BETH SHALOM SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN - …progress report on how Beth Shalom is doing, how we continue to...

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Transcript of BETH SHALOM SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN - …progress report on how Beth Shalom is doing, how we continue to...


    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777


    BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016-2017


    11916 JASPER AVE. T5K 0N9 PHONE: (780) 488-6333

    FAX: (780) 488-6259 EMAIL:

    Rabbi Kliel Rose - David Mannes - Yuliya Massarsky - Helena Khazanovsky - Dorothy Turner -

    MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM / FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM



    Bikkur Cholim

    If you would like to be visited by someone from the Bikkur

    Cholim committee, please contact

    Jeff Rubin at 780-893-4404.

    Accuracy of Information

    We do our best to ensure the accuracy of all the information

    in the Bulletin, but despite our best efforts, sometimes an

    error appears. Please accept our sincere apologies for any

    errors. Please let us know so that we can correct them as

    soon as possible or update our records where necessary.


    Todah Raba to our Volunteers

    Thank you to Sharon Abbott and Ruth-Ellen Shafir for editing

    our Beth Shalom Publications.

    The Bulletin is now Available via e-mail

    By receiving your monthly Beth Shalom Bulletin via e-mail,

    you will help save Beth Shalom the printing and postage

    costs. Please email us at to

    sign up!

    Important Kehila Reminders

    To B’nai Mitzvah Parents:

    Please make sure we receive the article and photo of your

    child as soon as possible! This will help us o ensure their in-

    formation is available in the appropriate monthly bulletin.

    Thank You!

    Daily Minyan

    Daily minyans are held Monday to Friday at

    7:30am and Sundays and holidays at 9:00am.

    Please make a commitment to attend at least

    one minyan a month.

    Attendance at minyan allows individuals to say Kaddish.

    Thank you to the people who attend regularly.

    Scent Free Shul

    Out of respect for your fellow congregants who

    may suffer from allergies, please reduce your

    use of scented products when you are

    in the synagogue.

    Thank You!

    A Reminder from Beth Shalom Catering Services

    When making meal reservations we ask that you

    pay by credit card or cash at the time the

    reservation is made.


  • Dear Friends,

    Shalom! The holiday of Pesach/Passover begins this year at sundown on Monday, April 10.

    As we gather together on that evening to celebrate this sacred time around our Seder tables,

    enjoying the company of our fellow Seder participants, symbolic foods, familiar melodies, ancient

    readings as well as gaining new insights through meaningful conversation.

    At a certain point in the Seder we will read or sing an Aramaic statement from the Maggid section

    of the Haggadah:

    Ha lakhma anya, di akhalu avhatana, b’ara d’mitzrayim. Kol dichfin yetei v’yeichol, kol ditzrich yeitei v’yifsach.

    Hashata hacha, l’shanah haba’ah b’arah d’yisrael. Hashata avdei, l’shanah haba’ah b’nei chorin.

    “This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. Let all who are hungry come and eat; let

    all who are needy come and celebrate Passover. Now we are here; next year may we be in the Land of Israel. Now we

    are slaves; next year may we be free”.

    The most poignant words of this section for me is the line that reads, Kol dichfin yeitei v’yeichol -- "Let all who are hungry come

    and eat."

    That is an unbelievably powerful statement to make. As Rabbi Joshua Feigelson writes: “The power of story and symbol can

    illuminate those things we prefer, consciously or unconsciously, to keep in the dark. It leads to empathy”. If that is the case

    what do we mean when we recite these words? Are we really inviting anyone who is hungry, at that specific moment, to enter

    into our homes and join us? Furthermore, if we take this statement literally at what personal cost are we willing to ensure that

    all who are hungry are fed and supported?

    As Rabbi Feigelson suggests “’Let all who are hungry come and eat’,” has come to be understood as referring to people who

    are spiritually hungry, just as those who are oppressed within Mitzrayim (Egypt) become people who are confined within the

    narrow straits (meitzarim) of lack of authenticity”.

    Let’s pause and imagine we truly mean the words we are reciting and intend to invite poor folks to our Seders. How can we

    really satisfy this requirement?

    I would like to suggest that yes; there are a number of practical ways we can make this possible. However, since there are

    potentially serious concerns and significant consequences of inviting strangers into our homes we might want to consider

    fulfilling the obligation of feeding the poor this year by supporting Beth Shalom’s annual communal Seder.

    Every year we host this Seder, as a congregation; by and large the people who join us are those who are supported through

    Edmonton’s Jewish Family Services (JFS). Even if we personally cannot make it to this Seder; each one of us in some small

    measure can help underwrite part of the expense to host this experience for many who cannot afford to, so that more people

    can attend a Seder and enjoy the sacred traditions of Pesach.

    As we sit at our Seder tables enjoying the company of our loved ones, let us also hope for a time when all who are hungry will

    eat as free people.

    On behalf of Dorit and our children I want to wish the entire congregation a Chag Kasher V’Sameach, a Kosher (literally and

    spiritually) and joyous Passover.

    In friendship,

    Rabbi Kliel

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    A Message from your Rabbi, Kliel Rose


    To arrange a meeting with Rabbi Kliel please call him on his cell phone 780-860-9901

    or send him an email message


  • 2016/2017 Beth Shalom Annual General Meeting Report

    Submitted by your President, Steven Katz

    On behalf of the Board of Directors

    The past year at Beth Shalom has been a busy one. We have been fortunate to see many

    successes, and of course we continue to be challenged in a number of areas. Below, please find a

    progress report on how Beth Shalom is doing, how we continue to try to address these challenges,

    what the board of directors has identified as important decisions made this past year, and the items

    we see being addressed in the year to come.


    At the 2015 AGM, the membership approved an update to the Beth Shalom bylaws. The board has been operating under

    these new bylaws for two years now, and certainly recognizes that some further fine-tuning may be needed in the future. The

    board has begun to look at these issues in detail, and suspect membership consultation will occur over the next year. To

    ensure ongoing compliance with the Alberta Societies’ Act, a small change will be put to the congregation at the AGM this year,

    increasing the minimal vote required to pass special resolutions of the congregation.

    Outside of the bylaws, the structure of the board has continued to operate in a new unique way. Whereas recent years of the

    board have seen only executive committee members with subject portfolios, all board members took on specific

    responsibilities this past year, making this an engaged and diligent board which the Beth Shalom membership can be proud of.


    Overall, membership has been relatively stable over the past year, with an ongoing slow decline as we see our older members

    pass on. Our membership structure and rate policies have not been reviewed in some time; the board recognizes a review is

    needed to ensure our current membership dues structure remains the best fit for our membership and for the Synagogue’s

    financial security. A broader review is currently planned to occur over the coming months, for possible implementation in the

    2018 membership year.

    With this review, the board will need to consider the recent USCJ policy change about non-Jewish membership at Conservative

    synagogues. Previously, USCJ affiliated synagogues were discouraged from having non-Jewish members, including non-Jewish

    spouses. In March, USCJ member synagogues overwhelmingly voted in favour of changing this policy, leaving this important

    decision in the hands of individual synagogues.

    Vision 2020

    Under the amazing leadership of James Mallet, the Vision 2020 project came to completion in 2016, developing a 5 year

    strategic plan for Beth Shalom. The pillars of the plan include:

    1. Ensure newcomers and those seeking greater involvement in our community feel engaged, included and welcome.

    Make welcoming, inclusion, and hospitality a core aspect of our “brand”. Establish a Welcome Committee to oversee

    this with clear Board support and oversight.

    2. Enhance and increase ritual participation at shul and in the home.

    3. Ensure ill and isolated members, and mourners, feel supported and cared for. Re-establish a Bikkur Holim

    Committee to oversee this with clear Board support and oversight.

    4. Increase meaningful opportunities for members to improve the lives of others in and beyond our community.

    5. Re-establish a Tikkun Olam Committee to oversee this with clear Board support and oversight.

    5. Enhance and diversify programming.

    6. Improve communications with members.

    continued on page #6

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    A Message from your President, Steven Katz



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777 5

    All members of Congregation Beth Shalom in good standing are eligible to vote and participate in Board elections.

    Pursuant to Article 10.1 of the Bylaws of Congregation Beth Shalom, the Nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees hereby presents the names listed below (under the column “Nominated for Election”) as being members in good standing nominated for election to the Board of Trustees at

    the Annual General Meeting on April 2, 2017.

    Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Anyone wishing to be nominated from the floor must be present at the

    meeting pursuant to Article 10.2 of the Bylaws.



    MEETING Continuing Board Members

    (in the 2nd year of their 2 year term)

    Bert Malo Jeff Rabinovitch Kyle Huberman Sharon Cohen

    Nominated for Election (to a 2 year term)

    Anna Linetsky James Mallet Michael Paull Geoff Sky

    Members of the Board by virtue of their positions pursuant to the Bylaws:

    Immediate Past President Steven Katz Honourary Life Trustee Russ Joseph Women’s League President Colleen Paul

    Light refreshments will be served

    Leaving the Board at the end of this term

    George Abrams Lana Black Sam Fialkow Moira Sacks Laura Schechter Ari Sniderman Gaylene Soifer Shira Spring Mitch Weinberg


  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    continued from page #4:

    7. Hire one additional full-time staff person (or potentially two part-timers) with primary responsibility for 1)

    programming (including youth) and 2) communications.

    8. Dedicate one or more board members as responsible for overseeing implementation of the Strategic Plan.

    James Mallet joined the board upon completion of the Vision 2020 project as Director in charge of Vision 2020

    Implementation to ensure this vision becomes reality over the coming years. Mazel Tov to James, the core committee

    members, the task forces and everyone who participated in this process.

    Finances and Financial Planning

    Beth Shalom continues to operate a balanced operating budget, as seen in our separate financial statements. Thank you to

    our long-term and retiring treasurer, George Abrams, for his able leadership over the last 8 years.

    Last year, with the guidance of VP Finance Michael Paull, acknowledging the need for long-term planning to ensure the

    financial security and infrastructure needs of Beth Shalom, the board approved a long-term investment plan (see page 11),

    allocating funds for core building repair needs as outlined in the 2015 Reserve Fund Study. In addition, an investment fund

    was established to grow remaining funds from the sale of land to OPH which can be drawn upon for future needs. In xix

    months of operation in 2016, this investment fund grew over $50,000.

    With operating and infrastructure funds established, the focus of fundraising has shifted towards interior work and

    beautification. A very successful High Holy Day appeal and the recent Gala will all help fund the initial work in this regard, with

    the need for further funds to complete the work over the next 2-5 years.

    Building Investment

    The much needed repairs to the front stairs of the synagogue were finally completed in 2016 prior to the High Holy Days. The

    first steps to outline the work needed to upgrade our mechanical and electrical systems have also begun, with the expectation

    these two large and expensive projects will come to fruition later in 2017.

    With decades’ old pews and carpeting, need for painting and lighting upgrades, there is much work to do to ensure we have a

    building which provides the proper respect and feel for a place of worship and community beyond the underlying

    infrastructure. As fundraising allows, this work will start later this year and continue over the next 2-5 years until complete. It

    is expected the total funds needed for this important work will be between $400,000-$500,000 dollars.

    Thank you to Jeff Rabinovitch, VP Building, for his ongoing diligence and dedication to this important portfolio.

    Education and Programming

    It has been another exciting year for Adult Education and Programming. We again published a calendar of events

    encompassing a majority of our plans at Rosh Hashanah, allowing for better planning, and communication with our

    membership and the Jewish community.

    We continued to see a massive increase in Adult Education offerings this year above and beyond the opportunities Rabbi Kliel

    has traditionally provided. Thanks to board member and Adult Education Chair, Anna Linetsky, we saw a varied and

    successful adult education agenda. There is still opportunity this year to participate, and the shul is excited to see this

    portfolio continue to flourish. Highlights have included a Book Club series, led by Michelle Brewer, a medical series, and a

    Shabbat educational series. Thank you to all who led and participated!

    continued on page #8



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Purim Shebang Party



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    continued from page #6:

    Rabbi Kliel has continued to facilitate a variety of educational programs as well. Limud Shabbat continues, as does Monthly

    Lunch and Learn sessions, while the weekly "Introduction to Judaism" program continues to draw attendance. He also

    teaches on a weekly basis at Talmud Torah, spending time with the children and their parents.

    For our family and youth, 2016/17 saw another successful slew of programming centred around our holidays. Of special note,

    I will point out our Family Chanukah Shabbat Dinner, an event which attracted 75 people of all ages in our community. Our

    recent community Purim Shebang remains an annual highlight.

    Our Sunday school, Or Shalom, a shared venture with Temple Beth Ora, saw a change in curriculum this past year, updating

    and upgrading what we are offering to our children. Or Shalom also seems to also have a higher profile in our community this

    year, as we hope this is the start of further growth. A big thank you to Gaylene Soifer who has put in much effort and energy on

    behalf of Beth Shalom this past year.

    Communication remains a challenge, as we need to improve how we let the membership know about these learning and fun

    opportunities. Fortunately, we expect a significant improvement in our communication and programming endeavours over the

    coming year. Yuliya Massarsky was hired as our new Director of Membership Engagement 4 months ago. Already we are

    seeing changes to the monthly bulletin, a more active social media presence, and improvement in how we use our database

    management software. We expect further changes over the coming months so we can ensure all our members know of the

    programming opportunities available to them at Beth Shalom.


    The ritual committee had a successful year again under the leadership of Mitchell Weinberg. Feedback was positive for our

    High Holy Day services this year. Much credit must be given to Chazzanit Dorit Kosmin and Rabbi Kliel as they continued to

    invigorate these services.

    The board of directors endorsed two important ritual policies this past year. An update was made to the conversion process,

    to ensure a transparent policy in terms of the expectations for those going on this important journey. An update to our Bar/Bat

    Mitzvah policy was also completed.

    Thank you to the work of the entire ritual committee: Mitchell Weinberg (chair), Jeff Rubin, Howard Davidow, Odette Masliyah,

    David Mannes, Rabbi Kliel, & Stephen Shafran. As well, a special thank you to David Mannes, our ritual assistant, for his daily

    contributions to Beth Shalom.

    Rabbi Kliel

    As you know, the major focus for the board this year was contract renewal negotiations with Rabbi Kliel. In December, we

    were able to announce a two year contract extension had been successfully reached. A huge Yashir Koach to Rabbi Kliel for

    the tireless hours he puts in at Beth Shalom for our members.


    Helena Khazanovky, our office manager, and Dorothy Turner, our book keeper, continue to do a marvelous job around shul

    administration issues. That said, the board for too long has acknowledged the amount of work we ask of Helena is too much

    and not tenable. With the appointment of Yuliya Massarsky as Director of Membership Engagement, we expect this to improve

    while continuing to see the passion Helena has for Beth Shalom each and every day.

    continued on page #10



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Purim Wine & Cheese Party



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    continued from page #8:

    2016 also saw a change in our building maintenance. After more than a year review, the board decided to contract our

    building maintenance out rather than continue to have the job completed by a full time employee. This change has allowed for

    an improvement in the quality of maintenance and cost savings for the synagogue. We thank Yuri for all the work he has done

    and welcome him to the Beth Shalom family.

    Our synagogue management software package, ShulCloud, continues to grow as we acclimatize to it. We continue to update

    our website and encourage members to sign into their membership portal to maintain their personal and family information,

    pay dues and make donations, all online. While this process remains a work in progress, it is expected that it will result in

    significant office efficiencies and cost savings over the next 1-3 years.


    We have made significant changes to enhance the security of the building at all events and services over the last year. We

    have brought in a security service to be present at Shabbat morning services as well as other large gatherings at Beth Shalom.

    Safety of our congregants is paramount and this will continue to be a focus of the board for the upcoming year.

    Our Parents’ Home

    We continue to develop our relationship with Our Parents’ Home and those who live there. Beth Shalom holds monthly Friday

    night services on the rooftop of OPH, bringing a unique and inspiring view to these services while inviting our OPH neighbours

    to join with us. Beth Shalom and OPH have worked together to ensure the security and safety of the neighborhood block,

    particularly the small space between the two buildings. OPH and Beth Shalom have signed a services agreement, which will,

    amongst other areas, Beth Shalom has agreed to allow Rabbi Kliel to continue to act as their Rav Hamachshir (Kashrut

    Supervision), and provide complimentary daytime parking for their staff and visitors.


    The board of directors acknowledges the vital role our volunteers play at Beth Shalom. In the fall, at Volunteer Shabbat, we

    had the opportunity to honour over 100 such individuals who regularly contribute to various aspects of synagogue life, includ-

    ing Anna Linetsky, our Volunteer of the Year.

    In particular, the contributions made by our board of directors are appreciated. It is often an unappreciated role at

    synagogues, but one that is crucial. At this time, the board of directors wishes to thank the following individuals who will be

    ending their time on the board. We have valued the time and dedication you have provided to Beth Shalom, and hope you

    remain involved in some fashion going forward. Yashir Koach to: Mitchell Weinberg, George Abrams, Laura Schechter, Moira

    Sacks, Lana Black, Sam Fialkow, Ari Sniderman, Shira Spring, and Gaylene Soifer.

    There are likely many other areas to touch on. Beth Shalom is a big operation with many moving parts. This document

    intended to outline many of the priority areas of your board of directors for the past year. As always, we welcome the input,

    questions, concerns and suggestions of the entire membership. If you have an idea, we want to hear it. We want to work

    with you and see if we can develop your idea with the right people into a vibrant successful part of our Beth Shalom k'hilah.

    While often at the AGM we focus on our finances, business and bricks, in the end, it is you, the members, that are and will

    always be the most crucial part of Beth Shalom. We must make sure we always remember that. It is our greatest strength.

    We are the Beth Shalom community.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Steven Katz

    President, Beth Shalom

    April 2, 2017 continued on page #11



  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Lunch & Learn Series



    continued from page #11:

    Beth Shalom Financial Plan 2016 (from 2015/2016 AGM Report)

    1) Building Fund

    • Funds available to restore and secure building infrastructure, based on the recommendations of the 2015 Reserve Fund Study.

    • Members may donate directly to the Building Fund knowing their donation will be used exclusively for infrastructure Investment.

    • Total amount available: $1,275,000, with ongoing short term investment to ensure these funds work for the shul when they are not needed for infrastructure spending.

    2) Contingency and Emergency Funds

    • Monies set aside for any unexpected costs to Beth Shalom above and beyond the routine for administrative & operational, as well as infrastructure purposes respectively Invested in GICs.

    3) Social Action Funds

    • $110,000 invested in Israel bonds over 3-5 years, with the decision of how to use these monies put to future boards.

    4) Investment Fund

    • A principle protected conservatively balanced fund invested with ATB Wealth Management. • Annual return objective of 4-6%. • $1,000,000 initial investment.

    Excluding the Investment Fund, we estimate our first year annual return to be a few thousand dollars higher than projected

    without these changes.


  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Monthly Learning Programs

    Shabbat Limud Program Saturday, April 1, following Kiddush Lunch

    Parsha discussion with Rabbi Kliel Rose

    Complimentary tea, coffee and baked goods will be provided.

    Free of charge All are welcome!


    Lunch & Learn Series Wednesday, April 26 at 12:00pm

    Lunch & Learn Series with Rabbi Kliel Rose This month’s topic is :

    "Minding the Kosher Maze--how do we decide what's permissible & what may not be permitted to us?"

    New Location: Edmonton Jewish Seniors Centre

    10052 117 Street Northwest, Edmonton

    A warm lunch will be served.

    Cost : Members of Jewish Senior Centre $9; Non-Member $12.


    Adult Learning Series Tuesday, April 25, at 7:00pm

    Monthly Reading Group the Discussion of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s “God in Search of Man” by Michelle Brewer

    “It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own defeats. Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became

    irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid. When faith is completely replaced by creed, worship by discipline, love by habit; when the

    crisis of today is ignored because of the splendor of the past; when faith becomes an heirloom rather than a living fountain;

    when religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion--its message becomes


    Abraham Joshua Heschel

    No philosophical experience necessary. Free of Charge. All are welcome.


    Junior Congregation Saturday, April 15, at 10:30am

    Monthly program for all children in grades 3-7.

    Attendance is required for any of the students in the B’nai Mitzvah class. At 11:15am the

    students will return to the main sanctuary for the remainder of the service.

    Free of charge. All children are welcome!




  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Jewish Education

    Or Shalom Community Religious School

    Bringing Jewish students together for a fifth year!

    Or Shalom will be offering classes from Pre-school (ages 3 - 5) through B’nai Mitzvah.

    Classes will meet from 10:00 am till 12:00 pm on

    Sunday, April 9, April 23, & April 30 (Family Education Day—Israeli Independence Day

    activities) at Beth Shalom Synagogue.

    For registration forms and more information please contact: Cantor David Mannes at

    780.488-6333/308 or or Temple Beth Ora’s office at



    Journeying Into Judaism Course

    These classes are geared for people engaged in the process of converting to Judaism and their partners. However, the

    classes are open to anyone who is interested in attending on a weekly basis.

    Course Instructors:

    Rabbi Kliel Rose - The Introduction to Judaism Course

    Cantor David Mannes - The Hebrew Siddur Course

    Classes will meet on Sunday, April 2, at 10:00am

    Sunday, April 9, at 11:00am

    Sunday, April 23, at 11:00am

    The classes are free to all Beth Shalom members.

    Conversion candidates (those who have met with the Rabbi) are required to take both classes. Please speak to Rabbi Kliel

    about the requirements and fees associated with the conversion process.

    Non-Beth Shalom members interested in taking these classes can join us. There is a non-member fee of $180 for each class.



    Judaism 101 Series with Cantor David Mannes

    Saturday, April 22, following Kiddush Lunch.

    This month’s topic is:

    “The Structure of the Shabbat Service”

    All levels of knowledge and experience are welcome!

    Free of Charge.

    Complimentary tea, coffee and baked goodies will be provided.


  • I am happy to report the necessary repairs have been done and RELLish is open and ready for business. Go see

    what we have for Passover and make sure you have everything you need.

    There was a webinar/brunch meeting on Sunday, March 26, at Penny Hardin’s home that I will be able to tell you all about in

    the next bulletin!

    We will be having our annual Women’s League Shabbat on Friday, April 28. We wanted to try something different so we are

    looking forward to doing a Friday night service. If you wish to participate in the service with a portion in Hebrew or English

    please contact our Chairperson Muriel Cooper at (780) 488-8537 or cell (780) 686-3879 or, or

    myself at The service will start at 8pm and there will be a Shabbat dinner prior to the service for any-

    one interested. More information will follow in the weekly handouts and notices.

    Our next Book Club meeting will be at Odette Masliyah’s home on Tuesday, April 25, at 1:30pm. We will be discussing “The

    Boston Girl” by Anita Diamont. Please contact Netta at (780) 454-7109 for more information.

    Colleen Paull, Women’s League President

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777 14

    Judaica Shop Open:





    Gifts for Holidays,

    Ritual and Other


    Gift Registry also

    available for

    Weddings & Bar/Bat



    Seder Plates

    Matzah Plates

    Matzah Boxes

    Matzah Covers

    Children’s Books &


    Hostess Gifts

    And Lots More!


  • TRIBUTE FUND (Charitable tax receipts are sent out every year in February).


    Todah Rabah, Mazal Tov, Get Well, Condolences $18.00

    Yedlin Library $18.00 & up

    Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund $18.00 & up

    Chai Fund

    All of the above may be purchased for $18.00 or multiples

    Building Improvement Fund $50.00 & multiples


    B’Kol Echad Song Book $18.00

    Prayerbook $54.00

    Etz Hayim Chumash 1/2 share $62.50

    Etz Hayim Chumash $125.00

    Torah Restoration Fund $18.00 per letter/ $36.00 per word

    Book of Remembrance $175.00

    Tree of Life $250.00

    Max & Helene Sussman Israel Scholarship Fund $18.00 & up

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Prayerbook Fund A Sim Shalom Siddur has been dedicated in memory of Hoda’s mother, Dora Jaffe From: Hoda & Malcolm Cohen A Sim Shalom Siddur has been dedicated in memory of Hoda’s father, Aaron David Jaffe From: Hoda & Malcolm Cohen A Sim Shalom Siddur has been dedicated in honour of Dr. Anthony Russell being hon-oured & celebrated for his leadership in the field of Rheumatology From: Odette & Jacob Masliyah Building Improvement Fund Condolences to Marvin Weisler & family From: Sam & Eva Weisler On the loss of his wife, Donna Weisler Mazal Tov To: Elliot Gelfand From: Betty Kagna On his special Birthday To: Rabbi Kliel Rose From: Jonny Mars On his special Birthday To: Abe & Karen Hering From: Pauline & Rick Uretsky In honour of the birth of their grandchild To: Roberta & Norm Hanson From: Pauline & Rick Uretsky On the birth of their granddaughter To: Miriam Sheckter From: Pauline & Rick Uretsky On the birth of her great granddaughter

    Condolences To: Ed Mickelson From: Carol & Ron Ritch Sharon Abbott Alan & Dyanne Lyons Sondra Grosh & family On the loss of his wife, Joy-Ruth Mick-elson To: Neil & Marlene Brown From: Pauline & Rick Uretsky Ed & Linda Rabinovitch On the loss of Neil’s father To: Earle & Ruth Snider From: Pauline & Rick Uretsky Susan & Murray Lieberman Ed & Linda Rabinovitch On the loss of Earle’s brother To: Marvin Weisler From: Marvin & Marilyn Bercovitch Alan & Dyanne Lyons Neil & Marlene Brown Hannah, Steven & Sarah Aaron Marvin Mitchell Cantor David Mannes & Dr. Sandra Ghitter-Mannes Clara Kagan & family Sondra Grosh & family Ed & Linda Rabinovitch On the loss of his wife, Donna Weisler To: Denise & Michael Webster From: Cantor David Mannes & Dr. Sandra Ghitter-Mannes On the loss of their cousin, Frank Jackson To: Sharon Cohen From: Cantor David Mannes & Dr. Sandra Ghitter-Mannes On the loss of their cousin, Frank Jackson Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund A donation has been made by Daphne Horwitz in memory of her husband, Ronnie Horwitz Chai Fund Triple Chai donation has been made by Trevor & Taryn Horwitz In memory of Trevor’s father, Ronnie Horwitz Triple Chai donation has been made by Taryn & Trevor Horwitz In memory of Taryn’s father, Solly Baise

    Elizabeth Vogel Matthew Dance Ted Croll Nora Lyman Diane Marcovitch Jeff Rubin* Robby Madaio-Kaganovsky Rick Vogel Debbi Joffe Lawrence Lyman* Jaima Geller* Samuel Bobroff Wynne Rigal Taryn Horwitz Michael Sky Danielle Dolgoy Suzannah Fialkow

    *denotes milestone Birthdays or


    Eugene & Anna Linetsky Robin & Melanie Fainsinger Goran & Mirsada Nevesinjac

    Sari Leung Aliyah Leung Ethyn Leung Steven Katz Sarah Kaganovsky Melanie Fainsinger Lara Fainsinger Cantor David Mannes* Marla Miller Rhonda Winston Marilyn Glick Gillian Horwitz Nathan Campbell Sid Hanson Elli Hanson Colleen Paull Toviel Kosmin-Rose

    Tributes in support of one another Happy Birthday!

    Happy Anniversary!

    Welcome to our New Members!

    Drew Hanson & Samantha Harper



    SHUL MENSCHENING If you have a special occasion or

    accomplishment to share with the congre-

    gation please call the Office 780-488-6333

    ext. 301 or write to

  • Beth Shalom Yedlin Memorial Library

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777


    Our library is accessible to the entire community, and beyond, during synagogue office hours:

    Monday to Thursday from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm, Fridays 9:00am-2:30pm. Closed Saturdays & Sundays.

    Please consult Netta Phillet about the possibility of donation to the library prior to bringing books to the library. Thank You !


    “The Boston Girl’ by Anita Diamant

    (review by Caroline Leavitt) Megaseller Anita Diamant’s (“The Red

    Tent’’) ravishing new novel begins as a

    conversation. “Ava, sweetheart, if you ask

    me to talk about how I got to be the wom-

    an I am today, what do you think I’m going

    to say?” That indelible voice belongs to 85

    -year-old Addie Baum, who takes her

    favorite granddaughter, and all of us lucky

    readers, through her colorful lifetime, all

    the way back to 1915, to a tiny tenement

    apartment in the North End that she

    shares with her sisters Celia and Betty and

    her Russian immigrant parents.

    Addie’s voice is whip-smart, warm, and

    full of feeling about everything from her

    early, terrible love affairs to her one great

    love. Looking back, she admits, “I also feel

    sorry for the girl I used to be. She was

    awfully hard on herself.” Life flows by.

    There are births — and tragic deaths. She

    learns to use a newfangled typewriter,

    takes a Shakespeare class, and reads

    everything she can. There’s the terrible flu

    epidemic, which wipes out whole

    neighborhoods. World War I ignites, and

    Addie rolls bandages and knits socks. The

    Great Depression ruins lives.

    Swimming in all this history, Addie begins

    to grow a social conscience. When an

    unmarried friend of hers gets pregnant,

    Addie supports her — and learns about

    the highly controversial Margaret Sanger,

    abortion, and birth control. When she

    begins work at a newspaper, she learns to

    write and discovers an even larger world,

    including the plight of the “orphan train

    children,’’ abandoned kids sent to live

    with farm families. Many of them end up

    being treated as slaves rather than as the

    beloved new family members they were

    supposed to be. Inspired by the story, she

    takes a crusading stand at her job, with

    unexpected consequences. And in one of

    the novel’s most stunning scenes, Addie

    joins a group of women to come up with a

    solution for a friend who is suffering

    unspeakable domestic violence.

    This is a novel about place, tracing Boston

    through the 20th century. Locals will love

    the references to Filene’s, Rockport, and

    the rumbling trolleys and famed

    cobblestone streets. And who could help

    but warm to Addie’s pride in being a

    Boston girl?

    But primarily, “The Boston Girl’’ is about

    relationships, and the most poignant of all

    is that between Addie and her

    steely-hearted mother, Mameh.

    Old-fashioned and fearful of anything

    different, Mameh spits three times to

    ward off the “evil eye,’’ liberally hurls

    around nasty Yiddish phrases, and

    generally disapproves of everyone and

    everything, except perhaps her beloved

    middle daughter, Celia. Throughout her

    life, Addie pines for her mother’s love,

    respect, and acceptance, but her mother

    is furious with thoroughly modern Addie

    and sees all of Addie’s triumphs as the

    worst kind of affront. Addie’s

    Americanization threatens Mameh’s way

    of life. She believes that Addie is “a

    disappointment, a fool,” while Addie

    fumes: “Why does reading books give me

    a big head? Why don’t you ever ask what

    I’m reading?” “If I wanted a change, I’d

    have to do it myself,” Addie realizes. And

    change she does, moving out of her family

    home (a scandal), and becoming a

    working woman (an even bigger scandal).

    Through it all, Addie views her life through

    a lens of humor. “Did you know there was

    a time before all Jews loved Chinese

    food?” she asks her granddaughter, and

    then goes on to describe her first time in a

    Chinese restaurant, a scene so vibrant, it

    sparkles with joy.

    “Oh, Ava, there is so much sadness in this

    life,” Addie tells her granddaughter. But

    Addie also recounts the incredible joys,

    too. There is the bond of lifelong

    friendship, (her girlhood friend, Filomena,

    always stays in touch.) Sisters grow closer

    and become more supportive. And love —

    deep, true love — sustains Addie.

    Toward the end, the book begins to rush a

    bit. Events pile upon events. But then

    again, maybe it’s just that Addie’s

    company, her unique voice, is so deeply

    pleasurable, that you can’t help wanting

    to linger.

    This is the Beth Shalom Women’s League

    book discussion choice for April 25.



  • Canterbury Court Shabbat Services: For many years Beth Shalom has

    coordinated Erev Shabbat services for the Jewish residents of Canterbury Manor.

    Many of the residents are unable to travel to synagogues and they look forward to the opportunity to relive Shabbat memories and prayers with their friends and family in the

    non-denominational chapel at Canterbury Court.

    All members of Beth Shalom are invited to these services. Your presence adds to the

    spirit of the services and is welcome by residents.

    Prayers are led by Cantor David Mannes. Refreshments for the Oneg Shabbat are

    provided by members of Na’amat and Beth Shalom Synagogue.

    April services are scheduled on April 14 & 28.

    Services begin at 6:30 pm at Canterbury Court, 8403 142 St.

    Special thank you to Hilton & Michelle Dinner of Bon Ton Bakery for the donation

    of challah.

    Micheberach — Prayer for the Sick If you would like us to include the name of someone who is not well during the Mishebeirach prayer for those who are ill on Shabbat morning, please either call or

    email Helena with their Hebrew or English name(s).

    Traditionally we include the person's Hebrew name(s) and their mother's Hebrew

    name(s), for example, “Moshe ben D'vorah” or “D’vorah bat Miriam” (ben or bat

    means son or daughter of). If, however, you do not have a Hebrew name for this

    person or they are not Jewish then an English name will do.

    If a name on the list should no longer be listed can you kindly let us know about

    this so we can remove the individual from our list. Thank You!

    April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    February Kiddush & Seudah Sponsors

    March 4 - Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund to Mel Wyne & Phyllis Nurgitz in memory of Mel’s father, Sam Wyne. To Penny & Phil Hardin in memory of Penny’s mother, Rebeccah Warhaft.

    March 11- Special thank you for co-sponsoring the Kiddush Lunch to David Grossman in honour of his wife, Shirley’s 80th Birthday.

    Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund to Ken & Annella Wasserman in memory of Ken’s parents, Zelma

    Wasserman & Malcolm Wasserman & grandfather, Sam Finkelstein. To Eugene & Anna Linetsky in memory of Eugene’s mother,

    Bluma Linetsky. To Victor & Lena Linetsky in memory of Victor’s grandmother, Bluma Linetsky.

    March 25- Special thank you for the Kiddush Fund donation to Joe & Ruth-Ellen Shafir & family in memory of Ruth-Ellen’s mother,

    Suni Silverman. To Shelley Weinstein & Bruce Bradley in memory of Bessie Goldstick. To Shirley Goldberg in memory of her aunt,

    Aliza Katz Belkin. To Caroline Simonson. To the family of Florence Burstyn z”l in her memory.

    Hosting Kiddush or Seudah: It is customary to help sponsor our

    Shabbat morning Kiddush or our Shabbat afternoon Seudah meal to honour the

    memory of loved ones at the time of their Yahrzeit or in honour of a special occasion.

    Donations to the Kiddush Lunch can be made online on our website or by

    contacting the office at 780.488.6333 ext. 301 .

    Tax receipts are provided.


    Kolya’s Tefillin Ceremony


  • April 2017-Nissan/Iyar 5777

    Beth Shalom welcomes advertising from members of our congregation and

    the community.

    Only business card size ads are accepted. The cost is $25.00 per Issue or $250.00 for a

    full year when paid for in advance. To arrange for an ad in the next bulletin,

    please call the office at 780-488-6333, ext.



    Welcomes all members of Beth Shalom Synagogue.

    Please visit us at our 11715 Jasper Ave location and enjoy 15% off all regular dry cleaning services. We

    clean Tallits as well. We look forward to your visit.



  • Join us to learn about


    On Saturday, April 22

    following Kiddush Lunch at Beth Shalom.

    All levels of knowledge and experience are welcome!

    Complimentary tea, coffee and baked goodies will be provided.

    Beth Shalom Judaism 101 Series with Cantor David Mannes