Better, Faster, Cheaper State Government · 2018. 4. 14. · the GOMB team are working closely with...

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1© 2014 TOCICO. All rights reserved.

TOCICO 2014 Conference

Better, Faster, Cheaper State Government

Presented By: Kristen Cox, Executive DirectorUtah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget

Date: June 9, 2014

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TOCICO 2014 Conference

Basic Conflict

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TOCICO 2014 Conference

Demand vs. Supply

It doesn’t matter how many resources you have …

If you don’t know how to use them, it will never be enough.

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Unstable Foundations

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The Blue Print

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What we are about

Utah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget

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Are we maximizing our capacity?

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Can we accelerate?

Work Time Work Time Work Time

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Are critical processes mistake proof?

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What we believe

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Biggest constraint?

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Ask the right questions

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Picasso’s “The Bull” Lithograph

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TOCICO 2014 Conference

Set measurable goals and targets

Use thinking and analysis tools

Create your strategy

Create your organization

Engage staff and customers

Synchronize policy and projects

Stay focused

Framework and Objective

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Strategies and Tactics

Best ManagedState in the Nation

Best ManagedState in the Nation

Create a high performing


Create a high performing


Launch and refine operational excellence framework

Launch and refine operational excellence framework

Develop statewide performance

management system

Develop statewide performance

management systemAlign budget

process Align budget

process Solidify POOGISolidify POOGI

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Governor’s Office of Management and Budget


Budget Budget Operational ExcellenceOperational Excellence

Performance MeasurementPerformance Measurement

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What SUCCESS is not

• Reorganization • IT/Automation• Employee training• Budget requests

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• Identify major “systems”• Develop performance measures • Map system • Complete gap analysis • Identify simple improvements • Manage portfolio

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Work Environments

• Distribution/Inventory• Marketing/Outreach• People• Processing• Project • Regulatory• Resource Management

Total Major Systems




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Governor’s Priorities

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Performance Measures




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Strategic Performance Measures

Quality (better)

Operating Expense (Cheaper)

Throughput (faster) “The improvement ratio”

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System Map - TOS

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Is our system in balance?


System in balance System out of balance

Services Needed

Services Provided

BufferBacklog or Waiting List

Services Needed

Services Provided

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Connecting Budget and Operations

Operations Budget

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Architects vs. BuildersCompliance vs. PerformanceToo much data, too little data FocusTransfer of knowledge

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TOCICO 2014 Conference

The Presenter

Kristen Cox, Executive DirectorGovernor’s Office of Management and BudgetUtah Governor Gary R. Herbert appointed Kristen as the Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Management and Budget (GOMB) in August 2012. In making the announcement, the Governor praised her accomplishments: “Kristen’s paradigm of constant improvement stands out. She has demonstrated impressive leadership and vision at the helm of one of Utah’s largest agencies…That is exactly the approach I want as we work with agency heads to streamline operations and ramp up performance management.” A champion of continuous process improvement, Kristen has designated Theory of Constraints (TOC) and her SUCCESS Framework as the guiding process improvement tool for Utah state government. By integrating operational excellence with the state’s management and budgeting practices, Kris and the GOMB team are working closely with all Cabinet agencies to achieve at least a 25% improvement to state government operations by January 2017 by focusing on quality, capacity, and cost. A cornerstone of this initiative is a focus on evidence-based practices and data-driven decision making.