Bcre ppt 2301

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bcre ppt 2301


“The Arrhenius Equation”


It is a formula for the temperature dependence of reaction rates.

Proposed by Mr. Svante Arrhenius in 1889 based on the Dutch chemist, Mr. Jacobus Henricus Van’t Hoff.

It gives the dependence of rate constant(k) of a chemical reaction on the absolute temperature.

Mr. Jacobus Henricus Van’t Hoff

Purposes of Arrhenius equation:

Verify the effect of Temperature, catalyst, Gas constant.

Temperature, T To fit, this should be in Kelvin.

The gas constant, R Which comes from the PV=nRT

Activation energy, E Minimum energy for reaction to occur.

The e=2.7182

The frequency factor, A: A term which includes factors like

frequency of collisions and their orientations.

Uses of Arrhenius equation: Used extensively to describe the

effect of temperature; Thermal death.

To determine how the reac. rates and diffusion changes with temperature.

Effect of Temeperature:

On raising the temperature atleast for 10 degree centigrade, the rate constant gets doubled.

Therefore, we can say that, the rate constant is directly proportional to the temperature.

Effect of catalyst:

A catalyst provides route for the reaction with a lower activation energy.

On adding the catalyst..

Frequency factor

The frequency factor A is considered to be a constant and has very less effect on the varience of rate constant.


Therefore, with the help of the Arrhenius equation we came to know that, the rate constant is also dependent upon the temperature, gas constant, catalyst etc..

Thank you.