Bird Anatomy and Behavior Review

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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These 10 multiple choice questions review bird anatomy and behavior. Correct answers are on the last slide.

Transcript of Bird Anatomy and Behavior Review

BirdsAnatomy and Behavior: Vocabulary Review

What part of a bird’s anatomy is this?

a) Beak

b) Leg

c) Tail

d) Wing

Which word is NOT part of a bird’s skeleton?a) Skull

b) Tailbone

c) Wishbone

d) Feathers

Which word is NOT like the others?

a) Wings

b) Legs

c) Forelimbs

d) Arms

What one is hollow?

a) Bird bones

b) Bird eyes

c) Bird feet

d) Bird droppings

Which one is NOT slender?

a) Giraffe’s legs

b) Elephant’s legs

c) Bird’s legs

d) Table’s legs

What does ‘streamlined’ mean?

a) Reduces friction

b) Extremely light

c) Empty inside

d) Very strong

Describe an eagle’s wing:

a) Short and broad

b) Short and narrow

c) Long and broad

d) Long and narrow

What word is a synonym for ‘flexible?’

a) Rigid

b) Stiff

c) Bendable

d) Resistant

What DOESN’T a flexible neck help birds do?a) Fly higher

b) Look for danger

c) Clean feathers

d) Catch food

What is NOT a reason birds preen their feathers?a) For waterproofing

b) To be aerodynamic

c) To be hollow

d) To remove parasites

Correct Your Answers:

1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. C