Beer Snob Magazine, a lifestyle magazine for beer lovers-Special Event Publication

Post on 29-May-2018

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Transcript of Beer Snob Magazine, a lifestyle magazine for beer lovers-Special Event Publication

  • 8/8/2019 Beer Snob Magazine, a lifestyle magazine for beer lovers-Special Event Publication


    High CountryBeer Fest

    A Special Event Edition

    Beer Snoba lifestyle magazine for beer lovers


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    Sponser s

    High CountryBeer Fest

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    Dave JohnsonPublisher

    Dear Readers,

    B eer Snob Magazine isa project that we areworking on here atCrown Harbor Markeing,Inc. Currently we publish AsheboroMagazine, a publication for theresidents of the City of Asheboro. Wehave been in the magazine business

    for a long time (a little over 22 years)and we recently sold seven magazineswe were publishing in the SouthwestCharlotte and Raleigh areas. The saleof these publications has given us theopportunity to pursue other projects.In researching opportunities, wedecided that there was a real need fora magazine that celebrates the localbeer brewing industry. The idea of publishing a local magazine for craftbeer lovers is an exciting prospect.As part of our research, we attendedthe 2010 High Country Beer Fest, inBoone, North Carolina on September4, 2010.

    Being beer lovers ourselves, wevebeen to other Beer Fests, but we foundthis one to be especially fun. Not onlydid we taste some of the best localbeers available, we aslo sampledsome sensational regional beers,too. On top of the beer tastings, weattended a seminar given by EricksCheese & Wine where they pairedsome extraordinary cheeses with

    equally fantastic beers. We hadpaired cheese with wine before buthad never thought about pairing itwith beer. It was such a fantasticexperience, we drove the seventeenmiles from the Beer Fest to BannerElk, NC to visit Ericks Cheese andWine to buy some of the cheese wehad just sampled to enjoy back athome in Asheboro.

    If you havent had the opportunityto visit Ericks in Banner Elk, it is anawsome little shop and we wouldstrongly encourage you to pay thema visit. They have over 100 gourmetcheeses, 68 different beers and over110 different wines in stock. Theyalso have a variety of gourmet snacksyou can buy to go with the beer, wineand cheese. Best of all, they are veryknowledgable and super nice. Its notlike some of those hoity-toity placesyouve probably stopped into where

    the owner made you feel stupid fornot knowing what wine goes withwhat cheese. In fact, Ericks is justthe opposite.

    But the best part of the day wasmeeting all the wonderful people thatwere at the Beer Fest for the samereason we were. This special editionof Beer Snob is a pictorial of the daysfun and festivities. It is hard to singleout one beer that tasted better thananother, or which band was the best,but my favorite character was the

    guy wearing a hat decorated withhops. That being said, there were somany fantastic people there youdhave to try real hard not to have agreat time. And even then, I amcon dent even the crankiest personon the planet would have managed asmile or two.

    Finally, we want to extend a veryspecial and heartfelt thanks to BrettTaubman and Jon Saken for thetickets and hosting one of the bestevents weve ever attended. If youvenever been to the High Country BeerFest, make sure it is on your calendarfor next year. This is an event not tobe missed.

    DaveDave Johnson, Publisher




    Sherry B.




    www.bee r snobmagaz ine . com T |336.736.8546

    F | 866.559.2920

    Content deadline for the PremiereIssue (November 2010) of Beer Snob

    Magazine is October 20, 2010.

    This months cover photo wasprovided by Dave Johnson taken

    on location at the 2010 HighCountry Beer Fest in Boone, NC. If you would like to submit a photo

    or any other information to befeatured in Beer Snob Magazine,

    please e-mail your files to If

    sending pictures, make sure filesare 300 dpi and large enough to

    fill an 8 1/2 x 11 space.

    Beer Snob Magazine is published monthly bCrown Harbor Marketing, Inc. Any reproductioor duplication of any part thereof must be donewith the written permission of the PublisherAll information included herein is correct to thbest of our knowledge as of the publication date.Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisherat the address above.

    Disclaimer: The paid advertisements containedwithin Beer Snob Magazine are not endorsedor recommended by the Publisher. Thereforeneither party may be held liable for the businesspractices of these companies.

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    Beforethe Gates


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    Andthey re

    off . . .

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    Let theFestivities


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    m o s t f e

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    Beer is that Go

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    m o s t g e n u i n


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