BIOH111 SN01 Lecture IntroToHumanBody · PDF fileo Metabolism is the sum of all chemical...

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Transcript of BIOH111 SN01 Lecture IntroToHumanBody · PDF fileo Metabolism is the sum of all chemical...

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oCell Module

oTissue Module

o Integumentary system

oSkeletal system

oMuscle system

oNervous system

oEndocrine system

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Textbook and

required/recommended readings

o Principles of anatomy and physiology. Tortora et al; 14th

edition: Chapter 1

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o Session 8 (Lectures 15 and 16) -

Homeostasis and anatomy terminology


Lectures 15 and 16

An Introduction to the Human Body

Department of Bioscience

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Lecture 15:

Homeostasis – what is it and why is it important?

- negative and positive feedback loops

- homeostatic imbalances

Lecture 16:

Basic medial terminology used for the gross anatomy of the human


- Anatomical positions

- regions

- directional terminology

- planes and sections

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Life processes distinguish living things from nonliving things.

o Metabolism is the sum of all chemical processes that

occur in the body, including catabolism and anabolism.

o Responsiveness is the ability to detect and respond to

changes in the external or internal environment.

o Movement includes motion of the whole body, individual

organs, single cells or even organelles inside cells.

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o Growth refers to an increase in size and complexity, due

to an increase in the number of cells, size of cells, or both.

o Differentiation is the change in a cell from an

unspecialized state to a specialized state.

o Reproduction refers either to the formation of new cells

for growth, repair, or replacement, or the production of a

new individual.

What happens when one of these life processes does not occur properly?

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Human body can be studied on two different levels:

o Anatomy• science of structure

• relationships revealed by dissection (cutting apart) and imaging techniques

o Physiology• science of body functions

• normal adult physiology is studied in this text

• some genetic variations are described

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Definition: Anatomy is the study of structure and the

relationships among these structures. Anatomy is divided

into subdivisions:

surface anatomy, gross anatomy, systemic anatomy,

regional anatomy, radiographic anatomy, developmental

anatomy, embryology, cytology and pathological


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Definition: Physiology is the study of how body structures

function. Physiology is also divided into subdivisions:

cell physiology, systems physiology, pathophysiology,

exercise physiology, neurophysiology, endocrinology,

cardiovascular physiology, immunophysiology,

respiratory physiology, renal physiology and

reproductive physiology

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Clinicians use three non-invasive techniques to assess specific aspects of body structure and function:

o Palpation - the examiner feels body surfaces with the hands; e.g. pulse and heart rate determination

o Auscultation - the examiner listens to body sounds to evaluate the functioning of certain organs; e.g. listening to the lungs or heart

o Percussion - the examiner taps on the body surface with the fingertips and listens to the resulting echo; e.g. fluid in the lungs

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HOMEOSTASIS - revisionDefinition: Homeostasis is a condition of equilibrium or balance in the body’s internal environment produced by the interplay of all the body’s regulatory processes.

o Dynamic process – it is able to maintain the internal environment within specific physiological limits by responding to the changing conditions (e.g. volume and composition of body fluids; blood glucose level is kept within narrow range 3.5-6.3mmols/L)

o Homeostasis is able to respond to both internal and external environment disruptions (internal blood pressure; external CO2/O2 levels and temperature)

o First described by French physiologist Claude Bernard in 1865 and later named Walter Cannon in 1926.

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Homeostasis is regulated by the nervous system and

endocrine system, acting together or independently,

using feedback systems.

• The nervous system detects changes and sends nerve

impulses to counteract the disruption; rapid change

• The endocrine system regulates homeostasis by

secreting hormones; slow change

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Feedback system is a cycle of events in

which information about the status of a

condition is continually monitored and reported

to a central control region.

• Any disruption that changes a controlled condition

is called a stimulus.

Feedback system consists of three basic parts:

o Receptor monitors changes

o Control center sets the range of values within

which a controlled condition should be


o Effector is a body structure that receives output

from the control center and produces a response

or effect that changes the controlled condition

Two types of feedback systems exist –

negative and positive

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Negative feedback system reverses the

original stimulus.

E.g: homeostasis of blood pressure (BP; force of

blood on walls of vessels)

1. Pressure receptors (baroreceptors) in

walls of certain arteries detect an increase

in BP (what can be the stimulus?)

2. Brain receives input and then signals heart

and blood vessels

• Heart rate slows and arterioles dilate

(increase in diameter)

3. BP returns to normal

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Positive feedback system enhances the

original stimulus.

E.g: normal childbirth:

1. Stretch receptors in walls of the uterus send signals to the brain (what is the stimulus?)

2. Brain releases a hormone (oxytocin) into bloodstream

3. Uterine smooth muscle contracts more forcefully

4. More stretch more hormone more contraction etc.

5. The cycle ends with birth of the baby & decrease in stretch

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HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCESDisruption of homeostasis can lead to disorders, diseases and

death and can be determined using diagnosis.

o Disorder is a general term for any abnormality of structure

or function.

o Disease (local and systemic) is a more specific term for an

illness characterized by a recognizable set of signs and


• Signs are objective changes that a clinician can observe and

measure; e.g. fever or rash.

• Symptoms are subjective changes in body functions that are not

apparent to an observer; e.g. headache or nausea.

o Diagnosis is the science of distinguishing one disease from

another or determining the nature of a disease

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o Composition of the surrounding fluids must be precisely

maintained at all times. 2 types:

1. Fluid inside body cells is called intracellular fluid.

2. Fluid outside body cells is called extracellular fluid

(ECF); since ECF is in constant motion throughout the

body and also surrounds all body cells, it is often called

the body’s internal environment found in two principal


• ECF filling the narrow spaces between cells of tissues is called

interstitial fluid, intercellular fluid, or tissue fluid.

• ECF in blood vessels is termed plasma.

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Review videos

o Negative feedback:

o Positive feedback:

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Lecture 15:

Homeostasis – what is it and why is it important?

- negative and positive feedback loops

- homeostatic imbalances

Lecture 16:

Basic medial terminology used for the gross anatomy of the human


- Anatomical positions

- regions

- directional terminology

- planes and sections


This material will also be covered in the

tutorial that accompanies this lesson

Anatomical position

Body Cavities

Body positions

Abdominopelvic Regions

and Quadrants

Directional Terms

Regions of the body

Planes and Sections

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Anatomical PositionThe anatomical position is a

standardized method of observing or

imaging the body that allows precise

and consistent anatomical


o When in the anatomical position,

the subject stands.

• standing upright

• facing the observer, head level

• eyes facing forward

• feet flat on the floor

• arms at the sides

• palms turned forward (ventral)

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Reclining Positiono If the body is lying face down, it is in the prone position.

o If the body is lying face up, it is in the supine position.

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Regional Names

Regional names are

names given to

specific regions of

the body for reference.

For example: cranial

(skull), thoracic

(chest), brachial (arm),

patellar (knee),

cephalic (head) and

gluteal (buttock).

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Directional Terms

Directional terms are used

to precisely locate one

part of the body relative to

another and to reduce

lengthy explanations.

Commonly used directional

terms: dorsal, superior,

medial, and distal

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Directional terms: Superior/Inferior &


o Superior

• towards the head

e.g. eyes are superior to the mouth

o Inferior

• away from the head

e.g. stomach is inferior to the heart

o Dorsal or Posterior

• at the back of the body

e.g. brain is posterior to the


o Ventral or Anterior

• at the front of the body

e.g. sternum is anterior to the heart

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Directional terms: Medial/Lateral &


o Medial

• nearer to the midline

of the bodye.g. heart lies medial to the lungs

o Lateral

• farther from the midline

of the body

e.g. thumb is on the lateral side of

the hand

o Proximal

• nearer to the attachment

of the limb to the trunk

e.g. knee is proximal to the ankle

o Distal

• further away from the

attachment of the limb

to the trunk

e.g. wrist is distal to the elbow

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Planes are imaginary flat

surfaces that are used to divide

the body or organs into definite


Principal planes are:

• sagital

• frontal (coronal)

• transverse (cross-sectional or


• oblique

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o Sagittal plane

• divides the body or an organ into left and

right sides; 2 types:

1. Midsagittal plane produces equal halves

2. Parasagittal plane produces unequal


o Frontal (coronal) plane

• divides the body or an organ into front

(anterior) and back (posterior) portions

o Transverse(cross-sectional) or

horizontal plane

• divides the body or an organ into upper

(superior) or lower (inferior) portions

o Oblique plane

• some combination of 2 other planes

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Sections are flat surfaces resulting from cuts through body

structures based and named according to the plane on

which the cut is made (transverse, frontal, and midsagittal


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Body Cavities

Body cavities are spaces that

enclose internal organs within the


- function is to protect, separate and

support internal organs

- separated by bones muscles and


Principal cavities are:

• cranial

• vertebral canal

• thoracic

• abdominopelvic


body cavity


body cavity

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Dorsal Body Cavity

Near dorsal surface of body

o Contain 2 cavities:

• cranial cavity

– holds the brain

– formed by skull

• vertebral or spinal canal

– contains the spinal cord

– formed by vertebral column

o Meninges line dorsal body cavity

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Ventral Body CavityNear ventral surface of body

o Contains 2 cavities:

• thoracic cavity

• abdominopelvic cavity

o Diaphragm separates the two

ventral cavities

- large, dome-shaped muscle

o Organs called viscera

o Organs covered with serous


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Thoracic Cavity


1. two pleural cavities that enclose the lungs

2. pericardial cavity enclosed by the mediastinum, which includes

and surrounds the heart

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Abdominopelvic Cavity

The abdominopelvic cavity is divided into

a superior abdominal and an inferior

pelvic cavity.

•Viscera of the abdominal cavity

include the stomach, spleen,

pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small

intestine, and most of the large


•Viscera of the pelvic cavity include

the urinary bladder, portions of the

large intestine and internal female

and male reproductive structures.

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Serous Membranes

Include the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum:

o Pleural membrane surrounds the lungs

• visceral pleura clings to the surface of the lungs

• parietal pleura lines the chest wall

o Pericardium is the serous membrane of the pericardial cavity

• visceral pericardium covers the surface of the heart

• parietal pericardium lines the chest wall

o Peritoneum is the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity

• visceral peritoneum covers the abdominal viscera

• parietal peritoneum lines the abdominal wall

revision point – BIOH111 Session 5

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What is covered by blue box and represents white line?

Red box and represents black line?

Why are there only 2 boxes on the diagram?

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Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants

To describe the location of organs

or abdominopelvic abnormalities

easily, the abdominopelvic cavity

may be divided into:

• quadrants by passing imaginary

horizontal and vertical lines

through the umbilicus

• nine regions by drawing four

imaginary lines

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Anatomical Position

The anatomical position is a

standardized method of observing or

imaging the body that allows precise

and consistent anatomical


o Considering all the terminology

you just covered – why do you

think defining anatomical position

is so important?

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