i in Domain A cross-authenticated by entity eBj in

Domain B is illustrated in Fig. 5. Before starting the process,each domain is assumed to have been initialized, which means:

• System parameters in each domain have been instantiated,including the curve identifier cid, the parameters of thebase field Fq of the elliptic curve, the parameters a and bof the elliptic curve equation, the prime N indicating theorder of the curve and the cofactor cf relative to N , theembedding degree k of the curve E(Fq) relative to N,the generator P1 of the cyclic subgroup G1 of E(Fqd1 )of order N (where d1 divides k), the generator P2 ofcyclic subgroup G2 of E(Fqd2 ) of order N (where d2

devides k), the bilinear pairing identifier eid of e :G1 × G2 → GT (of order N), and optionally thehomomorphism Ψ from G2 to G1;

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Algorithm 1 Identity-Based Signing AlgorithmInput: Signature master public key Ppub−s of domain, system

parameters of domain, message M and e’s signature privatekey ske.

Output: Signature (h, S).1: Compute g = e(P1, Ppub−s) in GT ;2: Generate an random integer r ∈ [1, N − 1];3: Compute w = gr in GT , and convert the data type of w

into a bit string;4: Compute integer h = H2(M ||w, N);5: Compute integer l = (r−h) mod N ; if l = 0, go to step 2);6: Compute element S = [l]ske in G1;7: Convert the data type of h and S to a byte string, output

(h, S) as the signature on message M .

• Signature master key has been generated. The KGC ran-domly generates ks ∈ [1, N − 1] as the signature masterprivate key and Ppub−s = [ks]P2 in G2 is computed asthe signature master public key. Thus, (ks, Ppub−s) is thesignature master key pair;

• Signature private key generating function has beenselected and is identified by hid.

The authentication process is initialized by entity eAi of

domain A. Entity eAi first validates its pseudo-anonymous

identity IDeAi

. If IDeAi

expires, eAi computes an new

pseudo-anonymous identity IDeAi

. Then, eAi signs (using

Algorithm 1) on the created pseudo-anonymous identity andapplys for its signature private key from KGCA by sending arequest attached with the new created IDeA

iand the signature

on it. Upon receiving the request and the attached data,KGCA verifies (using Algorithm 2) the signature. If passed,KGCA generates signature private key skeA

ifor eA

i basedon signature master private key ksA and IDeA

i: KGCA first

computes t1 = H1(IDeAi||hidA, NA) + ksA over finite field

FAN . Then it computes t2 = ksA · t−1

1 and skeAi

= [t2]PA1 .

After that, KGCA sends a request to BASA for updatingits domain-specific information attached. BASA updates thecontent of domain A’s specific information file, and fur-ther writes a new record into blockchain by invoking thepre-deployed chaincode. When BASA receives successfullywritten messages from the chaincode, it notifies KGCA forthe success of information updating. KGCA then sends backthe generated skeA

ito eA

i .eA

i generates a message: M = NeAi||IDeA

i, where NeA

iis a

random number. To sign on message M , eAi sends a signing

request to AASA. AASA looks up skeAi

and validates it.If it does not exist or has expired, AASA sends a requestto KGCA for applying skeA

i. KGCA looks up in its local

database for skeAi

and sends skeAi

back to AASA. AASA

generates signature (h, S) on message M and sends (h, S)back to eA

i . To be authenticated, eAi sends an authentication

request to eBj attached with M and (h, S).

Upon receiving message M ′ and signature (h′, S′), eBj

sends a verifying request to AASB attached with the receivedM ′ and (h′, S′). AASB looks up in its local database for eA

i ’s

Algorithm 2 Identity-Based Verifying AlgorithmInput: Signature master public key Ppub−s of domain, system

parameters of domain, message M ′, e’s identity IDe, anddigital signature (h′, S′).

Output: Verification result: succeed or fail.1: Convert the data type of h′ to integer; if h′ ∈ [1, N − 1]

does not hold, the verification fails;2: Convert the data type of S′ to a point; if S′ ∈ G1 does not

hold, the verification fails;3: Compute element g = e(P1, Ppub−s) in GT ;4: Compute element t = gh′

in GT ;5: Compute integer h1 = H1(IDe||hid, N);6: Compute element P = [h1]P2 + Ppub−s in G2;7: Compute element u = e(S′, P ) in GT ;8: Compute element w′ = u · t in GT , converts the data type

of w′ into a bit string;9: Compute integer h2 = H2(M ′||w′, N). if h2 = h′ holds,

the verification succeed. Otherwise, the verification fails;

identity (public key). If not found or IDeAi

has expired, AASB

sends a request to BASB for the newest domain A’s specificinformation. BASB queries the newest record of domain Afrom the blockchain by invoking query chaincode and furthergets the newest domain A’s specific information indicated bythe URI field in the record. BASB sends the newest domainA’s specific information back to AASB , who then verifiesthe received signature (h′, S′) based on domain A’s specificinformation using Algorithm 2. AASB sends the verificationresult back to eB

j . Based on the verification result received,eB

j sends the authentication response back to eAi .

D. Key Agreement Mechanism

The key agreement mechanism proposed is intertwined withthe authentication process. We use the Ephemeral EllipticCurve based Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) key exchange tech-nique in the key negotiation mechanism, which can provideperfect forward security (PFS). Entities using ECDHE cancompute the same session key value by sharing their publickey while keeping the private key on their own. The privatekeys, which are vitally important to derive the session key,are never transmitted on the Internet and are further discardedwhen the target session key is achieved. Thus, no one cancompute the same session key except for exchanged entities.

A typical ECHDE key exchange process is illustratedin Fig. 4c. The two entities share the same ecliptic curveparameters, which are the curve equation E(Zp), the curveorder N , and the curve generator G. These parameters canalso be pre-shared through the blockchain. ei first randomlygenerates a number ri ∈ Zp as its private key and computesits public key PKi = ri ·G. Then, ei sends its public key PKi

to ej . Upon receiving the public key of ei, ej randomly picksa number rj ∈ Zp and computes its public key. Afterwards,ej sends its public key PKj = rj ·G to ei. At this moment, ei

and ej both have the complete data to independently computethe target session key. ei computes the shared secret keySKi = ri · PKj = ri · rj · G = SK . ej computes the same

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secret key SKj = rj · PKi = rj · ri · G = ri · rj · G = SK .Based on the computed secret key, ei and ej derive the targetsession key sk = H(SK||PKi||PKj).

ECDHE is vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attack asan entity cannot determine whether the received public key isowned by the valid entity or not. To defend against man-in-the-middle attacks during the public key exchange process,the exchanged public keys are embedded in the messagetransmitted during the authentication process. Specifically,a shared public key is put in the Text field of Tokenij andTokenji. Thus, the public key of each entity is signed usingits authentication private key, which can be verified by thereceived one.

E. Security Analysis

We realize entity authentication using the IBS techniquespecified in Chinese SM9 [33], which is a national standardof China published by State Cryptography Administration.The security of Chinese SM9-IBS has been analyzed byCheng [33] and is considered to be secure enough for com-mercial use. The domain-specific information for cross-domainauthentication is shared through consortium blockchain, whichis a tamper-resistant ledger under the support of consen-sus protocol and underlying cryptographic primitives. Thekey agreement mechanism exploits ECDHE, which providesPFS for communication. ECDHE is based on the ellipticcurve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP), which has beenproved unsolvable by a polynomial-time algorithm at presentand the computational hardness has been evaluated in [34].Combined with IBS, ECDHE can defend against man-in-the-middle attacks. Besides, the anonymity of the IIoT device’spseudo-identity is similar to a Bitcoin address, which chal-lenges computer forensics [32]. The privacy security of thepseudo-identity is more depending on the pseudo-identitygenerating hash function. The SHA-256 hash function has beenused in this paper, which has never been compromised yet.


In this section, we conduct experiments to evaluate theperformance of BASA in terms of several critical metrics,including computational overhead, communication overhead,write latency, and query latency.

A. Experimental Settings

We simulate two administrative domains in the experiments.Each domain contains necessary entities, which include aKGC, an AAS, a BAS and an IIoT device. The experimentalnetwork topology is shown in Fig. 6. All machines areinter-connected in a local network. The operations of KGC,AAS in each domain are executed in a single desktop withAMD Ryzen 5 2600X CPU @3.6GHz and 16.00 GB memory.The operations of BAS are executed in a virtual machinewhere 4GB memory is set, hosted on the desktop usingVMware Workstation 15 Pro. The virtual machine’s networkconnection is configured in the Bridged mode to be connecteddirectly to the physical network, which stays in the same

Fig. 6. An illustration of network topology in experiments.

local area network of the host machine. The operations ofIIoT devices are executed in a laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM)i5-4200 CPU @1.7GHz and 4GB memory, whose computingpower is similar to the widely used smartphone. Windows10 Pro 64-bit operating system and JDK 11.02 are installedon each machine.

All the proposed layers are implemented on the applicationprotocol layer of the protocol stack. We implement the mech-anism based on the HTTP protocol, which means exchangesamong different entities are encapsulated as payload in HTTPpackets. It should be noted that the proposed mechanism canbe easily ported to CoAP under the IoT architecture, as CoAPis similar to HTTP. More specifically, we implement themethods based on the Java JPBC 2.0.0 library, in which Type-FPairing is utilized to realize the R-Ate pairing. The simulatedtwo administrative domains use most of the same parametersexcept for the master key pair. The 256-bit Barreto-Naehrigcurve, Fp-256BN, is set as E(Fq) : y2 = x3 + 5. t is aninteger where p(t) = 36t4 + 36t3 + 242 + 6t + 1 and N(t) =36t4 + 36t3 + 18t2 + 6t + 1 are prime and #E(Fp) = N .The embedding degree k = 12. p is approximately a 256-bitlarge prime. Let G1 = E(Fp) of order N , G2 be the order-N subgroup of E(Fp2), and GT be the order-N subgroupof E(Fp12). The standard secp256r1 elliptic curve is utilizedduring the ECDHE key exchange phase.

B. Computation Overhead

The computation cost is firstly evaluated through theoreti-cal analysis on most time-consuming operations and then isevaluated through simulation experiments.

1) Theoretical Analysis: BASA is deployed in KGC,AAS, BAS and IIoT devices in each domain. They coop-erate to achieve the authentication and key agreementgoal. Each entity executes different cryptographic opera-tions involved in the mechanism. We summarize the mosttime-consuming operations performed in BASA. To evalu-ate the computation overhead, we count the cryptographicoperations including point addition in G1/G2, scalar mul-tiplication in G1/G2/GT /secp256r1, exponentiation in GT

and bilinear pairing, which are denoted by PA1/PA2,SM1/SM2/SMT /SMr1, ExpT and BP respectively. The restof operations, such as hash operation, integer addition andmultiplication cost little time in our test, so they are not con-sidered here. The numbers of time-consuming cryptographicoperations are counted in Table III. It is noted that operationsare not simply added up when combining authentication and

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key negotiation. Two signing and verifying operations arecombined into a single one as data for authentication andkey negotiation can be put together for optimization. The onlydifference between them is that they sign on messages withdifferent sizes.

2) Simulation Result: To record computational overheadin practice, we run BASA under the setting mentioned inSection VI-A. Table IV shows how entities in each domainundertake the computation burden, where eA

i and eBj represent

the IIoT devices. User (eAi ) and server (eB

j ) only afford a smallpart of computation cost. KGC and AAS afford the heaviesttasks, i.e. bilinear pairing operations. It benefits from the factthat KGC intrinsically hosts signature private keys for itscontrolled IIoT devices. Thus, it is reasonable to set an agentfor resource-constrained IIoT devices for signing or verifyingtasks. The results indicate that smartphone-like devices canafford the computation burden of BASA. It is noted that thebilinear pairing e(P1, Ppub−s) (line 1 in Algorithm 1 and line3 in Algorithm 2) is pre-computed when the system is initial-ized and transmitted to IIoT devices. Under such a condition,the bilinear pairing e(P1, Ppub−s) is only computed and storedas a constant value in IIoT devices, whose computation costis not included in our test.

To further demonstrate the advantages of BASA in consider-ation of computation overhead, we compare it with the anony-mous authentication and key agreement mechanism ES3A[23], CPAL [35] and LCCH [36] under the same setting.Generally, after the authentication process, the session keysare immediately negotiated before sensitive data is transmitted.

In the following experiments, we compare the cost time on theaccumulation of authentication and key negotiation process.

We first compare computation overhead on the user-side,whose results are illustrated in Fig. 7a. As Fig. 7a shows,the computation cost of all the mechanisms grows linearlyas the number of users increases since the computationaloverhead is approximate for each user. It is obvious that BASAoutperforms the compared mechanisms. Fig. 7b shows thecomputational overhead on the server-side. Similar to the user-side, the execution time for BASA on the server-side is lowerthan the compared mechanisms.

From Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b, we find that BASA costs approx-imate overhead on both user and server-side because it uses adigital signature-based technique to realize authentication andunilateral authentication is a symmetrical process. Thus, it isnot surprising that the user and server-side consume almostthe same computation power.

BASA performs superior to ES3A [23], CPAL [35] andLCCH [36]. To explain the performance gap among themechanisms, we further count the number of cryptographicoperations contained in each mechanism, which are illustratedin Table V. Actually, bilinear pairing operation dominates theoverall time cost. As Table V shows, the user and server-side inBASA afford no bilinear pairing operation. However, in ES3A[23], CPAL [35] and LCCH [36], the user and server-sidehave to afford several blinear pairing operations.

C. Communication Overhead

In this section, we count the communication overheadundertaken by BASA. eA

i sends its new generated 32-bytelength pseudo-anonymous identity and the 96-byte lengthsignature on it to KGCA and gets its 64-byte length sig-nature private key from KGCA. eA

i transmits the generatedmessage with 96 bytes to AASA for signing and receives96-byte signature. Upon receiving signature from AASA, eA


delivers the 192-byte length message and signature to eBj

for authentication and key negotiation. To verify the receivedsignature, eB

j forwards the message and signature to AASB .To be authenticated by eA

i and compute the same sessionkey, eB

j analogously performs the mirror operations of eAi .

The communication bandwidth cost for authentication and keyagreement achieves 1,536 bytes.

BASA affords more communication cost compared toES3A [23] and CPAL [36], which are 1,336 bytes,

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Fig. 7. Time consumption of BASA with varying parameters (AU:Authentication, KN: Key Negotiation).



1,232 bytes, respectively. However, BASA is morecommunication-efficient than LCCH [36] that costs2016 bytes. IIoT devices in each domain delegate signing andverifying task to AAS when running BASA. During theseprocesses, messages and signatures are forwarded betweenthe IIoT device and AAS. It should be noted that 1,132 bytesare transmitted within an administrative domain, which isusually a local area network.

D. Write Latency and Query Latency

Consortium blockchain is introduced into BASA as a trust-worthy distributed ledger for sharing domain-specific data.We record typically involved chaincode operation latency,which includes write latency and query latency. Write latencyis measured as duration from the time point the write chain-code is invoked to the time point successful messages are

returned. Query latency is measured as the duration from thetime point the query chaincode is invoked to the time pointquery results are returned. Based on the first-network in fabric-samples, we extend the network from 2 domains to 8 domains.Besides, the BatchSize parameter value is set to 0.05s.

Fig.7c and Fig. 7d show time cost raised by chaincode.Specifically, latency happens when querying data from or writ-ing data into the blockchain ledger. The simulated querying orwriting operations are concurrent within 90m imitating a prac-tical environment where a public key of a device is invoked.As Fig. 7c shows, time cost on querying data stays at a lowlevel, which is about 75-90 ms. It is noted that the numberof domains does not affect the query time because everytime querying data from the blockchain ledger, chaincoderetrieves data from the local copy of the ledger. As Fig. 7dshows, the time cost first stays at a low level no matter howmany domains are included. However, as the concurrent writes

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increase, time cost increases sharply. Interestingly, the moredomains are included, the earlier the sharp increase pointappears. It is reasonable that consensus time increases as theendorsing and validating nodes increase. It is noted that thewrite and query latency can be further reduced by exploitingsome optimizing techniques.


BASA introduces blockchain to construct trust amonguntrusted domains instead of putting trust in a third party.Besides, by utilizing the consortium blockchain ledger andchaincode, we convert the public key invoking process into ablockchain ledger writing operation, which makes the publickey invoking process easy in IBS systems.

There are also limitations in BASA. As mentioned inSection VI-C, the communication overhead increases as thedata exchange happens frequently among the KGC, BASand AAS servers. It is acceptable considering the significantcomputational overhead reduction. Besides, because of the useof blockchain, extra write and query latency of chaincode isneeded. Blockchain ledger stores the currently valid public keyof devices. Chaincode write operation means the invoking ofthe public key of devices or declaring of a new public key ofdevices. Chaincode query operation is the process of validatinga public key, which is similar to the validation of digitalcertificates through the OSCP online query. The blockchainledger is maintained by all the participant domains. Thus,the data stored in a blockchain ledger is more convincing thanthe OSCP source, which is only maintained by a single CA.


In this paper, we propose a blockchain-assisted secureauthentication and key agreement mechanism BASA forcross-domain industrial IoT (IIoT). Specifically, consortiumblockchain is introduced as a trusted platform for sharingdomain-specific information. An identity in IBS systems canbe easily revoked due to the flexible design of identity manage-ment mechanism. Further, entities in different administrativedomains can authenticate each other without knowing the realidentity, which can be used to protect the privacy of entities.Session key is negotiated by the key agreement mechanism,upon which the communication parties can transmit data ina secure channel. At last, the performance of BASA wasevaluated to demonstrate the security and efficiency.


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Meng Shen (Member, IEEE) received the from Shandong University, Jinan, China,in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua Univer-sity, Beijing, China, in 2014, all in computer science.He is currently an Associate Professor with the Bei-jing Institute of Technology, Beijing. His researchinterests include privacy protection for cloud andIoT, blockchain applications, and encrypted trafficclassification. He received the Best Paper Runner-UpAward from the IEEE IPCCC 2014.

Huisen Liu received the B.Eng. degree in computerscience from the Northwest Agriculture and ForestryUniversity of China, China, in 2018. He is currentlypursuing the master’s degree with the Department ofComputer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology.His research interests include blockchain applica-tions and IoT security.

Liehuang Zhu (Member, IEEE) is currently a Pro-fessor with the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Institute of Technology. He was selectedto the Program for New Century Excellent Talentsin University by the Ministry of Education, China.His research interests include the Internet of Things,cloud computing security, and Internet and mobilesecurity.

Ke Xu (Senior Member, IEEE) received the from the Department of Computer Sci-ence and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing,China. He serves as a Full Professor with TsinghuaUniversity. He has published more than 100 techni-cal articles and holds 20 patents in the research areasof next generation Internet, P2P systems, the Internetof Things (IoT), and network virtualization andoptimization. He is a member of ACM and has guestedited several special issues in IEEE and Springerjournals.

Hongbo Yu received the Ph.D. degree fromthe School of Mathematics and System Science,Shandong University, Shandong, China. She cur-rently serves as an Associate Professor withTsinghua University, Beijing, China. Her researchinterests include cryptanalysis on hash functions andMACs, the design of dash functions and MACs,cryptanalysis on block ciphers, and the design ofblock cipher.

Xiaojiang Du (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S.and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering fromTsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1996 and1998, respectively, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degreesin electrical engineering from the University ofMaryland College Park in 2002 and 2003, respec-tively. He is a tenured Professor with the Departmentof Computer and Information Sciences, Temple Uni-versity, Philadelphia, USA. He has authored over400 journals and conference papers in his researchareas as well as a book published by Springer. His

research interests are wireless communications, wireless networks, security,and systems. He has been awarded more than U.S. $5 million research grantsby the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Army Research Office, AirForce, NASA, the State of Pennsylvania, and Amazon. He won the Best PaperAward from the IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 and the Best Poster Runner-UpAward from ACM MobiHoc 2014. He serves on the editorial boards of threeinternational journals. He is a Life Member of the ACM.

Mohsen Guizani (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S.(Hons.) and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering,and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engi-neering from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY,USA, in 1984, 1986, 1987, and 1990, respectively.He is currently a Professor with the Department ofCSE, Qatar University, Qatar. Previously, he servedin different academic and administrative positions atthe University of Idaho, Western Michigan Univer-sity, the University of West Florida, the Universityof Missouri-Kansas City, the University of Colorado

Boulder, and Syracuse University. He is the author of nine books and morethan 500 publications in refereed journals and conferences. His researchinterests include wireless communications and mobile computing, computernetworks, mobile cloud computing, security, and smart grids. He is a SeniorMember of the ACM. He guest edited a number of special issues in IEEEjournals and magazines. He also served as a member, the chair, and thegeneral chair of a number of international conferences. Throughout hiscareer, he received three teaching awards and four research awards. He alsoreceived the 2017 IEEE Communications Society WTC Recognition Awardas well as the 2018 AdHoc Technical Committee Recognition Award for hiscontribution to outstanding research in wireless communications and ad-hocsensor networks. He was the Chair of the Wireless Technical Committee, IEEECommunications Society, and the Chair of the TAOS Technical Committee.He served as the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speaker and iscurrently the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Network Magazine, serves on the editorial boards ofseveral international technical journals, and the Founder and Editor-in-Chiefof Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journal (Wiley).

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