Be My Personal Trainer

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Be My Personal Trainer

Create Buyer Personas

Who is your ideal customer?

Who is NOT your ideal customer?

Each of these images will inspire a different ideal customer

Deliver Unique Messaging

Why does your ideal customer hire a personal trainer?

Create messaging around this, avoiding clichés.

The 4 E’s

Educate. Empower. Excite. Entertain.

Consider focusing on benefits rather than what actually happens in a session. Mix it up.

Avoid cheesy

Trashy, tacky, over-the-top images and messages will not attract your ideal customer. It needs to feel authentic and relatable.

Branding Matters

• Personal vs Business Branding

• Set a tone

• Apply consistency

• Create a series or three

Add branding. Create templates.

Think about creating themes. This example is a tip for different levels of fitness.

–Pablo Picasso

“Action is the foundational key of all success.”

Pick a platform/s

• Have one hero platform

• Go where your customers are

• All-in or not at all

• Experiment with video, podcasts or similar

• Behave with the platform culture

Build Relationships

• Get to know people in your network

• Tag and communicate

• Share

• Comment

• Ask questions

Create a community Online and offline

by Robyn Fae

Next Session: Content Marketing