Bethlehem Star Monthly Ministry Highlight February _Final C… · Bethlehem Star February 2018...

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Transcript of Bethlehem Star Monthly Ministry Highlight February _Final C… · Bethlehem Star February 2018...

Bethlehem Star

February 2018

Worship Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

Learning Hour

9:10–10:00 a.m.

“Gathered around Word and

Sacrament, we live the Good

News of Christ’s love throughout

our Community and the World.”

Bethlehem Staff

Pastor Mark Peterson

Deaconess Kristen Baltrum Director of Faith Formation

Deaconess Sarah Loberg Faith Formation Support

Jamie Jurkovich, Communications and Sunday School Coordinator

Brenda Harris, Worship Director

Nancy Tiff, Office Coordinator

Jenny Kelley, Interim Webmaster

Karen Haag, Bookkeeper

Cornerstone Preschool

Andrea Becker, Director of

Cornerstone Preschool,

Monthly Ministry Highlight

Confirmation Ministry

Confirmation is an integral part of our Lutheran identity. Do you know what is going on in our Confirmation Ministry at Bethlehem?

This year we have 15 youth involved in confirmation. We have a three–year program for 6th–8th graders. Most of the kids come on Wednesday night for the class taught by Pastor Peterson and Bob Lee. But a good group also comes on Sunday morning for the class taught by Deaconess Sarah Loberg.

We are currently using the Re:Form curriculum. It is a very creative and interactive curriculum. The Sunday class will cover the Bible, the Creed, and Jesus. The Wednesday class will go over discipleship, other beliefs, and tough questions.

Here is a sampling of those topics:

• Is the Bible true?

• Is God male?

• Can I be a Christian without going to church?

• Did Jesus know he was God?

• If there is only one God, why are there so many other religions?

• Is it a sin to think about sex?

Mentor Ministry is also a part of confirmation. The youth meet once a month with their adult mentor in a planned activity led by Deaconess Kristen. They have fun; they talk about what’s going on in their lives; and they talk about their faith. Most importantly, a special relationship grows that often lasts beyond confirmation.

Recently, four of our confirmands attended the Rocky Mountain Synod Youth Gathering in Colorado Springs. You would have been proud to see how they interacted and participated.

We also encourage the confirmands to go to Confirmation Camp at Sky Ranch. Most go at least once, and some go all three years.

Five of our youth will affirm their baptisms on May 6. In April, they will work with their mentors on their banners and faith statements.

As you can see, it is a very full ministry for these beloved children of God.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Ministry Events in February

• Manna Bible Study: Mondays, 9:00–11:00 a.m.

• Daily Discipleship Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7:00–8:00 a.m., Santa Fe Grill

• Worship at the Peaks Care Center: Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m.

• Adult Choir: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:30 p.m.

• Confirmation: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 p.m.

• Bethlehem Quilters: Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.

• Manna Bible Study: Mondays, 9:00–11:00 a.m.

• Thursday Night Bible Study: February 1 and 8, dinner at 6:00 p.m. and Bible Study on the Apocrypha at 6:30–7:30 p.m.

• First Friday Fellowship: February 2, 6:00–8:30 p.m. at the Kelley’s.

• Nicaragua Mission Meeting: February 3, 10:30 a.m.

• Boulder/Broomfield Conference Bishop’s Retreat: February 5–6

• Sr. High Late Start Breakfast: February 7, 8:15 a.m.

• Bethlehem Book Club: February 8, 7:30 a.m.

• BroBo Sr. High Ski Retreat: February 9–11

• Bethlehem Church Council Retreat: February 10, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Louisville

• Valentine Making with LOC: February 11, 9:30 a.m.

• Young Families Event at Dizzy’s: February 11, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

• Mission Trip to Houston Interest Meeting: February 11, 6:30 p.m.

• Musical Ambassadors at Safe Harbor Assisted Living: February 11

• Naomi Circle Meeting and Bible Study: February 13, 9:30 a.m.

• Ash Wednesday Service (led by LOC): February 14, 1:00 p.m.

• Valentine Neighborhood Distribution: February 14, 4:00 p.m.

• Ash Wednesday Worship: February 14, 7:00 p.m.

• Musical Ambassadors at Bross Street Assisted Living, February 18, 11:30 a.m.

• Mentor Ministry Bowling: February 18, 11:30 a.m.

• Worship at Atria Senior Living: February 18, 2:00 p.m.

• Prayer Shawl Ministry: February 20, 10:00 a.m.

• Tuesday Afternoon Bunco: February 20, 2:00 p.m.

• Evangelism Ministry: February 20, 7:00 p.m.

• Lenten Soup Supper and Vespers: February 21 and 28, dinner from 5:30–6:30 p.m. and worship at 6:30 p.m.

• Learn By Heart Listening Day: February 25, 9:15 a.m.

• Empty Bowls Service Project: February 25, 9:15 a.m.

• ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting: February 25, 6:00–8:00 PM

More details of these events and additional information can be found on our website:

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Pastor Peterson’s Pericopes

What Would You Say?

I called on a new family this past week down in Niwot. They have worshiped at Bethlehem several times. Their seventh-grade son is now coming to confirmation. I never get a chance to talk to visitors on a Sunday morning other than a cursory greeting. So, I like to call on them to get to know them better and to answer any questions they might have about Bethlehem.

I had to laugh. They said that they were wondering if I was going to put “the hard sell” on them, try and twist their arms into joining. That’s not my style.

They seemed a bit surprised that a pastor would come to their home. I told them I have always enjoyed calling on people, especially visitors.

But if you were in my shoes, what would you say to visitors about our church?

That we’re friendly? I did ask them if church members had reached out to them at worship. I was pleased to hear that they have been very warmly greeted every time they visited. I know people do look for a church where they can meet others and build relationships.

That we have a unique relationship with Light of Christ? They were curious about that as they had come to the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service that we shared with Light of Christ. They weren’t sure who the woman preaching was (Pastor Sheila Dirkes from LOC.). This couple is a “mixed marriage”—he comes from a Lutheran background and she was raised in the Roman Catholic Church. They seemed surprised that we shared space and ministry with a Catholic church.

That we have a strong program for children and youth? They wondered if we were an “older congregation.” That was their impression from coming to worship. I talked about our Confirmation Ministry (see the front page), the Sunday school, and youth group. I told them that I thought we have a strong cross–generational congregation, that we try and keep our worship traditional yet diverse. They had been to a Bluegrass service, and they like Ray and his playing a lot. I told them about our Jazz services and the many liturgies that we use.

That we have a strong outreach ministry? I talked about our mission trips to New Orleans, Kentucky, and Nicaragua and some of what we do in our community.

No, I didn’t twist their arms. I tried to be honest but positive because I love this church.

What would you say?

I hope that question is more than just rhetorical. You are the best ambassadors/missionaries that we have. Our role is not to twist arms to get people to visit our church. But we do need to share what excites us, what inspires us, and what grounds us at Bethlehem.

If you feel blessed by Bethlehem, be a blessing.

Pastor Peterson

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!



February 4 – The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

• Mark 1:29-39 – The forces that diminish human life are rendered powerless by Jesus.

• The Bethlehem Choir will lead worship at 8:00 a.m. and the Revelation Choir will lead at 10:15 a.m.

February 11 – Transfiguration of Our Lord

• Mark 9:2-9 – The disciples are given preview of the resurrection of Jesus that is to come.

• The Bethlehem Choir will sing at the 10:15 service.

February 14 – Ash Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

• Bethlehem will be leading the worship this year.

• There will be the imposition of ashes as we begin our Lenten journey.

February 18 – The First Sunday in Lent

• Mark 1:9-15 – The Spirit that comes upon Jesus sustains him when he is tested by Satan so that he might proclaim the good news of God’s reign.

• The Bethlehem Choir will lead worship at 8:00 a.m. and the Revelation Choir will lead at 10:15 a.m.

February 25 – The Second Sunday in Lent

• Mark 8:31-38 – Peter confesses his belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

• The Bethlehem Choir will lead worship at 10:15 a.m.

Ash Wednesday

Our Lenten journey begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14. There are two services with the imposition of ashes: A 1:00 p.m. service led by Light of Christ or a 7:00 p.m. service led by Bethlehem.

Wednesday Night Lenten Soup Supper and Worship

Our Lenten tradition at Bethlehem is to enjoy a soup/bread fellowship on Wednesdays before the services. The neighborhood groups take turns providing the soups, relishes, and desserts. The Evangelism committee provides the bread.

Soup Supper: 5:30–6:30 p.m.

Lenten Worship: 6:30–7:00 p.m.

The 2018 soup assignments are:

• February 21: Orange and Blue

• February 28: Pink and Purple

• March 7: Orange, Red, and Gold

• March 14: Blue, Red, and Green

• March 21: Pink and Light of Christ

Pull out the crock pot or soup kettle and share your favorite soup with fellow members. Your fellowship shepherds will be contacting you prior to your neighborhood group’s week.

Also: Please bring your own soup bowl, utensils, cups, etc. This saves lots of time for the serving neighborhood groups and allows them to worship with you.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Lenten Reading

You are the Way: Devotions for Lent 2018

We will distribute a Lenten devotional that will explore one of Jesus’ “I am” statements each week of Lent.

Lenten Book: Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculee llibagiza

Each Lent, we have encouraged congregational members to join together in reading the same book. This year’s selection was suggested by our Bethlehem Book Club. They found it to be a moving and inspiring story of faith in the middle of a bloody genocide.

We will discuss the book at the Adult Forum on Sunday, March 11.

Worship Attendance for November 2017

Date Total

December 3 208

December 10 271

December 17 234

December 24 (9:00 AM) 114

Christmas Eve (3 Services) 641

December 31 175

Average 205

Faith Formation

Winter Adult Forums

Sundays, 9:15–10:10 a.m. in the Library Classroom

February 4 – Christians and Politics with Pastor Greg Mileski

As Christians, we follow a Savior who rejected earthly power and was executed by the authorities. Then the Roman Empire became Christian and suddenly the church was the very center of power. Many of us grew up in a time when Christianity (and Christians) wielded most of the political power. But now, that relationship is crumbling. Christianity is not at the center of American power. Is this a bad thing? The “religious right” thinks so and is working to recreate what has been lost. But is this the only option? What happens if the Church is no longer seen at the center of power? Might this be an opportunity to be the Church in a new and exciting way—and maybe even a way that looks more like what we see in Christ’s gospels?

Join us for the final session of this three–part class as we ask what should be our relationship to power and how can we as Christians vote in a way that honors the best parts of our faith.

February 11, 18, and 25 – “Mortal Matters” led by Fran Meyers

Fran is a part of the Conversation Project of Boulder County and also leads the Center for Advance Care Planning. In this three–part series, she will look at end–of–life decision making. Discussions will focus on the new choices that are now available as well as debunking many false assumptions that exist around end–of–life decisions.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Thursday Night Bible Study

Dinner in the Fellowship Hall catered by Chef Greg Schumann: 6:00 p.m.

Bible Study in the Fireside Classroom: 6:30–7:30 p.m.

February 1 and 8: Between the Testaments: The Books of the Apocrypha

Why was the book of Ecclesiastes included in the Bible, but not the book of Ecclesiasticus? What happened in the centuries between the Old Testament and the New, between the end of the prophets and the birth of Jesus? These were very crucial centuries and many of the developments that happened during that period had a major influence on the New Testament times. Join us for this two–week Bible study exploring the books of the Apocrypha.

What It Was Like to Be a Youth Leader at the Rocky Mountain Synod Youth Gathering by Haley Reed

On January 13–15, I had the opportunity to go to the Rocky Mountain Synod Youth Gathering in Colorado Springs. I have gone to this gathering before, but this time was going to be even cooler for two reasons: For one, it was the first year that middle schoolers and high schoolers had a gathering together; and second, I was given the opportunity to lead a specific part of the gathering because I am part of YDT (Youth Discipleship Team), and it is made up of youth from all over Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Synod. We represent the youth of the Synod. The theme of the gathering this year was “Wait What?”. We learned all about accepting each other and all of God’s children for who He created us to be. We learned not to judge people by what they look like on the outside but instead focus on who God created them to be on the inside. We heard from three speakers of various ethnicities and genders and gained a new perspective from their stories.

Because I am in YDT, I was given the opportunity to help run a workshop for different congregations. The workshop was a poverty simulation so people could experience what it might be like to have a different class standing. This workshop really opened the eyes of the people in the congregations because they were able to see living standards from a different perspective. This workshop definitely gave me, along with fellow youth, a lot of new perspectives to consider.

Overall, being a part of YDT is a really cool experience and a great way to increase my leadership skills, as well as spread the Word of God. We were also able to recruit a lot of people from different congregations across the Synod to help us plan our Rocky Mountain Synod Day for the for the 2018 ELCA Houston gathering. The gathering was so much fun, and I definitely learned a lot about loving and accepting others, not judging them for who I think they are but instead accepting them and loving them because they are God’s children and he loves us all, equally.

Additionally, or alternatively, mentor pairs are encouraged to participate in the Sunday School Empty Bowls project on February 25! Please make sure to sign up by February 11 in the Narthex to participate!

ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting

Youth who are attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston this summer will be meeting to keep building our community and learn about what we will be discovering in Houston! Please make it a point to be at these meetings! This February meeting will be at First Lutheran on February 25, 6:00–8:00 p.m.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Mentor Ministry Bowling

Yes, we are going bowling! We will meet at Centennial Lanes no later than 11:30 a.m. on February 18 (not February 25 as previously posted). We will be done at 1:30 p.m. If anyone needs a ride from church, please let me know so we can be sure to have enough drivers/space. BLC will cover the cost of this event. We realize that this is President's Day weekend, and therefore a four–day weekend. We hope that enough of you will be in town to still come bowling and make this a really awesome time! There will be prizes!!! Mentors, please talk to your mentee and then let Deaconess Sarah Loberg ( know that you both will be there!


Certificate of Appreciation from the Salvation Army

Thank you to each and every one that rang bells for the Salvation Army this year. At the annual meeting/thank you breakfast held by the Salvation Army this past Saturday, BLC was awarded a certificate of appreciation. Of the 21 groups that rang for the Salvation Army this year, BLC brought in the 2nd highest total ($7,700). Our success was shared with all in attendance. The total combined amount brought in by all groups was $53,409.09. Thank you again for making this a very successful bell ringing event and supporting the Our Center and Salvation Army.

~ Sincerely, Duane Penny

Informational Meeting for Nicaragua Mission Trip

We are excited about our Nicaragua Mission Trip on June 7–17 this year! If you have interest in the trip this year, in the future, or just want to find out more about it, please attend a Nicaragua mission interest meeting on Saturday, February 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room. We will be giving an overview of our mission trip as well as offering an opportunity to ask questions. We hope to see you there! Please email Cathy Goodman ( with any questions.

College Care Packages

We are once again collecting items to be shipped to our 12 college students to show our support! You can help us by bringing in small items like lip balm, pens, pencils, snack bars, candy, coffee gift cards, etc., and putting them in the bin marked "College Care Packages" in the church narthex. We will collect from now until February 11. If you have questions, please contact Karel Van Dyke or Deaconess Kristen (

Love Our Neighbors

The combined communities of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and Light of Christ are invited to make valentines on Sunday morning, February 11 in the fellowship hall between services. Our goal is to create 300 valentines. The valentines will be distributed on Valentine’s Day to our neighbors around the church. If you would like to help us distribute them, join us at the LOC office at 4 p.m. on February 14 to share our love with our neighbors. Thanks to Sally Allen and Anabeth Auten for making our craft day possible. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Teri ( at Light of Christ.

Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build Home

Habitat for Humanity will be starting their next Apostles Build home in February and would like to invite the BLC congregation to meet the family and attend the ground blessing ceremony on February 11 at 3:00 p.m. at 816 South Coffman Street in Longmont.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Special Envelope Fundraiser for the ELCA Youth Gathering

We have 16 youth and 5 adults (who will partner with 14 youth and 2 adults from First Lutheran) traveling to Houston, TX for the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer and we need your help to get there! On the bulletin board by the fireside room are numbered envelopes. Please consider taking an envelope and placing a check or cash that matches the number on the envelope. The envelope can then be given directly to Deaconess Kristen, or placed in the manila envelope in her mailbox in the main office work-room. If you would like a tax receipt for your donation but put cash in the envelope, please make sure to put your name on the envelope. If all 100 envelopes are filled, we will raise over $5200 to off–set adult and group costs, plus a little bit for each BLC youth. This is our only "direct–ask" fundraiser. Other fundraisers will include the Easter Breakfast and possibly some others! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Planning Meeting for Mission Trip to Houston

Anyone interested in learning more about the BLC/LOC mission trip to Houston this year is invited to attend a planning meeting on Sunday, February 11 at 6.30 p.m. in the fireside room. We will be discussing the trip, fundraising plans for the annual St. Patrick’s dinner, and the silent auction being held on Saturday, March 17. Please contact Bob Cotton (303-651-6563) with any questions.

Eyeglasses and Hearing Aid Collection

The Lion Club is currently collecting gently used eyeglasses and hearing aids for distribution to low-income residents in need. There is a collection box in the hall outside the kitchen where you can donate those items. Please contact Duane Penny (970-344-5120) with any questions.

Empty Bowls Winter Service Project

Each semester our Sunday School kids complete service projects to help out our church or community in some way. This winter, we are joining Crack Pots to support the OUR Center through the Longmont Empty Bowls project, and we would like to invite anyone interested from the congregation to join us. Between services on Sunday, February 25 we will be painting soup bowls for the OUR Center to use in their 15th Annual Empty Bowls fundraiser. All the painted bowls will be delivered to the OUR Center to use at their event. Anyone from the community is welcome to purchase tickets to the Empty Bowls event. The ticket price includes a unique bowl painted by someone in the community, soup, and an opportunity to participate in a silent auction. We are helping out by sharing our creativity and painting bowls to be used at the event. The cost to participate in painting a bowl during Sunday school on February 25 is $12/bowl or $10/bowl for four or more bowls. Scholarships are available.

Please notify Deaconess Kristen or Jamie if you would like to participate but cannot cover the cost. We need to order bowls and supplies ahead of time, so please sign–up in the Narthex by Sunday, February 11 if you plan on painting a bowl. You may pay with cash or a check written out to BLC. Please give all money to Jamie Jurkovich ( by February 25. Happy Painting!

If you are interested in attending the Empty Bowls event on Saturday, March 17 and seeing your bowl on display, you may purchase tickets directly from the OUR Center (

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Member’s Square

Volunteerism by Greg Schumann

Don’t be afraid. The word volunteer will not bite; it will not scratch; and it definitely will not hurt you. What it will do is give you a sense of pride, accomplishment, involvement, and ownership. I found that out a little over six years ago when I started volunteering to help make coffee. Eventually, I simply said that I would take care of the coffee every Sunday.

As luck would have it, I was sitting in the annual meeting, drinking some of that very coffee when it happened again. At the annual meeting, there was a need for one more person to sit on the nominating committee. All around the room, eyes looked down, or away, or closed completely. A tap on my shoulder and a voice said, “Why don’t you volunteer?” Oddly enough, there was no one standing behind me. The tap on the shoulder was from above! So, I raised my hand and accepted the position. About 9 months later, I was meeting to help figure out who the next church council nominees would be. I had my list, made my calls, and found folks willing to serve. After one meeting, I had just gotten home and my phone rang: “Will you be willing to be on Church Council”? I thought—wait a minute, I was in that meeting and my name did not come up, but after some prayerful consideration I said yes. That was just over 4 years ago.

Bethlehem has a need for volunteers on a regular basis. That is what makes the church function and gives us all a beautiful place to worship, a strong educational base, and wonderful social events. There are so many ways we can be a servant to God. Setting up chairs, helping with dishes, helping with communion or ushering, bringing food for an event, being an acolyte, coordinating ushers or communion assistants, and many others are all ways we can give to our church and serve the Lord.

Please give volunteering a thought when asked. So many tasks take less than an hour. One hour, three or four times a year, means the world of difference to those around you. Please check the weekly bulletin for ideas on how you can help.


Family Day at Dizzy’s Family Fun Center

Calling all families with kids! Let’s meet up for some fun together at Dizzy’s (455 Weaver Park Road, Suite 100) on February 11 from 4:00–6:00 p.m. Each family will pay their own entrance and activity fee. If you plan on being there, contact Jamie Jurkovich ( so we’ll know to look for you.

Late Start Breakfast Club

Come on over to BLC for some fabulous breakfast that will fill your belly before school fills your brain on February 7, 8:15–9:30 a.m. If you are a non–driver, just get a ride TO the church building. Deaconess Kristen will drop off all students before the late–start bell at their school. Please RSVP to Deaconess Sarah Loberg ( by February 4. RSVPS ARE REALLY IMPORTANT! Our lovely ladies from the Naomi circle will once again be providing this great breakfast, so let’s help them by letting them know that you will be there. Friends are welcome!

First Friday Fellowship

Join us on Friday, February 2, 6:00–8:30 p.m. for First Friday Fellowship. First Friday is a monthly adult fellowship opportunity to get to know other church members in a relaxed setting. No reservations are required; just bring an appetizer and a beverage to share. Our hosts this month are Jenny and Mike Kelley (1711 Roma Ct., Longmont, CO 80503). Come and share appetizers and good fellowship!

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!



St. Patrick’s Dinner and Silent Auction Fundraiser

2018 Mission Trip: Bethlehem and Light of Christ have decided that we will head to Houston this fall for our combined mission trip. We had a great experience in years past working with the St. Bernard Project doing Katrina relief work. We will once again work with them as we do Hurricane Harvey clean–up. There will be a planning meeting for that trip on February 11, 6:30 p.m. in the library classroom. Anyone interested in going on the mission trip should plan to attend.

St. Patrick’s Dinner: Our biggest fundraiser for the trip is the St. Patrick’s dinner and silent auction. This year the dinner will fall on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.

Silent Auction: The silent auction is a big part of that fundraising effort. This year Lori Bloemker from Bethlehem has agreed to coordinate the auction. Bless you Lori! We will start collecting items to be auctioned off on February 11. (Please note: this is not a garage sale but a silent auction. The intent is for the donations to be items that have real value, rather than items you just want to get rid of.) There will be a table in the fellowship hall where you can drop the items off. Please make sure you fill out the paperwork that is there so we know who donated what.

Cornerstone Preschool at Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Cornerstone Preschool is now enrolling children ages 3 to 5 for the 2018 Fall semester. Classes are offered as a 3–day option (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or a 2-day option (Tuesday and Thursday) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call Andrea at 303-776-3081 for more information and to make an appointment to visit the preschool. Also, visit the Cornerstone Preschool website at ( or the Facebook page ( to learn more about the preschool.


Financial Update YTD through December General Fund Actual Income $488,021 General Fund Budgeted Income 472,100

Income Surplus $15,921

General Fund Ministry Expenses $491,606

Net Deficit -$3,585

Financial Reports Presented to Council Available

You can download the Financial Reports submitted each month to council from our Member website under Finances ( The key pages are the General Fund Summary and the All Fund Summary. Contact Jamie Adams ( for more information or with questions or suggestions.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Lutheran Family Services (LFS) Announcements

Warm Coats Needed for Refugees

Many clients in our refugee program come from much warmer climates and are unprepared for a Colorado winter. We are currently accepting donations of new or gently used coats and boots for adults and kids of all ages. For more information or to coordinate a drop-off, contact Kate Strebe at or 303-225-0199.

Advance Care Planning

Did you know that 75% of Americans do not have their medical care wishes in writing? Are you one of them? The OACS program, in partnership with the Colorado Health Foundation, is offering free, individual Advance Care Planning consults to provide hands-on assistance in the creation of Advance Directives, such as Medical Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will, at no charge. Our goal is to ensure that everyone completes these important documents, and understands why they are necessary. To set up an appointment at our Lakewood office, call 303-217-5864.

Informational Session on Foster Care in Colorado

Each year in Colorado, thousands of kids are unable to live with their biological parents because of abuse or neglect. We need families who can provide temporary care until children reunify with their parent as well as families willing to adopt children and teens in foster care if they can’t return to their families. An informal Q & A session for foster care will be held on February 14 from 12:30–1:30 p.m. and from 5:30–6:30 p.m. at the LFS Denver Metro office (363 S. Harlan Street, Suite 105, Denver, 80226). For more information, please contact Anne Hamilton ( or 303-217-5869). One-on-one meetings can also be arranged to work around your busy schedule.

Death Be Not Proud (Holy Sonnet X)

John Donne (1572–1631)

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow

Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,

Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery. Thou'art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,

And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, And poppy'or charms can make us sleep as well

And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally,

And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Member Milestones

February Anniversaries

February 4 Cindy and Pete Schlagel (34) February 6 Julie and Steven Winter (30) February 13 Karen and Mark Zuege (36) February 14 Georgene and William Gibson (3) February 14 Margot and Jim Hoffmeyer (48) February 19 Debby and Alan Olson (24)

February Birthdays

February 2 Thomas Hoime, Nancy McLeod, Anthony Ortiz, Raeana Ortiz, Alexander Pemberton

February 3 Linda Holm

February 4 Kayleb Tiff February 5 Sandy Woodruff February 6 Darlene Borgmann

February 7 Shane Adler February 8 Kathleen Byrne

February 9 Maitland Gordon, Mark Holste

February 11 Julie Geiser, Kristy Lee, February 12 Daelyn Carlock, Doris Haave, Erik Ritzen, Ethan Thompson, Eric Van Dyke

February 13 Jacob Parker February 14 Brady Parker, Dennis Smith, Kiowa Stetson, Karen Sum

February 15 Kevin Kelley, Katie Wissink

February 16 Doug Adler, Pat Allour, Joyce Gallagher, Carl Sum

February 17 Anna Kragerud, Marv Reinartz, Coqui Stetson

February 18 Gavin Neuhaus, Scott Peterson, Leonard Thieking

February 19 April Simsek

February 20 Lee Malwitz

February 21 Jan Reinartz

February 22 David Astrom, Emily Ordal, Caleb Payne, Gentry Ross

February 23 Erik Kessler February 27 Georgene Gibson, Nancy Tiff, William Wiser February 28 Brian Burrell, Bruce Layton


Healing for:

Harold Sorensen, Larry Sittner, John Goodman, Harold Wollman, Dion Borgmann, Bob Dunkel, Georgene Gibson, Carol Thieking, Barb Blando, Scott Flanagan, Gerry Cole, Jim Ferguson, Byron Thompson, Doug Eikenberg, Jim Tiff, Lucille Wollman

Our homebound members: Mike Goecke, Dottie Choun, Mike Anderson, Mary Schlagel, Inga Froyland, Doris Cotton, Gail Gaffney Taylor, Esther Tiff, Ann Young

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Thank You

Many thanks to all for your prayers, phone calls, cards, and kind words to our family after Bob's passing. We appreciate the love and support we received. Also, thanks to the crew who took care of the lunch. Good job!

~The McLeod Family

Dear Scholarship Committee and BLC Church Body:

As I prepare for the last two quarters of my college career at the University of Denver, I am overwhelmed with immense gratitude for the unconditional love and support you have showed me over this four-year journey. Your financial support has alleviated the pressure of having to take on an additional job and the added stress that would bring. The support from the congregation members and the open arms you continue to welcome me and my family home with speaks measures to the people of the BLC community.

Thank you for the constant encouragement and the way you have reminded me of the abundance of the Kingdom of God through all that you say, do, and live. These past four incredible years would not have been possible without BLC!

~With gratitude, Katie Coody

Thank You

Office Helpers: Betty Bluhm, Mary Fjeld, Nancy McLeod, and Doris Slinger

Annual Report Helpers: Betty and Dave Bluhm, Fred Fanton, Estelle and Phil Goode, and Nancy McLeod

Information & News

Keep the BLC Office Up to Date

Please keep the church office up to date with address, email and phone information for your family. Contact Nancy at the church office (303-776-3290, with any changes in contact information.

Bethlehem Star – February 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Bethlehem Lutheran Church 1000 15th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 Return service requested

Weekly Announcements are also available on the website. Go to, login as a Member and then go to Notes/Weekly Bulletins. Deadline for weekly announcements: The Wednesday before you want the announcement to appear in the bulletin. Submit all announcements through the Members website/Resources/ Submit to BLC news form or the BLC news email ( Deadline for the 2018 March Star: February 20. Submit all articles through the Members website/Resources/Submit to BLC news form or the BLC news email ( If you have any problems, please contact Aaron Jurkovich or Jenny Kelley.