Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church - Tucson, Arizona VISTAS · 2019-01-24 · Beautiful Savior...

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Transcript of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church - Tucson, Arizona VISTAS · 2019-01-24 · Beautiful Savior...



Academy, page 4

Continuation of Pastor’s

letter, page 5

Council, page 5

Bishop Deb Hutterer, page 6

LWR & IMA, page 7

Church Ministries, page 8

To Help & Serve Others,

page 9

WELCA Conference, page 10

SALCA, page 11

Assisting with Worship,

page 13

Sunday Worship at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM


Wednesday at 6:00 PM

All services with Holy Communion

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs

9:00 AM—3:00 PM

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church & Academy

Tucson, Arizona

VISTAS February 2019

Noah had it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years on the way to the Promised Land. Moses was with the Lord for 40 days and nights while receiving the Law on Mt. Sinai. King David and King Solomon each reigned for 40 years. Jesus was tempted for 40 days in the Wilderness.

40 is a big deal in the Bible. It means “A LOT.” For Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, it is A LOT!

2018 was the year BSLC turned 40. February 5, 2018, saw us celebrat-ing those 40 years with special guests and the founding pastor, Dan Hodgson, preaching that Sunday. It was a great time to consider all that has happened, and all that has been accomplished in 40 years. It was A LOT!

A community of faith was established. An Academy that is well known and respected in this area was developed. Countless lives have been touched by the worship, ministry, and people of BSLC. It is A LOT of good news that has been shared, lived, and given here.

Here is the thing though- WE AREN’T DONE YET! Forty may be a lot, but there is a lot more that we are called to do.

So, read the Annual Report and see what has been done this year. See what is being looked forward to as we keep following Jesus into the future. Pray for the ministries, the church, its members, those who have yet to come, and for yourself to see where God is calling you to do your part.

For we go “Forty Forward” following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We remember this truth from Scripture: “Surely the LORD your God has blessed you in all your undertakings; he knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.” Deuteronomy 2:7

So, knowing how blessed we are, and that God is with us providing what we need, we started our “Forty For Four” (40 4 4) Campaign. It’s goal was to raise $40,000 each year for 4 years. It was to provide money for

40 IS “A LOT”



A Publication of Beautiful Savior Lutheran

Church 7570 N Thornydale Road

Tucson, AZ 85741

Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs 9:00 AM - 3:00PM


Phone: 744-2665 Fax: 572-2068



Beautiful Savior

Academy 579-1453

Our Mission

To connect family,

friends, neighbors

and community with

our Beautiful Savior

significant repairs and improvements that would help us move into the future. Last year we raised $34580.94. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO GAVE TO MAKE THAT POSSIBLE!

With that money, we were able to make improvements in our HVAC equipment for the entire campus (18 units!), install a T-Coil Loop System for the Hearing Impaired in the Sanctuary (final equipment to be installed soon), and update the Sanctuary with new paint, carpet, and expanded tiled surfaces for acoustic improvement of the space.

Isn’t it amazing to see what we can do!? Yet, WE ARE NOT DONE YET! There is more, much more, we can and need to do. Here is a list of projects to be tackled (hopefully with your help!) in the next 3 years of the campaign: new sanctuary speakers, renovated and improved Narthex/Gathering Area, Parking Lot surfacing, better signage, phone system replacement for the campus, roof repairs for the Academy, repainting and other upgrades for the Academy, window repairs for leaky windows, etc. etc. etc..

There is a lot to be done as we have used this campus a lot. Plus, if you look at our calendar, our average worship attendance (up 7 from 2017), and the list of new members- we have a lot more use ahead of us! For those who come now, and for those who will come in the future, we need to attend to the task of moving us forward.

A letter with an intent form will be coming out around the anniversary date in February asking you to prayerfully consider how you may add to your giving and support this campaign. I ask that you fill it out and return it so we can start planning and seeking bids. Please help us move forward together.


Mountain Vista Unitarian Universalist, our renters for over a year and a half now. They have had ups and downs in their search for a new home. How long they will remain with us is up in the air, but a question we should ask ourselves is, “What would it be like to share space for a longer time frame?” What are the pros and cons and things that would have to be worked out or done differently? Would it be worth it? I believe there is potential there that would help us utilize the building more and grow an income stream that will help support our ministries. Something to pray about at the very least.

Telecare- a connecting ministry to our members. This would be a ministry where volunteers would call through our membership list on a regular basis with a simple question- “Is there anything you would like the church to pray for?” That’s it. It isn’t a phone tree for announce-ments or recruitment/giving calls, it is simply calling people, saying ‘hi’ and asking if we can pray for something that is one their heart. There will be a training coming up about how to do that and handle things that can come up, as well as simple training on prayer. Contact me if you are interested in calling or praying.

Updating Information- please, please, please! Last year we asked


Beautiful Savior Lutheran is a member of the

Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in

America (ELCA)

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop

The Rev. Deborah Hutterer Synod Bishop

Pastor Rev. David L. Pavesic

(520) 275-2410 for emergencies

Facebook: David Pavesic

Office Administrator Jenni Pavesic 744-2665

Staff W. Aaron Rice Director of Music

Rebecca Solomon Accompanist


Rhonda Karrer Director, 579-1453

Candace Camamo Kindergarten Teacher Lisa Vaskovic Adv. Preschool Teacher

Sharon Burgess Preschool Teacher

Carrie Munyon Preschool Teacher

Rebecca Vorholzer Preschool Teacher

Daniela Faust Preschool Aide

Cindy Cooper Aftercare Teacher

Linda Spain Volunteer Helper Kelly Jennings P.E. Teacher

Congregation Council

Kim Ogden President

Pete Pederson Vice-President

Jodi Layton Secretary

Asher Havenhill Liaison

Janice Lewis Liaison

Diana Lonbeck Liaison

Richard Mauthe Liaison

???? Treasurer


Sig Smitt Offering Secretary

Susan Kingsborough Counters

Community Connections—Monday, Feb. 11th at 6:30pm in the front office. Come and tell us about the organizations that are on your heart and that you support.

Joy Circle Bible Study—Tuesday, Feb 12 at 9:30am in Werner Hall. All ladies are invited to attend.

Pint with a Pastor- This is to be a space for respectful exploration, dialogue, and fellowship. WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 5 & 19 at 6:30pm WHERE: Zpizza on La Cañada and Naranja Dr.

Thursday, Feb. 14th—Due date for submissions to the March VISTA newsletter.

PrimeTimers—Thursday, Feb 14 at 12:30pm in Werner Hall. Join us for food and fellowship.

Signs of the Spirit—Thursday, Feb. 14 & 28. Join us in learning to sign parts of the Sunday worship liturgy, especially the Benediction song at the end of worship.

Do Day Crafters—Tuesday, Feb. 5 & 19 at 9:15am in Werner Hall. Learn a new craft or bring an idea for a craft!

Blankets of Comfort—Friday, Feb. 8 & 22 at 1pm in Werner Hall. Join us in cutting fabric for pillows and blankets, to crotchet or even learn to crotchet.

Property Work Day—Saturday, Feb. 23rd at 7am meet in the kitchen for snack and a lists of projects.


HELP US SPREAD THE WORD…REGISTRATION FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS MARCH 1ST! We need all of you to help by sharing our information with friends, family, and neighbors.

February has the Academy Team looking at all of our options for

the upcoming school year. With the approval of an Assistant Director,

we are considering extending the academy hours to better meet the

needs of our surrounding community. We are not sure what that might

be at this point, but we will be working diligently to get our plans in

place prior to the start of registration on March 1st.

In the meantime, please consider making a donation to

ACSTO and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your

Arizona state income taxes.

I will be holding parent meetings this month to recruit

kindergarten students for the 2019-2020 school year and we need to

ensure that we have funds available to provide scholarships to these

families. For the past two years all of our kindergarten students have

received full scholarships for their tuition. We are hoping to enroll a minimum of 10 students for the

upcoming school year which would require us to have- $34,500.00 in our ACSTO “school pool”.

Please consider helping us in our effort to keep our kindergarten program thriving! Donations can

be made on-line at, by telephone at 480-820-0403 or forms are available in the

narthex to mail in your donation.

We will also begin our search for an Assistant Director. This would be a part time position

covering the afternoon academy hours. Our team is in the process of defining the hours and job

description, but if you know of anybody who might be interested please share with them my contact




With the anticipated opening of Ina Rd. and the completion of Cortaro Rd., we are hoping to

see an increase in our enrollment. But, we need all of you to help by sharing our information with

friends, family, and neighbors. And don’t forget to “share” the posts on our Beautiful Savior

Academy Facebook page. Thanks for your anticipated support!


Rhonda Karrer





2019 Council members are: President—Kim Ogden, Vice President—Pete

Pederson, Secretary—Jodi Layton; Asher Havenhill, Janice Lewis, Diana

Lonbeck, and Richard Mauthe.

Beautiful Savior’s new Mission Statement:

In the faith of Christ we seek to invite all to live in GRACE:

Generosity, Reaching Out, Advocacy, Compassion, Encouragement

Goals for Council 2019 Review of Constitution and Bylaws Intentional efforts to reach out to new housing developments and

community, emphasizing academy and church activities. (Welcome bags)

Academy expansion: extended care hours, Asst. Director, playground update

40 for 4: finish Loop, new phone system, parking lot, digital sign, academy roof, speakers/sound, narthex/bathrooms

Executive Council—Thurs.

2/14 at 6:30pm

Please get any team

updates and/or requests

to speak to Council to Kim

Ogden before then.


Monday, 2/18

everyone to fill out a Time and Talent form and an updated contact info form. That was to ensure that we had updated and correct information. If you haven’t filled one out yet, please see Jenni in the office. Please fill it out fully so we can check the information that we have, as well as add information that has not been asked before! Another needed update is our picture wall. Children grow, families change, sometimes old pictures fade. If you have not had a picture taken in the last two years (at the most), please see Sig Smitt to have a new one taken. It will help all of us learn names and faces!

Updated Constitution and Mission and Vision- Further in the report you will find information about the proposed Mission Statement. It is an important update as it will help us focus our energy and activities. From that, we will continue to update policies and procedures, and update the Constitution as needed. Stay tuned for more information.

There will be a lot more as we keep moving forward. Stay tuned to the Vista, Bookmark, Facebook, and the website for events and opportuni-ties.

We look back and see all that God has done for us. May we look ahead knowing that he leads the way!

Remember that God loves you, and so do I (A LOT)!

Pastor David



“As I have been travelling throughout the Grand Canyon Synod, I have met many of you with remarkable stories of faith, courage, and trust. Your faith is a constant source of inspiration to me.”

When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” Luke 5:4-5

I wonder what Simon, a professional fisherman, thought when he received this command from Jesus. Was he inspired and eager? Or petulant and cynical? He was probably tired from working all night. He might have been discouraged and sad that he didn’t catch anything.

Regardless of his feelings, he probably did not expect that he would meet a man who would compel him to set aside his nets. Following Jesus changed his life completely.

What are times in your life that God has pulled you away from shore?

Although I felt called to be a pastor since junior high, it wasn’t not ordained until I was almost 50.

In my 30s I was married, had two kids at home, worked full time. I didn’t have a college degree, which would be required before I could even begin seminary. I knew that the time and resources required would be

significant. It would have been much safer to ignore this lingering call from God.

My mentor encouraged me to “just get started.” With fear, and excite-ment, I let down my nets for deeper waters. And my life has been deeply enriched in ways I couldn't have dreamed because of it.

As I have been travelling throughout the Grand Canyon Synod, I have met many of you with remarkable stories of faith, courage, and trust. Your faith is a constant source of inspiration to me.

Can you relate to Simon in any way? Have you been working all night for something that hasn’t come your way? Are you feeling tired or hopeless in any part of your life?

As you pray to God, do you have the courage to listen and respond to where you are being pulled to deeper waters? Can you trust that God is leading and guiding you?

I want to hear where God is alive in your life, in your community. With gratitude for you and how God uses you to make a difference,

The Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer Bishop Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA


“A family in poverty can scarcely afford health care. A sick bread-winner may be unable to earn income. “

Thank you for being part of the Lutheran World Relief family. From providing aid in emergencies to working with families to grow food, build rural livelihoods and create more stable futures, your support is truly making amazing things happen in the world, which is why I’m excited about the news I’m sharing with you today. Founded by U.S. Lutherans at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, Lutheran World Relief is called to break the cycle of poverty, so families and communities can thrive. To increase our impact, and promote healthier families and communi-ties around the world, Lutheran World Relief and IMA World Health — a humanitarian organization that provides solutions to health-related problems in the developing world — are excited to announce we are joining forces. We know that rural livelihoods and health are intrinsically linked. A


family in poverty can scarcely afford health care. A sick breadwinner may be unable to earn income. Together we will help transform the lives of millions more people around the world. I invite you to learn more about this evolution by visiting our website. We remain an organization rooted in the Lutheran values upon which we were founded, and this new partnership will increase the impact of your generosity and compassion around the world. Thank you for your enduring support of our mission. We look forward to working with you to create healthy communities, build sustainable livelihoods, reduce hunger and suffering — to end extreme poverty. In Gratitude, Daniel Speckhard President and CEO



Blankets of Comfort: Meets at 1pm in Werner Hall on Feb. 8 & 22. We create fleece blankets with a crocheted edge, and pillows for the children and adults at Banner Diamond Children’s Medical Center and Tucson Medical Center for Children. If you would like to help with this ministry simply sign out a blanket kit from the bin or pick up a flyer with other suggestions next to the bin in the narthex. Do-Day Crafters: Is not meeting in January. Join us on Feb. 5 & 19 at 9:15 a.m. in Werner Hall. Each month we select an organization to do-nate to, such as Youth On Their Own, our Forty Forward campaign, Kids Feeding Kids, ICS, our Academy and many more. Call Barbara Foor, 579-0691. Everyone is encouraged to join the Community Connections Team. We need everyone's ideas and help. Come and tell us about the organiza-tions that are on your heart and that you support, so that we can let everyone know about all the ways we can continually be a part of “God’s work. Our hands.” If you are interested, please contact Janice Molina at 744-0389 or Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 11 at 6:30pm.

Joy Circle: Fun Bible study, refreshments, & fabulous fellowship! Meet-ing on Feb. 12 at 9:30am in Werner Hall. Ladies of ALL AGES will love this group! This women’s group is collecting household cleaners for Sis-ter Jose Women’s Shelter here in Tucson. There is a box in the narthex where you can place the cleaners. We are still collecting aluminum pop-tops or pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Janice Molina will deliver them each time the box fills up. Thank you to all for your donations! For more information, call Janice Molina, 744-0389. Prayer Shawl Ministry: A monthly gathering for knitting and crochet-ing. Meets on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6pm. A light supper is served. Call Karen Johnson, 481-0874. PrimeTimers: Come for great fellowship and food on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 12:30pm. The main meat dish will be provided. Please sign up to provide a salad or dessert. Bring a new friend and we welcome new or old church members. Any questions, please see Sandy Petersen, 579-9355. Signs of the Spirit: S.O.S. will continue Sign Language lessons to teach members signs to use to enhance the worship experience AND to just increase knowledge of everyday signs. Please consider joining S.O.S.! We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 7:00 in the Luther Room! This month on Thursday, Feb. 14 & 28 at 7pm. If you have any questions please call Colleen McDonald at 661-4064.



Swinging@AIDS is a golf tournament and benefit concert to jointly

benefit the programs and services of TIHAN and the Children of Africa

Hope Mission School of Kenya.

The golf tournament and silent auction is Saturday, March 23 at the

beautiful El Conquistador Golf & Tennis venue in Oro Valley. The benefit

concert will take place the night before at Monterey Court, featuring

Tucson blues favorite Heather Hardy.

For more information or to reserve your spot, contact event co-chairs

Jess Losoya at or Pat Fox at

Tournament Details:

Saturday, March 23 – the 5th annual Tucson Swinging@AIDS Golf

Tournament and Silent Auction, taking place at El Conquistador Golf

(10555 N La Canada Drive). 8:00am shotgun start, scramble format.

$125 entrance fee includes greens fees, meal, prizes, and a $50 donation.

Ronald McDonald House—please bring in your pop tabs from soda cans and place them in the container in the narthex/gathering area. Box Tops For Education—please remember to cut out your box tops from participating products and put them in the “Box Tops” box in the narthex/gathering area. ICS Food Bank—the most needed items are: breakfast cereal, canned spaghetti sauce, peanut butter (14-16ox.), chili, ravioli, spaghettios, canned meat and tuna, canned fruit, and bagged rice. Put your dona-tions in the little red wagon in the narthex/gathering area. Sister Jose Women’s Shelter—cleaning supplies, such as Ajax, bleach, detergent, Windex, paper towels, rubber gloves, etc. TIHAN—the most needed items are: toilet paper, paper towels, lotion, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, soap, mouthwash, and Kleenex.



Saturday, March 2, 2019 from 11am-1:30pm at the Tucson Chinese

Cultural Center (1288 W. River Rd.). Tickets $25 each at

Join us fot the 8th annual Empty Bowls to benefit the ICS Food Banks

and the nearly 37,000 people ICS serves each year.

Select a unique and handcrafted pottery bowl to take home as a simple

reminder of hunger. Sample soups, breads and desserts from many

distinctive area restaurants and food partners. Bid on Silent Auction

items and enter to win exciting raffle prizes..


Sunrise/Santa Cruz Annual Spring Gathering

Sponsored by Women’s Ministries of WELCA

“Multiple Meanings: Learning from Other Interpretations”

Professor, Pastor, Music Critic Rev. Mark Alan Powell

Saturday, March 2, 2019

9:30 am – 4:00 pm Desert Hills Lutheran Church

2150 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley, AZ

Author of the Gather Bible Studies for winter 2018, Rev. Mark Allan Powell will be joining us from

Columbus, OH where he serves as a Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. He has also taught at seminaries in Estonia, Russia and Tanzania which has provided many

‘multiple meanings’ in how people translate what they read. He edited the Harper Collins Bible Dictionary and has written more than 100 articles and 25 books on the Bible and religion. In his

spare time he works as a professional music critic and has more than 1900 published reviews! We will be exploring the New Testament through the eyes of the characters in the stories we think we

know so well. . . a new way of hearing and understanding the Word.

“Trust in the Lord”

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5 NRSV

Outreach Project: Community Food Bank (Green Valley and Amado) Non perishable food, Personal Care, Home Cleaning Items

Checks payable to: Community Food Bank (designate Green Valley or Amado)

3:00 pm - Desert Hills Lutheran Country Gospel Worship

Save this form for your reference Complete the separate paper registration form or register online from this link:

Registration: $ 10.00

After February 22: $ 15.00

If paying by check, make checks payable to: Women of the ELCA GCS



Adam Booth, Nephew of Saltsmans; Michael Burger; Zachary Hill, nephew of Laura Steichen; Stephanie Huether; Skip Kiefhaber, Brother-in-law of the McMahons; Ernest Lake; David Lake; Levi Magda, friend of Pfeifers; Christopher Pederson, son of Pedersons; Eric O’Brian; Kyle O’Brian; Arthur Rico, Nephew of Saltsmans; John Stum III, nephew of Mary Neff; Paul Tritch, Son of Tritchs; Curt Weber, Nephew of Saltsmans; Daniel Encinas, Army; Bryan Durham, National Guard; Allison Hansen, relative of Helen Reid; Zachary Mitchell, grandson of Mary Perry

IN OUR PRAYERS Deb, Marv, Ryan, Connie P., Russell, M.L. Carol Forester, Suzie, Bill Peterson, Irene Anderson, J.R. Scott, Doug & Angie, Anna Lowe, Frank Pavesic, Joyce Guizzetti, Ke’Ron, Josh Carlson, Barbara Foor, Lisa, David Ramirez, Olivia Seils, Mark Ward, Carol Ann Clecker, Gloria Vega, Ruth, and Helen Reid. For all facing tragedies, near and far, man-made and natural, big and small, peace and comfort. Diamond Children’s Center. Our First Responders, Military and Veterans Worldwide.

Celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries with us the first Sunday of each month during Lutherans Linger Longer (LLL)

For Those Who Grieve

Family & Friends of Mr. Urbatsch (relative of Susan Mergenthal) Family & Friends of Mike Prescott (friend of Tim Duggan)

2-Feb Christine Homan

2-Feb Julian LeRoy

4-Feb Read Bryant

4-Feb Shanda Sundberg

6-Feb Marion Spain

8-Feb Rebecca Solomon

8-Feb Matthew White

10-Feb Lydia Arevalo

16-Feb Makinsey Olivares

17-Feb Nancy Hively

19-Feb Sarah Claasen

21-Feb Nicole Alden

22-Feb Colin Davis

23-Feb Patsy Mac Kenzie Novak

27-Feb Donald Vosburg

27-Feb Brenda Laukonis


February Worship


February 3 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Assisting Minister: Stephen Claasen Asher Havenhill

Lector/Reader: Rhonda Anderson Brett Ridgely

Communion: Host- Wine Tray- Wine Tray-

James Green Janice Molina Marion Spain

Laurie Smith Lyneen Elmore Pete Pederson

February 10 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Assisting Minister: Jeanenne Norris Lenny Pfeifer

Lector/Reader: Larissa Filler Heidi Gerrish

Communion: Host- Wine Tray- Wine Tray-

Colleen McDonald Bob Lewis Janice Lewis

Mary Braunschweig Dianna Patrick Jenni Pavesic

February 17 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Assisting Minister: Joan Swanson Dick Flones

Lector/Reader: Toby Smitt Sig Smitt

Communion: Host- Wine Tray- Wine Tray-

Nancy Hively Mickie Romero Justin Templin

Ann Flones Terry Duggan Tim Duggan

February 24 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Assisting Minister: Don Swanson Kim Ogden

Lector/Reader: Jodi Layton LuAnne Johnson

Communion: Host- Wine Tray- Wine Tray-

Rhonda Karrer Randy Karrer Judy Shaffer

Asher Havenhill Mary Havenhill Craig Johnson

Ushers Jim Rasmussen, Larry Hemken, Susan Kingsborough, Sandy Petersen

Lyneen Elmore, Dick Flones, Terri Lappin, Sig Smitt

If you would like to volunteer to assist in any way, please see Jenni Pavesic, or call 744-2665 or email her at




g L


February 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


4:30 Northwest Voices


7pm AA (lr)


3 Epiphany

8am & 10am Worship (s) 9:15 LLL (Fellowship) (w)

12-4pm MVUU (s) 4pm Troop 241 Comm. (c) 4pm 1218 Youth Group (yr)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s)

7pm Troop 241 (w)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s) 9:15 Do Day Crafters (w)

9:30 Alert Fitness (c) 6pm Handbells Rehearsal (lr) 6:30pm Pint with a Pastor

7pm FUSION (s)


9am Acad. Parent Mtg(w)

10am Lutheran 101 (c)

6pm Taizé (s)

6:30pm MVUU Mtg (w)

7pm Choir Rehearsal (s)

7pm Lutheran 101(c)


9am Acad. Parent Mtg(w) 9:30am Alert Fitness (c)

6pm MVUU Choir (c)


1pm Blankets of Comfort

4:30 Northwest Voices


7pm AA (lr)


3:00pm Cochran

Wedding (s)

10 Epiphany

8am & 10am Worship (s) 9am Property Meeting (w)

9:15 LLL (Fellowship) (w) 12-4pm MVUU (s)

4pm 1218 Youth Group (yr)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s) 6:30pm Community Connections (o)

7pm Troop 241 (w)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s) 9:30 Joy Circle (w)

9:30 Alert Fitness (c) 6pm Handbells Rehearsal (lr) 7pm FUSION (s)

7pm Finance (lr)


10am Lutheran 101 (c)

6pm Taizé (s)

6:30pm MVUU Mtg (w)

7pm Choir Rehearsal (s)

7pm Lutheran 101 (c)

14 Valentine’s Day

9:30am Alert Fitness (c)

12:30pm PrimeTimers (w)

6pm MVUU Choir (c)

6:30pm Executive Council

7pm Signs of the Spirit


4:30 Northwest Voices


7pm AA (lr)


10am Pack 231 Blue &

Gold (w)

17 Epiphany

8am & 10am Worship (s) 9:15 LLL (Fellowship) (w)

12-4pm MVUU (s)

4pm 1218 Youth Group (yr)

18 President’s Day

9:30 Academy Chapel (s)

6:30pm Council

7pm Troop 241 (w)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s) 9:15 Do Day Crafters (w)

9:30 Alert Fitness (c) 6pm Handbells Rehearsal (lr) 6:30pm Pint with a Pastor

7pm FUSION (s)


6pm Taizé (s)

6pm Bluffs HOA mtg (w)

6:30pm MVUU Mtg (c)

7pm Choir Rehearsal (s)

21 Rodeo Days

Office & Academy Closed 9:30am Alert Fitness (c)

6pm MVUU Choir (c)

6pm Prayer Shawls (w)

22 Rodeo Days

Academy—No School

1pm Blankets of Comfort

4:30 Northwest Voices


7pm AA (lr)


7am Property Work Day

3pm MVUU Variety Show


24 Epiphany

8am & 10am Worship (s) 9:15 LLL (Fellowship) (w)

12-4pm MVUU (s)

4pm 1218 Youth Group (yr)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s)

7pm Troop 241 (w)


9:30 Academy Chapel (s) 9:30 Alert Fitness (c)

6pm Handbells Rehearsal (lr) 7pm FUSION (s)


6pm Taizé (s)

6:30pm MVUU Mtg (w)

7pm Choir Rehearsal (s)


9:30am Alert Fitness (c)

6pm MVUU Choir (c)

7pm Signs of the Spirit


C—Conference Room W—Werner Hall

A—Academy Room LR—Luther Room

YR—Youth Room O—Office

MG—Memorial Garden