Belief and expectation (ความเชื่อ และ ความคาดหวัง)

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Belief and expectation (ความเชื่อ และ ความคาดหวัง)


Do you think

?beliefs and expectations.



Internal mammary artery ligation

Leonard Cobbbecame suspicious.Was it really an effective procedure Did it really work


To carry out

this test,

Dr. Cobb performed the traditional procedure on some of the patients, and placebo surgery on the others.

The results were startling.Both the patients who did have their mammary arteries constricted and those who didn't reported immediate relief from their chest pain...!

You may not believe it,but this is what the beliefs and expectations can be achieved...

Reference book ; Predictably Irrational Written by ; Dan Ariely

Psychology Major Ritthiporn Lekdee 5610123243006Wanlapa Jaipluem 5610123243029

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