Best Practices For Delivering Virtual Classroom Training

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Best Practices For Delivering Virtual Classroom Training

“Using TelePresence / Video Wall”

Fareeza Marican @fareeza81 Fareeza Marican

Explain the virtual classroom concept

Deliver and use the technology efficiently and effectively

Engage learners at all participated states

At the end of this session, you should be able to:

What is Virtual


Online Learning



Through a portal


Synchronous instruction

A virtual classroom is an online classroom that allows

participants to communicate with one another, view

presentations or videos, interact with other participants, and

engage with resources in work groups.




TelePresence Features

Advanced Virtual Training

With virtual cadavers, students essentially flip through collated slices of a body. Credit: Nanyang Technological University

A cardiologist at a hospital in Sonora, Mexico engages in a pre-op consultation with a patient and her doctor located 400 miles away in La Paz, Baja California. (Flickr photo)

Virtual Medicine Extends Care Anywhere

Virtual cadavers gives traditional medical training more options


Virtual Training



Immersive Technology

Virtual Reality for Army Training - Soldiers execute a mission in the Dismounted Soldier Training System, a state-of-the-art training that combines gaming and virtual technology. Soldiers can train together in real-time using the DSTS as commanders watch and supervise.


Virtual Training


Immersive technology refers to technology that blurs the

line between the physical world and digital or

simulated world, thereby creating a sense of


The Benefits…

Easy and fast to set up.

Gets new hires trained faster and productive sooner.

Learn from everywhere, anytime, anywhere.

Train from the field with minimal disruption to productivity.ƒƒ

Reduce travel-related hassles and improve quality of work.

Before you start teaching, it is essential that you get to know the surroundings in which you will be working. Some suggestions for becoming familiar with the equipment are:

Attend an introductory session;

Book a time to visit the room with a technician or experienced user;

Sit in on a teaching session;

Book a practice session, ask someone to observe you and give feedback.

Getting Familiar with Video Conferencing

Communication -Clear voice and


Increase eye contact (all states involved) and body language.

Convey the presenceof an individual.

Remote facilitator.

Hold and answer all questions during

Q&A session.

Ask all states and frequently get them

involved in all activities

Design suitable activities that all

participants can get involve.

Don’t forget! You have participants that is not in front of you.

Don’t ignore me

Remember! This is a virtual classroom

What ANNOYS About PowerPoint Presentations?

Present Content

To enhance the learners’

understanding and to engage them with the



Frogs typically lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into aquatic larvae, called tadpoles, that have tails and internal gills. They have highly specialized rasping mouth parts suitable for herbivorous, omnivorous or planktivorous diets. The life cycle is completed when they metamorphose into adults. A few species deposit eggs on land or bypass the tadpole stage. Adult frogs generally have a carnivorous diet consisting of small invertebrates, but omnivorous species exist and a few feed on fruit. Frogs are extremely efficient at converting what they eat into body mass, which makes them an important food source for predators. Frogs are a keystone group in the food web dynamics of many of the world's ecosystems.

Life cycle of a frogA


Ah-ha! Instructional Design helps the learners

to understand better.

Contrast Background & Text Colors

Use contrasting background and text colors for improved readability.

Contrast Contrast

Can you read this? Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this? Can you read this?

Bad Contrast vs. Good Contrast

Use sans-serif font and use the same font through out the course.

Increase Readability


Font Type

Avoid Busy Templates!

• Avoid distracting, busy templates!

Avoid distracting, busy templates!

Audience will tend to focus on

background picture, rather than what

you are saying

Font size = 32 title , 24 body text

Lowercase lettering for body text – easy to read

Background – Avoid busy, hot, florescent colors

Use keywords – Simplify paragraph and elaborate during class

Convert text to diagram/table/chart where applicable

Add video/game/quiz at every 10-15 minutes of presentation

Present engaging content

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