Bio Mat Info Book 2014

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Transcript of Bio Mat Info Book 2014

© BioMat Source 2014

Calming Increase Flexibility Relaxation Reduce Fatigue

Reduce Stiffness and Pain Speed Recovery

Soothe Muscles Relieve Stress Rejuvenate Detoxify

The Amethyst BioMat ™ Negative Ion and Far Infrared Ray Therapeutic Treatment System

For Professional and Home Use

FDA Approved Far Infrared Thermotherapy Mat

Leading Edge Bio –Technology to support health and well-being

© BioMat Source 2014

Therapeutic Benefits

Reduces Stress and Fatigue The gentle warmth of your Bio-Mat gives you an overall massaging effect, soothing jangled nerves and knotted muscles. You'll feel rejuvenated and renewed, restored in both body and mind.

Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness Infrared Ray heat therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from many forms of arthritis. In addition, it has been proved effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and many other muscular-skeletal ailments.

Speeds Recovery The deep heat of your Bio -Mat helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing, relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscles, so they recover faster

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Improves the Immune System

Far Infrared Ray's deep heat raises your body temperature, inducing an artificial fever. As it works to combat the "fever", your body's immune system is strengthened. Combined with the elimination of toxins and waste produced by sweating, your overall health and resistance to disease is increased.

Increases Blood Circulation and Strengthens Cardiovascular System FIR activates enzymes that stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide a key biological messenger, playing a role in a variety of biological process. These include blood vessel dilatation, neurotransmission, modulation of the hair cycle, and penile erections. "The more nitric oxide produced in arteries, the more the muscles relax and increase in diameter. Blood pressure also falls in the process.

Burns Calories and Controls Weight As you relax on the gentle heat of the Bio Mat your body is actually hard at work, producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories. According to a Journal of the American Medical Association report, in a single Infrared Ray sauna session you may burn as many calories as you would rowing or jogging for 30 minutes. So you lose weight not just water.

© BioMat Source 2014

Improves Skin The Bio-Mat’s Far Infrared and Negative Ions penetrate the skin deeply, helping to detoxify impurities from the skin and lymph. In addition, exfoliation is greatly enhanced by the Far Infrared, rapidly removing dead skin cells. Increased circulation draws your skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface, rejuvenating your skin’s health and appearance.

Assists in Detoxification Far Infrared helps to detoxify the body in several important ways. Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built up toxins and waste. Daily sweating can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of an accumulation of potentially carcinogenic heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, sulfuric acid, cholesterol, and uric acid. In addition to sweating, far infrared is capable of removing toxins via several other bodily systems

Increases Flexibility

Tissues heated to 45° C exhibit an increase of length in tissue when stretched. This effect is especially valuable in working with ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, fascia and synovium that have become scarred, thickened or contracted. Stretching releases the tendons and ligaments and increases synovial circulation of viscous fluids aiding mobility and decreasing wear and tear to the cartilage.

© BioMat Source 2014

Shortens Performance Recovery

During strenuous exercise the buildup of lactic acid causes muscle fatigue and burning pain

Increased blood circulation stimulated by the far infrared therapy carries off metabolic waste products (lactic acid) and delivers oxygen rich blood to oxygen depleted muscles, so they recover faster.

The Happy Mat

After using FIR regularly patients report they are more adaptable to daily stress and feel consistently positive. Negative Ion treatments have been used successfully for the treatment of S.A.D.

Animals Love it too!

© BioMat Source 2014

Unique Combination of

Four Beneficial Bio-Energy Therapies

Far Infrared: Though it is invisible to the human eye approximately 80% of the sun's rays fall into the far infrared range. It is simply a form of energy that is directly transmitted into objects because of its specific wavelength. First discovered by NASA, scientists propose it is the most beneficial electromagnetic energy available for the human body, directly affecting all metabolic and cellular functions.

Negative Ion: Negative Ions are found in abundance in natural settings such as the seashore, waterfalls, after a rain or thunder storm. They have a refreshing and tranquilizing effect on our nervous system. The key players in creating the electric energy within our body are structures called ions. Cells create electrical energy as ions move from the solutions inside the cells of our body to the solutions outside the cells. This becomes the energy source that initiates body

functions ranging from muscle contraction to creative thought. Amethyst Crystal: It has been deemed "nature's tranquilizer" by many healers because of its effectiveness in relaxing not only the mind but also the nervous system. It is described as the crystal that works for clearing the energy blockages to provide the proper alignment of the Chakras and free flow of energy through them.

10 Hz Subsonic Frequency 10 Hz (alpha) brain wave pattern boosts the production and turnover rate of serotonin, a chemical messenger that increases relaxation and eases pain. Alpha waves also integrate both hemispheres of your brain for better communication and clearer thinking.

© BioMat Source 2014

Benefits of the Therapies

FIR Therapy has been shown to:

x Reduce pain, stiffness, swelling and inflammation x Improving lymph flow and the endocrine system. x Increase blood circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system. x Activate healthy molecular vibration with long-lasting, life-sustaining activity by

initiating enzyme activity. x Found to penetrate deeply into the innermost parts of the body, stimulating

healing and regenerating of cells, nerves and meridians hidden beneath surface, adipose (fat) and muscle tissue layers.

x Balance pH by decreasing acidity. x Help remove toxins and detoxifying the body. x Improve the Immune System x Reduce Stress and Fatigue x Improve Skin and Muscle Tone x Help control Weight & Burns Calories x Reduce Cholesterol x Normalize Blood Pressure x To attain a Deep Delta State of Relaxation

Negative Ions are considered to be "Natures Battery Charger".

Negative Ions are a major natural element that provides energy to the human body and have been shown to:

x Deliver a molecular level massage that accelerates and deepens all healing and cleansing processes.

x Increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy, (Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of “The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research” and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.)

x Alleviate allergies, migraines, and sinus problems.

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x Be the "Master Power Switch", which activates the body's entire cellular communication system and makes every single body function work better. (Nobel Prize in Medicine 1991 - Reviving the Cell - When the amount of Negative Ions in the blood increases, the function of the cell is activated. Thus increasing nutrient absorption, waste elimination, metabolism and cell function.) The reverse holds true if there is a lack of negative Ions, and too many positive Ions within a cell. Then, absorption of nutrition and elimination of waste material cannot be done effectively. As a result diseases happen.

x Purification of our Blood - Through research done by Dr. Tanaka in Japan, it was discovered that when Negative Ionization is introduced, the Ions in calcium and natruim (salt) in the blood increases, and the blood is purified by increasing blood alkalinity.

x To produce biochemical reactions that decrease levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.

Amethyst Quartz is "Natures Super Conductor".

Scientifically found to offer the steadiest and most powerful delivery of beneficial far infrared light waves and highest vibrational frequencies into the human body. Amethyst also aids inner alignment, balances inner body energies and clears energy blocks. Has been shown to:

x Aid with sleep

x Improve mood and depression

x Help with swelling and inflammation

x Detoxify the body

x Enhance relaxation

x Balance and stabilize energies located within certain areas of the body

© BioMat Source 2014

How it Works

BioMat ™ Amethyst Pro. contains more than 28lbs of amethyst crystals which naturally produce and are superconductors of Far Infrared Rays

x When the Bio Mat™ mx Amethyst is turned on pulses of energy ( ( DC- Current) radiate through the layers containing the Japanese Kurare Carbon Ceramic Super Fiber Material generating Long wave Far Infrared Rays (8-12 micron) that the human body can easily absorb.

x The superconductor properties of the amethyst crystals amplify these Bio Natural rays so they can penetrate the body up to six inches unlike most other far infrared technologies which only penetrate 1 to 1.5 inches.

x Bio Mat™ mx Amethyst also has a special feature of direct conduction of negative potential that transforms positive Ions to negative Ions inside the human body. This process changes the acidic condition of the body to alkaline which is its natural healthy state.

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Easy Touch Controls

© BioMat Source 2014


This activates the negat ive ions and a meth yst crysta l energy t reat ment on ly

Ionic Treatment

Begins when POWER ON button is activated. The gentle wave of negative potential is automatically released in intervals for better assimilation by the body.


� Timer can be set to 2, 4, 6 or 8 hour intervals. Perfect for overnight sleep sessions.

� This ensures the BioMat will automatically turn off at the set time to save energy.

© BioMat Source 2014


8 different settings

Controlled with the TEMP. ↑ or ↓ button

© BioMat Source 2014



Drink a large glass of water before and after your Bio Mat session to support detoxification and hydration. Alkaline Ionized water from the Alkal- Life Water System greatly improves results.

Power on: Negative Ions below 95° F / 35° C

No Far Infrared

Safe for extended use

• Refreshes, invigorates, and recharges the body • Alkalizes the body • Charges the immune system • Cools the body (helpful with hot flashes ) • Purifies and ionizes the air • Revitalizes the cells in the body

Blue: 2 settings 95°F to 104°F / 35°C to 40°C

Safest for Overnight and Extended Use

• Preventative Healthcare Support • Immune & Energy Booster • Useful for Headaches, Indigestion, Jet Lag • Relieves chronic symptoms (i.e. migraines) • Promotes restful regenerative sleep &/or power naps

Green: 2 Settings 113°F to 122°F / 45°C to 50°C

Gradually Increase 30 – 120 min

• Sports Training: Rehabilitation + Increased Flexibility • Injury Recovery • Cardio and Respiratory Aid • May Stabilize Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Hormones • Warm up prior to exercise such as yoga, sports, etc.

Gold: 2 settings 131°F to 140°F / 55°C to 60°C

Gradually Increase 15 – 90 min

• Joint and pain relief • Relieves stress, anxiety and trauma • Relieves insomnia + physic-emotional trauma • Enhances circulation, and hormonal balance • Speeds up recovery from injury and surgery

Red: 2 settings 149°F to 158°F / 65°C to 70°C

Sauna: Max. Heat Hyperthermia

Sessions of 30 – 60 min 1-2 x per week

* Before beginning allow 20 minutes for the BioMat™ to heat up to the higher-heat settings. For a deeply-purifying BioMat™ sauna, wrap the body in towels, and place several natural fiber heavy blankets on top of that.

• Detoxifying for toxic, viral, cystic & acidic conditions • Restorative support for metabolism, organs & nerves • Natural weight loss: Accelerates fat + cellulite-burning • Great flue buster: Supports immunity & regeneration

© BioMat Source 2014

Care of the BioMat

The BioMat is made of high quality, durable materials and with proper care and use will last for many years.

¾ The FIR and Negative Ions at the higher settings will sanitize the BioMat killing any bacteria or viruses.

¾ The mat may be vacuumed, or swept for any dust accumulation or lightly spot cleaned with a damp cloth if necessary.

¾ Allow the BioMat to cool prior to folding or placing it in the zippered travel case.

¾ Always fold the BioMat with the amethyst side in.

¾ The quilted cotton/ silk pad may be laundered in warm water with no bleach. Hang dry.

¾ Prevent massage oils or oils of any kind from coming in contact with the BioMat surface.

¾ Protect your BioMat from moisture/ sweat with the special Hi- Pora waterproof covering if needed. It will prevent moisture from entering the layers of the BioMat™ while transferring moisture outward.

¾ Prolonged use of extreme heat levels has been known to decay the plastic windows in the BioMat Surface. It is suggested if the highest heat levels are used to turn the heat off after use rather than leaving the mat powered on until the timer expires the electrical current.

¾ Important: Use only natural fibre blankets/ sheets or pillows with your BioMat as synthetics can cause the surface of the BioMat to overheat and damage the plastic window.

© BioMat Source 2014

Cancer & Hyperthermia

Involves heating the body to a temperature usually between 107 to 111 degrees Fahrenheit for one to three hours. Both require patients be put on a detoxification protocol for a week prior to therapy

Another way heat works besides increasing cell permeability is to damage the membranes, proteins and enzymes of cancer cells, making them much more vulnerable to anti-cancer agents--including herbal and nutritional agents, chemotherapy and radiation.

Local region hyperthermia is used for cancer of the breast and uterus; pulmonary and hepatic tumors and their metastases (spreading to other parts of the body); cancer of the pancreas;

neuro- endocrine tumors; cancer of the stomach, bowel and bladder; ear, nose and throat tumors; brain tumors; lymph node metastases and local lymphomas; and skin cancers.

Thermotherapy: Japan’s Nakamach Garden Clinic

• As the former director of Yokohama General Hospital, and head of the Nakamachi

Garden Clinic, Dr. Yoshimizu established a medical plan that combines thermotherapy with physical and immune reinforcement therapy. Thermotherapy is a treatment option that focuses on the fact that cancer cells are heat-sensitive.

• Dr. Yoshimizu utilizes the BioMat (hot gemstone therapy) as a thermotherapy treatment in their medical clinic in Japan.

• Dr. Yoshimizu notes that hot gemstone therapy is also beneficial for the treatment of rheumatism, neurotic pain, and depression.

• An interesting thermotherapy protocol at the clinic is the use of an Amethyst Pro BioMat and a Mini-BioMat on top of the patient.

• The user can fit the cancer mass, as in breast or prostate cancers, between these two BioMats to increase the local temperatures.

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Highly acclaimed Japanese medical doctor Nobuhiro Yoshimizu is releasing his latest information on how exposure to far infrared rays is the key to preventing metastatic cancers and strengthening the immunity. The book includes Bio-Mat information covering medical usage, protocols, and report of findings during clinical trials of BioMat usage at the Nakamachi Garden Clinic for cancer patients.

“In addition, it is inexpensive and can also be used every day. There are no side effects and anyone can improve their autonomic nervous system by 100% and feel the difference starting from the day they use it. There was a case that cured prostate and breast cancer within 2 to 3 months. A patient who had been given just a few months to live ended up living for more than one year.”

Ask your BioMat distributor for a copy today!