Bernard Tschumi Architectural Design Style Kristen Billings.

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Bernard Tschumi Architectural Design Style Kristen Billings.

Bernard TschumiBernard Tschumi

Architectural Design StyleArchitectural Design StyleKristen BillingsKristen Billings

Tschumi’s style of design is often an Tschumi’s style of design is often an integration of linear and curvature forms in his integration of linear and curvature forms in his architecture. architecture.

An example of the integration used in his An example of the integration used in his design methods may be found in Parc de la design methods may be found in Parc de la Villette in Paris, France.Villette in Paris, France.

The primary basis of Tschumi’s designs is the The primary basis of Tschumi’s designs is the grid. Whether it be horizontal or vertical, grid. Whether it be horizontal or vertical, angled or straight, it is usually a dominant part angled or straight, it is usually a dominant part of his designs.of his designs.

The grids incorporated in his designs are The grids incorporated in his designs are usually derived from characteristics of the usually derived from characteristics of the building site or the city.building site or the city.

The linear characteristics of Tschumi’s designs The linear characteristics of Tschumi’s designs are often accompanied by those of curved or are often accompanied by those of curved or organic form.

Tschumi combines the urbanistic and Tschumi combines the urbanistic and naturalistic qualities of the site in his building naturalistic qualities of the site in his building designs to create modernist qualities in his designs to create modernist qualities in his designs.designs.

Another key to defining Tschumi’s design style Another key to defining Tschumi’s design style is that his designs strive to integrate into the is that his designs strive to integrate into the environment they encompass. However, they environment they encompass. However, they don’t integrate in a way that they blend in, the don’t integrate in a way that they blend in, the integrate in a way that they work functionally integrate in a way that they work functionally and visually portray Tschumi’s design and visually portray Tschumi’s design intentions.intentions.

Tschumi derives the elements of his Tschumi derives the elements of his designs forms from:designs forms from: The existing layout of an urban fabric.The existing layout of an urban fabric. Existing cyclical patterns:Existing cyclical patterns:

VehicularVehicular PedestrianPedestrian Sun/ShadowSun/Shadow Land/Building UseLand/Building Use

Linear connections to relevant city Linear connections to relevant city features:features:

ParksParks MuseumsMuseums Public SpacesPublic Spaces MonumentsMonuments Natural Land FeaturesNatural Land Features

Topography patterns within the Topography patterns within the building site.building site.

Above is a master plan of Parc de la Villete. The red squares indicate Tschumi’s connections to the urban grid. In this project, Tschumi is showing literal connections to the site by the use of Follies, which are small buildings throughout the city that relate back to Parc de la Villette.

In each of Tschumi’s projects pictured below, the linear and curvature In each of Tschumi’s projects pictured below, the linear and curvature qualities of the grid and the curve are key elements that define qualities of the grid and the curve are key elements that define

Tschumi’s architectural design style.Tschumi’s architectural design style.