Biblical Perspective On Volunteering

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Biblical Perspective On Volunteering

Transcript of Biblical Perspective On Volunteering

A Biblical Perspective on Volunteering

James A. De Jong

Volunteerism Today

Volunteerism Today—scope in the U.S.

Washington DC, USA: What the originators call “the most comprehensive research on US volunteering ever assembled” shows volunteering in America is strong and poised for growth. Nearly 61 million Americans volunteered in their communities in 2007 giving 8.1 billion hours of service worth more than $158 billion to America’s communities, according to the Volunteering in America report released on 28 July by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

(; accessed 3/16/2009)

Volunteerism Today—CBI “value”

Calculated at $19.50* per hour, 2008 totals:

321 office volunteers: 27,556 hours = $537,342!

4,920 volunteer instructors: 217,962 hours = $4,250,259!(Based on 2008 President’s Report, page 3)* rate used by Corporation for National and Community Service, July 28, 2008 report)


Volunteerism Today—2008 CBI President’s Report

Missing Term—Wikipedia definition

“Volunteerism is the willingness of people to work on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain. Volunteers may have special training . . . . But the majorities work on an imprompt [sic.] basis, recognizing a need and filling it . . . . It may be done for altruistic reasons, for example charity, as a hobby, community service or vocation, or for the purpose of gaining experience.”

( 3/16/2009.)

Missing Term—etymology

Merriam Webster, 9th ed., refers “volunteerism” to “voluntarism” defined as “doing something by or relying on voluntary action or volunteers.” “Voluntary” and “volunteer” are based on French and Middle English words going back to the Latin voluntaris and voluntas.

These cognates all rest on the idea of the will, something done as an expression of one’s will.

Missing Term—“Aha” Moment

Biblical Foundations—God as “Volunteer”

The Bible reveals God as a volitional being:

Deciding to create—Genesis 1 vocatives

Biblical Foundations—God as “Volunteer”

The Bible reveals God as a volitional being:

Deciding to create—Genesis 1 vocatives

. . . to establish Israel—Genesis 12:2

Biblical Foundations—God as “Volunteer”

The Bible reveals God as a volitional being:

Deciding to create—Genesis 1 vocatives

. . . to establish Israel—Genesis 12:2

. . . to harden Pharoah’s heart—Exodus 4:21

Biblical Foundations—God as “Volunteer”

The Bible reveals God as a volitional being:

Deciding to create—Genesis 1 vocatives

. . . to establish Israel—Genesis 12:2

. . . to harden Pharoah’s heart—Exodus 4:21

. . . to make David’s name great—2 Samuel 7:8-16

Biblical Foundations—God as “Volunteer”

The Bible reveals God as a volitional being:

Deciding to create—Genesis 1 vocatives

. . . to establish Israel—Genesis 12:2

. . . to harden Pharoah’s heart—Exodus 4:21

. . . to make David’s name great—2 Samuel 7:8-16

. . . to love the world—John 3:16

Biblical Foundations—God as Volitional

He sends the Messiah, judges the nations, glorifies his name!

In short, he chooses, wills, decides, promises, acts, commands, helps, comforts, saves, speaks, loves, etc., etc.

All these verbs conveying choice or willing.


Biblical Foundations—God and Decretal Theology

“Decree” is simply an old term for “Decision”

Reformed theology = God deciding everything.

Sovereign (all controlling) in his decisions

Biblical Foundations—Christ the “Volunteer”

Paul’s kenosis (self-emptying) passage:

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

‘Who, being in the very nature God,

Did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

But made himself nothing,

Taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.’” (Philippians 2:5-7, NIV)

Biblical Foundations—Holy Spirit as Agent of Divine Will

Agent of creation—Gen. 1:2; Ps. 104:30

Inspirer of artistic skill, ability, knowledge—Ex. 31:3-4

Midwife of the new birth—John 3:5-6

Source of spiritual knowledge—1 Cor. 2:14

Primary author of Scripture—2 Peter 1:21

Yet, also a volitional agent—John 3:8

Biblical Foundations—the Christian as Volunteer

Volitional biblical verbs applied to believers:

Believe, repent, serve, obey, follow me, love, be holy, forsake. . .


“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:12-13, NIV)

Biblical Foundations—Christ-likeness

Jesus’ response to the mother of Zebedee’s sons:

“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.” (Matt. 20:26-28, NIV)

Other NT concepts: have the mind of Christ, be Christ-like, imitate Christ

Biblical Foundations—theosis doctrine

Eastern Orthodox teaching.

It is the doctrine that in our Christian life we can so fully trust, honor, and follow God and Christ that we not only become “godly” or “godlike” but actually become partakers in the divine nature!

“Through these [powers] he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world caused by evil desires.” (2 Peter 1:4, NIV)

Explaining Effectiveness—Penology’s failure

Very expensive—highly ineffective.

Explanation: coercive premises: control, retribution, power, repayment, judgmental bad outcomes: anger,

resentment, violence, mistrust, manipulation, despair, hopelessness, self-image

Recidivism rates after 4 years—40% to 75%

Explaining Effectiveness—prison environment

Explaining Effectiveness—Volunteerism’s (CBI’s) success

Priceless—highly effective

Explanation: gracious premises: grace (unmerited love/agape), compassion, service, genuine interest, non-judgmentalism

good outcomes: redemption, forgiveness, restoration, hope, appreciation,

new beginnings, remade self-image

Recidivism rates after 4 years—2 to 5 times better!

Explaining Effectiveness—Picking Cotton