BEGINNING READING SKILLS *Identify upper and lower case letters *Identify sounds with letters...

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of BEGINNING READING SKILLS *Identify upper and lower case letters *Identify sounds with letters...

BEGINNING READING SKILLS*Identify upper and lower case letters*Identify sounds with letters*Associate printed word with sounds*Identify syllables, rhyming words, antonyms,and color words*Retell a story in sequence*Distinguish between a variety of literature

WRITING SKILLS*Learn to use the writing process (pre-writing,drafting, revising, editing, and publishing)

COMMUNICATION SKILLS*Listen to others*Contribute to discussions*Use appropriate speech


*Use one to one correspondence when counting objects (up to 30) *Recognize number words (up to 10)*Recognize fractions*Recognize the value of a penny, nickel, and dime*Apply addition and subtraction using concrete objects (up to 6)*Recognize and apply concepts of measurement, capacity, length, temperature, and weights*Use problem solving strategies

OpeningLanguage Arts

Daily Intervention Math


Help children become independent!

Practice zipping, buttoning and snapping clothing.

Practice tying shoes.

Give them jobs around the house.

Full name


Phone number

John Alan Howland3 Moul Ave Hanover 632-1234

Your child should be able to:

Take care of personal needs such as:

Washing hands


Regulate sleeping and eating habits soyour child can adjust to the new routine.

*Be consistent

*Inform teacher of any changes

If You Miss School,You Miss Out!

Class work may be sent home with a sibling or neighbor. You may

arrange to pick up the work.

We miss you!

Students learn important skillseach day.

*Must include current phone numbersfor parents and other emergency contact people.*Used to contact you in case of an emergency,.*Will be completed at the beginning of the school year.*Will be kept on file in the main office.

*Obtain from office

*Complete five days prior to start of family trip

*Must be educational tobe an excused absence


*children need to wear the proper clothing for activities.

*children need lunch or lunch money.

*bring in supplies for special activities.


*Inform teacher of any changes in home situation.

*Schedule a phone or in-person meetingif you have questions or concerns

Back PacksPlease provide a back pack.

Please clean out back pack daily. Read andreturn important papers.

Place pack in the same placeeach night.


Check take home folder

Take 5 to 10 minutes

Purpose: Promote responsibility and organization


Return homework totake-home folder

Put folder in back pack andreturn to school

Read to your child often!

Take your child to the library!

Fairy tales

Adventure stories

Alphabet books

Limit television viewing!

Strengthen counting skills!

How many ducks are in the picture?

Help your child understand money and time.

Listening Skills

Look at the person who is talking.

Remain quiet and sit still.

Think about what is being said.

Help children get along with others.

*Wait your turn


*Use manners

Please!Thank you!Excuse me!