BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores

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Transcript of BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores

  • 8/2/2019 BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores


  • 8/2/2019 BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores


  • 8/2/2019 BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores


    National Guidelines for

    Digital Modelling

  • 8/2/2019 BIM Guidelines Book 191109 Lores




    Icon.Net Pty Ltd 2009

    Cooperative Research Centre or Construction InnovationLevel 9, L Block, QUT Gardens Point

    2 George Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000 AustraliaTelephone: +61 7 3138 1393Web:

    The inormation provided in this document is or inormation only.

    All intellectual property in the ideas, concepts and design or this publication belongs to Icon.Net Pty Ltd.

    The authors, the Cooperative Research Centre or Construction Innovation, Icon.Net Pty Ltd, and their respectiveboards, stakeholders, ocers, employees and agents make no representation or warranty concerning the accuracyor completeness o the inormation in this work. To the extent permissible by law, the aorementioned personsexclude all implied conditions or warranties and disclaim all liability or any loss or damage or other consequenceshowsoever arising rom the use o the inormation in this book.

    First published 2009 by the Cooperative Research Centre or Construction Innovation, or Icon.Net Pty Ltd.

    For urther inormation on Construction Innovation publications, please visit:

    Recommended Retail Price $66.00 (incl. GST)

    ISBN 978-0-9803503-0-2

    Cover credit: Architectus + Ingenhoven, BIM Management

    The 1 Bligh project is a landmark or its use o BIM technology to achieve high ESD outcomes (a Six Star Green StarRating is targeted), coordination and optimisation o the construction process. The cover image shows the multi-service coordination o blackwater treatment, mechanical services, re and hydraulic services in the basement o thebuilding.

    This publication is printed by Printpoint using soy-based inks. Printpoint are FSC certied and use a waterlessprinting technique which produces superior colour and eliminates the use o hazardous, ozone-depleting isoprophylalcohol.

    The paper stock used is FSC Mixed Sources Mega Recycled Silk which is manuactured acid and element chlorineree rom an ISO 14001 accredited supplier. The pulp is rom well-managed orests, controlled sources and recycledwood or bre.

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    These National Guidelines and Case Studies or Digital Modelling are the outcomes rom one o anumber o Building Inormation Modelling (BIM)-related projects undertaken by the CRC orConstructionInnovation. Since the CRC opened its doors in 2001, the industry has seen a rapid increase in interest inBIM, and widening adoption.

    These guidelines and case studies are thus very timely, as the industry moves to model-based working

    and starts to share models in a new context called integrated practice. Governments, both ederaland state, and in New Zealand are starting to outline the role they might take, so that in contrast to theadoption o 2D CAD in the early 90s, we ensure that a national, industry-wide benet results rom this newparadigm o working.

    Section 1 o the guidelines give us an overview o BIM: how it aects our current mode o working, whatwe need to do to move to ully collaborative model-based acility development. The role o open standardssuch as IFC is described as a mechanism to support new processes, and make the extensive design andconstruction inormation available to asset operators and managers. Digital collaboration modes, types omodels, levels o detail, object properties and model management complete this section. It will be relevantor owners, managers and project leaders as well as direct users o BIM.

    Section 2 provides recommendations and guides or key areas o model creation and development,and the move to simulation and perormance measurement. These are the more practical parts o theguidelines developed or design proessionals, BIM managers, technical sta and in the eld workers.

    The guidelines are supported by six case studies including a summary o lessons learnt aboutimplementing BIM in Australian building projects.

    A key aspect o these publications is the identication o a number o important industry actions: the needor BIM-compatible product inormation and a national context or classiying product data; the need oran industry agreement and setting process-or-process denition; and nally, the need to ensure a nationalstandard or sharing data between all o the participants in the acil ity-development process.

    John Mitchell David Parken

    Chairman, CEO,

    buildingSMART Australian Institute oAustralasia Architects



    buildingSMARTInternational Alliance for Interoperability

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    1.0 Introduction and structure o guidelines ............................................................... 11.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1

    1.1.1 Building Inormation Modelling ............................................................................................1

    1.1.2 Integrated practice ..............................................................................................................1

    1.1.3 Sharing inormation .............................................................................................................1

    1.1.4 Industry Foundation Classes ...............................................................................................2

    1.1.5 Changing context o project documents .............................................................................3

    1.1.6 Implications or project delivery with BIM .............................................................................3

    1.1.7 Project collaboration process ..............................................................................................4

    1.1.8 New methods o practice integrated project delivery .......................................................4

    1.1.9 The guidelines context: Why the need or guidelines? .........................................................5

    1.2 The potential o digital modelling ...................................................................................................6

    1.3 Quality o models: Well-ormed model building ............................................................................6

    1.4 Types and uses o models ..............................................................................................................7

    1.5 Model usage over whole building lie cycle ...................................................................................7

    1.6 Model development stages ............................................................................................................8

    1.7 Object data levels .........................................................................................................................10

    1.8 Modelling implementation ............................................................................................................11

    1.8.1 Digital modelling: 1B - Intelligent 3D modelling ..................................................................14

    1.8.2 Digital collaboration: 2A One-way collaboration ..............................................................151.8.3 Digital collaboration: 2B Two-way collaboration ..............................................................16

    1.9 New types o jobs and skills .........................................................................................................17

    1.10 Challenges or BIM implementation (issues beyond the guidelines) .........................................17

    1.10.1 Disruptive vs evolving implementation ...............................................................................17

    1.10.2 Model users diering views and expectations o model inormation ..................................18

    1.10.3 Need or Australian object libraries ....................................................................................18

    1.10.4 Product inormation and specications..............................................................................19

    1.10.5 Emerging building inormation classication system ..........................................................19

    1.10.6 Inormation database management ...................................................................................19

    1.10.7 Management o le sizes ...................................................................................................191.10.8 Sharing inormation ...........................................................................................................20

    1.10.9 Legal, insurance and practice impediments ......................................................................20

    1.10.10 Slow adoption in industry ..................................................................................................20

    1.10.11 Sotware to address local requirements ............................................................................20

    1.11 Emerging developments in BIM ...................................................................................................20

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    2.0 Model creation and usage .................................................................................... 212.1 Modelling overview .......................................................................................................................21

    2.1.1 Model creation ..................................................................................................................21

    2.1.2 Model quality ....................................................................................................................24

    2.1.3 Model use .........................................................................................................................24

    2.2 BIM project defnition and set-up ................................................................................................26

    2.2.1 Who is involved? ...............................................................................................................26

    2.2.2 What models are required and why? .................................................................................27

    2.2.3 When are the models needed? .........................................................................................27

    2.2.4 What should the models contain? .....................................................................................28

    2.2.5 How are the models to be exchanged?.............................................................................29

    2.2.6 Who will be managing the process? The role o the project model manager......................30

    2.3 An example o set-up guidelines or a large scale multi-building project ..................................31

    2.3.1 Site ...................................................................................................................................31

    2.3.2 Architectural modelling ......................................................................................................31

    2.3.3 Structural modelling ..........................................................................................................35

    2.3.4 Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) modelling........................................................35

    2.3.5 Electrical modelling ...........................................................................................................35

    2.3.6 Hydraulics modelling .........................................................................................................35

    3.0 Discipline modelling, analysis and simulation ....................................................36

    3.1 Project defnition, planning and pre-design ................................................................................36

    3.1.1 Document existing site conditions .....................................................................................37

    3.2 Architectural modelling .................................................................................................................37

    3.2.1 Phase 0 Brieng and pre-design ....................................................................................37

    3.2.2 Phase 1 Conceptual design BIM ....................................................................................38

    3.2.3 Phase 2 Schematic design BIM .....................................................................................38

    3.2.4 Phases 3 and 4 Developed design and contract document BIM ....................................39

    3.3 Structural modelling, analysis, design and production models .................................................40

    3.4 MEP modelling, analysis, design and production models ..........................................................42 3.5 Cost planning and quantity take-o ............................................................................................44

    3.6 Construction models ....................................................................................................................45

    3.7 Facilities management/as-built models .......................................................................................48

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    Appendices ............................................................................................................49Appendix 1: Model checking and auditing ...............................................................................................49

    Model structure ...............................................................................................................................49

    Data on building storeys ..................................................................................................................49

    Space compliance with project parameters .....................................................................................50

    Duplicate and coincidental model objects .......................................................................................50

    Incorrect object use ........................................................................................................................50

    Clash detection ...............................................................................................................................51

    Version comparison o models: Reporting versions .........................................................................52

    Code compliance egress, accessibility and code checking ...........................................................53

    Developing custom Rule Sets .........................................................................................................53

    Appendix 2: Inormation Delivery Manual ................................................................................................54

    IDM components ............................................................................................................................54

    1. Process maps ................................................................................................................55

    2. Exchange requirements ..................................................................................................55

    3. Functional parts ..............................................................................................................55

    4. Business rules ................................................................................................................56

    5. Verication tests .............................................................................................................56

    Appendix 3: Window property sets example ...........................................................................................56

    Appendix 4: Model servers .......................................................................................................................57

    tp ...................................................................................................................................................57

    Appendix 5: Export examples ...................................................................................................................58

    Revit IFC import/export conguration ..............................................................................................58

    Model object types..........................................................................................................................58

    Reerences .............................................................................................................60

    Universities, government and industry organisations .......................................................................60

    Regular web-based newsletters ......................................................................................................60

    Technical web-based journals .........................................................................................................60

    BIM-related sotware listing .............................................................................................................60Design ............................................................................................................................................60

    Analysis, simulation and visualisation ...............................................................................................60

    Model merging and management ....................................................................................................60

    FM ..................................................................................................................................................60

    Books .............................................................................................................................................61

    Articles and papers .........................................................................................................................61



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    Since 2001, the Cooperative Research Centre or Construction Innovation has been committed toleading the Australian property, design, construction and acility management industry in collaboration

    and innovation. We have been dedicated to disseminating practical research outcomes to our industry

    to improve business practice and enhance the competitiveness o our industry. Developing applied

    technology and management solutions, and delivering education and relevant industry inormation is what

    our CRC is all about.

    We look orward to your converting the results o this applied research project into tangible outcomes

    and working together in leading the transormation o our industry to a new era o enhanced business

    practices, saety and innovation.

    John V McCarthy AO Dr Keith Hampson

    Chair Chie Executive Ofcer

    CRC or Construction Innovation CRC or Construction Innovation

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    The CRC or Construction Innovation provided the major unding, industry research leadership andcoordinated the development oNational Guidelines for Digital Modelling and accompanying Case


    The Construction Innovation project team members are:

    Project Leader

    Tom Fussell (Project ServicesQueensland Department o Housing and Works)

    Project Manager

    National Digital Modelling Guidelines Scott Beazley (QUT)

    Project ManagerCase Studies Guillermo Aranda-Mena (RMIT University)


    Guillermo Aranda-Mena, Agustin Chevez, John Craword, Bilal Succar (RMIT University)

    John Hainsworth Arup Australasia

    Simon Hardy Bovis Lend Lease

    Shane McAtee, Garry McCann, Richard Rizzalli Mirvac

    Paul Akhurst , Chris Linning Sydney Opera House

    David Marchant Woods Bagot

    Joyce Law, Phillip Lord, Dean Morse Brisbane City Council

    Paul Crapper Building Commission

    John Spathonis Qld Dept o Main Roads

    Scott Beazley, Robin Drogemuller, Stephan Gard, David Nielsen Queensland University o Technology

    Guillermo Aranda-Mena, Ron Wakefeld RMIT

    Integrated Digital Modelling Taskforce

    Chair: Andrew Gutteridge (AIA)

    Representatives rom the ollowing organisations served on the taskorce.

    Association o Consulting Engineers Australia

    Australian Institute o Architects

    Australian Institute o Building

    Australian Institute o Quantity Surveyors

    BuildingSMART Australasia

    Facility Management Association o Australia

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    The project participants




    Our thanks go to all those who attended and contributed to the success o this publication through theirparticipation in the workshops held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

    Construction Innovation also wishes to thank and acknowledge Colleen Foelz (Construction Innovationand edenink) or managing the production o this publication, as well as Sue Ferguson (itzdesign) and GailCartwright (wordwright) or their design and editing respectively.

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    1. Introduction and structure o guidelines

    1.1 Introduction1.1.1 Building Inormation Modelling

    The term Building Inormation Modelling (BIM) is

    widely and increasingly used within the building

    and construction industry. It is also a term which

    can cause conusion rather than providing

    clarication. Unortunately it means dierent things

    to dierent people, and we dont propose to oer

    yet another denition here. We will, however, try to

    describe some characteristics o BIM that may be


    For the authors o these guidelines, a model needs

    only two essential characteristics to be described

    as a BIM model. The rst is that it must be a

    three-dimensional representation o a building (or

    other acility) based on objects, and second, it

    must include some inormation in the model or the

    properties about the objects beyond the graphical

    representation. Three-dimensional models without

    inormation, whether based on objects or line/arc/

    circle representations o the building, may still be

    useul, but they do not qualiy as BIM.

    Within this description, there is a very wide range

    in the richness and complexity o the building

    model created. In a simple orm, BIM models can

    be prepared or a single discipline and contain

    minimal inormation. The model can also provide

    or the integration o the contribution rom many

    or all o the disciplines involved and be rich

    with useul inormation or contractors, trade

    contractors and acility managers in addition

    to the design consultants. In this second orm,

    the model approaches or achieves the status o

    virtual building where issues can be explored and

    resolved digitally beore the building is created

    physically on site.

    The degree o diculty in migrating rom the rst

    to the second o these orms is signicant, and the

    journey needs to be approached with caution and

    patience. Both orms can be described as BIM, but

    the gap between them is such that the signicance

    o the term in one case is vastly dierent rom the


    BIM will continue to be used as a shorthand way

    o describing digital modelling, but it may be more

    helpul in discussion i we use terms that more

    precisely describe the nature o the model being


    1.1.2 Integrated practice

    Integrated practice or integrated project delivery

    (IPD) are terms that are increasingly used to

    describe a move toward greater collaboration

    between members o a team that can include

    design consultants, the contractor and some

    specialist trade contractors.

    Ideally, this integration will begin during the

    early design stages o the project, where the

    contributions o all parties can be incorporated

    with greatest benet and least cost.

    The challenge is to develop eective and

    aordable ways to orm and manage the team,

    while still maintaining a demonstrable level o


    Some o these issues continue to be considered

    by teams such as the AIA Integrated PracticeTask Force and a working group ormed by the

    Australian Procurement and Construction Council

    (APCC) and the Australian Construction Industry

    Forum (ACIF).

    IPD can, with benet, be established in an industry

    based on ormer technologies, but it will work

    better i developed in conjunction with high-end


    The adoption o truly eective virtual building, and

    potentially o-site manuacture, will require thedevelopment and adoption o IPD or its eective


    1.1.3 Sharing inormation

    Not all members o the consulting team will be

    working in the same or compatible sotware

    packages and the membership o the consultant

    team will inevitably change between projects.

    The challenge then is to acilitate an exchange o

    inormation between the consultant team or with

    the wider IPD team. That challenge has at least

    two acets.


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    The rst is the range o sotware being used, which

    in many cases communicate with each other only

    with great diculty or not at all. The International

    Alliance or Interoperability (IAI) buildingSMART

    has worked or more than a decade to developa common standard Industry Foundation Classes

    (or IFCs) or the exchange o inormation between

    programs. When ully achieved, it may deliver

    a degree o interoperability in the construction

    industry similar to that in the banking world,

    where any o us can use our credit cards to

    access money through teller machines owned

    and operated by a bank other than our own. The

    concept o IFCs is described below.

    The second is the way in which the same sotware

    amily is used by dierent practitioners, which can

    also make collaboration a rustrating and oten

    dicult task. This was much in evidence in the

    use o 2D CAD in the industry over the past 30

    years, and created problems that were avoidable

    i practices had widely adopted a common

    methodology or the way that the tools were used.

    These guidelines are intended to provide the

    beginnings o the conversation and collaboration

    across the Australian construction industry that

    might lead to the development and adoption ocommon standards that are truly national and

    acilitate much better fexibility and opportunities or

    collaboration in BIM than would otherwise be the


    1.1.4 Industry Foundation Classes

    Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) were developed

    to reduce the technical risk in projects by

    supporting the exchange o inormation on building

    projects between the various participants through

    the lie cycle o a project. The development o IFCshas been driven rom the sotware development

    side o the industry. Sotware vendors realised

    that supporting a single standard or inormation

    exchange would reduce their development costs

    considerably (through not having to support a

    range o exchange standards), and would assist

    the purchasers o sotware by improving the

    content and quality o inormation that could be

    exchanged. They were called Industry Foundation

    Classes because they were intended to support

    the entireindustry, by acting as a oundation orsotware development and inormation exchange,

    through the denition o standard classes within


    The vision or the capabilities o the IFCs can best

    be described with an example.

    Take a concrete column. This may be initially

    positioned by the architects sketch designs aspart o a notional building structure within the

    model. This inormation will then be passed

    across to the structural engineer, who will import

    the inormation on the structure into structural

    analysis sotware.

    The structural design will then be rened

    and the nal inormation or the size o the

    column, grade o concrete and reinorcement

    conguration will be added to the construction


    The estimator can then attach unit rates to the

    ormwork, concrete and reinorcing steel or

    the column, which will be included in the cost

    estimate or the project.

    The constructor will also use the quantities

    or ormwork, concrete and reinorcing steel,

    together with productivity actors to generate

    a Gantt chart or the project, including the


    The constructor could then use the combination

    o Gantt chart (sequence and duration o tasks)to generate a 4D (space + time) visual animation

    o the construction process to allow the various

    subcontractors to coordinate the construction


    Ideally, the IFC model or the project will be

    updated through the construction process and

    an as constructed model will be provided to

    the acility manager on handover. This could

    orm the basis or management o the acility

    throughout its lie, and could be updated as

    various components and systems are updated.

    This could then be used to plan the

    reurbishment and eventual demolition o the


    It should be noted rom the above description that

    the IFC model o a project will contain inormation

    about the components that make up a building,

    the processes used to construct and maintain it,

    and the various organisations that have played

    roles in this process. Geometric inormation is

    only a part o the total inormation that is retainedand is stored as part o the object denition

    within the IFC model, together with all o the other

    inormation necessary to support the operations

    described above.

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    1.1.5 Changing context o project


    The transition rom drawings to BIMs as the means

    o design collaboration requires consideration othe nature o the new digital environment.

    How have we worked in the past? In the traditional

    process, we use certain types o documents

    to carry the inormation needed by a project

    partner. For example, manual drawings or 2D

    CAD describe a building by independent 2D

    views (drawings), plans, sections and elevations.

    Editing one o these views requires that all other

    views must be checked and updated i necessary,

    a clumsy and error-prone process that is one o

    the major causes o poor documentation today.

    In addition, the data in these 2D drawings are

    graphical entities only (e.g. line, arc, circle).

    The work practice o sharing drawings has not

    evolved past converting them rom hard copy

    to digital documents. Although we can take

    advantage o the graphics in 2D CAD data much

    more easily (at the receiving end), the process is

    primarily a drawing type, suited or contractual

    estimating and construction, being used as a

    means or sharing building design inormation.Specications are produced in a separate process

    to ully describe a building.

    For example, a refected ceiling plan denes the

    architectural concept chosen or the ceiling, and

    becomes a ramework or the several services

    consultants who need to coordinate their ttings

    and xtures with the layout.

    BIM provides us with the potential to integrate the

    entire project inormation into a digital database

    specically or built acilities instead o thedisjointed hard copy currently used. This database

    is an integrated description o a building and its

    site comprising objects, described by accurate

    3D geometry, with attributes that dene the

    detailed description o the building part or element,

    and relationships to other objects (or example

    this duct is located in the storey LEVEL 9 o a


    Digital modelling technology has a huge impact on

    the nature o practice. The building models created

    can still provide traditional drawings, but can

    produce ar more inormation that can be used or

    other purposes in automated processes.

    The major dierence is the use o the intelligent

    content o BIM, where objects are dened in terms

    o building parts and systems (e.g. spaces, walls,

    beams, doors, building storeys). Instead o sending

    a plan (the most common document used toinorm a project partner o the scope o the topic

    under consideration), we can now use a model.

    1.1.6 Implications or project delivery

    with BIM

    Three areas o current practice will be aected by

    building modelling implementation.

    Technology implications:


    Sotware and hardware limitations- Implementation o the new technologies (e.g.

    web portals, GIS, laser scanning)

    - Need or development o greater

    interoperability and integration o sotwares or

    the whole project lie cycle

    - Development and demonstration o industry-

    ready exchange protocols

    - Handling o very large model le sizes and

    techniques or sharing inormation

    Process implications:

    - Changing work practices and relationships

    (e.g. IPD vs traditional practice)

    - Need or guidelines o common industry

    practice (e.g. use o exchange protocols and

    data content)

    - New jobs created with dierent skill sets and


    - Value added to the models in dierent time


    - Greater ocus on inormation management

    over whole project lie cycle, not just the

    construction phase

    - Co-location o project team or critical phases

    o design collaboration

    Policy implications:

    - Need or industry standards

    - Government or organisation commitment and

    resourcing or BIM implementation

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    - Risks o sharing model data and the need to

    protect intellectual property, legal, insurance,

    risk, responsibility issues and cost

    - Quality Assurance (QA): can others trust your

    model and data?

    - New denitions o services and ee splits,

    with levels o model detail and categories o

    inormation to be specied

    1.1.7 Project collaboration process

    Virtual Building is worth adopting even i only used

    by a single discipline, but its greatest productivity

    benet is gained when used in multidisciplinary

    collaboration, with the interoperability o dierent


    A principal objective o collaboration is to allow

    partner disciplines to take responsibility or a

    specic aspect o the project. For example, a

    services engineer measures the perormance o

    the architectural design and sets environmental

    measures. The architect has had some preliminary

    dialogue about the structural system, and now an

    analysis is needed to rene structural concepts, set

    out, member sizes etc.

    Contrast this with the use o a conventional 2D

    drawing with limited types which is used to inorm

    the collaborator. This requires extensive one-to-

    one discussions, and inormation additional to the

    set o data required to carry out the task.

    Process denition is weak in the industry at present

    due to:

    - its unrecognised value

    - the almost impossible task o achieving it in

    the absence o common industry languages- current work practice agreements

    - the lack o robust tools that support the

    denition and auditing o data.

    Productive use o BIM is dependent on the

    development o dened processes.

    A list o possible generic objectives or

    collaboration will seek to:

    - use a reerence/master model as the basis o a

    discipline design

    - measure the perormance o selected criteria

    - analyse the behaviour o systems, usage etc.

    - coordinate a subsystem with the master model

    - support an industrialised manuacturing/

    assembly application.

    In each case, the receiver has a dened role to

    perorm and the collaborators both need to ensure

    that the required inormation is available.

    There is also a need to dene the how o data

    exchange. The ability to export and import building

    model data between dierent propriety sotwares,

    based upon agreed standards and protocols,

    is required. Only then can the richness o the

    data and its relationships be maintained, during

    repeated exchanges.

    This is a big challenge or the industry.

    1.1.8 New methods o practice

    integrated project delivery

    IPD describes new ways o working together.

    The use o building modelling can assist IPD

    through an earlier engagement o contractors

    and subcontractors in project delivery through

    collaboration, alliancing, lean construction or

    other non-traditional methods.

    Productivity benets come rom the collaborative

    generation, sharing and re-use o project data.

    This will mean that project teams will be structured

    in dierent ways; work patterns changed with

    redistribution o eort to earlier design phases

    design vs design development/coordination; risk

    and responsibilities shited to dierent participants

    and dierent project stages; client expectations

    and re-conguration o ees due to project

    inormation created at dierent phases.

    Design process changes

    Digital Modelling can greatly enhance the

    productivity and quality o the design and

    construction industries to support traditional

    practice through greater visualisation and

    communication, higher quality documentation

    and integration o project data. BIM uptake is

    worthwhile even i only used this way.

    Construction process changes

    Digital modelling enables more accurate

    o-site abrication; ner detail construction

    scheduling; coordination and communication with

    subcontractors, designers, owners and authorities;

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    less need or no need or shop drawings and

    as-built documents produced by updating the

    4D model used or scheduling and construction

    management as the building is constructed.

    Maintenance and operation process changes

    Project inormation is available in an accessible

    and structured ormat; greater digital linkages with

    other business processes are possible, and higher

    quality digital inormation which has not been

    manually re-entered.

    1.1.9 The guidelines context: Why the

    need or guidelines?

    The purpose o these guidelines is to assist inand promote the adoption o BIM technologies in

    the Australian building and construction industry,

    and try to avoid the uncertainty and disparate

    approaches that created ineciencies with the

    implementation o 2D CAD over the past three


    The guidelines are also part o a larger CRC or

    Construction Innovation program that seeks to

    encourage increasing digital modelling practice in

    the whole building and construction industry.

    There are two related CRC or Construction

    Innovation research projects:

    2007-01-EP Interoperable Standards


    2007-03-EP Collaboration Platorm Project

    (BIM Model Servers)

    Formative basis or the guidelines

    The guidelines represent a broad approach to

    the task more a Managers Guide to BIM

    outlining the process changes necessary or

    industry implementation, rather than a prescriptive

    standard. The document seeks to promote the

    development o consistency within the industry

    which is also simple and fexible.

    The guidelines are not a standard that codies

    industry practice in a ormative standard, like the

    more comprehensive USA, Norwegian, Danish and

    Finnish standards. Australian industry BIM usage

    has some way to go beore it can be consideredto be a mature technology, and so the guidelines

    should be seen as a rst step towards uniying

    industry standards o practice.

    The guidelines have been inormed by lessons

    learnt rom organisations and projects that

    have implemented integrated digital modelling,

    including the associated case studies; research;

    and eedback rom seven industry workshopsheld between July and November 2008 in ve

    Australian capital cities.

    The guidelines provide inormation to assist

    in creating well-structured IFC and non-IFC-

    compliant digital models that will allow the sharing

    o data between disciplines; or the procedures

    and ormats o data exchanges between

    disciplines; and or digital model management,

    coordination, merging and use o aggregate

    project digital models.

    Outputs o the Australian Institute o Architects

    Integrated Practice taskorce have been included

    in the jointly developed BIM practice diagram

    Towards Integration.

    To be successul, the process o developing and

    adopting appropriate principles will depend on the

    active support and participation o the members o

    the industry in a collaborative and fexible way.

    The ocus o the guidelines is the processimplications o BIM implementation

    The process implications are the most pressing

    or the industry to address, but the technology

    and policy implications, although also urgent, will

    be ramed by how new BIM tools are employed

    and new modes o practice emerge using new

    processes. This will be an iterative, creative


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    1.2 The potential o digital


    The object-orientated model is more valuable

    because the properties and relationships withinthe objects enable useul inormation to be derived

    directly or by simulations or calculations.

    Figure 1.1: BIM example key concepts

    (Image courtesy o J Mitchell)

    Figure 1.1 illustrates a project comprising a

    building on a siteincluding storeys, which contain

    spaces and building elements such as walls,

    doors, windows, slabs and columns. It is not just3D geometry, but is rich in data embedded in the

    properties o the objects.

    The building model:

    - allows the integration o a number o discipline

    models to enable coordination and clash

    detection o the 3D building geometry

    - is a database which enables the geometric

    representation and building inormation to be

    connected in new ways (e.g. specicationspotentially can be generated directly rom the

    database using inormation included with the

    individual objects in the model)

    - can be used to create a 4D construction

    scheduling and planning model, linking objects

    with construction activities to test construction

    strategies, buildability and sequence options.

    Cash fows and progress payments can be

    monitored through a 5D model linked to the

    4D construction model

    -can be updated with as-built project

    inormation or building operation and acilities

    management (FM)

    - improves the quality o design decisions by

    acilitating multidisciplinary collaboration in

    more requent and aster design iterations and

    option development

    - quickens the decision-making process through

    better communication o inormation that

    is available earlier and is more accurate, to

    shorten the time or design and construction

    - reduces on-site waste by enabling more o-

    site abrication, and optimisation o design


    - enables new business and procurement

    models to be considered

    - acilitates developing and comparing design

    options or environmental sustainability during

    the ormative design stages and reporting on

    expected design perormance.

    Digital models can help to resolve the puzzles o

    constructing buildings, like the Lego instructions

    that show specic objects, with particular

    relationships, added at a construction stage, in a

    particular location.

    The practice ocus changes rom drawing or

    specication production to creating inormation orincorporation into a database or the project lie


    Thereore the quality and consistency o this

    database is crucial to BIM implementation.

    1.3 Quality o models: Well-ormed

    model building

    For a model building to be o good quality it needs:


    to be well structured where the appropriatetool is used to create the objects; objects

    are geometrically precise; and the model is

    structured or intended analysis or exchange

    - to have the appropriate inormation required by

    the receiver

    - to be veriable.

    Model checkers are a new type o tool or BIM

    that exploit the intelligence o BIM objects, to

    veriy model quality (a spell checker or building

    models).They can conrm that models areconsistent either to internal oce standards,

    external client standards or to statutory regulations.

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    For example, model checkers can compare design

    model options and highlight variations, or analyse

    architectural and structural model alignment o

    geometry, location, openings etc.

    See Appendix 1 Model checking and auditing or

    an in-depth explanation and examples.

    1.4 Types and uses o models

    A range o dierent types o building models can

    be created that are used or varying purposes.

    Pre-design, briefng or massing models:

    - For space planning and program compliance/

    code checking, where only the external orm

    o the model is used or volume denition or

    planning approval

    Design models:

    - Visualisation models that represent detailed

    properties o the building shape, materials,

    lighting and are models which may also

    simulate interaction and movement

    - Models used to simulate and veriy building

    properties such as: thermal perormance,

    energy use, structural calculations, acoustics,heat fows, Lie Cycle Costing (LCC), Lie Cycle

    Analysis (LCA) and environmental sustainability

    - Building services models: system analysis/


    - Design coordination and clash detection

    - 4D scenario planning staging o work or

    large complex projects, or continued use

    o adjacent spaces being reurbished and

    emergency simulations

    -Optimisation, virtual prototyping oroptioneering

    - Operation simulation and space management.

    Construction models:

    - Clash detection, 4D construction sequencing/

    scheduling, preabrication coordination, 5D

    predicted cash fows

    Fabrication models:


    CNC manuacture, construction sequence,temporary works, o-site abrication and


    FM models:

    - Asset management, resource use monitoring,

    operation simulation.

    1.5 Model usage over whole building lie


    The consideration o CAD/BIM use has normally

    only been associated with the design phase o

    project delivery.

    Models can be created and used over the

    range o project phases in a buildings lie cycle.

    Fundamentally, they enable sharing between

    consultants, sharing with the construction team,

    sharing with the owner/acilities manager andgenerally with any stakeholder in the project that

    has a need or inormation. The building digital

    database can be applied to the earlier pre-design

    stage as well as the construction and post-

    construction stages, where there are considerable

    potential benets. The planning, design and

    construction stages o a project might be three to

    our years duration, in contrast to the operation

    and use o a building at 50 to 100 years. So an

    accurate and durable database can be a powerul

    and valuable management tool.

    Common or shared inormation that is required by

    a number o participants needs to be identied and

    the responsibility or its creation and maintenance

    allocated and managed. This will help to avoid

    duplication and variations o the same object

    and its associated data, which may create errors

    and inconsistencies in the project database. The

    structure and quality o the data is vital and has

    to be integrated to enable its ecient use and re-

    use over the project lie cycle. This object data will

    change and develop as the project progresses,when more detailed inormation is required or

    increasingly complex analysis/simulation and


    It is also likely that the ownership and

    responsibility or some data will be passed on

    to other participants as the project progresses.

    For example, an architect may initially add

    columns and plumbing ttings to a model, but

    hand them over to the structural engineer and

    hydraulic engineer respectively or their specialist




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    1.6 Model development phases

    Ideally, building models develop over time with

    increasing levels o detail and complexity, but

    in a dierent way rom traditional documents.There is a need to re-dene the type and detail o

    inormation required as models develop and when

    this data is likely to be required.

    Model development, as a linear development will

    seldom occur, can be described in the ollowing

    general phases:

    Phase 0 Briefng/Pre-design

    - Clarication and ormalisation o

    the dierent requirements andrestrictions o the project at design

    brie stage and proposed delivery

    time rame

    - Client requirements: room schedule

    and unctions, capacity, sizes and

    relationships. Budget and nancial


    - Legal requirements: zoning,

    Building Code o Australia (BCA),

    regulations, inrastructure,

    environmental requirements

    - Site constraints: soil etc

    - Preparatory BIM o existing

    buildings, structures and services

    on site

    - Detail level: coarse 3D massing

    model, inormation in document

    orm: legal, analysis, design bries,

    building model may contain ground,

    surrounding developments, GIS

    inormation, extent o existing

    and new inrastructure, supply

    networks, basic services etc.

    - Costing: project easibility and

    project budgets

    - A capability is emerging that

    enables the transer o basic

    unctional requirements into an

    initial model and the subsequent

    audit o the spaces and unctions

    provided in the model compared tothe brieed requirements

    Phase 1 Conceptual design

    - Clarication at an early stage o the

    project o the overall concept and

    unctional properties o possibleproject solutions, updated project


    - Buildings overall orm, structure

    and relationships to surroundings,

    plus rooms and their relationships

    - Volumes o buildings external

    geometry in simple ormat

    - Checks volume can contain

    rooms specied in room schedule:

    interaction between modellingvolumes and rooms

    - Able to extract areas and volumes

    at overall level or estimating,

    analyse estimate o gross and net

    areas dierentiated by unction

    (usable vs circulation areas), and

    analysis o area eciencies (area/

    plant spaces)

    - Can be used or early negotiations

    with authorities

    - Can be used or simulation o

    light and shade on building and


    - Can be used as basis o design

    competition or consultants

    - Detail level: building, rooms,

    unction, geometry/location

    - Costing: cost planning.

    Phase 2 Schematic design

    - Basis or decisions on selecting

    conceptual solution the model to

    refect the unctional and physical

    structure o the building at an

    overall level

    - Layout o rooms and building

    elements in general (e.g. ootings,

    walls, structural foors, roo)

    - Building elements have geometric

    shape and location, buildingenvelope

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    - Detail: building elements,

    preliminary nishes, building

    property data

    - Basis o basic 4D/5D model

    - Cost: Updated Cost Plan, Updated

    Cash Flow, Updated Lie Cycle

    Cost Plan

    - FM: model o existing buildings

    at Phases 23 where detailed

    construction inormation is not

    required or FM purposes.

    Phase 4 Contract documents

    -Basis or invitations to tender,estimating, tenders and

    construction planning

    - Inormation o building elements

    detailed or tendering and quantity


    - Need to be able to extract parts

    lists and descriptive bills o

    quantities (BOQ), produce drawings

    where necessary corresponding

    to traditional drawings: general

    assembly, detai ls

    - Used or builder as basis or

    production planning

    - Final coordination o all disciplines

    with checks or clashes, discipline

    model consistency

    - Detail: building elements, nal

    nishes, building property data

    - Cost: Updated Cost Plan, BOQ,

    Detailed Object Denition.

    Phase 5 Construction

    - Basis or construction

    - Used or construction planning,

    scheduling (4D)

    - Contractors, subcontractors and

    product suppliers inormation


    - Previous perormance requirements

    replaced with specic attribute

    data, and new data added price,

    supplier, guarantees, time




    - Used to develop basic structure

    or assessment o buildings overall

    physical and unctional properties,

    used or spatial coordination

    between disciplines

    - Used or preliminary assessment o

    evacuation, re, simulation o indoor

    environment, lighting, thermal,

    acoustic perormance

    - Can be used or early tendering

    - Building objects shown in simple

    outline, without specied attribute

    data (e.g. a generic wall object

    used, not a 270 double-brick

    cavity wall with exterior ace brickand interior render and paint nish)

    - All openings in walls, structural

    foors and roos shown in general


    - Detail level: building elements,

    geometry/location, preliminary

    building property data

    - Cost: benchmark cost planning,

    estimating, design cost checks,

    elemental cost , planning objectsat increasingly granular levels (24),

    preliminary Lie Cycle Cost Plan

    - FM: model o existing buildings

    at Phases 23 where detailed

    construction inormation is not

    required or FM purposes.

    Phase 3 Developed design

    - Basis or the authorities

    consideration or approval;coordination tool or the parties in

    the project; conrmed project brie

    - Sucient inormation or approval

    by authorities

    - Building elements given attribute

    data (e.g. door with specic re


    - Use or structural resolution o


    -Objects specied as constructiontypes with structural make-up in

    principle cavity walls specied

    and shown

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    - Detail: building elements, nishes,

    production/process, product data

    - Cost: priced BOQs, quantity take-

    o, quotation systems, 5D, contract


    Phase 6 Post construction/Facilities


    - Setting up as-built documentation

    - Model with updated building

    elements, components and


    - Data used rom discipline models

    or FM including operation,maintenance, renovation, extension

    - Detail included in the model at

    this stage: building elements,

    nishes, unction, geometry/

    location, building elements

    properties, construction, product

    data, operation and maintenance


    - Cost: maintenance and

    replacement modelling, and

    management inormation aboutcost o plant and equipment,

    maintenance, warranties, operation

    instructions etc.

    The adoption o modelling will change some o

    the traditional processes. The distinction between

    schematic and developed design is blurring, and it

    is anticipated that beore long we will simply have a

    design stage. Even then, the boundaries between

    design and documentation and the boundaries

    between disciplines will become less distinct.

    1.7 Object data levels

    The objects that go to make up a virtual building

    will vary in their level o detail. As the project

    proceeds, building objects may be represented

    with more detailed geometry and with additional

    or dierent inormation attached to the objects.

    Consequently, more detailed objects replace

    generic objects and can then provide more

    accurate analyses and simulations o building


    Highly detailed objects are unnecessary,

    undesirable and expensive in terms o storage

    space at initial stages.

    Detail levels is a useul concept or obtainingagreement about content o objects at dierent

    stages. This will be necessary when dening the

    extent o inormation required at ormal exchanges.

    Level A

    - Strategy and perormance criteria based on

    volumes and areas

    - Planning activities, concept development

    - Non-geometric, brieng data or line work,

    areas, volumes zones etc.

    - Block model

    - Conceptual cost allowance (e.g. $ per m2 o

    foor area, $ per hospital bed, $ per parking


    - Total project construction duration or phasing

    o major elements

    - Environmental requirements

    Level B

    - Generic objects in visualisation/concept

    models to allow or digital prototyping

    - Generic elements shown in three dimensions

    with maximum size, and assumed system


    - Preliminary time scale ordered or appearance

    o major activities

    - Estimated cost based on measurement o

    generic element (e.g. generic interior walls or


    - Specic room requirements can be attached

    - Approximate quantities o materials or

    preliminary environmental analysis

    Level C

    - Specic objects in detailed model, engineering

    design or digital prototyping

    - Specic elements conrmed 3D object

    geometry, dimensions, materials, capacities,connections

    - Time-scaled, ordered appearance o detailed


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    - Estimated cost based on measurement o

    specic assembly (e.g. specic wall type:

    70 interior steel studs with 10 painted

    plasterboard both sides)

    - Precise quantities o materials with

    percentages o recycled/locally purchased


    - Accurate analyses and simulations based on

    specic building assemblies and engineered

    systems or engineering calculations,

    visualisation clash detection, construction

    sequencing, cost planning and estimating

    Level D

    -Detailed objects in production model or shopdrawing/abrication or purchase, manuacture,

    installation, specied abrication and assembly

    detail including construction means and

    methods (cranes, man-lits, shoring etc.)

    - Specic manuacturer selections

    - Precise analyses and simulations based on

    specic manuacturer and detailed system

    components, committed purchase price o

    specic assembly

    -Manuacturing logistics procurement

    Level E

    - As-built objects or operation and FM,

    actual record costs, purchase documentation

    - Commissioning and recording o measured


    - Maintenance and operation requirements

    - These object detail levels may correspond

    closely with model development levels intraditional practice, but should be varied to

    suit alternative project delivery methods

    1.8 Modelling implementation

    The use o modelling can be adopted or projects

    in diering ways. The Australian Institute o

    Architects (AIA) diagram, Towards Integration,

    which has been developed jointly by the AIAs

    Integrated Practice Taskorce and the CRC or

    Construction Innovation, seeks to describe these

    possibilities graphically in dened stages. This isintentionally a simplication o what is a complex

    and evolving process to assist in developing

    awareness o modelling implementation. It is also

    a vocabulary to assist common understanding,

    and has already been a valuable communication

    tool or the range o proessionals in the building

    procurement, design and construction industries.

    It is intended and expected to develop over time.

    The diagram is arranged in our major stages, each

    with two subdivisions.

    Stage 0 2D documents

    0A Manual drating

    0B CAD 2D drating

    Stage 1 Modelling

    1A 3D CAD modelling1B Intelligent 3D modelling

    Stage 2 Collaboration

    2A One-way collaboration

    2B Two-way collaboration

    Stage 3 Integration

    3A Local server

    3B Web-based server

    Stages 0A, 0B and 1A represent pre-BIM and arenot addressed in the guidelines. A large part o

    industry practice is still operating at this stage.

    Stages 1B, 2A and 2B are the main ocus o

    the guidelines and describe the frst stages

    in the adoption and use o BIM. They also

    represent that part o the industry which is

    implementing BIM. The evidence is that most

    practitioners are currently at stage 1B.

    3A and 3B describe technologies and processes

    hosted on model servers which are not addressed

    in detail in these guidelines. They are considered

    separately in the CRC or Construction Innovation

    Research Project 2007-03-EP Collaboration

    Platorm Project BIM Model Servers (see

    Appendix 4: Model servers or a brie description).

    These model servers are yet to be implemented in

    the Australian industry, but are currently being used

    or research at UNSW and QUT.

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    Towards Integration diagram

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    1.8.1 Digital modelling: 1B Intelligent 3D


    High quality single discipline model

    This well-managed model is or internal use, and

    to produce traditional documents or coordination

    with other consultants and stakeholders. It enables

    better capture, integration and cataloguing

    o project inormation as it is being created.

    Eciencies are leveraged by using BIM sotware to

    its capabilities and to enorce resolution o design

    to greater detail.

    A well-constructed model will reveal building issues

    in early phases that can be addressed immediately,

    rather than leaving them to be resolved duringthe construction phases. This requires modelling

    procedures and standards, so that building model

    objects are digitally created and connected in

    consistent ways.

    Better visual communication is possible through

    quick and accurate creation o views, especially 3D

    views and sections, or all project participants and

    automated drawing production and coordination.

    Automated model checking is possible in

    authoring sotware or with specialist model

    checking sotware to identiy geometric clashes

    or inconsistencies to assist with QA (e.g. Solibri

    Model Checker and Navisworks can also check by

    using project specic rules or parameters).

    Widespread industry capability at Level 1B can

    have a signicant eect on the quality o project

    coordination and documentation.

    To achieve broad adoption o BIM at this level

    o capability would be a signifcant advance.

    Requirements o models

    - Appropriate BIM tools used or all objects (e.g.

    all walls created with Wall Tools)

    - Precise geometric sizes and locations or all


    - Objects ully populated with correct properties

    and attributes

    - Inormation embedded or linked in appropriate

    and consistent manner

    Products possible

    Traditional views/drawings/documents can, i

    required, be automatically extracted and internally

    consistent: automated 2D plan, sections,

    elevations, details, automated schedules,

    quantities, e-specications, 4D construction

    scheduling, 3D visualisations, perspectives, sun

    studies and animations. Extracts are possible or

    quantities, areas, volumes etc.


    While good progress is being made in the adoption

    o modelling in the industry, there are a number

    o signicant challenges that will constrain uture

    developments until they are resolved. Some o

    those challenges are:

    - lack o an adequate classication system

    or Australian building inormation (see

    Section 1.10.5 Emerging building inormation

    classication system)

    - lack o design library objects with well-

    constructed inormation rich objects in open

    ormat (see section 1.10.3 Need or Australian

    object libraries)


    lack o manuacturers inormation in usableormat with 3D geometry and attached data.

    No agreed industry minimum properties o

    objects dened (e.g. window properties: 3D

    geometry, model number, cost code, U

    value, re rating, specication, AS standards,

    warranty, installation instructions).

    Example 1: An architect who already uses BIM

    sotware or traditional documentation, 3D

    visualisations and 2D document production,

    develops BIM capabilities to construct an accurate,

    well-structured 3D model, using correct objectmodelling tools, embedded with object data

    that can be extracted or a range o purposes.

    The 3D geometry has data and intelligence

    built in. The objects are semantically rich with

    relationships which are an essential part o the

    objects properties (e.g. a wall object can have

    dened ways o adjoining another wall object). A

    wall hosts window or door objects within it, as it

    does in real construction, and exact dimensional

    relationships can be dened. Coordination o

    the design and detailing is enhanced by thevisualisation o the design and the intelligent

    relationships enorced by the sotware.

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    Example 2: An HVAC subcontractor receives 2D

    documents and creates an intelligent 3D model

    that is used or detailed routing o ductwork,

    coordinating the plant room layouts o plant,

    ducts, pipework and cables. This model is usedto generate a schedule o ducts with identication

    numbers (IDs), quantities and costs. The 3D model

    is then sent to a CNC machine to cut and abricate

    the ductwork and bar code IDs are added to

    acilitate site delivery and handling. Large scale

    3D perspective views can be issued to the site

    installers to aid understanding, and minimise site

    errors, especially or complex plant room set-outs.

    1.8.2 Digital collaboration: 2A One-way

    collaborationOne-way exchange o a BIM model le is

    exported to other participants or visualisation,

    communication, assessment, analysis, simulation

    or discipline design.

    The eedback to the authoring discipline would be

    conventional eedback or design and coordination

    in a traditional ormat (e.g. paper/digital drawings,

    email, or sketches requiring no digital model

    return). The original model is updated in digital

    isolation rom other discipline models, and somodel coordination is not an issue.

    Purposes o digital exchange

    - Visualisation: high model quality is not as

    important or necessary or initial graphic


    - Dimensional coordination: basis or 3D

    geometry use and set-out; model geometry

    quality is critical or coordination

    - Analysis: LCA, environmental or estimating

    analysis sotware use. Quality and detail o

    model and embedded inormation is critical

    (e.g. sun studies, lighting analysis with correct

    inormation included)

    - Model merging: or checking/clash detection

    Some coordination is required to select compatible

    le ormats, versions, data structures etc, and the

    agreed ormats make it easier or quality control

    and denition o responsibilities and ownership.

    Partial models are dened or individual discipline

    requirements (e.g. no need to export whole

    architectural model to structural engineer, so a

    selection o object data is exchanged).

    This is a big step orward rom1B Intelligent

    3D modelling


    -Well-made model as per 1B Intelligent 3D


    - Agreed purpose o exchange

    - Correct and complete model or the purpose

    and project phase

    - Agreed project settings and parameters:

    - File naming

    - File structure

    - Model divisions/separations model

    arranged in a convenient way or other

    discipline usage (e.g. separate multi-

    level building into storeys and dene the

    divisions: top o structural slab, or bottom

    o structural slab)

    - Coordinated system and building

    reerence point

    - Sotware/exchange protocol (e.g. dw,


    - Requirements o other sotware

    objects, space/room and site data etc.

    - Verication o model quality by model


    - Model transer method le, database,

    model server

    - Denition o partial model data

    requirements; data required downstream

    - BIM inormation levels to be exchanged

    - Expected inormation that will survive or

    not get changed by exchange

    - Notication o errors, conficts, clashes

    - Agreed template le with project-specic

    parameters or more consistent and

    reliable results


    - A partial architectural model is exported

    to a structural engineer to share project

    dimensional and geometric set-out and object


    - A model manager imports two or more

    discipline models to perorm clash detection/

    coordination and reports back issues, but with

    no digital model export to the original authors.



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    - Structural engineer exports model to steel

    shop detailer/abricator or detailed design and



    - Sotware incompatibilities/interoperability

    problems incompatible versions o sotware

    - Chance o loss o some embedded object

    data or geometry errors

    - Model needs to have an agreed structure or

    geometry and associated data

    - QA denitions

    - Need to change collaboration methods and

    relationships- Ownership, risk and responsibility or

    exchanged data

    1.8.3 Digital collaboration: 2B Two-way


    The common BIM model le data is shared by

    two or more project participants in an iterative

    collaborative process. A signicant amount o

    coordination is required to establish compatible le

    ormats, versions etc. and the correct selection o

    objects and their mapping settings.

    The iterative design process is greatly enhanced

    by access to analysis sotwares and increased

    eedback. This can produce better decisions and

    tighter integration o disciplines.

    A project could be made up o a number o

    discipline models that, when combined, better

    describe the whole (e.g. discipline models that

    share project geometry and object properties or

    visualisation, communication, assessment, analysisand simulation contribute to better discipline

    design and coordination o aggregate project


    Purposes o digital exchange

    - 3D geometry used or clash detection or

    Design Phase

    - Creation o Project Lie Cycle BIM Model

    - For construction/abrication or limited trades

    only or coordination and clash detection

    - For analysis or simulation o building


    This is a major step orward rom 2A One-

    way collaboration


    -Well-made model as or 2A One-way


    - Agreed purpose o exchange

    - Correct and complete model t or the

    purpose and project phase

    - Agreed project settings and parameters:

    - common coordinate system

    - common building reerence point

    - model management/coordination

    - denition o partial rights/access to model

    - denition o partial models


    - Identication/control/documentation o

    authorship/ownership o amended model

    - Has it been amended to conorm to agreed

    standards/requirements to allow import back

    into original sotware?

    -Is it compatible?

    - Dening project standards and enorcing them

    - Sotware incompatibility/interoperability


    - Chance o loss o some embedded object


    - Need to change collaboration methods and


    - Round tripping what works, what gets lost,

    what gets corrupted?

    - QA denitions

    - Handover denitions

    - Authorship, ownership, risk and responsibility

    o exchanged data

    A project, in practice, might have some disciplines

    collaborating at dierent levels (e.g. architectural

    and structural at Level 2B, and all other discipline

    collaboration at level 2A).

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    1.9 New types o jobs and skills

    New skills and knowledge are required to create,

    coordinate and manage the process o modelling,

    as seen in the case studies. These new skills androles are still emerging and are as yet hard to

    dene. There will be opportunities or those able

    and willing to shape new services that progress the

    contribution o models to the intended outcomes.

    The role and contribution o experienced technical

    sta capable o generating and manipulating

    models in any discipline has grown and is likely

    to continue to do so or the immediate uture.

    While not rivalling their proessional partners, they

    have a growing responsibility or the creation,

    communication and analysis o the inormation thatis at the heart o the model.

    1. Generic skills or modellers and

    discipline model managers

    - Creation o models and object

    - Editing models

    - Coordination and merging contributions

    or team members

    - Analysis: managing structural analysis and

    design sotwares, extraction o quantities

    or estimating/cost planning or ordering

    o materials, thermal assessment,

    LCA, sunlight and lighting studies and

    intererence checking

    - Simulation: solar studies

    - Viewing: building coordination on site

    2. The role o the project model manager

    - Coordination and management o project

    models. This is much more than a re-

    badged CAD manager as there are new

    processes and relationships to manage

    and new challenges in the integration o

    multiple disciplines into a common model.

    - Project model manager tasks:

    - establish and manage project

    standards and protocols

    - report to design manager or discipline


    -check and merge models, write

    custom project rules or model


    - implement QA

    - archive model les

    - establish and manage the structure o

    team and technology

    3. The role o the inormation modelmanager

    - Coordination and development o

    organisation modelling standards and

    practices across projects and project


    - Coordination o the scope and structure

    o models

    - Licence to promote modelling outcomes

    and maintain company knowledge base

    - Inormation ocus rom architect (e.g. R

    rating, embed inormation on bits o the


    - Maintain project and object product

    database into the uture

    1.10 Challenges or BIM implementation

    (issues beyond the guidelines)

    1.10.1 Disruptive vs evolving

    implementationThis is the human actor that has signicant

    impact or industry, especially at the management

    level. A quote rom the case studies

    ... that BIM cannot be implemented through

    a gradual progression rom legacy CAD

    to BIM. Some indicated that adopting

    BIM concepts and technologies requires

    a mindset o revolution; a process that

    cannot evolve rom replicating legacy CAD

    standards and procedures. BIM is perceivedas a disruptive technology that requires

    quite signicant changes to the design and

    documentation philosophy. This disruption

    will necessarily include some pain which

    needs to be absorbed and mitigated over

    time and through deliberate eort.

    It ollows that adopting BIM may necessitate

    leaving behind some CAD advantages like

    customised CAD libraries, scripts and other

    established documentation standards. This

    shedding o legacy data and procedures isconsidered by some interviewees as a

    prerequisite or successul adoption o BIM

    principles and processes.



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    Management has to be aware o both the

    opportunities and challenges associated with


    1.10.2 Model users diering views andexpectations o model inormation

    BIM, being such a broad concept and

    encompassing all participants in the building

    industry, will bring a diverse range o views,

    experiences and expectations. Thereore an

    awareness o the requirements o other parties is


    A wall, or example, is seen in very dierent ways

    by the ollowing:

    - architect: layout, size, nish, colour, texture

    - structural engineer: load bearing or non-load


    - mechanical engineer: enclosure objects with

    physical thermal properties

    - quantity surveyor (QS): quantity extraction,

    object specication and cost

    - contractor: item to have abricated o site or

    assembled on site, with cost, delivery time,

    construction time, sequencing

    - subcontractors: a number o subcontractors

    may contribute to a single wall structural

    raming, lining, plastering, painting, electrical,

    hydraulic services

    - FM: surace to maintain as part o a room or


    1.10.3 Need or Australian object libraries

    Accessibility to product inormation is emerging

    as a crucial issue or the successul adoption o

    BIM by industry. This constraint has been most

    obvious with design practices that rst adopt

    BIM when they discover that libraries o building

    elements, urniture and equipment etc. rarely suit

    their needs. This has led to many consultants

    creating their own, time consuming, library objects

    and then nding it dicult to exchange data.

    Inormation can be lost, partially lost or corrupted

    when exchanged, and this can diminish aith in

    BIM. For example, a curtain wall system ater

    exchange might be in the correct location andheight, but doors within that system might end up

    in dierent locations, thus corrupting the integrity o

    rooms/spaces, and the links in the hosting models


    Internal tools in the BIM sotware have generally

    good shape editors, and users add rudimentary

    material properties. However, these libraries are

    restricted to only a ew aspects o product usage

    that are primarily ocused on material or cross-sectional (or presentation) attributes that support

    documentation needs and correct nishes or


    While current BIM users have developed their own

    libraries (rom conventional product literature and

    media), the advent o IFC-based collaboration had

    made these limitations an even more critical impact

    as comprehensive material, structural, thermal

    behaviour and acoustic perormance attributes are

    missing to support their corresponding disciplinary


    The model objects will need to:

    - be sponsored, endorsed or created and

    be maintained with specication details by

    product manuacturer, bureau, or third party

    company. They should be controlled and

    checked beore being added to open libraries.

    Governments could be the generator and

    custodian o the libraries

    -conorm to accepted local classicationsystem

    - support perormance-based speciying and

    monitoring: use o parameters and/or lter

    sets, provide QA or speciers to be checked

    against project brie, and display i changed or


    - support code compliance sotware

    - support e-commerce web enabled or

    coordination, tendering, ordering, tracking

    delivery, installation, progress payments andmaintenance requests.

    Accommodate levels o object data

    Any object will need to accommodate an

    increasing level o detail appropriate or successive

    project phases.

    For example, cost and schedule data or a

    reinorced concrete column:

    Level A m2

    (not dierentiated rom building andspaces)

    Level B column generic

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    Level C column specic

    Level D column detailed or construction

    Level D.1 ormwork

    Level D.2 reinorcementLevel D.3 concrete

    Level D.4 nish

    Level E column - existing

    1.10.4 Product inormation and


    A urther issue arises globally in terms o language,

    terms and work practice. These issues, combined

    with the specic selection o individual properties,

    present a very complex environment regarding themeaning o terms, the applicability o properties

    to particular element perormances and the

    relationship between these properties.

    An International Framework or Dictionaries (IFD

    Library) is an object reerence library which an

    open international standard implementation o

    ISO 12006-3, and seeks to dene what we are

    exchanging. It can be used to get more detailed

    inormation in and out o a construction design

    model. This is currently being implemented in

    Norway, USA, The Netherlands and Canada andis likely to have great potential or application in


    1.10.5 Emerging building inormation

    classifcation system

    Consistent with the need or product libraries, there

    is a parallel requirement or clear and accepted

    standards or building inormation.

    See also NATSPEC Drat TECHreport June

    2008 Inormation classication systems andthe Australian construction industry, which

    recommended compliance with ISO Standard

    12006-2: Organization o inormation about

    construction works Part 2: Framework or

    classication o inormation.

    The building inormation classication system

    needs to be extensible, simple and multi-level,

    and allow connection to automated and semi-

    automated specications and BOQ.

    A drat schema proposed by the Queensland

    Department o Public Works denes a BIM

    Classication Code, in a structure derived rom

    Australian Institute o Quantity Surveyors (AIQS)

    codes, with up to ve levels o increasing detail.

    This BIM code would be added as a category o

    data to every modelled object to enable data to beextracted in an automated and consistent process.

    This schema allows extraction at dierent levels

    or progressive cost planning and estimates

    and quotation systems or contractors and

    subcontractors. There is the opportunity or

    this coding to be mapped to specications

    systems like NATSPEC. It can also assist in asset

    management and, with a time component, be

    used or predicting cash fows, with benchmark,

    actual and complete reporting.

    This is an ongoing area o important, urgent

    research, development and consultation.

    1.10.6 Inormation database management

    The longevity o digital models presents an

    increasing problem as authoring sotware is

    upgraded at relatively requent intervals (1 to 2

    years) compared to the lie cycle o buildings (50

    to 100+ years). I the database is to be used or

    operation and management, issues o the le type,

    ormat, version and media used or storage need

    to be resolved.

    Retaining superseded versions o sotware to view

    or edit the models is problematic as it may not be

    compatible with current hardware and operating

    systems, or even trained sta amiliar with older